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Male Albert Stocks Click to view Albert Stocks in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Albert was born on January 4th, 1853 in Stalybridge.1  Albert's father was George Stocks and his mother was Rebecca Ann Robinson.  His paternal grandparents were Job Stocks and Lucy Crosland; his maternal grandparents were Robert Robinson and Hannah Wood. He had two brothers and a sister, named Samuel, Walter and Sarah.  He was the second oldest of the four children. He had a half-sister named Matilda.  He died due to a respiratory problem and/or pneumonia, Influenza. Acute Pulmonary Edema, at the age of 69 on January 21st, 1922 in Tranmere.  He was buried on January 24th, 1922 at the Bebington Cemetery.2 3 

Albert's family with Jane Smith

Wife's Pictures
Family Pictures
‌Albert and Jane were married in a religious ceremony on March 29th, 1873 at Bingley Independant Chapel by John Green and witnessed by Ben S Bray and Emma Horsfall and J H S Taylor.11  They had two sons and five daughters, named George, Walter, Lucy, Sarah, Annie, Lilly and Lavinia.  There are no more children.

1 1861 UK Census
2 Burial Records - Bebington
3 Headstone - Samuel & Albert Stocks
4 1871 UK Census
5 Certificate - Marriage
6 1881 UK Census
7 1901 UK Census
8 1911 UK Census
9 Certificate - Death
10 Certificate - Birth
12 GRO Reference
13 1891 UK Census
14 Headstone - Sarah Mather
15 Newspaper - Sarah Mather
16 England & Wales BMD Index (1916-2007)
17 BMD-Yorkshire
18 BMD-Cheshire
19 1939 Register Transcription
20 National Probate Records
Further source/citation:
Birkenhead Newspaper

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