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Female Martha Jane Eddowes Click to view Martha Jane Eddowes in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Martha was born in January 1865 in Birkenhead.1  Martha's father was John Eddowes and her mother was Phoebe Parry.  Her paternal grandparents were John Eddowes and Mary Whitfield; her maternal grandparents were John Parry and Martha Dutton. She had three brothers and four sisters, named John, Albert, George, Mary, Emily, Clara and Elizabeth.  She was the third oldest of the eight children.  She died at the age of 35 in December 1900 in Birkenhead.  She was buried on December 18th, 1900 at the Flaybrick Memorial Gardens.2 3 

Martha's family with Isaiah White

Family Pictures
‌Martha and Isaiah were married in a religious ceremony on August 5th, 1888 in Liverpool.3  They had three sons and three daughters, named Luke, George, William, Dorothy, Emily and Clara.  There are no more children.

1 1871 UK Census
2 Burial Records - John & Phoebe Eddowes
4 1891 UK Census
5 1901 UK Census

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