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Female Mary Tomlinson Click to view Mary Tomlinson in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Mary was born on March 9th, 1761 in Holt and her baptism took place on March 29th, 1761 in Wrexham.1  Mary's father was Randle Tomlinson and her mother was Anne Tinsley.  Her paternal grandparents were Thomas Tomlinson and Jane Rylance. She had two brothers and four sisters, named Thomas, John, Jane, Elizabeth, Anne and Sarah.  She was the oldest of the seven children.  She died at the age of 81 in July 1842 in Gresford.  She was buried on July 13th, 1842 in Marchwiel.2 3 

Mary's first family with John Whitfield

Husband's Pictures
Family Pictures
‌Mary and John were married in a religious ceremony on June 22nd, 1799 in Gresford.1   They had a son and two daughters, named Thomas, Ann and Mary.  There are no more children.

Mary's second family with John Woodfin

‌Mary and John were once in a long term relationship.

1 Denbighshire, Wales, Anglican BMB
2 Derbyshire COE BMB (1813-1991)
3 GRO Reference
4 RootsWeb
5 1861 UK Census

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