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Male Richard Brereton Click to view Richard Brereton in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Richard was born on February 4th, 1835 in Harthill and his baptism took place there on February 8th, 1835.1 2  Richard's father was Richard Brereton and his mother was (Elizabeth) Ellen Lea.  His paternal grandparents were Richard Brereton and Elizabeth (Betty) Haywood; his maternal grandparents were John Lea and Ester Ellen Lea. He had a brother and six sisters, named John, Ester, Sarah, Elizabeth, Anne, Martha and Martha.  He died at the age of 59 on September 4th, 1894 in Provo.  He was buried on September 4th, 1894 in Provo.3 3 

Richard's family with Elizabeth Carr

Wife's Pictures
‌Richard and Elizabeth were married in a civil ceremony in June 1858 in Liverpool.5  They had four sons and four daughters, named Richard, William, Thomas, George, Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah and Martha.  There are no more children.

1 1851 UK Census
2 Cheshire Parish Records (1538-2000)
3 Ancestry Family Trees
4 1841 UK Census
6 1860 US Census
7 1870 US Census
8 FindAGrave
10 1880 US Census
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