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Male Edmund (Edward) Holt Click to view Edmund (Edward) Holt in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Edmund, known as Edward, was born on July 2nd, 1799 in Bury and his baptism took place in 1799 at Bury Silver Street (Presbyterian) conducted by John Hughes.1 2  Edward's father was William Holt and his mother was Ellen Holt. He had three brothers and two sisters, named Joseph, Thomas, William, Betty and Anne.  He was the youngest of the six children.  He died at the age of 68 in October 1867 in Elton.  He was buried on October 14th, 1867 at Bank Street Unitarian.3 

Edward's family with Alice Hulme

Family Pictures
‌Edward and Alice were married in a religious ceremony on January 26th, 1827 at St. Leonard (Middleton).5   They had a son and two daughters, named Thomas, Betty and Sarah.  There are possibly more children.

1 1851 UK Census
2 England & Wales Non-conformist Registers (1567-1970)
3 Manchester non-Conformist Deaths (1758-1987)
4 Certificate - Marriage
5 Manchester CoE Marriages & Banns 1753-1930

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