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Female Mary (Marina) Ann Rhodes Click to view Mary (Marina) Ann Rhodes in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Mary, known as Marina, was born on March 28th, 1837 in Hanley (Staffs).1  Marina's father was John Rhodes and her mother was Mary Worrall.  Her paternal grandparents were George Rhodes and Mary Timmis. She had two brothers and a sister, named Joseph, George and Martha.  She was the second youngest of the four children. She had two half-brothers and three half-sisters, named Charles, John, Sarah, Harriet and Fanny.  She died at the age of 58 on August 8th, 1895 in Pennsylvania (PA).2 

Marina's family with John Hampson

Family Pictures
‌Marina and John were married in a religious ceremony on May 27th, 1855 in Stoke upon Trent by Thomas Jackson and witnessed by James Hall & Maria Davies.3  They had six sons and six daughters, named John, William, Arthur, Ernest, Walter, Joseph, Emma, Martha, Mary, Margaret, Rose and Clara.  There are no more children.

1 1841 UK Census
2 FindAGrave
3 Certificate - Marriage
4 1861 UK Census
5 GRO Reference
6 1900 US Census
7 Ancestry Family Trees
8 1871 UK Census
9 1881 UK Census

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