Name: John Smith
Death Age: 68
Birth Year: abt 1750
Burial Date: 11 Dec 1818
Parish: Bingley, All Saints, Yorkshire, England
Abode: Wiilsden Hill part of Bradford
John may have died of dementia and this is another John, as there are two John Smiths from Wilsden. An article in the Leeds Mercury, dated Sat 21 November 1818 reads:
Pursuant to an order made by the Right Honerable the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, bearing date the 18th Day of August 1817, in the matter of JOHN SMITH late a cotton spinner, at Wilsden, in the parish of Bradford, in the County of York, but now residing with his Son Joseph Smith, at Wilsden aforesaid -
The creditors of the said John Smith, a Lunatic, are on or before the 19th Day of December 1818 to come and prove their debts before Sir John Simeon, Bartonet. One of the Masters of the High Court and Chancery, at his Chambers, in Southhampton Buildings, Chancery-lane, London or in Default thereof, they will promptorily exclude the Benefits of the Said Order. BROGDEN and NICHOLSON solicitors.