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Male Richard Tomlinson Click to view Richard Tomlinson in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Richard was born in January 1838 in Bolton and his christening took place there on March 4th, 1838.1 2  Richard's father was Richard Tomlinson and his mother was Ann Bolton.  His paternal grandparents were Richard Tomlinson and Alice Allen; his maternal grandparents were Thomas Bolton and Mary Whitaker. He had three brothers and four sisters, named Thomas, William, Joshua, Alice, Mary, Polly and Ellen.  He was the fourth oldest of the eight children.  He died at the age of 58 on January 22nd, 1896 in Bolton.  He was buried on January 25th, 1896 at the Heaton Cemetery.3 4 

Richard's first family with Sarah Bradley

Family Pictures
‌Richard and Sarah were married in a religious ceremony on January 28th, 1866 in Bolton by Vicar Henry Powell and witnessed by Holland Bradley & Mary Tomlinson.4   They had a son named Peter.  There are no more children.

Richard's second family with Sarah Ann Barnes

‌Richard and Sarah were married in a religious ceremony in September 1874 at Bolton Emmanuel.4  They had two sons and three daughters, named Richard, Thomas, Alice, Ann and Ellen.  There are no more children.

1 1851 UK Census
3 Deceased Online
5 1861 UK Census
6 1939 Register Transcription
7 1841 UK Census
8 1881 UK Census
9 Lancashire CoE Births & Baptisms (1813-1911)
10 Individual - David Lewin
11 BMD-Lancashire
12 Manchester CoE Births & Baptisms
13 Headstone - Tomlinson
14 England & Wales BMD Index (1916-2007)
Further source/citation:
1871 UK Census

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