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Female Alice Mather Click to view Alice Mather in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Alice was born on March 26th, 1792 at Goose Cote Hill and her baptism took place on July 14th, 1792 at Walmsley Presbyterian conducted by minister Thomas Davies.1 2  Alice's father was William Mather and her mother was Betty Holt.  Her maternal grandparents were Peter Holt and Elizabeth (Betty) Howarth. She had four brothers, and also a sibling of unknown gender named Joshua, James, William, Holt and <unknown>.  She was the third oldest of the six known children.  She died due to natural causes or old age, Natural Decay, at the age of 87 on November 16th, 1879 in Sharples.  She was buried on November 20th, 1879 at Tonge-with-Haulgh Cemetery.3 4 

Alice's family with Samuel Mather

Husband's Pictures
Family Pictures
‌Alice and Samuel were married in a commitment ceremony on July 15th, 1810 in Bolton.10  They were also married in a religious ceremony on September 9th, 1810 at St. Peter's (Bolton) by Curate Thomas McDougal and witnessed by William Orrell and James Orrell.11  They had eight sons and five daughters, and also a child of unknown gender, named Isaac, William, James, John, Lomas, Samuel, George, James, Mary, Alice, Happy, Ellen, Maria and <child>.  There are no more children.

1 Bolton Parish Mariage Index
2 Lancashire OPC Project
3 Deceased Online
4 Individual - Lois Mason
5 1851 UK Census
6 1841 UK Census
7 1861 UK Census
8 1871 UK Census
9 1881 UK Census
10 Bolton Library
11 Manchester CoE Marriages & Banns 1753-1930
12 Bolton Methodist Church Circuit Records
13 England & Wales Non-conformist Registers (1567-1970)
14 GRO Reference
15 Certificate - Marriage
16 Lancashire CoE Births & Baptisms (1813-1911)
17 Individual - Celia Foot
18 Burial Records - John Mather 1865
19 BMD-Lancashire
20 Certificate - Death
22 Headstone - Samuel & Ann Mather
23 Headstone - George Mather
Further sources/citations:, Marriage Banns (Samuel & Alice), Bolton Parish Records

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