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Female Hannah Scover Click to view Hannah Scover in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Hannah was born in 1724 in Armitage Bridge.1  She died at the age of 67 on March 23rd, 1791 in Newsome.  She was buried on March 26th, 1791 in Almondbury.2 3 

Hannah's first family with Joseph Ansley

Family Pictures
‌Hannah and Joseph were married in a religious ceremony on August 8th, 1745 in Almondbury.4  They had two sons and four daughters, named John, Joseph, Sarah, Hanah, Mary and Sarah.  There are no more children.  Joseph and Mary were twins.

Hannah's second family with John Woodhead

Family Pictures
‌Hannah and John were married in a religious ceremony on April 21st, 1756 in Almondbury by Vicar Edward Rishton.1  They had a son and a daughter, named John and Elizabeth.

Hannah's third family with Michael Blackburn

Family Pictures
‌Hannah and Michael were married in a religious ceremony on May 13th, 1761 in Almondbury.1   They had three sons and a daughter, named Michael, Matthew, John and Mary.  There are no more children.

1 Certificate - Marriage
2 West Yorkshire Deaths & Burials (1813-1985)
3 Annals of the Church and Parish of Almondbury
4 West Yorkshire BMB 1512-1812
5 Certificate - Baptism
6 West Yorkshire Births & Baptisms (1813-1910)
7 England Select Deaths & Burials (1538-1991)

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