Burial Records - John & Phoebe Eddowes
11866, 1887 Mar 12, 11599, 1, 11 ft, 46 yr, Phoebe Eddowes
13604, 1890 Apr 28, 13369, 2, 9' 6", 51 yr, John Eddowes
21631, 1900 Dec 18, 21268, 3, 8 ft, 36 yr, Martha Jane White
The cited information was sourced from Fiche / Microfiche / Microfilm / Film published in
Birkenhead Library <
D:\Documents and Settings\John\My Documents\My Webs\Family\Scans\Burial\John & Phoebe Eddowes.jpg> (Ref: CoE Section 9, 320) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.
Grave Record for John Eddowes and Family.
Source Notes
Birkenhead Livrary holds various newspapers, burial records and parish records.
The Wirral Archive, also in Brikenhead have some of these records.