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Female Susannah Stocks Click to view Susannah Stocks in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Susannah was born on March 18th, 1826 in Almondbury and her baptism took place on June 22nd, 1848 at Berry Brow Salem NC conducted by William Stocks.1 2  Susannah's father was Job Stocks and her mother was Lucy Crosland.  Her paternal grandparents were George Stocks and Mary Blackburn; her maternal grandparents were Daniel Crosland and Mary Kinder. She had a brother and two sisters, named George, Ruth and Martha. She had an adopted sister named Jane. She had two half-brothers named Henry and Samuel.  She died at the age of 57 on April 25th, 1883 in Berry Brow.  She was buried on April 28th, 1883 in Armitage Bridge.3 4 

Susannah's family with William Horsfall

Family Pictures
‌Susannah and William were married in a religious ceremony on May 24th, 1847 in Almondbury by Vicar Lewis Jones and witnessed by George Jasmain & James Garner.5   They had a daughter named Emma.  There are no more children.

1 1841 UK Census
2 West Yorkshire Non-Conformist Records
3 West Yorkshire Deaths & Burials (1813-1985)
4 National Probate Records
5 West Yorkshire Marriages & Banns (1813-1935)
6 1851 UK Census

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