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Male Richard Tomlinson Click to view Richard Tomlinson in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Richard was born in October 1798 in Warrington and his baptism took place on January 20th, 1799 at St. Elphin (Warrington).1 2  Richard's father was Richard Tomlinson and his mother was Alice Allen.  His paternal grandparents were <male> Tomlinson and <female> Tomlinson; his maternal grandparents were John Allen and Ellen Welsby. He had three sisters named Ellen, Alice and Alice.  He was the youngest of the four children.  He died due to a respiratory problem and/or pneumonia, Chronic Bronchitis (10 years certified), at the age of 59 on December 22nd, 1857 at 8 Shaw Street.  He was buried on December 27th, 1857 at Tonge-with-Haulgh Cemetery.3 4 

Richard's family with Ann Bolton

Wife's Pictures
Family Pictures
‌Richard and Ann were married in a religious ceremony on October 31st, 1825 at St. Peter's (Bolton) by Vicar J Slade.8  They had four sons and four daughters, named Thomas, Richard, William, Joshua, Alice, Mary, Polly and Ellen.  There are no more children.

1 1851 UK Census
2 Lancashire OPC Project
3 Headstone - Tomlinson
4 Certificate - Death
5 Bolton Directory 1853
6 1841 UK Census
7 1861 UK Census
9 Deceased Online
11 National Probate Records
13 Manchester CoE Deaths & Burials
14 Certificate - Birth
15 Manchester CoE Births & Baptisms
16 Headstone - Joseph & Ellen Mather
17 Lil Mercer's Birthday Book
18 Lancashire CoE Births & Baptisms (1813-1911)

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