1851 UK Census
All Counties
“The following information was requested:
Name of street, place, road, etc.
House number or name
Name of each person that had spent the night in that household
Relationship of person enumerated to the head of the family
Person's marital status
Age at last birthday (sex is indicated by which column the age is recorded in)
Person's rank, profession, or occupation
Person's place of birth (if outside of England or Wales, only the country may be given)
Whether blind, deaf, or idiot
Enumeration forms were distributed to all households a couple of days before census night and the complete forms were collected the next day. All responses were to reflect the individual's status as of 30 March 1851 for all individuals who had spent the night in the house. People who were traveling or living abroad were enumerated at the location where they spent the night on census night. All of the details from the individual forms were later sorted and copied into enumerators' books, which are the records we can view images of today. The original householders schedules from 1841 to 1901 were destroyed.
The clerks who compiled and reviewed the census data made a variety of marks on the returns. Unfortunately, many of these tally marks were written over personal information and some fields, such as ages, can be difficult to read as a result. More useful marks include a single slash between households within a building and a double slash separating households in separate buildings.”
The cited information was sourced from Census <
http://www.ancestry.co.uk/> This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.
1851 census returns for the UK.
- Source Notes
- The 1851 Census for England was taken on the night of 30 March 1851.
- Source/Citation References (2571)
- Parent Source: UK Census Collection
- Social Relationship: Ellen Nightingale lived with William Nightingale.
- Individual: Samuel Stocks
- Individual: Ruth Stocks
- Individual: Martha Stocks
- Individual: Mary Johnson
- Individual: Thomas Naylor
- Individual: Ellen Tomlinson
- Individual: Joseph (Joe) Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth Kay
- Individual: Sarah Alice Mather
- Individual: Ann Bolton
- Individual: Alice Tomlinson
- Individual: Richard Tomlinson
- Individual: Joshua Tomlinson
- Individual: Ellen Morris
- Individual: John Bolton
- Individual: William Tomlinson
- Individual: Mary Ann Barnes
- Individual: John Allen
- Individual: Sarah Lever
- Individual: Richard Allen
- Individual: Thomas Bolton Tomlinson
- Individual: John Allen
- Individual: George Mather
- Individual: Happy Mather
- Individual: Maria Barrow
- Individual: Isaac Mather
- Individual: Jane Mather
- Individual: Samuel Mather
- Individual: Peter Tomlinson
- Individual: Eliza Mather
- Individual: Susannah (Susan) Flood
- Individual: Peter Kay
- Individual: Mary Alice Atherton Tomlinson
- Individual: Ruth Taylor
- Individual: Mary Whitaker
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Hannah (Ann) Wolfendale
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Robert Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Nancy (Ann) Turner
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Mary Crook
- Individual: John Buckley
- Individual: Mary Smith
- Individual: William Smith
- Individual: Henry Smith
- Individual: Sarah Pickles
- Individual: James Pickles
- Individual: Robert Valentine Pickles
- Individual: John Miller
- Individual: Susannah (Susan) Poole
- Individual: James Miller
- Individual: Martha Ann Miller
- Individual: Kate Miller
- Individual: Mary Eliza Miller
- Individual: Samuel Mather
- Individual: Samuel Mather
- Individual: Richard Brereton
- Individual: John Eddowes
- Individual: Ann Williams
- Individual: James Woodward
- Individual: Thomas Brereton
- Individual: Alice Greenhalgh
- Individual: Mary (Polly) Tomlinson
- Individual: Mary Fairhurst
- Individual: Richard Tomlinson
- Individual: Samuel Mather
- Individual: Margaret Mather
- Individual: John Green Kay
- Individual: George Stocks
- Individual: Hannah Wood
- Individual: George Ward
- Individual: Betty Robinson (Ward)
- Individual: William Collings (Taylor)
- Individual: John Pighills
- Individual: Ann Pighills
- Individual: Isabella Pighills
- Individual: John Pighills
- Individual: Michael Pighills
- Individual: Timothy Pighills
- Individual: William Horsfall
- Individual: Emma Horsfall
- Individual: John Winstanley
- Individual: William Winstanley
- Individual: John Pighills
- Individual: Joseph Pollard
- Individual: Sarah Pighills
- Individual: Alfred Pighills
- Individual: Thompson Foulds
- Individual: Elizabeth Sugden
- Individual: John Foulds
- Individual: Hannah Robinson
- Individual: Mary Foulds
- Individual: Sarah Foulds
- Individual: Maria Watmuff
- Individual: William Foulds
- Individual: William Foulds
- Individual: Faith Foulds
- Individual: Frederick (Fred) Wild Foulds
- Individual: Mary Hannah Foulds
- Individual: William Foulds
- Individual: Mary Ann Foulds
- Individual: Edwin Foulds
- Individual: Israel Foulds
- Individual: John William Foulds
- Individual: Joseph Foulds
- Individual: George Foulds
- Individual: Joseph Foulds
- Individual: Alice Pickles
- Individual: Thomas Pickles
- Individual: Zilpha (Zilphe) Whitaker
- Individual: Thomas Wood
- Individual: Thomas Briggs
- Individual: Abigail Bradshaw
- Individual: Mary Briggs
- Individual: Martha Briggs
- Individual: Christiana Briggs
- Individual: William Briggs
- Individual: Nancy Briggs
- Individual: Thomas Briggs
- Individual: Sarah Ann Briggs
- Individual: John Pickles
- Individual: Joseph Smith
- Individual: Mary Walton
- Individual: Nathan Mather
- Individual: Catherine Bibby
- Individual: Elizabeth Bridge
- Individual: William Kay
- Individual: Samuel Kay
- Individual: Mary Buckley
- Individual: Benjamin Buckley
- Individual: Patience (Patricia) Oldham
- Individual: Martha Buckley
- Individual: Cornelius Buckley
- Individual: Esther (Eliza) Scowcroft
- Individual: William Buckley
- Individual: Joseph Buckley
- Individual: Mary Buckley
- Individual: Sarah (Martha) Ann Buckley
- Individual: Mary Webster
- Individual: Hannah Buckley
- Individual: William Buckley
- Individual: John Buckley
- Individual: Ellen Buckley
- Individual: Joseph Buckley
- Individual: Sarah Ann Buckley
- Individual: Jacob Mather
- Individual: Betty (Elizabeth) Cooper
- Individual: Mary Thorp
- Individual: George Mather
- Individual: William Collings
- Individual: John Crosland
- Individual: Charles Crosland
- Individual: James Crosland
- Individual: George Brook
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Craigie Marwick
- Individual: Edmund (Edwin) Harry Eddowes
- Individual: James Harman
- Individual: Moses Briggs
- Individual: Thomas Doxey
- Individual: Hannah Wimston
- Individual: William Doxey
- Individual: Sarah Doxey
- Individual: Mary Doxey
- Individual: George Fidler
- Individual: Ann Fidler
- Individual: James Fidler
- Individual: Sarah Ann Fidler
- Individual: Thomas Fidler
- Individual: William Boothroyd
- Individual: Eliza Boothroyd
- Individual: Henry Bunnell
- Individual: Ann
- Individual: Frank Bunnell
- Individual: Henry Bunnell
- Individual: Thomas Bunnell
- Individual: William Nightingale
- Individual: Peggy (Margaret) Riding
- Individual: Joseph Nightingale
- Individual: Mary Nightingale
- Individual: John Nightingale
- Individual: Eliza Nightingale
- Individual: Alice Nightingale
- Individual: Ellen Nightingale
- Individual: Margaret Ridings
- Individual: Esther Nightingale
- Individual: David Nightingale
- Individual: Mary Nightingale
- Individual: Alice Nightingale
- Individual: Sarah Marsden
- Individual: Elijah Calderbank
- Individual: Nancy Calderbank
- Individual: Ellen Calderbank
- Individual: Ellen Ann Mather
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Mary Austin Mather
- Individual: Richard Timmis
- Individual: John Timmis
- Individual: John Woodward
- Individual: Lydia Eddowes
- Individual: Anne Brereton
- Individual: Elizabeth Brereton
- Individual: George Eddowes
- Individual: Robert Elrick Marwick
- Individual: John Marwick
- Individual: Elizabeth Marwick
- Individual: Mary Hand
- Individual: Martha Brereton
- Individual: Catherine Rushton
- Individual: John Brereton
- Individual: Richard Brereton
- Individual: George Brereton
- Individual: Jane Hopley
- Individual: William Brereton
- Individual: Robert Brereton
- Individual: John Brereton
- Individual: Jane Brereton
- Individual: Thomas Brereton
- Individual: Samuel Morgan
- Individual: Hannah Warburton
- Individual: Anne Warburton
- Individual: Elizabeth Brereton
- Individual: Samuel Brereton
- Individual: Mary Brereton
- Individual: Jane Brereton
- Individual: Mary Bate
- Individual: Roger Brereton
- Individual: William Brereton
- Individual: George Brereton
- Individual: Thomas Lea
- Individual: Elizabeth Barrow
- Individual: Elizabeth Kirkham
- Individual: Thomas Holt
- Individual: Mary Ann Holt
- Individual: William Holt
- Individual: James Holt
- Individual: William Pinnington
- Individual: Martha Dutton
- Individual: Eliza Collinge
- Individual: Amos Collinge
- Individual: Betty Collinge
- Individual: William Collinge
- Individual: Sarah Collings
- Individual: James Brooks
- Individual: Mary Kershaw
- Individual: Alice Brooks
- Individual: George Brooks
- Individual: John Brooks
- Individual: Charles Brooks
- Individual: John Edwards
- Individual: John Arthur Edwards
- Individual: Robert Nightingale
- Individual: James Wood
- Individual: Ellen Wood
- Individual: Humphrey Wood
- Individual: Elizabeth Ann Woodward
- Individual: George Inman
- Individual: Edward Baron
- Individual: Eliza Dawson
- Individual: Joseph Robinson
- Individual: Sarah Walker
- Individual: Sarah Robinson
- Individual: William Robinson
- Individual: John Robinson
- Individual: Jane Robinson
- Individual: Thomas Robinson
- Individual: Mary Robinson
- Individual: Jane Longworth
- Individual: James Tyack
- Individual: Thomas Hibbert
- Individual: Samuel Hibbert
- Individual: Ellen Colderley
- Individual: Jane Colderley
- Individual: Robert Colderley
- Individual: Ann Nuttall
- Individual: Betty Bromiley
- Individual: Daniel Kay
- Individual: James Kay
- Individual: William Handford
- Individual: Esther Finn
- Individual: Caleb Joseph Handford
- Individual: Ann
- Individual: Mary Ann Collins
- Individual: Edmund Collings
- Individual: Sarah Williams
- Individual: Daniel Alsop
- Individual: Sarah Smith
- Individual: Jane Lee
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: Peter Mather
- Individual: Jacob Mather
- Individual: Sarah (Reuben) Mather
- Individual: Edward Elihu Bayley
- Individual: Thomas Bayley
- Individual: John Postans
- Individual: Jane Postans
- Individual: John Postans
- Individual: Thomas Postans
- Individual: William Postans
- Individual: Henry Postans
- Individual: Thomas Hopwood
- Individual: Francis Hopwood
- Individual: Charles Brereton
- Individual: Holt Mather
- Individual: Alice Vickers
- Individual: Rosannah Mather
- Individual: Ellen Mather
- Individual: Margaret Greenhalgh
- Individual: Catherine Greenhalgh
- Individual: Alice Greenhalgh
- Individual: Elizabeth Gradwell
- Individual: Jane Welsby
- Individual: Mary Dawson
- Individual: Robert Longworth
- Individual: Charles Mather
- Individual: Richard Holden
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: William Thornton
- Individual: Mary Dunn
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Thomas Grundy
- Individual: Hannah Brooks
- Individual: Thomas Benyon
- Individual: John Benyon
- Individual: Charlotte Haslam
- Individual: Mathew Haslam
- Individual: James Flitcroft
- Individual: Mary Cartwright
- Individual: Hannah Flitcroft
- Individual: Sarah Bayley
- Individual: James Kay
- Individual: Sarah Ann Morris
- Individual: Happy Flitcroft
- Individual: Mary Williams
- Individual: Mary Allen
- Individual: Annie Sophia Mather
- Individual: William Hughes
- Individual: Mary Bennion
- Individual: John Brereton
- Individual: Philip Roberts
- Individual: Lawrence Thomas
- Individual: John Kay
- Individual: Mary Rainford
- Individual: Jonathan Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: James Wynne
- Individual: Mary Collins
- Individual: Mary Clarkson
- Individual: Nancy Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Mary Dyson
- Individual: Martha (Matty) Pickles
- Individual: Mary (Mally) Grime
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual: Mary Ann Mather
- Individual: Solomon Mather
- Individual: Betty Barns
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Jane Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Margaret Hargreaves
- Individual: Betsy Pendlebury Langshaw
- Individual: James Brooks
- Individual: Martha Jordan
- Individual: Mary Jane Jordan (Mather)
- Individual: Thomas Welsby
- Individual: Ann Welsby
- Individual: Philip Banks
- Individual: Thomas Banks
- Individual: Richard Banks
- Individual: Mary Banks
- Individual: Alice Jane Banks
- Individual: Maria Banks
- Individual: William Thomas Smith
- Individual: Joseph Lister
- Individual: Richard Lister
- Individual: Hannah Robinson
- Individual: John Ratcliffe
- Individual: Mary Rhodes
- Individual: John Ratcliffe
- Individual: Rhodes Ratcliffe
- Individual: Susannah Ratcliffe
- Individual: Abraham Ratcliffe
- Individual: George Barrow
- Individual: Nancy Greenhalgh
- Individual: Esther Gledhill
- Individual: Robert Bradley
- Individual: Sarah Shaw
- Individual: Ann Shaw
- Individual: James Haigh
- Individual: Hannah Bolton
- Individual: Ann (Annie) Elizabeth Goodall
- Individual: John Woodward
- Individual: Elizabeth Parry
- Individual: Esther Pinnington
- Individual: John Pinnington
- Individual: Alice Pinnington
- Individual: Sarah James Lea
- Individual: William Lea
- Individual: Jane Stubbs
- Individual: Charles Lea
- Individual: Mary Ann Brereton
- Individual: Sarah (Hannah) Harraman
- Individual: William Brereton
- Individual: Hannah Owen
- Individual: Joshua Brereton
- Individual: Mary Brereton
- Individual: Jane Brereton
- Individual: Ann Brereton
- Individual: George Eddowes
- Individual: Thomas Lewis
- Individual: James Stananought
- Individual: John Moyle
- Individual: Richard Moyle
- Individual: Thomas Hopley
- Individual: Mary Constance Hopley
- Individual: Richard Rowland Williams
- Individual: Thomas Hopley
- Individual: Catherine Hayden
- Individual: Ann Beddows
- Individual: Robert Hopley
- Individual: Margaret Hopley
- Individual: Ann Hopley
- Individual: Ann Hopley
- Individual: Martha Hopley
- Individual: Samuel Lloyd
- Individual: Joseph Arnold
- Individual: Alice Stananought
- Individual: Thomas Hurst
- Individual: Richard Brereton
- Individual: Lucy Brereton
- Individual: Emma Brereton
- Individual: Thomas Brereton
- Individual: Joshua Bottomley
- Individual: Mary Bottomley
- Individual: John Bottomley
- Individual: Firth Bottomley
- Individual: Jane Bottomley
- Individual: Emma Bottomley
- Individual: Mary Crosland
- Individual: James Broadhead Crosland
- Individual: Alex Garlick
- Individual: Hannah Garlick
- Individual: Hannah
- Individual: Sarah Crosland
- Individual: Elizabeth Winpenny
- Individual: John Crosland
- Individual: Tom Crosland
- Individual: Sam Crosland
- Individual: Mary Ann Crosland
- Individual: Betty Stocks
- Individual: Ruth Stocks
- Individual: George Stocks
- Individual: Henry Stocks
- Individual: William Stocks
- Individual: Esther Moorhouse
- Individual: William Edward Waddington
- Individual: Lydia Wilkinson
- Individual: Alice Oldfield
- Individual: Hannah Stocks
- Individual: Oldfield Alfred Stocks
- Individual: Betty Stocks
- Individual: Mary Wills
- Individual: Roland Hartley
- Individual: Jane Hartley
- Individual: Elizabeth Stocks
- Individual: Joseph Hibbertson
- Individual: Elizabeth (Eliza) Welch
- Individual: Elizabeth Stocks
- Individual: Hannah Blakey
- Individual: George Stocks
- Individual: William Stocks
- Individual: Elizabeth Stocks
- Individual: Harriett Brook
- Individual: Betsy Stocks
- Individual: Sarah Stocks
- Individual: Alice Vickers
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Mary Barber
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Maria Mather
- Individual: William Woodward
- Individual: William Woodworth (Woodward)
- Individual: George Woodworth (Woodward)
- Individual: Martha Woodward
- Individual: Joseph Woodworth (Woodward)
- Individual: Jane Woodward
- Individual: Ann Batho
- Individual: Emma Batho
- Individual: Hannah (Ann) Kirkham
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Jane Mather
- Individual: Mercy Grime
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Ellen Mather
- Individual: Samuel Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Robert Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Hannah Mather
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Grace Wood
- Individual: Edwin Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Betty Mather
- Individual: Hannah (Ann) Mather
- Individual: Robert Mather
- Individual: Emma Mather
- Individual: Alice Wood Mather
- Individual: Robert Mather
- Individual: Jane Entwistle
- Individual: Ralph Mather
- Individual: Martha Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Jane Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Charles Mather
- Individual: Amelia Patchett
- Individual: Jenny (Jane) Hudson
- Individual: James Hamer
- Individual: William Hamer
- Individual: Samuel Mather
- Individual: Francis Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Margaret Stockton (Slater)
- Individual: Abraham Heapy
- Individual: Isaac Skirrow Smith
- Individual: Sarah Beswick
- Individual: Isaac Mather
- Individual: Sarah Ann Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth (Isabella) Holden
- Individual: Elizabeth Bostock
- Individual: Sarah Ann Mather
- Individual: Charlotte Sidlow
- Individual: Isaac Mather
- Individual: John Mather (Isherwood)
- Individual: Nancy (Mary) Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Ann Coup
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Wright Mather
- Individual: Mary Chadwick
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Hannah Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Nancy Mather
- Individual: Nathaniel Mather
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Nathaniel (Nathan) Mather
- Individual: Jane Mather
- Individual: Mary Ann Worsley
- Individual: Enos Crosland Farnell
- Individual: Hannah Lockwood
- Individual: Hannah Cock
- Individual: William Wilkinson
- Individual: Jane Scowcroft
- Individual: Solomon Mather
- Individual: Nancy Maria Mather
- Individual: Sarah Fielding
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Mary Evans
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual: Betty (Elizabeth) Morris
- Individual: Jane Mather
- Individual: Wright Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betsy) Lee
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Nathan Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Esther Hannah Mather
- Individual: Thomas Scowcroft (Mather)
- Individual: James Schofield
- Individual: George Crosland
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Robert Mather
- Individual: Jonathan Mather
- Individual: Mary Woods
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betty) Moss
- Individual: Catherine Mather
- Individual: Robert Mather
- Individual: Sevina Mather
- Individual: Berry (Bury) Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Betty Beswick
- Individual: William Crawshaw
- Individual: Ralph Isherwood
- Individual: Susannah (Susan) Isherwood
- Individual: Betty Crook
- Individual: Sarah Lever
- Individual: David Hale
- Individual: Mary Millman
- Individual: David Hale
- Individual: Mary Hale
- Individual: Hephybah Hale
- Individual: John William Hale
- Individual: George Richard Hale
- Individual: Ann Dean
- Individual: Jeremiah (Jeremy) Mather
- Individual: Alice Lord
- Individual: Mary Lord Mather
- Individual: Samuel Mather
- Individual: Jeremiah Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Robert Mather
- Individual: Peter Mather
- Individual: Alice Brownlow
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Ann Marsden
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: John Butler
- Individual: Josiah (Joseph) Phethean
- Individual: Richard Crank
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: Thomas Timmis
- Individual: Martha Woodcock
- Individual: Sarah Moore
- Individual: Samuel Buckley
- Individual: Jane Buckley
- Individual: Betty Stancliffe
- Individual: Edward Roberts
- Individual: Benjamin Bennett
- Individual: Jacob Crook
- Individual: Rachel Crook
- Individual: Edward Crook
- Individual: Joseph Crook
- Individual: James Crook
- Individual: Thomas Whitehead
- Individual: Harriet Schofield
- Individual: Robert Whitehead
- Individual: Betty Wade
- Individual: Sarah (Sally) Swindels
- Individual: Levi Mather
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: Henry Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Andrew Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Henry Mather
- Individual: Alice Atherton
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Catherine Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Edward Mather
- Individual: James Dootson
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual: Mary Leigh
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Isaac Turner
- Individual: Thomas Bromilow
- Individual: Otho Mather
- Individual: Peter Mather
- Individual: Ann Bottomley
- Individual: Rhoda Ann Robinson
- Individual: Peter Unsworth
- Individual: Hannah Booth
- Individual: Emma Blackburn
- Individual: Thomas Bradley
- Individual: James Fogg
- Individual: Maria Mather
- Individual: Harriet Rosthorn
- Individual: John Hill
- Individual: William Fogg
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Margaret Tyldsley
- Individual: Charles Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: Abner Buckley
- Individual: Sarah Needham
- Individual: Betty Ann Buckley
- Individual: Isaiah (Josiah) Buckley
- Individual: Elizabeth Booth
- Individual: Margaret Palin
- Individual: Richard Battarbee
- Individual: Margaret Battarbee
- Individual: Harriet Battarbee
- Individual: Fanny Battarbee
- Individual: Mary Battarbee
- Individual: Ann Battarbee
- Individual: Charles Battarbee
- Individual: Emma Battarbee
- Individual: Jane Yates
- Individual: Maria Brook
- Individual: William Elliott
- Individual: Joseph Crofts
- Individual: Barbara Lewis
- Individual: Ralph Nield
- Individual: John Eddowes
- Individual: Mary Thomas
- Individual: Emma Thomas (Eddowes)
- Individual: Elizabeth Eddowes
- Individual: Charlotte Eddowes
- Individual: Thomas Eddowes
- Individual: John Hopley
- Individual: Emma Hopley
- Individual: Elizabeth Shone
- Individual: John Hopley
- Individual: Elizabeth Phillips
- Individual: William Hopley
- Individual: John Booth
- Individual: Ann Hulme (Holmes)
- Individual: George Booth
- Individual: Alice Booth
- Individual: James Booth
- Individual: Thomas Booth
- Individual: Calvin Booth
- Individual: John Booth
- Individual: Elizabeth Cook
- Individual: Catherine Hartley
- Individual: George Orrell
- Individual: William Crook
- Individual: Betty Nelson
- Individual: Alice Bradshaw
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betty) Mather
- Individual: Elias (Ellis) Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Daniel Aldred
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Adam Hodkinson
- Individual: Adam Hodkinson
- Individual: James Morris
- Individual: Thomas William Marsh
- Individual: William Holden
- Individual: Andrew Bentley
- Individual: Thomas Taylor
- Individual: Ellen Smith
- Individual: John Draine
- Individual: Sarah Stott
- Individual: Robert John Draine
- Individual: Thomas Westby
- Individual: George Tate
- Individual: Even Wolfenden
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: James Cunliffe
- Individual: Robert Cunliffe
- Individual: Mary Cunliffe
- Individual: Elizabeth Jenkinson
- Individual: Sarah Ann Jenkinson
- Individual: John Jenkinson
- Individual: Ellen Harrison
- Individual: John Smith
- Individual: Alice Smith
- Individual: William Smith
- Individual: James Cunliffe
- Individual: Sarah Pickup
- Individual: James Woodworth (Woodward)
- Individual: Jane Downward
- Individual: Henry Soper
- Individual: George Slater
- Individual: Sarah (Sally) Whitehead
- Individual: William Slater
- Individual: Job Stocks
- Individual: Isaac Hargreaves Stocks
- Individual: Mary Ellen Woodward
- Individual: James Woodward
- Individual: Catherine Woodward
- Individual: Ann Elizabeth Woodward
- Individual: Alexander Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betty) Mather
- Individual: William Hopley
- Individual: Ann Axon
- Individual: Thomas Hopley
- Individual: William Hopley
- Individual: Randle Hopley
- Individual: George Hopley
- Individual: Eliza Mellow
- Individual: William Ankers
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Jane Mather
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Margaret Mather
- Individual: Agnes Mather
- Individual: Henry Holt
- Individual: Betty Greenhalgh
- Individual: Sarah Lomax
- Individual: Joseph Holt
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betty) Nuttall
- Individual: Henry Holt
- Individual: John Holt
- Individual: Albert Edward Holt
- Individual: Elizabeth Barlow
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Phoebe Diggle
- Individual: Robert Moscrop
- Individual: Samuel Mather
- Individual: Esther Mather
- Individual: Sarah Lonsdale
- Individual: Josiaha Phethean
- Individual: Ann Phethean
- Individual: William Phethean
- Individual: Peter Phethean
- Individual: John Phethean
- Individual: James Phethean
- Individual: Ann Thompson
- Individual: Hannah (Ann) Whitehead
- Individual: James Nabb
- Individual: John Eddowes
- Individual: Arthur Randolph Eddowes
- Individual: George Timmis
- Individual: Elizabeth Timmis
- Individual: Ann Cunliffe
- Individual: Ann Booth
- Individual: Elizabeth Booth
- Individual: Alice Booth
- Individual: George Booth
- Individual: Sarah Booth
- Individual: Mary Hodgson
- Individual: Edwin Smith
- Individual: Catherine Smith
- Individual: Ann Smith
- Individual: Thomas Slater
- Individual: John Slater
- Individual: Margaret Hey
- Individual: Jane Slater
- Individual: Betty Slater
- Individual: Nathan Slater
- Individual: Michael Pickles
- Individual: Martha Pickles
- Individual: Ellen Alexander
- Individual: Elizabeth Bennett
- Individual: Jonathan Bennett
- Individual: Catherine Bennett
- Individual: Edward Roberts
- Individual: Eliza Yearnshaw
- Individual: Charlotte Crook
- Individual: Ellen Crook
- Individual: Margaret Crook
- Individual: Ann Makin
- Individual: Robert Tonge
- Individual: Thomas Lever
- Individual: John Lever
- Individual: Jacob Lever
- Individual: Ann Lever
- Individual: Martha Lever
- Individual: Janes Lever
- Individual: William Lever
- Individual: Joseph Lever
- Individual: Betty Lever
- Individual: James Greenhalgh
- Individual: Alice Hardman
- Individual: John Greenhalgh
- Individual: William Greenhalgh
- Individual: Mary Ann Greenhalgh
- Individual: Joseph Greenhalgh
- Individual: Rachel Greenhalgh
- Individual: Sarah Greenhalgh
- Individual: Thomas Cunliffe
- Individual: James Cunliffe
- Individual: Giles Cunliffe
- Individual: Ann Marshall
- Individual: Ann Cunliffe
- Individual: Ann Hopley
- Individual: Robert Liversidge
- Individual: Joseph Smith
- Individual: William Gledhill
- Individual: Joseph Gledhill
- Individual: John Gledhill
- Individual: Thomas Gledhill
- Individual: Esther Gledhill
- Individual: George Gledhill
- Individual: George Gledhill
- Individual: Ann Gledhill
- Individual: Thomas Osbourn Pickles
- Individual: Richard Crawshaw
- Individual: Robert Crawshaw
- Individual: James Holder Bowling
- Individual: Hannah Bowling
- Individual: Joseph Bowling
- Individual: Alice Ashton
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Isaac Dodd
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Hannah Mather
- Individual: Robert Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth West
- Individual: Alice Taylor
- Individual: Robert Smith
- Individual: Esther Mather
- Individual: Thomas Adams
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Henry Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth Alice Mather
- Individual: Mary Lewis
- Individual: Samuel Lewis
- Individual: Robert Lewis
- Individual: Elizabeth Lewis
- Individual: William Dennison
- Individual: Jane Dennison
- Individual: Hugh Riding
- Individual: Margaret (Peggy) Riding
- Individual: Jonathan Riding
- Individual: Margaret Alker
- Individual: Samuel Alker
- Individual: Harriett Ridings
- Individual: Rosanna Timmis Rhodes
- Individual: Alice Davenport
- Individual: Uriah Goodfellow
- Individual: Jesse Goodfellow
- Individual: Jane Booth
- Individual: Eliza Booth
- Individual: Nathan Booth
- Individual: Sarah Pinnington
- Individual: William Booth
- Individual: Alice Booth
- Individual: Edward Booth
- Individual: William Barnes
- Individual: Ellen
- Individual: John Barnes
- Individual: Jane Barnes
- Individual: Sarah Barnes
- Individual: Alice Gore
- Individual: Alice Booth
- Individual: John Thomas Booth
- Individual: Margaret Martin
- Individual: George A Booth
- Individual: Thomas Martin
- Individual: William Booth
- Individual: Jane Rostron
- Individual: James Booth
- Individual: Thomas Booth
- Individual: Mary Booth
- Individual: Richard Booth
- Individual: Alice Booth
- Individual: Thomas Eddowes
- Individual: Ann Jones
- Individual: John Eddowes
- Individual: Emma Eddowes
- Individual: Abigail Eddowes
- Individual: Jane Davies
- Individual: Jane Sutcliff
- Individual: William Howarth
- Individual: Hannah Howarth
- Individual: Jane Howarth
- Individual: Joseph Howarth
- Individual: William Howarth
- Individual: Margaret Wood
- Individual: James (Jacobi) Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Isaac Greenhalgh
- Individual: Ann Greenhalgh
- Individual: Alice Hamer
- Individual: William Orrell
- Individual: James Isherwood
- Individual: John Isherwood
- Individual: Jane Isherwood
- Individual: Rachel Isherwood
- Individual: Thomas Isherwood
- Individual: Margaret Isherwood
- Individual: Sarah Ann Isherwood
- Individual: Lawrence Isherwood
- Individual: Henry Lomax
- Individual: Jane Lomax
- Individual: John Lomax
- Individual: Ann Lomax
- Individual: Mary Carr
- Individual: Nancy Mather
- Individual: Peter Mather
- Individual: Sarah Leach
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: Grace Mather
- Individual: Joseph Lewis
- Individual: Anne Lewis
- Individual: Elizabeth Lewis
- Individual: Benjamin (Ben) Lewis
- Individual: Bridget Nowland
- Individual: Henry Winstanley
- Individual: Ann Winstanley
- Individual: Margaret Winstanley
- Individual: Henry Winstanley
- Individual: Alice Winstanley
- Individual: Robert Lewis
- Individual: Catherine Dunkan
- Individual: Thomas Lewis
- Individual: James Lewis
- Individual: Thomas Roscoe
- Individual: William Roscoe
- Individual: Mary Roscoe
- Individual: John Roscoe
- Individual: Jane Jones
- Individual: John Williams
- Individual: James Williams
- Individual: Mary Williams
- Individual: Joseph Lewis
- Individual: William Lewis
- Individual: James Heyes
- Individual: Catherine Birch
- Individual: Catherine Hayes
- Individual: Catherine Williams
- Individual: William Williams
- Individual: Ann Williams
- Individual: Edward Roberts
- Individual: Elizabeth Roberts
- Individual: Elizabeth Foulkes
- Individual: Joseph Roberts
- Individual: John Roberts
- Individual: William Bithell
- Individual: Benjamin Bennett
- Individual: Mary Hewitt
- Individual: Samuel Bennett
- Individual: Mary Elizabeth Bennett
- Individual: Priscilla Bennett
- Individual: Humphrey Bennett
- Individual: Edward Bennett
- Individual: Jonathan Bennett
- Individual: William Millington
- Individual: Mary Hewitt
- Individual: Charles Millington
- Individual: Harriet Whitworth
- Individual: Thomas Dawson
- Individual: Harriet Millington
- Individual: Mary Millington
- Individual: John Bleakley
- Individual: Robert Dawson
- Individual: Jacob Dawson
- Individual: William Coppack
- Individual: Elizabeth Coppack
- Individual: Ricahrd Coppack
- Individual: Edward Coppack
- Individual: William Coppack
- Individual: Joseph Crofts
- Individual: Sarah Wainright
- Individual: Edward Wainright
- Individual: Hannah Aston
- Individual: John Wainright
- Individual: Ann Wainright
- Individual: Thomas Wainright
- Individual: Caroline White
- Individual: William Lampkin
- Individual: James Brooks
- Individual: Ann Swan
- Individual: Ann Lewis
- Individual: John Jones
- Individual: William Millington
- Individual: Charles Millington
- Individual: Elizabeth Millington
- Individual: Roseanna (Rose) Millington
- Individual: John Richardson
- Individual: William Millington
- Individual: Charles Millington
- Individual: Joseph Millington
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual:
- Individual: Elizabeth (Elisha) Mather
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Mary Hughes
- Individual: William Hughes
- Individual: Ann Hughes
- Individual: Edward Brereton
- Individual: James Brereton
- Individual: Mary Hankey
- Individual: Lucy Brereton
- Individual: Enoch Brereton
- Individual: William Lea
- Individual: Catherine Sadler
- Individual: John Lea
- Individual: Job Lea
- Individual: Frances Lea
- Individual: William Lea
- Individual: Jesse Mather
- Individual: Aaron Mather
- Individual: Rachel Mather
- Individual: Leah Mather
- Individual: Isaac Mather
- Individual: Mary Taylor
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Nancy Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Rachel Waddington
- Individual: Hannah Waddington
- Individual: Sarah Waddington
- Individual: Maria Waddington
- Individual: George Halliwell
- Individual: Thomas Halliwell
- Individual: Mary Barber
- Individual: William Henry Stocks
- Individual: Elizabeth Stocks
- Individual: Mary Hannah Stocks
- Individual: James Rothwell
- Individual: Mary Nightingale
- Individual: Esther Rothwell
- Individual: William Rothwell
- Individual: John Holden
- Individual: Mary Allen
- Individual: Sarah Horrocks
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: Mary Bridge
- Individual: Susannah (Susey) Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Leah Mather
- Individual: Sarah Butterworth
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual: David Mather
- Individual: Edmund (Edwin) Mather
- Individual: Samuel Mather
- Individual: James Hopley Jnr
- Individual: Elizabeth Davenport
- Individual: Henry Hopley
- Individual: Jane Hopley
- Individual: James Booth
- Individual: James Crompton
- Individual: Jane Crompton
- Individual: James Crompton
- Individual: Joshua Grundy
- Individual: Betty Mather
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Joshua (Joseph) Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Mary Grundy
- Individual: Ellen Grundy
- Individual: Caroline Mather
- Individual: Ellis Mather
- Individual: John Mather (Holden)
- Individual: Sarah Ann Holden
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Margaret Mather
- Individual: Martha Mather
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Ralph Mather
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Margaret Smith
- Individual: Lucy Ann Mather
- Individual: Mary Jane Mather
- Individual: Alexander Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Thomas Lowe
- Individual: Betty (Elizabeth) Lowe
- Individual: Jesse Lowe
- Individual: William Lowe
- Individual: George Lowe
- Individual: Elizabeth Ellis
- Individual: James Lowe
- Individual: Mathew Crook
- Individual: James Walkden
- Individual: Elizabeth Dutson
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Samuel Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Mary Ann Wilson
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Harriet Mather
- Individual: Joseph Nelson
- Individual: Mary Nelson
- Individual: James Nelson
- Individual: Nancy Pomfret Cooper
- Individual: Betty Mather
- Individual: Sarah Taylor (Mather)
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Martha Stevens
- Individual: Eden Stevens
- Individual: John Waillis
- Individual: Jane Mather
- Individual: Ellen Dixon
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Betsey (Elizabeth) Mather
- Individual: Alice Hunt
- Individual: Martha Hunt
- Individual: John Hunt
- Individual: Eliza Hunt
- Individual: Ellen Mather
- Individual: Abraham Fitton
- Individual: Sarah Gore Mather
- Individual: Ellen Mather
- Individual: Jane Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Joshua Mather
- Individual: Margaret (Peggy) Mather
- Individual: Margaret Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Mary Hitchen
- Individual: Margaret Mather
- Individual: Henry Elliott
- Individual: Elizabeth Elliott
- Individual: Catherine (Kate) Elliott
- Individual: William Elliott
- Individual: Alice Elliott
- Individual: Roger Hart
- Individual: Betty Mather
- Individual: Daniel Travis
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Sarah Ann Travis
- Individual: Peter Smith
- Individual: Ellen Mather
- Individual: Catherine Hill
- Individual: Mary Ann Mooney
- Individual: Jane Taylor
- Individual: John Rigby
- Individual: Matthew Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Margaret Gaskel
- Individual: Betty Mather
- Individual: Alice Boardman
- Individual: Henry Mather
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth Gregory
- Individual: Alice Gregory
- Individual: Henry Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Ann Rigby
- Individual: Samuel Rigby
- Individual: Charles Ambro Stephenson
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: William Hilton
- Individual: John Stephenson
- Individual: Charles Stephenson
- Individual: Esther Hilton
- Individual: Elizabeth Hilton
- Individual: Hannah Hilton
- Individual: Martha Hilton
- Individual: Charlotte Hilton
- Individual: Sarah Hilton
- Individual: Mary Hilton
- Individual: Moses Scott
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Robert Tong
- Individual: Nancy Mather
- Individual: William Tong
- Individual: Peter Tong
- Individual: Horatio Davenport Tong
- Individual: Thomas Rigby
- Individual: Betty Mather
- Individual: Thomas Rigby
- Individual: Alice Rigby
- Individual: Sarah Rigby
- Individual: Alfred Rigby
- Individual: William Roberts
- Individual: Sarah Aked
- Individual: Robert Welsh
- Individual: Maria (Mary) Mather
- Individual: Robert Welsh
- Individual: Hannah Welsh
- Individual: William Welsh
- Individual: Robert Longworth
- Individual: William Longworth
- Individual: John Longworth
- Individual: Nancy Longworth
- Individual: Sarah Ann Longworth
- Individual: Esther Collins
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Catharine Chandler
- Individual: Martha Gradwell
- Individual: Ellen Orrell
- Individual: Ann Holden
- Individual: Alice Holden
- Individual: Ellen Brooks Unsworth
- Individual: Simon Mather
- Individual: Jeffrey (Geffrey) Mather
- Individual: Simon Mather
- Individual: Joseph Unsworth (Mather)
- Individual: James Lomax
- Individual: Betty Mather
- Individual: Thomas Lomax
- Individual: John Lomax
- Individual: Henry Mather
- Individual: Margaret Wolfendale
- Individual: Thomas Clough
- Individual: Joseph Clough
- Individual: Robert Clough
- Individual: Anne Jones
- Individual: Sarah Jones
- Individual: Mary Jones
- Individual: William Fairclough
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: James Ashcroft
- Individual: Thomas Ashcroft
- Individual: Abel Ashcroft
- Individual: Robert Ashcroft
- Individual: Elizabeth Buckley
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Alice Meadows (nee Mann)
- Individual: Andrew Morris
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betsy) Mather
- Individual: Joseph Heaton
- Individual: Susannah Greenhalgh
- Individual: John Greenhalgh
- Individual: Robert Griffiths
- Individual: Sarah Eddowes
- Individual: Mary Eddowes
- Individual: Phillip Capper
- Individual: Ann Eddowes
- Individual: Thomas Murray Gladstone
- Individual: Frances Eddowes
- Individual: Elizabeth Weaver (nee Jones)
- Individual: Henry Eddowes
- Individual: Elizabeth Eddowes
- Individual: Hariet Griffiths
- Individual: Sarah Jane Griffiths
- Individual: Frances Toose
- Individual: Joseph Allen
- Individual: Thomas Allen
- Individual: William Allen
- Individual: John Allen
- Individual: John (Mechanic) Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Sally (Sarah) Mason
- Individual: William Makinson
- Individual: Ann Holt
- Individual: James Carr Holt
- Individual: Ellen Fitton
- Individual: James Neale
- Individual: James Greenhalgh
- Individual: John Isherwood
- Individual: Jane Greenhalgh
- Individual: Jane Crompton
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Mary Tonge
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Isaac Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Jane Smith
- Individual: Charlotte Stocks
- Individual: Richard France
- Individual: Benjamin Smith Crosland
- Individual: James Godment
- Individual: Elizabeth Eddowes
- Individual: Ralph Eddowes
- Individual: Harriett Eddowes
- Individual: Thomas Eddowes
- Individual: Caroline Eddowes
- Individual: Ellen Eddowes
- Individual: Ralph Eddowes
- Individual: Charles Eddowes
- Individual: Ellen Partington
- Individual: John Havers
- Individual: Randle Tomlinson
- Individual: Elizabeth Probert
- Individual: Thomas Ellis Tomlinson
- Individual: John Tomlinson Berkenhout
- Individual: Phoebe Tomlinson
- Individual: Ann Brereton
- Individual: John Eddowes
- Individual: Robert Mather
- Individual: Nancy Mather
- Individual: Eliza Mather
- Individual: Mary Monks
- Individual: John Lee
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: Betty Greenhalgh
- Individual: Holt Holt
- Individual: Ellen Holt
- Individual: Edward Holt
- Individual: Isaac Openshaw
- Individual: Betty Kay
- Individual: Mary Kay
- Individual: Susannah Kay
- Individual: Edward Kay
- Individual: Alice Kay
- Individual: Elijah Kay
- Individual: Ralph Mather
- Individual: Ellen Banks
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Squire Mather
- Individual: John Rigby
- Individual: Margaret Baxter
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Bantchel (Bridget) Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betsy) Lord (Pendlebury)
- Individual: Priscilla Leach
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: John Frederick Mather
- Individual: Henry Mather
- Individual: Lawrence Mather
- Individual: Jane Ward
- Individual: Samuel Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Betty Edge
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Peter Mather
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual: Alice Tweedy
- Individual: Emma Mather
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual:
- Individual: Maria Beresford
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: Eleanor (Elinor) Coppack
- Individual: John Jones
- Individual: William Deane
- Individual: Ellenor (Ellen) Jones
- Individual: Thomas Jones
- Individual: Elizabeth Jones
- Individual: John Wood
- Individual: Amelia Wood
- Individual: Thomas Wood
- Individual: Mary Wood
- Individual: John Wood
- Individual: Joseph Wood
- Individual: James Singleton
- Individual: Margaret Owen
- Individual: Hannah Smith
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual: Jane Ingram
- Individual: Ellen Mary Mather
- Individual: Selina Mather
- Individual: Betty Walmsley
- Individual: John Snelson
- Individual: William Taylor
- Individual: James Astin
- Individual: Hannah Booth
- Individual: Maria Austin
- Individual: Mary Ann Horsfield
- Individual: Joseph Jones
- Individual: Philip Buckley
- Individual: Joanna (Nanny) Brierley
- Individual: John Buckley
- Individual: John Buckley
- Individual: Sarah
- Individual: John Howarth
- Individual: Ellen Bullough
- Individual: Ann Howarth
- Individual: Alice Howarth
- Individual: Pamela Howarth
- Individual: Ellen Howarth
- Individual: Rachel Howarth
- Individual: Martha Howarth
- Individual: Samuel Rothwell
- Individual: Mary Fletcher
- Individual: Joseph Crosland
- Individual: Sally Mann Rushworth
- Individual: Ard Crosland
- Individual: Robert Robinson
- Individual: James Robinson
- Individual: Margaret Robinson
- Individual: George Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth Taylor
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betty) Taylor
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betty) Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Susannah Mather
- Individual: Robert Mather
- Individual: Henry Mather
- Individual: Martha Lever
- Individual: Edward Haddock
- Individual: John Lomax
- Individual: John Hulme
- Individual: Ann Fantom
- Individual: Mary Ann Stafford
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: John Cunliffe
- Individual: Alice Ingham
- Individual: James Cunliffe
- Individual: Richard Lomax
- Individual: Mary Lomax
- Individual: Alice Lomax
- Individual: James Lomax
- Individual: John Lomax
- Individual: Deborah Twist
- Individual: Adam Twist
- Individual: Richard Lomax
- Individual: Mary Lomax
- Individual: Sarah Lomax
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: John Walton
- Individual: John Walton
- Individual: Thomas Walton
- Individual: Eli Walton
- Individual: Robert Lomax Kirkman
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Edmund (Edward) Crosland
- Individual: Nancy Sykes
- Individual: Richard Crosland
- Individual: Ann Crosland
- Individual: Ellen Crosland
- Individual: Elizabeth Crosland
- Individual: John Ledsome
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Isabella Anderson
- Individual: Margaret Liddle
- Individual: Joseph Ridyard
- Individual: Alice Kenyon
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Martha Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: George Blackburn Sykes
- Individual: John Pickles
- Individual: Susannah Bywater
- Individual: Isabella Bywater
- Individual: Amos Pickles
- Individual: Francis (Frank) Roberts
- Individual: Betty Crosland
- Individual: Ard Crosland (Smith)
- Individual: David Crosland
- Individual: James Ashcroft
- Individual: Mary Longworth
- Individual: Daniel Ashcroft
- Individual: Sarah Ashcroft
- Individual: Susannah Ashcroft
- Individual: James Walmsley
- Individual: Tabitha Walmsley
- Individual: Sarah Ann Shaw
- Individual: Henry Shaw
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Rachel Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: William Allen
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Mary Ann Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Margaret Greenall
- Individual: Samuel Mather
- Individual: Charlotte Jones
- Individual: Lewis Hilton (Mather)
- Individual: Isaac Mather
- Individual: Mary Warburton
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Margaret Mather
- Individual: Margaret Brown
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Henry Johnson
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Ann Harper
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Martha Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Esther Kershaw
- Individual: Robert Mather
- Individual: Sarah Ann Mather
- Individual: Sarah Charlton
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Nancy Redford
- Individual: Betty (Kitty) Mather
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: Francis Mather
- Individual: Rachel Whitworth Mills
- Individual: Francis Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Jane Heys
- Individual: Henry Teesdale (Mather)
- Individual: Mary Ann Ward
- Individual: Emma Harper
- Individual: Mary Harper
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Lucy Vickers
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Margaret Shelmerdine
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Nancy Mather
- Individual: Robert Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: John Gregory
- Individual: Ralph Hall
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Margaret Sim
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: Catherine Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Ellen Mather
- Individual: Charles Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Margaret Robinson
- Individual: Isaac Mather
- Individual: Mary Bently
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Betty Mather
- Individual: Martha Mather
- Individual: Henry Caldwell
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: John Storey
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Nicholas Mather (Storey)
- Individual: Mally Storey
- Individual: John Storey
- Individual: Margaret Storey
- Individual: Henry Stones
- Individual: George Challender
- Individual: Thomas Heaton
- Individual: Elizabeth Wild
- Individual: Mary Ann Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Pheobe Mather
- Individual: Thomas Smith
- Individual: Margaret Horrocks
- Individual: Martha Thornley
- Individual: Betty Street
- Individual: Michael Mather
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Betty Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Charles Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Wright Redford
- Individual: Thomas Boden
- Individual: James Heap
- Individual: Hannah Mather
- Individual: Joseph Heap
- Individual: Richard Heap
- Individual: Alice Heap
- Individual: John Heap
- Individual: James Heap
- Individual: Margaret Heap
- Individual: James Cunliffe
- Individual: James Cunliffe
- Individual: Maria Hall
- Individual: Rachel Cunliffe
- Individual: Benjamin Franklin Cunliffe
- Individual: Ruth Cunliffe
- Individual: Thomas Allen
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Jesse Allen
- Individual: Betty Allen
- Individual: Ellen Allen
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Martha Mather
- Individual: Jonathan Mather
- Individual: Ann Wright
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Jonathan Mather
- Individual: Henry Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: Fanny Mather
- Individual: Mary Jane Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth Taylor (Mather)
- Individual: Catherine Allen (Leyland)
- Individual: Amelia Mather
- Individual: Mary Ann Brereton
- Individual: Leah
- Individual: Sarah Ann Hurst
- Individual: Jane Hurst
- Individual: Hannah Hurst
- Individual: James Hurst
- Individual: Elizabeth Hurst
- Individual: Colin Mather
- Individual: James Crosland
- Individual: Jane Crowther
- Individual: Miriam Reynolds
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Ellen Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Mary Walsh
- Individual: Alice Crook
- Individual: Peter Crook
- Individual: Simon Walsh
- Individual: John Nelson
- Individual: Sarah Ramsden
- Individual: William Francis Crow
- Individual: Sarah (Sarah Ann) Stillings Hall
- Individual: Sarah Liversidge
- Individual: Martha Sykes
- Individual: George Sykes
- Individual: Sarah Wood
- Individual: Edward Hall
- Individual: Jane Spouncer
- Individual: John Crosland
- Individual: Mary Wilkinson
- Individual: Edwin Crosland
- Individual: James Wilkinson Crosland
- Individual: Hannah Crosland
- Individual: John Crosland
- Individual: Law Crosland
- Individual: George Crosland
- Individual: Mary Crosland
- Individual: Sarah Jane Crosland
- Individual: James (John) Clutton
- Individual: Catherine Eddowes
- Individual: Henry Eddowes
- Individual: Thomas Millington
- Individual: Elizabeth Eddowes
- Individual: William Millington
- Individual: Charlotte Millington
- Individual: Joseph Lightfoot
- Individual: Thomas Lightfoot
- Individual: James Lightfoot
- Individual: Mary Robinson
- Individual: Elizabeth Robinson
- Individual: Richard Robinson
- Individual: Maria Robinson
- Individual: William Woodward
- Individual: Charlotte Amelia Hughes
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Catherine Openshaw
- Individual: Job Openshaw
- Individual: Alice Haslam
- Individual: Thomas Openshaw
- Individual: John Openshaw
- Individual: Mary Openshaw
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Ellen Birchall
- Individual: Harriet Mather
- Individual: Betty (Elizabeth) Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Ellen Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Jane Cooke
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Charles Mather
- Individual: Charlotte Mather
- Individual: Willmot Mather
- Individual: William Taylor
- Individual: Thomas Taylor
- Individual: William Fisher
- Individual: Ann Jones
- Individual: Benjamin Stocks
- Individual: Emma (Jane) Stocks
- Individual: Sam Stocks
- Individual: Emma Stocks
- Individual: Ann Craven
- Individual: Charlotte Tomlinson
- Individual: William Tomlinson
- Individual: George Tomlinson
- Individual: Alfred Tomlinson
- Individual: Elizabeth Tomlinson
- Individual: John Haslam
- Individual: James Haslam
- Individual: George Hulme
- Individual: Eliza Hulme
- Individual: Margaret Brereton
- Individual: James Brereton
- Individual: Ann Cope
- Individual: George Brereton
- Individual: Mary Keen
- Individual: William Henry Brereton
- Individual: Emma Brereton
- Individual: John Brereton
- Individual: Elizabeth Brereton
- Individual: George Brereton
- Individual: Elizabeth Brereton
- Individual: Mary Ann Brereton
- Individual: Edward Brereton
- Individual: Emma Brereton
- Individual: Ann Williams
- Individual: William Purcell
- Individual: Elizabeth Williams
- Individual: Richard Purcell
- Individual: Elizabeth Purcell
- Individual: Martha Wood
- Individual: Emma Leech
- Individual: James Edward Leech
- Individual: Henry Wood
- Individual: Henry Eaton
- Individual: Eleanor Birch
- Individual: William Richard Edwards
- Individual: John Davies
- Individual: Mary Ann Davies
- Individual: Thomas Davies
- Individual: John Davies
- Individual: Joseph Davies
- Individual: Edward Sanderson
- Individual: Martha Ann Sanderson
- Individual: Henry John Sanderson
- Individual: William Sanderson
- Individual: John Rowland
- Individual: Mary Elizabeth Rowland
- Individual: Ann Rowland
- Individual: Mary Gleave
- Individual: Henry Nutter
- Individual: Thomas Eccles
- Individual: Alice Hardman
- Individual: Mary Ann Eccles
- Individual: Abraham Hardman
- Individual: Mary Lomax
- Individual: Robert Hardman
- Individual: Abraham Hardman
- Individual: Mary Hardman
- Individual: Betty Hardman
- Individual: Ann Hardman
- Individual: Sarah Shaw
- Individual: Joseph Crosland
- Individual: John Haigh
- Individual: Ann Shaw Haigh
- Individual: George Haigh
- Individual: Mary Ann Stocks
- Individual: William Henry Shaw
- Individual: Edwin Shaw
- Individual: Charlotte Iredale
- Individual: Hannah (Ann) Maria Crosland
- Individual: John William Crosland
- Individual: Sarah Ann Armitage
- Individual: John Crossland
- Individual: Grace Thompson
- Individual: Sarah Crossland
- Individual: Thomas Crossland
- Individual: Margaret Crossland
- Individual: Edmund Crossland
- Individual: John Thompson Crossland
- Individual: George Rhodes
- Individual: Sarah Jane Rhodes
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betty) Fletcher
- Individual: John Grimshaw
- Individual: Ann Grimshaw
- Individual: Thomas Grimshaw
- Individual: James Grimshaw
- Individual: Benjamin Grimshaw
- Individual: Abraham Grimshaw
- Individual: Sarah Grimshaw
- Individual: Phoebe Grimshaw
- Individual: Elizabeth Lewis
- Individual: Charles Lewis
- Individual: Jane Jones
- Individual: Mary Williams
- Individual: Samuel Catherall
- Individual: Rachel Davies
- Individual: Margaret Jane Davies
- Individual: Edward Davies
- Individual: Ann Davies
- Individual: Mary Edwards
- Individual: John Edwards
- Individual: Charles Edwards
- Individual: Margaret Whitlow
- Individual: James Whitlaw Brereton
- Individual: Ann Orrett
- Individual: Mary Brereton
- Individual: George Brereton
- Individual: Margaret Brereton
- Individual: Esther Brereton
- Individual: Sarah Brereton
- Individual: William Brereton
- Individual: Jane Jones
- Individual: Lydia Brereton
- Individual: James Robinson
- Individual: Sarah Ann Beaumont Crosland
- Individual: Mary Crosland
- Individual: Edward Crosland
- Individual: Thomas Haslam
- Individual: Isaac Haslam
- Individual: Martha Brereton
- Individual: Harriot Brereton
- Individual: Elizabeth Brereton
- Individual: Ellen Brereton
- Individual: Frances (Fanny) Brereton
- Individual: Mary Tomlinson (Parker)
- Individual: John Woolland
- Individual: John Ankers
- Individual: Thomas Ankers
- Individual: Emma Ankers
- Individual: David Ankers
- Individual: John Evans (Whitall)
- Individual: Mary Jane Evans
- Individual: John Randles
- Individual: John Allen
- Individual: Ellen Crank
- Individual: Margaret Alice Allen
- Individual: Lydia (Lillie) Allen
- Individual: Alice Allen
- Individual: Edward Allen
- Individual: Thomas Allen
- Individual: Ann Allen
- Individual: Thomas Wolfendale
- Individual: George Barnes
- Individual: Mary Ann Barnes
- Individual: Ellen Redford
- Individual: Martha Whitaker
- Individual: Ellen Whitaker
- Individual: Mary Whitaker
- Individual: Emma Whitaker
- Individual: James Whitaker
- Individual: William Whitaker
- Individual: Peter Green
- Individual: Edward Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Harrietta Mather
- Individual: Adelaide Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Harriet Mather
- Individual: Isaac Mather
- Individual: Tabitha Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Sally (Sarah) Moyers
- Individual: Betty Berry
- Individual: Peter Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Peter Hamer
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betsy) Cunliffe
- Individual: Peter Hamer
- Individual: Mary Moyers
- Individual: William Tomlinson
- Individual: Nancy Gillebrand
- Individual: William Brereton
- Individual: Mary Stanyer
- Individual: Randle Brereton
- Individual: Mary Brereton
- Individual: Abraham Brereton
- Individual: Emma Brereton
- Individual: George Brereton
- Individual: William Ramscar
- Individual: Ellen Twist
- Individual: John Lomax
- Individual: Mary Collinge
- Individual: James Howarth
- Individual: Thomas Howarth
- Individual: Elizabeth Ann Howarth
- Individual: Alice Hulme
- Individual: Edmund (Edward) Holt
- Individual: Betty Holt
- Individual: Thomas Holt
- Individual: Sarah Holt
- Individual: John Holt
- Individual: Sarah Halliwell
- Individual: Catherine Yates
- Individual: James Holt
- Individual: William Holt
- Individual: Alice Rothwell
- Individual: Mary Ann Holt
- Individual: Peter Marsh
- Individual: Howcroft Howcroft
- Individual: Sarah Anderton
- Individual: William Smith
- Individual: Emma Edge
- Individual: Mary Manning
- Individual: William Tinsley
- Individual: Betty Clarke
- Individual: John Tomlinson
- Individual: John Horrocks
- Individual: Esther Crook
- Individual: Ellen Horrocks
- Individual: Margaret Horrocks
- Individual: Alice Horrocks
- Individual: Margaret Donovan
- Individual: Alice Crook
- Individual: Elizabeth Crook
- Individual: John Kay
- Individual: Esther Kay
- Individual: Samuel Kay
- Individual: Mary Eliza Kay
- Individual: Mary Pickles
- Individual: Jane Wilks
- Individual: Ann Wilks
- Individual: Mary Hannah Wilks
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Sarah Anderton
- Individual: Mary Alice Mather
- Individual: Jonas Hirst
- Individual: Hannah Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Jane Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Jane Challender
- Individual: George Challender
- Individual: William Challender
- Individual: John Chorlton
- Individual: William Chorlton
- Individual: John Lever
- Individual: Betty Mather
- Individual: Charlotte Lever
- Individual: James Lever
- Individual: Sarah Lever
- Individual: William Lever
- Individual: Mary Ann Gregory
- Individual: Edmund Grundy
- Individual: Ann Mather (Langshaw)
- Individual: William Grundy
- Individual: Mary Grundy
- Individual: James Barlow
- Individual: Susannah Mather (Bridge)
- Individual: Jane Barlow
- Individual: Samuel Barlow
- Individual: Mary Ann Barlow
- Individual: Richard Barlow
- Individual: James Scowcroft
- Individual: William Scowcroft
- Individual: Thomas Scowcroft
- Individual: Mary Ann Scowcroft
- Individual: John Scowcroft
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Edward Crosland
- Individual: Arabella Emily Crosland
- Individual: Elizabeth Walker
- Occupation: Scholar Mary Foulds, Sarah Foulds, Jeremiah Foulds, Mary Ann Foulds, Edwin Foulds, Mary Buckley, Joseph Buckley
- Occupation: Provision Dealer Ann Bolton
- Occupation: Cotton (Twist) Winder Alice Tomlinson
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Charlotte Elizabeth Tomlinson
- Occupation: Labourer Henry Smith
- Occupation: Collier George Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver John Allen, Sarah Lever
- Occupation: Pansmith John Miller
- Occupation: Stone Masons Apprentice James Miller
- Occupation: Office Boy William Miller
- Occupation: Letter Carrier James Miller
- Occupation: Nail Maker William Miller
- Occupation: Piecer Eliza Mather
- Occupation: Domestic Duties Susannah (Susan) Flood
- Occupation: Weaver Rachel Kay
- Occupation: Woollen Weaver Job Stocks
- Occupation: Woolen Bailer Lucy Crosland
- Occupation: Stone Mason William Foulds, William Roe Foulds
- Occupation: Labourer John Mather
- Occupation: Winder at Cotton Mill Mary (Polly) Tomlinson
- Occupation: Outdoor Labourer George Ward
- Occupation: Beer House Keeper Thomas Pickles
- Occupation: Woollen Powerloom Weaver Ruth Stocks, Martha Stocks
- Occupation: Wool Comber Joseph Pighills
- Occupation: Master Mason John Foulds
- Occupation: Mason John Foulds, Joseph Foulds, William Foulds, Thomas Foulds, Isreal Foulds
- Occupation: Carter Thompson Foulds
- Occupation: Stone Mason & Journeyman George Foulds
- Occupation: Carrier & Leather Cutter Israel Foulds
- Occupation: Chelsea Pensioner (Artilary) William Foulds
- Occupation: Housekeeper Mary Roberts
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer William Cockshutt Pickles
- Occupation: Power Loom Weaver Thomas Briggs, Joseph Smith, Joseph Buckley, Hannah Buckley, John Buckley, Ellis Ickeringill, Sarah Ickeringill, Moses Briggs
- Occupation: Cabinet Maker Thomas Naylor
- Occupation: Card Room Hand Ruth Kay, Hannah Kay
- Occupation: Jack Frame Hand Mary Kay
- Occupation: Oil Sheet/Cloth Maker John Buckley
- Occupation: Milliner Patience (Patricia) Oldham
- Occupation: Butcher & Wool Comber John (Jack) Foulds
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Samuel Mather
- Occupation: Factory Boy John Ickeringill
- Occupation: Farm Labourer George Harman
- Occupation: Servant Caroline Harman
- Occupation: Beer Shop Keeper James Harman
- Occupation: Mill Boardmaker William Briggs
- Occupation: Garden Lab John A Briggs
- Occupation: Housekeeper Mary Harman
- Occupation: Overlooker Thomas Doxey
- Occupation: Silk Picker Hannah Wimston
- Occupation: Silk Drawer (Jnr) John Doxey
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Richard Tomlinson
- Occupation: Stone Mason William Horsfall
- Occupation: Grocer & Tea Dealer William Boothroyd
- Occupation: Piecer Happy Mather
- Occupation: Brewer William Nightingale
- Occupation: Cotton Spinner Joseph Nightingale
- Occupation: Scholar Joseph (Joe) Mather
- Occupation: Dairy Maid Mary Marsh
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Isaac Mather
- Occupation: Scholar Samuel Mather
- Occupation: Shoemaker Richard Timmis
- Occupation: Police Constable John Marwick
- Occupation: Brewer John Brereton
- Occupation: Brick Layer George Brereton
- Occupation: Cordwainer Thomas Brereton
- Occupation: Farmer, Milkherd George Brereton
- Occupation: Assistant Farmer John Brereton
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Richard Brereton
- Occupation: Winder at Cotton Mill Alice Mather
- Occupation: Coal Jagger Edmund (Edwin) Harry Eddowes
- Occupation: Scholar Jane Mather
- Occupation: Piecer John Brooks
- Occupation: Slater & Plasterer Richard Timmis Jnr
- Occupation: Stone Mason George Stocks
- Occupation: Beer House Keeper Hannah Wood
- Occupation: Scholar Joshua Tomlinson
- Occupation: Coal Jagger John Eddowes
- Occupation: Schoolmaster (Writing & Arithmetric) James Woodward
- Occupation: Apprentice Grocer John Turner
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer John Woodward
- Occupation: Scholar William Tomlinson
- Occupation: Dock Gateman James Tyack
- Occupation: Scholar Ellen Tomlinson
- Occupation: Power Loom Weaver Robert Valentine Pickles
- Occupation: Travelling Tea Dealer William Handford
- Occupation: Grocers Shopwoman Esther Finn
- Occupation: Errand Boy Thomas William Handford
- Occupation: Coal Miner John Hopwood
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver John Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Joseph (Joshua) Mather
- Occupation: Scholar Samuel Mather
- Occupation: General Provission Dealer James Morris
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Sarah Bayley
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Thomas Brereton
- Occupation: Porter John Batho
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer William Collings
- Occupation: Publican Solomon Mather
- Occupation: Power Loom Weaver William Buckley
- Occupation: Power Loom Weaver Jonathan Buckley
- Occupation: Power Loom Weaver Cornelius Buckley
- Occupation: Farmer Isaac Mather
- Occupation: Silk Weaver Richard Bolton
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Thomas Banks
- Occupation: Quarryman Joseph Mather
- Occupation: Farmer Isaac Mather
- Occupation: House Proprietrer Samuel Morgan
- Occupation: Farmer Thomas Bruerton
- Occupation: Clothier Charles Crosland
- Occupation: Farmer John Blackburn
- Occupation: Stone Mason Charles Stocks
- Occupation: Stone Mason Joseph Stocks
- Occupation: Bricklayers Labourer Roland Hartley
- Occupation: Farmer George Stocks
- Occupation: Cotton Spinner Holt Mather
- Occupation: Shoemaker Joseph Woodward
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver James Mather
- Occupation: Outdoor Labourer Henry Mather
- Occupation: Carder Richard Mather
- Occupation: Stone Quarryman Robert Mather
- Occupation: Gas Maker Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver John Mather
- Occupation: Bleacher (finisher) Wright Mather
- Occupation: Factory Operative Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver John Mather
- Occupation: Woollen Warper James Crosland
- Occupation: Woollen Weaver Hannah Lockwood
- Occupation: Iron Moulder Ralph Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Wright Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver John Bolton
- Occupation: Bobbin Winder of Cotton Mary Horrocks
- Occupation: Block Printer Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Coal Miner Nathan Mather
- Occupation: Coal Miner Isaac Mather
- Occupation: Joiner David Hale
- Occupation: Cigar Maker Robert Hale
- Occupation: Farmer Jeremiah (Jeremy) Mather
- Occupation: Collier Robert Mather
- Occupation: Twine Spinner Henry Latham
- Occupation: Iron Forge Man (i.e. Smith) John Mather
- Occupation: Iron Moulder James Mather
- Occupation: Labourer Edward Roberts
- Occupation: Coal Miner Henry Mather
- Occupation: Coal Miner Levi Mather
- Occupation: Shop Keeper John Mather
- Occupation: Innkeeper Peter Unsworth
- Occupation: Schoolmaster James Flitcroft
- Occupation: Scholar Hannah (Susannah) Mather
- Occupation: Piecer Charles Horrocks
- Occupation: Maltster John Eddowes
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer John Hopley
- Occupation: Coal Miner John Mather
- Occupation: Farmer Ellis Mather
- Occupation: Labourer & House Man Moses Mather
- Occupation: Tabbaconists Porter John Tomlinson
- Occupation: Tailor William Tomlinson
- Occupation: Boot & Shoe Maker Peter Tomlinson
- Occupation: White Smith Albert James Tomlinson
- Occupation: Farmer James Mather
- Occupation: Coal Miner William Mather
- Occupation: Coal Miner John Mather
- Occupation: Shoemaker Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Coal Carter John Mather
- Occupation: Teacher Thomas William Marsh
- Occupation: Farmer John Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Thomas Taylor
- Occupation: Moulder of Plaster Thomas Westby
- Occupation: Toll Collector Robert Cunliffe
- Occupation: Labour Agent James Cunliffe
- Occupation: Power Loom Weaver William Buckley
- Occupation: Labourer John Smith
- Occupation: Weaver Winifred Astley
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer George Woodworth (Woodward)
- Occupation: Outdoor Labourer Job Stocks
- Occupation: Collier Miles Mather
- Occupation: Collier Richard Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Ann Clarkson
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Thomas Hopley
- Occupation: Farmer William Hopley
- Occupation: Master Shoemaker Mary Hopley
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer John Mather
- Occupation: Plasterer Nathan Mather
- Occupation: Quarryman John Mather
- Occupation: Crofter Joseph Holt
- Occupation: Crofter Henry Holt
- Occupation: Crofter John Holt
- Occupation: Shopkeeper & farmer Henry Holt
- Occupation: Cordwainer Samuel Mather
- Occupation: Piecer Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Power Loom Weaver Sarah Moscrop
- Occupation: Coal Miner Samuel Lord
- Occupation: Twister Josiah (Joseph) Phethean
- Occupation: Anchor & Chain Maker Thomas Stanton Eddowes
- Occupation: Stone Mason Edwin Smith
- Occupation: Wool Comber John Pickles
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver John Slater
- Occupation: Pilot Cap John Bennett
- Occupation: Waterman Abraham Kendall
- Occupation: Pilot Benjamin Bennett
- Occupation: Mariner Edward Bennett
- Occupation: Sailmaker Jonathan Bennett
- Occupation: Pilot Benjamin Bennett
- Occupation: Engineer Thomas Lever
- Occupation: Beer Seller James Greenhalgh
- Occupation: Cotton Spinner Samuel Mather
- Occupation: Butcher James Hopley
- Occupation: Bonnet Maker Sarah Hirst
- Occupation: Butcher Joseph Smith
- Occupation: Dress Maker Susannah Boothroyd
- Occupation: Labourer William Gledhill
- Occupation: Shroud Maker Mary Boothroyd
- Occupation: Coal Miner Joseph Gledhill
- Occupation: Blacksmith John Gledhill
- Occupation: Carpenter James Holder Bowling
- Occupation: Green Grocer William Mather
- Occupation: Farmer John Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Thomas Smith
- Occupation: Brick Layer Robert Smith
- Occupation: Wheelwright William Dennison
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Jonathan Riding
- Occupation: Farmer of 32 Acres Hugh Riding
- Occupation: Blacksmith Samuel Alker
- Occupation: Millwright Jacob Goodfellow
- Occupation: Millwright Simeon Goodfellow
- Occupation: Mechanic Nathan Booth
- Occupation: Singer of Calico Nathaniel (Nathan) Mather
- Occupation: Counterpane Weaver William Booth
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Ralph Eddowes
- Occupation: Outdoor Labourer James Schofield
- Occupation: Labourer Stephen Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Stretcher Richard Redford
- Occupation: Quarryman James Mather
- Occupation: Carter Joseph Collings
- Occupation: Whitster Samuel Kay
- Occupation: Crofter James Lomax
- Occupation: Fuller Robert Mather
- Occupation: Carter Joseph Lewis
- Occupation: Coal Miner Joseph Lewis
- Occupation: Coal Miner William Lewis
- Occupation: Nail Manufacturer Henry Winstanley
- Occupation: Fisherman Robert Lewis
- Occupation: Fisherman Thomas Lewis
- Occupation: Coal Miner Thomas Lewis
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Thomas Roscoe
- Occupation: Apprentice Tailor William Roscoe
- Occupation: Farmer Jane Jones
- Occupation: Farmer Samuel Williams
- Occupation: Cockle Gatherer Bridget Nowland
- Occupation: Pipemaker Thomas Heyes
- Occupation: Pipe Manufacturer Thomas Whalley
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer John Williams
- Occupation: Mariner William Williams
- Occupation: Crate Maker, Journeyman John Rhodes
- Occupation: Fisherman Benjamin Bennett
- Occupation: Mariner Edward Bennett
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer John Millington
- Occupation: Coal Miner Thomas Millington
- Occupation: Coal Miner Thomas Dawson
- Occupation: Fisherman Edward Dodd
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Joseph Crofts
- Occupation: Coal Miner Edward Wainright
- Occupation: Joiner John Lewis
- Occupation: Bookkeeper Edward Baron
- Occupation: Coal Miner John Millington
- Occupation: Collier William Millington
- Occupation: Servant George Youd Millington
- Occupation: Farmer Charles Richards
- Occupation: Farmer John Richardson
- Occupation: Collier William Millington
- Occupation: Traveller John Mather
- Occupation: Fuller James Mather
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer William Hughes
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Thomas Brereton
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Thomas Hughes
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer James Brereton
- Occupation: Weaver Isaac Mather
- Occupation: Green Grocer Joseph Waddington
- Occupation: Cotton Manufacturer James Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Doubler Betsy Rothwell
- Occupation: Labourer James Rothwell
- Occupation: Counterpane Weaver James Mather
- Occupation: Labourer Charles Mather
- Occupation: Steam Loom Weaver Ann Isherwood
- Occupation: Steam Loom Weaver Susannah (Susan) Isherwood
- Occupation: Landed Proprietor John Edwards
- Occupation: Whitelimer Masher Peter Booth
- Occupation: Fuller, Miller Richard Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Philip Banks
- Occupation: Scholar Sarah (Martha) Ann Buckley
- Occupation: Hotel Keeper Josiah (Joseph) Mather
- Occupation: Painter James Booth
- Occupation: Cotton Spinner James Mather
- Occupation: Engine Tenter James Crompton
- Occupation: Carter Joshua Grundy
- Occupation: Coal Miner Ellis Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Thomas Lowe
- Occupation: Green Tea Dealer Joseph Lowe
- Occupation: Millwright Mathew Crook
- Occupation: Labourer James Walkden
- Occupation: Warper Jacob Mather
- Occupation: Bobbin Winder of Cotton Mary Ann Wilson
- Occupation: Mill Warper (Journeyman) John Mather
- Occupation: Quarryman Peter Mather
- Occupation: Quarryman Jacob Mather
- Occupation: Druggist William Crossland Mather
- Occupation: Brick Maker John Waillis
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Ann Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver William Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Maker-Up William Rostron
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver George Mather
- Occupation: Silk Weaver Ellen Mather
- Occupation: Cow Keeper Ann Mather
- Occupation: Dressmaker Tabitha Mather
- Occupation: Engine Stoker William Elliott
- Occupation: General Labourer Peter Smith
- Occupation: Coal Miner David Haslam
- Occupation: Coal Miner Thomas Haslam
- Occupation: Power Loom Weaver Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Gingerbread maker Alice Boardman
- Occupation: Silk Weaver Henry Mather
- Occupation: Silk Weaver John Mather
- Occupation: Calico Printer William Garside
- Occupation: Joiner Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Joiner Charles Ambro Stephenson
- Occupation: Clogger William Hilton
- Occupation: Master Joiner Moses Scott
- Occupation: White Limer Robert Tong
- Occupation: Farmer John Mather
- Occupation: Paper Maker James Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Dresser Robert Welsh
- Occupation: Cotton Winder Hannah Welsh
- Occupation: Coal Miner Robert Welsh
- Occupation: Crofter Robert Longworth
- Occupation: Twist Reeler Martha Gradwell
- Occupation: Bed Quilt Weaver Joseph Unsworth (Mather)
- Occupation: Dyer John Lomax
- Occupation: Crofter Henry Lomax
- Occupation: Crofter Thomas Lomax
- Occupation: Coke Burner William Mather
- Occupation: Canal Clerk Samuel Bond Brereton
- Occupation: Soldier Matthias Fairclough
- Occupation: Inn Keeper & Farmer Richard Mather
- Occupation: Inn Keeper & Farmer Elizabeth Buckley
- Occupation: Wheelwright Edward Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Jonathan Mather
- Occupation: Counterpane Weaver Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Wheelwright James Mather
- Occupation: Farmer John Settle
- Occupation: Provision Dealer Elizabeth (Betsy) Mather
- Occupation: Stone Delver Joseph Heaton
- Occupation: Spindle Maker Thomas Chadwick
- Occupation: Victuller Phillip Capper
- Occupation: Farmer Thomas Eddowes
- Occupation: Carrier Robert Griffiths
- Occupation: Tailor Richard Allen
- Occupation: Tailor Thomas Allen
- Occupation: Tailor William Allen
- Occupation: Tailor John Allen
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer John Mather
- Occupation: Joiner William Makinson
- Occupation: Plasterer & Painter Luke Booth
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Joseph Hartley
- Occupation: Mechanical Engineer William Stocks
- Occupation: Road Labourer John Crosland
- Occupation: Cloth Finisher Charles Crosland
- Occupation: Bookkeeper James Godment
- Occupation: Police Constable Edwin Halliwell
- Occupation: Gardener & Ag Labourer Ralph Eddowes
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Henry Eddowes
- Occupation: Farmer John Tomlinson Berkenhout
- Occupation: Wheelwright Samuel Brereton
- Occupation: Miner John Eddowes
- Occupation: Cotton Spinner John Lee
- Occupation: Spade Labourer Joseph Mather
- Occupation: Baker Betty Greenhalgh
- Occupation: Organist James Mather
- Occupation: Power Loom Weaver Ralph Mather
- Occupation: Stripper & Grinder James Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Joseph Mather
- Occupation: Barber Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Porter Andrew Bentley
- Occupation: Overlooker Lawrence Mather
- Occupation: Silk Weaver, Hand Loom William Mather
- Occupation: Silk Weaver, Hand Loom Betty Edge
- Occupation: Silk Weaver, Hand Loom James Mather
- Occupation: Maker-Up Richard Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Sarah Chadwick
- Occupation: Stover of Twist John Jones
- Occupation: Shoemaker Richard Mather
- Occupation: Bread Baker William Mather
- Occupation: Steam Loom Weaver William Taylor
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer James Hargreaves
- Occupation: Coal Miner John Howarth
- Occupation: Cloth Dresser John Crosland
- Occupation: Cloth Dresser Joseph Crosland
- Occupation: Painter James Robinson
- Occupation: Groom George Mather
- Occupation: Silk Picker John Mather
- Occupation: Railway Porter here was also John Lomax John Lomax
- Occupation: Grocer Daniel Haddock
- Occupation: Tenter Mary Buckley
- Occupation: Coal Miner Thomas Stafford
- Occupation: Fire Beater Abraham Collings
- Occupation: Washer John Allen
- Occupation: Counterpane Weaver John Lomax
- Occupation: Finisher Mary Walton
- Occupation: Bleacher James Walton
- Occupation: Bleacher Joshua Walton
- Occupation: Bleacher John Walton
- Occupation: Joiner Joseph Mather
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Edmund (Edward) Crosland
- Occupation: Callico Printer John Mather
- Occupation: Lead Roller Jeffery Mather
- Occupation: Wine Merchant Kinder Liversidge
- Occupation: Hatter Francis (Frank) Roberts
- Occupation: Labourer David Crosland
- Occupation: Labourer Ard Crosland (Smith)
- Occupation: Night Watchman James Ashcroft
- Occupation: Woollen Manufacturer William Shaw
- Occupation: Labourer William Robinson
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver William Allen
- Occupation: Wheelwright Isaac Mather
- Occupation: Block Printer John Mather
- Occupation: Bed Quilt Weaver Simon Mather
- Occupation: Bed Quilt Weaver Jeffrey (Geffrey) Mather
- Occupation: Bed Quilt Weaver Simon Mather
- Occupation: Bed Quilt Weaver Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Bricklayer Thomas Gillmore
- Occupation: Spinner Isaac Mathers
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Joseph Mather
- Occupation: Fuller Robert Mather
- Occupation: Gardener Stephen Mather
- Occupation: Page Ephriam Mather
- Occupation: Power Loom Weaver Elizabeth Mather
- Occupation: Overlooker Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Tailor William Mather
- Occupation: Dressmaker Margaret Jones
- Occupation: Engineer John J Schofield
- Occupation: Twister John Storey
- Occupation: Bobbin & Wood turner Henry Stones
- Occupation: Collier Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Fuller James Mather
- Occupation: Bolt Maker Adam Smith
- Occupation: Labourer John Waring
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Francis Mather
- Occupation: Coal Miner Thomas Boden
- Occupation: Farmer & Carrier James Heap
- Occupation: Quarryman Joseph Heap
- Occupation: Carter Richard Heap
- Occupation: Power Loom Weaver Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Schoolmaster James Cunliffe
- Occupation: WarehouseWoman Ellen Hope
- Occupation: Tinplate Worker William Mather
- Occupation: Maid Servant Mary Mather
- Occupation: Carter Jonathan Mather
- Occupation: Factory Piecer William Mather
- Occupation: Weaver Peter Kay
- Occupation: Carder James Lingard
- Occupation: Piecer Sarah Horrocks
- Occupation: Blacksmith John Brereton
- Occupation: Stone Mason Benjamin Stocks
- Occupation: Stone Mason John Nelson
- Occupation: White Liner William Ramsden
- Occupation: General Labourer James Crosland
- Occupation: Cloth Finisher John Crosland
- Occupation: Labourer Isaac Woodward
- Occupation: Cooper William Henry Alexander Woodward
- Occupation: Cotton Spinner Job Openshaw Snr
- Occupation: Tailor Job Openshaw
- Occupation: Wine Merchant Sidney Sherlock
- Occupation: Labourer James Tomlinson
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver John Haslam
- Occupation: Brick Maker George Hulme
- Occupation: Cotton twiner Joseph Buckley
- Occupation: Blacksmith George Brereton
- Occupation: Joiner John Brereton
- Occupation: Blacksmith William Henry Brereton
- Occupation: Farmer William Brereton
- Occupation: Labourer Henry Eaton
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Henry Brereton
- Occupation: Tailor John Rogers
- Occupation: File Cutter Samuel Mather
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Ralph Eddowes
- Occupation: Stalion Agent Edward Crosland
- Occupation: Labourer Samuel Catherall
- Occupation: Labourer Ralph Brereton
- Occupation: Tea & Coffee Salesman Josiah Brereton
- Occupation: Farmer William Brereton
- Occupation: Publican John Rowland
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver John Allen
- Occupation: Gardener Thomas Allen
- Occupation: Shoemaker Isaac Mather
- Occupation: General Practitioner Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Surgeon & General Practicioner John Mather
- Occupation: Stone Mason Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Coal Miner Richard Mather
- Occupation: Stone Mason James Mather
- Occupation: Sand Carrier William Brereton
- Occupation: Crofter Henry Twist
- Occupation: Factory Worker Robert Howarth
- Occupation: Labourer Edmund Holt
- Occupation: Boiler Maker William Tinsley
- Occupation: Grocer Christopher Wilks
- Occupation: Woollen Manufacturer William Kay
- Occupation: Beer House Keeper John Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Jane Naylor, Mary Johnson, Thomas Naylor, Sarah Naylor, Ellen Naylor, Thomas Naylor
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Joseph (Joe) Mather, Elizabeth Kay, Sarah Alice Mather, Samuel Mather, Hannah (Susannah) Mather, Margaret Mather, John Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence George Mather, Happy Mather, Maria Barrow, Eliza Mather, Alice Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Cornelius Buckley, Esther (Eliza) Scowcroft, William Buckley, Joseph Buckley, Mary Buckley, Sarah (Martha) Ann Buckley
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Jonathan Buckley, Mary Webster, Hannah Buckley, William Buckley, John Buckley, Ellen Buckley, Joseph Buckley, Sarah Ann Buckley
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Mary Crook, John Buckley, John Mather, Mary Buckley, Benjamin Buckley, Margaret Miller, Cornelius Buckley, William Buckley, Joseph Buckley, James Buckley, John Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Patience (Patricia) Oldham, Martha Buckley, Mary Buckley, Emma Buckley, Henry Buckley, Ellen Buckley, Edith Buckley, Beatrice (Beattie) Buckley, Silas Buckley
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Isaac Mather, Jane Mather, Samuel Mather, Eliza Mather, Mary Fairhurst
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Mary Thorp, Thomas Mather, John Mather, Joseph (Joshua) Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Mary Smith, Henry Smith, Jane Smith, Sarah Amy Pickles
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence William Cockshutt Pickles, Thomas Pickles, Zilpha (Zilphe) Whitaker, Thomas Wood, Thomas Whitaker Pickles
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Thompson Foulds, Elizabeth Sugden, William Foulds
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence John (Jack) Foulds, Maria Watmuff, John Thompson Foulds
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence James Stocks, Sarah (Sally) Campinot
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Mary Stocks, William Boothroyd, William Henry Boothroyd, James Boothroyd, Eliza Boothroyd
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Esther Eddowes, Mary Whitfield, John Eddowes, Thomas Eddowes, John Eddowes, Edmund (Edwin) Harry Eddowes, William Eddowes, Matthew Eddowes, Lydia Eddowes
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence (Elizabeth) Ellen Lea, Martha Brereton, Anne Brereton, Elizabeth Brereton
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Richard Brereton
- Occupancy/Contact: temporary residence George Brereton
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Richard Brereton, George Brereton, Jane Hopley, William Brereton, Robert Brereton, John Brereton, Jane Brereton, Charles Brereton
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Alice Mather, James Brooks, Alice Brooks, George Brooks, John Brooks, Charles Brooks
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Richard Timmis Jnr, Richard Timmis, Ellen (Ellenor) Timmis, John Arthur Edwards
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Samuel Stocks, Rebecca Ann Robinson, George Stocks
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Ann Nightingale
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Thomas Brereton, Martha Hughes, Mary Brereton, Jane Brereton, Samuel Brereton, Sarah Brereton
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence William Brereton Jnr, Mary Bate, Roger Brereton, William Brereton, George Brereton, Edward Brereton
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Samuel Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Richard Brereton
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Charles Stocks
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Jane Welsby, John Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence William Brereton Jnr
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Richard Mather, Wright Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Alice Hartley, James Mather, Margaret Wood
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Richard Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Martha Mather, Ellen Mather, Jane Mather, Richard Mather, Robert Roper (Mather)
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Jacob Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: James Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Samuel Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence James Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Benjamin Buckley