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Male John Williams Click to view John Williams in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

John was born in December 1793 in Saltney and his baptism took place on December 8th, 1793 in Hawarden.1 2  John's father was Samuel Williams and his mother was Ann Millington.  His paternal grandparents were John Williams and Elizabeth Broughton; his maternal grandparents were John Millington and Margaret Youd. He had a brother and seven sisters, named Samuel, Mary, Elizabeth, Ann, Ann, Rachel, Margaret and Frances.  He was the second oldest of the nine children.  He died after 1881.

John's family with Hannah Jones

‌John and Hannah were married in a religious ceremony on October 6th, 1829 in Neston by William Hobson and witnessed by Thomas Jones & Thomas Haswell.6  They had three sons and six daughters, named William, Thomas, John, Elizabeth, Hannah, Catherine, Ann, Mary and Frances.

1 1871 UK Census
2 Wales, Flintshire Parish Register (1538-1912)
3 1841 UK Census
4 1851 UK Census
5 1861 UK Census
6 Cheshire Select Bishops Transcripts (1576-1933)
7 Wales Select Parish Records (1541-1907)
8 1881 UK Census

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