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Male Thomas Whalley Click to view Thomas Whalley in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Thomas was born in 1809 in Rainford and his baptism took place on August 6th, 1809 in Ormskirk.1  Thomas' father was Thomas Whalley and his mother was Ellen Fyles.  His paternal grandparents were Robert Whalley and Ellen (Nell) Kingsley. He had a brother and a sister, named Joseph and Martha.  He was the oldest of the three known children.  He died at the age of 68 in June 1877 in Rainford.2 

Thomas' first family with Alice Heyes

Family Pictures
‌Thomas and Alice were married in a religious ceremony on May 9th, 1831 in Prescot.4   They had two sons and three daughters, named James, Thomas, Catherine, Ellen and Alice.  The family line is yet to be completed.

Thomas' second family with Mary Rigby (nee Swift)

Family Pictures
‌Thomas and Mary were married in a religious ceremony on May 24th, 1865 in Prescot.4 

1 Lancashire CoE BMB 1538-1812
2 BMD-Lancashire
3 1851 UK Census
4 Lancashire CoE Marriages & Banns (1754-1936)
5 1891 UK Census
6 England Select Births & Christenings (1538-1975)
7 National Probate Records
8 Lancashire CoE Births & Baptisms (1813-1911)

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