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Female Phoebe Parry Click to view Phoebe Parry in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Phoebe was born in June 1840 in Peckforton and her christening took place on March 26th, 1840 at St. Boniface (Bunbury).1 2  Phoebe's father was John Parry and her mother was Martha Dutton. She had a sister named Elizabeth.  She was the older of the two children. She had a half-sister named Esther.  She died at the age of 46 in March 1887 in Birkenhead.  She was buried on March 12th, 1887 at the Flaybrick Memorial Gardens.3 4 

Phoebe's family with John Eddowes

Husband's Pictures
Family Pictures
‌Phoebe and John were married in a religious ceremony on June 21st, 1859 at St. Boniface (Bunbury) by John Martin and witnessed by Elizabeth Dodd, Samuel Dutton, John Ledsham & William Spencer.5  They had three sons and five daughters, named John, Albert, George, Martha, Mary, Emily, Clara and Elizabeth.

1 1861 UK Census
2 England Select Births & Christenings (1538-1975)
3 Burial Records - John & Phoebe Eddowes
5 Cheshire Parish Records (1538-2000)
6 BMD-Cheshire
7 1871 UK Census
8 1881 UK Census
9 England & Wales BMD Index (1916-2007)

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