1841 UK Census
All Counties
The following information was requested:
Name of street, place, road, etc.
House number or name
Name of each person that had spent the night in that household
Sex (indicated by which column the age is recorded in)
Profession or occupation
Where born**
*The ages of people over 15 years old were usually rounded down to the nearest 5 years. Therefore, someone who was actually 24 years would have their age listed as 20, and someone who was actually 27 years old would have their age listed as 25.
**The "Where Born" column only asked two questions - 1) whether born in same county, and 2) whether born in Scotland, Ireland, or Foreign Parts. Possible answers and abbreviations to question #1 include: Yes (Y), No, (N), or Not Known (NK). For question #2, the following abbreviations were used: Scotland (S), Ireland (I), and Foreign Parts (F).
Enumeration forms were distributed to all households a couple of days before census night and the complete forms were collected the next day. All responses were to reflect the individual's status as of 6 June 1841 for all individuals who had spent the night in the house. People who were traveling or living abroad were enumerated at the location where they spent the night on census night. All of the details from the individual forms were later sorted and copied into enumerators' books, which are the records we can view images of today. The original householder's schedules from 1841 to 1901 were destroyed.
The clerks who compiled and reviewed the census data made a variety of marks on the returns. Unfortunately, many of these tally marks were written over personal information and some fields, such as ages, can be difficult to read as a result. More useful marks include a single slash between households within a building and a double slash separating households in separate buildings.
The cited information was sourced from Census <
http://www.ancestry.co.uk/> This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.
1841 census returns for the UK.
- References (1805)
- Parent Source: UK Census Collection
- Social Relationship: John Mather was a neighbour of Ellen Buckley.
- Individual: Susannah Stocks
- Individual: Elizabeth Kay
- Individual: Ann Bolton
- Individual: Richard Tomlinson
- Individual: John Bolton
- Individual: John Allen
- Individual: Thomas Bolton Tomlinson
- Individual: George Mather
- Individual: Happy Mather
- Individual: Mary Goller (or Geller)
- Individual: James Tomlinson
- Individual: Albert James Tomlinson
- Individual: Francis Constantine Tomlinson
- Individual: John Tomlinson
- Individual: Margaret (Mary?) Tomlinson
- Individual: Ellen Buckley
- Individual: Ruth Taylor
- Individual: Samuel Kay
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Sarah Kay
- Individual: Ruth Kay
- Individual: Rachel Kay
- Individual: Mary Kay
- Individual: John Kay
- Individual: James Kay
- Individual: Hannah Kay
- Individual: Mary Whitaker
- Individual: George Tomlinson
- Individual: Mary Crook
- Individual: John Buckley
- Individual: Henry Smith
- Individual: Samuel Mather
- Individual: Samuel Mather
- Individual: Rebecca Ann Robinson
- Individual: John Brereton
- Individual: Martha Brereton
- Individual: Alice Greenhalgh
- Individual: Mary (Polly) Tomlinson
- Individual: Richard Tomlinson
- Individual: Samuel Mather
- Individual: Hannah Wood
- Individual: Betty Robinson (Ward)
- Individual: Joseph Pighills
- Individual: Hannah Pighills
- Individual: Mary Pighills
- Individual: Sarah Pighills
- Individual: Thompson Foulds
- Individual: Elizabeth Sugden
- Individual: Martha Foulds
- Individual: Mary Ann Foulds
- Individual: John Foulds
- Individual: Hannah Robinson
- Individual: Israel Foulds
- Individual: Mary Waddington
- Individual: Hannah (Ann) Wild
- Individual: Joseph Foulds
- Individual: Ann Foulds
- Individual: Mary Roberts
- Individual: William Cockshutt Pickles
- Individual: Edward Whitehead Pickles
- Individual: Dinelry (Dinley) Pickles
- Individual: Alice Pickles
- Individual: Rachael Brown
- Individual: Eliza Brown
- Individual: Sarah Brown
- Individual: Mary Buckley
- Individual: Benjamin Buckley
- Individual: Cornelius Buckley
- Individual: James Buckley
- Individual: Jacob Mather
- Individual: Sarah Sandels
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Andrew Mather
- Individual: Charles Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: Frances Mather
- Individual: Jane Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Lomas Mather
- Individual: Josiah Buckley
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Amy (Amey or Emy) Worsley
- Individual: Sophia Mather
- Individual: Jonathan Brook
- Individual: William Cheetham
- Individual: John Pickles
- Individual: Sarah Nunweek
- Individual: Henry Pickles
- Individual: James Edward Pickles
- Individual: Joseph Pickles
- Individual: Mary Ann Pickles
- Individual: Thomas Pickles
- Individual: William Pickles
- Individual: Thomas Pickles
- Individual: Thomas Thomas
- Individual: Mary Ann Burnett
- Individual: John Thomas
- Individual: Sarah Thomas
- Individual: Mary Thomas
- Individual: George Calderbank
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Ann Brereton
- Individual: Margaret Brereton
- Individual: Sarah Jane Warburton
- Individual: Anne Darbyshire
- Individual: Martha Brereton
- Individual: Nancy (Nanny) Wood
- Individual: George Wood
- Individual: Daniel Wood
- Individual: Sarah Shaw
- Individual: Thomas Wood
- Individual: Ann Wood
- Individual: Hannah Bebbington
- Individual: Sarah Inman
- Individual: Mary Barrow
- Individual: William Brook
- Individual: Sarah (Reuben) Mather
- Individual: Jane Mather
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Martha Reynolds
- Individual: Mary Postans
- Individual: John Leetward
- Individual: Honor (Honoria) Postans
- Individual: John Roebuck
- Individual: Elizabeth Roebuck
- Individual: Eliza Roebuck
- Individual: Martha Roebuck
- Individual: Jane Hopwood
- Individual: Edward Hopwood
- Individual: (Mary) Anne Codre
- Individual: Hannah Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betsy) Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Sarah Henshall
- Individual: David Wood
- Individual: Betty Johnson
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Rachel Mather
- Individual: Frances Lucretia Thornton
- Individual: Ruth D Thornton
- Individual: Maria Gertrude Thornton
- Individual: Ann (Annie) Thornton
- Individual: George Thornton
- Individual: James Thornton
- Individual: William Thornton
- Individual: Prudence Thornton
- Individual: Mary Thornton
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Betty Bayley
- Individual: Sarah Flitcroft
- Individual: Thomas Flitcroft
- Individual: Sarah Bayley
- Individual: James Wilkinson
- Individual: Alice Wilkinson
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betty) Mather
- Individual: Helen Mather
- Individual: George Batho
- Individual: Rosanna (Rosina)
- Individual: George Hopley
- Individual: Catherine Caldecott
- Individual: George Hopley
- Individual: John Walter DeGruchy
- Individual: Samuel Hughes
- Individual: George Kay
- Individual: Richard Clarkson
- Individual: Susannah Clarkson
- Individual: Thomas Clarkson
- Individual: Jane Clarkson
- Individual: Robert Clarkson
- Individual: Joseph Clarkson
- Individual: Betty Sutcliff
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: Ann Roper (Mather)
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: Margaret Mather
- Individual: James Oldham
- Individual: Catherine Oldham
- Individual: Sarah (Sally) Andrews
- Individual: Ann Buckley
- Individual: Hannah Buckley
- Individual: Elizabeth Welsby
- Individual: Ann Bolton
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betty) Banks
- Individual: Jane Smith
- Individual: Henry Lister
- Individual: Thomas Lister
- Individual: William Lister
- Individual: Mathew Bradley
- Individual: Ann Oldfield
- Individual: Ann Green
- Individual: Emma Lea
- Individual: Frances Lea
- Individual: Ann Hopley
- Individual: John Dod-Hopley
- Individual: Samuel Bond Brereton
- Individual: Ann Parker
- Individual: Thomas Hopley
- Individual: Elizabeth Hopley
- Individual: Margaret Hopley
- Individual: Randle Hopley
- Individual: Samuel Hopley
- Individual: Robert Hopley
- Individual: Ann Hopley
- Individual: Randle Hopley Sherlock
- Individual: Jane Stananought
- Individual: James Stananought
- Individual: Mary Stananought
- Individual: John Brereton
- Individual: Elizabeth Salmon
- Individual: George Brereton
- Individual: Sarah Fearns
- Individual: Edwin Brereton
- Individual: Francis Brereton
- Individual: Edward Brereton
- Individual: Alfred Gleadhill
- Individual: Martha Stocks
- Individual: Hannah Edwards
- Individual: Ann Wilkinson
- Individual: Thomas Stocks
- Individual: Mary McQuire
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Maria Mather
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Susannah Mather
- Individual: Nancy Mather
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Amos Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Esther Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Jane Mather
- Individual: Susannah Mather
- Individual: Charlotte Bullough Wid
- Individual: Edward Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth Roper
- Individual: Robert Mather
- Individual: Samuel Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Rachel Mather
- Individual: Mary Ann Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Elena Haslam
- Individual: Eunice Mather
- Individual: Martha Mather
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual: Hannah Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Hannah (Ann) Dearden
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Jane Mather
- Individual: Henry Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Henry Mather
- Individual: Caroline Mather
- Individual: Alice Brooks
- Individual: Jesse Farnell
- Individual: Edwin Farnell
- Individual: James Crosland
- Individual: Benjamin Farnell
- Individual: Daniel Dyson
- Individual: Ellen Woodhead
- Individual: Emelia Dyson
- Individual: George Dyson
- Individual: Hadfield Dyson
- Individual: Abraham Dyson
- Individual: Elizabeth Dyson
- Individual: Ralph Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Martha Mather
- Individual: Betsy (Betty) Hall
- Individual: Fanny Mather
- Individual: Grace Jones
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Mary Horrocks
- Individual: Margaret Horrocks
- Individual: Charles Horrocks
- Individual: James Horrocks
- Individual: Betty Schofield
- Individual: Adam Schofield
- Individual: Thomas Horrocks
- Individual: Frances (Fanny) Hathaway Mather
- Individual: William Crosland
- Individual: Joseph Crosland
- Individual: William Kay
- Individual: Ellen Varley
- Individual: Isabella Kay
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betty) Hustler
- Individual: Reuben Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Henry Mather
- Individual: Helen Mather
- Individual: Abel Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Nathan Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Benjamin (Bennett) Isherwood
- Individual: Ralph Isherwood
- Individual: John Isherwood
- Individual: Alice Isherwood
- Individual: James Hale
- Individual: Robert Roper (Mather)
- Individual: Charlotte Mather
- Individual: Margaret Mather
- Individual: Betty Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Miles Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betty) Farrand
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Squire Scowcroft
- Individual: Ann Berks
- Individual: Job Timmis
- Individual: Sarah Moore
- Individual: Mary Malley
- Individual: Margaret Lister
- Individual: Selina Lister
- Individual: Lucy Lister
- Individual: James Lees
- Individual: Joseph Lees
- Individual: Susannah Lees
- Individual: John Lees
- Individual: Josiah Lees
- Individual: George Carter
- Individual: John Buckley
- Individual: Alice Rhodes
- Individual: James Buckley
- Individual: Hannah Buckley
- Individual: Elizabeth Buckley
- Individual: Frederick Buckley
- Individual: Esther Buckley
- Individual: Ann Crook
- Individual: John Crook
- Individual: Sarah Crook
- Individual: Noah Schofield
- Individual: Mary Lees
- Individual: Charles Schofield
- Individual: Mary Schofield
- Individual: Wright Schofield
- Individual: Sarah Whitehead
- Individual: Daniel (Dan) Carter
- Individual: Mary Carter
- Individual: Sarah Carter
- Individual: Elizabeth Carter
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Mally Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betty) Mather
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Edward Mather
- Individual: Ruth Mather
- Individual: Martha Mather
- Individual: Betty Mather
- Individual: Ellen Turner
- Individual: Allan Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Sarah Buckley
- Individual: James Beswick
- Individual: Alice Booth
- Individual: John Booth
- Individual: Mary Bond
- Individual: James Booth
- Individual: Robert Booth
- Individual: John Booth
- Individual: Mary Booth
- Individual: Ellen Booth
- Individual: Nancy Beswick
- Individual: James Beswick
- Individual: Alice Beswick
- Individual: Thomas Yates
- Individual: Mary Yates
- Individual: Sarah Yates
- Individual: Elizabeth Yates
- Individual: Charles Hopley
- Individual: Thomas Hopley
- Individual: Elizabeth Shone
- Individual: Lavinia Mather
- Individual: Moses Mather
- Individual: Mary Crook
- Individual: Joseph Crook
- Individual: Sarah Crook
- Individual: James Crook
- Individual: Samuel Crook
- Individual: Mary Crook
- Individual: Rachel Crook
- Individual: Hannah Crook
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Charlotte Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Mary Marsh
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Betty Stott
- Individual: James Clough
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: William Henry Mather
- Individual: Ann Whitaker
- Individual: Charlotte Isherwood
- Individual: Peter Isherwood
- Individual: Mary Haworth
- Individual: Catherine Pilkington
- Individual: Joseph Crook
- Individual: Mary Cunliffe
- Individual: James Cunliffe
- Individual: Henry Cunliffe
- Individual: James Cunliffe
- Individual: Sarah Pickup
- Individual: Henry Hargreaves
- Individual: Jane (Jenny) Whitaker
- Individual: George Stocks
- Individual: Emma Stocks
- Individual: Thomas Slater
- Individual: Benjamin Hargreaves
- Individual: John Hargreaves
- Individual: Jane Hargreaves
- Individual: Ann Hargreaves
- Individual: Joseph Tattersall
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual: Ann Clarkson
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betty) Mather
- Individual: Margaret (Peggy) Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Lucy Mather
- Individual: Ralph Mather
- Individual: Martha Mather
- Individual: John Hopley
- Individual: Ann Bramall
- Individual: Thomas Hopley
- Individual: Charles Hopley
- Individual: John Riding
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Robert Mather
- Individual: Agnes Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Edward Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: George Timmis
- Individual: Nancy Holt
- Individual: Mary Holt
- Individual: James Holt
- Individual: John Holt
- Individual: Isaac Holt
- Individual: Amelia Holt
- Individual: William Holt
- Individual: John Clough
- Individual: James Clough
- Individual: Richard Clough
- Individual: Ann Clough
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual: James Moscrop
- Individual: Daniel Moscrop
- Individual: Thomas Moscrop
- Individual: Ellen Mather
- Individual: Martha Mather
- Individual: Abraham Nabb
- Individual: Abraham Nabb
- Individual: Nancy Nabb
- Individual: Charles Nabb
- Individual: Eliza Timmis
- Individual: James Timmis
- Individual: William Booth
- Individual: Daniel Booth
- Individual: Robert Booth
- Individual: Richard Booth
- Individual: Sarah Pickles
- Individual: Jane Smith
- Individual: Nancy Pickles
- Individual: Edward Bennett
- Individual: Elizabeth Bennett
- Individual: Benjamin Bennett
- Individual: Thomas Greenhalgh
- Individual: Robert Greenhalgh
- Individual: James Greenhalgh
- Individual: Miles Waddington
- Individual: Peter Mather
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Robert Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betsy) Mather
- Individual: Thomas Alker
- Individual: Alfred Mather
- Individual: Edward Mather
- Individual: Thomas Crosland
- Individual: Henry Crosland
- Individual: John William Crosland
- Individual: Victoria Oldham
- Individual: Arthur Bromiley
- Individual: Ellen Entwistle
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Eliza Smith (nee Jackson)
- Individual: Jane Ridings
- Individual: George Rhodes
- Individual: Mary Worrall
- Individual: Benjamin Goodfellow
- Individual: Martha Greenhalgh
- Individual: Lettis Greenhalgh
- Individual: John Greenhalgh
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: Richard Booth
- Individual: Richard Booth
- Individual: Betty Redford
- Individual: Joseph Booth
- Individual: Betty Booth
- Individual: Adam Booth
- Individual: Sarah Catherine Booth
- Individual: Richard Booth
- Individual: Martha (Matty) Horrocks
- Individual: Elizabeth Howarth
- Individual: Alice Howarth
- Individual: Mary Howarth
- Individual: Alice Rothwell
- Individual: Margaret Wood
- Individual: James (Jacobi) Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Jane Mather
- Individual: Esther Bromiley
- Individual: Betty Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth Horrocks
- Individual: Mary Hardman
- Individual: Samuel Isherwood
- Individual: John Isherwood
- Individual: Sarah Isherwood
- Individual: Henry Isherwood
- Individual: Alice Ashton
- Individual: Richard Redford
- Individual: Richard Eddowes
- Individual: Betty Woods
- Individual: Susannah Woods
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: Thomas Lewis
- Individual: Mary Lewis
- Individual: William Oxton
- Individual: Joseph Oxton
- Individual: Joseph Lewis
- Individual: Mary Lewis
- Individual: Ellen Lewis
- Individual: Jane Crofts
- Individual: Ann (Nancy) Grace
- Individual: Ellen Fyles
- Individual: Catherine Williams
- Individual: Hannah Williams
- Individual: Richard Jones
- Individual: Thomas Williams
- Individual: Elizabeth Williams
- Individual: Ann Peers
- Individual: Joseph Roberts
- Individual: John Roberts
- Individual: Robert Bithell
- Individual: Mary (Marina) Ann Rhodes
- Individual: Joseph Rhodes
- Individual: Martha Rhodes
- Individual: Ann Chorley
- Individual: Elizabeth Hughes
- Individual: John Bennett
- Individual: Edward Bennett
- Individual: Elizabeth Bennett
- Individual: William Bennett
- Individual: William Millington
- Individual: George Millington
- Individual: John Millington
- Individual: Mary Bennett
- Individual: John Bennett
- Individual: Benjamin Bennett
- Individual: Elizabeth Bennett
- Individual: Joseph Bennett
- Individual: Jonathan Bennett
- Individual: Samuel Bennett
- Individual: Maria Bennett
- Individual: William Bennett
- Individual: Edward Bennett
- Individual: Thomas Bennett
- Individual: John Crofts
- Individual: Martha Haslam
- Individual: William Millington
- Individual: Thomas Millington
- Individual: William Millington
- Individual: Sarah Youd
- Individual: Sarah Millington
- Individual: Jesse Millington
- Individual: Alfred Millington
- Individual: John Millington
- Individual: Thomas Millington
- Individual: James Millington
- Individual: Alice Millington
- Individual: William Millington
- Individual: John Millington
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Sylvia Hunt
- Individual: Thomas Hughes
- Individual: Hannah Hughes
- Individual: Emma Brereton
- Individual: Thomas Brereton
- Individual: James Crowest
- Individual: John Ramsden
- Individual: James Ramsden
- Individual: Thomas Ramsden
- Individual: Edward Davies
- Individual: Thomas Bolshaw
- Individual: Betsy Waddington
- Individual: Martha Waddington
- Individual: Joseph Waddington
- Individual: James Rothwell
- Individual: Hannah Rothwell
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Margaret Banks
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Mary Warburton
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: Rachel (Mary) Mather
- Individual: Martha Mather
- Individual: Thomas Charlton Mather
- Individual: Hannah Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Betty Mather
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual: Christopher Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth Ann Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Betty Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather (Ryder)
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Catherine Mather
- Individual: Margaret (Peggy) Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Harriet Mather
- Individual: Esther Mather
- Individual: Joseph Lowe
- Individual: Thomas Lowe
- Individual: Jane Crouchley
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betty) Banks
- Individual: Banks (James) Horrocks
- Individual: Edwin Horrocks
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Mary Jacks
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Samuel Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Henry Jacks Mather
- Individual: Peter Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth Stevens
- Individual: Elizabeth Stevens
- Individual: Richard Lee
- Individual: Ellen Lee
- Individual: Mary Lee
- Individual: John Tyldesley
- Individual: Jane Biggarstaff
- Individual: Abraham Mather
- Individual: Anne Mather
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betty) Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Jane Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Peter Mather
- Individual: Tabitha Mather
- Individual: David Milner
- Individual: Frances Mather
- Individual: Betty Collinge
- Individual: Jane (Jenny) Collinge
- Individual: David Haslam
- Individual: Mary Ann Haslam
- Individual: Thomas Haslam
- Individual: Betty Haslam
- Individual: Joseph Harden
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betty) France
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Jane Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Eliza Mather
- Individual: May Mather
- Individual: Jane Mather
- Individual: John Rigby
- Individual: Henry Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Hannah Mather
- Individual: Margaret Rigby
- Individual: John Rigby
- Individual: James Rigby
- Individual: Peter Rigby
- Individual: John Rigby
- Individual: Ann Rigby
- Individual: William Garside
- Individual: Fanny Garside
- Individual: Jane Stephenson
- Individual: Ann Stephenson
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betty) Jameson
- Individual: Robert Tong
- Individual: Joseph Rigby
- Individual: John Rigby
- Individual: Mary Rigby
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: Frances (Fanny) Holt
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Edmund Mather
- Individual: Frederick Mather
- Individual: Aked James Mather
- Individual: Alice Mather
- Individual: Alfred Mather
- Individual: Jane Longworth
- Individual: Joshua Kirkman
- Individual: Alice Kirkman
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Mary Johnson
- Individual: Lawrence Wroe
- Individual: Maria Knowles
- Individual: Sarah Ann Mather
- Individual: Richard Lomax
- Individual: Thomas Isherwood
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual: Alice Bradley
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Ellis Grundy
- Individual: James Grundy
- Individual: John Grundy
- Individual: Ann Mather Grundy
- Individual: John Settle
- Individual: Betty Mather
- Individual: John Boardman
- Individual: Rachael Boardman
- Individual: Jenny (Jane) Mather
- Individual: James Lee
- Individual: John Allen
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: John Barlow
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Mary Lee
- Individual: Catherine Jane Lee
- Individual: Joseph Lee
- Individual: Margaret Lee
- Individual: Arthur Allen
- Individual: John Hodkindon
- Individual: Richard Hodkindon
- Individual: James Hodkindon
- Individual: Thomas Hodkindon
- Individual: Peter Morris
- Individual: Mary Greenhalgh
- Individual: Robert Greenhalgh
- Individual: John Greenhalgh
- Individual: Richard Greenhalgh
- Individual: Aaron Greenhalgh
- Individual: Hannah (Ann) Bridge
- Individual: Leah Greenhalgh
- Individual: Hannah Greenhalgh
- Individual: Ellis Greenhalgh
- Individual: John Greenhalgh
- Individual: Susan Greenhalgh
- Individual: Richard Greenhalgh
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Christopher Isherwood
- Individual: Jonathan Isherwood
- Individual: Elizabeth Cook
- Individual: Esther Smith
- Individual: John Smith
- Individual: Ruth Rostron France
- Individual: Ellen France
- Individual: Daniel Lees
- Individual: Mary Ainley
- Individual: Martha Ainley
- Individual: John Crosland
- Individual: Alfred Gladstone
- Individual: Walter Gladstone
- Individual: Herbert Gladstone
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Betty Mather
- Individual: Ellen Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: Hannah Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth Harrison
- Individual: Edward Monks
- Individual: James Monks
- Individual: Robert Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth (Betty) Hardman
- Individual: Hugh Mather
- Individual: Betty Moband (tbc)
- Individual: Mary Chadwick
- Individual: William Kay
- Individual: Lucy Gledhill
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: Mary Gullan
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Isabella Hugganson Mather
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Betty Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Mary Whitehead
- Individual: Phebe Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Margaret Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Luke Bowden (Mather)
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Jane Mather
- Individual: Charles Mather
- Individual: Isabella Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Robert Mather
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual: Sarah (Sally) Stewart
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Moses Mather
- Individual: Henry Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Robert Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Henry Mather
- Individual: Betsy Mather
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Alice Hughes
- Individual: Mary Hughes
- Individual: Thomas Hughes
- Individual: Elizabeth Hughes
- Individual: Benjamin Hughes
- Individual: Humphrey Hughes
- Individual: Martha Bennett
- Individual: Ann Hughes
- Individual: William Bennett
- Individual: Mary Jones
- Individual: Mary Bennett
- Individual: Henry Bennett
- Individual: Benjamin Bennett
- Individual: William Bennett
- Individual: Susan (Susy) Livesey
- Individual: Betty Hamer
- Individual: Sarah Wood
- Individual: Martha Barlow
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Sarah Ann Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: John Walmsley
- Individual: John Walmsley
- Individual: Margaret Walmsley
- Individual: Elizabeth Jones
- Individual: Mary Jones
- Individual: William Jones
- Individual: Martha Jones
- Individual: Alice Jones
- Individual: John Jones
- Individual: Edmund Buckley
- Individual: Mary Ann Richardson
- Individual: William Buckley
- Individual: Adam Howarth
- Individual: Lydia Brook
- Individual: Amelia (Emma) Maplestone
- Individual: Catherine Mary Robinson
- Individual: Henry Robinson
- Individual: Elizabeth Robinson
- Individual: Mary Robinson
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: James Allen
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Arthur Lomax
- Individual: Ann Lomax
- Individual: Elizabeth Collings
- Individual: Abraham Collings
- Individual: Mary Ann Collings
- Individual: Sarah Lord
- Individual: George Cunliffe
- Individual: Bathsheba Cunliffe
- Individual: Henry Cunliffe
- Individual: Mary Cunliffe
- Individual: Edmund Cunliffe
- Individual: Zilpha Cunliffe
- Individual: George Cunliffe
- Individual: Bathsheba Cunliffe
- Individual: Ann Cunliffe
- Individual: William Cunliffe
- Individual: James Cunliffe
- Individual: Joshua Cunliffe
- Individual: Joseph Cunliffe
- Individual: Ellen Cunliffe
- Individual: Robert Cunliffe
- Individual: Jane Cunliffe
- Individual: Jonathan Twist
- Individual: Ann (Nancy) Lomax
- Individual: Mary Twist
- Individual: Susan (Susannah) Twist
- Individual: Joshua Twist
- Individual: Nancy Twist
- Individual: Peter Twist
- Individual: Sarah Twist
- Individual: Catherine Lomax
- Individual: Roger Lomax
- Individual: Betty Lomax
- Individual: George Lomax
- Individual: James Lomax
- Individual: Sarah Tootil
- Individual: Peter Lomax
- Individual: Jane Lomax
- Individual: Mary Walton
- Individual: James Walton
- Individual: Joshua Walton
- Individual: Henry Mather
- Individual: Mary Hall
- Individual: Robert Mather
- Individual: Mary
- Individual: Sarah
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: John Hall
- Individual: Alice Hall
- Individual: William Crosland
- Individual: Martha Crosland
- Individual: Mary (Molly) Waddicar
- Individual: James Isherwood
- Individual: Joseph Blackburn
- Individual: Hannah Blackburn
- Individual: Eliza Liversidge
- Individual: Lydia Pickles
- Individual: Charles Crosland
- Individual: Robert Crosland
- Individual: Harriet Crosland
- Individual: Hannah Crosland
- Individual: John Roberts
- Individual: Ann Roberts
- Individual: Maria Sharp
- Individual: Barnard Roberts
- Individual: John Ashcroft
- Individual: Nancy Turner
- Individual: Rachael Walmsley
- Individual: Alice Walmsley
- Individual: John Walmsley
- Individual: William Walmsley
- Individual: Sarah Walmsley
- Individual: Thomas Shaw
- Individual: James Robinson
- Individual: Sarah
- Individual: Sarah Robinson
- Individual: John Robinson
- Individual: Edmund (Edward) Robinson
- Individual: William Robinson
- Individual: Sarah Robinson
- Individual: John Robinson
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Samuel Mather
- Individual: Fanny Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Phoebe (Feby) Duxbury
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Nancy Mather
- Individual: Rachel Mather
- Individual: Betty Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: George Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Dinah Parker
- Individual: Eliza Mather
- Individual: Catherine Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: James Madther
- Individual: Peter Mather
- Individual: Sarah Goodwin
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: Hannah Mather
- Individual: Ellen Mather
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Hannah Mather
- Individual: Samuel Mather
- Individual: Ann Williams
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Mary A Rowland
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: Hannah (Harriet) Mather
- Individual: Stephen Mather
- Individual: Ephriam Mather
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Mary Dodd
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: Hannah Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: John Diggle
- Individual: Mary Turner
- Individual: Alice Stephenson
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual: Sarah Mather
- Individual: Rachel Mather
- Individual: James Robinson
- Individual: William Robinson
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Helen Barlow (Hague)
- Individual: Charles Bowden (Mather)
- Individual: William Heap
- Individual: Henry Heap
- Individual: Ellen Cunliffe
- Individual: John Cunliffe
- Individual: James Mellor
- Individual: Betty Mellor
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Roger Langshaw
- Individual: William Langshaw
- Individual: Martha Topping
- Individual: Elizabeth Topping
- Individual: Alice Topping
- Individual: Mary Ann Mather
- Individual: Robert Mather
- Individual: Mary Cunliffe
- Individual: Ann Mather
- Individual: Richard Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Esther Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Joseph Stocks
- Individual: Rachel Beaumont
- Individual: Hannah Stocks
- Individual: Sarah Stocks
- Individual: Ann Stocks
- Individual: Betty Stocks
- Individual: Joseph (Josiah) Stocks
- Individual: Emma Stocks
- Individual: Ellen Stocks
- Individual: Sarah Stocks
- Individual: Wilkinson Stocks
- Individual: Emma Stocks
- Individual: Walker Stocks
- Individual: Joseph Stocks
- Individual: Daniel (Dan) Crook
- Individual: Daniel Crook
- Individual: Mary Crook
- Individual: Joseph Crook
- Individual: Richard Baxter
- Individual: Joseph Sykes
- Individual: William Sykes
- Individual: Bessy Crosland
- Individual: Ard Crosland
- Individual: Benjamin Smith
- Individual: John Bennett
- Individual: Hannah Kemp
- Individual: James Duncan
- Individual: Esther Mealor
- Individual: John Duncan
- Individual: Thomas Williams
- Individual: Joseph Williams
- Individual: John Williams
- Individual: Charlotte Owens
- Individual: Richard Hughes
- Individual: Sarah Ann Woodward
- Individual: William Woodward
- Individual: Amelia Woodward
- Individual: Elizabeth Woodward
- Individual: Thomas Openshaw
- Individual: Jane Tomlinson
- Individual: Sarah Openshaw
- Individual: Thomas Openshaw
- Individual: Ralph Entwistle
- Individual: Catherine Thompson
- Individual: Alice Entwistle
- Individual: Ellen Entwistle
- Individual: Martha Entwistle
- Individual: Peter Entwistle
- Individual: Ann Entwistle
- Individual: Jane Entwistle
- Individual: Benjamin Fisher
- Individual: Thomas Hopley
- Individual: William Morris
- Individual: Robert Morris
- Individual: Joseph Tomlinson
- Individual: John Tomlinson
- Individual: Mary Tomlinson
- Individual: Sarah Tomlinson
- Individual: Edward Hemmingway
- Individual: Maria Mather
- Individual: Hannah Hemmingway
- Individual: Joseph Hemmingway
- Individual: Leah Hemmingway
- Individual: Happilomus Saunders
- Individual: Mary Saunders
- Individual: Sarah Saunders
- Individual: Ann Vickers
- Individual: Mary Brereton
- Individual: George Brereton
- Individual: Thomas Brereton
- Individual: William Williams
- Individual: Grace Hanson
- Individual: David Wood
- Individual: Mary
- Individual: Eliza Wood
- Individual: Joseph Wood
- Individual: George Wood
- Individual: Samuel Wood
- Individual: Rebecca Wood
- Individual: William Wood
- Individual: William Brereton
- Individual: Elizabeth
- Individual: Thomas Mather
- Individual: Hannah Penketh
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Hannah Mather
- Individual: Peter Harwood
- Individual: Jane Shaw
- Individual: Ann Shaw
- Individual: John Millington
- Individual: Mary Millington
- Individual: Peter Millington
- Individual: James Millington
- Individual: Mary Millington (Ellis)
- Individual: John Millington
- Individual: Ann Millington
- Individual: Jane Millington
- Individual: John Millington
- Individual: Peter Millington
- Individual: Jane Jones
- Individual: Elizabeth Davies
- Individual: Mary Davies
- Individual: Rachel Davies
- Individual: Ellen Davies
- Individual: Miles Pollitt
- Individual: Betty (Elizabeth) Openshaw Greenhalgh
- Individual: John Pollitt
- Individual: Mary Brereton
- Individual: Jane Brereton
- Individual: John Haslam
- Individual: George Ankers
- Individual: Sarah Ankers
- Individual: James Barnes
- Individual: Maria Barnes
- Individual: Mary Ann Barnes
- Individual: Thomas Bolton
- Individual: Mary Bolton
- Individual: Elizabeth Whitaker
- Individual: Sarah Whittaker
- Individual: Peter Green
- Individual: Joseph Green
- Individual: Elizabeth Green
- Individual: Hannah Green
- Individual: Sarah Caldwell
- Individual: Henry Mather (Jackson)
- Individual: Sarah Capper
- Individual: Elizabeth Brereton
- Individual: Enoch Brereton
- Individual: Sarah Twist
- Individual: Alice Twist
- Individual: James Holt
- Individual: Ann Holt
- Individual: Thomas Holt
- Individual: William Holt
- Individual: Samuel Holt
- Individual: Margaret Holt
- Individual: Mariah Holt
- Individual: Jane Holt
- Individual: Sarah Holt
- Individual: Thomas Holt
- Individual: Betty Holt
- Individual: Thomas Holt
- Individual: Ann Holt
- Individual: Thomas Holt
- Individual: Ellen Holt
- Individual: John Holt
- Individual: Mary Holt
- Individual: Esther Holt
- Individual: James Holt
- Individual: Betty Holt
- Individual: Edmund Holt
- Individual: Mary Holt
- Individual: Margaret Holt
- Individual: William Holt
- Individual: Edmund Holt
- Individual: Jane Holt
- Individual: Joseph Mather
- Individual: Thomas Abraham Mather
- Individual: George Mather
- Individual: Joseph Stocks
- Individual: Martha Ellinthorp
- Individual: Christopher Crook
- Individual: Mary Crook
- Individual: Sarah Lees
- Individual: Henry Buckley
- Individual: Betty Buckley
- Individual: Elizabeth Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: Maragret Mather
- Individual: Sarah Ann Mather
- Individual: Mary (Nancy) Taylor
- Individual: Richard Walker
- Individual: Ann Walker
- Individual: Edmund Grundy
- Individual: Moses Mather
- Individual: John Mather (Spencer)
- Individual: Thomas Barlow
- Individual: Rachel Taylor
- Individual: James Taylor
- Individual: James Lord
- Individual: Sarah Lord
- Individual: Samuel Lord
- Individual: Ann Timmis
- Individual: John Tushingham
- Individual: Sarah (Sally)
- Individual: Robert Buckley
- Individual: James Holt
- Individual: William Holt
- Individual: Henry Holt
- Individual: Samuel Holt
- Individual: Mary Allen
- Individual: William Entwistle
- Individual: Rachel Entwistle
- Individual: James Entwistle
- Individual: Ralph Entwistle
- Individual: Rachel Rosthorn
- Individual: Elizabeth Rosthorn
- Individual: James Rosthorn
- Individual: Hartley Smith
- Individual: Rebecca Atherton
- Individual: William Mather
- Individual: John Mather
- Individual: Mary Mather
- Individual: James Mather
- Individual: Margaret Mather
- Individual: Henry Howarth
- Individual: Margaret Mather
- Individual: Samuel Horrocks
- Individual: Ellen Horrocks
- Individual: Henry Horrocks
- Individual: James Brereton
- Individual: John Brereton
- Individual: Hannah (Ann) Brereton
- Individual: William Brereton
- Individual: James Billington
- Individual: John Brereton
- Individual: Elizabeth Billington
- Individual: William Billington
- Individual: Thomas Billington
- Individual: Thomas Brereton
- Individual: George Thomas Brereton
- Individual: Elizabeth Brereton
- Individual: Charles Brereton
- Individual: Sarah Ann Brereton
- Individual: Wiliam Brereton
- Individual: Mary Brereton
- Individual: Ann Brereton
- Individual: Sarah Brereton
- Individual: Mary Brereton
- Individual: Harriet Fletcher
- Individual: Elizabeth Fletcher
- Individual: Mary Ann Whittingham (Brereton)
- Individual: Jane Brereton
- Individual: Thomas Brereton
- Individual: Thomas Brereton
- Individual: Elizabeth Brereton
- Individual: Hannah Dyson
- Individual: Phoebe Hampton
- Individual: Richard Knowles
- Individual: Jane Rushton
- Individual: Robert Greenhalgh
- Individual: Abraham Greenhalgh
- Individual: Betty Greenhalgh
- Individual: John Greenhalgh
- Individual: Henry Rushton Greenhalgh
- Individual: Christiana Greenhalgh
- Individual: Elizabeth Brereton
- Individual: Louisa Lunn
- Occupation: Cotton Worker Elizabeth Kay
- Occupation: Bleacher John Kay
- Occupation: Factory Worker Alice Mather
- Occupation: Cotton worker Sarah Kay
- Occupation: Cotton Piecer Margaret Miller
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Mary Whitaker
- Occupation: Beer Seller Hannah Wood
- Occupation: Miner in Stone George Ward
- Occupation: Weaver Mary Fairhurst
- Occupation: Cotton Spinner Sarah Amy Pickles
- Occupation: Journeyman Shipwright James Miller
- Occupation: Wool Comber Robert Pighills
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer John Pighills, William Brown, John Leetward
- Occupation: Stone Mason John Foulds, George Foulds
- Occupation: Carrier Israel Foulds
- Occupation: Gardener William Foulds
- Occupation: Farmer Joseph Foulds
- Occupation: Factory Girl Martha Foulds
- Occupation: Dress Maker Elizabeth Sugden
- Occupation: Wood Cutter Thomas Pickles
- Occupation: Blacksmith's Apprentice Robert Valentine Pickles
- Occupation: Labourer William Collings
- Occupation: Oil Sheet Maker Benjamin Buckley
- Occupation: Silk Weaver James Buckley
- Occupation: Cotton Carder James Mather
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer John Ickeringill
- Occupation: Paper Maker James Harman
- Occupation: Silk Weaver George Fidler
- Occupation: Factory Worker Happy Mather
- Occupation: Weaver Samuel Mather
- Occupation: Servant Mary Marsh
- Occupation: Weaver Journeyman Isaac Mather
- Occupation: Stone Mason Richard Brereton
- Occupation: Farmer George Brereton
- Occupation: Farmer William Brereton Jnr
- Occupation: Bleacher Miles Nightingale
- Occupation: Clothier Daniel Wood
- Occupation: Boatman James Tyack
- Occupation: Chemist John Barrow
- Occupation: Weaver Thomas Grundy
- Occupation: Shoemaker William Hopwood
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Weaver John Mather
- Occupation: Weaver Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Weaver Joseph (Joshua) Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Piecer James Kay
- Occupation: Crofter Samuel Kay
- Occupation: Cotton Warper Jacob Mather
- Occupation: Silk Weaver Cornelius Buckley
- Occupation: Smallware Weaver Joseph Mather
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer William Cockshutt Pickles
- Occupation: Chemist & Vitrol Maker George Barrow
- Occupation: Butcher George Bebbington
- Occupation: Police Officer Craigie Marwick
- Occupation: Customs House Officer Thomas Sherlock
- Occupation: Clothier Joshua Bottomley
- Occupation: Cloth Dresser Benjamin Stocks
- Occupation: Agent Job Stocks
- Occupation: Shoemaker Samuel Stocks
- Occupation: Stone Mason John Stocks
- Occupation: Washer Edward Mather
- Occupation: Overlooker John Mather
- Occupation: Hand Weaver (Cotton) James Mather
- Occupation: Weaver John Mather
- Occupation: Oh. Doesnt sound good. Hope you get your treatment sorted. William Eardley
- Occupation: House Painter Benjamin Mather
- Occupation: Silk Weaver James Mather
- Occupation: Iron Moulder Matthias (Mathew) Mather
- Occupation: Weaver Solomon Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver John Mather
- Occupation: Apprentice Collier Peter Mather
- Occupation: Iron Moulder Ralph Mather
- Occupation: Iron Moulder George Mather
- Occupation: Dyer John Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver James Mather
- Occupation: Carter James Mather
- Occupation: Farmer John Mather
- Occupation: Beer Seller Charles Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Bleacher Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Dyer Henry Mather
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Richard Mather
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Solomon Mather
- Occupation: Smallware Weaver Solomon Mather
- Occupation: Fuller, Miller Robert Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Mary Mather
- Occupation: Painter James Mather
- Occupation: Block Printer Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Farmer John Mather
- Occupation: Labourer Margaret Mather
- Occupation: Weaver Margaret Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Betty Johnson
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Rachel Mather
- Occupation: Fuller Richard Mather
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer James Horrocks
- Occupation: Suregon William Crosland
- Occupation: Baker James Mather
- Occupation: Overlooker Berry (Bury) Mather
- Occupation: Bookkeeper Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Labourer William Mather
- Occupation: Bobin Maker Lucy Mather
- Occupation: Labourer Isaac Mather
- Occupation: Labourer George Mather
- Occupation: Callico Printer Joseph Mather
- Occupation: Beer Seller Isaac Mather
- Occupation: Beer Seller Jane Lee
- Occupation: Weaver Isaac Mather
- Occupation: Farmer Joseph Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver John Mather
- Occupation: Labourer John Woodward
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Thomas Timmis
- Occupation: Joiner Samuel Buckley
- Occupation: Silk Weaver Jane Buckley
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer William Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Jacob Crook
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver John Crook
- Occupation: Silk Weaver Jane (Ann) Smith
- Occupation: Farmer Matthew Blackburn
- Occupation: Weaver Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Weaver Richard Booth
- Occupation: Bleacher Peter Booth
- Occupation: Crofter Josiah Booth
- Occupation: Engineer James Wood
- Occupation: Weaver William Mather
- Occupation: Bleacher Samuel Kay
- Occupation: Farmer Charles Tomlinson
- Occupation: Wheelwright George Hopley
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Edward Whitehead Pickles
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer John Booth
- Occupation: Coal Miner Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Farmer Adam Hodkinson
- Occupation: Silk Weaver Mary Hodkinson
- Occupation: Silk Weaver Adam Hodkinson
- Occupation: Weaver James Mather
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer John Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Stripper Richard Mather
- Occupation: Weaver James Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Mill John Mather
- Occupation: Weaver Isaac Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Betty Edge
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Wright Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver James Mather
- Occupation: Labourer Nathan Wood
- Occupation: Ruler, Cotton Sarah Mather
- Occupation: Bleacher James Mather
- Occupation: Schoolmaster George Tate
- Occupation: Spinner James Mather
- Occupation: Sand Dealer John Mather
- Occupation: Cordwainer Henry Cunliffe
- Occupation: Coal Miner James Woodward
- Occupation: Professor of Music Henry Woodward
- Occupation: Cloth Dresser George Stocks
- Occupation: Labourer George Slater
- Occupation: Bookkeeper William Tattersall
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Richard Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Doubler Charlotte Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Doubler Margaret Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Doubler Betty Mather
- Occupation: Coal Miner James Crompton
- Occupation: Farmer William Hopley
- Occupation: Farmer Joseph Hopley
- Occupation: Labourer Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Farmer John Timmis
- Occupation: Carter William Holt
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Joseph Holt
- Occupation: Counterpane Weaver James Clough
- Occupation: Publican Mary Lord
- Occupation: Stone Mason Edward Smith
- Occupation: Boatman Robert Pickles
- Occupation: Carter James Greenhalgh
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Samuel Mather
- Occupation: Warehouseman Robert Hopley
- Occupation: Baker Thomas Hopley
- Occupation: Weaver James Tyldesley
- Occupation: Coal Miner William Gledhill
- Occupation: Shop Keeper Joshua Mather
- Occupation: Labourer John Mather
- Occupation: Blue Dyer Richard Mather
- Occupation: Labourer John Crosland
- Occupation: Cloth Dresser Thomas Crosland
- Occupation: Moulder Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Blacksmith Thomas Alker
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Jane Ridings
- Occupation: Police Officer George Rhodes
- Occupation: Joiner John Goodfellow
- Occupation: Weaver Robert Greenhalgh
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Ann Mather
- Occupation: Painter Richard Booth
- Occupation: Painter Joseph Booth
- Occupation: Spinner William Booth
- Occupation: Carder Mary Horrocks
- Occupation: Piecer Margaret Horrocks
- Occupation: Grinder Charles Horrocks
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver James (Jacobi) Mather
- Occupation: Weaver Arthur Bromiley
- Occupation: Dyer John Wright
- Occupation: Servant Catherine Mather
- Occupation: Piecer Betty Mather
- Occupation: Farmer Benjamin Hamer
- Occupation: Calico Bleacher Benjamin (Bennett) Isherwood
- Occupation: Weaver Jonathan Isherwood
- Occupation: Power Loom Weaver Richard Redford
- Occupation: Labourer William Woods
- Occupation: Crofter James Lomax
- Occupation: Organist Peter Madther
- Occupation: Coal Miner Joseph Lewis
- Occupation: Nail Maker Henry Winstanley
- Occupation: Stone Mason Joseph Oxton
- Occupation: Coal Miner Robert Lewis
- Occupation: School Mistress Ann Lewis
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Joseph Crofts
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer John Williams
- Occupation: Shoemaker Edward Roberts
- Occupation: Shoemaker Samuel Roberts
- Occupation: Mariner Edward Bennett
- Occupation: Engineer Jonathan Bennett
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer William Walsh
- Occupation: Farmer Charles Richards
- Occupation: Labourer James Millington
- Occupation: Fuller & Lodging House James Mather
- Occupation: Carpenter Randle Brereton
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer George Brereton
- Occupation: Mariner Edward Davies
- Occupation: Hand Weaver Betsy Waddington
- Occupation: Cotton Spinner Robert Mather
- Occupation: Waggoner James Rothwell
- Occupation: Cotton Carder James Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Ralph Isherwood
- Occupation: Spinner Thomas Isherwood
- Occupation: Finisher (of Woolen) William Mather
- Occupation: Fuller Samuel Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Jonathan Buckley
- Occupation: Labourer James Thornley (Mather)
- Occupation: Painter Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Weaver Thomas Lowe
- Occupation: Coal Miner James Mather
- Occupation: Labourer Joseph Stevens
- Occupation: Spinner William Stevens
- Occupation: Stone Breaker James Banks
- Occupation: Cotton Spinner Richard Lee
- Occupation: Farmer William Mather
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer William Mather
- Occupation: Coal Agent David Milner
- Occupation: Silk Weaver Roger Hart
- Occupation: Labourer Peter Smith
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Jane Mather
- Occupation: Crofter John Mather
- Occupation: Crofter James Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Carder Matthew Mather
- Occupation: Green Grocer John Rigby
- Occupation: Brick Maker John Willis
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver James Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Labourer Thomas Rigby
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver James Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Elizabeth Mather
- Occupation: Wool Spinner Alice Mather
- Occupation: Weaver John Mather
- Occupation: Paper Dealer James Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Dresser Robert Welsh
- Occupation: Weaver Joshua Kirkman
- Occupation: Block Printer Lawrence Wroe
- Occupation: Publican James Mather
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer John Jones
- Occupation: Cotton Dresser Thomas Isherwood
- Occupation: Beer Seller Richard Mather
- Occupation: Smith James Grundy
- Occupation: Farmer Alice Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Jenny (Jane) Mather
- Occupation: Carter James Lee
- Occupation: Collier Robert Greenhalgh
- Occupation: Collier John Greenhalgh
- Occupation: Bleacher John Greenhalgh
- Occupation: Cotton Carder Lomas Mather
- Occupation: Farmer John Mather
- Occupation: Stone Mason James Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver James Mather
- Occupation: Farmer Benjamin Mayoh
- Occupation: Millwright Jonathan Booth
- Occupation: Painter James Booth
- Occupation: Bleacher Robert Longworth
- Occupation: Weaver James Mather
- Occupation: Weaver Sarah Mather
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Isaac Mather
- Occupation: Book Keeper Edward Stocks
- Occupation: Shoemaker Thomas Stocks
- Occupation: Labourer Richard France
- Occupation: Carder Mary Ann Rosthorn
- Occupation: Cloth Dresser Mary Ainley
- Occupation: Labourer James Godment
- Occupation: Stone Mason Thomas Isherwood
- Occupation: Woollen Weaver George Stocks
- Occupation: Collier Hugh Mather
- Occupation: Weaver Robert Mather
- Occupation: Woollen Weaver David Gledhill
- Occupation: Silk Weaver Henry Mather
- Occupation: Carder James Mather
- Occupation: Weaver Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Coal Miner Luke Bowden (Mather)
- Occupation: Iron Turner John Frederick Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Carder Robert Mather
- Occupation: Weaver Richard Mather
- Occupation: Carter James Mather
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer John Barlow
- Occupation: Dyer Henry Mather
- Occupation: Publican Humphrey Hughes
- Occupation: Farmer Henry Bennett
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer William Bennett
- Occupation: Weaver Hannah Smith
- Occupation: Pilot Richard Jones
- Occupation: Slubber Henry Brook
- Occupation: Cloth Dresser Ard Crosland
- Occupation: Chemist & Dyer Robert Robinson
- Occupation: Painter Robert Robinson
- Occupation: Painter Henry Robinson
- Occupation: Designer John Mather
- Occupation: Baker William Mather
- Occupation: Grocer & Tea Dealer Daniel Haddock
- Occupation: Inn Keeper David Lister
- Occupation: Butcher George Cunliffe
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver James Cunliffe
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver James Cunliffe
- Occupation: Machine Maker Margaret Rainford
- Occupation: Joiner Roger Lomax
- Occupation: Joiner James Lomax
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Joseph Mather
- Occupation: Bleacher John Walton
- Occupation: Bricklayer Robert Ridyard
- Occupation: Block Printer John Mather
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver Ralph Isherwood
- Occupation: Warehouseman John Crosland
- Occupation: Nail Maker William Crosland
- Occupation: Hand Loom Weaver James Walmsley
- Occupation: Woollen Weaver Matthew Gledhill
- Occupation: Delver James Robinson
- Occupation: Delver John Robinson
- Occupation: Delver William Robinson
- Occupation: Winder Samuel Mather
- Occupation: Printer John Mather
- Occupation: Calico Printer Alexander Mather
- Occupation: Paper Maker Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Tailor Willoughby Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver James Madther
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Margaret Brown
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Shoemaker James Mather
- Occupation: Coach Painter John Mather
- Occupation: Labourer William Howarth
- Occupation: Factory Charles Mather
- Occupation: Bleacher Joseph Mather
- Occupation: Weaver Ann Mather
- Occupation: Shoemaker James Mather
- Occupation: Nail Maker Richard Mather
- Occupation: Silk Winder Betty Mather
- Occupation: Silk Weaver Martha Mather
- Occupation: Bobbin Turner Henry Stones
- Occupation: Weaver Thomas Heaton
- Occupation: Cotton twister Robert Mather
- Occupation: Labourer James Heap
- Occupation: Toll Keeper Robert Cunliffe
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer James Cunliffe
- Occupation: Spinner Roger Langshaw
- Occupation: Spinner Martha Topping
- Occupation: Weaver Mary Cunliffe
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Robert Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Spinner Richard Brereton
- Occupation: Weaver William Turner
- Occupation: Weaver Richard Mather
- Occupation: Overlooker William Boothroyd
- Occupation: Cloth Manufacturer Joseph Stocks
- Occupation: Stone Mason Jonathan Stocks
- Occupation: Groom Richard Booth
- Occupation: Clothier Betty Stocks
- Occupation: Shoemaker Joseph Woodward
- Occupation: Mariner Thomas Hughes
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer William Woodworth (Woodward)
- Occupation: Shop Keeper Hannah Kemp
- Occupation: Paper Maker Thomas Openshaw
- Occupation: Blacksmith Thomas Openshaw
- Occupation: Collier James Morris
- Occupation: Rope Maker Peter Smith
- Occupation: Engine Tenter Henry Vickers
- Occupation: Overlooker Edward Hemmingway
- Occupation: Charwoman Mary Saunders
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer William Williams
- Occupation: Spinner James Leech
- Occupation: Blacksmith Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Labourer Peter Mather
- Occupation: Weaver Abraham Hardman
- Occupation: Clothier John Eastwood
- Occupation: Apprentice Tobacconist Henry Crosland
- Occupation: Farmer John Millington
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer John Millington
- Occupation: Tailor Journeyman Charles Millington
- Occupation: Carter George Millington
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Thomas Charles Duckworth
- Occupation: Collier Edward Millington
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Samuel Davies
- Occupation: Sawyer John Davies
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Miles Pollitt
- Occupation: Inn Keeper Ralph Brereton
- Occupation: Hand Weaver (Cotton) William Booth
- Occupation: Labourer Peter Green
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer William Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Thomas Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Joshua Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Weaver Margaret Mather
- Occupation: Butcher Henry Mather (Jackson)
- Occupation: Shoemaker William Brereton
- Occupation: Shoemaker Enoch Brereton
- Occupation: Brick Layer Hugh Brereton
- Occupation: Watchman Benjamin Holt
- Occupation: Paper Maker James Holt
- Occupation: Cotton Spinner Samuel Holt
- Occupation: Coton Weaver Thomas Holt
- Occupation: Labourer John Holt
- Occupation: Bleacher Edmund Holt
- Occupation: Rover Thomas Holt
- Occupation: Pin Winder Jane Holt
- Occupation: Reel Winder Alice Holt
- Occupation: Baker Ann Holt
- Occupation: Bleacher Journeyman James Carr Holt
- Occupation: Cotton Manufacturer James Booth
- Occupation: Journeyman Joiner Joseph Mather
- Occupation: Joiner Thomas Abraham Mather
- Occupation: Cotton Piecer Squire Scowcroft
- Occupation: Bleacher Abraham Settle
- Occupation: Power Loom Weaver Charles Stott
- Occupation: Shop Keeper Thomas Hamer
- Occupation: Stone Cutter Henry Wiswall
- Occupation: Blacksmith Henry Howarth
- Occupation: Weaver John Mather
- Occupation: Factory Ann Mather
- Occupation: Miller William Brereton
- Occupation: Blacksmith James Brereton
- Occupation: Blacksmith James Brereton
- Occupation: Bricklayer John Brereton
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer George Brereton
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Stephen Moulton
- Occupation: Farmer John Hough
- Occupation: Bricklayer John Pennington
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Abraham Steele
- Occupation: Agracultural Labourer Abraham Steele
- Occupation: Blacksmith Thomas Billington
- Occupation: Bricklayer Thomas Brereton
- Occupation: Brick Layer Wiliam Brereton
- Occupation: Army Private Thomas Brereton
- Occupation: Nail Maker William Fletcher
- Occupation: Servant James Brereton
- Occupation: Woolen Weaver Samuel Dyson
- Occupation: Butcher John Tomlinson Berkenhout
- Occupation: Farmer John Tomlinson
- Occupation: Cotton Spinner Robert Mather (Greenhalgh)
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Mary, William Brown, Rachael Brown, Eliza Brown, Charles Brown, Edward Brown
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Mary Crook, John Buckley, John Mather, Mary Buckley, Benjamin Buckley, Margaret Miller, Cornelius Buckley, William Buckley, Joseph Buckley, James Buckley, John Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Isaac Mather, Eliza Mather, Mary Fairhurst, Mary Dawson, Charles Mather, Elizabeth Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Mary Thorp, Thomas Mather, John Mather, Joseph (Joshua) Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Robert Valentine Pickles, Sarah Amy Pickles, Mary Roberts, William Cockshutt Pickles, Edward Whitehead Pickles, Dinelry (Dinley) Pickles, Caroline Pickles, Alice Pickles, Joseph Smith, Thomas Pickles
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Thompson Foulds, Elizabeth Sugden, Martha Foulds
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Ellen Tomlinson, Ann Bolton, Alice Tomlinson, Richard Tomlinson, Joshua Tomlinson, John Bolton, William Tomlinson, John Allen, Thomas Bolton Tomlinson, Ellen Atherton, Mary Alice Atherton Tomlinson, Mary Whitaker, Mary (Polly) Tomlinson, Richard Tomlinson
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Elizabeth Kay, Ruth Taylor, Ralph Kay, Samuel Kay, Sarah Kay, Ruth Kay, Rachel Kay, Mary Kay, John Kay, James Kay, Hannah Kay
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence James Stocks
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence George (Homer) W Stocks, Sarah (Sally) Campinot
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence George Mather, Happy Mather, Alice Mather, Samuel Mather, Samuel Mather, Alice Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Catherine (Kitty) Brereton
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence (Elizabeth) Ellen Lea, John Brereton, Sarah Brereton, Martha Brereton, Ester Brereton, Anne Brereton, Elizabeth Brereton, Richard Brereton
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Richard Brereton, Richard Brereton
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence William Brereton Jnr, Hannah Warburton, Anne Warburton, Samuel Brereton, Sarah Jane Warburton
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence William Brereton Jnr
- Occupancy/Contact: Happy Lomax
- Occupancy/Contact: work place and primary residence (eg: farm, work at home) Thomas Pickles, Zilpha (Zilphe) Whitaker, Emma Whitaker
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Ruth Stocks, Martha Stocks, Lucy Crosland
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Ann Mather, John Mather, Betty Bayley
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence William Mather, Martha Tyldesley, Ann Mather, John Mather, Edwin Mather, Samuel Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Samuel Mather, Hannah (Betsy) Kay, William E Mather, Amelia Ann Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence John Brereton
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Benjamin Stocks
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Susannah Stocks, Job Stocks, George Stocks
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Sarah Bayley
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence George Brereton, Jane Hopley
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Mary Ann Foulds, John (Jack) Foulds
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence William Collings, Joseph Collings, Maria Collins, Sarah Collings, Esther Collins
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence James Mather, Martha Austin, Ellen Ann Mather, John Mather, Elizabeth Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Martha (Matty) Horrocks
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence James Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence John Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Alice Hartley, James Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence John Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Jacob Crook, Jane Robinson
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Jacob Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Mary Wood
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence John Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Maria Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence John Mather, Richard Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence James Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence Richard Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence James Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: Jane Mather
- Occupancy/Contact: primary residence James Beswick