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Male Isaac Smith Click to view Isaac Smith in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Isaac was born in July 1753 in Clayton (Bradford) and his baptism took place on July 16th, 1753 at Northowram Independant.1  Isaac's father was William Smith and his mother was Mary Wilkinson. He had two brothers and six sisters, named John, William, Mary, Betty, Priscilla, Martha, Hannah and Matty.  He was the third oldest of the nine children.  He died at the age of 59 in January 1813 in Bingley.  He was buried on January 12th, 1813 at All Saints (Bingley).2 

Isaac's family with Elizabeth Skirrow

Family Pictures
‌Isaac and Elizabeth were married in a religious ceremony on March 25th, 1778 in Bradford by Curate J Hamilton and witnessed by John Smith & Will'm Smith Jnr..3  They had two sons and a daughter, named John, William and Mary.

1 England & Wales Non-conformist Registers (1567-1970)
2 West Yorkshire Deaths & Burials (1813-1985)
3 Certificate - Marriage
4 West Yorkshire BMB 1512-1812
6 Will - William Smith

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