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Female Patience (Patricia) Oldham Click to view Patience (Patricia) Oldham in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Patience, known as Patricia, was born in 1829 in Sowe and her christening took place on July 19th, 1829 in Walsgrave On Sowe.1 2  Patricia's father was Samuel Oldham and her mother was Sarah Hewitt. She had a brother and three sisters, named Eli, Elizabeth, James and Catherine.  She was the second oldest of the five children.  She died at the age of 73 on June 2nd, 1902 in Stockport.  She was buried on June 7th, 1902 in Audenshaw.3 4 

Patricia's family with Benjamin Buckley

Husband's Pictures
Family Pictures
‌Patricia and Benjamin were married in a religious ceremony on February 27th, 1848 at Manchester Cathedral by W Wilson and witnessed by Thomas Nuttall & Lavinia Smith.8  They had three sons and eight daughters, named Henry, Silas, Arthur, Sarah, Martha, Mary, Emma, Ellen, Edith, Beattie and Sarah.  There are no more children.

1 1851 UK Census
3 Manchester & Lancashire FHS
5 1861 UK Census
6 1871 UK Census
7 1881 UK Census
8 Marriage - Benjamin & Patience
9 BMD-Cheshire
10 Headstone
11 Headstone - William & Martha Nield
12 Family Tree - Linda Buckley
13 Ancestry Family Trees
14 Manchester non-Conformist B&B (1758-1912)
15 FindAGrave
16 National Probate Records
17 Headstone - Henry & Ann Buckley
18 Headstone - Silas & Hannah Buckley
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