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Male Thomas Brereton Click to view Thomas Brereton in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Thomas was born in September 1850 in Cuddington.1  Thomas' father was George Brereton and his mother was Jane Hopley.  His paternal grandparents were William Brereton Jnr and Mary Tomlinson; his maternal grandparents were Robert Hopley and Margaret Richards. He had six brothers and four sisters, named Richard, William, Robert, George, John, Charles, Ann, Margaret, Mary and Jane.  He was the youngest of the eleven children.  He died at the age of 51 in March 1902 in Cheshire.2 

Thomas' first family with Margaret Edwards

Family Pictures
‌Thomas and Margaret were married in a religious ceremony on May 14th, 1870 in Birkenhead by a curate and witnessed by William Hooley & Hannah Higneth.8  They had two sons named William and William.  There are no more children.

Thomas' second family with Ellen Goodman Roberts

Family Pictures
‌Thomas and Ellen were married in a religious ceremony on April 7th, 1883 at St. Mary (Birkenhead) witnessed by William ? and Anne Brereton.8  They had a son and five daughters, named George, Jessie, Ann, Theresa, Ellen and Jane.  There are no more children.

1 1851 UK Census
3 1871 UK Census
4 1881 UK Census
5 1891 UK Census
6 1901 UK Census
7 1861 UK Census
8 Cheshire Parish Records (1538-2000)
9 GRO Reference
10 Ancestry Family Trees
11 Individual - Henry Marshall
12 England & Wales BMD Index (1916-2007)

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