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Female Martha (Matty) Pickles Click to view Martha (Matty) Pickles in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Martha, known as Matty, was born on November 22nd, 1785 in Wilsden (Bradford) and her baptism took place on December 25th, 1785 at All Saints (Bingley).1 2  Matty's father was Thomas Pickles and her mother was Mary Walsh.  Her maternal grandparents were Robert Walsh and Mary Bear. She had five brothers and three sisters, named Joseph, John, Thomas, William, Michael, Sarah, Isabel and Mary.  She was the fourth youngest of the nine children.  She died at the age of 76 on August 23rd, 1862 in Manningham.3 

Matty's family with Miles Waddington

‌Matty and Miles were married in a religious ceremony on February 10th, 1805 at St. Peter (Bradford Cathederal).4   They had a son and seven daughters, named Joseph, Betsy, Martha, Mary, Rachel, Hannah, Sarah and Maria.  There are no more children.

1 1851 UK Census
3 Certificate - Death
4 England Select Marriages (1538-1973)
5 1841 UK Census
6 England & Wales Non-conformist Registers (1567-1970)
7 England Select Births & Christenings (1538-1975)
9 BMD-Yorkshire

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