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Female Jane Smith Click to view Jane Smith in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Jane was born on February 16th, 1851 in Marlow (aka Marley) and her baptism took place on May 18th, 1851 at All Saints (Bingley).1 2  Jane's father was Henry Smith and her mother was Sarah Amy Pickles.  Her paternal grandparents were William Smith and Jenny (Jane) Hudson; her maternal grandparents were Thomas Pickles and Mary Roberts. She had a brother and two sisters, named William, Mary and Anne.  She was the second oldest of the four children.  She died at the age of 76 on January 23rd, 1928 in Birkenhead.  She was buried on January 26th, 1928 at the Bebington Cemetery.3 4 

Jane's family with Albert Stocks

Husband's Pictures
Family Pictures
‌Jane and Albert were married in a religious ceremony on March 29th, 1873 at Bingley Independant Chapel by John Green and witnessed by Ben S Bray and Emma Horsfall and J H S Taylor.9  They had two sons and five daughters, named George, Walter, Lucy, Sarah, Annie, Lilly and Lavinia.  There are no more children.

1 Certificate - Birth
2 West Yorkshire Births & Baptisms (1813-1910)
3 Burial Records - Bebington
4 Headstone - Samuel & Albert Stocks
5 1861 UK Census
6 1871 UK Census
7 1881 UK Census
8 1851 UK Census
10 GRO Reference
11 1891 UK Census
12 Headstone - Sarah Mather
13 Newspaper - Sarah Mather
14 England & Wales BMD Index (1916-2007)
15 BMD-Yorkshire
16 BMD-Cheshire
17 1939 Register Transcription
18 National Probate Records

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