Elizabeth was the daughter of Robert France and Jane (Jenny) Stockley of Atherton, Leigh. Elizabeth had an older brother John who imigrated to the USA and a sister Ann.
On 31 Oct 1813, Betty France married John Mather (weaver) at Leigh.
On 11 Aug 1839, Joseph Harden, Widower, crofter, son of Joseph Harden, a weaver, married Elizabeth Mather, widow, daughter of Robert France, collier at St Peter Bolton. Both were living at Astley Bridge.
In 1861, Betty "Harding" was with her son at Club Row, Tottington Lower End.
In 1841, Joseph and Elizabeth Harden (40 & 45) were crofters at Stoney Brow, Tottington Lower End. With them were Elizabeth's three children; Jane, John and James Mather (28, 20 & 14)
In 1871, "Betty "Hardy" (70), Mother and House Keeper was with John and Ellen and their adopted child Mary Shaw (4).
She seems to have taken the name Hardy (as in 1871) as buried by that name at Bury in 1874, aged 83.