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Male Henry Mather Click to view Henry Mather in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Henry was born in December 1840 in Bedford (Leigh).1  Henry's father was James Mather and his mother was Margaret Stockton (Slater).  His paternal grandparents were Samuel Mather and Margaret Dawson. He had three brothers and two sisters, named John, Joseph, James, Ann and Elizabeth.  He was the third oldest of the six children.  He died at the age of 53 in 1893 in Halliwell.  He was buried in 1893 at St. Peter (Halliwell).2 

Henry's family with Maria Duckworth (Thompson)

‌Henry and Maria were married in a religious ceremony on April 3rd, 1863 at St. George (Little Bolton) by Neville Jones and witnessed by Charles Pilling & Elizabeth Marsden.4  They had five sons and three daughters, named James, Samuel, Jesse, Ernest, Thompson, Margaret, Sarah and Lottie.

1 1851 UK Census
3 1881 UK Census
4 Lancashire OPC Project
5 GRO Reference
6 1861 UK Census
7 BMD-Lancashire
8 1871 UK Census

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