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Male Silas Buckley Click to view Silas Buckley in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Silas was born on January 2nd, 1868 in Hooley Hill.1  Silas' father was Benjamin Buckley and his mother was Patience (Patricia) Oldham.  His paternal grandparents were John Buckley and Mary Crook; his maternal grandparents were Samuel Oldham and Sarah Hewitt. He had two brothers and eight sisters, named Henry, Arthur, Sarah, Martha, Mary, Emma, Ellen, Edith, Beattie and Sarah.  He was the third youngest of the eleven children.  He died at the age of 78 on April 3rd, 1946 in Audenshaw.  He was buried in April 1946 in Audenshaw.2 3 

Silas' family with Hannah Barnett

Wife's Pictures
‌Silas and Hannah were married in a religious ceremony on August 21st, 1894 in Hooley Hill.3  They had two sons and three daughters, named Fred, Frank, Edith, Florence and Annie.  There are no more children.

1 1871 UK Census
2 Headstone - Silas & Hannah Buckley
3 Family Tree - Linda Buckley
4 1881 UK Census
5 1851 UK Census
6 Manchester non-Conformist B&B (1758-1912)
7 National Probate Records
8 Family Tree - Jeff Buckley
9 England & Wales BMD Index (1916-2007)
Further source/citation:
Ancestry Family Trees

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