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Male John Woodward Click to view John Woodward in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

John was born on September 3rd, 1806 in Liverpool and his baptism took place on September 21st, 1806 at St. Nicholas (L'pool).1  John's father was Joseph Woodworth (Woodward) and his mother was Elizabeth Tomkins.  His paternal grandparents were Joseph Woodworth and Alice Dobb. He had two brothers named James and William.  He was the second oldest of the three children.  He died at the age of 67 in October 1873 in Neston.  He was buried on October 8th, 1873 in Neston.2 

John's family with Mary Malley

Family Pictures
‌John and Mary were married in a religious ceremony on June 3rd, 1827 at St. Nicholas (L'pool).4  They had five sons and two daughters, named Daniel, John, James, James, Ann, Mary and Catherine.  There are no more children.

1 Liverpool CoE Baptisms 1813-1919
2 Cheshire Select Bishops Transcripts (1576-1933)
3 1841 UK Census
4 Liverpool CoE BMD 1659-1812
5 1851 UK Census
6 Lancashire CoE Births & Baptisms (1813-1911)
7 GRO Reference

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