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Female Sarah Amy Pickles (Sarah Pighills) Click to view Sarah Amy Pickles in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Sarah was born in October 1826 at DickStiles and her christening took place on November 5th, 1826 at St. Bartholomew's (Colne).1 2  Sarah's father was Thomas Pickles and her mother was Mary Roberts.  Her paternal grandparents were Thomas Pickles and Mary Walsh; her maternal grandparents were James Roberts and Lucy Coulthurst. She had six brothers and five sisters, named Thomas, John, William, Robert, Edward, Dinley, Margaret, Mary, Sarah, Alice and Caroline.  She was the fourth youngest of the twelve children.  She died due to Alzheimer's disease, Senile Decay, certified by G.B. Brown MB, at the age of 80 on June 29th, 1907 in Tranmere.3 

Sarah's first family with Henry Smith

Husband's Pictures
Family Pictures
‌Sarah and Henry were married in a religious ceremony on October 2nd, 1848 in Calverley by Vicar Alfred Brown MA and witnessed by Isaac Wood and John Kirk.8  They had a son and three daughters, named William, Mary, Jane and Anne.  There are no more children.

Sarah's second family with John (Jack) Foulds

Family Pictures
‌Sarah and Jack were married in a religious ceremony on November 10th, 1869 in Keighley by Curate Robert Stansfield and witnessed by James Flattery & Israel Foulds.8 

1 1871 UK Census
2 Lancashire OPC Project
3 Certificate - Death
4 1841 UK Census
5 1881 UK Census
6 1891 UK Census
7 1901 UK Census
8 Certificate - Marriage
9 1851 UK Census
10 1861 UK Census
11 West Yorkshire Births & Baptisms (1813-1910)
13 Certificate - Birth
14 Burial Records - Bebington
15 Headstone - Samuel & Albert Stocks
16 Headstone - William & Lucy Smith
17 GRO Reference
18 West Yorkshire Deaths & Burials (1813-1985)
Further sources/citations:
1901 Mather Wedding Photo,

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