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Female Lucy Coulthurst (Luce or Lucey Coulterhouse ) Click to view Lucy Coulthurst in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Lucy was born in 1757 at Colne and her christening took place on October 5th, 1757 at St. Bartholomew's (Colne).1  Lucy's father was Henry Colthurst and her mother was Mary Midgley. She had a brother and five sisters, named John, Lucy, Susan, Ellin, Nanny and Mary.  She was the third oldest of the seven children.  She died at the age of 67 in January 1824 at Colne.  She was buried on January 4th, 1824 at St. Bartholomew's (Colne).2 2 

Lucy's family with James Roberts

Family Pictures
‌Lucy and James were married in a religious ceremony on July 7th, 1778 at St. Bartholomew's (Colne) by Curate John Metcalfe and witnessed by William Cockshutt; John Brown.2  They had four sons and five daughters, named James, Henry, Henry, Will, Betty, Eleanor, Mary, Margaret and Ellen.  There are no more children.  Ellen and Henry were twins.

1 Lancashire CoE Births & Baptisms (1813-1911)
2 Lancashire OPC Project
3 England Select Births & Christenings (1538-1975)
4 Lancashire CoE BMB 1538-1812
5 England Select Deaths & Burials (1538-1991)
7 1841 UK Census
8 Burial Records - Bradford Library
9 Certificate - Death

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