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Male Richard Brereton (Broughton or Breerton) Click to view Richard Brereton in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Richard was born in October 1814 in Overton and his baptism took place there on October 23rd, 1814.1 2  Richard's father was Thomas Bruerton and his mother was Ann Vicars.  His paternal grandparents were William Brereton and Mary Ledsham. He had four brothers and five sisters, named Thomas, George, Abraham, Joshua, Sarah, Ann, Mary, Hannah and Jane.  He was the fifth oldest of the ten children. He had a half-sister named Elizabeth.  He died at the age of 58 on July 17th, 1873 in Ashton-under-Lyne.3 

Richard's family with Eliza (Betty) Ramsden

Family Pictures
‌Richard and Betty were married in a religious ceremony on September 12th, 1835 at Manchester Cathedral witnessed by Thomas Parry & Abraham Broughton.6   They had three sons and three daughters, named William, Edwin, Richard, Emma, Lucy and Eliza.

1 1851 UK Census
2 Flintshire, Wales, Anglican BMB
4 Certificate - Marriage
5 1841 UK Census
6 Manchester CoE Marriages & Banns 1753-1930
7 1871 UK Census
8 GRO Reference

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