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Female Mary Whitfield Click to view Mary Whitfield in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Mary was born on August 20th, 1804 in Gresford and her baptism took place on September 12th, 1804 in Wrexham.1 2  Mary's father was John Whitfield and her mother was Mary Tomlinson.  Her maternal grandparents were Randle Tomlinson and Anne Tinsley. She had a brother and a sister, named Thomas and Ann.  She was the youngest of the three children.  She died at the age of 64 in October 1868 in Birkenhead.  She was buried on November 2nd, 1868 in Brymbo.3 4 

Mary's family with John Eddowes

Husband's Pictures
Family Pictures
‌Mary and John were married in a commitment ceremony on January 5th, 1826 in St. Asaph.6  They were also married in a religious ceremony on March 13th, 1826 in Brymbo by Curate Ebenerer Williams and witnessed by Sarah Edwards, James Cowper.3  They had six sons and five daughters, named George, Edwin, Thomas, John, William, Matthew, Elizabeth, Mary, Esther, Mary and Lydia.  There are no more children.  John and Thomas were twins.

1 1861 UK Census
2 Denbighshire, Wales, Anglican BMB
4 GRO Reference
5 1851 UK Census
7 Certificate - Baptism
8 Wales, Denbishire Parish Register (1538-1912)
9 FindAGrave
10 News Clips
11 Ancestry Family Trees
12 Individual - Les Thomas
13 Burial Records - Richard & Esther Brereton
14 Will - Esther Brereton (1917)
15 England & Wales Christening Index (1530-1906)
17 1871 UK Census
18 Burial Records - John & Phoebe Eddowes

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