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Male Richard Timmis Jnr Click to view Richard Timmis Jnr in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Richard was born in August 1826 in Liverpool and his baptism took place on August 20th, 1826 at St. Peter (Liverpool).1 2  Richard's father was Richard Timmis and his mother was Ellen Lewis.  His paternal grandparents were Richard Timmis and Mary Hall. He had a brother and five sisters, named Josiah, Catherine, Mary, Ellenor, Ann and Jane.  He was the youngest of the seven children.  He died due to Alzheimer's disease, Senile decay and heart failure, at the age of 75 on March 19th, 1902 in Bebington.3 

Richard's family with Lydia Woodward

Wife's Pictures
Family Pictures
‌Richard and Lydia were married in a religious ceremony on January 10th, 1859 at St. Peter (Liverpool) by Curate William Duncan and witnessed by John and Jane Ann Wragg.3  They had three daughters named Ellen, Jinnie and Lydia.

1 1881 UK Census
4 1851 UK Census
5 1861 UK Census
6 1871 UK Census
7 Cheshire Parish Records (1538-2000)
8 Certificate - Death
9 Ancestry Family Trees
10 National Probate Records
11 1911 UK Census
12 Newspaper - Lydia Brereton Obituary
13 Individual - Mum & Dad
14 Headstone - Richard & Lydia Brereton

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