Pedigree Resource File CD 6
The cited information was published by (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual Reserve, Inc., 1999)
Pedigree Resource File CD 6.
- References (11496)
- Individual: Thietburge Mrs FAUCIGNY
- Individual: Sedeqetelebab
- Individual: Bertha, Countess Of FLANDERS
- Individual: Margred Wogan
- Individual: William Fleming
- Individual: David Barry
- Individual: Elsbeth I |ferch William| Herbert
- Individual: Henry Wogan Sir Knight
- Individual: Dinah
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: Cecily Herbert
- Individual: Mualeleth
- Individual: Walter De Herbert Sir
- Individual: John Grey Lord Powis
- Individual: Ida De LORRAINE
- Individual: Mawd ferch Adam
- Individual: William Barry
- Individual: Gwladus ferch Dafydd
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Cadwgon ap Gruffudd
- Individual: Richard "Hir\Ddu" |ap William| Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Eliakim
- Individual: Elsbeth II |ferch William| Herbert
- Individual: Betenos
- Individual: Ermengarde De FLANDERS
- Individual: Adataneses
- Individual: Catrin Fleming
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Jane Wogan
- Individual: Marsli Wogan
- Individual: John Abrahall
- Individual: Olive |ferch William| Herbert
- Individual: Cecily D' AUBIGNY (ALBINI)
- Individual: William "Earl de Aubigny [Earl of Sussex] [Earl of S
- Individual: Thomas Cokesey Sir Knight
- Individual: Joan Herbert
- Individual: Henry Bodrigham Sir Knight
- Individual: Richard, Count Of EVREUX (EVERAUX) (EVEREAUX)
- Individual: Adaele Mrs De TONI [COUNTESS OF EVREUX]
- Individual: Guillaume TAILLEFER
- Individual: Gerberga D' Anjou [COUNTESS OF ANG [COUNTESS
- Individual: Mrs- Mrs-Richard-III, Concubine Of NORMANDY
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Charles Stradling
- Individual: Agnes Le MESCHIN
- Individual: Lucy Countess Of CHESTER
- Individual: Margred |ferch William| Herbert
- Individual: Agnes De GARLENDE
- Individual: Aimon I, Count Of VIENNE
- Individual: Hywel "Blaene" ap Meurig
- Individual: Gwilym Wallis
- Individual: Frond ferch Hoesgyn
- Individual: Thomas Herbert "Gloff"
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Thomas Fleming
- Individual: John Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Japheth
- Individual: Catrin Kemeys
- Individual: Maredudd ap Hywel
- Individual: Mawd ferch Thomas
- Individual: Philip Herbert Lord of Ty
- Individual: Adelheid
- Individual: Richard Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Isabel Herbert
- Individual: John |ap William| Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert "Fain"
- Individual: John Herbert Syr
- Individual: James Herbert
- Individual: Magog
- Individual: Margred ferch Thomas
- Individual: Henry (Harry) Stradling Sir Knight
- Individual: Ebal I De GRANDSON
- Individual: Falko (Conon) De GRANDSON
- Individual: Adelheid De ROUCY
- Individual: Shem
- Individual: Jonet Bibydd
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Hildouin IV Count Montdidier [COUNT OF ROUCY] [COUNT OF
- Individual: Alice (Adela) De ROUCY
- Individual: Felicitas Queen Of ARAGON
- Individual: Beatrice Of Montdidier [COUNTESS OF PER [COUNTESS
- Individual: Margaret (Marguerite) De Montdidier [Countess of Cle [Countess
- Individual: Ebles I, Count Of REIMS
- Individual: Mrs- Mrs-Gilbert De ROUCY
- Individual: Manassess Count Of DAMMARTIN & DAMPMARTIN
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Eve FITZESTMOND ;[Prioress]
- Individual: Robert "The Devout" FITZHARDING [Lord of Berkele [Lord of B
- Individual: Estmond
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: William De FERRERS
- Individual: Malcheline De FERRERS
- Individual: Hawise De FERRERS
- Individual: Miss Miss De FERRERS
- Individual: Robert De FERRERS
- Individual: Godiva Of NORMANDY
- Individual: Matilda FERRERS
- Individual: Hugo FERRERS
- Individual: Henry FERRERS
- Individual: Robert FERRERS
- Individual: Joan De FERRERS
- Individual: Isolda De FERRERS
- Individual: Jenkin ap |Herbert| John
- Individual: Mathew "Goch" ap Hywel
- Individual: Margaret Peverel [COUNTESS OF DER [COUNTESS
- Individual: Elizabeth De FERRERS
- Individual: Isolda FERRERS
- Individual: Robert FERRERS
- Individual: Jane Stradling
- Individual: Maud De FERRERS
- Individual: Miss Miss De FERRERS
- Individual: Walcheline De FERRERS
- Individual: Baraka
- Individual: Danel
- Individual: Jared
- Individual: Rashujal
- Individual: Enos
- Individual: Azura
- Individual: Seth
- Individual: Eve
- Individual: Adam
- Individual: Lamech
- Individual: Baraki il
- Individual: Edna
- Individual: Robert De FERRERS (FERRIER [Earl of Derby] [Earl of D
- Individual: William, "The Younger" Peverel [DE NOTTINGHAM] [DE NOTTIN
- Individual: Avice De LANCASTER
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Joan Herbert
- Individual: William "the Elder" PEVEREL
- Individual: Cainon
- Individual: Noam
- Individual: Sybil De NEUFMARCHE [Countess of Her [Countess
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Methysalem
- Individual: Enoch
- Individual: Walkelin (William) De FERRIERES [Seigneur of Fer [Seigneur
- Individual: Sybil De BRAOSE
- Individual: Edna
- Individual: Azrial
- Individual: Agatha De FERRERS
- Individual: Mahalahel
- Individual: Barakiel
- Individual: William De FERRERS
- Individual: Millicent De FERRERS
- Individual: William De BRAOSE [Sheriff of Here [Sheriff o
- Individual: Bertha De GLOUCESTER
- Individual: Roger De BRAOSE
- Individual: Giles De BRAOSE
- Individual: Bertha De BRAOSE
- Individual: William De BRAOSE
- Individual: Reginald De BRAOSE
- Individual: Isabel De BRAOSE
- Individual: Gillian De BRAOSE
- Individual: John De BRAOSE
- Individual: Philip De BRAOSE
- Individual: Matilda De BRAOSE
- Individual: Engeram De BRAOSE
- Individual: Mawd ferch Dafydd
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch Lewys
- Individual: David Fleming
- Individual: Elsbeth Herbert
- Individual: Jonet Mathew
- Individual: Edward Stradling Sir Knight
- Individual: Mary Stradling
- Individual: Jane Stradling
- Individual: Henry (Harry) Stradling
- Individual: Richard Fleming
- Individual: Thomas Fleming
- Individual: Robert Fleming
- Individual: Miles Parry
- Individual: Catrin Parry
- Individual: Harry Parry *F Herefor
- Individual: Miss Miss Parry
- Individual: Watkin Parry
- Individual: John Parry
- Individual: Gruffudd Parry
- Individual: Thomas Parry
- Individual: Philip Parry
- Individual: James II Parry
- Individual: Richard Parry
- Individual: James I Parry
- Individual: Hugh Stradling
- Individual: Margred Cradock
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Mathew Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert Earl of Pe
- Individual: George Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Walter Herbert
- Individual: William II Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Isabel ferch Gwilym
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Alice Herbert
- Individual: William II Herbert *1R Eglwys
- Individual: Jonet ferch Gwilym
- Individual: John Herbert "Penceisia
- Individual: William Herbert "Tew"
- Individual: Thomas Herbert "Hir"
- Individual: Efa ferch Thomas
- Individual: Daisy Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Catrin Herbert
- Individual: Arphaxad
- Individual: John Greystoke *B Crickla
- Individual: Walter Talbot Sir Knight
- Individual: Mr Mr Cornwall
- Individual: Elsbeth Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Plantagenet
- Individual: Elizabeth Lany
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Watkin Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth Herbert
- Individual: Anne Stafford
- Individual: Sibyl Croft
- Individual: Letis Herbert
- Individual: Walter Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Blanche Milbourne
- Individual: Alswn Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Charles Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Thomas Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Margery
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: Joan "Fain"
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert "Gloff"
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch Thomas
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Penn Dwnn
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Rhydderch ap Rhys
- Individual: Jane Griffith
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Mawd I Herbert
- Individual: Mawd II Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth Herbert
- Individual: Gwenllian Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Rhys Herbert Esquire
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Gruffudd Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Mabli ferch Gwilym
- Individual: William ("Llwyd") II Herbert gentleman
- Individual: Emma
- Individual: Mawd III Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Margred ferch Gwilym
- Individual: Anne I Herbert
- Individual: Catrin Herbert
- Individual: Catrin II Herbert
- Individual: Morgan Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Richard "Ddu" Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Anne ferch Dafydd
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Catrin III Herbert
- Individual: Anne II Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Edward Herbert Esquire
- Individual: William Herbert Esquire
- Individual: John Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Oliver Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Richard II Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert "Leia"
- Individual: Margred Lloyd
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Margred II Herbert
- Individual: Alswn Herbert
- Individual: Gruffudd Herbert
- Individual: Gwenllian II Herbert
- Individual: Annes Walbyf
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Jonet Herbert
- Individual: Gwenllian I Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert Steward Te
- Individual: James Herbert
- Individual: Watkin Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: George Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth Herbert
- Individual: Jonet Herbert
- Individual: Miles Of Gloucester [EARL OF HEREFOR [EARL OF H
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: Margery Huntley
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Anne Arnold
- Individual: Alice Herbert
- Individual: Thomas II Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth |Hoyskin| Hodges
- Individual: Thomas ap Jenkin
- Individual: Hywel ap Jenkin
- Individual: Miss Miss Barry
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert "Ddu"
- Individual: Henry Herbert
- Individual: Joan ferch William
- Individual: Joan Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Thomas ap Morgan Sir Knight
- Individual: John Morgan Esquire
- Individual: William Morgan Sir Knight
- Individual: Catrin Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss Morgan
- Individual: Philip Morgan
- Individual: Henry (Harry) Morgan Esquire
- Individual: son son Dawley
- Individual: son son Barclay
- Individual: son son Baskerville
- Individual: Walter FITZMILES
- Individual: son son Bacon
- Individual: Thomas Bawdrep Sir Knight
- Individual: Thomas Catchmay
- Individual: John Catchmay
- Individual: Thomas Catchmay
- Individual: Richard Catchmay
- Individual: Ffelis "Gwyn" Kemeys
- Individual: Bridget Stradling
- Individual: Elsbeth I Stradling
- Individual: Elsbeth II Stradling
- Individual: Margaret De GLOUCESTER
- Individual: Joan Stradling
- Individual: Blanche Stradling
- Individual: Mary Stradling
- Individual: Cecily Stradling
- Individual: Jenkin Stradling
- Individual: James Stradling
- Individual: William Stradling
- Individual: John "Gwyn" Stradling
- Individual: Elizabeth Arundel
- Individual: Jane Stradling
- Individual: Henry FITZMILES
- Individual: Catrin Stradling
- Individual: Elsbeth III Stradling
- Individual: Elsbeth IV Stradling
- Individual: Thomas Stradling Sir Knight
- Individual: Robert I Stradling
- Individual: Edward Stradling
- Individual: John Stradling
- Individual: Henry Stradling
- Individual: Mawd ferch Hywel
- Individual: Peter Stradling
- Individual: Mahel FITZMILES
- Individual: Joan ferch Robin
- Individual: Cristin Stradling
- Individual: Robert II Stradling ("Fach")
- Individual: William "Ail" Griffith Sir Knight
- Individual: Catrin Griffith
- Individual: Elsbeth Griffith
- Individual: Annes Griffith
- Individual: Edward Griffith
- Individual: Rhys Griffith Sir Knight
- Individual: John Griffith
- Individual: William FITZMILES [Lord of Abergav [Lord of A
- Individual: Jane Jubb
- Individual: Francis Stradling
- Individual: Jonet Stradling
- Individual: Marsli Stradling
- Individual: Morgan Stradling
- Individual: Isabel Stradling
- Individual: Thomas Stradling
- Individual: Watkin Hughes
- Individual: Elsbeth Hughes
- Individual: Richard Turberville
- Individual: Lucy De GLOUCESTER
- Individual: John ap Gruffudd
- Individual: Anne Talbot
- Individual: Anne Parr
- Individual: Henry Herbert Earl of Pe
- Individual: Edward Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Berkeley
- Individual: Cecily Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Mabel HEREFORD
- Individual: Elsbeth Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Mathew Herbert Esquire
- Individual: William Herbert Esquire
- Individual: George Herbert
- Individual: Margred ferch Morgan
- Individual: William II Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch Richard
- Individual: William III Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert Captain
- Individual: Mallt ferch Dafydd
- Individual: Tudo Herbert
- Individual: Anne II Herbert
- Individual: Mallt Mathew
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Sibyl Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Mathew Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth ferch Hywel
- Individual: Alice Herbert
- Individual: Anne I Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert "Gloff"
- Individual: Philip Herbert
- Individual: John ap Gruffudd
- Individual: Lleucu ferch Maredudd
- Individual: Thomas Herbert *2R Llantr
- Individual: Watkin Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Ward
- Individual: Bernard De NEUFMARCHE
- Individual: Philip Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Mawd Lewis
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Jonet ferch Morus
- Individual: Gwenllian Herbert
- Individual: Joan Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Baskerville
- Individual: Nest Verch OSBORN
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch Jenkin
- Individual: Mawd Herbert
- Individual: Mawd Hergest
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: Nicolas Williams
- Individual: Walter Williams
- Individual: Morgan Mathew
- Individual: Watkin Vaughan
- Individual: Mahel De NEUFMARCHE
- Individual: Jenkin Barry
- Individual: Richard Barry
- Individual: Miss Miss Barry
- Individual: William Barry
- Individual: Elsbeth Barry
- Individual: Mawd Barry
- Individual: Alice Barry
- Individual: James Powell
- Individual: Charles Somerset *E Worcest
- Individual: Henry Somerset *E Worcest
- Individual: Adam De NEUFMARCHE
- Individual: Bridget Kemeys
- Individual: Nest Herbert
- Individual: Blanche Herbert
- Individual: George Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Wyrrall
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: William |ap John| Jones
- Individual: Blanche Jones
- Individual: John I Morgan Esquire
- Individual: William Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Joan Morgan
- Individual: William Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Cecily Herbert
- Individual: George Herbert
- Individual: Miles Herbert
- Individual: Barbara Herbert
- Individual: Joan Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Harry Herbert
- Individual: Cecily Monington
- Individual: Anne Moore
- Individual: Catrin Herbert
- Individual: William Adams
- Individual: William Adams
- Individual: Catrin Adams
- Individual: Miss Miss Scudamore
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth ferch Gruffudd
- Individual: Joan Herbert
- Individual: Blanche Herbert
- Individual: Watkin Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Cecily Gage
- Individual: Anne Lucy
- Individual: Elsbeth I Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth II Herbert
- Individual: Barbara Herbert
- Individual: Blanche Herbert
- Individual: Henry (Harry) Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Charles Herbert gentleman
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Edmund Herbert
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Taylor
- Individual: Mawd Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Catesby
- Individual: Margaret ferch James
- Individual: William II Herbert
- Individual: Joan Powell
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: William Cox
- Individual: Alswn ferch Thomas
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Morgan Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Jane (Joan) Herbert
- Individual: Margred II Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Cecily Herbert
- Individual: James Herbert
- Individual: Andrew Norton
- Individual: George Norton Sir Knight
- Individual: Dafydd Mathew Sir Knight
- Individual: Thomas ap Robert
- Individual: Walter |ap Thomas| Probert Esquire
- Individual: William |ap Thomas| Probert
- Individual: Elsbeth |ferch Thomas| Probert
- Individual: John Paris
- Individual: William Thomas Sir Knight
- Individual: Catrin Thomas
- Individual: Dorothy Thomas
- Individual: Mary Thomas
- Individual: Elsbeth Thomas
- Individual: Winifred Thomas
- Individual: Rhys Thomas *F Caernar
- Individual: John Thomas
- Individual: George Thomas
- Individual: Mawd Thomas
- Individual: Juliana Thomas
- Individual: Gwenllian Thomas
- Individual: Richard ap Thomas
- Individual: Elise ap Morus
- Individual: William ap Hywel
- Individual: Jonet ferch William
- Individual: Harry ap Huw
- Individual: Robert Walbyf
- Individual: Rhys ap Thomas
- Individual: Morus Lloyd
- Individual: Rhydderch ap Rhys
- Individual: Elen ferch Rhys
- Individual: Elsbeth ferch Rhys
- Individual: Jonet ferch Rhys
- Individual: Margred ferch Rhys
- Individual: William Lloyd
- Individual: Thomas ap Rhys
- Individual: George Mathew Sir Knight
- Individual: Elsbeth Mathew
- Individual: Anne Mathew
- Individual: Margred Mathew
- Individual: Catrin I Mathew
- Individual: Elen Mathew
- Individual: Elsbeth Mathew
- Individual: Philip ap Thomas
- Individual: Joan ferch Philip
- Individual: Elizabeth Browne
- Individual: William Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Lucy I Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Jenkins
- Individual: Walter Herbert
- Individual: Rhys Herbert
- Individual: Jonet Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Lucy "Goch" Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Joan Herbert
- Individual: Rhys ap Ieuan
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch Rhys
- Individual: Elsbeth ferch Ieuan
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Jane ferch Gruffudd
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Watkin Herbert gentleman
- Individual: Lewys Herbert gentleman
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Richard ap William gentleman
- Individual: Miles Hunt
- Individual: Humphrey ap Hywel
- Individual: Elsbeth ferch Humphrey
- Individual: Jane ferch Humphrey
- Individual: Richard Croft
- Individual: John ap Huw
- Individual: Mawd ferch John
- Individual: Elen ferch Dafydd
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch Dafydd
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Morgan Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth I Wogan
- Individual: Richard Herbert Esquire
- Individual: William I Awbrey
- Individual: Jonet Awbrey
- Individual: John Awbrey
- Individual: Richard Awbrey
- Individual: William Awbrey
- Individual: Thomas ap Rhys
- Individual: Richard ap Thomas
- Individual: Thomas ap Thomas
- Individual: James Whitney
- Individual: George Beinon Esquire
- Individual: George Savage
- Individual: Humphrey ap John
- Individual: Richard ap John
- Individual: Edward |ap Richard| Price
- Individual: Huw ap John
- Individual: Thomas ap Ieuan
- Individual: Elsbeth Pryce
- Individual: Richard Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Mathew Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: George Herbert
- Individual: Charles Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Catrin Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Bridget Herbert
- Individual: Margaret Herbert
- Individual: Susanna Herbert
- Individual: Elen ferch John
- Individual: Morus Herbert
- Individual: Gwenllian ferch Dafydd
- Individual: Richard II Herbert
- Individual: Jane ferch John
- Individual: Catrin I Herbert
- Individual: Catrin II Herbert
- Individual: Mary I Herbert
- Individual: Mary II Herbert
- Individual: Richard I Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Morus Herbert
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Harry Herbert
- Individual: Morgan Herbert
- Individual: Nicholas Herbert
- Individual: Lewys Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth ferch Robert
- Individual: Edward Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Gruffudd Herbert
- Individual: Henry Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Mali Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Catrin Herbert
- Individual: Jane Orwel
- Individual: Isabel ferch Richard
- Individual: Owain Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Catrin Herbert
- Individual: Jane ferch Huw
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Letis ferch William
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Lewys Prichard
- Individual: Thomas I |ap Morus| Bowen
- Individual: Rhys Bowen
- Individual: Thomas Bowen
- Individual: James White
- Individual: Gruffudd White
- Individual: William Adams
- Individual: Dafydd ap Dafydd
- Individual: Philip ap Dafydd
- Individual: Sibyl ferch Dafydd
- Individual: John ap Dafydd
- Individual: Hywel ap John
- Individual: Edward ap Thomas
- Individual: Harry |ap Edward| Vaughan
- Individual: Lewys ap Lewys
- Individual: Dafydd |Morgan| Wolf
- Individual: Morgan Wolf
- Individual: William Walbyf
- Individual: Jonet Walbyf
- Individual: Elinor Vaughan
- Individual: Watkin II Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch Lewys
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Watkin I Herbert
- Individual: James Herbert
- Individual: Margred Bunhill
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Margred Gunter
- Individual: Joan Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: Mali Sayer
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Margred I ferch Morgan
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth Herbert
- Individual: Jonet Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: James Herbert
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert "Hir"
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: Gwenllian Wynston
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Gwenllian Herbert
- Individual: Anne "Goch"
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Anne ferch Thomas
- Individual: George Herbert
- Individual: Joan ferch Morgan
- Individual: Rawling ap Dafydd
- Individual: Gwenllian ferch Rawling
- Individual: Jenkin ap Dafydd
- Individual: Jonet ferch Jenkin
- Individual: Margred I ferch Jenkin
- Individual: Jenkin ap Gwilym
- Individual: William ap Jenkin
- Individual: Roger ap Jenkin
- Individual: Philip ap Jenkin
- Individual: Rhys ap Jenkin
- Individual: Hopkin ap Jenkin
- Individual: Dafydd ap Jenkin
- Individual: John ap Jenkin
- Individual: John ap Dafydd
- Individual: Ffelis Awbrey
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: George Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Gunter
- Individual: Alice Rowland
- Individual: daughter daughter Herbert
- Individual: daughter daughter Herbert
- Individual: daughter daughter Herbert
- Individual: daughter daughter Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth Mathew
- Individual: Richard Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Christopher Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Nest Herbert
- Individual: Catrin Herbert
- Individual: Ieuan Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth ferch John
- Individual: Ieuan ap Thomas
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Henry Herbert
- Individual: Walter Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Susan Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch William
- Individual: Bridget Herbert
- Individual: Henry (Harry) Herbert
- Individual: Watkin Herbert
- Individual: Alice Herbert
- Individual: William ap Gruffudd
- Individual: Mr Mr Hopkins
- Individual: William Hopkins
- Individual: Jonet ferch Dafydd
- Individual: Philip Morgan
- Individual: James Morgan
- Individual: Roger Morgan gentleman
- Individual: Miss Miss Morgan
- Individual: Lewis Morgan
- Individual: Elsbeth II ferch Lewys
- Individual: Jane Morgan
- Individual: William Morgan Esquire
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Florence Brydges
- Individual: Margred Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Giles Morgan
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Andrew Morgan
- Individual: Henry Morgan priest
- Individual: Thomas Morgan Sir Knight
- Individual: Morgan ap Morgan
- Individual: Alice Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Florence Morgan
- Individual: Richard Beynam
- Individual: John Beynam
- Individual: Margred ferch Rhys
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Catherine Gunter
- Individual: Richard Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Lleision ap Lewys
- Individual: Thomas Lewis Esquire
- Individual: Anne |verch Thomas| Lewis
- Individual: Jane |verch Thomas| Lewis
- Individual: Thomas |ap Thomas| Lewis
- Individual: Rowland |ap Thomas| Lewis
- Individual: John ap Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Elinor |verch John| Morgan
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Joan Morgan
- Individual: Miles Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Mr Mr
- Individual: son son Stradling
- Individual: Christian Sheen
- Individual: Charles Stradling
- Individual: William Stradling
- Individual: Alice Stradling
- Individual: Joyce Stradling
- Individual: Margred ferch Thomas
- Individual: Thomas Stradling
- Individual: Gwenllian ferch Mathew
- Individual: Mary Stradling
- Individual: Jane Stradling
- Individual: Edward Stradling
- Individual: Bridget Stradling
- Individual: Mathew Stradling
- Individual: Anne Stradling
- Individual: Alexander Popham
- Individual: Thomas Palmer Sir Knight
- Individual: William Palmer
- Individual: Roger Carne
- Individual: Edmund Morgan
- Individual: Rowland Morgan Sir Knight
- Individual: Andrew Morgan
- Individual: Edmund Morgan
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Catrin Gamage
- Individual: Edward Stradling Sir Knight
- Individual: Elizabeth Stradling
- Individual: Damasine Stradling
- Individual: Jane Stradling
- Individual: Joyce Stradling
- Individual: Gwenllian Stradling
- Individual: David Stradling
- Individual: Denis Llychwr
- Individual: Elizabeth Stradling
- Individual: Joan Stradling
- Individual: Mary Stradling
- Individual: Bridget Stradling
- Individual: Damasine Stradling
- Individual: Catrin Stradling
- Individual: Margred Stradling
- Individual: Thomas Stradling
- Individual: Elsbeth "Bess" Raglan
- Individual: Sibyl Stradling
- Individual: Mary Stradling
- Individual: Catrin Stradling
- Individual: Margred Stradling
- Individual: Jane Stradling
- Individual: Arthur Stradling
- Individual: Edward Stradling
- Individual: Lambrock Stradling
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch Lewys
- Individual: Peter Stradling
- Individual: Jane Stradling
- Individual: Alice Stradling
- Individual: Mr Mr
- Individual: Jonet Llychwr
- Individual: Mary Mitchell
- Individual: Henry (Harry) Stradling
- Individual: John Stradling Sir Barone
- Individual: Grace Stradling
- Individual: Thomas Stradling
- Individual: Joan Stradling
- Individual: Percival Stradling
- Individual: Edmund Stradling
- Individual: James ap Hywel
- Individual: Henry ap Lewys
- Individual: Lewys ap Henry
- Individual: Nest ferch Henry
- Individual: Jenkin Stradling
- Individual: Elsbeth Stradling
- Individual: Jenkin ap Dafydd
- Individual: Joan ferch Jenkin
- Individual: Mawd ferch Jenkin
- Individual: Jenkin Stradling
- Individual: William ap Richard
- Individual: Mathew Prichard Sheriff
- Individual: Catherine Grey
- Individual: Catherine Talbot
- Individual: Mary Sidney ~C Pembrok
- Individual: William Herbert Earl of Pe
- Individual: Philip Herbert Earl of Pe
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Herbert
- Individual: Mary Stanley
- Individual: Elam
- Individual: George Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Joyce Herbert
- Individual: Frances Herbert
- Individual: Catrin Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Winifred Herbert
- Individual: Francis Talbot *E Shrewsb
- Individual: Roger Vaughan Sir Knight
- Individual: Joan Vaughan
- Individual: Rowland Vaughan
- Individual: William Mathew Esquire
- Individual: Sarah Mathew
- Individual: Mary Mathew
- Individual: William |ap Rhys| Owen
- Individual: Jane Ludlow Lady Powis
- Individual: Mary Gamage
- Individual: Elsbeth Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Cecily Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: John Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Nicholas Herbert
- Individual: George Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Alice Raglan
- Individual: George Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth Vanne
- Individual: Jeffrey Newton
- Individual: John ap Harry
- Individual: Thomas ap Edward
- Individual: Elsbeth ferch Thomas
- Individual: Watkin Lloyd
- Individual: William ap Ieuan
- Individual: William Dawkin
- Individual: George Dawkin
- Individual: Anne ferch John
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Rhys Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth Herbert
- Individual: Alice Herbert
- Individual: Catrin Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: William ap Jenkin
- Individual: Anne ferch William
- Individual: George ap William
- Individual: Jenkin ap William
- Individual: Jonet ferch William
- Individual: George ap Richard
- Individual: Rowland ap George
- Individual: Richard ap George
- Individual: Miss Miss Coly
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: Margred ferch Thomas
- Individual: Joan Lloyd
- Individual: William Herbert Captain
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Joan Herbert
- Individual: Jane ferch Richard
- Individual: Thomas ap Hoesgyn
- Individual: Lewys ap Hywel
- Individual: Thomas ap Lewys
- Individual: William ap Watkin
- Individual: John ap Dafydd
- Individual: Philip ap Jenkin
- Individual: William |ap Dafydd| Morgan
- Individual: Rhys Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Dafydd Morgan
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss Morgan
- Individual: Margred Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss Morgan
- Individual: Hoesgyn ap Hopkin
- Individual: William ap Hoesgyn
- Individual: Margred ferch Hoesgyn
- Individual: Joan ferch Hoesgyn
- Individual: Morus Hughes
- Individual: John Hughes
- Individual: Bridget Kemeys
- Individual: Anne Bodenham
- Individual: Nicolas Williams
- Individual: Elizabeth Browne
- Individual: William Somerset *E Worcest
- Individual: Thomas Somerset Esquire
- Individual: Francis Somerset Esquire
- Individual: Charles Somerset Sir Knight
- Individual: Jane Somerset Lady
- Individual: Eleanor Somerset
- Individual: Lucy Somerset
- Individual: Anne Somerset
- Individual: Margaret Courtenay
- Individual: Thomas ap John
- Individual: John Games
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: Henry Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Bridget Herbert
- Individual: Saunder ap Dafydd
- Individual: Sander ap Dafydd
- Individual: Rowland Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Elsbeth Morgan
- Individual: Catrin Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Henry (Harry) Morgan
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Catrin Bodenham
- Individual: Miles Mathew Esquire
- Individual: Dorothy
- Individual: Jane Griffith
- Individual: William Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Miles Herbert
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Miles Mathew
- Individual: Barbara Mathew
- Individual: Gwenllian (Mary) Mathew
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch John
- Individual: Walter Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: William I Herbert Esquire
- Individual: William II Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Edmund Gruffudd
- Individual: George James Esquire
- Individual: Oliver Lloyd Esquire
- Individual: Charles Lloyd Esquire
- Individual: Catrin ferch Thomas
- Individual: Charles Herbert gentleman
- Individual: Alice Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth I Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Mawd Herbert
- Individual: Gwenllian Herbert
- Individual: Blanche Herbert
- Individual: Catrin Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth II Herbert
- Individual: Thomas ap Watkin
- Individual: Thomas Vaughan
- Individual: William Vaughan
- Individual: John Breynton
- Individual: Arnold Welsh Esquire
- Individual: Anthony Welsh
- Individual: Thomas Welsh
- Individual: Cecily Welsh
- Individual: Walter (Watkin) Powell Esquire
- Individual: Barbara Powell
- Individual: Elinor Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Christian Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth Herbert
- Individual: Lewis Herbert
- Individual: Joan Herbert
- Individual: Mary Tetlow
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: Francis Herbert
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: George Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Joan Catchmay
- Individual: Elsbeth Herbert
- Individual: Bridget ferch Robert
- Individual: Susanna Old
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Dafydd |ap Philip| Powell
- Individual: William Powell
- Individual: Jane Powell
- Individual: William Cecil
- Individual: Ursula Wyrwood
- Individual: Joan Scudamore
- Individual: John ap William
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Morgan Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Dafydd ap Philip
- Individual: John ap Roger
- Individual: Ieuan ap William
- Individual: Margred ferch Watkin
- Individual: Watkin Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Joan Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch Lewys
- Individual: Elizabeth Grey
- Individual: Samuel Norton
- Individual: Elizabeth Norton
- Individual: Dorothy Baynham
- Individual: George Probert Esquire
- Individual: Charles Probert
- Individual: Anthony Probert
- Individual: Christopher Probert
- Individual: Joan Probert
- Individual: Thomas ap Robert
- Individual: William Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Henry (Harry) Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Lucy Morgan
- Individual: Blanche Morgan
- Individual: Dafydd Gwyn
- Individual: George |Gwyn| Powell Esquire
- Individual: William Bawdrep
- Individual: William Vanne
- Individual: George Vanne
- Individual: Lewys Raglan
- Individual: Jane I ferch John
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: Rhys Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Dorothy Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Denys Agmondisham
- Individual: Mathew Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Anne Brayne
- Individual: Harry ap Watkin
- Individual: Thomas ap Richard
- Individual: John ap Roger
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Watkin ap Ieuan
- Individual: Robert Jones
- Individual: Morus Hughes Syr
- Individual: Harry Vaughan
- Individual: Mawd ferch Adam
- Individual: Mathew Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: George ap Harry
- Individual: Elsbeth ferch George
- Individual: Marsalie ferch John
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Mary ferch William
- Individual: Roger Lloyd
- Individual: Edward Lloyd
- Individual: Elen ferch Dafydd
- Individual: Margred ferch Rhys
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: Elen Herbert
- Individual: Jane ferch Thomas
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Catrin ferch Owain
- Individual: Morgan Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Huw Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Jonet Games
- Individual: Sybil Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth I Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth II Herbert
- Individual: Catrin Herbert
- Individual: Gwladus Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: Walter Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Elinor Herbert
- Individual: Margred Gunter
- Individual: Magdalen Newport
- Individual: Edward Herbert Lord Herbe
- Individual: Elsbeth Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: George Herbert
- Individual: Henry Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Frances Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert Captain
- Individual: Margaret (Anne) Foxe
- Individual: Francis Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Samuel Herbert gentleman
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Jane ferch Huw
- Individual: Edward Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: Samuel Herbert
- Individual: Walter Herbert
- Individual: Philip Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Purcell Esquire
- Individual: Edward Price Esquire
- Individual: Jenkin Lloyd Esquire
- Individual: Magdalen Lloyd
- Individual: William Spencer Esquire
- Individual: Dafydd |ap Lewys| Powell
- Individual: Gruffudd |ap Richard| Pugh Esquire
- Individual: Richard Pugh
- Individual: Catrin ferch Owain
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: Alice ferch Gruffudd
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Hugh Lloyd
- Individual: John ap Edmund
- Individual: Morus ap John
- Individual: Thomas ap Dafydd
- Individual: Jenkin ap Llywelyn
- Individual: Elsbeth ferch Humphrey
- Individual: Richard Herbert Esquire
- Individual: son son Herbert
- Individual: son son Herbert
- Individual: son son Herbert
- Individual: son son Herbert
- Individual: son son Herbert
- Individual: son son Herbert
- Individual: son son Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: daughter daughter Herbert
- Individual: Dafydd ap Ieuan
- Individual: John |ap William| Davis
- Individual: Dafydd Davis
- Individual: Jane Meurig
- Individual: John Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Angharad ferch Rhys
- Individual: Mabli ferch Richard
- Individual: Elsbeth Herbert
- Individual: Catrin Herbert
- Individual: Margery (Marsli) Herbert
- Individual: Lowri Herbert
- Individual: Gwen Herbert
- Individual: Catrin ferch Ednyfed
- Individual: Mahaud Countess Of Champagne [& BLOIS]
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Anne ferch Ieuan
- Individual: Ursula ferch Dafydd
- Individual: George (John) Harries
- Individual: William Griffith Reverend
- Individual: Owain ap Iorwerth
- Individual: Henry |ap Richard| Pugh
- Individual: Richard Pugh
- Individual: Humphrey Jones
- Individual: Catrin Lewis
- Individual: Oliver Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Pugh
- Individual: Mr Mr
- Individual: Elizabeth Tame
- Individual: Elsbeth Bowen
- Individual: Margred Bowen
- Individual: Rhys Bowen
- Individual: Mary Bowen
- Individual: Anne Llychwr
- Individual: Elsbeth ferch Philip
- Individual: Miss Miss Kemeys
- Individual: Anne Vaughan
- Individual: Anne ferch Walter
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Frances Vaughan
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Gruffudd Baker
- Individual: Philip Coly
- Individual: Margred ferch Gruffudd
- Individual: Margred ferch Jenkin
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: John ap William
- Individual: Elsbeth ferch John
- Individual: John ap William
- Individual: Ieuan Awbrey "Gwyn"
- Individual: Gwilym ap Llywelyn
- Individual: Lewys ap Thomas
- Individual: Mali ferch Llywelyn
- Individual: Watkin Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Mathew Herbert
- Individual: Watkin Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: Henry Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Joan Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Alice Herbert
- Individual: Walter Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch Hywel
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Jonet Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: John ap Watkin
- Individual: Rhys ap John
- Individual: Rhys ap Thomas
- Individual: Anne Vaughan
- Individual: Watkin ap Morgan
- Individual: William ap Watkin
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch Thomas
- Individual: Miss Gunter
- Individual: Ffelis Awbrey
- Individual: Barbara Pudsey
- Individual: Christopher Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Evan Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Poiskin
- Individual: Walter Poiskin
- Individual: Dafydd Wogan
- Individual: Mawd Wogan
- Individual: John |Herbert| Jayne
- Individual: Thomas |Herbert| Jayne
- Individual: Jonet ferch Thomas
- Individual: Thomas ap Ieuan
- Individual: John |ap Ieuan| Evans
- Individual: Catrin ferch Ieuan
- Individual: Jane ferch Ieuan
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch Ieuan
- Individual: John ap Ieuan
- Individual: James |ap Ieuan| Evans
- Individual: Isabel ferch Ieuan
- Individual: Isabel Adams
- Individual: William |ap Thomas| Evans *4C Llanda
- Individual: Miss Miss Philpot
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: William Reynold
- Individual: Hugh Powell
- Individual: Roger Sais
- Individual: Margred ferch John
- Individual: Avise
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss Morgan
- Individual: Jonet Adam
- Individual: Roger Morgan
- Individual: Alswn ferch Ieuan
- Individual: James Langley
- Individual: Miss Miss Langley
- Individual: Joan Langley
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Giles Dodington Esquire
- Individual: Henry Dodington Esquire
- Individual: Anne Dodington
- Individual: Mr Mr Clark
- Individual: William Clark
- Individual: Lewys Blethin gentleman
- Individual: Elsbeth Mansel
- Individual: Edward Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Florence Morgan
- Individual: George Morgan
- Individual: Thomas ap Edward
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch Thomas
- Individual: John ap Thomas
- Individual: Harry ap Thomas
- Individual: Elsbeth ferch Thomas
- Individual: Roger ap Thomas
- Individual: Edward |ap Lewys| Lewis *F Glamorg
- Individual: Mary Lewis
- Individual: Elsbeth Lewis
- Individual: Blanche Lewis
- Individual: Margred Lewis
- Individual: Cecily Lewis
- Individual: Jane Lewis
- Individual: Thomas Lewis
- Individual: Edward I Lewis
- Individual: Edmund Lewis
- Individual: William I Lewis
- Individual: William II Lewis
- Individual: Mary Brayn
- Individual: William Morgan Esquire
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Rowland Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: daughter daughter ferch Morgan
- Individual: James Morgan
- Individual: Jane Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: William Morgan Sir Knight
- Individual: Henry Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Robert Morgan
- Individual: George Morgan
- Individual: Florence Morgan
- Individual: James Morgan
- Individual: Anne Mathew
- Individual: William Beynam
- Individual: Henry Morgan
- Individual: Joan Wintreshall
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Joan Morgan
- Individual: Hywel ap Jenkin
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Rowland Morgan Esquire
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Lucrecia Morgan
- Individual: Blanche Morgan
- Individual: Jonet Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Catrin Lewis
- Individual: Harry (Henry) Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Henry Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Edmund Morgan Sir Knight
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Elsbeth Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Hannah Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Games
- Individual: Thomas Vanne
- Individual: Lewys Vanne
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch William
- Individual: William Stradling
- Individual: Alice Stradling
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch John
- Individual: Hugh Stradling
- Individual: Thomas ap Ieuan
- Individual: Catrin ferch John
- Individual: Catrin Stradling
- Individual: Edward Stradling
- Individual: Anne Stradling
- Individual: Thomas Mathew
- Individual: Robert Mathew
- Individual: Alice Mathew
- Individual: Rhys ap Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss
- Individual: Mary Stradling
- Individual: John Stradling
- Individual: Weldon Stradling
- Individual: John II Stradling
- Individual: Richard ap William
- Individual: David Griffith
- Individual: Elsbeth Nicholas
- Individual: Henry Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Rhys Morgan
- Individual: Catrin Morgan
- Individual: Elsbeth Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Jane Morgan
- Individual: Catrin Hawkins
- Individual: Catrin II Mathew
- Individual: Catrin Gibbon
- Individual: Edmund Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Rowland Morgan
- Individual: Elsbeth Morgan
- Individual: Florence Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Joan Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Reynolds
- Individual: Catrin Carne
- Individual: Margred Lloyd
- Individual: John ap Thomas
- Individual: Edward ap Rhydderch
- Individual: Agnes Gage
- Individual: Mr Mr
- Individual: William Prichard
- Individual: William Giles
- Individual: Thomas Turberville
- Individual: Edmund Turberville
- Individual: Thomas Williams Syr
- Individual: John Carne
- Individual: William Hammond
- Individual: Mr Mr
- Individual: Jenkin Edwards
- Individual: Jonet Edwards
- Individual: Hopkin ap John
- Individual: Llywelyn ap Ieuan
- Individual: Catrin Stradling
- Individual: Anne Stradling
- Individual: Robert Stradling
- Individual: Edmund Stradling
- Individual: Jane ferch Lewys
- Individual: Owain Gwyn
- Individual: Rhys ap William
- Individual: Cecily Vaughan
- Individual: Anne Stradling
- Individual: Edward Stradling
- Individual: Arthur Stradling
- Individual: Anne Mathew
- Individual: Elizabeth Stradling
- Individual: Livia Stradling
- Individual: Catherine Stradling
- Individual: Bridget Stradling
- Individual: Barbara Stradling
- Individual: Edward Stradling Esquire
- Individual: Catrin (Jonet) ferch John
- Individual: Elsbeth Stradling
- Individual: Bride Stradling
- Individual: Thomas Stradling
- Individual: Edward Deere
- Individual: John Price
- Individual: Owen Price
- Individual: Elizabeth Gage
- Individual: Jane Stradling
- Individual: Elizabeth Stradling
- Individual: Frances Stradling
- Individual: Edward Stradling Sir Barone
- Individual: Francis Stradling
- Individual: Edmund Stradling
- Individual: Harry (Henry) Stradling Sir Knight
- Individual: Donat Stradling
- Individual: Thomas Stradling Sir Knight
- Individual: John Stradling Major-Gene
- Individual: George Stradling
- Individual: Edward Vanne
- Individual: Miss Miss
- Individual: Dorothy Stradling
- Individual: John Stradling
- Individual: Llywelyn Stradling
- Individual: Ffelis Stradling
- Individual: Ieuan ap William
- Individual: Alice ferch Ieuan
- Individual: Dafydd ap Ieuan
- Individual: Walter Stradling Reverend
- Individual: Mary Talbot
- Individual: James Herbert
- Individual: Henry Herbert
- Individual: Susan de Vere
- Individual: James Herbert
- Individual: Henry Herbert
- Individual: Charles Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Philip Herbert Earl of Pe
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: James Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Anne Sophia Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Anne Clifford ~C Dorset
- Individual: Eleanor Percy
- Individual: Percy Herbert Baron Powi
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Herbert Lady
- Individual: Dorothy Lucy Herbert
- Individual: Barbara Herbert
- Individual: Lucy Herbert
- Individual: William Stanley
- Individual: William Massey Sir Knight
- Individual: Elsbeth Parry
- Individual: Rimron Mathew
- Individual: Harry (Henry) Jones Sir Knight
- Individual: Thomas Jones Sir Knight
- Individual: Lleision Evans
- Individual: Dafydd Evans Esquire
- Individual: Elsbeth Evans
- Individual: Jenkin Turberville Esquire
- Individual: Christopher Turberville
- Individual: Mary Turberville
- Individual: Elizabeth Turberville
- Individual: Margaret Turberville
- Individual: John Gibbon Esquire
- Individual: Catrin Griffith
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: William Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Catrin Herbert
- Individual: Catrin ferch John
- Individual: Jonet Griffith
- Individual: Mathew Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Jonet ferch John
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: son son Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Dorothy Walker
- Individual: Elizabeth Devan
- Individual: Arnold Herbert
- Individual: Catrin Vaughan
- Individual: Hywel ap Thomas
- Individual: Watkin Vaughan
- Individual: John ap Rhys
- Individual: Rhys ap William
- Individual: William Wynston
- Individual: Hugh Jones
- Individual: Thomas Jones
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Nicholas Herbert
- Individual: Jenkin Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Cecily Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Mary Scudamore
- Individual: Anthony Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: George Morgan
- Individual: Charles Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Catherine Morgan
- Individual: Cicely Morgan
- Individual: Joshua Morgan
- Individual: John Hyatt
- Individual: Simon Gilbert
- Individual: Nicholas Gilbert
- Individual: Ieuan ap Harry
- Individual: Lucy I Lloyd
- Individual: Walter Williams
- Individual: Anne Somerset
- Individual: Mawd Jones
- Individual: Christian North
- Individual: Edward Somerset *E Worcest
- Individual: Elizabeth Somerset
- Individual: Lucy Somerset Lady
- Individual: Frances Somerset
- Individual: Charles Somerset
- Individual: Elinor Somerset
- Individual: Edward Mansel Sir Knight
- Individual: Francis Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: Elsbeth Mansel
- Individual: Cecily Mansel
- Individual: Anthony Mansel
- Individual: Mary Mansel
- Individual: Philip Mansel
- Individual: Thomas Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: Christopher Mansel
- Individual: Harry (Henry) Mansel
- Individual: William Mansel
- Individual: Edward Mansel
- Individual: Charles |Mansel| Mansfield Captain
- Individual: Anne Mansel
- Individual: Rhys Mansel Captain
- Individual: Robert Mansel Sir Knight
- Individual: Roger Vaughan Sir Knight
- Individual: John Neville Lord Latim
- Individual: Thomas Percy *E Northum
- Individual: Miss Miss Clarke
- Individual: Florence Robnet
- Individual: Francis Herbert gentleman
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: Bridget Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Gwallter (Watkin) ap William
- Individual: Francis ap Gwallter
- Individual: Mathew ap Gwallter
- Individual: Thomas ap Gwallter
- Individual: Thomas Kemeys
- Individual: Philip ap William Esquire
- Individual: Henry |ap Philip| Morgan gentleman
- Individual: Roger |ap Philip| Morgan
- Individual: Susan |verch Philip| Morgan
- Individual: Elsbeth |verch Philip| Morgan
- Individual: Edward Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Mathew
- Individual: Henry (Harry) Jones Syr
- Individual: Elizabeth Bodenham
- Individual: William Morgan Sir Knight
- Individual: Edward Morgan
- Individual: John Morgan Sir Knight
- Individual: Dafydd Morgan
- Individual: Blanche Morgan
- Individual: Catrin Morgan
- Individual: Elsbeth I Morgan
- Individual: Jane Morgan
- Individual: Elsbeth II Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Margred Morgan
- Individual: Catrin Kemeys
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Blanche Morgan
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: son son Herbert
- Individual: son son Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert Lady
- Individual: Rhys ap Morgan
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Nicholas Morgan
- Individual: Henry Jones
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Brochwel Lloyd
- Individual: Catrin Jones
- Individual: Mr Mr Herbert
- Individual: Lewis ap Harry
- Individual: Sander Vaughan
- Individual: Joan Vaughan
- Individual: Walter Jones
- Individual: Richard ap John
- Individual: John ap Philip
- Individual: William ap John
- Individual: Philip ap William
- Individual: Morgan Jones
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: William Rawlings Esquire
- Individual: Anne Rawlings
- Individual: William Winter
- Individual: George Milborne Esquire
- Individual: Lucy Milborne
- Individual: Christian Milborne
- Individual: Catherine Milborne
- Individual: Elizabeth Milborne
- Individual: Margery Milborne
- Individual: Joan Milborne
- Individual: Mary Milborne
- Individual: John Milborne Esquire
- Individual: George Milborne
- Individual: Charles Milborne gentleman
- Individual: Henry Milborne Esquire
- Individual: Henry Lewis Esquire
- Individual: George Lewis Esquire
- Individual: Francis Lewis gentleman
- Individual: Mary Lewis
- Individual: Elizabeth nEGOOSE
- Individual: daughter daughter Herbert
- Individual: William Hawkes
- Individual: Peter |ap William| James gentleman
- Individual: Miss Miss
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: son son Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Margaret Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Herbert
- Individual: Alsona Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Edwards
- Individual: George Norton
- Individual: John I Basset Esquire
- Individual: Elsbeth Basset
- Individual: Thomas Basset
- Individual: James Basset
- Individual: Joan Worrall
- Individual: William Probert Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Probert
- Individual: George Probert
- Individual: Eleanor Probert
- Individual: Dorothy Probert
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch James
- Individual: Walter |ap John| Jones Esquire
- Individual: Elsbeth Bowen
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Catrin Morgan
- Individual: William Vaughan
- Individual: Dafydd Lloyd
- Individual: Hugh |ap Thomas| Lloyd
- Individual: Blanche Lloyd
- Individual: Elsbeth Lloyd
- Individual: Owain ap John
- Individual: Catrin ferch Rhydderch
- Individual: David Powell Esquire
- Individual: Blanche Vanne
- Individual: Joan Huntley
- Individual: Giles Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Charles Herbert gentleman
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Dafydd ap Richard
- Individual: William ap John
- Individual: Thomas ap John
- Individual: John Roberts gentleman
- Individual: Herbert Roberts
- Individual: William Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Henry Herbert
- Individual: Lewis Herbert
- Individual: Margaret Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Cecily Herbert
- Individual: Margred ferch Jenkin
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Walter Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Jonet Herbert
- Individual: Lucy Herbert
- Individual: William Lewis gentleman
- Individual: Henry Lewis gentleman
- Individual: Herbert Lewis
- Individual: Edmund Lewis
- Individual: Elizabeth Lewis
- Individual: daughter daughter Lewis
- Individual: daughter daughter Lewis
- Individual: daughter daughter Lewis
- Individual: daughter daughter Lewis
- Individual: Roger Lloyd Sir Knight
- Individual: Jane ferch Rhys
- Individual: Morgan Herbert
- Individual: Margred ferch John
- Individual: Morgan Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Ieuan Herbert
- Individual: Margred ferch Thomas
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Morgan Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Ieuan ap Jenkin
- Individual: Morgan ap Jenkin
- Individual: Catrin ferch Morgan
- Individual: son son Jones
- Individual: William II Jones
- Individual: Walter Conway
- Individual: John "Gwyn" ap William
- Individual: William |ap John| Gwyn
- Individual: Lewys ap Owain
- Individual: Dafydd Lloyd
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: William ap Dafydd
- Individual: Richard Herbert Lord Herbe
- Individual: Edward Herbert Captain
- Individual: Beatrice Herbert
- Individual: Florentia Herbert
- Individual: Jane Danvers
- Individual: Susan Sleaford
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Vere Herbert
- Individual: Frances Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Offley
- Individual: Mary Herbert twin
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert twin
- Individual: Henry Herbert Lord Herbe
- Individual: Magdalen Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: John Vaughan
- Individual: John Brown Sir Knight
- Individual: Dorothy Parry
- Individual: Abigail Garton
- Individual: Mathew Herbert Sir Barone
- Individual: Richard Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Margaret Owen
- Individual: Mathew Herbert
- Individual: Edward Herbert gentleman
- Individual: Margaret Herbert
- Individual: Athelstan Owen
- Individual: Richard Owen
- Individual: Margaret Smith
- Individual: Charles Herbert Colonel
- Individual: Arthur Herbert *E Torring
- Individual: Edward Herbert *E Portlan
- Individual: Mary Pryce
- Individual: Mary Williams
- Individual: William Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Dorothy Lloyd
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Herbert
- Individual: Jonet Herbert
- Individual: Judith Herbert
- Individual: Rhys |ap Richard| Prichard
- Individual: William Lewis Anwyl Esquire
- Individual: Lewis Anwyl Esquire
- Individual: Hywel Jones
- Individual: John Pugh
- Individual: Morgan Lewis
- Individual: Ieuan ap Dafydd
- Individual: Rhys Jones
- Individual: Mary ferch Humphrey
- Individual: Richard Herbert Esquire
- Individual: William Read
- Individual: William Parry
- Individual: Elsbeth Wiriot
- Individual: Gelly Barret
- Individual: Lewys Vaughan
- Individual: Margred ferch Jenkin
- Individual: Mr Mr Howard
- Individual: John ap William
- Individual: Margred ferch John
- Individual: Mary Awbrey
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Henry Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Gwladus ferch Ieuan
- Individual: Godwin Herbert
- Individual: Ieuan Herbert
- Individual: Herbert Herbert
- Individual: Leonard Herbert
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Watkin Herbert
- Individual: Peter Herbert
- Individual: James Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: Joan Herbert
- Individual: Mallt Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Barbara Herbert
- Individual: Jonet Herbert
- Individual: Elsbeth Herbert
- Individual: Catrin Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Amy Herbert
- Individual: Dorothy Jones
- Individual: Watkin Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Dorothy Herbert
- Individual: Mary Williams
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Joan Jones
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Lewis Meredith
- Individual: Hywel Williams
- Individual: Harry Griffith
- Individual: Edward Vaughan
- Individual: Thomas Hughes
- Individual: Dafydd ap Thomas
- Individual: Anne ferch Dafydd
- Individual: Margred ferch Lewis
- Individual: Margred ferch William
- Individual: Elizabeth Hemsworth
- Individual: Thomas Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Alice Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert gentleman
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert gentleman
- Individual: Christopher Herbert
- Individual: Ursula Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Aslaby
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Philip Herbert
- Individual: Morgan ap Lewys
- Individual: John Jayne
- Individual: William Jayne
- Individual: Elizabeth Pye
- Individual: Hugh |ap Thomas| Evans Esquire
- Individual: Jonet |ferch Thomas| Evans
- Individual: Harry ap Mathew
- Individual: John Baker
- Individual: Hugh Rogers
- Individual: William Coxe
- Individual: Miss Miss Bruer
- Individual: William ap John
- Individual: Charles ap John
- Individual: Hugh ap John
- Individual: daughter daughter ferch John
- Individual: daughter daughter ferch John
- Individual: daughter daughter ferch John
- Individual: Elizabeth
- Individual: son son Evans
- Individual: son son Evans
- Individual: son son Evans
- Individual: Hywel Vaughan
- Individual: Morgan ap Dafydd
- Individual: Morgan ap Gwilym
- Individual: Thomas Davies
- Individual: Roger ap Thomas
- Individual: Elinor Morgan
- Individual: Edward Morgan gentleman
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: George Morgan
- Individual: John Morgan gentleman
- Individual: Miles Morgan
- Individual: Roger Morgan
- Individual: Alexander Morgan
- Individual: Walter Morgan
- Individual: Florence Morgan
- Individual: Elsbeth Morgan
- Individual: Blanche Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: William ap Morgan
- Individual: Thomas ap William
- Individual: Edward ap William
- Individual: John I ap William
- Individual: Jonet ferch William
- Individual: Dafydd ap John
- Individual: John ap Dafydd
- Individual: Lewis Morgan
- Individual: Christopher Dodington
- Individual: Morris Dodington
- Individual: Edward Dodington
- Individual: Hugh Dodington
- Individual: Philip Dodington
- Individual: Arthur Dodington
- Individual: Anne Dodington
- Individual: Elizabeth Dodington
- Individual: John Jones Esquire
- Individual: William Jones Esquire
- Individual: Blanche Jones
- Individual: Elsbeth Jones
- Individual: Florence Jones
- Individual: Jane Jones
- Individual: Frances Brock
- Individual: Elizabeth Smith
- Individual: William I Morgan Esquire
- Individual: George Morgan
- Individual: Rhys Morgan
- Individual: Humphrey Morgan
- Individual: Winifrid I Morgan
- Individual: Margery Hassel
- Individual: Harry Morgan
- Individual: Saunders Morgan
- Individual: Roger Morgan
- Individual: Winifrid II Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss Morgan
- Individual: Frances Morgan
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: William II Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss Jones
- Individual: Mary ferch William
- Individual: William |Morgan| Wolf Esquire
- Individual: William |Morgan| Wolf Esquire
- Individual: Edmund |Morgan| Wolf
- Individual: Richard |Morgan| Wolf
- Individual: Walter |Morgan| Wolf
- Individual: Margred |Morgan| Wolf
- Individual: Rowland Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: George Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: Edward Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: Elsbeth Kemeys
- Individual: Miss Miss Kemeys
- Individual: Miles Button
- Individual: Edward Button
- Individual: Margred Gamage
- Individual: Edward Lewis Sir Knight
- Individual: Mary Lewis
- Individual: George Lewis
- Individual: Gabriel Lewis
- Individual: Edward Lewis
- Individual: Catrin ferch Thomas
- Individual: Charles Morgan
- Individual: Florence Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Judd
- Individual: Grace Fulham
- Individual: Henry Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Anne Morgan Lady Monta
- Individual: Bridget Blayney
- Individual: Hugh Morgan
- Individual: Frances Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Eleanor Morgan
- Individual: Jane Philpot
- Individual: Edward Morgan
- Individual: Christopher Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Joan Morgan
- Individual: Cecily Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Catherine Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Edmund Morgan
- Individual: William Powell Sir Knight
- Individual: Miss Miss
- Individual: Walter Morgan
- Individual: Catherine Lewknor
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Thatcher
- Individual: John Morgan Sir Knight
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Dorothy Morgan
- Individual: Eleanor Morgan
- Individual: Jane Morgan
- Individual: Julian
- Individual: William Cook
- Individual: Catherine Martin
- Individual: Jane Morgan
- Individual: John Mago
- Individual: James Powell
- Individual: Thomas Morgan Sir Knight
- Individual: Lewis Morgan Sir Knight
- Individual: Philip Morgan Sir Knight
- Individual: Walter Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Edmund Morgan
- Individual: Charles Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Susan Morgan
- Individual: Margaret Morgan
- Individual: Barbara Morgan
- Individual: Edmund Morgan
- Individual: Charles Morgan
- Individual: Rowland Morgan
- Individual: Montague Morgan
- Individual: Henry Morgan
- Individual: Arnold Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Margaret Morgan
- Individual: Florence Morgan
- Individual: Jane Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss Francis
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Henry Morgan
- Individual: Henry ap Morgan
- Individual: Henry Morgan
- Individual: Rowland Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Lewys Morgan gentleman
- Individual: Margery Morgan
- Individual: Jane Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Cecily Morgan
- Individual: Elsbeth Morgan
- Individual: Catrin Morgan
- Individual: Lewis Thomas
- Individual: Cecily Kemeys
- Individual: Henry Mathew
- Individual: Anne Llychwr
- Individual: Watkin Stradling
- Individual: Thomas Mathew
- Individual: John Street
- Individual: Mary ferch Edmund
- Individual: Edward Stradling
- Individual: Ffelis Stradling
- Individual: Frances Prichard
- Individual: Gwenllian Thomas
- Individual: Barbara Mathew
- Individual: Rowland Morgan
- Individual: Jane Wood
- Individual: Thomas Mathew
- Individual: John ap Dafydd
- Individual: daughter daughter Morgan
- Individual: daughter daughter Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss Morgan
- Individual: Catrin
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Philip Morgan
- Individual: Rowland Morgan
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Margaret Morgan
- Individual: Philip Williams
- Individual: Edward Gamage gentleman
- Individual: Philip Gamage
- Individual: Edward Gamage Esquire
- Individual: Edmund Gamage
- Individual: Hopkin Thomas
- Individual: Catrin ferch Watkin
- Individual: Cecily Turberville
- Individual: Edward Turberville
- Individual: Harry ap Cadwgon
- Individual: Mary Williams
- Individual: Sarah Kick
- Individual: D. Davis
- Individual: Mary Williams
- Individual: Harry Edwards
- Individual: William Gibbon gentleman
- Individual: Harry (Henry) Fleming gentleman
- Individual: Harry Williams
- Individual: Blanche Morgan
- Individual: Lambrock Stradling
- Individual: Thomas Stradling
- Individual: Edmund Stradling
- Individual: Anne Stradling
- Individual: Edward ap William
- Individual: Roger Henman
- Individual: Mary ferch John
- Individual: Margaret Ffroud
- Individual: William Price
- Individual: William Thomas
- Individual: Elizabeth Thomas
- Individual: Mr Mr Jennings Esquire
- Individual: Edward Stradling Sir Barone
- Individual: John Stradling Major-Gene
- Individual: Thomas Stradling Sir Knight
- Individual: Mansel Stradling
- Individual: Jane Stradling
- Individual: Dorothy Stradling
- Individual: Joan Stradling
- Individual: Anne Stradling
- Individual: Elizabeth Stradling
- Individual: Margaret
- Individual: Margaret Stradling
- Individual: George Stradling
- Individual: Mr Mr Hearle
- Individual: Joan ferch Thomas
- Individual: John Stradling
- Individual: Edward Stradling
- Individual: William Stradling
- Individual: Alice ferch Jenkin
- Individual: Jane Stradling
- Individual: Watkin ap Hugh
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch Gruffudd
- Individual: Mary Villiers
- Individual: Catherine Villiers
- Individual: daughter daughter Herbert
- Individual: daughter daughter Herbert
- Individual: Penelope Naunton
- Individual: William Herbert Earl of Pe
- Individual: Philip Herbert Earl of Pe
- Individual: Thomas Herbert Earl of Pe
- Individual: Susan Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Herbert
- Individual: Rebecca Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Jane Spiller
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: James Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Dormer Herbert
- Individual: Philip Herbert Colonel
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Penelope Herbert
- Individual: Penelope
- Individual: Robert Dormer *E Caernar
- Individual: Elizabeth Craven
- Individual: William Herbert Earl of Po
- Individual: Mary Herbert Lady
- Individual: Robert Vaughan Sir Knight
- Individual: Herbert Vaughan Esquire
- Individual: Eleanor Vaughan
- Individual: James Palmer
- Individual: Roger Palmer *E Castlem
- Individual: William Abington Esquire
- Individual: Thomas George Henry Abington
- Individual: Catherine Abington
- Individual: Jane Puleston
- Individual: Henry (Harry) Jones Sir Knight
- Individual: Thomas Jones
- Individual: Roland Jones
- Individual: Richard Jones
- Individual: Herbert Jones
- Individual: Elsbeth Jones
- Individual: Mary Jones
- Individual: Anne Jones
- Individual: Edward Evans
- Individual: Margaret Evans
- Individual: William ap Jenkin
- Individual: Margred ferch William
- Individual: Anthony Turberville
- Individual: William Doddington Sir Knight
- Individual: John Doddington Esquire
- Individual: Herbert Doddington
- Individual: Edward Doddington Esquire
- Individual: Christian Doddington
- Individual: Anna Doddington
- Individual: Margaret Doddington
- Individual: Jane Doddington
- Individual: Frances Doddington
- Individual: William Herbert Colonel
- Individual: Blanche Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Elinor Awbrey
- Individual: Awbrey Herbert
- Individual: George Herbert Esquire
- Individual: William Herbert Captain
- Individual: Lewis Herbert
- Individual: Jonet Herbert
- Individual: Margaret Herbert
- Individual: Anne Hurst
- Individual: Miss Miss Barnstaple
- Individual: Samuel Cade
- Individual: Philip Herbert
- Individual: Nicholas Andrews
- Individual: William ap Hywel
- Individual: Morgan Rimron
- Individual: Bridget Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan Colonel
- Individual: Bridget Morgan
- Individual: Frances Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Anthony Morgan
- Individual: Prudence Morgan
- Individual: Catherine Morgan
- Individual: William Saunders
- Individual: Moses Morgan
- Individual: James Morgan
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Catrin Vaughan
- Individual: Elizabeth Hastings Lady
- Individual: William Somerset
- Individual: Henry Somerset *E Worcest
- Individual: Thomas Somerset *V Cassel
- Individual: Charles Somerset Sir Knight
- Individual: Edward Somerset Sir Knight
- Individual: Christopher Somerset
- Individual: Elizabeth Somerset
- Individual: Catherine Somerset
- Individual: Anne Somerset
- Individual: Frances Somerset Lady
- Individual: Blanche Somerset
- Individual: Catherine Somerset
- Individual: son son Somerset
- Individual: son son Somerset
- Individual: daughter daughter Somerset
- Individual: William Windsor
- Individual: William Vaughan Esquire
- Individual: Walter Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: Anthony Mansel Sir Knight
- Individual: Francis Mansel
- Individual: Richard Mansel
- Individual: Mary Mansel
- Individual: Jonet Mansel
- Individual: Anne Mansel
- Individual: Jane Mansel
- Individual: Dorothy Stepney
- Individual: John Mansel
- Individual: Edward Mansel Captain
- Individual: Rawleigh Mansel
- Individual: Catherine (Jane) Mansel
- Individual: Cecily Mansel
- Individual: Walter Rhys Sir Knight
- Individual: Henry Rice
- Individual: Elinor Rhys
- Individual: Rowland Williams Sir Knight
- Individual: Charles Williams Sir Knight
- Individual: Jane Williams
- Individual: Elsbeth Mansel
- Individual: Jane Mansel
- Individual: Margaret Mansel
- Individual: Catrin Mathew
- Individual: Thomas Mansel
- Individual: Dorothy Mansel
- Individual: Jane |Powell| Pole
- Individual: Mary Mansel
- Individual: Mary Mordaunt
- Individual: Henry Mansel
- Individual: Lewis Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: Anthony Mansel
- Individual: Arthur Mansel
- Individual: Anne Worsley
- Individual: Jane Mansel
- Individual: Hope Mansel
- Individual: Dorothy Mansel
- Individual: Catrin Mansel
- Individual: Elsbeth Mansel
- Individual: William Mathews
- Individual: Edward Carne
- Individual: William Carne
- Individual: Edward Carne
- Individual: Mary Carne
- Individual: Elizabeth Bacon
- Individual: Anne (Elizabeth) Roper
- Individual: Susan Vaughan
- Individual: Hugh Herbert gentleman
- Individual: Francis Herbert gentleman
- Individual: George Herbert
- Individual: Florence Herbert
- Individual: Cecily Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert gentleman
- Individual: William Herbert gentleman
- Individual: Richard Harper gentleman
- Individual: Henry Vaughan Esquire
- Individual: Ealdgyth Queen Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Mary (Jonet) Games
- Individual: Rowland Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Mary
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Ieuan Lewis
- Individual: William |Morgan| Wolf Esquire
- Individual: Walter |Morgan| Wolf gentleman
- Individual: John |Morgan| Wolf
- Individual: Margred |Morgan| Wolf
- Individual: Blanche |Morgan| Wolf
- Individual: Alice |Morgan| Wolf
- Individual: Elsbeth Winter
- Individual: Thomas Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Edward Morgan Esquire
- Individual: William Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Rowland Morgan
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Mary I Morgan
- Individual: Blanche Morgan
- Individual: Frances Morgan
- Individual: Mary II Morgan
- Individual: Elsbeth Morgan
- Individual: Anthony Morgan Sir Knight
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Elsbeth Thomas
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: James Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: William Jones Esquire
- Individual: William Bethyn Esquire
- Individual: Henry Williams
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Edward Morgan Lieut-Gene
- Individual: Robert Morgan
- Individual: Catherine Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Blanche Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Jane Morgan
- Individual: Mary Creed
- Individual: Nicholas Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Walter Herbert
- Individual: Isaac Herbert
- Individual: Abraham Herbert
- Individual: Henry Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Rowland Scudamore
- Individual: Thomas Maddox
- Individual: Henry Jones
- Individual: James Prichard Esquire
- Individual: John Bonnett gentleman
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Catherine Dennis
- Individual: Susan
- Individual: Clayton Milborne Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Milborne
- Individual: Charles Milborne gentleman
- Individual: Martha
- Individual: Charles Milborne gentleman
- Individual: Elizabeth Milborne
- Individual: Mary Jones
- Individual: William Lewis
- Individual: Thomas Lewis Esquire
- Individual: Henry Lewis gentleman
- Individual: John Lewis gentleman
- Individual: Moore Lewis gentleman
- Individual: Elsbeth Lewis
- Individual: Timothy Britton gentleman
- Individual: Joyce Britton
- Individual: Richard Jenkins
- Individual: Anthony Mansel Esquire
- Individual: Elizabeth Mansel
- Individual: Edward Mansel
- Individual: Mary Mansel
- Individual: Anne Mansel
- Individual: Rhys Mansel
- Individual: William Mansel
- Individual: Cecily Mansel
- Individual: Henry Probert Esquire
- Individual: Francis Moore
- Individual: Thomas Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Jane Morgan
- Individual: Rowland ap Rhydderch
- Individual: Lewis Morgan gentleman
- Individual: Rowland Morgan gentleman
- Individual: Miss Miss Lloyd
- Individual: George Powell
- Individual: Thomas ap Robert
- Individual: Henry Herbert
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Mary Lewis
- Individual: William Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert gentleman
- Individual: Mathew Herbert
- Individual: James Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Dorothy Herbert
- Individual: Cecily Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Margaret Herbert
- Individual: Syrophenicia Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Herbert
- Individual: Andrew Powell
- Individual: William Price
- Individual: Thomas Price Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Powell
- Individual: William Lewis
- Individual: Lewis Lewis
- Individual: David Lewis Esquire
- Individual: Edward Lewis
- Individual: Herbert Lewis
- Individual: Anne Lewis
- Individual: Jane Lewis
- Individual: Sirophenicia Lewis
- Individual: Mary Lewis
- Individual: Maria Lewis
- Individual: Miss Miss Jones
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Margred Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Edward Herbert Captain
- Individual: Elizabeth Garratt
- Individual: William Jones
- Individual: Penelope Prys
- Individual: Arthur Gwyn
- Individual: John Gwyn Esquire
- Individual: Elsbeth ferch Hugh
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Herbert
- Individual: Beatrice Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch William
- Individual: Mary Egerton
- Individual: Edward Herbert Lord Herbe
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Herbert
- Individual: Henry Herbert Lord Herbe
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Frances Herbert
- Individual: Arabel Herbert
- Individual: Alice Herbert
- Individual: Florentia Herbert
- Individual: Henry Every Sir Barone
- Individual: Richard Walker Esquire
- Individual: Job Walker Esquire
- Individual: Charles Hore
- Individual: Anne Ramsey
- Individual: Henry Herbert Lord Herbe
- Individual: Charles Morley Sir Knight
- Individual: Charles Morley Sir Knight
- Individual: Elizabeth Jane Morley
- Individual: Mary Lucy
- Individual: Francis Herbert Esquire
- Individual: George Herbert
- Individual: Arabella Herbert
- Individual: Florentia Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Frances Herbert
- Individual: Judith Oakley
- Individual: Martha Oakley
- Individual: Athelstan Owen
- Individual: Richard Owen gentleman
- Individual: Anne Hadley
- Individual: Anne Armine
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: Penelope Lloyd
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Letis Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Barbara Jones
- Individual: Daniel Prichard
- Individual: Azariah Apperley
- Individual: John Newsham
- Individual: Mr Mr Owen
- Individual: Frances Jones
- Individual: Catherine Anwyl
- Individual: Ieuan ap Llywelyn
- Individual: Anne Jeffreys
- Individual: Walter Herbert
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Watkins
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Parkin
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Susan Herbert
- Individual: John Watkins
- Individual: Jane Games
- Individual: Godwin Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Anne Bullen
- Individual: Mary Watkins
- Individual: Rhys ap Gruffudd
- Individual: Margred ferch Rhys
- Individual: Jeffrey ap Morgan
- Individual: George ap Lawrence
- Individual: Mathew Herbert
- Individual: Lewis Gunter
- Individual: Margaret Games
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: Henry Herbert
- Individual: William le Hunt
- Individual: Alice Newark
- Individual: Mary Harrison
- Individual: Christopher Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Henry Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert gentleman
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: James Herbert gentleman
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: John Metcalfe
- Individual: Jane Robinson
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: Margaret Herbert
- Individual: Ursula Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Wright
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: William Calam
- Individual: Elizabeth Calam
- Individual: Ursula Calam
- Individual: Mary Calam
- Individual: Thomas Lovell Esquire
- Individual: John Hedworth
- Individual: Thomas Groves
- Individual: Frances Groves
- Individual: Susan Groves
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Euphamia Wrightson
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Philip Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Thackray
- Individual: Philip Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Ellen Tankard
- Individual: Jacob Herbert
- Individual: William Jayne
- Individual: John Jayne
- Individual: Thomas Evans gentleman
- Individual: Herbert Evans
- Individual: Francis Evans
- Individual: Hugh Evans
- Individual: Elizabeth Evans
- Individual: Mary Evans
- Individual: Anne Evans
- Individual: William Gwillim
- Individual: George Morgan gentleman
- Individual: Roger Morgan
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Margaret Wolf
- Individual: Watkin Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: George Morgan
- Individual: Daniel Morris
- Individual: William Thomas
- Individual: Thomas Kemeys
- Individual: Joan ferch Thomas
- Individual: Catrin ferch John
- Individual: Margred ferch John
- Individual: Annes ferch John
- Individual: Morgan ap John
- Individual: William ap John
- Individual: Giles ap John
- Individual: Mathew ap John
- Individual: Margred ferch John
- Individual: Margaret
- Individual: Rowland Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Jane Gwillim
- Individual: Letis Jones
- Individual: Philip Jones Sir Knight
- Individual: John Jones gentleman
- Individual: Henry Jones
- Individual: Moore Jones
- Individual: William Jones
- Individual: Anne Jones
- Individual: Susan Jones
- Individual: Mary Jones
- Individual: Arthur Jones
- Individual: Charles Jones Sir Knight
- Individual: Edward Poyntz
- Individual: Edward Morgan Sir Barone
- Individual: William Morgan gentleman
- Individual: Henry Morgan gentleman
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Winifrid Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Catherine Prosser
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Margaret Morgan
- Individual: Winifrid Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Roger Morgan gentleman
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Edward Morgan
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: George Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Winifrid Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch Thomas
- Individual: Philip Jones
- Individual: John Morgan Esquire
- Individual: William Waldron doctor
- Individual: Miss Miss Plewet
- Individual: Catrin Kemeys
- Individual: George |Morgan| Wolf
- Individual: William |Morgan| Wolf
- Individual: Walter |Morgan| Wolf priest
- Individual: Anne |Morgan| Wolf
- Individual: Joan |Morgan| Wolf
- Individual: Elsbeth |Morgan| Wolf
- Individual: George Lewis Esquire
- Individual: Joan Lewis
- Individual: George Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: William Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: Edward Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: Nicholas Kemeys gentleman
- Individual: Margaret Kemeys
- Individual: Cecily Kemeys
- Individual: Mary Kemeys
- Individual: Joan Kemeys
- Individual: Cecily William
- Individual: James ap Thomas
- Individual: Francis Cutte
- Individual: Elizabeth Lewis
- Individual: Catherine Lewis
- Individual: William Lewis Sir Knight
- Individual: Humphrey Mathew
- Individual: Elsbeth Mathew
- Individual: Catrin Mathew
- Individual: Catherine Mathew
- Individual: Edward Lewis
- Individual: Elsbeth Lewis
- Individual: Margred ferch John
- Individual: Catrin Lewis
- Individual: Walter Montagu Sir Knight
- Individual: Penelope Fox
- Individual: Henry Morgan
- Individual: Bridget Morgan
- Individual: Mark Anthony Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Henry Crofton Esquire
- Individual: Anthony Marlay Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Marlay
- Individual: George Marlay
- Individual: John Southey
- Individual: Cecily Hall
- Individual: Elizabeth Bridgeman
- Individual: Christopher Morgan Reverend
- Individual: Dafydd Gwynn
- Individual: George Gwynn Esquire
- Individual: Edward Williams
- Individual: Cecily Williams
- Individual: Jane Williams
- Individual: Catherine Williams
- Individual: Charles Jones
- Individual: Anne Jones
- Individual: William Prichard
- Individual: Rowland Prichard
- Individual: Francis Prichard
- Individual: Jane Prichard
- Individual: Henry Bosville
- Individual: Anne Love
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Margery Goldinge
- Individual: Elizabeth
- Individual: John Theobald Esquire
- Individual: Richard Lechford Sir Knight
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Anne
- Individual: Francis Glisson
- Individual: Edward Thomas Sir Barone
- Individual: Humphrey Mathew
- Individual: Margaret Prichard
- Individual: Henry Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Edmund Morgan
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Robert Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Honora Williams
- Individual: Catherine Thomas
- Individual: Henry Morgan
- Individual: James Morgan
- Individual: Philip Morgan
- Individual: Henry Morgan
- Individual: Mary St John
- Individual: Elinor Miles
- Individual: Thomas Morgan Sir Barone
- Individual: Miss Miss Morgan
- Individual: Joan ferch Morgan
- Individual: Richard Owen
- Individual: Richard Lloyd
- Individual: William ap William
- Individual: Morgan Langley
- Individual: Morgan Colwin
- Individual: Roger Williams
- Individual: Margred ferch John
- Individual: Anne Stradling
- Individual: Jonet Stradling
- Individual: Catrin Stradling
- Individual: Robert Stradling
- Individual: Thomas Stradling
- Individual: Watkin Stradling
- Individual: Edward Stradling
- Individual: Richard Stradling
- Individual: Miss Miss Thomas
- Individual: Edward Stradling
- Individual: John Stradling
- Individual: Miss Miss Stradling
- Individual: William De CANTILUPE
- Individual: Mr Mr Thomas
- Individual: Cecily Morgan
- Individual: Henry Morgan
- Individual: Edward Seys
- Individual: Mary
- Individual: Alexander Seys
- Individual: Mary Symons
- Individual: Iltyd Nichol
- Individual: Jane Horton
- Individual: John Stradling
- Individual: Blanche Stradling
- Individual: Anne Stradling
- Individual: Catherine "Kate" Stradling
- Individual: Elizabeth Stradling
- Individual: John Basset gentleman
- Individual: Edmund Ludlow General
- Individual: John Thomas Sir Barone
- Individual: Catherine Perry
- Individual: Edward Stradling Sir Barone
- Individual: John Stradling
- Individual: Thomas Stradling
- Individual: Catherine Stradling
- Individual: Jane Stradling
- Individual: Henry Hill
- Individual: David Mathews
- Individual: Edward Turberville Esquire
- Individual: Lewis Thomas
- Individual: Miss Miss ferch Gruffudd
- Individual: John Stradling
- Individual: Thomas Stradling
- Individual: Watkin Stradling
- Individual: Hopkin Stradling
- Individual: Mary Stradling
- Individual: Barbara Stradling
- Individual: Henrietta Mauricette de Penancoet
- Individual: Charlotte Herbert
- Individual: Margaret Sawyer
- Individual: Robert Sawyer Herbert
- Individual: Henry Herbert Earl of Pe
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert Earl of Pe
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Nicholas Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Herbert Lady
- Individual: Rebecca Herbert Lady
- Individual: Margaret Herbert Lady
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert Lady
- Individual: Anne Herbert Lady
- Individual: Barbara Slingsby
- Individual: Barbara Herbert
- Individual: Mary Howe
- Individual: John Poulett Lord Pawle
- Individual: John Posthumus Sydenham Sir Barone
- Individual: John Williams Sir Barone
- Individual: Catherine Osborne
- Individual: James Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Marianne
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Marianne Herbert
- Individual: Robert Worseley Sir Barone
- Individual: Robert Worseley Sir Barone
- Individual: Walter Clarges Sir Barone
- Individual: Thomas Clarges
- Individual: Miss Miss Clarges
- Individual: Miss Miss Clarges
- Individual: William Herbert Marquis of
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Frances Herbert Lady
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Lucy Theresa Herbert nun
- Individual: Winifred Herbert Lady
- Individual: George Talbot
- Individual: Mary Talbot
- Individual: John Purcell
- Individual: Mary Purcell
- Individual: Catherine Purcell
- Individual: Henry Jones Sir Barone
- Individual: Thomas Jones
- Individual: Modlen Jones
- Individual: Edward Jones
- Individual: Pricilla Jones
- Individual: Martha Evans
- Individual: Jane Morgan
- Individual: Dorothy Powell
- Individual: William Awbrey Sir
- Individual: Rhydderch Gwyn
- Individual: George Mortimer Esquire
- Individual: John Stedman
- Individual: Jane Stedman
- Individual: Miss Miss Button
- Individual: Herbert Evans Sir Knight
- Individual: John Llewelyn Esquire
- Individual: Prudence Llewelyn
- Individual: William ap Edmund
- Individual: Edmund |ap William| Traherne Esquire
- Individual: Mary |ferch William| Traherne
- Individual: Margaret |ferch William| Traherne
- Individual: Anne Trench
- Individual: Anne Doddington
- Individual: Peregrine Hoby Esquire
- Individual: Edward Hoby Sir Knight
- Individual: John Hoby Sir Knight
- Individual: Thomas Hoby
- Individual: Philip Hoby Esquire
- Individual: Mr Mr Hanham Esquire
- Individual: John Bunkley
- Individual: John Hanham Esquire
- Individual: Elizabeth Thomas
- Individual: William I Herbert
- Individual: William "the Younger" Herbert Esquire
- Individual: William Gibbon
- Individual: Mr Mr Butler Esquire
- Individual: Catherine Jones
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Herbert
- Individual: Elinor Herbert
- Individual: Margaret Vaughan
- Individual: Richard Middlemore Esquire
- Individual: Jane Fermor
- Individual: Bridget Morgan
- Individual: Jane Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Ralph Sheldon Esquire
- Individual: Edward Bagshaw
- Individual: Francis Bagshaw
- Individual: Mary Powell
- Individual: Joshua Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: James Morgan
- Individual: John I Morgan
- Individual: John II Morgan
- Individual: Anne Russell
- Individual: Edward Somerset *1M Worces
- Individual: John Somerset Sir Knight
- Individual: Thomas Somerset
- Individual: Charles Somerset
- Individual: William Somerset
- Individual: Henry Somerset
- Individual: Frederick Somerset
- Individual: Francis Somerset
- Individual: James Somerset
- Individual: Elizabeth Somerset
- Individual: Anne Somerset nun
- Individual: Mary Somerset
- Individual: Henry Guilford Sir Knight
- Individual: William Lord Petre
- Individual: Edward Winter Sir Knight
- Individual: Thomas
- Individual: Thomas Lord Winds
- Individual: Elizabeth Fotherby
- Individual: Francis Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: Elizabeth Mansel
- Individual: Jane Price
- Individual: Edward Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: Francis Mansel
- Individual: Arthur Mansel
- Individual: Anne Mansel
- Individual: Barbara Mansel
- Individual: Catrin Morgan
- Individual: Anthony Mansel
- Individual: Dorothy Mansel
- Individual: Francis Mansel
- Individual: Anne Mansel
- Individual: Walter Mansel
- Individual: John Mansel
- Individual: Richard Mansel
- Individual: Edward Mansel
- Individual: Robert Mansel
- Individual: Rhys Mansel
- Individual: John
- Individual: Thomas Vaughan
- Individual: Rowland Vaughan
- Individual: David Lloyd
- Individual: Mary Vaughan
- Individual: Henry Mansel
- Individual: John Mansel
- Individual: Bridget Mansel
- Individual: Sage Mansel
- Individual: Honor Lloyd
- Individual: Edward Mansel
- Individual: Rawleigh Mansel Esquire
- Individual: Anne Philipps
- Individual: John Stepney Sir Barone
- Individual: John Stepney Sir Barone
- Individual: George Jones
- Individual: Edward Rice Sir Knight
- Individual: Trevor Williams Sir Barone
- Individual: Magdalen Williams
- Individual: Nicholas II Kemeys Sir Barone
- Individual: Charles Kemeys Sir Barone
- Individual: William Kemeys
- Individual: Cecily Kemeys
- Individual: Rachel Kemeys
- Individual: Mary Kemeys
- Individual: Florence Kemeys
- Individual: Walter Wogan
- Individual: Rowland Vaughan Esquire
- Individual: Philip Vaughan Esquire
- Individual: Jane Gwyn
- Individual: Edward Mansel
- Individual: Philip Mansel
- Individual: Roderick Mansel
- Individual: Rowland Mansel
- Individual: Thomas Mansel
- Individual: Dafydd Vaughan
- Individual: Jane Mansel
- Individual: Blanche Mansel
- Individual: Catherine Sydney Lady
- Individual: Elizabeth Montagu Lady
- Individual: Henry Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: Elizabeth Mansel
- Individual: Mary Mansel
- Individual: Edward Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: Mary Mansel
- Individual: Catrin Mansel
- Individual: Elizabeth Mansel
- Individual: Jane Mansel
- Individual: Elinor Mansel
- Individual: Thomas Mansel
- Individual: Bussy Mansel
- Individual: Marmaduke Mathew Reverend
- Individual: Thomas Carne Esquire
- Individual: Catherine Morgan
- Individual: Margaret Daye
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Anne Perkins
- Individual: Henry Herbert gentleman
- Individual: William Herbert gentleman
- Individual: Francis Herbert
- Individual: Vere Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Edmund Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Edward Morgan
- Individual: Rowland Morgan
- Individual: Rachel Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Edward Hopkins
- Individual: Anne Hopkins
- Individual: Margred Hopkins
- Individual: Jane Hopkins
- Individual: William Price
- Individual: Rachel Hopton
- Individual: Elizabeth I Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Windham
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: John I Morgan
- Individual: John II Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Edward Morgan
- Individual: Trevor Morgan
- Individual: Lewis Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Frances Morgan Dame
- Individual: Blanche Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth II Morgan
- Individual: Rachel Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Catherine Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth James
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Richard Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Honora
- Individual: William Morgan Colonel
- Individual: John Carne
- Individual: Charles Williams
- Individual: William Morgan Esquire
- Individual: William Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Miles Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Fromond
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Peter Farmer
- Individual: Margaret Farmer
- Individual: Lewis Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Moore
- Individual: Edward Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Margaret Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Margaret Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Anna Petronella von Polnitz
- Individual: Charles Morgan
- Individual: Hans Jorien Morgan
- Individual: Anne Petronella Morgan
- Individual: Mary Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Johanna Wilhelmina Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Henry "the Buccaneer" Morgan Sir Knight
- Individual: Catherine Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Henry (Harry) Kemeys
- Individual: Nicholas Kemeys
- Individual: Blanche Kemeys
- Individual: Mary Kemeys
- Individual: Elizabeth Kemeys
- Individual: Anne Kemeys
- Individual: Henry Basset
- Individual: Charles Kemeys gentleman
- Individual: Miss Miss Jones
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Cecily
- Individual: Edward Herbert gentleman
- Individual: Anne Ellis
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Dorothy
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Mary Brown
- Individual: Henry Milborne
- Individual: Anne Milborne
- Individual: Sarah Bonnett
- Individual: George Milborne Esquire
- Individual: John Pierson gentleman
- Individual: Joan Langton
- Individual: Thomas Lewis Esquire
- Individual: George Lewis Esquire
- Individual: John Lewis gentleman
- Individual: Francis Lewis
- Individual: Joan Lewis
- Individual: Mary Lewis
- Individual: Elizabeth Lewis
- Individual: Roger Oates Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Phillips
- Individual: Herbert Phillips Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Awbrey Sir Knight
- Individual: John Awbrey Sir Barone
- Individual: Rawleigh Bussy Sir Knight
- Individual: Jane Bussy
- Individual: Anne Bussy
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: George Probert Sir Knight
- Individual: Catherine Probert
- Individual: Margred ferch Hugh
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Anthony Morgan
- Individual: David Powell
- Individual: Thomas Pearson
- Individual: Mr Mr Lawrence Captain
- Individual: Priscilla Pigot
- Individual: Henry Herbert Esquire
- Individual: William Herbert Major
- Individual: Elizabeth Claypole
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Mathew Herbert
- Individual: Rachel Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Birt
- Individual: Job Herbert
- Individual: Phoebe Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Rudyerd
- Individual: Amy Arney
- Individual: Mathew Herbert
- Individual: William Powell
- Individual: Henry Powell
- Individual: Cecily Morgan
- Individual: Charles Price Esquire
- Individual: Mary Lewis
- Individual: Richard Lewis
- Individual: Thomas Lewis
- Individual: William Lewis Esquire
- Individual: Margaret Vaughan
- Individual: Morgan Herbert
- Individual: James Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Letis Herbert
- Individual: John Lloyd Esquire
- Individual: Eleanor Lloyd
- Individual: Dafydd Evans
- Individual: Dafydd ap Rhys
- Individual: Catherine Mellen
- Individual: Jeremy Jones
- Individual: Dorothy Wogan
- Individual: Arthur Gwyn
- Individual: Elizabeth Lloyd
- Individual: John Maddocks
- Individual: Thomas ap John
- Individual: Thomas Powell
- Individual: Anne Myddelton
- Individual: Elizabeth Brydges ~C Inchiqu
- Individual: Catherine Newport Lady
- Individual: William Browne Esquire
- Individual: Anne Browne
- Individual: Paul Buzzard
- Individual: Rebecca Folliott
- Individual: Francis Walker
- Individual: Rebecca Walker
- Individual: Mary Wallop
- Individual: Anne Bellamy
- Individual: Henry |Morley| Herbert
- Individual: Mary Magdalen Morley
- Individual: Norton Powlett Esquire
- Individual: George Powlett *M Winches
- Individual: Dorothy Oldbury
- Individual: Henry Arthur Herbert Earl of Po
- Individual: Richard Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Francis Herbert
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Robert Herbert
- Individual: Herbert Herbert
- Individual: John I Herbert
- Individual: John II Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Florentia I Herbert
- Individual: Mary I Herbert
- Individual: Urania Herbert
- Individual: Dorothy Herbert
- Individual: Astrea Herbert
- Individual: Mary II Herbert
- Individual: Florentia II Herbert
- Individual: Arabella I Herbert
- Individual: Arabella II Herbert
- Individual: Florentia (Martha) Newton
- Individual: Francis Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Henry Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Folliott Herbert
- Individual: Florentia Herbert
- Individual: Arabella Herbert
- Individual: Mr Mr Caesar
- Individual: William Nicholls gentleman
- Individual: Francis Plowden
- Individual: Florentia Plowden
- Individual: Elizabeth Vaughan
- Individual: Athelstan Owen
- Individual: Herbert Owen
- Individual: John Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Elizabeth Bell
- Individual: John Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Margaret Herbert
- Individual: Bridget Herbert
- Individual: George Powell
- Individual: William Owen
- Individual: Robert Owen Sir Knight
- Individual: Margaret
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Harry Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Games
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Lander Jones
- Individual: Anne Mathew
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Gwladus Herbert
- Individual: Margaret Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Truman Lieutenant
- Individual: Edward Roberts
- Individual: Morus ap Mathew
- Individual: Margaret Herbert
- Individual: Jane Akeroyd
- Individual: Thomas Herbert Sir Barone
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Christopher Herbert
- Individual: Emanuel Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Alice Herbert
- Individual: Richard Hedworth Esquire
- Individual: Frances
- Individual: Thomas Wood
- Individual: John Conyers Sir Barone
- Individual: Mr Mr Lambton
- Individual: Sarah Breary
- Individual: Miss Miss Tancred
- Individual: Mary Bell
- Individual: Philip Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Gough
- Individual: William Jayne
- Individual: Margaret Dobbins
- Individual: William Evans gentleman
- Individual: Herbert Evans gentleman
- Individual: Mary Evans
- Individual: Eleanor
- Individual: Lucy Hughes
- Individual: Walter Morgan gentleman
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: John Mathew
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Joan ferch Philip
- Individual: Alswn ferch Llywelyn
- Individual: Annes ferch Gruffudd
- Individual: Catrin ferch Dafydd
- Individual: Margred Gamage
- Individual: Catrin Mathew
- Individual: Dafydd ap Philip
- Individual: John Nourse Esquire
- Individual: Mr Mr Jones
- Individual: William Jones
- Individual: Edward Jones
- Individual: Elizabeth Jones
- Individual: Winifrid Jones
- Individual: Margery Jones
- Individual: Jane Jones
- Individual: Lucy Jones
- Individual: Frances Jones
- Individual: Clare Jones
- Individual: Anne Jones
- Individual: Anne Nicholas
- Individual: William Jones
- Individual: Anne
- Individual: George Forster Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Jones Esquire
- Individual: Jane Jones
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Letis Jones
- Individual: Mary Englefield Lady
- Individual: Frances Morgan nun
- Individual: Dorothy Morgan
- Individual: Edward Morgan Sir Barone
- Individual: Lucy Morgan
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: James Morgan Sir Barone
- Individual: Henry Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Catherine
- Individual: Joseph Morgan
- Individual: Winifrid Morgan
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Edward Morgan
- Individual: Percy Enderby gentleman
- Individual: Henry Morgan
- Individual: Edmund Morgan gentleman
- Individual: George Morgan
- Individual: Cecily Griffith
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Charles Morgan Esquire
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: William Stourton
- Individual: Winifrid Winter
- Individual: Herbert Morgan
- Individual: William |Morgan| Wolf
- Individual: Clare |Morgan| Wolf
- Individual: George |Morgan| Wolf
- Individual: Thomas Prichard gentleman
- Individual: Gruffudd ap Harry gentleman
- Individual: John Prichard gentleman
- Individual: Mary Thomas
- Individual: Edward Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: William Kemeys gentleman
- Individual: Charles Kemeys gentleman
- Individual: Edmund Kemeys
- Individual: Nicholas Kemeys
- Individual: Joan (Jane) Kemeys
- Individual: Anne Kemeys
- Individual: Letitia Kemeys
- Individual: Catherine Kemeys
- Individual: George Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: Mary Kemeys
- Individual: Alice ferch John
- Individual: Edward Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Kemeys
- Individual: Nicholas Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: John Kemeys
- Individual: Margaret Kemeys
- Individual: Hester Kemeys
- Individual: Catherine Kemeys
- Individual: Anne Kemeys
- Individual: Miss Miss Kemeys
- Individual: Mr Mr Vanne
- Individual: Roger Oates gentleman
- Individual: Roger Oates Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Reynolds gentleman
- Individual: George Watkins gentleman
- Individual: Anne Vaughan
- Individual: George Williams
- Individual: John ap Edward
- Individual: Ieuan ap Thomas gentleman
- Individual: Margred ferch Ieuan
- Individual: Thomas Crofton
- Individual: Catherine Coote
- Individual: Hugh Morgan Colonel
- Individual: Childley Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Penelope Morgan
- Individual: Maria Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Sybil Gwynn
- Individual: Rowland Gwynn Sir Knight
- Individual: Mr Mr Morgan
- Individual: Edward Randyll Sir Knight
- Individual: Morgan Randyll Sir Knight
- Individual: Edward Randyll
- Individual: Anne (Arabelia) Randyll
- Individual: Frances Randyll
- Individual: Love Randyll
- Individual: Vincent Randyll Esquire
- Individual: Elizabeth Randyll
- Individual: Walter Randyll
- Individual: Edmund Thomas
- Individual: Elizabeth Thomas
- Individual: Edmund Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Henry Morgan
- Individual: Windham Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: James Gunter Esquire
- Individual: Robert Gunter Esquire
- Individual: Mary Gunter
- Individual: Rebecca Gunter
- Individual: Anne
- Individual: Mary Andrews
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Lewis Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Anthony Morgan
- Individual: Florence Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss Morgan
- Individual: De la Riviere Cholmondely
- Individual: John Morgan Sir Barone
- Individual: Cholmley Morgan Esquire
- Individual: James Morgan Esquire
- Individual: De la Riviere Morgan
- Individual: Mr Mr Lingen
- Individual: Morgan ap John
- Individual: Ieuan ap William
- Individual: Mary ferch Rhys
- Individual: Thomas Stradling
- Individual: Dorothy Lewis
- Individual: Edward Stradling
- Individual: Dorothy Stradling
- Individual: Anne Stradling
- Individual: Rowland Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Henry Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Trevor Morgan
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Lewis gentleman
- Individual: Anne Lewis
- Individual: Blanche Lewis
- Individual: Henry Fleming
- Individual: Elizabeth Hungerford
- Individual: William Stradling
- Individual: Hungerford Stradling
- Individual: Edward Stradling Sir Barone
- Individual: Edmund Stradling
- Individual: Thomas Stradling
- Individual: Rachel Stradling
- Individual: William Walter Sir Barone
- Individual: George Bowen
- Individual: Charles Bowen
- Individual: Hugh Bowen
- Individual: John Jeffreys
- Individual: Herbert Jeffreys
- Individual: Henrietta Louisa Jeffreys
- Individual: Thomas Hackman *V Windsor
- Individual: Thomas Hackman
- Individual: Philip Hackman
- Individual: Herbert Hackman *V Windsor
- Individual: Mary Smith
- Individual: Mary Fitzwilliam
- Individual: Henry Herbert Earl of Pe
- Individual: Catherine Elizabeth Tewes
- Individual: Henry Herbert *E Caernar
- Individual: Charles Herbert Captain
- Individual: Catherine Herbert
- Individual: Georgina Herbert
- Individual: Caroline Robert Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Anne North
- Individual: Barbara Herbert
- Individual: Nicholas Morris Sir Barone
- Individual: William Morris Sir Barone
- Individual: Catherine Morris
- Individual: Barbara Morris
- Individual: William Neville *B Abergav
- Individual: William Neville
- Individual: Dudley North Esquire
- Individual: Maria Hallet
- Individual: James Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Herbert
- Individual: Sophia Herbert
- Individual: Philip Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Halleat Herbert
- Individual: Agnes Herbert
- Individual: James Jeffreys Esquire
- Individual: Robert Garrard
- Individual: Frances Worseley
- Individual: Thomas Clarges
- Individual: Barbara Clarges
- Individual: Mr Mr Tancred
- Individual: George Hywel Sir Knight
- Individual: Jane Hywel
- Individual: Mary Preston
- Individual: William Herbert Marquis of
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert Lady
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Henrietta Herbert
- Individual: Theresa Herbert
- Individual: Charlotte Herbert Lady
- Individual: Richard Molyneux *V Molyneu
- Individual: Francis Brown *V Montacu
- Individual: George Maxwell Sir Barone
- Individual: Kenneth McKenzie Earl of Se
- Individual: Francis Smith *V Carring
- Individual: William Maxwell *E Nithsda
- Individual: Robert Jordan
- Individual: Edward Vaughan
- Individual: Anne Vaughan
- Individual: John Copley Sir Knight
- Individual: Margaret Williams
- Individual: John Vaughan
- Individual: Llywelyn Traherne Esquire
- Individual: Margaret Traherne
- Individual: Elinor Traherne
- Individual: Mary Traherne
- Individual: Robert Greville Lord Brook
- Individual: Anne Greville
- Individual: Dodington Greville
- Individual: Elizabeth Miles
- Individual: Miss Miss Long
- Individual: Miss Miss Seys
- Individual: Elizabeth Tyrrel
- Individual: Anne Hoby
- Individual: Catherine Hoby
- Individual: Miss Miss Hoby
- Individual: Mary Rudyard
- Individual: Anne Vaughan
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Mary Walker
- Individual: Francis Herbert
- Individual: George Herbert Captain
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: John Preston Sir Barone
- Individual: John Preston Sir Barone
- Individual: Anne Preston
- Individual: Elizabeth Preston
- Individual: James Price
- Individual: Moses Price
- Individual: James Morgan
- Individual: Margaret O'Brien
- Individual: Elizabeth Dormer
- Individual: Henry Somerset Duke of Be
- Individual: Elizabeth Somerset Lady
- Individual: John Montagu Viscount M
- Individual: Thomas Brome
- Individual: Anne (Jane) Wyndham
- Individual: daughter daughter Mansel
- Individual: daughter daughter Mansel
- Individual: Dorothy Mansel
- Individual: Thomas Ducket
- Individual: Miss Miss Ducket
- Individual: Jenkin Jones
- Individual: Catherine Mansel
- Individual: Richard Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: Francis Mansel
- Individual: Anthony Mansel
- Individual: Richard Mansel
- Individual: Mary Mansel
- Individual: Richard Davies
- Individual: Jane Rhys
- Individual: Edward Mansel
- Individual: Catherine Mansel
- Individual: Elizabeth Mansel
- Individual: Mary Mansel
- Individual: Rachel Mansel
- Individual: Edward Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: Dorothy Mansel
- Individual: Mary Mansel
- Individual: Philip Vaughan
- Individual: Alice Myddelton
- Individual: Edward Mansel
- Individual: Mary Mansel
- Individual: Rawleigh Mansel
- Individual: Mary Bilson
- Individual: Magdalen Jones
- Individual: Frances Stepney
- Individual: Thomas Williams Esquire
- Individual: Rachel Williams
- Individual: Margaret Whitmore
- Individual: Charles Kemeys Sir Barone
- Individual: George Kemeys
- Individual: Mary Kemeys
- Individual: Anne Kemeys
- Individual: Jane Kemeys
- Individual: Mary Kemeys
- Individual: Walter Jones Esquire
- Individual: Nicholas Jones Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Jones Esquire
- Individual: Miles Button Esquire
- Individual: Sage Mansel
- Individual: Edward Vaughan
- Individual: Letis Lloyd
- Individual: Dorothy Vaughan Lady
- Individual: Anne Gorges
- Individual: Edward Mansel
- Individual: William |Mansel| Mansell
- Individual: Mary Butler
- Individual: Stephen Mansel
- Individual: Jane Mansel
- Individual: Mary Mansel
- Individual: Elizabeth Thomas
- Individual: Elizabeth Mansel
- Individual: Catherine Mansel
- Individual: Thomas Mansel
- Individual: Adelise PEVEREL
- Individual: Elizabeth Ray
- Individual: Christopher Mansel
- Individual: Edward Mansel
- Individual: Thomas Mansel
- Individual: Robert Mansel
- Individual: Rachel Mansel
- Individual: Dorothy Mansel
- Individual: Abraham Wogan Esquire
- Individual: William Wiseman Sir Barone
- Individual: William Leman Esquire
- Individual: Mansel Leman
- Individual: Mary Leman
- Individual: Elizabeth Leman
- Individual: Theodosia Leman
- Individual: Lucy Leman
- Individual: Rebecca (Sarah) Leman
- Individual: Martha Carne
- Individual: Edward Mansel
- Individual: Thomas Mansel Baron Mans
- Individual: Henry Mansel
- Individual: Martha Mansel
- Individual: Elizabeth Mansel
- Individual: Edward Prichard Colonel
- Individual: William Thomas
- Individual: Walter Thomas
- Individual: William Thomas
- Individual: Catherine Thomas
- Individual: Miss Miss Thomas
- Individual: Anne Thomas
- Individual: Charles Bowen
- Individual: Jane Mansel
- Individual: Thomas Mansel
- Individual: Jane Carne
- Individual: Eleanor Stephens
- Individual: Alice Andrews
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Gwyn
- Individual: Francis Herbert
- Individual: Margaret Cudmore
- Individual: William Herbert gentleman
- Individual: Francis Herbert gentleman
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Margaret Smith
- Individual: Miles Morgan Colonel
- Individual: Barbara Morgan
- Individual: Catherine
- Individual: Florence
- Individual: Walter Lewis
- Individual: Roger Seys
- Individual: Robert Bird
- Individual: Mr Mr Thomas
- Individual: Charles Watkins
- Individual: Hywel Vaughan
- Individual: Hopkin Vaughan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Charles Morgan
- Individual: Blanche Morgan
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Edward Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Lewis
- Individual: Mary Edwards
- Individual: Charles Vanne Esquire
- Individual: Charles Vanne Esquire
- Individual: William Thomas Esquire
- Individual: Henry Chambre
- Individual: Richard Morgan
- Individual: Probert Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Richard Morgan Esquire
- Individual: George Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan Captain
- Individual: Eleanor Morgan
- Individual: Magdalen Morgan
- Individual: Blanche Morgan
- Individual: Prudence Gilbert
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Jonathan Morgan
- Individual: David Morgan
- Individual: Peleliah Morgan
- Individual: Isaac Morgan
- Individual: Lydia Morgan
- Individual: Hannah Morgan
- Individual: Mercy Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Bliss
- Individual: Nathaniel Morgan
- Individual: John Moore
- Individual: Lewis Morgan
- Individual: Anne Laycock
- Individual: Simon Morgan
- Individual: James Morgan
- Individual: Philip Morgan
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Morgan ap Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Philip Morgan
- Individual: Charles Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Margaret Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Robert |Byndloss| Bundless Colonel
- Individual: Charles |Byndloss| Bundless
- Individual: Polnitz |Byndloss| Bundless
- Individual: Anna Maria |Byndloss| Bundless
- Individual: Catherine Maria |Byndloss| Bundless
- Individual: Mary Elizabeth |Byndloss| Bundless
- Individual: Henry Archbold
- Individual: John Lloyd
- Individual: Richard Lloyd
- Individual: Hugh (Hywel) Games Esquire
- Individual: Mr Mr Miles
- Individual: William Horton
- Individual: Cecily Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Anne
- Individual: Philip Herbert
- Individual: son son Herbert
- Individual: Anne
- Individual: Joseph Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Letitia Milborne
- Individual: Gunter Milborne
- Individual: George Milborne
- Individual: George Gunter Milborne
- Individual: Charles Milborne
- Individual: Thomas Lewis Esquire
- Individual: De la Riviere Lewis
- Individual: Richard Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Charles Button
- Individual: Martin Button
- Individual: Mary Phillips
- Individual: Thomas Phillips
- Individual: James Phillips
- Individual: Sarah Phillips
- Individual: Catherine Phillips
- Individual: Charles Phillips Reverend
- Individual: William Phillips
- Individual: Anne Maria Phillips
- Individual: George Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: Edward Gamage
- Individual: John Gamage
- Individual: Edward Gamage
- Individual: Thomas Gamage
- Individual: Robert Gamage
- Individual: Philip Gamage
- Individual: Francis Gamage
- Individual: Anne Gamage
- Individual: Catherine Gamage
- Individual: Henry (Harry) Probert Esquire
- Individual: Trevor Probert Esquire
- Individual: Elizabeth Probert
- Individual: Jane Probert
- Individual: Anne Probert
- Individual: Edward Games
- Individual: Edmund Jones
- Individual: Lucy Grinday
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: James Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Catherine Herbert
- Individual: Priscilla Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Benjamin Herbert
- Individual: Mawd Thomas
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Games
- Individual: Mary Watkins
- Individual: John Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Henry Herbert Esquire
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Rachel Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: daughter daughter Herbert
- Individual: William Scudamore
- Individual: William Jones Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Johanna Price
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Christopher Price Esquire
- Individual: David Lewis
- Individual: Mary Vaughan
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: John Stepney Sir Barone
- Individual: Mary Ards
- Individual: Dorothy Sulyard
- Individual: William Jones
- Individual: Jeremy Jones
- Individual: Elizabeth Brigstocke
- Individual: Arabella
- Individual: Rebecca Walker
- Individual: Francis Walker Esquire
- Individual: Anne Walker
- Individual: Humphrey Sandford Esquire
- Individual: Mary Sandford
- Individual: Humphrey Sandford Esquire
- Individual: George Edward Henry Herbert Earl of Po
- Individual: Georgiana Amelia Herbert
- Individual: Augusta Herbert
- Individual: Barbara Henrietta Herbert
- Individual: Henrietta Antonia Herbert
- Individual: Coulston Fellowes Esquire
- Individual: William Henry Fellowes
- Individual: Urania Fellowes
- Individual: John Harris Esquire
- Individual: Mary Baugh
- Individual: George Herbert
- Individual: Henry Herbert
- Individual: Folliot Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Arabella Herbert
- Individual: Corbet Owen
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: George Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Herbert
- Individual: Sarah Jones
- Individual: son son Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Bridget Herbert
- Individual: Anna Maria Herbert
- Individual: David Lloyd
- Individual: David Davis
- Individual: Margaret Wynne
- Individual: William Owen
- Individual: Cecily Basset
- Individual: Godwin Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Edward Mathew
- Individual: Gwladus Mathew
- Individual: John Richards
- Individual: John Richards
- Individual: Richard Richards
- Individual: Mary Richards
- Individual: Lucy Alexander
- Individual: Henry Herbert Sir Barone
- Individual: Alexander Herbert
- Individual: Philip Herbert
- Individual: Montgomery Herbert
- Individual: William ap Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Theresa Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Lucy Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Cutler
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: William Edwards Esquire
- Individual: Margaret Perkins
- Individual: Elizabeth
- Individual: Philip Evans
- Individual: Frances Morgan
- Individual: Walter Evans Esquire
- Individual: Florence Jones
- Individual: John Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Rhys Morgan
- Individual: Alice Morgan
- Individual: Eleanor Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Mary Anderton
- Individual: Philip Jones Esquire
- Individual: Edward Jones
- Individual: Elizabeth Jones
- Individual: Alathea Jones
- Individual: Lucy Jones
- Individual: Jane Jones
- Individual: Mary Jones
- Individual: John Jones
- Individual: Hugh Lewis
- Individual: Elizabeth Lewis
- Individual: George Watkins
- Individual: Mr Mr Creed Major
- Individual: Charles Hughes
- Individual: John Jones
- Individual: Edward Morgan Sir Barone
- Individual: Alice (Anne) Hopton
- Individual: Sarah Morgan
- Individual: Mary Strode
- Individual: Mary Jones
- Individual: Mary Smith
- Individual: Henry Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Frances Jenkins
- Individual: Andrew Nicholas gentleman
- Individual: John Curre gentleman
- Individual: Mary Jones
- Individual: Herbert Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss Awbrey
- Individual: Frances Lewis
- Individual: William Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: Edward Kemeys
- Individual: Frances Kemeys
- Individual: Anne Kemeys
- Individual: George Watkins gentleman
- Individual: Erasmus Bedloe
- Individual: William Bedloe Captain
- Individual: Margaret Morgan
- Individual: Edward Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: Roger Kemeys gentleman
- Individual: William Kemeys gentleman
- Individual: Elizabeth Kemeys
- Individual: Lewis Kemeys Major
- Individual: Mary
- Individual: Charles Kemeys
- Individual: Thomas Kemeys
- Individual: Mary Symes
- Individual: Nicholas Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: Diana Kemeys
- Individual: William Waters
- Individual: Robert Havercamp
- Individual: William Power
- Individual: Rachel Oates
- Individual: Thomas Morgan gentleman
- Individual: William Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Thomas |Morgan| Gamage
- Individual: Elizabeth Tisdale
- Individual: Catherine Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss Coote
- Individual: Catherine Morgan
- Individual: Henry Tinte Sir Knight
- Individual: Joshua Iremonger Esquire
- Individual: J. Dunbar Esquire
- Individual: John Pitt Esquire
- Individual: William Morton Pitt Esquire
- Individual: Dorothy Duncumb
- Individual: Morgan Randyll Esquire
- Individual: Jane Randyll
- Individual: Edward Vincent Randyll
- Individual: Roger Randyll
- Individual: Anne Randyll
- Individual: Frances Randyll
- Individual: John Randyll
- Individual: Edmund Ludlow General
- Individual: John Thomas Sir Barone
- Individual: Henry Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Charles Morgan gentleman
- Individual: Florence Morgan
- Individual: Anne Edmunds
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Lewis
- Individual: Thomas Lewis
- Individual: Elizabeth Lewis
- Individual: Blanche Lewis
- Individual: Joan Lewis
- Individual: Grace Lewis
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Mary Watkins
- Individual: Robert Gunter
- Individual: Miss Miss Gunter
- Individual: Judith Goodden
- Individual: James Gunter Esquire
- Individual: Robert Gunter
- Individual: Cecilia Gunter
- Individual: Judith Gunter
- Individual: Richard Roberts Esquire
- Individual: Richard Roberts
- Individual: Miss Miss Williams
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Morgan ap Morgan
- Individual: Grace Vanne
- Individual: Anthony Mathew
- Individual: Willoughby de Broke Lord
- Individual: Hester Price
- Individual: Thomas Morgan Sir Barone
- Individual: Ethelred II "The Unready" King Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Hester Morgan
- Individual: De la Riviere Morgan
- Individual: Annaretta Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Charles Morgan
- Individual: Henry Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Mathews
- Individual: John Gibbon
- Individual: Blanche Gibbon
- Individual: Dorothy Gibbon
- Individual: Emma Princess Of Normandy [QUEEN OF ENGLAN [QUEEN OF
- Individual: Anne
- Individual: Henry Morgan
- Individual: Edward Stradling
- Individual: Thomas Stradling Sir Barone
- Individual: Thomas Fermor *E Pontefr
- Individual: Alice Clavering
- Individual: Herbert Hackman
- Individual: Thomas Hackman
- Individual: Alice Hackman
- Individual: Charlotte Jane Hackman
- Individual: Alfred Prince Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Alice Elizabeth Hackman
- Individual: Elizabeth Spencer Lady
- Individual: Henry Herbert
- Individual: George Augustus Herbert Earl of Pe
- Individual: Charlotte Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Alicia Maria Wyndham Lady
- Individual: Henry George Herbert *E Caernar
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: Frances Herbert Lady
- Individual: William Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Edward III "The Confessor" King Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Percy Herbert
- Individual: George Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Algernon Herbert
- Individual: Caroline Montagu
- Individual: Edward Stratford *E Aldboro
- Individual: Anne Bury
- Individual: Lucy Wharton Lady
- Individual: John St Aubyn Sir Barone
- Individual: J. St Aubyn Sir Knight
- Individual: Margaret St Aubyn
- Individual: Goda (Godgifu) Princess England [COUNTESS OF VEX [COUNTESS
- Individual: John Molesworth Sir Barone
- Individual: John Molesworth
- Individual: William Molesworth
- Individual: Philip Wenman Viscount
- Individual: Philip Wenman Viscount
- Individual: Thomas Francis Wenman
- Individual: Sophia Wenman
- Individual: Mary Butler
- Individual: John Carteret *E Granvil
- Individual: Thomas Clarges Sir Knight
- Individual: Jane Clarges
- Individual: Frances Clarges
- Individual: Mary Clarges
- Individual: George Wright
- Individual: George Wright
- Individual: Barbara Wright
- Individual: Marmaduke Gwynne
- Individual: Marmaduke Gwynne
- Individual: Sarah Gwynne
- Individual: Jane Gwynne
- Individual: Henrietta Waldegrave Lady
- Individual: Barbara Antonia Herbert
- Individual: Joseph Gage Count
- Individual: Henry Lord Arund
- Individual: Robert Throgmorton Sir Barone
- Individual: Edward Morris Esquire
- Individual: Edward Williams Esquire
- Individual: Watkin |Williams- Wynn Sir Barone
- Individual: Anstance Wells
- Individual: Edmund Traherne Esquire
- Individual: Prudence Traherne
- Individual: Elinor Traherne
- Individual: Mary Traherne
- Individual: William Bassett Esquire
- Individual: William Bassett Esquire
- Individual: Cecil Bassett
- Individual: William *E Kingsto
- Individual: Charles Montagu *D Manches
- Individual: William Stanley Esquire
- Individual: Hoby Stanley
- Individual: Griffith Rice Esquire
- Individual: Mr Mr Compton Esquire
- Individual: Florence Miles
- Individual: Edward Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Lloyd
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Herbert
- Individual: Samuel Williams
- Individual: William Gerard Sir Barone
- Individual: William Stourton Lord Stour
- Individual: Joseph Bentham Reverend
- Individual: Alice ferch Rhys
- Individual: Richard Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: William Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: Edward Mansel
- Individual: Mary Mansel
- Individual: Alice Mansel
- Individual: Frances Mansel
- Individual: Elizabeth Mansel
- Individual: Dorothy Mansel
- Individual: Edward Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: John Mansel
- Individual: James Mansel
- Individual: Henry Mansel
- Individual: Mary Mansel
- Individual: Philip Mansel
- Individual: Frances Mansel
- Individual: Rawleigh Mansel Esquire
- Individual: Dorothy Mansel
- Individual: Joan Mansel
- Individual: Magdalen Mansel
- Individual: Lewis Thomas Esquire
- Individual: Richard Dawkin
- Individual: John Williams Sir Barone
- Individual: Mary Wharton
- Individual: Jane Kemeys
- Individual: Charles Kemeys Sir Barone
- Individual: Margaret Kemeys
- Individual: Mary Kemeys
- Individual: George Kemeys
- Individual: Mary Lewis
- Individual: Edward Thomas Sir Knight
- Individual: Edward Thomas Sir Knight
- Individual: Susan Jones
- Individual: Theophilus Lloyd Esquire
- Individual: Miss Miss Gwyn
- Individual: Miss Miss Tanner
- Individual: Miss Miss Mansel
- Individual: Margaret Ducke
- Individual: Mathew Mansel
- Individual: Henry Mansell
- Individual: Edward Hancorne
- Individual: Mr Mr Vaughan
- Individual: William Frampton
- Individual: Rachel Ray
- Individual: William Wogan Mansel
- Individual: Robert Mansel
- Individual: Thomas Mansel
- Individual: William Leman Sir Knight
- Individual: Peter Pheasant
- Individual: Henry Aley
- Individual: Lewis Newman
- Individual: John Wolf
- Individual: George Hutchins Sir Knight
- Individual: Martha Millington
- Individual: Martha Mansel
- Individual: Elizabeth Mansel
- Individual: Anne Mansel
- Individual: Thomas Mansel
- Individual: Mary Mansel
- Individual: Robert Mansel
- Individual: Christopher Mansel Baron Mans
- Individual: Bussy Mansel Lord Manse
- Individual: Miss Miss Brags
- Individual: Christopher Myddelton
- Individual: Mr Mr Somerset
- Individual: Morgan Awbrey Esquire
- Individual: Jeremy Dawkin
- Individual: William Dawkin Esquire
- Individual: Elizabeth Games
- Individual: Thomas Mansel
- Individual: Mary Mansel
- Individual: Elizabeth Mansel
- Individual: Bussey Mansel Lieutenant
- Individual: Thomas Wilkins Reverend
- Individual: James Jones
- Individual: William Foord gentleman
- Individual: Francis Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Winifred Scudamore
- Individual: Margaret Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss Douglas
- Individual: Edmund Morgan
- Individual: Miles Morgan
- Individual: Rowland Morgan
- Individual: Mathew Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss Morgan
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: son son Morgan
- Individual: Martha Morgan
- Individual: Martha Vaughan
- Individual: William Morgan Sir Barone
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: John I Morgan
- Individual: Martha Morgan
- Individual: Lewis Morgan
- Individual: Catherine Morgan
- Individual: Edward Morgan
- Individual: Charles Morgan
- Individual: John II Morgan
- Individual: Charles Vanne Esquire
- Individual: Mary Catherine Lewis
- Individual: Abigail Phelps
- Individual: Thomas Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Richard Morgan
- Individual: William |Morgan- Clifford Esquire
- Individual: Jane Morgan
- Individual: Andrew Lewis gentleman
- Individual: Sarah Cooley
- Individual: Sarah Morgan
- Individual: Jonathan Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Rebecca Morgan
- Individual: Mary Clark
- Individual: Peleliah Morgan
- Individual: David Morgan Deacon
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Jonathan Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Benjamin Morgan
- Individual: Mary Graves
- Individual: Benjamin Morgan
- Individual: Stephen Morgan
- Individual: Aaron Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Abigail Gardiner
- Individual: Prudence Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Jonathan Morgan
- Individual: Hannah Bird
- Individual: Nathaniel Morgan
- Individual: Samuel Morgan
- Individual: Ebenezer Morgan
- Individual: Hannah Bird Morgan
- Individual: Miles Morgan
- Individual: Joseph Morgan
- Individual: James Morgan
- Individual: Isaac Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Mary
- Individual: Blanche Morgan
- Individual: Catherine Morgan
- Individual: Anne
- Individual: Eleanor
- Individual: Mary
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: John Nicholl gentleman
- Individual: William Nicholl Esquire
- Individual: John Nicholl gentleman
- Individual: Elizabeth Nicholl
- Individual: Florence Nicholl
- Individual: Susanna Nicholl
- Individual: Anne Nicholl
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: John Harcourt Esquire
- Individual: Mary Milborne
- Individual: Frances Levett
- Individual: Catherine Cotton
- Individual: Jane Rachel Beecher
- Individual: Morgan Lewis Esquire
- Individual: Elizabeth I Lewis
- Individual: Fanny Lewis
- Individual: Rachel Lewis
- Individual: Craven Lewis Esquire
- Individual: Elizabeth Barbara Lewis
- Individual: Jenny Lewis
- Individual: Charles Nosworthy Michell
- Individual: Rachel ferch Dafydd
- Individual: Jane ferch Ieuan
- Individual: John Gamage
- Individual: Philip Gamage
- Individual: Edward Gamage
- Individual: Lettice Grosvenor
- Individual: Margaret Gamage
- Individual: John Gamage
- Individual: Edward Gamage
- Individual: Joan Richards
- Individual: Edward Gamage
- Individual: Catherine Gamage
- Individual: Anne Jenkins
- Individual: Robert Gamage
- Individual: Francis Gamage
- Individual: Philip Gamage
- Individual: John Gamage
- Individual: Anne Gamage
- Individual: Elizabeth Gamage
- Individual: John ap Ieuan
- Individual: Thomas Roberts
- Individual: Henry Roberts
- Individual: Thomas Roberts
- Individual: Elizabeth Roberts
- Individual: Anne Roberts
- Individual: Mary Roberts
- Individual: Henry Probert Esquire
- Individual: George Probert
- Individual: James Probert
- Individual: Rachel I Probert
- Individual: Elizabeth Probert
- Individual: Rachel II Probert
- Individual: Eleanor Baker
- Individual: Charles Probert Esquire
- Individual: Eleanor Probert
- Individual: Mary Somner
- Individual: Henry Probert
- Individual: Thomas Williams
- Individual: Charles Griffith gentleman
- Individual: Charles Griffith gentleman
- Individual: William Thomas
- Individual: Thomas Riley
- Individual: Miss Miss Williams
- Individual: Judith Moore
- Individual: Judith Herbert
- Individual: William Williams
- Individual: Edward Hopton Esquire
- Individual: Henry Vaughan Sir Knight
- Individual: Sackville Crowe Sir Knight
- Individual: Elizabeth Jones
- Individual: Letis Jones
- Individual: Walter Morley
- Individual: Priscilla Morley
- Individual: William Scudamore
- Individual: Mary Kenney
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Arthur Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Margaret Morgan
- Individual: Francis Lewis Esquire
- Individual: Rebecca
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Folliott Baugh Esquire
- Individual: Anne Baugh
- Individual: Jonathan Scott Esquire
- Individual: John |Scott| Waring Major
- Individual: Jonathan Scott Esquire
- Individual: Elizabeth Jones
- Individual: Folliott Sandford
- Individual: Edward Clive Earl of Po
- Individual: Edward |Clive| Herbert Earl of Po
- Individual: Robert Henry Clive
- Individual: Henrietta Antonia Clive
- Individual: Charlotte Florentia Clive
- Individual: Lavinia Smyth
- Individual: William Henry Fellowes
- Individual: Edward Fellowes Vice-Admir
- Individual: John Wallop *E Portsmo
- Individual: John Charles Wallop *E Portsmo
- Individual: Newton Wallop *E Portsmo
- Individual: Henrietta Dorothea Wallop Lady
- Individual: Frederick Cornewall Captain
- Individual: Frederick |Walker- Cornewall Esquire
- Individual: Folliott Herbert |Walker- Cornewall Reverend
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Penelope Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert Esquire
- Individual: John Williams
- Individual: Evan Jones
- Individual: Mr Pryce
- Individual: Robert Archer Dyer
- Individual: William Dyer
- Individual: Miss Miss Dyer
- Individual: John Foley
- Individual: Francis Dyer
- Individual: Mary Godolphin
- Individual: Margaret Owen
- Individual: Jane Games
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Christian Herbert
- Individual: Mr Mr Roger
- Individual: W. Jones
- Individual: Jane Jones
- Individual: Anne Jones
- Individual: Anne Harrison
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Lucy Herbert
- Individual: Margaret Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Theresa Herbert
- Individual: Henry I Herbert
- Individual: Henry II Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Anne Vane
- Individual: George Herbert
- Individual: Humphrey Herbert Sir Barone
- Individual: Henry Herbert Sir Barone
- Individual: Rhys Herbert
- Individual: Lionel Herbert
- Individual: Richard Herbert
- Individual: Charles Herbert Sir Barone
- Individual: Alexander Bradfield Esquire
- Individual: Robert Phayre Esquire
- Individual: John Frost
- Individual: Jane Morgan
- Individual: Mary Evans
- Individual: Dorothy Evans
- Individual: Thomas Evans Esquire
- Individual: Mary Bond
- Individual: George Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Nicholas Jones Esquire
- Individual: William Morgan gentleman
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: William Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Anne Basset
- Individual: William Jones
- Individual: John Jones Esquire
- Individual: Philip Jones
- Individual: Edward Jones gentleman
- Individual: Elizabeth Jones
- Individual: Frances Jones nun
- Individual: Jane Jones nun
- Individual: Anne Jones
- Individual: Mary Jones
- Individual: Arthur Clayton
- Individual: Mr Mr Philipps
- Individual: Mr Mr Broughton
- Individual: Mr Mr Edwards
- Individual: Robert Davis gentleman
- Individual: Francis Hall Esquire
- Individual: Mary Baskerville
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Frances Morgan
- Individual: Stephen Beasley
- Individual: Elizabeth
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Morgan ap Morgan
- Individual: Dorothy Morgan
- Individual: William Kemeys
- Individual: George Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: Edmund Kemeys
- Individual: Edward Kemeys gentleman
- Individual: Elizabeth Kemeys
- Individual: Frances Kemeys
- Individual: Mary Kemeys
- Individual: Anne
- Individual: Anne Kemeys
- Individual: Oliver St John
- Individual: Anne Bray
- Individual: Edward Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: Reginald Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: Charles Kemeys gentleman
- Individual: Margaret Kemeys
- Individual: Elizabeth Kemeys
- Individual: Elizabeth Harris
- Individual: Mary Long
- Individual: Robert Kemeys
- Individual: Edward Kemeys
- Individual: George Kemeys
- Individual: Roger Kemeys
- Individual: Mary Kemeys
- Individual: Margaret Kemeys
- Individual: Anne I Kemeys
- Individual: Anne II Kemeys
- Individual: Elizabeth Lewis
- Individual: Lewis Kemeys
- Individual: George Kemeys
- Individual: Edward Kemeys
- Individual: Elizabeth Kemeys
- Individual: Mary Evans
- Individual: William Kemeys
- Individual: John Jones gentleman
- Individual: Mary
- Individual: Nicholas Kemeys
- Individual: Lewis Kemeys
- Individual: Edward Kemeys
- Individual: Margaret Kemeys
- Individual: Charles Kemeys
- Individual: Neville Kemeys
- Individual: Mary Beston
- Individual: Mary Crofts
- Individual: Charles Kemeys
- Individual: Diana Kemeys
- Individual: Euseby Baisley
- Individual: Euseby Baisley
- Individual: Rebecca Baisley
- Individual: Elsbeth ferch Watkin
- Individual: William Morgan gentleman
- Individual: Thomas Morgan gentleman
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Lewis Morgan
- Individual: Blanche Morgan
- Individual: Jane Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Catherine Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss Thomas
- Individual: Thomas Gamage
- Individual: Robert Stearne Tighe Esquire
- Individual: Robert Morgan Tighe Esquire
- Individual: William Stearne Tighe
- Individual: Hugh Usher Tighe
- Individual: Catherine Tighe
- Individual: Richard Lascelles Iremonger
- Individual: Anne Gould
- Individual: Bridget Randyll
- Individual: Mary Randyll
- Individual: Maximiham Emily
- Individual: Edward Bray Esquire
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Bowyer Cecil
- Individual: Anne Gunter
- Individual: William Lilley gentleman
- Individual: Letis Gunter
- Individual: Robert Gunter
- Individual: Mary Gunter
- Individual: James Roberts
- Individual: Miss Miss Deere
- Individual: Miss Miss Morgan
- Individual: Catherine Morgan
- Individual: Barbara Thomas
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Anne Roydhouse Dame
- Individual: John Morgan Sir Barone
- Individual: James Morgan
- Individual: John Walsham Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Clutton Esquire
- Individual: Mary Knight
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: John Stuart Marquis of
- Individual: Mr Mr Beauchamp *M Hertfor
- Individual: Elizabeth Beauclerk
- Individual: George Herbert
- Individual: Diana Herbert Lady
- Individual: Robert Henry Herbert Earl of Pe
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Romanovitch ~C Woronzo
- Individual: Sidney Herbert Baron of L
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert Lady
- Individual: Mary Caroline Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Herbert Lady
- Individual: Georgiana Herbert
- Individual: Emma Herbert Lady
- Individual: Elizabeth Kitty Dyke Acland
- Individual: Henrietta Elizabeth Herbert Lady
- Individual: Emily Frances Theresa Herbert Lady
- Individual: Henry John George Herbert *E Caernar
- Individual: Edward Charles Hugh Herbert
- Individual: Theresa Herbert
- Individual: Bridget Augusta Forrest Byng
- Individual: Augusta Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Thomas |Reynolds- Moreton Earl of Du
- Individual: Mary Elizabeth |Reynolds- Moreton Lady
- Individual: Henry George Francis Moreton Earl of Du
- Individual: Augustus |Reynolds-| |Moreton- MacDonald
- Individual: Julia |Reynolds- Moreton Lady
- Individual: Percy |Reynolds- Moreton Captain
- Individual: Katherine |Reynolds- Moreton Lady
- Individual: Letitia Dorothea Allen
- Individual: Henry William Herbert
- Individual: Louisa Catherine Georgina Herbert
- Individual: Cecilia Augusta Henrietta Herbert
- Individual: Charles Frederick Herbert
- Individual: Frances Head
- Individual: George Herbert
- Individual: Mathilda (Maud) D' APULIA
- Individual: Maria Justina Frances Herbert
- Individual: Frances Georgina Caroline Herbert
- Individual: Caroline Honoria Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Alicia Emily Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Stepney Herbert
- Individual: Agnes Katinka Herbert
- Individual: Marianne Lempriere
- Individual: Robert George Wyndham Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Elizabeth Alicia Maria Herbert
- Individual: Jane Caroline Herbert
- Individual: Francis Basset
- Individual: Francis Basset
- Individual: John Basset
- Individual: Margaret Basset
- Individual: Anne Basset
- Individual: Cecilia Basset
- Individual: Eleanor
- Individual: William Humphrey Wykeham Esquire
- Individual: George Wright
- Individual: Mary Llewelyn
- Individual: Llywelyn Traherne
- Individual: Frances Popkin
- Individual: Edmund Traherne
- Individual: Morgan Popkin Traherne
- Individual: Christopher Traherne
- Individual: Griffith Price Traherne
- Individual: Frances Traherne
- Individual: Elinor Traherne
- Individual: Jane Traherne
- Individual: Mary Traherne
- Individual: John Llewelyn Esquire
- Individual: Anne Rogers
- Individual: Stephen White
- Individual: Lydia Rogers White
- Individual: Anne White
- Individual: Mary White
- Individual: Miss Miss Wallop
- Individual: Miss Stanley
- Individual: Hans Stanley Esquire
- Individual: Miss Miss Stanley
- Individual: Thomas Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Roger Powell Esquire
- Individual: Roger Powell Esquire
- Individual: Jane Powell
- Individual: Anne Powell
- Individual: Richard Turberville Esquire
- Individual: Amy Cox
- Individual: Richard Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: William Mansel
- Individual: daughter daughter Mansel
- Individual: daughter daughter Mansel
- Individual: Amy Mansel
- Individual: Jane Jones
- Individual: Mr Mr Gover Brigadier
- Individual: Anthony Gwyn
- Individual: Anne Price
- Individual: Mary Bayley
- Individual: Miss Miss Stephen
- Individual: Mary Davies
- Individual: Anne Mansel
- Individual: Edward Vaughan Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: Bridget Mansel
- Individual: Margaret Mansel
- Individual: Samuel Townsend
- Individual: Edward Townsend
- Individual: Samuel Townsend
- Individual: Mr Mr Crisp Major
- Individual: William Langdon
- Individual: Jane Langdon
- Individual: Magdalen Langdon
- Individual: Dorothy Langdon
- Individual: William Langdon
- Individual: Mansel Langdon
- Individual: John Langdon
- Individual: John Hughes Esquire
- Individual: Lawford Cole Esquire
- Individual: Edward Mansel Cole
- Individual: Mary Williams
- Individual: John Tynte Sir Barone
- Individual: Halswell Tynte Sir Barone
- Individual: John Tynte Sir Barone
- Individual: Jane Tynte
- Individual: Charles Tynte Sir Barone
- Individual: Henry Chapman gentleman
- Individual: Hopkin Thomas
- Individual: William Mansell
- Individual: Anne Lort
- Individual: William Lort Mansel
- Individual: Thomas Mansel
- Individual: Roderick Mansel
- Individual: Hannah Mansel
- Individual: Elizabeth Mansel
- Individual: Catherine Mansel
- Individual: Philip Mansel
- Individual: Richard Mansel
- Individual: Joan Mansel
- Individual: Morgan Thomas Reverend
- Individual: John Ivory Talbot
- Individual: John Talbot Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Talbot Reverend
- Individual: Martha Talbot
- Individual: Anne Shovel
- Individual: Robert Mansel Baron Mans
- Individual: Thomas Mansel Baron Mans
- Individual: daughter daughter Mansel
- Individual: Betty Harvey Lady
- Individual: Barbara Villiers Lady
- Individual: Louisa Barbara Mansel Lady
- Individual: Barbara Button
- Individual: Maysod Portrey
- Individual: Richard Dawkin
- Individual: Alice Dawkin
- Individual: Rowland Dawkin
- Individual: William Dawkin
- Individual: Rawleigh |Dawkin| Mansel Esquire
- Individual: Mary Dawkin
- Individual: Priscilla Dawkin
- Individual: Elizabeth Dawkin
- Individual: Anne Dawkin
- Individual: Mansel |Dawkin| Mansel
- Individual: William Cary
- Individual: Thomas Powell Esquire
- Individual: Peregrina
- Individual: Charles Atwood gentleman
- Individual: Charles Atwood
- Individual: Mary Temperance Atwood
- Individual: Miles Morgan
- Individual: James Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Clifford
- Individual: Rachel Cavendish Lady
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Rachel Morgan
- Individual: Edward Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Jane Colchester
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Jane Morgan
- Individual: Catherine Morgan
- Individual: Charles Morgan
- Individual: John Morgan
- Individual: Edward Harley Earl of Ox
- Individual: Martha Harley Lady
- Individual: John Butler Esquire
- Individual: Catherine Vanne
- Individual: Rachel Vanne
- Individual: Anne Aubrey
- Individual: Cecily Baskerville
- Individual: Lois Hoskins
- Individual: Eliza Maria Lewis
- Individual: Morgan |Morgan- Clifford Esquire
- Individual: William John |Morgan- Clifford Esquire
- Individual: Hannah Smith
- Individual: Deborah Colton
- Individual: David Morgan
- Individual: Joseph Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Jonathan Morgan
- Individual: Keborah Morgan
- Individual: Mercy Morgan
- Individual: Isaac Morgan
- Individual: Mary Horton
- Individual: Ebenezer Morgan
- Individual: Samuel Morgan
- Individual: Sarah Morgan
- Individual: Catherine Morgan
- Individual: Chloe Morgan
- Individual: Sarah Warner
- Individual: Mary Stebbins
- Individual: Joseph Morgan
- Individual: Titus I Morgan
- Individual: Titus II Morgan
- Individual: Lucas Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Judah Morgan twin
- Individual: Jesse Morgan twin
- Individual: Hannah Morgan
- Individual: Festus Morgan
- Individual: Richard Greensward
- Individual: Anthony Williams
- Individual: Jane Perrot
- Individual: Jane Nicholl
- Individual: Mary Edwards
- Individual: Mary Nicholl
- Individual: Anne Nicholl
- Individual: William Jenkins Esquire
- Individual: Elizabeth Jenkins
- Individual: Thomas Norman
- Individual: Elizabeth James
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Swinnerton Esquire
- Individual: Martha Swinnerton twin
- Individual: Mary Swinnerton twin
- Individual: Elizabeth Swinnerton
- Individual: Thomas Lewis Esquire
- Individual: Jane Rachel Lewis
- Individual: Charles Lewis Esquire
- Individual: John Craven Lewis Reverend
- Individual: George Morgan Lewis
- Individual: Edward Lewis Reverend
- Individual: Francis Lewis
- Individual: Elen Lewis
- Individual: James Lewis
- Individual: Thomas Lewis gentleman
- Individual: Mary Longford
- Individual: Harman Leece Esquire
- Individual: Elizabeth Leece
- Individual: Mary Leece
- Individual: Leonard Morse
- Individual: Leonard Beecher Morse
- Individual: Miss Miss Astley
- Individual: daughter daughter Gamage
- Individual: daughter daughter Gamage
- Individual: Margaret Jones
- Individual: Sarah
- Individual: Hester Hill
- Individual: Francis Jenkins gentleman
- Individual: Francis Jenkins Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Clifford Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Clifford Esquire
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Charles Griffith Esquire
- Individual: John Griffith gentleman
- Individual: Cecily Griffith
- Individual: Thomas Powell Sir Barone
- Individual: Herbert Powell Sir Barone
- Individual: Judith Powell
- Individual: James Powell
- Individual: John Powell
- Individual: Thomas Powell
- Individual: Agnes Crosbie
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Henry Herbert
- Individual: Arthur Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Arabella Herbert
- Individual: Margaret Herbert
- Individual: Mary Bastable
- Individual: George Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Thomas Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Arthur Herbert
- Individual: Fiach Herbert
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: Bastable Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Lucy Herbert
- Individual: Agnes Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Margaret Herbert
- Individual: Charity Herbert
- Individual: Francis Lewis Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Lewis
- Individual: William Lewis
- Individual: Philip Lewis Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Johnes Esquire
- Individual: J. Salway Esquire
- Individual: Richard Salway Esquire
- Individual: Anne Austin
- Individual: Anna Dorothea Scott
- Individual: Isabella Deuchars
- Individual: Humphrey Sandford Reverend
- Individual: Lucy Graham Lady
- Individual: Edward James Herbert Earl of Po
- Individual: Lucy Caroline Herbert
- Individual: Charlotte Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Percy Egerton Herbert Sir Barone
- Individual: Harriet Emily Herbert
- Individual: George Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Robert Charles Herbert
- Individual: Harriet Jane Herbert
- Individual: William Henry Herbert Major-Gene
- Individual: Harriet Hickman Lady Winds
- Individual: Robert Windsor Clive
- Individual: Watkin Williams Wynn Sir Barone
- Individual: Hugh *D Northum
- Individual: Emma Benyon
- Individual: Hannah Elizabeth Benyon
- Individual: Frances Sherard
- Individual: Isaac Newton Wallop *E Portsmo
- Individual: Catherine Fortescue Lady
- Individual: John Comyns Churchill Reverend
- Individual: Anne Hamilton
- Individual: Frederick Hamilton Cornewall Esquire
- Individual: Marianne Cornewall
- Individual: Herbert Cornewall Esquire
- Individual: Averina Brunetta Owen
- Individual: John Owen Herbert Esquire
- Individual: George Arthur Herbert
- Individual: Averina Brunetta Herbert
- Individual: Margaret Georgiana Herbert
- Individual: Charlotte Herbert
- Individual: Marianne Herbert
- Individual: William Phillips
- Individual: Owen Ormsby
- Individual: Mary Jane Ormsby
- Individual: Claudia
- Individual: Edward Evans
- Individual: Mr Dogan
- Individual: Jenkin Richard
- Individual: Jane Richard
- Individual: Lionel Maddison
- Individual: Anne Maddison
- Individual: Mary Dewtris
- Individual: Thomas Herbert Sir Barone
- Individual: William Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: Alice Clarke
- Individual: Thomas Evans Esquire
- Individual: Elizabeth Evans
- Individual: Kingsmill Evans
- Individual: Samuel Bond gentleman
- Individual: George Bond Esquire
- Individual: John Morris gentleman
- Individual: John Morris
- Individual: William Morris
- Individual: Morgan Morris gentleman
- Individual: Elizabeth Morris
- Individual: Mary Morris
- Individual: Eleanor Morris
- Individual: David Jones gentleman
- Individual: Nathaniel White
- Individual: John White
- Individual: Rachel Jones
- Individual: John Morgan Esquire
- Individual: William Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Philip Jones Esquire
- Individual: Edmund Jones
- Individual: John Jones Major
- Individual: William Jones Esquire
- Individual: Henry Jones
- Individual: Edward Jones
- Individual: Mary Jones
- Individual: Anne Jones
- Individual: Elizabeth Jones nun
- Individual: Florence Jones
- Individual: Stephanie (Etiennette) Of BARCELONA
- Individual: Jane Jones
- Individual: Miss Miss Fitzgerald
- Individual: John Vaughan
- Individual: Edmund Bray Esquire
- Individual: Edmund Reginald Morgan Bray
- Individual: Mary Bray
- Individual: Frances Bray
- Individual: Moses Hunt
- Individual: son son Hunt
- Individual: Miss Miss Hunt
- Individual: Anne
- Individual: Anne Kemeys
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Jane Proby
- Individual: Jane Kemeys
- Individual: Anne Kemeys
- Individual: Mary Kemeys
- Individual: Susanna Kemeys
- Individual: Awdry Kemeys
- Individual: Mr Mr Sawbridge
- Individual: Anne
- Individual: Roger Kemeys
- Individual: George Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: William Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: Mary Kemeys
- Individual: Samuel Evans Esquire
- Individual: Richard Vaughan Norman Reverend
- Individual: Evan Jones
- Individual: Margaret Jones
- Individual: Kezia Jones
- Individual: Robert Morris Jones Esquire
- Individual: Blanche Jones
- Individual: Frances Jones
- Individual: Bridget Jones
- Individual: Temperance Jones
- Individual: John Jones
- Individual: Elizabeth Jones
- Individual: Jane Jones
- Individual: Mary Jones
- Individual: Thomas |Kemeys| Kemmis
- Individual: Richard Kemeys
- Individual: Mary
- Individual: Nicholas Kemeys
- Individual: Edward Kemeys
- Individual: Charles Kemeys
- Individual: Mary Kemeys
- Individual: Witty Kemeys
- Individual: Alice Wedgewood
- Individual: John Kemeys
- Individual: Mary Kemeys
- Individual: Nathaniel Bland
- Individual: John Bland
- Individual: James Bland Reverend
- Individual: William Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Henry Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Rachel Morgan
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Dorothy Mathew
- Individual: David Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Lewis Thomas Captain
- Individual: Henry Thomas
- Individual: Elizabeth Thomas
- Individual: Mr Mr Spencer
- Individual: Mr Mr Young
- Individual: Robert Thomas gentleman
- Individual: William Morgan gentleman
- Individual: Anne Llychwr
- Individual: Frances St Lawrence
- Individual: Robert St Lawrence Tighe Esquire
- Individual: Marcus Anthony Tighe
- Individual: Anne Florence MacClintock
- Individual: Robert Hugh Morgan Tighe
- Individual: Elizabeth Letitia Morgan Tighe
- Individual: Catherine Florence Morgan Tighe
- Individual: William Henry Worth Newenham Esquire
- Individual: William Peck Esquire
- Individual: Gilbert Vane Lord Barna
- Individual: Henry Vane Lord Barna
- Individual: Morgan Vane
- Individual: Lewis Grandswood
- Individual: Anthony Williams
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss Morgan
- Individual: Elizabeth Gwyn
- Individual: Anne Jacobson
- Individual: Elizabeth Mathew
- Individual: Welbore Ellis Agar *E Normant
- Individual: James Charles Herbert Agar *E Normant
- Individual: Herbert Welbore Ellis Agar
- Individual: Mary Jane Diana Agar Lady
- Individual: Octavia Spinelli Princess
- Individual: Elizabeth A'Court
- Individual: George Robert Charles Herbert Earl of Pe
- Individual: Sidney Herbert Earl of Pe
- Individual: William Reginald Herbert
- Individual: Michael Henry Herbert Sir Barone
- Individual: Mary Catherine Herbert Lady
- Individual: Elizabeth Maude Herbert Lady
- Individual: Constance Gladys Herbert Lady
- Individual: Richard Meade *E Clanwil
- Individual: Mr Mr *M Allesbu
- Individual: Alexander Edward Murray Baron Dunm
- Individual: Mr Mr *M Lansdow
- Individual: Thomas Vesey *V de Vesc
- Individual: John Charles Stapleton Reverend
- Individual: Philip Bouverie Pusey Esquire
- Individual: Edith Lucy Bouverie Pusey
- Individual: Clara Pusey
- Individual: Sidney Edward |Bouverie- Pusey
- Individual: Henrietta Anne Howard
- Individual: Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert *E Caernar
- Individual: Eveline Alicia Juliana Herbert ~C Portsmo
- Individual: Alan Percy Harty Herbert
- Individual: Auberon Edward William Herbert
- Individual: Gwendolen Ondine Herbert Lady
- Individual: Elizabeth Escott
- Individual: Edward Henry Charles Herbert
- Individual: Henry Herbert
- Individual: Francis Vincent Sir Barone
- Individual: Blanche Vincent
- Individual: William Basil Percy Earl of De
- Individual: Elizabeth Dutton
- Individual: Mary Jane Lockhart MacDonald
- Individual: James Haughton Langston
- Individual: Jane Frances Price
- Individual: John Raymond Barker
- Individual: Sarah Barker
- Individual: William George Herbert
- Individual: Godfrey Charles Mundy Major-Gene
- Individual: Herbert Mundy
- Individual: Sydney Mundy
- Individual: A. T. Ferguson Colonel
- Individual: Blanche Mary Letitia Ferguson
- Individual: Bessie Newenham Stuart
- Individual: Louisa Emily Julia Herbert
- Individual: St St Leger Algernon Herbert
- Individual: Allen William Henry Herbert
- Individual: Hilda Augusta Herbert
- Individual: Beatrice Mary Herbert
- Individual: George Frederick Herbert Major
- Individual: William Lempriere Lewis Reverend
- Individual: Charlotte Edmondes
- Individual: John Montgomery Traherne Reverend
- Individual: daughter daughter Traherne
- Individual: daughter daughter Traherne
- Individual: daughter daughter Traherne
- Individual: Barbara Maria Manning
- Individual: George Traherne
- Individual: Margaret Rickards
- Individual: G. Jenner Esquire
- Individual: T. A. Morse Esquire
- Individual: Francis Saunderson
- Individual: Alexander Saunderson Esquire
- Individual: J. Benet Popkin Esquire
- Individual: Wellbore Ellis
- Individual: Christopher Doyly
- Individual: Elizabeth Parker
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: W. Richards Esquire
- Individual: John Richards Esquire
- Individual: Lewis Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Edward Morgan Esquire
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Susanna Warner
- Individual: Rebecca Ware
- Individual: William Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: Edward Mansel
- Individual: Charity Mansel
- Individual: daughter daughter Mansel
- Individual: daughter daughter Mansel
- Individual: daughter daughter Mansel
- Individual: John Rees
- Individual: Mary Shewen
- Individual: Mary Anne Mansel
- Individual: Edward Joseph Shewen Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: Mr Mr Shewen
- Individual: Edward Mansel Shewen
- Individual: William III FERRERS [Earl of Derby] [Earl of D
- Individual: Lawford Cole
- Individual: Mary Waters
- Individual: Jane Tynte
- Individual: Mary Tynte
- Individual: Ruishe Hassell Esquire
- Individual: Jane Hassell
- Individual: Anne Busby
- Individual: Charity Lynn
- Individual: Anne Mansell
- Individual: Charity Mansell
- Individual: Sibyl MARSHALL
- Individual: Dora Mansell
- Individual: William Washington Mansell
- Individual: Catherine Mansell
- Individual: Henry Mansell
- Individual: Elizabeth Mansell
- Individual: Isabel Haggerston
- Individual: William Lort Mansel
- Individual: William Frederick Mansel
- Individual: Spencer Perceval Mansel Reverend
- Individual: Isabella Mansel
- Individual: Maud (Matilda) De FERRERS
- Individual: Sophia Matilda Caroline Mansel
- Individual: Fanny Mansel
- Individual: Emily Mansel
- Individual: Anne Mansel
- Individual: Elizabeth Mansel
- Individual: Margaret
- Individual: Lort Mansel Reverend
- Individual: Thomas Mansel
- Individual: Anne Mansel
- Individual: Mary Mansel
- Individual: Agnes De FERRERS
- Individual: Jane Mansel
- Individual: Mr Mr Williams
- Individual: Jane Beach
- Individual: Jane Talbot
- Individual: Thomas |Mansel- Talbot Esquire
- Individual: Christopher |Mansel- Talbot
- Individual: Anne Talbot
- Individual: Mary Talbot
- Individual: Elizabeth Talbot
- Individual: William Davenport Reverend
- Individual: Sibyl De FERRERS
- Individual: Prideaux Sutton Davenport
- Individual: John Davenport
- Individual: William |Davenport| Talbot
- Individual: Barbara Davenport
- Individual: Mary Davenport
- Individual: George Venables Vernon Lord Verno
- Individual: Charlotte Vernon
- Individual: daughter daughter Vernon
- Individual: Louisa Vernon
- Individual: George Vernon
- Individual: Isabella De FERRERS
- Individual: Elizabeth Lobb
- Individual: William Dawkin
- Individual: Anne Dawkin
- Individual: Anne Williams
- Individual: Francis Lloyd
- Individual: Anne Hudson
- Individual: Mary Morris
- Individual: Montacute Browne Mansel
- Individual: Rawleigh Mansel
- Individual: Rowland Mansel
- Individual: Agatha De FERRERS
- Individual: William Mansel
- Individual: Anne Mansel
- Individual: Mary Mansel
- Individual: Mansel Dawkin Mansel
- Individual: Charles |Gould| Morgan Sir Barone
- Individual: Charles |Gould| Morgan Sir Barone
- Individual: Elizabeth Gould
- Individual: John Gould
- Individual: Thomas Gould
- Individual: Jane Gould
- Individual: Eleanor De FERRERS
- Individual: Mary Parry
- Individual: Louisa Burt
- Individual: Robert Salusbury Sir Barone
- Individual: Sophia Willington
- Individual: Henry |Morgan- Clifford Esquire
- Individual: Fanny Elizabeth |Morgan- Clifford
- Individual: Emily |Morgan- Clifford
- Individual: Rachel Dada
- Individual: Margaret Cooley
- Individual: Margaret Morgan
- Individual: John De FERRERS
- Individual: Joseph Morgan
- Individual: Mary I Morgan
- Individual: Mary II Morgan
- Individual: Benjamin Morgan
- Individual: Miriam Morgan
- Individual: David Morgan
- Individual: Keziah Morgan
- Individual: Aaron Morgan
- Individual: Elijah Morgan
- Individual: Enoch Morgan
- Individual: Leonard Hoar
- Individual: Phineas Sherman
- Individual: Ruth Miller
- Individual: Abner Morgan
- Individual: Jonathan Morgan
- Individual: Lois Morgan
- Individual: Ruth Morgan
- Individual: Nathaniel Collins
- Individual: Miriam Kilbourn
- Individual: Abigail Cooley
- Individual: Agnes De MESCHINES
- Individual: Moses Cooley
- Individual: James Melvin
- Individual: John Burt
- Individual: Experience Smith
- Individual: Joseph Morgan
- Individual: Eurydice Morgan
- Individual: Huldah I Morgan
- Individual: Huldah II Morgan
- Individual: Nancy Morgan
- Individual: Achseh Morgan
- Individual: Berta (Ferrars) FERRERS
- Individual: Betsey Morgan
- Individual: Tryphene Smith
- Individual: Betsey Eastman
- Individual: Thomas White
- Individual: Elizabeth Shivoy
- Individual: Hannah
- Individual: Mercy Stebbins
- Individual: John Legg
- Individual: Submit French
- Individual: Anthony Montonnier Hawkins Esquire
- Individual: Thomas FERRERS
- Individual: Anthony Nicholl Hawkins
- Individual: Charles Hawkins
- Individual: Robert Ralph Augustus Hawkins
- Individual: Catherine Eugenia Hawkins
- Individual: Henry Montonnier Hawkins Esquire
- Individual: John Hawkins
- Individual: William Morgan Esquire
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Walter Herbert
- Individual: William Bagot Esquire
- Individual: Hugh FERRERS
- Individual: William Pilkington Sir Barone
- Individual: Thomas Edward Pilkington Sir Barone
- Individual: William Pilkington Sir Barone
- Individual: Lionel |Milborne- Pilkington Sir Barone
- Individual: Anne Leyson
- Individual: Margaret Cope
- Individual: John Hanbury Esquire
- Individual: John Stoughton
- Individual: Anne Susan Davis
- Individual: Thomas Lewis Lieut-Colo
- Individual: Robert FERRERS
- Individual: Charles James Lewis
- Individual: Francis Lewis Reverend
- Individual: Edward Lewis
- Individual: Henry Lewis
- Individual: Frances Susan Lewis
- Individual: Harriet Rachel Lewis
- Individual: Mary Freke
- Individual: Edward Freke Lewis Reverend
- Individual: Rachel Anne Lewis
- Individual: Mary Lewis
- Individual: Sybil FERRERS
- Individual: Frances Lewis
- Individual: Fanny Freke
- Individual: Thomas Leyson Reverend
- Individual: Richard Earle Welby Esquire
- Individual: Miss Miss Cox
- Individual: Amelia Jane Morse
- Individual: Anne Turner
- Individual: Anne Jenkins
- Individual: Elizabeth
- Individual: Mary Clifford
- Individual: Hugh FERRARS
- Individual: Margaret Nicholl
- Individual: Charles Griffith gentleman
- Individual: William Griffith gentleman
- Individual: John Griffith
- Individual: Margaret Griffith
- Individual: Velters Cornwall Esquire
- Individual: Frances Browne
- Individual: Thomas Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Nicholas Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Maud PEVEREL
- Individual: Agnes Herbert
- Individual: Helena Herbert
- Individual: Frances Herbert
- Individual: Arabella Herbert
- Individual: Thomasina Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Herbert
- Individual: William Hull
- Individual: Francis Brewster
- Individual: Stanley Craven Reverend
- Individual: John Leader
- Individual: Jane Fitzgerald
- Individual: Arthur Herbert
- Individual: Maurice Herbert
- Individual: George Herbert Major
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert Captain
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Phaemia Herbert
- Individual: Lucy Herbert
- Individual: Mary Gibbons
- Individual: Henry Arthur Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Robert Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Charity Herbert
- Individual: Lucy Brewster
- Individual: Barbara Fitzgerald
- Individual: Arthur Herbert
- Individual: Barbara Herbert
- Individual: Lucy Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Francis Markham
- Individual: Thomas Orpen Reverend
- Individual: Edward Orpen
- Individual: William Supple
- Individual: William Lucy
- Individual: William Saunders
- Individual: Richard Chute Esquire
- Individual: Elizabeth Harris
- Individual: John Lewis Reverend
- Individual: Mary Lewis
- Individual: Elizabeth Lewis
- Individual: Isabella Baugh
- Individual: John Salway Esquire
- Individual: William Richard Stokes Esquire
- Individual: Anne Catherine Stokes
- Individual: Frances Holland
- Individual: Folliot Sandford
- Individual: George Sandford
- Individual: Edward Sandford
- Individual: Holland Sandford
- Individual: William Sandford
- Individual: Humphrey Sandford Esquire
- Individual: Frederick Calvert
- Individual: Hugh Montgomery
- Individual: Mary Caroline Louisa Thomas Lady
- Individual: Henry Edward Herbert
- Individual: George Charles Herbert Earl of Po
- Individual: Magdalen Lucy Herbert
- Individual: Margaret Augusta Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Beatrice Sykes
- Individual: Mary Anne Herbert
- Individual: Winifred Lucy Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Anna Maria Cludde
- Individual: Edward William Herbert
- Individual: Graham Cludde Herbert Lieut-Colo
- Individual: Florentia Caroline Herbert
- Individual: Beatrice Mary Herbert
- Individual: Annie Katharine Louisa Herbert
- Individual: Arthur Frederick Herbert
- Individual: Sybella Augusta Milbank
- Individual: Henry James Herbert
- Individual: Lucy Edith Herbert
- Individual: Percy Mark Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Alice Harriet Herbert
- Individual: Mary Selina Louisa Bridgeman Lady
- Individual: Robert George Clive Lord Winds
- Individual: Catherine Henrietta Wallop Lady
- Individual: Newton Wallop *E Portsmo
- Individual: John Fellowes Wallop
- Individual: Rosamond Alicia Wallop Lady
- Individual: Oliver Henry Wallop
- Individual: Dorothea Hester Bluet Wallop Lady
- Individual: Robert Gerard Valoynes Wallop
- Individual: Gwendolen Margaret Wallop
- Individual: Frederick Henry Arthur Wallop
- Individual: Henrietta Anna Wallop Lady
- Individual: Francis Harriet Caulfield
- Individual: Henrietta Cornewall
- Individual: Mary Fanny Cornewall
- Individual: Charlotte Augusta Somerset
- Individual: Herbert Somerset Hamilton Cornewall
- Individual: Frederick Talbot Cornewall
- Individual: Charlotte Henrietta Cornewall
- Individual: Elizabeth Cornewall
- Individual: Cecil Cornewall
- Individual: Harriet Johnson
- Individual: Harriet Averina Brunetta Herbert
- Individual: John Arthur Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Richard Mytton Reverend
- Individual: Richard Herbert Mytton Esquire
- Individual: Charlotte Henrietta Avarina Mytton
- Individual: William Gore
- Individual: John Ralph Ormsby Gore Lord Harle
- Individual: Thomas Gwillim
- Individual: Hawise De MESCHINES [Countess of Lin [Countess
- Individual: Thomas Place
- Individual: Mary Parry
- Individual: Sybil Williams
- Individual: Anne Jane Evans
- Individual: Thomas Evans Esquire
- Individual: Frances Evans
- Individual: Mary Evans
- Individual: Eliza Evans
- Individual: Kingsmill Evans
- Individual: John Rumsey gentleman
- Individual: Mary Adams
- Individual: Kingsmill Evans Colonel
- Individual: Thomas Evans
- Individual: Joseph Evans
- Individual: Anne Evans
- Individual: Mary Evans
- Individual: Elizabeth Evans
- Individual: George Bond
- Individual: Margaret Bond
- Individual: Eleanor Bond
- Individual: Maud De MESCHINES [Countess of Hun [Countess
- Individual: Henry Rogers Reverend
- Individual: Mary Hyatt
- Individual: Rachel Evans
- Individual: Rachel Morgan
- Individual: William Morgan Esquire
- Individual: John Jones Morgan
- Individual: John Jones Morgan
- Individual: Anne Jones Morgan
- Individual: Miss Miss Darrell
- Individual: Catherine Wyborne
- Individual: Nichola De MESCHINES
- Individual: John Jones Esquire
- Individual: Richard Lee Esquire
- Individual: Mary Lee
- Individual: Elizabeth Lee
- Individual: Apollonia Lee
- Individual: John Blewitt Esquire
- Individual: Edmund Blewitt Esquire
- Individual: Edward Blewitt Esquire
- Individual: Reginald Blewitt
- Individual: Frances Blewitt
- Individual: Catherine Blewitt
- Individual: Thomas |Bushell| Fettyplace Esquire
- Individual: Charles Fettyplace
- Individual: Frances Fettyplace
- Individual: Mary Fettyplace
- Individual: Arabella Fettyplace
- Individual: Samuel Barret
- Individual: John |Gardner- Kemeys
- Individual: John |Gardner- Kemeys Esquire
- Individual: Jane |Gardner- Kemeys
- Individual: Amicia De MESCHINES
- Individual: Susanna Margaret |Gardner- Kemeys
- Individual: James Clitherow
- Individual: John Lewis
- Individual: Robert Riddell
- Individual: Sarah Evans
- Individual: Eleanor Carne
- Individual: Catherine Gwyn
- Individual: Charlotte Jones
- Individual: Henry Chapman gentleman
- Individual: Edward Willis
- Individual: Ranulph De MESCHINES EARL OF CHESTER
- Individual: Margaret Willis
- Individual: David Hopkins
- Individual: Thomas Allard gentleman
- Individual: Robert Jones |Allard- Kemeys Sir Knight
- Individual: Mary Anne Allard
- Individual: John Bishop
- Individual: Edward Jenkins
- Individual: Edward Jenkins
- Individual: Thomas Tamplin
- Individual: Robert Tamplin
- Individual: William MARSHALL
- Individual: Susanna Long
- Individual: John "Jack" Kemmis
- Individual: James Kemmis Major-Gene
- Individual: Thomas Kemmis
- Individual: Joshua Kemmis
- Individual: William Edward "Billie" Kemmis
- Individual: Elizabeth Kemmis
- Individual: Hannah Fowler
- Individual: William Kemeys
- Individual: William Bonyng
- Individual: Isabel Fitzgilbert De CLARE
- Individual: daughter daughter Bonyng
- Individual: Elizabeth Julian
- Individual: Diana Bland
- Individual: Nathaniel Bland
- Individual: James Bland
- Individual: Maria Bland
- Individual: Francis Christopher Bland Esquire
- Individual: Laetitia Bland
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan
- Individual: Rachel Morgan
- Individual: Isabel MARSHALL [Countess of Cor [Countess
- Individual: Anne Morgan
- Individual: son son Morgan
- Individual: son son Morgan
- Individual: son son Morgan
- Individual: son son Morgan
- Individual: son son Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: William Morgan
- Individual: Henry Morgan
- Individual: Edward Morgan
- Individual: Maud (Matilda) MARSHALL
- Individual: William Lambert gentleman
- Individual: William Perkins gentleman
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Blanche Thomas
- Individual: Edward Stopford Blair Esquire
- Individual: Anne Williams
- Individual: Thomas Morgan
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Thomas Price
- Individual: Caroline Susan Augusta Barrington
- Individual: Eve MARSHALL
- Individual: Helen Millicent
- Individual: Charles Herbert Agar
- Individual: Constance Diana Agar
- Individual: Laura Mary O'Neill Agar
- Individual: Horatio Nelson Earl Nelso
- Individual: Herbert Horatio Nelson *V Trafalg
- Individual: Thomas Horatio Nelson
- Individual: Edward Agar Horatio Nelson Lieutenant
- Individual: Alice Mary Diana Nelson Lady
- Individual: Constance Jane Nelson Lady
- Individual: Anselm MARSHALL
- Individual: Edith Nelson Lady
- Individual: Mary Catherine Nelson Lady
- Individual: Gertrude Frances Lady
- Individual: Beatrix Louisa Lambton Lady
- Individual: Reginald Herbert Earl of Pe
- Individual: George Sidney Herbert Sir Barone
- Individual: Beatrix Frances Gertrude Herbert Lady
- Individual: Muriel Katherine Herbert Lady
- Individual: Lelia Wilson
- Individual: Sidney Herbert Sir Barone
- Individual: Margaret MARSHALL
- Individual: Michael George Herbert
- Individual: Frederick von Hugel *B Hugel
- Individual: Gertrude von Hugel ~B Hugel
- Individual: Hildegard von Hugel ~B Hugel
- Individual: Thekla Marie von Hugel ~B Hugel
- Individual: Charles Hubert Hastings Parry Sir Barone
- Individual: Dorothea Parry
- Individual: Gwendolen Parry
- Individual: St St George Henry Lowther Earl of Lo
- Individual: Gladys Mary Juliet Lowther Lady
- Individual: Joane MARSHALL
- Individual: Frederick Oliver Robinson Earl de Gr
- Individual: Francis Charteris Fletcher Captain
- Individual: Philip Francis Fletcher
- Individual: Constance Fletcher
- Individual: Wilhelmina Maria Hervey
- Individual: Helen Henrietta Grant
- Individual: Evelyn Stanhope Lady
- Individual: Winifred Anne Henrietta Herbert ~B Burghcl
- Individual: George Edward Stanhope Herbert *E Caernar
- Individual: Margaret Leonora Evelyn Herbert Lady
- Individual: Victoria Alexandrina Mary Herbert Lady
- Individual: Elizabeth Catherine Howard
- Individual: Aubrey Nigel Henry Herbert
- Individual: Mervyn Robert Howard Herbert
- Individual: Florence Amabel Nassau Lady
- Individual: Rolf Herbert
- Individual: Auberon Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Nan Ino Herbert
- Individual: John Raymond |Cely- Trevilian
- Individual: Emily Eliza Falkiner
- Individual: Robert Hervey Monro Elwes
- Individual: Hilda Augusta Elwes
- Individual: Frederick Philip de Freville Reverend
- Individual: Charlotte Louisa |Mansel- Talbot
- Individual: Ellen Royds
- Individual: Mary Birt
- Individual: Anne Maria Richards
- Individual: Robert Wrixon Esquire
- Individual: Robert Wrixon Esquire
- Individual: Mary Anne Wrixon
- Individual: Mary Philipps
- Individual: William Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: Francis Mansel
- Individual: Mary Mansel
- Individual: John Mansel Lieut-Colo
- Individual: George Mansel
- Individual: Harriet Mansel
- Individual: Thomas Mansel Admiral
- Individual: Frances Henrietta Mansel
- Individual: Robert Christopher Mansel Lieut-Gene
- Individual: Richard |Mansel| Philipps
- Individual: Rebecca Eliza Mansel
- Individual: Wilson Richard |Shewen| Mansel
- Individual: John |Johnson| |Kemeys- Tynte Esquire
- Individual: Charles |Kemeys- Tynte Esquire
- Individual: Jane |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Anne Georgina |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Alexander McMahon
- Individual: Mr Mr Bates Colonel
- Individual: Henry Bates General
- Individual: Georgina Bates
- Individual: Sophia Bates
- Individual: Fanny Bates
- Individual: Anne Bates
- Individual: Dalphina Agassis
- Individual: Dora Mansell
- Individual: Mary Mansell
- Individual: Richard Angelo Colonel
- Individual: Spencer Mansel Reverend
- Individual: John Horsley Dakins
- Individual: Emily Dawkins
- Individual: Thomas Taylor Reverend
- Individual: Mary Lucy |Fox- Strangways Lady
- Individual: Mary Theresa |Mansel- Talbot
- Individual: Jane Harriet |Mansel- Talbot
- Individual: Christina Barbara |Mansel- Talbot
- Individual: Eleanor Sybella |Mansel- Talbot
- Individual: Isabella Catherina |Mansel- Talbot
- Individual: Emma Thomasina |Mansel- Talbot
- Individual: Christopher Rice |Mansel- Talbot Esquire
- Individual: Mary Dawkin
- Individual: Christopher Wells
- Individual: Martha Sherwin
- Individual: Rawleigh Mansel
- Individual: Mr Mr Lavie
- Individual: Elizabeth Browne
- Individual: James Temple Mansel
- Individual: George Barclay Mansel
- Individual: Charles Grenville Mansel
- Individual: Mary Magdalen Stoney
- Individual: Charles Morgan Robinson Morgan Lord Trede
- Individual: George Gould Morgan
- Individual: Charles Augustus Samuel Morgan Reverend
- Individual: Charles Octavius Swinnerton Morgan
- Individual: Maria Margarette Morgan
- Individual: Charlotte Georgina Morgan
- Individual: Selina Anne Jemima Morgan
- Individual: Angelina Maria Cecilia Morgan
- Individual: Rowley Lascelles Esquire
- Individual: Charles Lascelles Colonel
- Individual: Anna Lascelles
- Individual: Frances Lascelles
- Individual: Henry Ball Captain
- Individual: Samuel Humfrey Esquire
- Individual: Catherine Harriette Yorke
- Individual: Henry Somers |Morgan- Clifford
- Individual: Marian |Morgan- Clifford
- Individual: James Wallace Richard Hall
- Individual: Philip James York Esquire
- Individual: John Mighell
- Individual: Ebenezer Hitchcock Captain
- Individual: Benjamin Cody
- Individual: William Warriner
- Individual: Ebenezer Philips
- Individual: Sally Spencer
- Individual: Mary Morgan
- Individual: Lucy Morgan
- Individual: Junius Spencer Morgan
- Individual: Russell Ely
- Individual: Edmund Ely
- Individual: Samuel Dwight Chadin
- Individual: Nathaniel D. Beardsley
- Individual: Jane Fenwick
- Individual: Jane Hawkins
- Individual: Henry Hawkins
- Individual: Lucy Lambe
- Individual: Emma Dawe
- Individual: Isabella Kinleside
- Individual: Thomas Edward |Milborne- Pilkington Sir Barone
- Individual: Mary Anne Daniel
- Individual: Caroline Jane Bucknall
- Individual: Jane Gordon
- Individual: John Baldwin Esquire
- Individual: John Lewis Baldwin
- Individual: Edward Baldwin
- Individual: Frances Baldwin
- Individual: Charles Crowdy Admiral
- Individual: Charles Crowdy
- Individual: Caroline Rous
- Individual: John King Captain
- Individual: Richard "Strongbow" Fitzgilbert De CLARE
- Individual: Woodbine Parish Sir Knight
- Individual: Edmund Blewitt Esquire
- Individual: Anne Blewitt
- Individual: Mary Bell
- Individual: William Griffith gentleman
- Individual: Charles Griffith
- Individual: Mary Griffith
- Individual: Florence Griffith
- Individual: Anne Leonard
- Individual: Edmund Griffith
- Individual: Eva (Aoife) MCMURROUGH
- Individual: Charles Griffith
- Individual: James Tudur gentleman
- Individual: Anne Martin
- Individual: Henry Arthur Herbert
- Individual: Edward John Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Frances Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Emily Herbert
- Individual: Joan De CLARE
- Individual: Agnes Bland
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Francis Herbert
- Individual: Cherry Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Martha Cuffe
- Individual: John Otway Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Nicholas Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Lucinda Herbert
- Individual: Sophia Herbert
- Individual: daughter daughter Herbert
- Individual: daughter daughter Herbert
- Individual: daughter daughter Herbert
- Individual: Nichola Sophia Cuffe
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Frances Maria Herbert
- Individual: Dorothea Herbert
- Individual: Nicola Sophia Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Herbert
- Individual: Florence MacCartie More
- Individual: Charles MacCartie More
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Richard |Hedges- Eyre
- Individual: Helena |Hedges- Eyre
- Individual: Frances |Hedges- Eyre
- Individual: John Blennerbassett
- Individual: Thomas Cuffe
- Individual: Grace Cuffe
- Individual: Robert Herbert
- Individual: Helena Townsend
- Individual: Richard Townsend Herbert
- Individual: Arthur Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Helena Herbert
- Individual: Jane Collis
- Individual: Frances Herbert
- Individual: Julia
- Individual: daughter daughter Herbert
- Individual: John Talbot
- Individual: George Brewster
- Individual: Eusebius Chute
- Individual: George Chute
- Individual: Edward Gorham
- Individual: Thomas Sealy
- Individual: Robert Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Lucy Herbert
- Individual: Eleanor Conner
- Individual: Elizabeth Orpen twin
- Individual: Joseph Pearce Esquire
- Individual: William Pearce Esquire
- Individual: Elizabeth Pearce
- Individual: Edith Pearce
- Individual: Harriet Anne Ricketts
- Individual: John Yardley Reverend
- Individual: John Scott Yardley
- Individual: Caroline Taylor
- Individual: Elizabeth Anne Barlow
- Individual: Folliot George Sandford
- Individual: Henry Barlow Sandford
- Individual: Herbert Edward Sandford
- Individual: Mary Armitage Esquire
- Individual: Edward Armitage Sandford
- Individual: Henry Rossall Sandford
- Individual: Emma Calrow
- Individual: Anne Taylor Armitage
- Individual: Humphrey Sandford Esquire
- Individual: Folliott Sandford
- Individual: Richard Sandford
- Individual: Violet Ida Eveline Fox ~B Darcy d
- Individual: Percy Robert Herbert *V Clive
- Individual: Hermione Gwladys Herbert
- Individual: LIVING
- Individual: Thomas Richard Cholmondeley
- Individual: William Clive Hussey Major
- Individual: Beatrice Anne Williamson
- Individual: Dorothy Marguerite Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Edward Robert Henry Herbert
- Individual: Phyllis Hedworth Camilla Herbert
- Individual: LIVING
- Individual: George Henry Vaughan Jenkins
- Individual: Charles George Milnes Gaskell
- Individual: Evelyn Milnes Gaskell
- Individual: Mary Milnes Gaskell
- Individual: Augustus Langham Christie
- Individual: John Christie
- Individual: Gerard Vernon Wallop
- Individual: Richard Nelson Rycroft Sir Barone
- Individual: Nelson Edward Oliver Rycroft
- Individual: Richard Michael Rycroft
- Individual: Vernon James Watney
- Individual: Rosalind Margaret Watney
- Individual: Silvia Katharine Watney
- Individual: Oliver Vernon Watney
- Individual: John Carbery Evans
- Individual: Margaret Alice Carbery Evans
- Individual: Henrietta Joan Camilla Evans
- Individual: Spencer Lyttelton
- Individual: William Henry Cornewall Lyttelton
- Individual: Francis B. |Hallowell- Carew Esquire
- Individual: Francis |Hallowell- Carew
- Individual: Guy |Hallowell- Carew
- Individual: Norah Louisa |Hallowell- Carew
- Individual: Rose |Hallowell- Carew
- Individual: Mary |Hallowell- Carew
- Individual: Violet |Hallowell- Carew
- Individual: Constance |Hallowell- Carew
- Individual: Coralie |Hallowell- Carew
- Individual: Magdalen |Hallowell- Carew
- Individual: Ada |Hallowell- Carew
- Individual: Ellen Wood
- Individual: Charles Somerset Herbert Cornewall
- Individual: Henry Folliott Hamilton Cornewall
- Individual: Ada Mary Cecil Cornewall
- Individual: J. W. Walker
- Individual: Cecil Geraldine Somerset Walker
- Individual: Archibald Edward Walker
- Individual: W. G. Mitchell Esquire
- Individual: Walter Long Esquire
- Individual: Sarah Tyrell
- Individual: George Winter
- Individual: James Bowen gentleman
- Individual: James Bowen
- Individual: Church Warden
- Individual: Charles Warden
- Individual: Thomas Warden
- Individual: Kingsmill Evans Colonel
- Individual: Joseph Evans Lieutenant
- Individual: Anne Evans
- Individual: Catherine Evans
- Individual: Mary Evans
- Individual: Richard Willis Esquire
- Individual: Iltyd Nicholl Esquire
- Individual: Iltyd Nicholl Reverend
- Individual: George Whitlock Nicholl Esquire
- Individual: William Henry Nicholl
- Individual: Eleanor Anne Nicholl
- Individual: Mary Nicholl
- Individual: John Jones Esquire
- Individual: Philip Jones Esquire
- Individual: Mary Jones
- Individual: Elizabeth Jones
- Individual: Florence Jones
- Individual: Marianne Jones
- Individual: William |Jones| Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Edward Basil Jones
- Individual: Jane Jones
- Individual: Henry Wyborne Jones
- Individual: Apollonia Jones
- Individual: Richard Jones Major
- Individual: Thomas Jones
- Individual: Robert Berkeley Esquire
- Individual: Mary Courcy
- Individual: John Blewitt
- Individual: Edward Blewitt
- Individual: Joseph Newton Esquire
- Individual: Mary Newton
- Individual: William Durham Esquire
- Individual: Catherine Durham
- Individual: Richard Gorges Esquire
- Individual: Elizabeth Gorges
- Individual: Meliora Gorges
- Individual: Mary Gorges
- Individual: Anne Gorges
- Individual: Charlotte Gorges
- Individual: Richard |Gorges| Fettyplace Esquire
- Individual: Thomas Gorges Esquire
- Individual: Diana Gorges
- Individual: Arabella Gorges
- Individual: Blandy Shaw Esquire
- Individual: John Webb Esquire
- Individual: Edward Webb Colonel
- Individual: Sarah Broadbelt
- Individual: Jane Sarah |Gardner- Kemeys
- Individual: Susanna Broadbelt |Gardner- Kemeys
- Individual: Providence Hansard
- Individual: son son Hansard
- Individual: Miss Miss Hansard
- Individual: Mary Gordon
- Individual: Anne Harry
- Individual: Edward James |Kemeys- Jenkins
- Individual: Margaret White
- Individual: Charles Kemmis
- Individual: Thomas "Holy Tom" Kemmis Reverend
- Individual: Elizabeth Kemmis
- Individual: Mary Kemmis
- Individual: Susanna Kemmis
- Individual: Miss Miss
- Individual: Anne (Nancy) White
- Individual: Thomas Kemmis Reverend
- Individual: Anne Kemmis
- Individual: Henry "Harry" Kemmis
- Individual: William Kemmis
- Individual: Susanna Kemmis
- Individual: Mary Kemmis
- Individual: Richard Kemmis
- Individual: Elizabeth Kemmis
- Individual: James Kemmis
- Individual: Catherine Smyth
- Individual: Joshua Kemmis
- Individual: Alicia (Alice) Kemmis
- Individual: Catherine Henrietta Kemmis
- Individual: Mary Kemmis
- Individual: Elizabeth Thornton
- Individual: Edward Kemeys
- Individual: Elizabeth Kemeys
- Individual: Margaret Kemeys
- Individual: James Franklin Bland
- Individual: Arthur Bland
- Individual: George Bland
- Individual: Francis Christopher Bland
- Individual: Nathaniel Bland
- Individual: Edward Bland
- Individual: Barbara Bland
- Individual: Elizabeth Bland
- Individual: Lucy Bland
- Individual: Laetitia Bland
- Individual: Francis Diana Bland
- Individual: Laetitia Bland
- Individual: Mary Matilda Bland
- Individual: Christina Francis Bland
- Individual: Clara Dalinda Bland
- Individual: Nathaniel Bland Major
- Individual: Thomas Bland Reverend
- Individual: Francis Bland
- Individual: Nathaniel Bland
- Individual: Elizabeth Bland
- Individual: Lucy Bland
- Individual: Margaret Bland
- Individual: Maria Bland
- Individual: James Williams
- Individual: Blanche Williams
- Individual: John Thomas
- Individual: William Morgan Thomas
- Individual: Eleanor Thomas
- Individual: Blanche Thomas
- Individual: Geraldine Cave
- Individual: Albert Francis Joseph Nelson
- Individual: Henry Edward Joseph Nelson
- Individual: Charles Sebastian Joseph Nelson
- Individual: Edith Mary Josephine Nelson
- Individual: Mary Winifred Nelson
- Individual: Geraldine Mary Diana Nelson
- Individual: Bertrand |Pleydell- Bouverie Reverend
- Individual: Charles Clement Tudway
- Individual: Madeline Constance Tudway
- Individual: Richard Shaw
- Individual: Beatrice Eleanor Paget
- Individual: Nevile Rodwell Wilkinson Captain
- Individual: Arthur John |Jex- Blake
- Individual: Arthur Augustus William Ponsonby
- Individual: Harry Plunket Greene
- Individual: Robert George Vivian Duff Lieutenant
- Individual: Alfred John George Byng Captain
- Individual: Mr Mr Gardner Baron Burg
- Individual: Juliet Mary Evelyn Gardner
- Individual: Alethea Margaret Gwendolen Gardner
- Individual: Mary Sydney Katharine Gardner
- Individual: Almina Victoria Marie Wombwell
- Individual: Henry George Alfred Herbert Lord Porch
- Individual: George Herbert Duckworth Sir Barone
- Individual: Frederick Philip de Freville Reverend
- Individual: John Homfray Esquire
- Individual: John Richards Homfray
- Individual: Mary Jane Richards Homfray
- Individual: Anne Maria Homfray
- Individual: Herbert Hurst Esquire
- Individual: John Wood Esquire
- Individual: Elizabeth Bell
- Individual: William John Mansel Reverend
- Individual: Bell William Mansel
- Individual: John Bell William Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: John Gregory Davies Lieutenant
- Individual: Mary
- Individual: Louisa Pleydell
- Individual: Louisa Mary Mansel
- Individual: John Clavell |Mansel- Pleydell twin
- Individual: George Pleydell Mansel twin
- Individual: Eliza Sophia Mansel
- Individual: Caroline Sophia Mansel
- Individual: Morton Grove Mansel
- Individual: Emma Georgina Mansel
- Individual: Owen Luttrell Mansel Reverend
- Individual: Arthur Edmund Mansel Captain
- Individual: William Owen Brigstocke Esquire
- Individual: Selina Fleming Leigh
- Individual: Selina Elizabeth Courtenay Mansel
- Individual: Alexina Louisa Mansel
- Individual: Amelia Tyler
- Individual: Emily Mansel
- Individual: Georgiana Mansel
- Individual: Caroline Hopkins
- Individual: Courtenay Philipps Major
- Individual: Edward Berkeley Philipps Captain
- Individual: Harriette Philipps
- Individual: Charles John |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Jane |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Anne |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Henrietta Anne |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Louisa |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Mr Mr Longman
- Individual: Mr Mr Lock
- Individual: Thomas Pycroft Sir Knight
- Individual: Hart Davis
- Individual: Mr Mr Scott
- Individual: William Scott
- Individual: Charles Scott
- Individual: Lena Scott
- Individual: Dora Scott
- Individual: Mr Mr Barry
- Individual: John Nicholl
- Individual: Richard Franklin
- Individual: John Llewelyn
- Individual: Charlotte Butler Lady
- Individual: Theodore |Mansel- Talbot
- Individual: Emily Charlotte |Mansel- Talbot
- Individual: Olive Emma |Mansel- Talbot
- Individual: Bertha Isabella |Mansel- Talbot
- Individual: Mr Mr *1M de Cho
- Individual: Prudence Prous
- Individual: Rawleigh Mansel
- Individual: George Mansel
- Individual: Mabel Burke
- Individual: son son Mansel
- Individual: son son Mansel
- Individual: daughter daughter Mansel
- Individual: Mabel Mansel
- Individual: Mary Frances Mansel
- Individual: Jane Mary Anne Bell
- Individual: Anna Mary O'Ryan
- Individual: Charles Grenville Mansel
- Individual: William James G. Mansel Lieut-Colo
- Individual: Mary Elizabeth Mansel
- Individual: Katie Mansel
- Individual: Julia Eugenie Mansel
- Individual: Fanny Maria Mansel
- Individual: Rosamond Mundy
- Individual: Charles Rodney Morgan
- Individual: Godfrey Charles Morgan
- Individual: Frederick Francis Courtnay Morgan
- Individual: Arthur John Morgan
- Individual: George Gould Morgan
- Individual: Rosamond Marian Morgan
- Individual: Selina Maria Morgan
- Individual: Fanny Henrietta Morgan
- Individual: Ellen Sarah Morgan
- Individual: Georgina Charlotte Morgan
- Individual: Mary Anne Morgan
- Individual: Eliza Beville
- Individual: Francis Miles Milman Lieut-Col
- Individual: George Rodney Lord Rodne
- Individual: Hugh Owen
- Individual: James FitzWalter |Clifford- Butler Lord Dunbo
- Individual: Rosalinda Catherine |Clifford- Butler
- Individual: James A. Smith Reverend
- Individual: James Goodwin
- Individual: Juliet Pierpont
- Individual: John Pierpont Morgan
- Individual: Sarah Spencer Morgan
- Individual: Mary Lyman Morgan
- Individual: Junius Spencer Morgan
- Individual: Richard II "The Good" Duke Of NORMANDY
- Individual: Juliet Pierpont Morgan
- Individual: James Doyle
- Individual: Kathleen Lady
- Individual: Arthur William |Milborne- Pilkington
- Individual: Edmund Turberville William Reverend
- Individual: Mary Osbourne
- Individual: Charles Griffith
- Individual: Florence Griffith
- Individual: Mary
- Individual: Anne Griffith
- Individual: Edmund Griffith
- Individual: Elizabeth Sackville
- Individual: Charles John Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Edward Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Henry Arthur Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Edward Kenney Reverend
- Individual: John Kenney Reverend
- Individual: Thomas Kenney Reverend
- Individual: Robert Kenney Reverend
- Individual: Arthur Kenney
- Individual: Margaret Kenney
- Individual: Mary Kenney
- Individual: Frances Kenney
- Individual: Anne Kenney
- Individual: Katherine Kenney
- Individual: Judith Kenney
- Individual: Mr Mr Dawson Reverend
- Individual: James Kearney Colonel
- Individual: Honoria Anne Russell
- Individual: Walter Otway Herbert
- Individual: Lucinda Cuffe
- Individual: William Bradshaw
- Individual: John Mandeville
- Individual: Frances Diana Standish
- Individual: Edward Thomas Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Henry Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Otway John Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Frances Diana Herbert
- Individual: Nichola Sophia Herbert
- Individual: Olivia Herbert
- Individual: Thomasine Herbert
- Individual: Richard Chaloner
- Individual: Francis Warren Bonham
- Individual: George Maunsell Reverend
- Individual: Thomas Maunsell Reverend
- Individual: Robert Hedges Eyre Maunsell Major
- Individual: George Maunsell Captain
- Individual: Richard Maunsell
- Individual: Edward Eyre Maunsell Reverend
- Individual: Henrietta Margaret Eyre Maunsell
- Individual: Emily Maunsell
- Individual: John Blewerhafre Esquire
- Individual: Barry Maxwell Earl of Fa
- Individual: Jane Stoughton
- Individual: Arthur Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Herbert Sir Barone
- Individual: Richard Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Charles Herbert General
- Individual: Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Helen Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Penelope Antonia Herbert
- Individual: Frances Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: Letitia Herbert
- Individual: Mary Herbert
- Individual: Emily Herbert
- Individual: Anne Herbert
- Individual: George Daunt
- Individual: Richard Digby
- Individual: Massy Herbert Captain
- Individual: Mary Morris
- Individual: John |Pearce- Church
- Individual: Thomas Oakeley Esquire
- Individual: James Bryan King Esquire
- Individual: Edith Jellibrand
- Individual: Edward Hyde Cater
- Individual: Charles Tepper
- Individual: Vyvyan Luke
- Individual: Arthur Ley
- Individual: Lionel Wilkinson
- Individual: Stafford Henry Jerningham
- Individual: Alastair Riley
- Individual: Ellen May Emerton
- Individual: Henry Hamilton Cornewall
- Individual: Andrews South Esquire
- Individual: Elise Mary Somerset South
- Individual: Cecil Andrew South
- Individual: Letitia Philippa Tregose
- Individual: Anne Rosilia Elizabeth Thoroton
- Individual: Manley Power Sir Barone
- Individual: Kingsmill Manley Power Esquire
- Individual: Henry Bolton Power
- Individual: Augusta Jane Nicholl
- Individual: Augusta Nicholl
- Individual: Mary Louisa Nicholl
- Individual: Iltyd Bond Nicholl Esquire
- Individual: George Bleddyn Tyrrell Nicholl Esquire
- Individual: Digby Seys Whitlock Nicholl
- Individual: Edith Nicholl
- Individual: Mathew Digby Wyatt Sir Knight
- Individual: Harriet Plunket Lady
- Individual: John Arthur |Jones| Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Arthur James |Jones| Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Frances |Jones| Herbert
- Individual: Edmund Philip |Jones| Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Mary Louisa |Jones| Herbert
- Individual: Herbert Gerald |Jones| Herbert
- Individual: Simon Thomas Scrope Esquire
- Individual: Frances Huddleston
- Individual: William Reginald Joseph Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Francis Joseph Alphonse Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Josephine Lucy Frances Herbert
- Individual: Marie Louise Herbert
- Individual: Francis Elexis Rio
- Individual: Mary Lawrence
- Individual: Amelia Duberley
- Individual: Edward Francis Blewitt Esquire
- Individual: Reginald James Blewitt Esquire
- Individual: Edmund Blewitt
- Individual: Frances Mary Anne Blewitt
- Individual: Charles Graham Esquire
- Individual: Carlone Graham
- Individual: Charles Henry Sheldon
- Individual: Lucy Catherine Sheldon
- Individual: Elizabeth Frances Sheldon
- Individual: Deliverance Dacre Captain
- Individual: Thynne Howe Gwynne Esquire
- Individual: John Gwynne Esquire
- Individual: Gorges Fettyplace |Evans- Gwynne
- Individual: Colthurst Bateman
- Individual: John Bateman Esquire
- Individual: George Colthurst Bateman
- Individual: Rowland Bateman
- Individual: Robert Bateman Esquire
- Individual: Reginald Bateman
- Individual: Frederick Bateman
- Individual: Thomas Bateman
- Individual: Jane Bateman
- Individual: Sarah Bateman
- Individual: Richard Amphlett Lieutenant
- Individual: Emma Lewis
- Individual: Edward |Kemeys- Jenkins
- Individual: Miss Miss
- Individual: Richard Giles
- Individual: Martin MacDonald
- Individual: Mary Riky
- Individual: Thomas Kemmis
- Individual: Arthur Kemmis
- Individual: Henry Kemmis
- Individual: Mary Kemmis
- Individual: Richard Warburton
- Individual: Mary Dawson
- Individual: Thomas Arthur Kemmis
- Individual: Henry Richard Kemmis
- Individual: Ellen Mansergh
- Individual: William Gilbert Kemmis
- Individual: Thomas Kemmis
- Individual: George Kemmis Reverend
- Individual: Elizabeth Kemmis
- Individual: Richard Kemmis
- Individual: James Kemmis
- Individual: William Talbot
- Individual: Arthur Carden Sir Barone
- Individual: Joseph Smith Captain
- Individual: Mary Alice Losh
- Individual: Catherine Kemmis
- Individual: Gustavus Warner Reverend
- Individual: William Betty Reverend
- Individual: Gertrude Bleecker
- Individual: James Boorman Kemeys
- Individual: Bleecker Kemeys
- Individual: William Kemeys
- Individual: Edward Kemeys
- Individual: Johanna Kemeys
- Individual: Elizabeth Kemeys
- Individual: Gertrude Kemeys
- Individual: Mary Kemeys
- Individual: Mr Mr Gallway Captain
- Individual: John Chittenden
- Individual: John William Chittenden
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan Chittenden
- Individual: Elizabeth Morgan Chittenden
- Individual: Frances Durbrow
- Individual: Caroline Thomas
- Individual: Miss Miss Thomas
- Individual: Millicent Thomas
- Individual: Mary Anne Thomas
- Individual: Rachel Thomas
- Individual: Harriet Charlotte Oliver
- Individual: Elizabeth Harriette Anne Mansel
- Individual: Caroline Mansel
- Individual: Frances Henrietta Mansel
- Individual: Augusta Mansel
- Individual: William Mansel
- Individual: Mary Georgina Dymock
- Individual: Maria Emma Mansel
- Individual: Harriet Mansel
- Individual: Elizabeth Mansel twin
- Individual: Emma Jane Mansel twin
- Individual: Emily Agneta Harriet Bingham
- Individual: Isabel Colvile
- Individual: Edmund Morton |Mansel- Pleydell Lieut-Colo
- Individual: John Colville |Mansel- Pleydell Reverend
- Individual: Henry Bingham |Mansel- Pleydell Captain
- Individual: Jemima Henrietta Gambier
- Individual: John Delalynde Mansel Colonel
- Individual: Eustace Gambier Mansel Captain
- Individual: Ernest Digby Mansel Major
- Individual: George Clavell Mansel Major
- Individual: Elizabeth Henrietta Mansel
- Individual: Louisa Mary Mansel
- Individual: Elizabeth Arundel Frome
- Individual: George Morton Mansel
- Individual: Walter Luttrell Mansel Lieut-Colo
- Individual: Charles Pleydell Mansel
- Individual: Emma Louisa Arundel Mansel
- Individual: Charles Richard Hoare Esquire
- Individual: Louisa Catherine Montagu
- Individual: Francis Montague Mansel
- Individual: Catherine Louisa Mansel
- Individual: Emily Magdalen Mansel
- Individual: Owen Llywelyn Mansel
- Individual: Edward Luttrell Mansel
- Individual: William Du Pre Mansel
- Individual: Charles Pleydell Mansel
- Individual: James Morton Mansel
- Individual: Winifrid Emma Mansel
- Individual: Theresa Mary Mansel
- Individual: Gwendolin Henrietta Mansel
- Individual: Clare Henrietta Lascelles
- Individual: Algernon Lascelles Mansel
- Individual: Hugh Arthur Mansel Captain
- Individual: Evelyn Louisa Mansel
- Individual: Margaret Blanche Mansel
- Individual: Susan Emma Mansel
- Individual: Clare Frances Mansel
- Individual: Eleanor Maude Mansel
- Individual: Rhoda Caroline Mansel
- Individual: Alfred Young
- Individual: John Davy Brett Esquire
- Individual: Eliza Sydney
- Individual: Edward Berkeley |Philipps| Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: Courtenay Philipps
- Individual: Richard |Philipps| Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: Harriet Philipps
- Individual: Mary Secker
- Individual: George Charles Carpenter Captain
- Individual: son son Carpenter
- Individual: Charles Carpenter
- Individual: Caroline Carpenter
- Individual: Charles |Kemeys- Tynte Esquire
- Individual: Milborne |Kemeys- Tynte Lieutenant
- Individual: Vincentia Brabazon
- Individual: John Brabazon |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Clifford Wharton |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: St St David Morgan |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Arthur Marcus |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Fortescue Tracy |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Edward Plantagenet |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Vincentia Margaret |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Mabel Louisa |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Maude Maria |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Blanche Elizabeth |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: William Henry Cooper Sir Barone
- Individual: Simon Fraser Campbell
- Individual: Mary Hyde
- Individual: John Fletcher
- Individual: Violet Charlotte Fletcher
- Individual: Margaret Frances Fletcher
- Individual: Evelyn Fletcher
- Individual: Kathleen Louisa Fletcher
- Individual: Olive Fletcher
- Individual: Mary Lucy Fletcher
- Individual: Gladys Emily Fletcher
- Individual: Ella Geraldine Fletcher
- Individual: Andrew Mansel Talbot Fletcher
- Individual: Mary Seafield Grant
- Individual: William Mansel
- Individual: Violet Mansel
- Individual: May
- Individual: Anthony Benn Reverend
- Individual: C. A. Benn
- Individual: Albert Benn
- Individual: Alfred Charles Glover
- Individual: Frederick Barnes Pitman
- Individual: Denzil Pitman
- Individual: Charlotte Williamson
- Individual: William Marsham Hyle Esquire
- Individual: David Robertson Williamson Esquire
- Individual: George F. R. Walker Sir Barone
- Individual: Henry Gore Lordsay Esquire
- Individual: Francis Conyngham Lord
- Individual: William Henry Brooke Peters Esquire
- Individual: Amelia Sturges
- Individual: Frances Louisa Tracy
- Individual: Louisa Pierpont Morgan
- Individual: John Pierpont Morgan
- Individual: Juliet Pierpont Morgan
- Individual: Anne Tracy Morgan
- Individual: George H. Morgan
- Individual: Walter H. Burns
- Individual: Jane
- Individual: Louisa Middleton
- Individual: Henry Arthur Herbert
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: Louisa Herbert
- Individual: Emily Herbert
- Individual: Jane Herbert
- Individual: Maria Herbert
- Individual: Henry Verelst Major
- Individual: Frances Diana Standish
- Individual: Isabella Kenney
- Individual: Frances Kenney
- Individual: Horace Townsend Reverend
- Individual: Mary Miles
- Individual: John Otway Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Nicholas Sidney Herbert
- Individual: Margaret Jane Herbert
- Individual: Honoria Anne Herbert
- Individual: Alice Wybrants
- Individual: Edward Herbert
- Individual: Gustavus Wybrantz Herbert
- Individual: Henry Arthur Herbert
- Individual: Emily Herbert
- Individual: Louisa Herbert
- Individual: Frances Herbert
- Individual: Olivia Herbert
- Individual: Henrietta Herbert
- Individual: Nicola Sophia Herbert
- Individual: Alice Herbert
- Individual: Harriet Pope
- Individual: Edward Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Henry Arthur Herbert
- Individual: Frances Diana Herbert
- Individual: Nicola Sophia Herbert
- Individual: Jane Dorothea Herbert
- Individual: Alice Herbert
- Individual: Olivia Herbert
- Individual: Thomasine Elizabeth Herbert
- Individual: Catherine Thompson
- Individual: Anne Stoker
- Individual: Edward Otway Herbert Reverend
- Individual: William Henry Herbert Lieut-Colo
- Individual: Sophia Anne Herbert
- Individual: Annie Catherine Herbert
- Individual: daughter daughter Herbert
- Individual: daughter daughter Herbert
- Individual: Maurice Collis
- Individual: Robert Staveley
- Individual: E. Bourke Reverend
- Individual: William Taylor
- Individual: Miss Miss Blackmore
- Individual: Elizabeth Maunsell
- Individual: Helena Maunsell
- Individual: Elizabeth Dorothea Maunsell
- Individual: Richard Maunsell
- Individual: Thomas Maunsell
- Individual: Robert Maunsell
- Individual: Grace Elizabeth Maunsell
- Individual: Helena Eyre Maunsell
- Individual: Emily Maria Maunsell
- Individual: Georgina Maunsell
- Individual: Maria Wilhelmina von Hardenburgh Baroness
- Individual: Robert Maunsell
- Individual: Louisa Maunsell
- Individual: Maria Maunsell
- Individual: Catherine Hare Lady
- Individual: Richard I "Sans Peur" Duke Of NORMANDY
- Individual: Robert Hedges |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: William Hare Maunsell
- Individual: George Maunsell Major
- Individual: Richard Maunsell Captain
- Individual: Edward Eyre Maunsell Captain
- Individual: Mary Grace Maunsell
- Individual: Louisa Hare Maunsell
- Individual: Elizabeth Maria Studdert
- Individual: George William Maunsell Major
- Individual: Richard Hedges Eyre Maunsell
- Individual: Edward Eyre Maunsell
- Individual: Charles Studdert Maunsell Captain
- Individual: Helena Eyre Maunsell
- Individual: William Atthill Reverend
- Individual: Henry Watson
- Individual: Jane Denny
- Individual: Richard Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Henry Herbert
- Individual: Arthur Herbert Captain
- Individual: Charles Herbert Major
- Individual: Edward Herbert Colonel
- Individual: Thomas Herbert
- Individual: Penelope Herbert
- Individual: Samuel Butcher Admiral
- Individual: Samuel Butcher
- Individual: Richard George Butcher
- Individual: Arthur Butcher Colonel
- Individual: John Barlow Butcher Captain
- Individual: Barry Denny Reverend
- Individual: Francis Chute
- Individual: Browning Drew Reverend
- Individual: Mr Mr Jackson
- Individual: John Bourchier
- Individual: Anna Eliza Blanche Probyn
- Individual: Manley Kingsmill Power Esquire
- Individual: Caroline Winifrid Blandy
- Individual: Augusta Charlotte Elizabeth Hall
- Individual: Henrietta Mary Arianwen Herbert
- Individual: Florence Catherine Mary Herbert
- Individual: Ivor John Caradoc Herbert Baron Treo
- Individual: Arthur James Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Edward Bleiddian Herbert Esquire
- Individual: Stephen Sulien Charles Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Hill
- Individual: Louisa Mary |Gwynne- Holford
- Individual: Edmund Arthur Herbert
- Individual: John Herbert
- Individual: Frances Catherine Canning
- Individual: John Hillyer Tozer
- Individual: Charlotte Josephine Giffard
- Individual: Rambon Berenguer IV Prince Of ARAGbON
- Individual: Gwendoline Herbert
- Individual: Constance Laura |Notten- Pole
- Individual: Gwladys Cecile Herbert
- Individual: Cecile d'Anethan Baroness
- Individual: Morgan Stuart Williams Esquire
- Individual: John Walter Smythe Sir Barone
- Individual: Edward Walter Joseph Smythe
- Individual: Frances Marie Louise Smythe
- Individual: Ismay Ursula Annunciata Smythe
- Individual: Mary Prothero
- Individual: Adelais (Judith), Princess Normandy [COUNTESS OF BUR [COUNTESS
- Individual: Amelia Rosa Blewitt
- Individual: Richard Brinsley Dowling Esquire
- Individual: Florence Blewitt Dowling
- Individual: John Webb Weston
- Individual: Mary Wilson
- Individual: Frederick Reginald Bateman Esquire
- Individual: Robert William Bateman
- Individual: John Kemeys Bateman
- Individual: Frances Mary Bateman
- Individual: Jane Bateman
- Individual: John Gwallter Palairet
- Individual: Charles Kelson
- Individual: Rachel Sutton
- Individual: Ernest Edward |Kemeys- Jenkins
- Individual: Mary Henrietta Jelly
- Individual: Thomas Kemmis
- Individual: Jane Kemmis
- Individual: Robert Kemmis
- Individual: William Kemmis
- Individual: Arthur Kemmis Captain
- Individual: Aphra Raymond
- Individual: Henry Kemmis
- Individual: Arthur Kemmis
- Individual: Thomas Kemmis Reverend
- Individual: Aphrasia Kemmis
- Individual: Mary Dodd
- Individual: Henry Kemmis
- Individual: Emily Kemmis
- Individual: Louisa Kemmis
- Individual: George Kemmis
- Individual: Arthur Kemmis
- Individual: William Kemmis
- Individual: Mary Aphrasia Kemmis
- Individual: Frances Kemmis
- Individual: Laura Kemmis
- Individual: Isabella Dagleish
- Individual: Arthur Kemmis
- Individual: William Kemmis
- Individual: Harriet Alma Kemmis
- Individual: William Henry Kemmis Reverend
- Individual: Mary Kemmis
- Individual: Elizabeth Ruth Kemmis
- Individual: Elizabeth Ruth Kemmis
- Individual: John Thomas Kemmis
- Individual: Edith Kemmis
- Individual: Charles Edward Kemmis
- Individual: Annie Mary Kemmis
- Individual: Charles Hogan
- Individual: Arthur Henry Nicholas Kemmis
- Individual: Laura Charlotte Male
- Individual: Mary Frances Kemmis
- Individual: Alice Louisa Kemmis
- Individual: Helen Laura Kemmis
- Individual: Cecily Isabel Kemmis
- Individual: Jasper Henry Kemmis
- Individual: Edward Robert Kemmis
- Individual: Maude Susan Kemmis
- Individual: Elizabeth Anne Palmer
- Individual: William Palmer Kemmis
- Individual: Elizabeth Kemmis
- Individual: Thomas Kemmis
- Individual: Charles Kemmis
- Individual: Gustavus Richard Kemmis
- Individual: Frances Gertrude Kemmis
- Individual: Louisa Rosalie Kemmis
- Individual: Florence Jane Kemmis
- Individual: William Kemmis
- Individual: Caroline Olphert
- Individual: William Kemmis Colonel
- Individual: John Olphert Kemmis Captain
- Individual: Thomas Kemmis Reverend
- Individual: George Kemmis Captain
- Individual: Henry Marcus Kemmis
- Individual: Anna Benjamina Kemmis
- Individual: Arthur Kemmis
- Individual: Caroline Kemmis
- Individual: Edward Richard Kemmis
- Individual: William Charles Quin
- Individual: Abby Greene
- Individual: Edward Kemeys
- Individual: Anne Carmichael
- Individual: son son Kemeys
- Individual: Catherine Schuyler Cochran
- Individual: Walter Schuyler Kemeys
- Individual: Evan Edwards
- Individual: Mr Mr Banister
- Individual: William Vachel
- Individual: Evan Prosser
- Individual: Evan Thomas Prosser
- Individual: Thomas Philipps Sir Barone
- Individual: George Digby Reverend
- Individual: Frederick Leigh Colvile Reverend
- Individual: Spencer Twisleton Colvile twin
- Individual: Edward Leigh Colvile twin
- Individual: Gerald Henry Colvile Reverend
- Individual: Harriet Emily Colvile
- Individual: Cuthbert J. Carr Reverend
- Individual: Mansel Carr
- Individual: Owen Carr
- Individual: Christian Carr
- Individual: Helier Touzel Reverend
- Individual: Edward Bradford Medlycott Sir Barone
- Individual: Kathleen Emily Grove
- Individual: Edmund Morton |Mansel- Pleydell
- Individual: Vivian |Mansel- Pleydell
- Individual: Daphne |Mansel- Pleydell
- Individual: Henry Grove |Mansel- Pleydell
- Individual: Beatrice Maude Smith
- Individual: Dorothy Isabel |Mansel- Pleydell
- Individual: Cicely Morton |Mansel- Pleydell
- Individual: Gerberge Countess Of BURGUNDY
- Individual: John Morton |Mansel- Pleydell twin
- Individual: Evan Morton |Mansel- Pleydell twin
- Individual: Harry Percy |Mansel- Pleydell
- Individual: Ralph Morton |Mansel- Pleydell
- Individual: Mildred Ella Guest
- Individual: Marcia Eugenia Mansel
- Individual: Rhys Clavell Mansel Major
- Individual: Juliet Mansel
- Individual: Mary Eleanor Belgrave
- Individual: LIVING
- Individual: Guy I Count De MACON
- Individual: LIVING
- Individual: Henrietta Cecilia Wauchope
- Individual: Helen Ogilvy
- Individual: Henry Mallock Colonel
- Individual: Algar Labouchere Thorold
- Individual: Julia Vertue |Evans- Lombe
- Individual: Maude Margaretta Bowen Jones
- Individual: Courtenay Cecil Mansel Sir Barone
- Individual: Ada Alice Lea
- Individual: Mary Sophia Frome
- Individual: Halsewell Milborne |Kemeys- Tynte Esquire
- Individual: Charles Harley |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Rachel Elizabeth |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Grace |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Hannah
- Individual: Grace Hannah |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Elizabeth Fothergill
- Individual: Alice Lee
- Individual: Ruby Clark
- Individual: Gertrude Waterbury
- Individual: Beatrice Mary Daubeny
- Individual: Mary Vincentia |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Beatrice Margaret |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Amherst Henry Gage Morris
- Individual: Edgar Dawdney
- Individual: Bertram C.C. Spencer Meeking
- Individual: Bryan Leighton
- Individual: Archibald Campbell
- Individual: Guy Spiers
- Individual: George Grahame
- Individual: Alfred Miller
- Individual: Frances Jane Winnington
- Individual: Jane Norton Grew
- Individual: Mary Balfour
- Individual: Henry Arthur Herbert
- Individual: Charles Herbert
- Individual: Eleanor Herbert
- Individual: Blanche Herbert
- Individual: Edward Stewart Reverend
- Individual: Katharine Elizabeth Stewart
- Individual: Mr Mr Long Colonel
- Individual: William Henry White Hedges Earl of Ba
- Individual: Nicholas Valentine Maher
- Individual: Robert Cope Hardy
- Individual: Edward Sidney Herbert Major
- Individual: Gustavus Otway Herbert
- Individual: Henry Arthur Charles Herbert Reverend
- Individual: Otway Charles Herbert Captain
- Individual: Annie Eveline Herbert
- Individual: Alice Mabel Herbert
- Individual: Eyre Powell
- Individual: Frederick Maunsell
- Individual: George Wyndham Maunsell
- Individual: Edward Herbert Maunsell
- Individual: Caroline Olivia Maunsell
- Individual: Augusta Sophia Maunsell
- Individual: Frederick Henry Maunsell
- Individual: Charles Arthur Maunsell
- Individual: Alice Maunsell
- Individual: Louisa Maunsell
- Individual: Frances Maunsell
- Individual: A. Pearde Nash Reverend
- Individual: George Fosbery
- Individual: N. J. Hobart
- Individual: Grace Pollock
- Individual: Henry Arthur Herbert
- Individual: Frances Harriet Herbert
- Individual: Grace Sophia Herbert
- Individual: Mary Jane Herbert
- Individual: George Pollock
- Individual: Charles Pollock Sir Barone
- Individual: J. Hall Gedge Reverend
- Individual: Alfred Gahan
- Individual: Robert White
- Individual: Charles Thompson
- Individual: Rachel Mary Hull
- Individual: John Robert Day
- Individual: Thomas Godfrey Phillips
- Individual: John Burnett
- Individual: George Roche Smith Colonel
- Individual: Francis Jervois doctor
- Individual: Francis Thomas Jervois
- Individual: William Sampson Jervois
- Individual: Mary Helena Dring Jervois
- Individual: Emily Grace Jervois
- Individual: Georgina Maunsell Jervois
- Individual: William St George Reverend
- Individual: John Lecky Phelps
- Individual: Isidore John Blake
- Individual: M. Whiteford
- Individual: Anna Maria Stone Evans
- Individual: Eyre |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: Robert Hedges |Maunsell- Eyre Reverend
- Individual: Horatio |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: Anna |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: Mary |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: Catherine |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: Augusta |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: Richard Edward |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: William Henry |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: Caroline Louisa |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: Catherine Hare |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: Mabella Roberta |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: Fanny Ffrench
- Individual: Robert Eyre Maunsell
- Individual: William Hare Maunsell
- Individual: Richard St George Maunsell
- Individual: Frances Maria Maunsell
- Individual: Catherine Hare Maunsell
- Individual: Harriet Fleming
- Individual: Dulce Aldonza Milhaud [COUNTESS OF GEV [COUNTESS
- Individual: Herbert Henry Fleming Maunsell
- Individual: Mary Emily Fleming Maunsell
- Individual: Helena M. A. Maunsell
- Individual: Elizabeth Conway
- Individual: Fanny Maunsell
- Individual: Catherine Maunsell
- Individual: Isabella Maunsell
- Individual: Grace Byron Stillwell
- Individual: Maria Odell
- Individual: Louisa Waller
- Individual: Florence Catherine Maunsell
- Individual: Alice Edith Maunsell
- Individual: Richard Davies Reverend
- Individual: Rowland Davies
- Individual: Robert Davies Reverend
- Individual: Alice Creagh
- Individual: Charles Edward Osborne Maunsell
- Individual: Herbert Henry Creagh Maunsell
- Individual: William Granville Eyre Maunsell
- Individual: George Frederick Massey Maunsell
- Individual: Edward Whitford Eyre Maunsell
- Individual: Henry Butson Maunsell
- Individual: George Christmas Maunsell
- Individual: Frederick Osborne Eyre Maunsell
- Individual: Octavius Studdert Maunsell
- Individual: James Henry Creagh Maunsell
- Individual: Alicia Minchin
- Individual: Charles A. Gould Butson Reverend
- Individual: Arthur Stewart Herbert
- Individual: Winifred Herbert
- Individual: Kathleen Olive Herbert
- Individual: Violet Ina Jane Herbert
- Individual: Gwendolen Egerton Herbert
- Individual: Emily Colthurst
- Individual: Arthur Colthurst Herbert Captain
- Individual: Percy Thomas Colthurst Herbert Captain
- Individual: Cecil Herbert
- Individual: Arthur Maynard Denny
- Individual: Henrietta Paynter
- Individual: Kingsmill Manley Foster Power
- Individual: Kathleen Blanche Manley Power
- Individual: Diana Manley Power
- Individual: Walter Constable Maxwell
- Individual: Joseph Monteith Esquire
- Individual: Henry Monteith Lieutenant
- Individual: Robert Monteith Reverend
- Individual: Basil Monteith Lieutenant
- Individual: Francis Monteith
- Individual: Edmund Monteith
- Individual: John Monteith
- Individual: George Monteith
- Individual: Gertrude Mary Monteith nun
- Individual: Gertrude Augusta Monteith
- Individual: Augusta Catherine Monteith nun
- Individual: Catherine Monteith
- Individual: Margaret Monica Mary Monteith twin
- Individual: Christian Paula Mary Monteith twin
- Individual: Albertina Agnes Mary Denison
- Individual: Florence Mary Ursula Herbert
- Individual: Elidyr John Bernard Herbert
- Individual: Helen Louise Gammell
- Individual: John Arthur Herbert
- Individual: Mary Dalberg Acton
- Individual: LIVING
- Individual: Ethel Rodger
- Individual: Elinora Gwenllian Agnes Herbert
- Individual: Mary Catherine Herbert
- Individual: Richard Eustace Bellew
- Individual: Richard Courtenay Bellew
- Individual: George Rothe Bellew
- Individual: Archibald Dacres Austin Bruce
- Individual: Miss Miss Bateman
- Individual: Dora Conyngsby Bateman
- Individual: Frances Frederica Bateman
- Individual: William Evans
- Individual: Mr Mr Jephcott
- Individual: Edith Mary Edmunds
- Individual: Victoria Alexandrina Hamilton
- Individual: Augusta Mary Kemmis
- Individual: Thomas Henry Kemmis Captain
- Individual: Helen Kemmis
- Individual: Anita Jane Loretta Latham
- Individual: Arthur William Marsh Kemmis Lieutenant
- Individual: Miss Miss O'Reilly
- Individual: Jessie Holmes
- Individual: Arthur Alexander Kemmis
- Individual: Emily Slatyer Gibson
- Individual: Mary Aphrasia May Kemmis
- Individual: Arthur Hume Raymond Kemmis
- Individual: Emily Florence Minna Kemmis
- Individual: Ernst Sydney Kemmis
- Individual: Frank Cecil Kemmis
- Individual: Amy Constance Kemmis
- Individual: Ida Myzra Kemmis
- Individual: Vivian Maughan Kemmis
- Individual: Lionel de Camois Kemmis
- Individual: Ruby Muriel Kemmis
- Individual: Cyril Guy Kemmis
- Individual: Gerald Wilfred Kemmis
- Individual: Lydia Gunter
- Individual: James Montague Kemmis
- Individual: Theophilus Arthur Kemmis
- Individual: Thomas Maughan Kemmis
- Individual: Charles Patteson Kemmis
- Individual: Stanley Kemmis
- Individual: Lydia Raymond Kemmis
- Individual: Mary Aphrasia Kemmis
- Individual: Mabel Most Kemmis
- Individual: Emmeline Alexandria Kemmis
- Individual: Annie Smith
- Individual: Henry Kemmis
- Individual: William Albert Kemmis
- Individual: George Ernest Kemmis
- Individual: Robert John Francis Kemmis
- Individual: Alice Anne Kemmis
- Individual: Frederick James Kemmis
- Individual: Emily Louise Avon Kemmis
- Individual: Charles William Scott
- Individual: Walter Scott
- Individual: Elizabeth Presdee Morish
- Individual: Arthur Kemmis
- Individual: Francis Morish Kemmis
- Individual: Walter James Kemmis
- Individual: Esther Kemmis
- Individual: Mr Mr Sutton
- Individual: John Wordsworth Heathcote
- Individual: Annie Currie
- Individual: Leslie Frank Kemmis
- Individual: Owen Raymond Kemmis
- Individual: Clement Kemmis
- Individual: Claude Arthur Kemmis
- Individual: John Russell Kemmis
- Individual: Egerton Ross Kemmis
- Individual: Thomas Septimus Kemmis
- Individual: Ruth Annette Kemmis
- Individual: Mary Kemmis
- Individual: Marion Scott Harden
- Individual: William Scott Kemmis
- Individual: Amy Scott Kemmis
- Individual: Mary Scott Kemmis
- Individual: Peel Scott Kemmis
- Individual: Marion Scott Kemmis
- Individual: Geoffrey Scott Kemmis
- Individual: Dorothea Scott Kemmis
- Individual: Henry Scott Kemmis
- Individual: Arthur Scott Kemmis
- Individual: LIVING
- Individual: LIVING
- Individual: H. E. Sutton
- Individual: Charles Bannister
- Individual: Enid Nowland
- Individual: Edward Dagleish Kemmis
- Individual: Emma Jane Collins
- Individual: Charles Clements Brooke Major
- Individual: Arthur Smythe
- Individual: William H. Walker Reverend
- Individual: Alexander Hamilton
- Individual: William Kennedy
- Individual: Clare Catherine Cholmely Roberts
- Individual: Gertrude Maude Kemmis
- Individual: Jasper Harold Kemmis Reverend
- Individual: Hubert Beresford Kemmis
- Individual: Maria Beal
- Individual: Ellen Mary Gwendoline Warner
- Individual: Harry William Algernon Kemmis
- Individual: Ellen Gertrude de Horne Steinman
- Individual: William Henry Olphert Kemmis
- Individual: Arthur George Kemmis
- Individual: Marcus Steinman |Kemmis- Steinman Reverend
- Individual: Lewis George Nicholas Kemmis
- Individual: Edward Bernhard Kemmis
- Individual: Gilbert Kemmis Reverend
- Individual: Mary Louisa Needham
- Individual: George Richard Kemmis
- Individual: John William Henry Kemmis
- Individual: Helen Valetta Kemmis
- Individual: Maude Mary Kemmis
- Individual: Charles Edward Kemmis
- Individual: Penelope Roberts
- Individual: Ethel Constance Kemmis
- Individual: Letitia Maria Florence Pendleton
- Individual: son son Kemmis
- Individual: Violet Harrie De Burgh Kemmis
- Individual: Maria Frances de Courcy
- Individual: Mary Frances Armstrong
- Individual: Herbert George Kemmis
- Individual: Charles Tynte Kemmis
- Individual: John Garnet Kemmis
- Individual: Henry Olphert Kemmis
- Individual: Georgina Florence Kemmis
- Individual: Owen Andrew Armstrong
- Individual: Arthur Hill de Montmorency
- Individual: Laura Sparkes Swing
- Individual: William Kemeys
- Individual: Emma Dorrance Stone
- Individual: Mansel Brabazon Fiennes Colvile
- Individual: Margaret Elinor Colvile
- Individual: Evelyn May Colvile
- Individual: Oswald Bethell Walker Captain
- Individual: Francois de Juge Montespieu
- Individual: Sylvia Nina Campbell
- Individual: LIVING
- Individual: LIVING
- Individual: Rosabella Clare Walsh
- Individual: Charles Halsewell |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Eustace |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Mary Arabella |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: Emily Julia Charlotte Keane
- Individual: Henry Arthur Edward Herbert
- Individual: Kathleen Mary Eleanor Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss de Morny
- Individual: Helen Spottiswoode
- Individual: Thomas Thoroton Hildyard
- Individual: Alice Gwendolen Gorst
- Individual: Alice MacLanahan
- Individual: Penelope Mary Caroline Wyatt
- Individual: Charles William Scott
- Individual: Frank Browne
- Individual: Isabella Carrigue Lidwell
- Individual: Mark Frederick Wyndham Maunsell
- Individual: Isabella Carrigue Maunsell
- Individual: Louisa Lidwell Maunsell
- Individual: Jeanette Ryan
- Individual: Frederick William Edward Maunsell
- Individual: Jeanette Louisa Clare Maunsell
- Individual: Antoinette Townsend Frances Maunsell
- Individual: Mary Adelaide Townley
- Individual: Frederick Charles Townley Maunsell
- Individual: Henry Basil Townley Maunsell
- Individual: Amy Mary Burke
- Individual: Alic Beere
- Individual: Richard Sargent |Ross- Lewin Reverend
- Individual: E. Hunt
- Individual: Edith S. Mercer
- Individual: Henry Arthur Herbert
- Individual: LIVING
- Individual: Nicola Sophia Grace Herbert
- Individual: Geraldine Herbert
- Individual: Godfrey Cornwall Chester Master
- Individual: W. H. W. Poole
- Individual: Catherine Nason
- Individual: Anna Beasley
- Individual: William H. Beamish
- Individual: Stuart des Barres Major
- Individual: Louisa Conner
- Individual: Robert Hedges |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: Fanny Gertrude |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: Anna |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: Mary "May" |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: Isabel Freke Evans
- Individual: Listowel Freke |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: Anna Julia |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: Richard Hedges |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: Alexander Mann Alcock
- Individual: J. Lindsay Darling Reverend
- Individual: Letitia Mary Cavenagh
- Individual: Richard Edwyn Hare Maunsell
- Individual: Roland Edward S. Maunsell
- Individual: Mary Frances Maunsell
- Individual: Kathleen Alice Eyre Maunsell
- Individual: Letitia Maude Maunsell
- Individual: Norah Alice Geraldine Maunsell
- Individual: Alice Maude Townsend
- Individual: Richard Horatio Townsend
- Individual: Samuel Philip Townsend
- Individual: Mary Helena Maunsell Townsend
- Individual: Hildigardis Maude Leigh Townsend
- Individual: Catherine Granville Townsend
- Individual: Emily Mabel Townsend
- Individual: Richard Newman Townsend
- Individual: Richard Newman Townsend
- Individual: Marion Townsend
- Individual: Ethel Hare Townsend
- Individual: Geraldine Townsend
- Individual: Kate Townsend
- Individual: Theophilus Boughton Leigh Reverend
- Individual: Thomas Montagu Morrison Wilde Baron Trur
- Individual: Marion |Tyrrell- Smith
- Individual: Minna Gilson
- Individual: Errol Creagh Maunsell
- Individual: Herbert Edward Eyre Maunsell
- Individual: Zoe Alys Maunsell
- Individual: Audrey Evelyn Maunsell
- Individual: Laura Eileen Synge
- Individual: Alys Maunsell
- Individual: Theresa Selina Boyle
- Individual: George Ruttledge
- Individual: Herbert Everett
- Individual: Henry Edward Yorke
- Individual: Bertie Eagar
- Individual: Mary Caroline Trench
- Individual: E. W. Fenner
- Individual: W. A. Farquhar
- Individual: Haldee MacDonald
- Individual: John Jordan
- Individual: Septimus Conolly
- Individual: Lorna Robertson
- Individual: George Arthur Murray
- Individual: Edwin Charles Towle
- Individual: Cyril Cowper White
- Individual: Alfgar III Earl Of MERCIA
- Individual: Neta June Harris
- Individual: Clarence George Kemmis
- Individual: Lillian Emily Kemmis
- Individual: Anthony Alfrey
- Individual: Lillian MacNully
- Individual: William Holland
- Individual: Mary Susanna Lewis
- Individual: Ernest Henry George Kemmis
- Individual: Alan Arthur Kemmis
- Individual: LIVING
- Individual: Elizabeth Caton
- Individual: Mr Mr Humphrey
- Individual: Alice Mary Gordon
- Individual: Edith Constance Winifred MacDonald
- Individual: Frances Maude Beauclerk
- Individual: William Daryl Olphert Kemmis
- Individual: Karloie Kathleen Kemmis
- Individual: Thomas Steinman Kemmis
- Individual: Eliza Jane Chorlton
- Individual: Lewis William Kemmis
- Individual: Elfgifu Princess Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Alan Nicholas Albert Kemmis
- Individual: Geraldine Josephine Carson
- Individual: Kate Ruding Bryan
- Individual: Maude Mary Elton
- Individual: daughter daughter Kemmis
- Individual: Alfred R. Lane Hayward Major
- Individual: Arthur Frederick White
- Individual: Aimee Fetherston Bolton
- Individual: Philip Scott Surtees
- Individual: Dorothy Ellis
- Individual: LIVING
- Individual: LIVING
- Individual: Anne Emerson
- Individual: Nicholas Halsewell |Kemeys- Tynte
- Individual: LIVING
- Individual: Guy Colin Campbell
- Individual: A. Morris Captain
- Individual: Richard Henry |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: Doris |Maunsell- Eyre
- Individual: William Darling Reverend
- Individual: Muriel Violet Darling
- Individual: William Cox Langford Sullivan
- Individual: Leta Stephanie Sullivan
- Individual: Mary Grace Enid Sullivan
- Individual: Stirling Alexander Stradling
- Individual: Robert Anstice Maunsell Stradling
- Individual: Beryl Maude Anstice Stradling
- Individual: Norman Rainier Captain
- Individual: Ernest Langdon
- Individual: F. Hemmingway
- Individual: William Collier
- Individual: Reginald Neil
- Individual: J. Lyn Rowe Lieutenant
- Individual: Cainan
- Individual: Kesed
- Individual: Rasu eja
- Individual: Melka
- Individual: Shelah (Salah) King of Babylon
- Individual: Muak
- Individual: Eber ('Aybar) Ibn Shelah King of Babylon
- Individual: 'Abin Ibn Shelah
- Individual: Pelag (Falikh) King of Babylon
- Individual: Kaber
- Individual: Qahtan
- Individual: Reu (Ra'u) King of Lagash
- Individual: Melka
- Individual: Serug (Saragh) King of Ur and Agade
- Individual: Nahor (Nahur) King of Ur and Agade
- Individual: Terah (Terih) King of Agade
- Individual: Sarah (Serai)
- Individual: Maria
- Individual: Nahor
- Individual: Haran
- Individual: Abraham (Abram)
- Individual: Milcah
- Individual: Bethuel the Aramean
- Individual: Isaac
- Individual: Hagar 'the Egyptian'
- Individual: Ishmael
- Individual: Rebekah
- Individual: Jacob (Israel)
- Individual: Ra`la
- Individual: Nebaioth
- Individual: Leah of Paddam Aram
- Individual: Judah (Judeh)
- Individual: Levi
- Individual: Yashjub
- Individual: Tamur
- Individual: Perez a prominent clan leader in Judah
- Individual: Zerah
- Individual: Kohath
- Individual: Jochebed
- Individual: Ya`rub
- Individual: Hezron
- Individual: Electra
- Individual: Dardanus King of Acadia
- Individual: Amram
- Individual: Tayrah
- Individual: Aram
- Individual: Batea of Teucri
- Individual: Erichthonius King of Dardania
- Individual: Aaron High Priest
- Individual: Nahur
- Individual: Amminadab
- Individual: Astyoche of Acadia
- Individual: Tros King of Troy
- Individual: Eleazer High Priest
- Individual: Mugawwam
- Individual: Nahshon a leader of the tribe of Judah
- Individual: Elisheba
- Individual: Callirrhoe
- Individual: Ilus King of Troy
- Individual: Assaracus of Troy
- Individual: Phinehas High Priest
- Individual: Udad
- Individual: Salmon
- Individual: Eurydice of Troy
- Individual: Laomedon King of Troy
- Individual: Themiste of Troy
- Individual: Hieromneme
- Individual: Raymond De Burgundy [COMTE D'AMEROUS [COMTE D'A
- Individual: Capys of Troy
- Individual: Abishua High Priest
- Individual: Adnam
- Individual: Boaz
- Individual: Placia (Strymo) of Troy
- Individual: Priam High King of Troy
- Individual: Tithonus of Troy
- Individual: Anchises of Troy
- Individual: Bukki High Priest
- Individual: Ma'add
- Individual: Ruth
- Individual: Obed
- Individual: Hecuba of Phrygia
- Individual: Helenus King of Epirus
- Individual: Troan
- Individual: Creusa of Troy
- Individual: Eos (Aurora) of Troy
- Individual: Munon, King of Troy
- Individual: Aphrodite
- Individual: Aeneas King of Latium
- Individual: Uzzi High Priest
- Individual: Nizar
- Individual: Jesse
- Individual: Zenter King of Troy
- Individual: Tror (Thor)
- Individual: Iulus Ascanius King of Alba Longa
- Individual: Zerahiah
- Individual: Mudar
- Individual: David King of Judah & Israel
- Individual: Francus King of Troy
- Individual: Sibil (Sif)
- Individual: Loridi
- Individual: sir sir of Alba Longa
- Individual: Selys Hen
- Individual: Meraioth
- Individual: al-Riyab
- Individual: Ilyas
- Individual: Bathsheba (Bathshua)
- Individual: Solomon King of Israel
- Individual: Esdron King of Troy
- Individual: Einridi
- Individual: Numerius Julius Caesar
- Individual: Brutus King of Britain
- Individual: Amariah
- Individual: Layla bani Khindif
- Individual: Amr Mudrika
- Individual: Naamah an Ammorite princess
- Individual: Rehoboam King of Judah
- Individual: Zelius King of Troy
- Individual: Vingethor
- Individual: Lucius Julius Caesar
- Individual: Locrinus King of Britain
- Individual: Camber Duke of Cambria and Cornwall
- Individual: Ahitub
- Individual: Salma
- Individual: Khuzayma
- Individual: Maacah
- Individual: Abijah (Abijam) King of Judah
- Individual: Basabelian I King of Troy
- Individual: Vingener
- Individual: Nest Verch GRUFFYDD
- Individual: Sextus Julius Caesar I
- Individual: Madog King of Britain
- Individual: Gorbonian Duke of Cambria and Cornwall
- Individual: Zadok High Priest
- Individual: Zadok
- Individual: Hind 'Uwana
- Individual: Kinana
- Individual: Asa King of Judah
- Individual: Plaserius I King of Troy
- Individual: Moda
- Individual: Sextus Julius Caesar II
- Individual: Gaius Julius Caesar I
- Individual: Mymbyr King of Britain
- Individual: Dyfnwal Duke of Cambria and Cornwall Hen
- Individual: Ahimaaz
- Individual: Shallum High Priest
- Individual: Barra
- Individual: Qays al-Nadr
- Individual: Azubah
- Individual: Jehosaphat King of Judah
- Individual: Plesron I King of Troy
- Individual: Magi
- Individual: Lucius Julius Caesar II
- Individual: Gaius Julius Caesar II
- Individual: Efrog Gadarn King of Britain
- Individual: Cyngen Duke of Cambria and Cornwall
- Individual: Azariah
- Individual: Azariah
- Individual: Ikrisha
- Individual: Malik
- Individual: Urraca Alfonsez Queen Castile & Leon
- Individual: Jehoram King of Judah
- Individual: Eliacor King of Troy
- Individual: Seskef
- Individual: Lucius Julius Caesar III
- Individual: Gaius Julius Caesar III
- Individual: Brutus Darianlas King of Britain
- Individual: Asses Duke of Cambria & Cornwall
- Individual: Johanan
- Individual: Hilkiah High Priest
- Individual: Jandala
- Individual: Isabel De FERRIERES
- Individual: Fihr Quraysh
- Individual: Athaliah
- Individual: Ahaziah King of Judah
- Individual: Zaberian King of Troy
- Individual: Bedwig
- Individual: Cossutia
- Individual: Julia
- Individual: Marcia
- Individual: Julia
- Individual: Lleon King of Britain
- Individual: Bleiddud Duke of Cambria and Cornwall
- Individual: Azariah
- Individual: Azariah High Priest
- Individual: Layla
- Individual: Ghalil
- Individual: Zibiah of Beersheba
- Individual: Joash King of Judah
- Individual: Plaserius II King of Troy
- Individual: Hwala
- Individual: Marcus Antonius Creticus Praetor of Rome
- Individual: Marcus Antonius (Marc Antony) Triumvir of Rome
- Individual: Marcus Atius Balbus Praetor
- Individual: Atia
- Individual: Rhun Baladr Bras King of Britain
- Individual: Henwyn Duke of Cambria and Cornwall
- Individual: Amariah
- Individual: Seraiah High Priest
- Individual: Atika
- Individual: Lu'ayy
- Individual: Jehoaddin of Jerusalem
- Individual: Amaziah King of Judah
- Individual: Antenor I King of Troy
- Individual: Hathra
- Individual: Antonia 'the Younger' Augusta
- Individual: Gaius Octavius Governor of Macedonia
- Individual: Octavia 'the Elder'
- Individual: Bleiddud King of Britain
- Individual: Cunedda King of Britain ap Henwyn
- Individual: Jehozadak High Priest
- Individual: Mawiya
- Individual: Ka'b
- Individual: Jecoliah of Jerusalem
- Individual: Azariah (Uzziah) King of Judah
- Individual: Priam II King of Troy
- Individual: Itermon
- Individual: General General Nero Claudius Drusus Governor of Gaul
- Individual: Claudius (Tiberius Claudius Nero Germanicus) Emperor of Rome
- Individual: Llyr King of Britain
- Individual: Rhiwallon King of Britain ap Cunedda
- Individual: Jeshua High Priest
- Individual: Makhshiya
- Individual: Murra
- Individual: Jerusha
- Individual: Jotham King of Judah
- Individual: Helenus II King of Troy
- Individual: Heremod
- Individual: Aemilia Lepida
- Individual: Genuissa (Venessa) Claudia of Rome
- Individual: Rhagaw verch Llyr
- Individual: Gwrwst King of Britain ap Rhiwallon
- Individual: Joiakim High Priest
- Individual: Hund
- Individual: Kilab
- Individual: Ahaz King of Judah
- Individual: Plesron II King of Troy
- Individual: Sceldwa
- Individual: Arfyrag (Arviragus) King of Siluria
- Individual: Marius ap Arfyrag
- Individual: Seisyll King of Britain ap Gwrwst
- Individual: Eliashib High Priest
- Individual: William De BRAOSE
- Individual: Fatima
- Individual: Qusayy Zaid 'Munjammi' Governor of Mecca
- Individual: Abijah (Abi)
- Individual: Hezekiah King of Judah
- Individual: Basabelian II King of Troy
- Individual: Beaw
- Individual: Eurgen ap Marius
- Individual: Coel I of Colchester
- Individual: Owain
- Individual: Antonius Duke of Cornwall
- Individual: Joiada High Priest
- Individual: Hobba Princess of the Khozaite
- Individual: 'Abd al-Manaf al Mujira
- Individual: 'Abd al-Uzza
- Individual: Hephzibah
- Individual: Manasseh (Manasses) King of Judah
- Individual: Alexandre King of Troy
- Individual: Taetwa
- Individual: Gwladys verch Eurgen
- Individual: Llewfer Mawr (Lucius) King of Siluria
- Individual: Athildis verch Cole
- Individual: Merchoin
- Individual: Aedd Mawr Duke of Cornwall
- Individual: Johanan (John) High Priest
- Individual: Atika of bani Qays Aylan
- Individual: Hashim 'al Muttalib
- Individual: `Abd Shams
- Individual: Barra bint 'Abdul 'Uzza
- Individual: Asad
- Individual: Meshullemeth
- Individual: Amon King of Judah
- Individual: Priam III King of the Cimmerians
- Individual: Geata
- Individual: Gwladys 'the Younger'
- Individual: Cadwalladr
- Individual: Eurgen
- Individual: Keribir
- Individual: Gorig
- Individual: Prydain ap Aedd
- Individual: Jaddua High Priest
- Individual: Selma bint Adi ibn Najjar Khazraji
- Individual: Abd al-Mattalib Shayba al Hamd
- Individual: Umayyan
- Individual: Wahb ibn 'Abd Manaf
- Individual: Amina bint Wahb
- Individual: Khuwailid
- Individual: Jedidah
- Individual: Josiah (Josias) King of Judah
- Individual: Gentilanor King of the Cimmerians
- Individual: Godwulf
- Individual: Hulmul
- Individual: Frigg
- Individual: Aminadab
- Individual: Catheloys (Castellors)
- Individual: Parar
- Individual: Gorddwfn
- Individual: Dyfnarth Duke of Cornwall ap Prydain
- Individual: Onias I High Priest
- Individual: Fatima bint 'Amr of Makhzum
- Individual: 'Abd Manaf abu Talib Talib
- Individual: Abdallah ibn Abd Mutalib
- Individual: `Abu al-As
- Individual: Khadija Qarayshi
- Individual: Zebudah
- Individual: Jehoiakim (Eliakim King of Judah Jechonais)
- Individual: Almadius King of the Cimmerians
- Individual: Finn
- Individual: Augis
- Individual: Manael
- Individual: Llyr Llediath
- Individual: Eunydd
- Individual: Crydon ap Dyfnarth
- Individual: Simon the Just High Priest
- Individual: Fatima bint Asad inb Hashim
- Individual: Caliph 'Ali ibn Abit Talif Talib
- Individual: Muhammad the Prophet
- Individual: al Hakim
- Individual: Nehushta
- Individual: Jechoniah (Jehoiakin) King of Judah
- Individual: Dilulius I King of the Cimmerians
- Individual: Frithuwulf
- Individual: Amal
- Individual: Titurel
- Individual: Br
- Individual: Arthfael
- Individual: Cerwyd ap Crydon
- Individual: NN
- Individual: Al-Hasan al-Sibt Imam of the Shi'ites
- Individual: Fatima
- Individual: Amina bint `Alkama al-Kinaniyya
- Individual: Marwan I ben al-Hakam Caliph of Damascus
- Individual: Shealtiel (Salathiel)
- Individual: Marcomir King of the Cimmerians
- Individual: Frealaf (Friallaf)
- Individual: Hisarna
- Individual: Boaz (Anfortas)
- Individual: Caradawc Vreichvras Ruler of Gwent and Archenfield
- Individual: Gwrgon-frych
- Individual: Eneid ap Cerwyd
- Individual: Jada bint al-Ash'ath
- Individual: Renaud II Count CLERMONT-EN-BEAU [CRUSADER]
- Individual: Husayn
- Individual: Ali Zain al-Abidin Imam in Iraq
- Individual: A`isha bint Mu`awiya ben al-Mughira
- Individual: Miss Miss of Damascus
- Individual: `Abd Caliph of Damascus al-Malik
- Individual: Pedaiah
- Individual: Priam IV King of the Cimmerians
- Individual: Frithuwald (Bor)
- Individual: Ostrogotha
- Individual: Frotmund (Frimutel)
- Individual: Eudes (Euidaf) Warlord of the Gewissi
- Individual: Merchion
- Individual: Manogan Druid King ap Eneid
- Individual: Zohra
- Individual: Mohammad al-Bakhir Imam in Iraq
- Individual: Abdul Aziz Governor of Egypt
- Individual: Hisham I Caliph of Damascus
- Individual: Zorobabel (Zerubbabel) King of Persia
- Individual: Helenus IV King of the Cimmerians
- Individual: Beltsea
- Individual: Odin (Woden)
- Individual: Hunuil
- Individual: Faramund (Pharamond) Lord of the West Franks
- Individual: Miss Miss of the Saxon Shore
- Individual: Cynan of Ewyas
- Individual: Elen (Oriene)
- Individual: Meirig
- Individual: Beli Mawr Sovereign Lord of the Celtic Britons
- Individual: Abu Farisi of al-Hira
- Individual: Na'im of al-Lakhmi
- Individual: Djafar al-Sadikh Imam in Iraq
- Individual: Egilon
- Individual: Aisha of Egypt
- Individual: Rhesa (Abiud)
- Individual: Hananiah
- Individual: Antenor II King of the Cimmerians
- Individual: Beldig of Scandinavia
- Individual: Skjold King of Danes
- Individual: Wecta
- Individual: Casere
- Individual: Watholgeon
- Individual: Athal
- Individual: Princess Princess Argotta of Sicambria
- Individual: Clodion of Lord of the West Franks Tournai
- Individual: Fredemundus
- Individual: Caradawc II
- Individual: Brechrwy
- Individual: Don verch Mathonwy
- Individual: Lludd Llaw King of the Britons Ereint
- Individual: Caswallon
- Individual: Itaf ibn Na'im
- Individual: Isma'il ibn Gafar
- Individual: Muza ben Fortun
- Individual: Joanna (Jehohanen Johanan)
- Individual: Shecaniah
- Individual: Marcomir I King of Sicambri
- Individual: Nanna of Scandinavia
- Individual: Brand of Scandinavia
- Individual: Gefion
- Individual: Fridlief Skjoldsson
- Individual: Witta
- Individual: Tytmon
- Individual: Uihtlaeg
- Individual: Achiulf
- Individual: Queen Queen Basina I
- Individual: Meroveus King of the Franks
- Individual: Nascien I Prince of the Septimanian Midi
- Individual: Conan King of the Bretons and Dumnonia Meriadog
- Individual: Edrig
- Individual: King King Tenuantius
- Individual: Afallach ap Lludd
- Individual: Penardim
- Individual: King King Llyr Lleddiarth
- Individual: 'Amr ibn Itaf
- Individual: Mohammad ibn Isma'il
- Individual: Muza ben Muza Governor of Tudela
- Individual: Juda (Judah Johanan)
- Individual: Neariah
- Individual: Antenor II King of Sicambri
- Individual: Frithogar
- Individual: Benoc (Bernic)
- Individual: Frodi Fridleifsson
- Individual: Whitgils (a lengendary figure)
- Individual: Trygils
- Individual: Vultwulf
- Individual: Merira
- Individual: Childeric I King of the Franks
- Individual: Celedoin
- Individual: St. St. Ursula verch Dynod
- Individual: Cadfan King of Dumnonia ap Cynan
- Individual: St. St. Dareca of Ireland
- Individual: Gradlon King of Brittany Mawr
- Individual: Urbien
- Individual: Urban
- Individual: Cymbeline (Cunobelinus) Pendragon
- Individual: Euddolen ap Afallach
- Individual: Br Fendigaid King of Siluria
- Individual: Aslan ibn 'Amr
- Individual: Isma'il ibn Mohammad
- Individual: Aria (Aurea)
- Individual: Joseph
- Individual: Hizkiah
- Individual: Prenus King of Sicambri
- Individual: Freawine
- Individual: Aloc
- Individual: Fridleif Frodasson
- Individual: Hengist King of Kent
- Individual: Hrothmune
- Individual: Walaravans
- Individual: Basina II Queen of Thuringia
- Individual: Clovis I 'the Great' King of the Salic Franks, France
- Individual: Nascien II of Septimania
- Individual: Ystradwal verch Cadfan
- Individual: King King Coel II of Colchester
- Individual: Tigridia of Ireland
- Individual: Gwidol Prince of Domnone ap Gradlon
- Individual: St. St. Salomon I King of the Bretons
- Individual: Mynon (Nynio)
- Individual: Beli (Belim Heli)
- Individual: Penardun
- Individual: Abbad ibn Aslan
- Individual: Ahmed ibn Isma'il
- Individual: Fortun King of Pamplona Garces
- Individual: Oneca Fortun of Pamplona
- Individual: Semei (Shimei)
- Individual: Johanan Exilarch at Babylon
- Individual: Helenus I King of Sicambri
- Individual: Wig
- Individual: Angewit
- Individual: Havar Fridleifsson
- Individual: Morcar Earl Of NORTHUMBRIA
- Individual: Aesc King of Kent
- Individual: Hryp
- Individual: Winithar King of the Ostrogoths
- Individual: Clothaire (Lothar) I King of Soissons, Orleans, France
- Individual: Chilperic King of Burgundy
- Individual: Coel Hen Godebog High King of North Britain
- Individual: St. St. Ceneu ap Coel
- Individual: Gwawl verch Coel
- Individual: St. St. Flavia Julia Helena 'Helen of the Cross'
- Individual: Cunedd
- Individual: Edwin Earl Of MERCIA
- Individual: Mrs Mrs
- Individual: Tiechfallt (Teudfall)
- Individual: Avallach (Amalech Evelake) Abalech
- Individual: Qara'is ibn Abbad
- Individual: Obeidallah al-Mahdi
- Individual: Abdallah I Sultan of Cordoba
- Individual: Muhammad
- Individual: Mattathias (Mattithiah)
- Individual: Shephat Exilarch at Babylon
- Individual: Diocles King of Sicambri
- Individual: Leverunia
- Individual: Gewis
- Individual: Ingui
- Individual: Frodi Havarsson
- Individual: Octa King of Kent
- Individual: Wilhelm
- Individual: Wandalar King of the Ostrogoths
- Individual: Aregunda
- Individual: Chilperic I of King of Neustria Soissons
- Individual: Ingunde
- Individual: Sigebert I King of Austrasia
- Individual: Lucia Of MERCIA
- Individual: Charibert I of the Franks
- Individual: Blithilda (Bilhildis) Princess of Cologne
- Individual: St. St. Clothilde of Princess of Burgundy Burgundy
- Individual: Cunedda Wledig King of North Wales
- Individual: Flavius Valerius Constantius I Emperor of Rome, governor of
- Individual: Constantine 'the Great' I Augustus Emperor of Rome
- Individual: Confer of Strathclyde
- Individual: Tewdrig Regulus of Garth Madrun
- Individual: Isma'il ibn Qara'is Iman of Seville
- Individual: Fatimid Caliph of Egypt
- Individual: Burhheard, Of MERCIA
- Individual: Caliph Mohammed al-Khaim
- Individual: `Abd al-Rahman III al-Nair Emir of Cordoba
- Individual: Maath
- Individual: Hanan (Anan) Exilarch at Babylon
- Individual: Basanus King of Sicambri
- Individual: Elsa
- Individual: Esa
- Individual: Vermund Frodasson
- Individual: Eormenric King of Kent
- Individual: Wehha
- Individual: Theudemir King of the Ostrogoths
- Individual: Fredegunde
- Individual: Clothaire (Lothar) II King of Neustria and the Franks
- Individual: Ingunda de France
- Individual: Chodoswintha of Austrasia
- Individual: Bertha of Franks
- Individual: Ansbertus Gallo-Roman Senator of Narbon
- Individual: St. St. Arnulf Bishop of Metz
- Individual: Erchenaud
- Individual: Fausta
- Individual: Constantius II (Flavius Julius Constantius) Emperor of Rome
- Individual: Maximianius Constants I
- Individual: Neithon
- Individual: Fer
- Individual: Marchell
- Individual: Muhammad I Kadi abu'l-Kasim ibn Isma'il King of Seville
- Individual: Isma'il al-Mansur Calph of Egypt
- Individual: Nagge (Nogah)
- Individual: NN
- Individual: Nathan (Ukba II (III)) Exilarch at Babylon
- Individual: Clodomir I King of Sicambri
- Individual: Elesa (Elera)
- Individual: Eoppa
- Individual: Olaf Vermundsson
- Individual: ÂÆthelbert I King of Kent
- Individual: Wuffa King of East Anglia
- Individual: Erelicia
- Individual: Theodoric King of the Ostrogoths
- Individual: Haldetrude
- Individual: Dagobert I 'the Great' King of Austrasia
- Individual: St. St. Hermengild
- Individual: Ardebasto
- Individual: Oda (Clothilde, Doda, Dode)
- Individual: Iduberga (Saint Itta) de Metz
- Individual: Leutharius
- Individual: Faustina
- Individual: Constantius III Emperor of Rome
- Individual: Magnus Maximus Empreror of the West Roman Empire
- Individual: Eubre Gwydel of Ayr
- Individual: Cursalen
- Individual: Idwal Ap GRUFFUDD
- Individual: Muhammad II al-Mu'tadid abu'Amr'Abbad King of Seville ben Mu
- Individual: N.N. bint al-Mansur
- Individual: Esli (Azaliah)
- Individual: Abba (Abra Mar) Exilarch at Babylon
- Individual: Nicanor King of Sicambri
- Individual: Cerdic King of the West Saxons
- Individual: unknown
- Individual: Isa
- Individual: Dampi
- Individual: Dan Olafsson
- Individual: Nest Verch GRUFFUDD
- Individual: Eadbald King of Kent
- Individual: Tytila King of East Anglia
- Individual: Arevagni
- Individual: Theodogotho
- Individual: Theodora
- Individual: Theodora of the Goths
- Individual: Amfleda of the Ostrogoths
- Individual: Raintrude
- Individual: Sigebert II
- Individual: Berthilde
- Individual: Siegbert III King of Austrasia
- Individual: Regintrude of Austrasia
- Individual: Regintrude
- Individual: Nantilda
- Individual: Chlodovech (Clovis) II King of the Franks
- Individual: Flavia Juliana
- Individual: Ervigio of Spain
- Individual: St. St. Arnulf (Arnoul) of Bishop of Metz Mayor of the Palace Mayor of t
- Individual: St. St. Clodoule Bishop of Metz
- Individual: Anguise (Ansegisel)
- Individual: Maredudd Ap GRUFFUDD
- Individual: Pippin 'the Old' of Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia Landen
- Individual: St. St. Begga (Begue) of Landen
- Individual: Gerberge
- Individual: NN
- Individual: Gella Placida
- Individual: Valentinian III Emperor of Rome
- Individual: Gratianna verch Macsen
- Individual: Severa verch Macsen
- Individual: Cormac of Galloway
- Individual: Cluim
- Individual: N.N. of Balearic Isles
- Individual: Muhammad III al-Mu'tamid abu'l-Qasim King of Seville
- Individual: Naum (Nahum)
- Individual: Kahani I Exilarch at Babylon
- Individual: Marcomir II King of Sicambri
- Individual: Creoda Prince of Wessex
- Individual: Wihtgar King of the Isle of Wight
- Individual: Beamoch
- Individual: Ethelric
- Individual: Frodi Dansson
- Individual: Emma of Austrasia
- Individual: Eakenberht King of Kent
- Individual: Eni
- Individual: Amalaric II
- Individual: Sigusmund King of Burgundy
- Individual: Wacho King of Lombards
- Individual: Theodosia
- Individual: Thrasamund King of the Vandals
- Individual: Amfleda of the Vandals
- Individual: Immachilde of Swabia
- Individual: Dagobert II King of Austrasia
- Individual: Hymnegilde
- Individual: Berswinde de France
- Individual: St. St. Balthild
- Individual: Theuderic III King of the Franks
- Individual: Liubigotona of Spain
- Individual: Pedro Duke of Cantabria
- Individual: Kunza (Gunza)
- Individual: Pippin II 'the Fat' of Mayor of the Palace of Austasia Heris
- Individual: Martin of Laon
- Individual: Ansaud
- Individual: Sigrada (Sigree)
- Individual: Licinia Eudoxia
- Individual: Eudoxia
- Individual: Vortigern Gwrtheneu High King of Britain
- Individual: Vortigern Fendigaid King of Gwerthefyriwg
- Individual: Cadeyrn Fendigaid King of Powys
- Individual: Tudwal King of Dumnonia
- Individual: Cinhil
- Individual: I` I` tamid
- Individual: Zaida (Maria, Isabel, Ximena) Princess of Dania
- Individual: Amos
- Individual: Zutra I Exilarch at Babylon
- Individual: Clodius I King of Sicambri
- Individual: Cynric King of the West Saxons
- Individual: possible
- Individual: Ethelfrith
- Individual: Fridleif Frodasson
- Individual: Sexburga
- Individual: Egbert (Ecbert) King of Kent
- Individual: Gytha
- Individual: King King of East Anglia
- Individual: Clotilda
- Individual: Leovigild (Leodegild) King of the Visigoths
- Individual: Athanagild King of the Visigoths
- Individual: Austigusa Princess of Gepidae
- Individual: Waldrada
- Individual: Mechtilde
- Individual: Adela of Princess of Austrasia Austrasia
- Individual: Giselle of Raz
- Individual: Sigebert III Comte de Raz
- Individual: Adalric (Eticho) Duke of Alsace
- Individual: Adalbert Duke of Alsace
- Individual: Chlotilde
- Individual: Chrotlind
- Individual: Fruela of Count of Bartulio Bardalia
- Individual: Aupais (Alpaida)
- Individual: Charles (Karl) 'the Hammer' Mayor of the Palace, King of Fra
- Individual: Childebrand I Lord of Perracy and Bougy, Count of Autun
- Individual: Bertha a Merovingian princess
- Individual: Caribert (Cambert, Charibert) Count of Laon
- Individual: Bodilon? Count and Bishop of Treves
- Individual: Guerin (Warin, Warinus) Count of Poitiers
- Individual: Huneric King of the Vandals
- Individual: Hilderic King of the Vandals
- Individual: Caddell Ddymllwg King of Powys
- Individual: Anlach
- Individual: Cynloyp
- Individual: Mattathias
- Individual: Huna (Ahunai)
- Individual: Antenor III King of the Franks
- Individual: Ceawlin King of the West Saxons
- Individual: Oslac Royal Cup Bearer of England
- Individual: Eanfrith
- Individual: Frodi Fridleifsson
- Individual: Wihtread King of Kent
- Individual: Saewara
- Individual: Sexburga of East Anglia
- Individual: Reccared I King of the Visigoths
- Individual: Brunhilda of the Visigoths
- Individual: Garibald I Duke of Bavaria
- Individual: Geoffry I, Count Of ARLES
- Individual: Theudelinde
- Individual: Gundwald Duke of Asti
- Individual: Aubri I Count of Blois
- Individual: Magdala
- Individual: Bera III Comte de Raz
- Individual: Gerlinde
- Individual: Luitfride I Duke of Alsace
- Individual: Lambert (Lantbertus) II Comes in Neustria and Austrasia
- Individual: Rutpert I Count in the Wormsgau
- Individual: Vermudo (Bermudo) I 'el Diacono' King of the Asturias
- Individual: Pippin III 'the Short' Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia, Kin
- Individual: Carloman Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia
- Individual: Aude
- Individual: Landree of Hesbaye
- Individual: Rolande
- Individual: Nivelon (Nibelung) I Lord of Perracy, Montisan & Hesburg The
- Individual: Fulgaud (Foucaud) Count of Rouergue
- Individual: Bertrada
- Individual: Bertha 'Broadfoot'
- Individual: St. St. Liutwin Count and Bishop of Treves
- Individual: Agnaes Countess Of BURGUNDY
- Individual: Lambert of Hesbaye
- Individual: Hildis Princess of Vandals
- Individual: St. St. Cyngen Glodryddap ap Caddell
- Individual: St. St. Brychan Regulus of Brycheiniog
- Individual: Ceretic Guletic of Strathclyde
- Individual: Joseph
- Individual: Kafnai (Hofnai) Exilarch at Babylon
- Individual: Clodomir II King of Sicambri
- Individual: Cuthwine Under-ruler of Wessex
- Individual: Lady Lady Osburh Wessex
- Individual: Joan MORTIMER
- Individual: a Pictish princess
- Individual: NN
- Individual: Halfdan Frodasson
- Individual: Cynegth
- Individual: Eadbert (Eardwulf) King of Kent
- Individual: Swinthila King of the Visigoths
- Individual: Agilolf King of the Lombards
- Individual: Chrodaold 'Agilolingo'
- Individual: Aripert I King of Lombards
- Individual: Aubri II Count of Blois
- Individual: Alda (Olba)
- Individual: Edith
- Individual: Luitfride II Count of Upper Alsace
- Individual: Williswint of the Wormsgau
- Individual: Rupert Count in the Thurgau, Breisgau and Zurichgau
- Individual: Theuringbert (Thurincbertus)
- Individual: Ursinda Munilona
- Individual: Ramiro I King of the Asturias
- Individual: Leuthergis
- Individual: Berthe of the Franks
- Individual: Fernando III "The Saint" King Of CASTILE AND LbEON
- Individual: Charlemagne King of France
- Individual: Childebrand II Lord of Perracy
- Individual: Raimonde I Count of Toulouse and Rouergue
- Individual: NN
- Individual: Chrotrude (Rotrou) of Duchess of Austrasia Alemania
- Individual: Mrs Mrs Liutwin
- Individual: Count Count Gui
- Individual: Sigrand (Sigramus) Count of Hesbaye
- Individual: Robert Count of Hesbaye
- Individual: St. St. Tanglwst verch Brychan
- Individual: Rigrawst
- Individual: Brychan Prince of Manau Gododdin
- Individual: Prawst verch Tudwal
- Individual: St. St. Gwelfyl verch Brychan
- Individual: Cinuit
- Individual: Janna (Johanan)
- Individual: Haninai Exilarch at Babylon
- Individual: Merodach King of Sicambri
- Individual: Cutha (Cuthwulf) Under-ruler of Wessex
- Individual: Beli King of Strathclyde
- Individual: William De BRAOSE
- Individual: Miss Miss of Strathclyde
- Individual: Sigris
- Individual: Hroar Halfdansson
- Individual: Helgi Halfdansdotter
- Individual: Aethelbert II King of Kent
- Individual: Theodora of the Visigoths
- Individual: NN
- Individual: Fara
- Individual: Theidlindis
- Individual: Hiltrude
- Individual: Bernard De BRAOSE
- Individual: Hugh 'le Mefiant' Count of Tours
- Individual: Angila
- Individual: Heinrich Count of Wettergau, Oberrheingau and Saargau
- Individual: Mrs Mrs Theuringbert
- Individual: Rutpert II Count in Wormsgau and the Upper Rhine
- Individual: Paterna Queen of Asturias de Castile
- Individual: Ordogno I King of the Asturias and Galicia
- Individual: Rodrigo Count of Castile
- Individual: N.N. of the Asturias
- Individual: Milon Count of Angers
- Individual: Roland 'the Paldin'
- Individual: Himiltrude
- Individual: Aupais
- Individual: Charles Holy Roman Emperor
- Individual: Pippin King of Italy
- Individual: Bertha Princess of France de France
- Individual: Louis I 'the Fair, the Pious' King of France, Holy Roman Emp
- Individual: Dunne of Autun
- Individual: Thierry I 'the Treasurer' Count of Autunois and Chaumois
- Individual: Bertha (Berta)
- Individual: Miss Miss of Toulouse
- Individual: Fulk de Limoges
- Individual: Eudes (Odon) Count of Toulouse
- Individual: Lambert Count of Hornbach
- Individual: Gunderland Count of Hasbania
- Individual: Williswinda
- Individual: Guerin Count in the Thurgovie
- Individual: Princess Princess Lluan of Brechin
- Individual: Gwawr verch Brychan
- Individual: Dyfnwal Hen King of Strathclyde
- Individual: Melchi
- Individual: Miss Miss of Sura
- Individual: Bostani Exilarch at Babylon ben Hanina
- Individual: Cassander King of Sicambri
- Individual: Ceolwald of Under-ruler of Wessex Wessex
- Individual: Ainftech
- Individual: Spondana a Pictish princess
- Individual: Ogne Princess of Northumberland
- Individual: Valdar Hroarsson
- Individual: Olaf 'the Mighty'
- Individual: Geoffrey V "le PLANTAGENET [COUNT OF ANJOU] [COUNT OF
- Individual: Yrsa Helgasdotter
- Individual: Sigurd Hjort King of Ringerike Helgasson
- Individual: N.N. of Kent
- Individual: Theodo II Duke of Bavaria
- Individual: Aba (Bava)
- Individual: Hugh Count of Bourges, Auxerre & Nevers
- Individual: Ermengarde of Orleans
- Individual: Adelaide (Aenis) of Alsace and Tours
- Individual: Bertha of Tours
- Individual: Theodedrata (Tiedrada)
- Individual: Osbern FITZRICHARD
- Individual: Rutpert III Count in the Wormsgau and Upper Rhine
- Individual: Nuna (Munia)
- Individual: Nunio Ordonez
- Individual: Leogundis Infanta of Asturia
- Individual: Alfonso III 'the Great' King of the Asturias
- Individual: Diego Rodriguez Count of Castile Porcelos
- Individual: Mrs Mrs Nuez
- Individual: NN
- Individual: Faralando
- Individual: Begue Count of Paris
- Individual: Leutaud Count of Paris
- Individual: Engeltrude
- Individual: Lisiard Count of Frezensac
- Individual: Eberhard Count of Paris
- Individual: Juliana
- Individual: Rowland of Neustria
- Individual: Chrothais
- Individual: Bernard King of Italy
- Individual: Augilbert
- Individual: Nithard 'the Chronicler'
- Individual: Adele(Adelaide) Princess of France
- Individual: Mathilda?
- Individual: Lothar I King of Italy, Holy Roman Emperor
- Individual: Louis II 'the German' King of the East Franks
- Individual: Hildegarde of Francia
- Individual: Judith of Bavaria
- Individual: Charles II 'the Bald' King of France
- Individual: Gisela Princess of France and the West
- Individual: Richard
- Individual: Thierry II Count of Chaunois
- Individual: Llop(Lope) I Count of Bigorre
- Individual: Dato II Count of Bigorre
- Individual: Dadilidis de Pallars
- Individual: Ramon (Raymond) I Count of Ribagorza
- Individual: Hildebert Vicomte de Limoges
- Individual: Gersinde
- Individual: Raimond II Count of Toulouse
- Individual: Waldrat von Hornbach
- Individual: Werner Count in the Lobdengau, Lord of Hornbach
- Individual: Gui (Guido) Count on the Breton March
- Individual: Ingram Count of Hasbania
- Individual: Adelindis
- Individual: Bouchard 'the Constable' Minur Dominicur in Corsica
- Individual: Milo Count of Narbonne
- Individual: Master Master of the Palace
- Individual: Elidir Llydanwyn King of South Rheged ap Meirchion
- Individual: Llywarch Hen 'the Bard' King of South Rheged
- Individual: Ingenach
- Individual: Levi
- Individual: Izdundad (Izdadwar) of Princess of Persia Persia
- Individual: Hisdai Shahrijar Exilarch at Babylon
- Individual: Haninai bar `Adol Exilarch at Babylon
- Individual: Antharius King of Sicambri
- Individual: Cenred Under-ruler of Somerset
- Individual: Eochaid II 'Crooked Nose' King of Dalriada
- Individual: Miss Miss of Dalraida
- Individual: Fergus King of Dalriada
- Individual: Harold Valdarsson
- Individual: Adils Ottarsson
- Individual: Eystein Adilsson
- Individual: Helga Dagsdottir
- Individual: Ragnhild Sigurdsdottir
- Individual: Miss Miss of Bavaria
- Individual: Tertulle (Tertullus) Seneschal of the Gatinais
- Individual: Stephen Count of Bourges
- Individual: Conrad I Count in the Argengau and Linzgau
- Individual: Welf I Count in the Argengau and the Linzgau
- Individual: Conrad II Count of Auxerre, Margrave of Burgundy
- Individual: Rutpert IV 'Robert the Strong' Count of Paris, Tours and Wor
- Individual: Vermudo Nuez
- Individual: Garcia I King of Pamplona Iniguez
- Individual: Sancho Garcia
- Individual: Aznar Sanchez Lord of Larron de Larron
- Individual: Jimena Garces
- Individual: Ordogno II King of Asturia, Galicia and Leon
- Individual: Asura
- Individual: Sulla Asura
- Individual: Gutina de Castile
- Individual: Nuo Count of Castile Nuez
- Individual: Munia (Nua) de Castile
- Individual: Muo Nuez
- Individual: Flora Valdez
- Individual: Diego Valdez
- Individual: Engeltrude of Paris
- Individual: Hunroch (Unroch) Margrave of Friuli and Count of Ternois
- Individual: Eberhard (Everard) Marquis of Friuli
- Individual: Amadeus Count of Burgundy
- Individual: Gerard of Count of Paris Roussillon
- Individual: Begue II Count of Paris
- Individual: Godfrey of Neustria
- Individual: Cunigunde Queen of Italy
- Individual: Pippin of Count of Senlis, Peronne, St. Quentin
- Individual: Gerard (Gerhard) I Count of Auvergne
- Individual: Ranulf I Count of Poitou and Duke of Aquitaine
- Individual: Louis II Holy Roman Emperor
- Individual: Lothar II 'the Carolingian' King of Lorraine
- Individual: Ermengarde of Princess of Italy Lorraine and Burgundy
- Individual: Emma of Bavaria
- Individual: Carloman King of Bavaria
- Individual: Gerhard Count of Auvergne
- Individual: Miss Miss of Auvergne
- Individual: Rothilde Princess of France de France
- Individual: Judith Princess of France de France
- Individual: Louis II 'the Stammerer' King of France, Holy Roman Emperor
- Individual: Hersent Princess of France de France
- Individual: Richeut (Richardis) of Countess Metz Metz
- Individual: Roheut (Rothaut)
- Individual: Rothilde of Neustria
- Individual: Garnier (Warinus) Vicomte of Sens and Troyes
- Individual: Miss Miss of Metz
- Individual: Manassas I Count of Chalons-sur-Seine
- Individual: Lopa of Navarre Sanchez
- Individual: Raymond I Count of Bigorre
- Individual: Garcia II (Inigo Arista) King of Navarre Jiminez
- Individual: Sancho I 'Optimo Imperator' King of Navarre Garces
- Individual: Guinigenta (Ginigenta) Asnarez
- Individual: Bernard (Bernardo) I Count of Ribagorza
- Individual: Adaltrude
- Individual: Raimond III (Raymond Pons) Count of Toulouse
- Individual: Friderun
- Individual: Widechowo Count in the Lobdengau and Lord of Hornbach
- Individual: Lambert I Count of Nantes
- Individual: Ermengarde of Hesbaye
- Individual: Aubri 'the Burgundian' Count of Fezensac
- Individual: Mr Mr of Narbonne
- Individual: Hunfrid Count of Istria, Rhaetias
- Individual: Matthat
- Individual: NN
- Individual: Nehemiah
- Individual: Francus King of the Franks
- Individual: Ingild
- Individual: Foredach Wrold
- Individual: NN
- Individual: Fergusa of Queen of Dalriada Dalriada
- Individual: Hildur Heidreksdatter
- Individual: Halfdan King of Sweden Haroldsson
- Individual: Ingvar Eysteinsson
- Individual: Godefried (Godfrey, Godefroy) Duke of Allemania
- Individual: Nebi-Huoching (Theutbold) Duke of Allemania
- Individual: Petronille d'Auxerre
- Individual: Ingelgar Count of Anjou
- Individual: NN
- Individual: Hugh Count of Bourges
- Individual: Eticho Count in the Breisgau and Ammergau
- Individual: Waldrada (Vaudrie)
- Individual: Rudolph I Count, Marquis and King of Upper Burgundy
- Individual: Adelheid (Adelaide, Aelis) of Burgundy
- Individual: Robert I Count of Paris, Potiers, Duke of France
- Individual: Regilinda
- Individual: Velasquita Velasquez
- Individual: Fernando Count of Cea Vermudez
- Individual: Toda (Tota) Aznarez de Larron
- Individual: Nunja Elvira Menendez
- Individual: Ramiro II King of Leon
- Individual: Nuo Count of Amaya Nuez
- Individual: Teresa Elvira Nuez
- Individual: Fernando Nuez of Castrosiero
- Individual: Gonzalo Fernandez Count of Burgos and Castile de Lara
- Individual: Diego Count of Saldana Muoz
- Individual: Garcia Diaz Valdez
- Individual: Heilwise of Friuli
- Individual: Berenger I King of Italy
- Individual: Hunroch (Unroch) III Margrave of Friuli
- Individual: Judith of Friuli
- Individual: Anscar II (Anchier) 'the Burgundian' Count of Orcheret, Marq
- Individual: Eve of Roussillon
- Individual: Adelaide of Paris
- Individual: Baldwin I of Blois
- Individual: Countess Countess of Vermandois
- Individual: Herbert I Count of Vermandois
- Individual: N.N. of Maine
- Individual: Ranulf II Count of Poitou and Duke of Aquitaine
- Individual: Engelberge von Elsass
- Individual: Trungard (Ermengarde, Irmingardis) Princess of the West
- Individual: Waldrada
- Individual: Gisela of Princess of Lorraine von Lothringen
- Individual: Bertha of Princess of Lorraine Lorraine
- Individual: Gertrude of Duchess of Lorraine Lorraine
- Individual: Graf Graf Giselbert (II) von Maasgau
- Individual: Rainer I 'Longhals' Count of Hainault
- Individual: Litwinde
- Individual: Arnulf King of Germany
- Individual: Sigebert V Comte de Raz
- Individual: Guillame II de Raz
- Individual: Aethelwulf King of Wessex, Kent & England
- Individual: Baldwin I 'Bras de Fer' Count of Flanders
- Individual: Winilda (Guinidilda) of Flanders
- Individual: Rudolph Count of Cambrai
- Individual: Baldwin II 'the Bald' Count of Flanders
- Individual: Charles III 'the Simple' King of the West Franks
- Individual: Ermentrude Princess of the West Franks
- Individual: Roger Count of Maine
- Individual: Hugh I Count of Maine
- Individual: Teutberge de Troyes
- Individual: Hugh Count of Vienne and Burgundy
- Individual: Ermengarde of Princess of Burgundy
- Individual: Giselbert Count of Chalons and Vergy
- Individual: Garsenda of Astarac
- Individual: Arnold I Count of Bigorre
- Individual: Garcia III King of Navarre, Count of Aragon Sanchez
- Individual: Sancha Princess of Navarre Sanchez
- Individual: Tota Galindez de Aragn
- Individual: Ramon (Raymond, Raimondo) II Count of Ribagorza
- Individual: Ava de Ribagorza
- Individual: Gersende of Gascony
- Individual: Luitgarde de Toulouse
- Individual: Adelheid of Toulouse
- Individual: Gui (Guido) I Margrave of Spoleto
- Individual: Mr Mr of Narbonne
- Individual: Adalbert I Count of Rhaetias and in the Thurgau
- Individual: Heli (Jacob)
- Individual: Natroni Gaon of Pumbedia ben Nehemiah
- Individual: Clodius II King of the Franks
- Individual: Eoppa
- Individual: Moalda (Digri) Kinriksdatter
- Individual: Ivar Wide Fathom King of Uppsala and Lethra Halfdansson
- Individual: Braut-Onund Ingvarsson
- Individual: Hersuinda
- Individual: Nebi (Huabi) Duke of Allemania Count in the Linzgau Count in t
- Individual: Adele de Gatinais
- Individual: Fulk I 'the Red' Count of Anjou, Vicomte of Angers
- Individual: Richilde
- Individual: Henry Count of Altdorf and in the Ammergau
- Individual: Willa of Tuscany
- Individual: Rudolph II King of Burgundy and Italy
- Individual: Waldrada of Burgundy
- Individual: Richard 'the Justiciar' Count of Autun and Duke of Burgundy
- Individual: Ermengarde of Burgundy
- Individual: Willa of Burgundy
- Individual: Hildebrandte (Adela, Liegarde) of Princess of West Franks Ne
- Individual: Oda De CONTEVILLE
- Individual: Hugh 'the Great' Count of Paris, Orleans, Vexin, Duke of Fra
- Individual: Ximena (Jimena, Chimene) Fernandez
- Individual: Urraca
- Individual: Sancho I de Len
- Individual: Adosinda Gutierrez
- Individual: Teresa de Len
- Individual: Ordogno III King of Leon
- Individual: Lain of Castile Cavalo
- Individual: Fernan Count of Castile, Leon and Lara Gonzalez
- Individual: Tigrida
- Individual: Elvira Diaz of Saldana
- Individual: Gonzalo Count of Galicia Menendez
- Individual: Hucbald Count of Ostrevant
- Individual: Raoul I 'de Cambrai' Count of Valois d'Amiens and Vexin
- Individual: Ludolph Duke of Saxony, Count in East Saxony
- Individual: Bertila of Spoleto
- Individual: Gisela of Princess of Italy
- Individual: Gerberge of Italy
- Individual: Ava
- Individual: Eberhard Count in the Sulichgau
- Individual: Konrad II Margrave of Burgundy
- Individual: Adalgunde of Burgundy
- Individual: Giselle
- Individual: Adalbert I Margrave of Ivrea
- Individual: Guerri I Count of Morvois
- Individual: Beatrice Countess Vermandois Morvois
- Individual: Baldwin II of Blois
- Individual: Sporta de Bretagne
- Individual: Beatrix de Vermandois
- Individual: Herbert II Count of Vermondois & Troyes
- Individual: GRUFFYDD Ap Llewelyn [KING OF GWYNED [KING OF G
- Individual: NN de Vermandois
- Individual: Irmgard (Ermengarde)
- Individual: Ebles 'Manzer' Count of Poitou and Duke of Aquitaine
- Individual: Boso II Count of Vienne King of Lower Burgundy King of Lo
- Individual: Louis III 'the Blind' King of Provence and Italy Beronides
- Individual: Willa of Queen of Upper Burgundy Vienne
- Individual: Thibaud Count of Arles and Vienne
- Individual: Hugh of Count of Provence and Vienne, King of Italy Provence
- Individual: Boso Count of Arles, Margrave of Tuscany
- Individual: Teutberga d'Arles
- Individual: Rainer II Count of Hainault
- Individual: Albrada of Duchess of Lorraine
- Individual: NN of Hainault
- Individual: Giselbert Duke of Lorraine, Count of Hainault
- Individual: Oda of Bavaria
- Individual: Glismode
- Individual: Hedwige Princess of Bavaria
- Individual: Idoine
- Individual: Wilfred I 'el Velloso' Count of Besalu, Gerona, Osona, Urgel
- Individual: Sunifred Count of Besalu
- Individual: Wilfred II Count of Barcelona, Gerona and Osona Borrel
- Individual: Gunhilde
- Individual: Miron II Count of Cerdagne and Besalu
- Individual: Miss Miss of Cambrai
- Individual: Arnold I 'the Old' Count of Flanders & Artois
- Individual: Louis IV 'd'Outremere' King of France
- Individual: Kunigunde Princess of the West Franks
- Individual: Humbert (Hubert, Umberto)
- Individual: Theutberga
- Individual: Wera (Adelaide, Adele)
- Individual: Mrs- Mrs-Jean De CONTEVILLE
- Individual: Garcia Count of Bigorre Arnaldo
- Individual: Andregota Sanchez
- Individual: Sancho II King of Navarre, Count of Aragon Abarca
- Individual: Urraca of Navarre Garces
- Individual: Gersinde de Fezensac
- Individual: Aba (Ava) de Ribagorza
- Individual: Ermengarde Provence
- Individual: Pons III Count TOULOUSE & ALBI
- Individual: Pons III Count of Toulouse, Albi and Dijon
- Individual: Itta (Itana)
- Individual: Jean De CONTEVILLE
- Individual: Gui (Guido) II Duke of Spoleto, Count of Camerino, King of I
- Individual: Lievin Vicount of Narbonne
- Individual: Adalbert 'the Illustrious' Count in the Thurgau and Scherrag
- Individual: Joseph
- Individual: Habibai (Haninai)
- Individual: Marcomir III King of the Franks
- Individual: Eafa
- Individual: Gauthild Alfsdatter
- Individual: Aud Ivarsdotter
- Individual: Ingjald 'ill-ruler' King of Uppsala Braut-Onundson
- Individual: Miss Miss De CONTEVILLE
- Individual: Emma (Imma) of Duchess of Vinzgau Allemania
- Individual: Roscilla de Loches
- Individual: Adele de Vexin
- Individual: Roscille d'Anjou
- Individual: Fulk II 'the Good' Count of Anjou
- Individual: Arsinde d'Anjou
- Individual: Theobald I (Gerlon) Vicount of Troyes
- Individual: Theobald II 'le Tricheur' Count of Blois
- Individual: Gerlotte of Blois
- Individual: Beata (Atha) von Hohenwart
- Individual: Muriel De CONTEVILLE
- Individual: Conrad I 'the Peaceful' King of Burgundy
- Individual: St. St. Adelaide of Burgundy
- Individual: Boniface Count of Bologna Prince & Margrave of Spoleto Prince & M
- Individual: Willa of Camerino
- Individual: Raingarde de Dijon
- Individual: Beatrix de France
- Individual: Teresa Ansurez de Moncon
- Individual: Ramiro III de Len
- Individual: Aragonta (Gontroda) Pelaez
- Individual: Vermudo (Bermudo) II 'the Gouty' King of Leon
- Individual: Garcia I Fernandez Count of Castile de Lara
- Individual: Pedro Count of Castile Fernandez
- Individual: Urraca Fernandez
- Individual: Ilduara Pelaez
- Individual: Menendo Count of Galicia Gonzalez
- Individual: Liegard of Countess of Mantes and Meulan Mantes
- Individual: Erenfried I Count in the Bliesgau and in Charmois
- Individual: Eberhard Count in the Bonngau and Keldachgau
- Individual: Anskar III Margrave of Camerino and Spoleto
- Individual: Berenger II King of Italy
- Individual: Adelaide (Adele) de Vermandois
- Individual: Liutgarde de Vermandois
- Individual: Albert I 'the Pious' Count of Vermandois
- Individual: Robert Count of Troyes and Meaux de Vermandois
- Individual: Eldo (Udo) Count in the Wettergau
- Individual: Heribert Count in the Wetterau
- Individual: Konrad Count in the Rhinegau and Duke of Swabia
- Individual: Emilienne
- Individual: Guillaume III Aquitaine Count of Poitiers Count of P
- Individual: Anna of Byzantium
- Individual: Charles Constantine Count of Vienne
- Individual: Wandelmodis
- Individual: Humbert Margrave of Tuscany and Toleto
- Individual: Willa of Arles
- Individual: Adelaide (Aelis) of Burgundy
- Individual: NN of Hainault
- Individual: Rudolph de Mons
- Individual: Berenger Count of Namur
- Individual: Robert I Count of Lomme and Namur
- Individual: Alberade (Aubree) of Lorraine
- Individual: Gerberge of Hainault and Lorraine
- Individual: Berlinda
- Individual: Adelaide de Toulouse
- Individual: Borrell II Count of Barcelona and Gerona, Odona and Gerona
- Individual: Gersenda of Toulouse
- Individual: Richilde of Barcelona
- Individual: Oliva II Count of Cerdagne and Besalu
- Individual: Isaac Count of Cambrai
- Individual: Arnaud Count and Bishop of Cambrai
- Individual: Charles of Duke of Lower Lorraine, Prince of France Laon
- Individual: Matilda Princess of France de France
- Individual: Wigerich Count of Trier & Ardennes
- Individual: Luitgarde of Chiny
- Individual: Gonzelon Count of Ardennes d'Ardennes
- Individual: Frederick I Duke of Upper Lorraine
- Individual: Siegfried Count of Luxemburg and in the Moselgau
- Individual: Richwin Count of Verdun
- Individual: Otto of Lorraine
- Individual: Miss Miss of Spoleto
- Individual: Humbert (Umberto) I 'Bianca Mano' Count of Aosta & Maurienne
- Individual: Artaud II Count of Lyon and la Forez de Forez
- Individual: Geraud II Count of la Forez, Rohau and Lyon
- Individual: Ricar d'Astarac
- Individual: Gersende
- Individual: Garcia IV 'the Tremulous' King of Navarre Sanchez
- Individual: Robert I, Count AUVERGNE
- Individual: Guillaume IV Count Toulouse
- Individual: Almodis (Almode) de la Haute Marche
- Individual: Almode of Toulouse
- Individual: William IV Count of Toulouse
- Individual: Angiltrude and or Judith (Itta)
- Individual: Rothieda (Rohaut) of Spoleto
- Individual: Mayeul Vicount of Narbonne
- Individual: Berkhard Count in the Baar, Marquis in Rhaetia
- Individual: Mary
- Individual: St. St. James (Joseph of Arimathea)
- Individual: Theuderic IV (Thierry, Makhir) Duke of Toulouse, Count of Au
- Individual: Clodomir III King of the Franks
- Individual: N.N. of Princess of Kent Kent
- Individual: Eahlmund (Edmund) King of Kent
- Individual: Rurick (Hroerekr) King of Lethra
- Individual: Harold Hilditonn King of Lethra
- Individual: Radbard King of Garderidge (Russia)
- Individual: Randver Radbardsson
- Individual: Gauthild Algoutsdottir
- Individual: Olaf 'Trekalia' King of Vermaland Injaldsson
- Individual: Gerold I Count in the Linzgau, Duke of Allemania Vinzgau
- Individual: Hildegarde Countess of Linzgau
- Individual: Hadrian Count of Orleans
- Individual: Ulrich I Count of Argengau
- Individual: Gautier (Walter) I Count of Valois and Vexin
- Individual: Gautier (Walter) II 'the White' Count of Valois, Vexin and A
- Individual: Alain IV 'Strongbeard' Duc de Bretagne
- Individual: Hoel II Comte de Nantes
- Individual: Gerberge of the Gastinais
- Individual: Adelaide (Blanche) of Anjou
- Individual: Geoffrey I Count of Anjou, Seneschal of France Grisgonelle
- Individual: Odo (Eudes) I Count of Blois, Chartres, Tours
- Individual: Emma, Countess Of CHAMPAIGNE [DUCHESS OF AQUI [DUCHESS O
- Individual: Hildegarde
- Individual: Gerberge of Princess of Burgundy Burgundy
- Individual: Mathilda of Princess of Burgundy Burgundy
- Individual: Bertha of Princess of Burgundy Burgundy
- Individual: Hedwig Princess of France de France
- Individual: Gilette Princess Of France
- Individual: Gisela Princess of France
- Individual: Elvira Garcia de Castile
- Individual: Alfonso V King of Castile and Leon
- Individual: Sancho Count of Castile Garcia
- Individual: Salvador Perez
- Individual: Totadomna (Toda)
- Individual: Elvira (Eloisa) Menendez
- Individual: Urraca Princess of Navarre Garces
- Individual: Dadone Count of Pombia
- Individual: Adalbert II King of Lombardy
- Individual: Gerberge of Princess of Italy Ivrea
- Individual: Susanna (Rosella) of Princess of Italy Italy
- Individual: Oda de Conteville
- Individual: Guillaume I 'Longsword' Duke of Normandy
- Individual: Gui Count of Soissons de Vermandois
- Individual: Herbert III Count of Vermandois
- Individual: Adelaide de Vermandois and Troyes
- Individual: Ermentrude of Avalgau
- Individual: Ermentrude von Gleiberg
- Individual: Judith Duchess of Swabia
- Individual: Judith von der Wetterau
- Individual: Hermann II Duke of Swabia
- Individual: Boson II Count of Provence and Avignon
- Individual: Richard Prince of Provence
- Individual: Constance of Provence
- Individual: Lambert I 'the Bearded' Count of Louvain
- Individual: Regnier IV Count of Hainault
- Individual: Graf Graf Nevelung von der Betuwe
- Individual: Bertha von der Betuwe
- Individual: Rudolph von der Betuwe
- Individual: Adele de Vienne
- Individual: Gossuin I de Mons
- Individual: Adalbert (Albert) I Count of Namur
- Individual: Albert Count MOHA
- Individual: Miss Miss Countess Of MOHA
- Individual: Ragnvald Count of Roucy de Rouci
- Individual: Giselbert Count of Roucy and Vicomte of Rheims
- Individual: Ermentrude Queen of Lombardy, Countess of Macon de Roucy
- Individual: Raymond Borrel I Count of Barcelona, Gerona and Osona
- Individual: Armengol (Ermangaude) I Count of Urgel
- Individual: Ermengarde of the Ampurias
- Individual: Bernard I Count of Besalu Tallaferro
- Individual: Sigefred Le Danois GUISNES
- Individual: Arnulf (Arnold) II 'the Young' Count of Flanders
- Individual: Dirk II Count of Holland
- Individual: Arnulf I Count of West Friesland
- Individual: Wickmann II Count of Ghent and Hamalant
- Individual: Ermengarde (Adelaide) of Lorraine
- Individual: Gerberge of Lower Lorraine
- Individual: Eberhard IV Count in the Nordgau and Alsace
- Individual: Hugh V Count in the Nordgau
- Individual: Gerhard Count of Alsace
- Individual: Grin Hedwig von Nordgau
- Individual: Adalbert Count of Metz
- Individual: Matfried
- Individual: Uda of Metz
- Individual: Godfrey 'the Captive' Count of Verdun and Bidgau d'Ardennes
- Individual: Henry Count of Verdun
- Individual: Dietrich I Count of Bar and Duke of Upper Lorraine
- Individual: Princess Princess of Lorraine
- Individual: Frederick I Count of Luxemburg and in the Moselgau
- Individual: Eva of Luxemburg
- Individual: Luitgarde of Luxemburg
- Individual: Ermengarde of Lorraine
- Individual: Auxilia
- Individual: Odo (Otto) I Count of Maurienne Margrave of Susa Margrave o
- Individual: Amadeo I Count of Savoy
- Individual: Adelaide
- Individual: Bernard Rodger Count of Bigorre Lord of Foix Lord of Fo
- Individual: Gilberga (Hermesenda) de Conserans
- Individual: Clemence de Foix
- Individual: Stephanie de Foix
- Individual: Bernard II Count of Bigorre
- Individual: Sancho Garcia III 'the Great' King of Navarre, Count of Cast
- Individual: Philippa (Mathilde Or Toulouse
- Individual: Emma de Mortaigne
- Individual: Adalbert I Count Duke of Margrave of Tuscany Margrave o
- Individual: Adalbert II 'the Rich' Count Duke of Margrave of Tusc Margrave o
- Individual: Raimodis (Raymonde)
- Individual: Aubri Vicount of Narbonne, Count of Macon
- Individual: Francon II Vicomte de Narbonne
- Individual: Berkhard II Duke of Swabia
- Individual: Anna
- Individual: Anna (Enygeus)
- Individual: William of Duke of Toulouse, Margrave of Septimania Gellone
- Individual: Bertha (Auda) of Autun
- Individual: Antenor IV King of the Franks
- Individual: Egbert 'the Great' Under-King of Kent, Wessex, & England
- Individual: Halfdan Margrave of Frisia
- Individual: Sigurd King of Denmark Randversson
- Individual: Solveig Halfdansdotter
- Individual: Halfdan 'Huitbein' King of the Uplanders of Sweden Olafsson
- Individual: Eudes (Odo) Count of Orleans
- Individual: Miss Miss of Orleans
- Individual: Waldrada (Wiltrud) of Orleans
- Individual: Vulgrim Count of Agen, Angouleme and Perigord
- Individual: Ulrich II Count in the Argengau and in the Linzgau
- Individual: Adele de Senlis
- Individual: Walter Count of Vexin Dreux
- Individual: Gerberga Grisgonelle
- Individual: Ermengard d'Anjou
- Individual: Maurice D' Anjou
- Individual: Geoffroy D' Anjou
- Individual: Foulques III "le Anjou
- Individual: Odo II (Eudes) Count of Blois and Champagen
- Individual: Hugh I Vicomte de Chateaudun
- Individual: Geoffrey II Vicomte de Chateaudun
- Individual: Bernard I Count of Westphalia von Werl
- Individual: Graf Graf Hermann II von Werl
- Individual: Count Count NN
- Individual: Bertha of Burgundy
- Individual: Hugues "The Grand" Prince Of FRANCE
- Individual: Henri I King of France, Duke of Burgundy, Count of Paris
- Individual: Robert I 'the Old' Duke of Burgundy, Prince of France
- Individual: Constance Princess Of France
- Individual: Constance Princess of France de France
- Individual: Hugues III, Count DASBOURY
- Individual: Renaud Count Of NEVERS
- Individual: Hugh I Seigneur de Abbeville de Montreuil
- Individual: Enguerrand (Engelram) Count of Poitou and Montreuil Ponthieu
- Individual: Jimina (Ximena) de Leon
- Individual: Sancha (Sanchia) Princess of Castile de Castile
- Individual: Sancha Sanchez
- Individual: Munia Mayor
- Individual: Urraca Salvadores
- Individual: Gerberga of Macon
- Individual: Otton I (Otto Guillaume) King of Lombardy, Count of Lombardy Count of B
- Individual: Gerberge of Princess of Lombardy Lombardy
- Individual: Aleram Marchese di Liguria and Piedmont, Count of Savona
- Individual: Anselm I Marchese di Savona
- Individual: Hugh Count Of MEULAN
- Individual: Galeran III Count of Meulan
- Individual: Adeliza (Adeline) de Meulent
- Individual: Robert Earl of Cornwall, Count of Mortain de Mortaigne
- Individual: Muriel de Conteville
- Individual: Andre VITRE
- Individual: Adelaide
- Individual: Ermengarde Countess Vermandois de Bar-sur-Seine
- Individual: Lambert Count of Chalons, Vicount of Dijon and Autun d'Autun
- Individual: Matilda (Mahaut) Dame de Donzy
- Individual: Gisele Duchess of Swabia
- Individual: Beatrice of Swabia
- Individual: Matilda of Swabia
- Individual: Guillaume V "The Great" Aquitaine
- Individual: William I Count of Arles and Provence
- Individual: Rotbaud Count of Provence
- Individual: Fredeburga
- Individual: Lambert II Count of Louvain and Brussels
- Individual: Henry I of Louvain
- Individual: Ladrade de Louvain
- Individual: Beatrice of Hainault
- Individual: Benoite
- Individual: Ermengarde of Namur
- Individual: Hedwig
- Individual: Heinrich I Count EGISHEIM
- Individual: Gerhard II EGISHEIM
- Individual: Hugo VIII Count DAGSBURG
- Individual: Albrecht I Count DAGSBURG
- Individual: Bruno Count Of EGISHEIM
- Individual: Lietaud I Seigneur de Marle
- Individual: Judith (Jutta) de Roucy
- Individual: Ermsinde de Carcassonne
- Individual: Godeheut of Barcelona
- Individual: Raymond (Ramon) Berenger I 'al Cuerva' Marquis and Count of
- Individual: Adelaide of Barcelona
- Individual: Gerberge (Teutberga) of Provence
- Individual: Armengol (Ermengaude) II Count of Urgel
- Individual: Constance Velasquita of Besalu
- Individual: Baldwin IV Count of Flanders de Lille
- Individual: Eudes Count of Cambrai
- Individual: Adele of Ghent
- Individual: Blanca D' ARELAT
- Individual: Albert I Count Namur
- Individual: Hedwig De Namur
- Individual: Hugh VI Count of Egisheim and in the Nordgau von Egisheim
- Individual: Gerhard II Count in the Alsacian Nordgau
- Individual: Gisele of Metz
- Individual: Adelaide (Adelheid) of Alsace
- Individual: Richard (Berhard) Count of Matz
- Individual: Mathilda of Saxony
- Individual: Adelaide d'Ardennes
- Individual: Richilde von Metz
- Individual: Frederick II Count of Bar and Duke of Upper Lorraine von Obe
- Individual: Berthold I Palatine of Bavaria
- Individual: Freidrich I Count of the Ober Isar
- Individual: Amadeus (Amadeo) II Count of Savoy Margrave of Susa Margrave o
- Individual: Bertha Countess of Maurienne
- Individual: Adelheid of Maurienne
- Individual: Thietburge (Thietburga) de Savoie
- Individual: Clemence
- Individual: Clemencia de Bigorre
- Individual: Sancha Dame of Aybar de Aybar
- Individual: Ramiro I King of Aragon
- Individual: Garcia IV King of Navarre
- Individual: Fernando I 'the Great' King of Castile and Leon
- Individual: Lambert of Spoleto Margrave of Tuscany Margrave o
- Individual: Gui (Guido) Count Duke of Margrave of Tuscany Margrave o
- Individual: Ermengarde of Tuscany
- Individual: Attelane de Macon
- Individual: Lietaud II Count of Macon
- Individual: Humbert I Sire de Salins
- Individual: Ersinde de Roussillon
- Individual: Odo Vicomte de Narbonne
- Individual: Regilinda von Thurgau
- Individual: Bertha of Queen of Burgundy Swabia
- Individual: Gilbour von Hornbach
- Individual: Bernard Count of Autun, Margrave of Septimania
- Individual: Fredelon
- Individual: Senegonde
- Individual: Ratherius King of the Franks
- Individual: Lady Lady Redburga (Raedburh)
- Individual: Alfhild Gandoldottir
- Individual: Ragnar Danish King at Lethra Sigurdsson
- Individual: Asa Eysteinsdotter
- Individual: Gudrod 'Mikillati' King of Vestfold and Roumarike Halfdansso
- Individual: Eystein 'the Fart' of Westfold
- Individual: Ermentrude of Orleans
- Individual: Guiguin Count of Soissons
- Individual: Eudes Count of Troyes
- Individual: William Count of Perigord and Agen
- Individual: Adela
- Individual: Ralph 'the Timid' Earl of Suffolk de Sudeley
- Individual: William II 'Taillefer' Count of AngoulÃ…e
- Individual: Geoffrey I 'Taillefer' Count of AngoulÃ…e
- Individual: Conan I 'le Tort' Duke of Brittany Comte de Rennes Comte de R
- Individual: Geoffrey Duke of Brittany
- Individual: Judith of Rennes and Brittany
- Individual: Xaintonge
- Individual: Elizabeth De Vendome
- Individual: Gerberge D' Anjou
- Individual: Adele D' Anjou
- Individual: Hildegarde Countess Of Anjou
- Individual: Elizabeth D' Anjou [COUNTESS OF COU [COUNTESS
- Individual: Geoffroy II "Martel" Anjou
- Individual: Bertha of Blois
- Individual: Helvise (Elizabeth)
- Individual: Rotrou I Count of Montagne
- Individual: Godila von Rothenburg
- Individual: Bernard III Count of Westphalia
- Individual: Henry II von Werl
- Individual: a Count of Geneva
- Individual: Gerold I Count of Geneva
- Individual: Renaud I Count NEVERS
- Individual: Mathilde De Friesland
- Individual: Hermengastin
- Individual: Anna (Agnes) of Kiev Jaroslawna
- Individual: Philippe I King of France
- Individual: Hugh Magnus Count of Vermandois, Duke of France and Burgundy
- Individual: Helie de Semur
- Individual: Henry I Duke of Burgundy
- Individual: Constance of Burgundy
- Individual: Hildegarde, Princess Of France
- Individual: Hugues Count Of DAMMARTIN
- Individual: Manasses Count of Dammartin
- Individual: Hugh Count of Dammartin
- Individual: Fernando Gundemarez
- Individual: Christina Fernandez
- Individual: Mathilda of Princess of Burgundy (Ivrea) Burgundy
- Individual: Gerberge of Burgundy
- Individual: Raymond I Count of Burgundy
- Individual: Otto I of Marchese of Montferrat Montferrat
- Individual: Gisela of Vincenza
- Individual: Roger Lord of Pont-Audemer de Beaumont
- Individual: Henri Earl of Warwick de Beaumont
- Individual: Matilda (Maud) de Montgomery
- Individual: Agnes de Mortaigne
- Individual: William Earl of Cornwall de Mortaigne
- Individual: Eudo Viscount of Contentin de Capello
- Individual: Muriel a la Chapel
- Individual: William Seigneur Of LA FERTE MACE
- Individual: Lambert De II LEUS
- Individual: Eudo Al Chapel
- Individual: Eudo (Yon) De Capello
- Individual: Judith d'Avranches
- Individual: Hugh Earl of Chester d'Avranches
- Individual: Geoffrey II Seigneur de Semur
- Individual: Lambert
- Individual: Ernst I Margrave of Austria, Duke of Swabia von Babenburg
- Individual: Hermann IV Duke of Swabia
- Individual: Leopold Duke of Swabia
- Individual: Ernst II Duke of Swabia
- Individual: Adalbert Margrave of Carinthia
- Individual: Wilibirg von Eppenstein
- Individual: Agnes Princess Of Aquitaine
- Individual: Guillaume VIII Aquitaine
- Individual: William V (Peter) Count of Poitou
- Individual: Beatrix of Poitou
- Individual: Ermengarde
- Individual: William II Count of Provence and Arles
- Individual: Toda of Provence
- Individual: Ermengarde
- Individual: Emma VENAISSIN [CntessofProvenc [CntessofP
- Individual: Dyddgu Verch IORWERTH
- Individual: Eustache I Count Boulogne
- Individual: Lambert II of Boulogne [Count of Lens] [Count of
- Individual: Eustache II Count Boulogne
- Individual: Eustace II 'aux Gernons' Count of Boulogne and Lens
- Individual: Eustace III Count Of Boulogne
- Individual: Oda von Niederlothringen
- Individual: Maud of Lorraine
- Individual: Folcard de Gand
- Individual: Otto I Count of Warcq and Chiny
- Individual: Gerhard IV Count of Alsace and Chatenois
- Individual: Richarda Countess Of EGISHEIM
- Individual: Helwide (Edith) Countess EGISHEIM
- Individual: Mathilde De Montbeliard
- Individual: Hedwig
- Individual: Ermisende De Luxembourg [COUNTESS OF DAG [COUNTESS
- Individual: Lietaud II Seigneur de Marle
- Individual: Manasses III Count of Rethel
- Individual: Hugh I Count of Rethel
- Individual: Alice (Isabelle, Adelaide) de Roucy
- Individual: Roger 'the Spaniard' Standard Bearer-Normandy de Toeni
- Individual: Ralph III Seignuer de Conches de Toeni
- Individual: Adeliza de Toeni
- Individual: Robert de Stafford
- Individual: Raymond Berenger I 'el Viejo' of Count of Barcelona, Gerona,
- Individual: Gisela of Lluca
- Individual: Sibylle (Sybilla) of Barcelona
- Individual: Armengol (Ermengaude) III Count of Urgel
- Individual: Judith of Countess of Northumberland Flanders
- Individual: Odele of Bois Ferrand
- Individual: Gerhard III (IV) Lorraine [COUNT OF ALSACE [COUNT OF
- Individual: Thierry I (Dietricht Lorraine
- Individual: Gerhard I Count VAUDEMONT
- Individual: Beatrice, Princess Of Lorraine
- Individual: Heilwig von Dagsburg
- Individual: Miss Miss von Egisheim
- Individual: Berta
- Individual: Graf Graf Poppo I von Lauffen
- Individual: Henry of Duke of Franconia and Carinthia Franconia
- Individual: Conrad II 'the Salic' of King of Germany, Italy, Burgundy
- Individual: Adalbert II Count in the Saargau and Metz
- Individual: Sophie Comtesse De BAR
- Individual: Hemma Countess ofd Ohningen
- Individual: Friedrich II Count of Diessen
- Individual: Guelph II Duke Bavaria
- Individual: Cunigunde Princess Of Bavaria
- Individual: Cunigunde Princess of Bavaria
- Individual: Waltam Limburg
- Individual: Henri I Duke Lorraine [COUNT OF LIMBUR [COUNT OF
- Individual: Umberto II 'il Gross' Count of Maurienne and Savoy Marquis o Marquis of
- Individual: Raimund Berenger II (III) Count Of BARCELONA
- Individual: Rudolph Duke of Swabia von Rheinfelden
- Individual: Adelaide of Queen of Hungary Rheinfelden
- Individual: Louis I Seigneur de Faucigny
- Individual: Sancho Ramirez I (Ramiro IV)) King of Aragon
- Individual: Sancho (Sancho IV) King of Navarre Garcia
- Individual: Alfonso VI 'the Brave' King of Castile and Leon
- Individual: Giovanni Count of Laurino
- Individual: Marozia (Mariuccia) Senatrix and Patria of Rome
- Individual: Adalbert III Margrave of Tuscany
- Individual: Berta
- Individual: Matilda De BRAOSE
- Individual: Alberic II (Aubri) Count of Macon and Burgundy Macon
- Individual: Windelmode
- Individual: Humbert II Count of Salins and Macon
- Individual: Wandelmodis de Salins
- Individual: Adela of Salins
- Individual: Matfred Vicomte de Narbonne
- Individual: Dhoude (Liegard)
- Individual: Roselinde (Regelinde) Countess of Agen
- Individual: Richimer I King of the Franks
- Individual: Judith of Wessex
- Individual: Laurette De BRAOSE
- Individual: Aethelred I King of Wessex
- Individual: Alfred 'the Great' King of England
- Individual: Aslang of Denmark
- Individual: Bjorn Swedish King at Uppsala Ragnarsson
- Individual: Ivar 'the Boneless' King of Dublin Ragnarsson
- Individual: Sigurd II 'dragon eye' King of Denmark
- Individual: Alof Ragnardottir
- Individual: Asa Haraldsdottir
- Individual: Olaf II Gudrodsson
- Individual: Halfdan 'the Black' King of Vestfold, Agde and Sogn
- Individual: Hild Ericsdottir
- Individual: Halfdan 'the Old'
- Individual: Harold King of Haithabu
- Individual: Geva
- Individual: Wandilmode von Worms
- Individual: Emma of Perigord
- Individual: Gytha
- Individual: Petronal (Petronille) d'Archiac
- Individual: Alan III Duke of Brittany
- Individual: Eudes 'Penthievre' de Brittany
- Individual: Geoffrey (Galfridus) Taillefer de ridel
- Individual: Alaizie (Alaazie) Mrs TAILLEFER
- Individual: Count Count De NEVERS BODO
- Individual: BODO (Eudes) Count NEVERS
- Individual: Fulk Count Of Vendome
- Individual: HUGONIS Count Of Coumont
- Individual: Count Count Of Coumont HUGONIS
- Individual: Agnes De Burgundy
- Individual: Grecia
- Individual: Adela (Adelaide) de Domfront
- Individual: Geoffrey II Count of Perche and Montagne du Perche
- Individual: Aimon I Count of Geneva
- Individual: Gisela
- Individual: Johanna of Geneva
- Individual: Son Son De CREPI [Count of Verman [Count of
- Individual: Bertha Countess Of Holland [QUEEN OF FRANCE [QUEEN OF
- Individual: Louis VI, "The France
- Individual: Constansia Princess Of France
- Individual: Charles Prince Of France
- Individual: Henry Prince Of France
- Individual: Eudes Prince Of France
- Individual: Bertha van Holland
- Individual: Constance Princess of France de France
- Individual: Louis VI 'the Fat' King of France
- Individual: Bertrade de Montfort
- Individual: Adelaide Countess of Vermandois and Valois de Vermandois
- Individual: Agnes de Vermandois
- Individual: Henry I of Count of Portugal Burgundy
- Individual: Eudes I Duke of Burgundy Borel
- Individual: Hugues II Comte CHALON-SUR-SAONE
- Individual: Roaide Countess Of Bulles
- Individual: Aelis De DAMMARTIN
- Individual: Roaide (Rohais) Countess of Bulles de Bulles
- Individual: Diego Count of Orviedo Rodriguez
- Individual: Landeric (Laundry) III Seigneur de Maers, Count of Nevers an
- Individual: Renaud I Count of Nevers and Auxerre
- Individual: Guillaume II 'the Great' Count of Burgundy and Macon
- Individual: William I of Marchese of Montferrat Montferrat
- Individual: Henry De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Geoffrey De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Robert De Neubourg ["Steward of Nor ["Steward
- Individual: Rotrou BISHOP Of EVREUX [Archbishop of R [Archbisho
- Individual: Richard De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Margery De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Agnes De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Emma De BRETEULL
- Individual: Marguerite de la Perche
- Individual: Andre I Seigneur de Vitre de Vitre
- Individual: Robert de Vitre
- Individual: Isabel Fitz Richard de Clare
- Individual: Beatrice Fitz Richard
- Individual: Aldhelm (Adelmus) de Mortaigne
- Individual: Robert de la Haye
- Individual: Richard II de l'Aigle
- Individual: Gilbert Seigneur de l'Aigle de l'Aigle
- Individual: Richer Seigneur de l'Aigle
- Individual: Richer (Richard)De LAIGLE
- Individual: Gilbert De LAIGLE
- Individual: Maud De LAIGLE [Countess of Nor [Countess
- Individual: Baldwin BRIONIS
- Individual: Guilbert (De Pershale) Corbeil
- Individual: Erembourg
- Individual: Gebhard I Count of Sulzbach
- Individual: Hermann I Count of Castile
- Individual: Ottokar VI Count in the Chiemgau
- Individual: Guillaume VII (IX) Aquitaine
- Individual: Odo De CONTEVILLE
- Individual: Beatrix Princess Of Aquitaine
- Individual: Clemence of Poitou
- Individual: Raymond I Count of Melgueil
- Individual: Ermengarde of Melgueil
- Individual: Pierre (Peter) Count of Substantion Melgueil
- Individual: Robert I Count of Auvergne
- Individual: Ermengarde of Auvergne
- Individual: Fulk Count of Provence Bertrand
- Individual: Judith Of Boulogne [Countess of Hun [Countess
- Individual: Ida De Bouillon
- Individual: Mathilde De CONTEVILLE
- Individual: Marie De Boulogne
- Individual: Eustache III Count Boulogne
- Individual: Baudouin I, De Boulogne [KING OF JERUSAL [KING OF J
- Individual: Godfrey De Bouillon
- Individual: Godgifu (Goda) of England
- Individual: Melisende de Montlhery
- Individual: Emma De CONTEVILLE
- Individual: Godegroi IV Sire de Rumigny de Rumigny
- Individual: Nicolas I de Rumigny
- Individual: Ade de Rumigny
- Individual: Hildouin III Count of de Mondidier
- Individual: Adela (Agnes) of Rameru and Montdidier
- Individual: Felicie de Roucy
- Individual: Beatrice de Montdidier
- Individual: Hildouin IV Count of Montdidier de Montdidier
- Individual: Isabel de Montfort
- Individual: Roger Earl of East Anglia le Bigod
- Individual: Harlette De FALAISE
- Individual: William Fitz Osbern Earl of Hereford de Breteuil
- Individual: Avice de Clare
- Individual: Raymond Berenger II 'Cabeza de Estope' Count of Barcelona, G
- Individual: Armengol (Ermengaude) IV Count of Urgel
- Individual: Welf IV Duke of Bavaria
- Individual: Henry I 'the Black' Duke of Bavaria
- Individual: Adalbert De Gand
- Individual: Ralph De Gand
- Individual: Robert I 'the Frisian' Count of Flanders and Holland
- Individual: Baldwin I (VI of Flanders) Count of Hainault
- Individual: Harlevin De CONTEVILLE
- Individual: Judith (Fausta) Countess NORTHUMBRIA
- Individual: Hedwig Formbach
- Individual: Simon I Duke Lorraine
- Individual: Petronille Princess of Oberlothringen
- Individual: Dietrich (Thierry) D' ALSACE [COUNT OF FLANDE [COUNT OF
- Individual: Gisele De VAUDEMONT
- Individual: Otto Duke of Swabia
- Individual: Hildegarde von Bar-Mousson
- Individual: Henry III 'the Black' King of Germany
- Individual: Judith (Jutta)
- Individual: Adalbert III Count of Longwy, Duke of Upper Lorraine
- Individual: Gerhard Count of Metz, Duke of Upper Lorraine
- Individual: Louis Comte De MONTBELLIARD
- Individual: Brunon MONTBELLIARD
- Individual: Thierry II (Dietrich BAR & MONTBELIAR
- Individual: Louis MONTBELLIARD
- Individual: Frederic Lucelembourge
- Individual: Mathilde Montbelliard
- Individual: Sophie MONTBELLIARD
- Individual: Beatrix MONTBELLIARD
- Individual: Irmgarde Countess of Gilching
- Individual: Haziga of Diessen
- Individual: Azo II Marquis ESTE
- Individual: Guelph IV Duke Bavaria
- Individual: Adelheid Lorraine
- Individual: Walram III Lorraine
- Individual: Adele de Savoie
- Individual: Amadeus (Amadeo) III Count of Savoy Marquis of Maurienne Marquis of
- Individual: Ladislas I 'the Saint' King of Hungary
- Individual: Ramiro II 'the Monk' King of Navarre & Aragon
- Individual: Constanza of Moranon
- Individual: Urraca Princess of Castile and Leon de Len
- Individual: Sancha de Castile
- Individual: Teresa Princess of Castile de Castile
- Individual: Elvira de Castile
- Individual: Gaitelgrima
- Individual: Giovanni II Prince of Salerno
- Individual: Alberto Azzo (Oberto) Count of Lucca
- Individual: Beatrice of Burgundy (Macon)
- Individual: Gautier I Sire de Salins
- Individual: Domnus Guiges II Sire de Vion
- Individual: Guiges III Sire de Vion
- Individual: Berard de Beaujeu
- Individual: Humbert I Sire de Beaujeu
- Individual: Gui I Count of Tonnerre
- Individual: Milo III Count of Tonnerre
- Individual: Windesmode of Salins
- Individual: Raimond I Comte de Narbonne
- Individual: Odemar King of the Franks
- Individual: Wulfthryth
- Individual: Aethelhelm Earldorman of Wiltshire
- Individual: Lady Lady Eahlswith (Alswitha) of Mercia
- Individual: Aelfthryth of Princess of England Wessex
- Individual: Edward 'the Elder' King of England and Wessex
- Individual: Aethelflaed Lady of Mercia
- Individual: Erik Swedish King at Uppsala Bjornsson
- Individual: Heluna Princess of England
- Individual: Horda-Canute (Knutr I) King of Staelland
- Individual: Thora Sigurdsdottir
- Individual: Hunda-Steinar of Earl of England England
- Individual: Bjorn Hundasson
- Individual: Helgi Olafsson
- Individual: Rognvald Olafsson
- Individual: Harold I 'Haarfager' Overking of Norway
- Individual: Hilf Daysdottir
- Individual: Ivar Jarl of the Uplanders of Norway Oplaendinge
- Individual: Emhild of Engern
- Individual: Halfdan King of Haithabu
- Individual: Herzog Widukind von Sachsen
- Individual: Wikbert von Sachsen
- Individual: Wittikind Duke of Westphalian Saxons
- Individual: Hasalda
- Individual: Boso I Count de la Marche
- Individual: Agnes of Cornwall
- Individual: Aldegarde Mrs Guillaume Provence
- Individual: Agnes Perigord
- Individual: Geoffrey Ridel
- Individual: Petronille Vendome
- Individual: Hildegard de Baugency
- Individual: Julienne du Perche
- Individual: Matilda (Maud) du Perche
- Individual: Ida of Faucigny
- Individual: Amadeo (Amadeus) I Count of Geneva
- Individual: Mr Mr MARCIS [Marquis del Vas [Marquis d
- Individual: Raoul De Beaugency
- Individual: Agnes De Beaugency
- Individual: Godefroi (Gottfried) De LAFERTE-GAUCHER
- Individual: Eleonore De Champagne
- Individual: Alix De Poitou
- Individual: Laurette De Lothringen
- Individual: Hugh III De GOURNAY
- Individual: Louis VII King France
- Individual: Hugh Count Of Troyes
- Individual: Boemond I Prince ANTIOCHE
- Individual: Louis VII 'the Young' King of France
- Individual: Robert I Prince of France, Count of Dreux, etc.
- Individual: Pierre Prince of France de France
- Individual: Bonifacio I Marchese di Savona Vasto
- Individual: Alfonso I King of Portugal Henriques
- Individual: Helie (Alice) of Burgundy
- Individual: Hugh II 'the Peaceful' Duke of Burgundy
- Individual: Aubrey De Mello
- Individual: William I Count of Nevers and Auxerre
- Individual: Clemence of Burgundy
- Individual: Gisele of Burgundy
- Individual: Raymond of Count of Castile, Galicia, Coimbra and d'Amous Bu
- Individual: Stephen Count of Vienne Macon & Burgundy
- Individual: Sibylle (Mathilda) of Burgundy
- Individual: Ermentrude De Burgundy
- Individual: Uvaza
- Individual: Godeheut De TOENI
- Individual: Gundred De Warwick [Countess of Nor [Countess
- Individual: William De Newburgh Warwick
- Individual: Agnes Of Warwick
- Individual: Margaret Of Warwick
- Individual: Henry Warwick
- Individual: Waleran Earl Of Warwick
- Individual: Simon EUREUX
- Individual: Amice De (Uta) GAEL (WAIET) [COUNTESS OF LEI [COUNTESS
- Individual: Isabel Or Elizabeth BEAUMONT
- Individual: Margaret De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Roger De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Hawise "De Beaumont" Leicester [COUNTESS OF GLO [COUNTESS
- Individual: Gervace De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Lade (Elizabeth) De BEAUMONT
- Individual: William De BEAUMONT
- Individual: John De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Geoffrey De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Henry De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Robert "Blanchmains" Harcourt [EARL OF LEICEST [EARL OF L
- Individual: Alice ESTOUTEVILLE
- Individual: Almarie De Montfort
- Individual: Hugh DE NOVE
- Individual: William TORNVEL
- Individual: Hugh IV De Montfort [Seigneur]
- Individual: Richard De GRENVILLE [Earl Corbeil] [Earl Corb
- Individual: Maud Princess Of England [Countess of Wor [Countess
- Individual: Waleran De MELLENTO
- Individual: Amauri De MELLENTO [Seigneur of La [Seigneur
- Individual: Isabel De MELLENTO
- Individual: Ralph De MELLENTO
- Individual: Stephen De MELLENTO
- Individual: Hawise De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Roger De MELLENTO [Viscount of Evr [Viscount
- Individual: Emma de la Guerche
- Individual: Reginald de Dunstanville Earl of Cornwall Fitz Roy
- Individual: Agnes
- Individual: Julienne Du Perche
- Individual: Robert De MOWBRAY (MONTBRA [Earl of Northum [Earl of N
- Individual: Gebhard II Count of Sulzbach
- Individual: Mathilde Countess of Kastl
- Individual: Guillaume X Duke Aquitaine [COUNT OF POITOU [COUNT OF
- Individual: Matilda (Agnes) of Aquitaine
- Individual: Agnes (Maud) Princess Aquitaine
- Individual: Gerard I Count of Guelders and Wassenburg Flaminus
- Individual: Conrad I Count of Luxemburg
- Individual: William IV Seigneur de Montpellier
- Individual: William V Seigneur de Montpellier
- Individual: Ermesende de Melgueil
- Individual: NN de Toulouse
- Individual: William Count of Provence and Avignon Bertrand
- Individual: Gerberga of Provence
- Individual: Waltheof Earl Of Northumberland [Earl of Hunting [Earl of H
- Individual: Matilda (Maud) Huntington [QUEEN OF SCOTLA [QUEEN OF
- Individual: Alice (Adeliza) Huntingdon
- Individual: Daughter Daughter Of Boulogne
- Individual: Son Son De Boulogne
- Individual: Mathilde I Countess Boulogne [QUEEN OF ENGLAN [QUEEN OF
- Individual: Godeheut (Godechilde) De TOENI [Queen of Jerusa [Queen of
- Individual: Sancho V King Aragon
- Individual: Ramiro II Sanchez Aragon
- Individual: Arnolfe De HESDING [Earl of Perche] [Earl of P
- Individual: Geoffrey II Count Perche
- Individual: Margaret De Perche [COUNTESS OF WAR [COUNTESS
- Individual: Rotrou II "The Perche [EARL]
- Individual: Maud Countess Of Perche
- Individual: Nicolas II de Rumigny
- Individual: Hugues I Seigneur d'Oisy
- Individual: Hugues II Sire de Cambrai d'Oisy
- Individual: Conan (Falko) I de Grandson
- Individual: Ebal I Seigneur de Grandson de Grandson
- Individual: Arnold (Arnulf) II Count of Warcq, Ivoix and Chiny
- Individual: Otto II Count of Chiny
- Individual: Adelaide de Rheims
- Individual: Marguerite de Roucy
- Individual: Andre Lord of Rameru de Roucy
- Individual: Adele de Roucy
- Individual: Raymond Berenger III 'el Grande' Marquis of Barcelona, Count
- Individual: William III Count of Forcalquier and Marquis of Provence
- Individual: Ukfhild (Wulfhilda) of Saxony
- Individual: Henry 'the Proud' Duke of Saxony and Bavaria
- Individual: Gisele
- Individual: Gertrude Princess of Saxony von Sachsen
- Individual: Richilde von Egisheim
- Individual: Richildis De HAINAULT
- Individual: Baudouin II Count HAINAULT
- Individual: Arnoul III Count Flanders
- Individual: Gertrude Von Saxony
- Individual: Gertrude De Flanders
- Individual: Robert II, Count Flanders
- Individual: Tostig Earl Of NORTHUMBRIA
- Individual: Agatha of Princess of Lorraine
- Individual: Floris II "De Vette" Count of Holland
- Individual: Dirk VI Count of Holland
- Individual: Marguerite De Lorraine [COUNTESS OF FLA [COUNTESS
- Individual: Matthieu D' ALSACE [COUNT OF BOULOG [COUNT OF
- Individual: Gunhild (Kunigunde) KNUTSDATTER PRIN ESS OF DENMARK ESS OF DEN
- Individual: Agnes of Austria
- Individual: Mathilde Princess of the Holy Roman Empire
- Individual: Judith Marie Princess Saxony Queen of Hungary Queen of H
- Individual: Adelheid Princess of the Holy Roman Empire
- Individual: Henry IV of Holy Roman Emperor Franconia
- Individual: Konrad II Duke of Bavaria
- Individual: Matilda (Maud) of Princess of Germany Germany
- Individual: Stephanie of Longwy
- Individual: Ermesinde of Longwy
- Individual: Thierry III de Montbelliard
- Individual: Mechthild von Mmpelgard
- Individual: Renaud I Count of Bar-le-Duc and Mousson
- Individual: Renaud I, Count BAR
- Individual: Louis MORTBELL
- Individual: Thierry II, Count BAR
- Individual: Frederic De BAR
- Individual: Guillaume De BAR
- Individual: Agnes De BAR
- Individual: Agnes, Marquise De SUZE
- Individual: Bertold De ZERINGEN I
- Individual: Heinrich IX (Welf) Bavaria
- Individual: Jutta de Wasseberg
- Individual: Henry II Limburgd
- Individual: Humbert (Umberto) III 'the Saint' Count of Savoy Marquis of Marquis of
- Individual: Matilda (Maud) Queen of Portugal de Savoie
- Individual: Petronilla (Petronal) de Aragon
- Individual: Alfonso I, King ARAGON & NAVARRE
- Individual: Rodrigo 'el Franco' Gonsalez de Lara
- Individual: Rodrigo Rodriguez de Lara
- Individual: Sikelgaita
- Individual: Guaimar III Prince of Salerno
- Individual: Guilla
- Individual: Humbert (Oberto) I Count of Genoa and Tortone, Marchese of I
- Individual: Adalberto II Marchese of Este Count of Vincenza Count of V
- Individual: Arembourge
- Individual: Fredeburga
- Individual: Guiges IV Count in the District of Grenoble
- Individual: Hermelt
- Individual: Guichard I Sire de Beaujeu
- Individual: Engeltrude of Brienne
- Individual: Engelbert III Count of Brienne
- Individual: Richarda of Rodez
- Individual: Berenger I Vicomte de Narbonne
- Individual: Marcomir IV King of the Franks
- Individual: Aethelgyth of Mercia
- Individual: Aethelfrith Earldorman of Wessex and Mercia
- Individual: Aelflaed Queen of England
- Individual: Edgiva (Eadgifu, Aedgifu) of Princess of England England
- Individual: St. St. Eadgyth of Princess of England England
- Individual: Eadgifu (Edgiva) of Kent
- Individual: Edmund I 'the Deed Doer' King of England
- Individual: Aethelred II Duke of Mercia
- Individual: Aelfwyn Lady of Mercia
- Individual: Frotho King of Staelland in Denmark
- Individual: Ingjald Helgasson
- Individual: Aseda Rognvaldsdotter
- Individual: Ragnhild
- Individual: Eric I 'Blood Axe' King of Norway, Jarl of Northumberland
- Individual: Gyda Eriksdatter
- Individual: Alof Aarbod
- Individual: Bijorn 'Kyobmand' Under-king of Vestfold
- Individual: Snaefrid Swasisdottir
- Individual: Miss Miss of Throndheim
- Individual: Eystein 'the Noisy' Jarl of Hedemarken Ivarsson
- Individual: Harold 'Klak' King of Haithabu and Rustringen
- Individual: Odrud
- Individual: Walbert Count in the Threkwitigau von Lerigau
- Individual: Bruno Count in Saxon-Engen
- Individual: Bruno Count of Saxony
- Individual: Miss Miss de Bigot
- Individual: Geoffrey (Galfridus) de Ridel
- Individual: William Duke of Aquitain
- Individual: Raymond I Vicomte de Turrenne
- Individual: Marguerite de Turenne
- Individual: NN von Domene
- Individual: Matilda de Cuiseaux
- Individual: Enguerrand II De COUCY [SEIGNEUR DE LA [SEIGNEUR
- Individual: Marie Princess Of France
- Individual: Alix Princess Of France
- Individual: Eleanor of Duchess of Aquitaine Aquitaine
- Individual: Constance Princess of Castile de Castile
- Individual: Adelaide (Alix) of Blois
- Individual: Agnes Countess of Braine-sur-Vesle de Baudemont
- Individual: Agnes de Garlande
- Individual: Elizabeth de Courtenay
- Individual: Urraca of Princess of Portugal Portugal
- Individual: Teresa (Matilda) Alfonsez
- Individual: Sancho I Martino King of Portugal
- Individual: Adelia De TALVAS (TALVACE)
- Individual: Mathilda de Turenne
- Individual: Joan BASSET
- Individual: Aubrey (Alberic) II DAMMARTIN
- Individual: Ermengarde of Countess of Tonnerre Tonnerre
- Individual: Alfonso VII "Pierre-Raimund" FERNANDEZ King of Castile, Leon King of Ca
- Individual: Godfrey I 'the Bearded' Duke of Brabant and Lower Lorraine
- Individual: Joscelin de Louvaine
- Individual: Rainer III Margrave of Montferrat
- Individual: Guillame III Margrave of Montferrat
- Individual: Alfonso VII King of Castile and Leon
- Individual: William IV Count of Auxerre, Macon and Vienne
- Individual: Renaud III of Bourgogne
- Individual: Hugh BIGOD
- Individual: Roger De GLANVILL
- Individual: Maud PERCY
- Individual: Geoffrey De CLINTON [Chamberlain] [Chamberla
- Individual: Alice De Harcourt
- Individual: Alice De NEWBURG
- Individual: Margery De BOHUN
- Individual: William
- Individual: Felice Dodo
- Individual: William De Gloucester
- Individual: Mary Mrs De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Felice PAGANEL
- Individual: Margaret De Harcourt [Cntss Of Wnchst [Cntss Of
- Individual: Roger Harcourt [BISHOP OF ST. A [BISHOP OF
- Individual: William Harcourt
- Individual: Amicia Harcourt [COUNTESS OF LEI [COUNTESS
- Individual: Geoffrey De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Mabel De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Hawise De BEAUMONT [A NUN]
- Individual: Pernel De Harcourt
- Individual: Robert "Fitz-Parnell" Harcourt [EARL OF LEICEST [EARL OF L
- Individual: Geoffrey De MAYENNE
- Individual: Maurice De CRAON
- Individual: Isabel (Elizabeth) [Viscountess of [Viscounte
- Individual: Bertram De VERDON
- Individual: Richard COSTE
- Individual: Walchelin MANIOT (MAMINOT)
- Individual: Ralph PAGANELL
- Individual: Stephen De BEAUCHAMP
- Individual: Irmgard (Ermengard) von Rot
- Individual: Ratpoto Cham IV
- Individual: Ida Cham
- Individual: Eleanor De Chatellerault
- Individual: Eleanore Princess Of Aquitaine [QUEEN OF ENGLAN [QUEEN OF
- Individual: Adelaide of Ivrea
- Individual: Adelaide
- Individual: Simon De SAINT LIZ
- Individual: Walthe of De SAINT LIZ
- Individual: Simon De SAINT LIZ (SENLI )
- Individual: Maud SAINT LIZ
- Individual: Ralph De TOENI ["de Conches"] ["de Conch
- Individual: Roger De TOENI de Conche
- Individual: Simon De TOENI
- Individual: Isabel De TOENI
- Individual: Hugh De TOENI
- Individual: Arnold Kleve I
- Individual: Luitgarde Von Moha & Sultzbach
- Individual: Godfrey III Lorraine
- Individual: Richard De PERCY [BARON PERCY] [BARON PER
- Individual: Henry De PERCY [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Mathilda (Maud, Mahaut) PONTHIEU
- Individual: Petronila I Queen Aragon
- Individual: Maud, Princess Of England [COUNTESS OF PER [COUNTESS
- Individual: Raimond (Raymond) I TURENNE
- Individual: Alix of Hainault
- Individual: Heldiarde de Mons-Chievres
- Individual: Adelaide
- Individual: Adelaide of Namur
- Individual: Hugh Seigneur de Creil and Mouchy, Count of Clermont de Crei
- Individual: Alice
- Individual: Gauthier de Roeux
- Individual: Raymond IV Berenger Count of Barcelona
- Individual: Berengaria of Barcelona
- Individual: Bertrand II Count of Forcalquier
- Individual: Henry V 'the Lion' Duke of Saxony and Bavaria
- Individual: Adelheid De Louvain
- Individual: Alix De Louvain
- Individual: Richilde De HAINAULT
- Individual: Henry III, Count Louvain
- Individual: Sofie Countess of Rheineck
- Individual: Raoul II Count VERMANDOIS
- Individual: Baudouin VIII (V) FLANDERS & HAINA LT
- Individual: Baudouin IX (VI) FLANDERS & HAINA LT
- Individual: Marie Countess Of MORTAIN & BOULOG [ABBESS OF ROMSE [ABBESS OF
- Individual: Eleanor Countess Of SAINTE QUIENTIN
- Individual: Wladislaw (Vladislas) II King of Poland, Duke of Bresalu
- Individual: Richilde (Richenza) of Princess of Poland Poland
- Individual: Rudolf Duke Of SWABIA
- Individual: Salamon, King Of Hungary
- Individual: Wladislaw I Herman Poland
- Individual: Agnes Franconia
- Individual: Heinrich V King of Germany
- Individual: Graf Graf Adalbert von Mrsberg
- Individual: Simon II Le Chauve De MONTFORT
- Individual: Gisela de Vaudemont
- Individual: Clemence Of Bar-Le-Duc
- Individual: Miss Miss De BAR
- Individual: Herman, Comte De SALMES
- Individual: Gottfried, Count Of LANGENSTEIN
- Individual: Hermann II, Count Salm
- Individual: Ulfhide (Wolfhildis) Princess Saxony
- Individual: Maud Limburg
- Individual: Margaret Lorraine
- Individual: Beatrice of Macon
- Individual: Thomas I Count of Savoy
- Individual: Garcia de Azagra
- Individual: Gaitelgrima of Benevento
- Individual: Guaimar (Waimar) IV Prince of Salena, Capua, Amalfi, Calabri
- Individual: Railinda
- Individual: Bertha of Este
- Individual: Guiges V Count of Albon, Sire de Vion
- Individual: Adelaide
- Individual: Adelaide (Alix) Beaujeu
- Individual: Gersenda of Besalu
- Individual: Rixinde Dame de Lodeve and Montbrun
- Individual: Clodomir IV King of the Franks
- Individual: of Franks
- Individual: Eadric Earldorman of Wessex
- Individual: Sitric II King of Dublin and York
- Individual: Olaf King of Dublin and York Kvaaran
- Individual: Harald King of Limerick Sihtricsson
- Individual: St. St. Alfgifu (Elgiva)
- Individual: Edgar 'the Peaceful' King of England
- Individual: Edulph of Wessex
- Individual: Olaf Injaldsson
- Individual: Gunhild Princess of Denmark
- Individual: Schwanhilde Eysteinsdottir
- Individual: Rognvald 'the Wise' Jarl of More Eysteinsson
- Individual: Malahule (Haldrick) Eysteinsson
- Individual: Godefrid King of Haithabu
- Individual: Thyra Danebord
- Individual: Altburg
- Individual: Immed von Sachsen
- Individual: Oda
- Individual: Geva D'Avranches
- Individual: Matilda de Ridel
- Individual: Theodric (Thierry) D' ALSACE
- Individual: William De Normandy
- Individual: William "Atheling" Prince England
- Individual: Philippe Countess Of Perche
- Individual: Mrs- Mrs- Geoffrey V, [Concubine PLANTAGENET
- Individual: William IV 'Taillefer' Count of AngoulÃ…e
- Individual: Thibaud V "The Champagne
- Individual: Eudes III Duke of Burgundy
- Individual: Hugh IV Duke of Burgundy
- Individual: Dulcia of Barcelona
- Individual: Agnes De DAMMARTIN
- Individual: Juliane De DAMMARTIN
- Individual: Fernando II FERNANDEZ King of Leon King of Le
- Individual: Sancho III "The Desired" Alfonsez King of Castile King of Ca
- Individual: Agnes de Percy
- Individual: Alice di Montferrat
- Individual: Sancho III King of Castile
- Individual: Fernando II King of Leon, Galicia and Extremadura
- Individual: Sancha Infanta of Castile de Castile
- Individual: Sancha (Sanchia) Princess of Castile and Leon de Castile
- Individual: Poncette Dame de Treves
- Individual: Beatrix Palatine
- Individual: William MAUDUIT [Baron]
- Individual: William Des BARRES
- Individual: William MEULLENT
- Individual: Leopold Austria II
- Individual: Gerberge Austria
- Individual: Ida Austria
- Individual: Adelheid Austria
- Individual: Elisabeth Austria
- Individual: Jutte Austria
- Individual: Eufemie Austria
- Individual: Sofie Austria
- Individual: Henry II 'Curt Mantel' King of England
- Individual: Matilda of Princess of England England
- Individual: Simon III De SAINT LIZ [Earl of Northam [Earl of N
- Individual: Isabel SAINT LIZ
- Individual: Amice De SAINT LIZ
- Individual: Hawise De SAINT LIZ
- Individual: Saher De QUINCY
- Individual: Saher De QUINCY
- Individual: Robert De QUINCEY [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Roger De QUINCY
- Individual: William De TOENI
- Individual: Ralph De TOENI
- Individual: William MESCHINES (BRITO
- Individual: Ida (Gertrude) De HAINAULT
- Individual: Ralph De TOENI (DE CONCHE )
- Individual: Duke Duke Henri I Brabant
- Individual: Isabel BRUS
- Individual: Alfonso II 'the Chaste' King of Aragon
- Individual: Josserande de la Flotte
- Individual: Marie De Champagne
- Individual: Leopold III 'the Saint' Margrave of Austria von Babenburg
- Individual: Juette Princess of Austria von Babenberg
- Individual: Dreux Count Of VEXIN
- Individual: Konrad I, Count KYRBURG
- Individual: Margaret (Beatrix, Nicole) of Geneva and Faucigny
- Individual: Porpora of Tabellaria
- Individual: Sikelgaita
- Individual: Odalrico Manfredo II Marchese de Torino-Albenza
- Individual: Grin Ermengarde von Susa
- Individual: Adelaide von Susa
- Individual: Berta
- Individual: Gotelena
- Individual: Guiges VI 'the Old' Count of Albon and Grenoble
- Individual: Richard II Vicomte de Milhaud
- Individual: Berenger II Vicomte de Gievaudun, Milhaud, Carlat and Rodene
- Individual: Hasilda of the Rugji
- Individual: Farabert King of the Franks
- Individual: Afe
- Individual: Aethelgifu
- Individual: Gormflaeth ingen Murchada MacFinn
- Individual: Elfrida of Devon
- Individual: Auda Ketilsdottir
- Individual: Rognhild (Hildir) Hrolfsdotter
- Individual: Rollo (Rollon, Granger Rolf) Duke of Normandy Ragnvaldsson
- Individual: Hrollager
- Individual: Thore Ragnvaldsson
- Individual: Groa
- Individual: Turf-Einar Earl of Orkney Ragnvaldsson
- Individual: Hugo de Calvacamp
- Individual: Richard de St. Sauveur
- Individual: Reginhilde von Friesland
- Individual: Gorm 'the Old' King of Denmark, East Anglia, Seeland, Jutlan
- Individual: Harold III 'Blaatand' King of Denmark and Norway
- Individual: Mathilda von Dreini
- Individual: Dietrich (Theoderich) Count of the Saxon Hamalant (Ringelhei
- Individual: Oda Billung
- Individual: Otto Grand Duke of Saxony The Illustrious
- Individual: Oda of Saxony
- Individual: Richard Basset
- Individual: Ralph Basset
- Individual: Ida (Isabel) PLANTAGENET [Countess of Nor [Countess
- Individual: Margaret PLANTAGENET
- Individual: Jeffrey WARREN
- Individual: Adela (Ela) PLANTAGENET
- Individual: Maud PLANTAGENET (WAR NNE)
- Individual: Miss Miss PLANTAGENET
- Individual: William Prince Of England
- Individual: Matilda Princess Of England [DUCHESS OF SAXO [DUCHESS O
- Individual: Richard I "Coeur England
- Individual: Geoffrey Prince Of England [DUKE OF BRITTAN [DUKE OF B
- Individual: Philip Prince Of England
- Individual: Eleanor Princess Of England
- Individual: Joanna Princess Of England
- Individual: John "Lackland" King England
- Individual: Henry Prince Of England
- Individual: Yolande de Dreux
- Individual: Willaim de Fiennes
- Individual: Miss Miss De Fiennes
- Individual: Baldwin De Fiennes
- Individual: William De Fiennes
- Individual: Enguerrand Ingelram De Fiennes
- Individual: Marie (Jeanne) Countess PONTHIEU & MONTR UIL
- Individual: Urraca Affonsez Queen of Leon Queen of L
- Individual: Alfonso IX FERNANDEZ King of Castile & Leon King of Ca
- Individual: Blanca Princess of Navarre
- Individual: Alfonso VIII "The SANCHEZ King Of ASTILE
- Individual: Manfredo II Marquis of Saluzzo di Saluzzo
- Individual: Blanca (Sancha) Princess of Navarre
- Individual: Alfonso IX 'el Barboro' King of Castile and Leon
- Individual: Sancho VI 'el Sebio' King of Navarre
- Individual: Robert TALBOT
- Individual: John CHANDOS
- Individual: William MARSHALL
- Individual: Joan BOCLAND
- Individual: Borivoj Bohemia II
- Individual: Litold Moravia
- Individual: Dietrich Formbach II
- Individual: Otakar Styria
- Individual: Otto Wolfrathausen
- Individual: Konrad Peilstein I
- Individual: Heinrich Carinthia III
- Individual: Sieghard Burghausen
- Individual: Alice De GAUNT [Countess of Nor [Countess
- Individual: William MAUDUIT
- Individual: Asceline Peverel
- Individual: Orabella De Leuchars [COUNTESS OF MAR [COUNTESS
- Individual: Adalize
- Individual: Roger De TOENI (DE CONCHE )
- Individual: Maud d' Alsace
- Individual: Godfrey de Brabant
- Individual: Marle de Brabant
- Individual: Marie de Brabant
- Individual: Marguerite de Brabant
- Individual: Alix or Adelaide de Brabant
- Individual: Miss Miss de Brabant
- Individual: Daughter Daughter de Brabant
- Individual: Mathilde Brabant
- Individual: Henry II Brabant
- Individual: Constance of Princess de Aragon
- Individual: Pedro II King of Aragon
- Individual: Alfonso Prince of Aragon
- Individual: Eckbert I Count in the Quinziggau
- Individual: Otto III Duke of Swabia von Schweinfurt
- Individual: Herzogin Gisela von Schweinfurt
- Individual: Jutta of Swabia
- Individual: Teto II Marchese di Savona Vasto
- Individual: Maud De BRAOSE
- Individual: Guiges VII 'le Gros' Count of Albon and Grenoble
- Individual: Adele de Carlat
- Individual: Gilbert Vicomte of Gievaudun, Carlat and Milhaud
- Individual: Fiachu Sraiptine 120th Monarch of Ireland
- Individual: Muiredach 122nd Monarch of Ireland and trech
- Individual: Miss Miss Ethelred Of England [ABBESS]
- Individual: Aethelreda Princess Of England
- Individual: Poppa (perhaps) Duchess of Norway de Bayeux
- Individual: Adela of Normandy
- Individual: Emina
- Individual: Hrolf Turstan
- Individual: Bergljot Thoresdatter
- Individual: Thorfinn I 'the Skull-Splitter' Earl of Orkney Einarsson
- Individual: Nigel Vicomte de Contentin de St. Sauveur
- Individual: Gunhilda Olafsdottir
- Individual: Frederunda
- Individual: Amaldra
- Individual: Lambert Count of Louvain
- Individual: Mathilda von Ringleheim
- Individual: Henry I 'the Fowler' Emperor of Germany, Holy Roman Emperor
- Individual: Sir Sir of Saxony
- Individual: Lothar Count of Stade
- Individual: Lothar I Count of Walbeck and Stade
- Individual: Mrs Mrs Alice Basset
- Individual: Ralph Basset
- Individual: Isabella
- Individual: William FITZWILLIAM
- Individual: Henry (Stuteville) De ESTOUTEVILLE
- Individual: Henry D' EU
- Individual: Raoul (Ralph) D' EU
- Individual: Guy D' EU
- Individual: Alice D' EU
- Individual: Margaret WARREN
- Individual: Isabel PLANTAGENET WARREN
- Individual: Gilbert LAIGLE
- Individual: Robert De LACY
- Individual: Joan Mrs LONGESPEE
- Individual: Heinrich V "The SAXONY AND BAVAR A
- Individual: Richenza (Maud) Countess PERCH
- Individual: Mathilde Princess Of Saxony
- Individual: Heinrich Vi (I) Saxony [PFALZGRAF OF TH [PFALZGRAF
- Individual: Otto IV Emperor of Germany
- Individual: Lothar Prince Of Saxony
- Individual: Prince Prince Of Saxony
- Individual: Wilhelm Prince Of Saxony [DUKE OF BRUNSWI [DUKE OF B
- Individual: Eleanore Princess Of Saxony
- Individual: Berengaria Princess Of NAVARRE
- Individual: Constance Countess Of BRETAGNE
- Individual: Guglielmo II "il SICILY
- Individual: Raimond VI, Count Toulouse
- Individual: Miss Miss De WARRENE [CONCUBINE #5] [CONCUBINE
- Individual: Richard FITZROY
- Individual: Joan Princess Of England [PRINCESS OF WAL [PRINCESS
- Individual: Isabel FITZROBERT [Countess of Mor [Countess
- Individual: Henry III King England
- Individual: Joane Princess Of England [QUEEN OF SCOTLA [QUEEN OF
- Individual: Isabel Princess Of England
- Individual: Eleanor Princess Of England
- Individual: Richard Prince Of England [EARL OF CORNWAL [EARL OF C
- Individual: Marguerite Princess Of France [QUEEN OF HUNGAR [QUEEN OF
- Individual: Bartholomew Hampden
- Individual: Isabel CONDE
- Individual: Maud De Fienes
- Individual: Giles De Fienes
- Individual: Maud Hampden
- Individual: William de Fiennes
- Individual: Raoul II D' ISSOUDUN [Comte d'Eu] [Comte d'E
- Individual: Otto II Count GUELDERS
- Individual: Jean De NESLE [Senor de Falvy] [Senor de
- Individual: Berenguela Princess of Leon and Castile
- Individual: Sancho Prince Of Castile
- Individual: Sancha Princess Of Castile
- Individual: Enrique I King Castile
- Individual: Urraca Princess Of Castile
- Individual: Blanca Alphonsa Princess Castile [QUEEN OF FRANCE [QUEEN OF
- Individual: Fernando Prince Of Castile
- Individual: Constance Princess Of Castile
- Individual: Mafalda Princess Of Castile
- Individual: Leonor Princess Of Castile
- Individual: Constanza Princess Of Castile
- Individual: Enrique I King Castile
- Individual: Berengaria Queen of Castile de Castile
- Individual: Joan FERRERS
- Individual: Agnes FERRERS
- Individual: Robert FERRERS
- Individual: William IV FERRERS
- Individual: Ralph BIGOD
- Individual: John VIPONT
- Individual: MOHANT
- Individual: Robert De QUINCY
- Individual: Constance De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Ralph De TOENI
- Individual: Willem I Count Holland
- Individual: Gerard Gueldres III
- Individual: Arnold Loss
- Individual: Floris IV Holland
- Individual: Aleida Countess of Holland
- Individual: Sofie Thuringia
- Individual: Henri Brabant III
- Individual: Frederick II Holy Roman Emperor
- Individual: Marie Queen of Aragon, Dame de Montpellier de Montpellier
- Individual: Gersinde (Gersinda II) of Sabran
- Individual: Graf Graf Berthold III von Andechs
- Individual: Boto 'the Bold' von Botenstein
- Individual: Adelais (Petronel) of Turin
- Individual: Guigues VIII Count d'Albon, Dauphin de Viennois
- Individual: Dulce Countess of Provence di Gievaudun
- Individual: Eochaid Mugnedon King of Ireland
- Individual: Edric, Streora, Earl MERCIA
- Individual: Uchtred Earldorman of Northumbria
- Individual: Ealdgyth (Aglithia), Princess Northumberland
- Individual: Ulfcytel, "Snylling", Earl EAST ANGLIA
- Individual: Athelstan, King At RINGMERE
- Individual: Ealdgyth (Algitha), Queen England
- Individual: Edward "Atheling" Prince England [THE EXILE] [THE EXILE
- Individual: Edmund Prince Of England
- Individual: Edith Queen Of Wessex
- Individual: Drogo Count Of MANTES
- Individual: Ansfried 'the Dane' Count of Hiesmer
- Individual: Rollo Rollosson
- Individual: Sigurd Hakonsson
- Individual: Grelod Duncansdottir
- Individual: Roger de St. Sauveur
- Individual: Wickmann Count of Engern
- Individual: Ekbert 'der Einaugige' Count in the Ambergau, Lord of Alabur
- Individual: Eberhard I Count in the Lahngau
- Individual: Eberhard II Count in the Lahngau
- Individual: Miss Miss von der Betuwe
- Individual: Gerberge of Princess of Germany Saxony
- Individual: Hedwig of Saxony
- Individual: Otto I 'the Great' Holy Roman Emperor
- Individual: Wendelgarde of Saxony
- Individual: Swanhilde
- Individual: Henry 'the Bold' Count of Stade and in the Heiangau von Stad
- Individual: Mrs Mrs Isabell Basset
- Individual: Ralph Basset
- Individual: Racul (Raoul) De LUSIGNAN
- Individual: Maud (Matilda) De LUSIGNAN
- Individual: William Warren
- Individual: Eleanor PLANTAGENET (DE [Baroness Percy] [Baroness
- Individual: Thomas Earl Of Warwick
- Individual: Philip BASSET
- Individual: William VESCY OR DE VESE
- Individual: Ela Longspee
- Individual: Emmeline De Riddlesford
- Individual: William De BEAUCHAMP
- Individual: Walter FITZROBERT
- Individual: Valdemar II "Sejr" VALDEMARSSON KIN OFDENMARK
- Individual: Agnes Countess Of Lorraine
- Individual: Beatrix Princess Of Germany [EMPRESS OF HOLY [EMPRESS O
- Individual: Helene Princess Of Denmark
- Individual: Rohsia (Rose) Dover
- Individual: Lora (Lauretta) De Chilham
- Individual: Richard De Chilham
- Individual: Isabella De Chilham
- Individual: Eleonore (Leonor) Countess Provence
- Individual: Edward I "Longshanks" England
- Individual: Margaret Queen Of Scotland [PRINCESS OF ENG [PRINCESS
- Individual: Beatrice Princess Of England
- Individual: Edmund "Crouchback" Prince England [EARL OF LANCAST [EARL OF L
- Individual: Richard Prince Of England
- Individual: John Prince Of England
- Individual: Catherine Princess Of England
- Individual: William Prince Of England
- Individual: Henry Prince Of England
- Individual: Alexander II King of Scotland
- Individual: Simon V De Montfort [EARL OF LEICEST [EARL OF L
- Individual: Joan Or Jane VALLETORT
- Individual: Sancha Countess Of Provence
- Individual: Beatrix Van VALKENBURG
- Individual: Margaret de Fiennes
- Individual: Jean de Brienne Count
- Individual: Jean de Brienne
- Individual: Konrad II Duke SWABIA & ROTHENB RG
- Individual: Maud Princess Of Portugal
- Individual: Alfonso II King of Portugal
- Individual: Alfonso III 'the Restorer' King of Portugal and the Algarves
- Individual: Louis VIII "The France
- Individual: Mafalda Princess Of Portugal
- Individual: Reynold De BOHUN
- Individual: Gilbert Bassett
- Individual: William "Fort" De VIVONNE
- Individual: William KIME
- Individual: Emeric De RUPE CANARDI
- Individual: Francis BOHUN
- Individual: John De MOHUN
- Individual: William VALLIBUS
- Individual: Roger De LEYBURN
- Individual: Thomas de Berkeley
- Individual: Robert de Muscegos
- Individual: Eleanor de BOHUN
- Individual: Ann de Spencer
- Individual: William V FERRERS
- Individual: Isabel De VIPOUNT (VETERI- ONTI)
- Individual: Elen (Helen) Verch Llewelyn [COUNTESS OF CHE [COUNTESS
- Individual: Roger De QUINCY
- Individual: Hawise De QUINCY
- Individual: Mabel De QUINCY
- Individual: Margaret De QUINCY [Countess of Lin [Countess
- Individual: Constance DE TONY
- Individual: Mr. Mr. De TOENI
- Individual: Roger (Ralph) De TONEE (TOENI)
- Individual: Jean I de Avesnes
- Individual: Jean II of Hainaut Countess of Holland Countess o
- Individual: Alix de Burgundy
- Individual: Matilda (Maud) d'Albon
- Individual: Gersende of Albon
- Individual: Mong Fionn
- Individual: Brion King of Ireland
- Individual: Carinna Princess in Britain
- Individual: Niall 'of the Nine Hostages' 126th Monarch Ireland Nogiallac
- Individual: Raimund Berenger III (IV) Marquis Of BARCELONA
- Individual: Elflaed Princess Of England
- Individual: Eadgar 'the Exile'
- Individual: Margaret "Atheling" Queen Scotland [PRINCESS OF ENG [PRINCESS
- Individual: Edgar "Atheling" Prince England
- Individual: Christina "Atheling" Princess England [NUN AT ROMSEY] [NUN AT RO
- Individual: Hedwig Princess Of Hungary
- Individual: concubine
- Individual: Sporta of Normandy
- Individual: Fredesenda of Normandy
- Individual: William Count of Eu and Exemes
- Individual: Renaud I Count Palatine Of BURGUNDY
- Individual: Robert Count of Evereux, Archbishop of Rouen d'Evereux
- Individual: Mauger Count Of MORTAIN
- Individual: Hawise of Normandy
- Individual: Beatrice of Normandy
- Individual: Robert Count Of EVREUX [Archbishop of R [Archbisho
- Individual: Helloe de Beulac
- Individual: Hammon de St. Sauveur
- Individual: Neil de St. Sauveur
- Individual: Bruno Count in the Derlingau and in Middle Freisland von Bru
- Individual: Mathilda
- Individual: Eberhard III Count in the Maingau and Lahngau
- Individual: Richilde of Princess of Germany Germany
- Individual: Luitgarde
- Individual: Otto II Holy Roman Emperor, King of Italy
- Individual: Ulrich V Count in the Argengau
- Individual: Hildegarde von Stade
- Individual: Kunigunde von Stade
- Individual: Mrs Mrs Ralph Basset
- Individual: Ralph Basset
- Individual: Joan de Vere
- Individual: Alice De VERE
- Individual: Henry De PERCY
- Individual: Maud De Clifford [BARONESS GIFFAR [BARONESS
- Individual: William MARMION
- Individual: Maud Countess Of ANGUS
- Individual: Maurice "The Resolute" Berkeley [Lord of Berkele [Lord of B
- Individual: Eleanor Princess Of Castile & Leon
- Individual: Joan "of Acre" England [COUNTESS GLOUCE [COUNTESS
- Individual: Marguerite Princess Of France
- Individual: Thomas of Brotherton
- Individual: Edmund Earl of Kent
- Individual: Alexander III King of Scotland
- Individual: Jean II Duke BRETAGNE
- Individual: Blanche D' Artois [QUEEN OF NAVARR [QUEEN OF
- Individual: Thomas Plantagenet
- Individual: Henry Plantagenet
- Individual: John Plantagenet
- Individual: Mary Plantagenet
- Individual: Ralph Earl Of HEREFORD
- Individual: Jeanne de Chateaudun
- Individual: Blanche de Brienne
- Individual: Beatrix Princess of Castile and Leon de Castile
- Individual: Diniz 'the Just' King of Portugal and the Algarves
- Individual: Roger De Clifford [BARON CLIFFORD] [BARON CLI
- Individual: Alice De BOHUN
- Individual: Clarissa
- Individual: Isabel Mrs De TOENI
- Individual: Philippe de Luxemburg
- Individual: William III de Avesnes
- Individual: Feldelm Foltchain Queen of Scottish Dalriada
- Individual: Rgnach
- Individual: Conall Cremthainne macNill
- Individual: Mathilda
- Individual: Asperling de Vaudreuil
- Individual: Ralph Count of Ivry
- Individual: Tancred d'Hauteville
- Individual: Robert Guiscard Duke of Apulia, Calabria and Sicily d'Hautev
- Individual: Lesceline de Turqueville
- Individual: William Count of Eu and Troyes d'Eu
- Individual: Pons Fitz William
- Individual: Papia of Envermeu
- Individual: Papia of Normandy
- Individual: Robert I 'the Devil' Duke of Normandy
- Individual: Judith (Elena, Eleanor) of Normandy
- Individual: Herleve (Havlive) of Normandy
- Individual: Richard Count of Evereux
- Individual: NN d'Evereux
- Individual: Ebles I Vicomte de Turenne
- Individual: William Vicomte de Turenne
- Individual: Havlive Mrs De Rouen
- Individual: William De EVREUX
- Individual: Rodolphe De WACY
- Individual: Godchilde
- Individual: Adela d'Eu
- Individual: Liudolf Count Of Brunswick
- Individual: Count Count Arnold I
- Individual: Graf Graf Kuno von Oeningen
- Individual: Miss Miss von Ohningen
- Individual: Conrad 'the Wise' Duke of Lorraine and Franconia
- Individual: Theophano Skleros
- Individual: Bernard I Billung Duke
- Individual: Siegfried II Count in Nordthuringgau and in Derlingau von Wa
- Individual: Ralph Bassett
- Individual: Geoffrey De SAY
- Individual: Alice Italys
- Individual: Margaret Brotherton
- Individual: Margaret Wake
- Individual: Alice de Lacy
- Individual: Maud or Matilda de Chaworth
- Individual: Eleanor Plantagenet
- Individual: Henry of Lancaster Plantagenet Duke
- Individual: Joan Plantagenet
- Individual: Maud Plantagenet
- Individual: Mary Plantagenet
- Individual: St. St. Isabel of Princess of Aragon de Aragn
- Individual: Jeanne of Valois Countess of Hainaut Countess o
- Individual: Philippa of Hainaut Queen of England Queen of E
- Individual: Margareta of Holland Graefin
- Individual: Johanna of Avesnes
- Individual: Domongart (Dumngalhen) King of Scottish Dalriada macFergusso
- Individual: Gabrn King of Dalriada and Scots macDomangairt
- Individual: Erneburge de Caux
- Individual: Roger II 'the Great' King of Naples and Sicily
- Individual: Albereda
- Individual: Bohemond I Prince of Antioch Duke of Calabria Duke of Ca
- Individual: Aelis Countess of Troyes and Soissons Troyes
- Individual: Basilia
- Individual: Guillaume Bertrand Count Of Part Of PROVENCE
- Individual: Gilbert de St. Valery
- Individual: Bernard II de St. Valery
- Individual: Richard Fitz Gilbert de Saint Valery
- Individual: Alix of Normandy
- Individual: Helena of Normandy
- Individual: Mrs Mrs MAUGER (CONCUBIN )
- Individual: Agnes d'Evereux
- Individual: Gerhard de Fleitel
- Individual: Ermentrude (Agnes) de Fleitel
- Individual: Matilda
- Individual: Gertrud Countess In Nordgau
- Individual: Eckbert I Margrave of Middle Friesland von Brunswick
- Individual: Agatha Von BRUNSWICK
- Individual: Ekbert I Margrave Meissen [COUNT OF BRUNSW [COUNT OF
- Individual: Ida Countess Of BRUNSWICK
- Individual: Mathilde of Chiny
- Individual: Frederick von Buren Pfalzgrave in Swabia
- Individual: Frederick von Buren Pfalzgrave in Swabia
- Individual: Hawise de Grey
- Individual: Margaret Bassett
- Individual: John II Beaumont Baron
- Individual: Henry III Beaumont Baron
- Individual: Maud Beaumont
- Individual: Richard Fitzalan Earl of Arundel Earl of Ar
- Individual: Alice Fitzalan
- Individual: Joan Fitzalan
- Individual: John Fitz Alan
- Individual: Richard Fitz Alan
- Individual: John of Arundel FitzAlan Marshal
- Individual: Isabel Beaumont
- Individual: John Mowbray 3 Lord
- Individual: William De BURGH [Earl of Ulster] [Earl of U
- Individual: Henry of Alnwick Percy 3 Lord
- Individual: King of England King of En Edward III
- Individual: John "Of Gaunt", Duke of Lancaster
- Individual: Joanna Plantagenet
- Individual: Edmund, Prince of England,Duke of York
- Individual: Edward "The Black"-Prince of Wales
- Individual: Isabel-Princess of England
- Individual: Joan, Princess of England
- Individual: William, Prince of England
- Individual: Lionel, Duke of Clarence
- Individual: Blanche, Princess of England
- Individual: Mary, Princess of England
- Individual: Margaret, Princess of England
- Individual: Thomas Woodstock Glouchester Duke of
- Individual: Ludwig IV HRE Emp
- Individual: Wilhelm V of Julich Duke
- Individual: Aedn King of Dalriada, Pendragon mac Gabrn
- Individual: Thomas De BRAOSE
- Individual: Dyddgu Verch MADOG
- Individual: Seisyll Ap LLYWELYN
- Individual: Constance of Sicily
- Individual: Bohemond II Prince of Antioch
- Individual: Emma (Auberee)
- Individual: William FITZBALDWIN [Lord of Okehamp [Lord of O
- Individual: Robert FITZBALDWIN
- Individual: Richard FITZBALDWIN [Lord of Okehamp [Lord of O
- Individual: Adelise FITZBALDWIN
- Individual: Roger De MOLIS
- Individual: Dommart
- Individual: Ada de Hugleville
- Individual: Waldron de Clare
- Individual: Adele of Princess of England Normandy
- Individual: Philip De BRAOSE
- Individual: Simon I Seigneur de Montfort l'Amauri and Count of Montfor d
- Individual: Walter 'the Elder' Earl of Buckingham Giffard
- Individual: Ermengarde von Susa
- Individual: Gertrude von Brunswick
- Individual: Irmgarde Marquessa Of SUSA
- Individual: Leopold, Margrave Of NEUMARK
- Individual: Adelheid von Filsgau
- Individual: Frederick von Buren Count in the Riesgau
- Individual: Edmund Stafford
- Individual: Ralph de Stafford
- Individual: Margaret (or Maude) Vere
- Individual: John IIII Beaumont Baron
- Individual: Eleanor Beaumont
- Individual: Hugh of Haccombe Courtenay Sir
- Individual: Margaret Courtenay
- Individual: Humphrey de Bohun
- Individual: Eleanor de Bohun
- Individual: Mary Bohun
- Individual: Eleanor Mautravers
- Individual: Elizabeth Bohun
- Individual: Eleanor Maltrevers Baroness
- Individual: Margaret FitzAlan
- Individual: John of Arundel FitzAlan Lord
- Individual: William FitzAlan Sir
- Individual: Joan FitzAlan
- Individual: Richard Fitzalan
- Individual: Marie de Saint Hilaire
- Individual: Blanche Plantagenet
- Individual: Constanza Perez, Princess of Castile & L
- Individual: Catherine of Lancaster
- Individual: John Plantagenet, Prince of England
- Individual: Catherine Plantagenet Princess of England Princess o
- Individual: Blanche Plantagenet, Duchess of Lancaste
- Individual: Elizabeth Plantagenet
- Individual: Philippa Plantagenet, Queen of Portugal
- Individual: Isabel Plantagenet
- Individual: Edward Plantagenet Prince of England Prince of
- Individual: Henry IV, King of England
- Individual: John Plantagenet, Prince of England
- Individual: Katherine de Roet
- Individual: Catherine Beaufort
- Individual: Henry Beaufort Bishop of Lincoln Bishop of
- Individual: Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmoreland
- Individual: Thomas Beaufort, Duke of Exeter
- Individual: John Beaufort Marquis of Somerset Marquis of
- Individual: Isabella Perez, Princess of Castile & Le
- Individual: Robert PEVERELL
- Individual: Constance, P of England, C of Gloucester
- Individual: Richard of York Plantagenet Duke
- Individual: Edward Duke of York
- Individual: Richard Plantagenet
- Individual: Mrs Mrs Edward, Prince of England
- Individual: John Sounder
- Individual: Roger de Clarendon
- Individual: Joan Plantagenet Countess of Kent Countess o
- Individual: Edward, Prince of England
- Individual: Richard II King of England
- Individual: Pagan (Pain) PEVERELL
- Individual: Enguerrand VII de Coucy
- Individual: Philippa de Coucy
- Individual: Marie de Coucy
- Individual: Philipa de Councy
- Individual: Violanta Visconti, Duchess of Clarence
- Individual: Elizabeth of Burgh Duchess of Clarence Duchess of
- Individual: Philipa Plantagenet, Duchess of York
- Individual: John de Montfort, Duke of Brittany
- Individual: John Hastings, Earl of Pembroke
- Individual: Aleanore de Bohun
- Individual: Hamon PEVERELL
- Individual: Humphrey Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester
- Individual: Anne Plantagent Countess of Stafford Countess o
- Individual: Joan Plantagenet
- Individual: Isabel Plantagenet
- Individual: Philippa Plantagenet
- Individual: unknown
- Individual: Eochaid Buide King of Picts and Dalriada macAidan
- Individual: Cecily FITZPAYN [Countess of Her [Countess
- Individual: Humphrey De BOHUN [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Humphrey De BOHUN [Constable of En [Constable
- Individual: Emma PEVERELL
- Individual: Margery BOHUN
- Individual: Herbert FITZHERBERT
- Individual: Isabel Mrs FITZMILES
- Individual: OWAIN "Cyfeiliog" Ap GRUFFUDD
- Individual: Hwfa Ap CYNWRIG
- Individual: Angharad Verch GENILLIN
- Individual: Berenguela Raimundo de Barcelona
- Individual: Alice Princess of Jerusalem de Rethel
- Individual: Mrs- Mrs- Roger De MOLIS
- Individual: Baldwick TEUTONICUS
- Individual: Eudo De Rie
- Individual: Margaret De RIE
- Individual: Walter TIREL
- Individual: Ralph De TELLIERES [EARL]
- Individual: Sibyl (Sibille) De CONVERSANA
- Individual: Alan IV Count BRETAGNE
- Individual: Stephen III Count of Blois, Champagne, Brie and Chartres
- Individual: Etienne Henri II BLOIS & MEAUX & RIE & CHARTRES & RIE & CHAR
- Individual: Guillaume De Champagne [COUNT OF CHARTR [COUNT OF
- Individual: Thibaud IV (II) BLOIS & CHAMPAGN
- Individual: Philip BISHOP Of CHALONS
- Individual: Humbert De Champagne [COUNT OF VIRTUS [COUNT OF
- Individual: Maud Of Blois [COUNTESS OF CHE [COUNTESS
- Individual: Lithuise Adela De Champagne
- Individual: Alix De Champagne
- Individual: Henri (Eudes) De Champagne [BISHOP OF WINCH [BISHOP OF
- Individual: Stephen (Etienne) King England
- Individual: Adeliza
- Individual: William De WARREN
- Individual: Reginald De WARREN
- Individual: Edith De WARREN
- Individual: Gundred De WARREN
- Individual: ADELICIA
- Individual: ADELICIA Or Adelizia TOWMAY
- Individual: Sibil Or Sybil TOWMAY OR TORNAI
- Individual: Edith Fitz Forne
- Individual: Mrs- Mrs- Henry I, Concubine England
- Individual: Alice (Aline), Princess England
- Individual: Constance Maud Viscountess Maine
- Individual: Sibylla Corbet
- Individual: Sibyl Elizabeth Queen Scotland
- Individual: William Prince Of England [DUKE OF NORMAND [DUKE OF N
- Individual: Gundred (Rohesia) Princess England
- Individual: Rohese Princess Of England
- Individual: Nest Verch RHYS [PRINCESS OF WAL [PRINCESS
- Individual: Maud, Princess Of England [DUCHESS OF BRET [DUCHESS O
- Individual: Matilda "Atheling" Princess Scotland
- Individual: Nest Princess of Deheubarth verch Rhys
- Individual: Adeliza of Princess of Lorraine Lorraine
- Individual: Hugh MAMINOT
- Individual: William, Earl Of BRETERIL
- Individual: Graf Graf Henry von Northeim
- Individual: Graf Graf Frederick I von Hohenstaufen
- Individual: Hugh Stafford
- Individual: Matilda (Maud) Empress Germany [PRINCESS OF ENG [PRINCESS
- Individual: Catherine Everingham
- Individual: Elizabeth Beaumont
- Individual: Richard Molines 3 Baron
- Individual: Theobold Grenville
- Individual: William of Kilkhampton Grenville Lord
- Individual: Henry IV of England King
- Individual: William Ros 7 Baron
- Individual: Elizabeth Despencer
- Individual: Mrs Mrs Agnes Fitzalan
- Individual: Alice Fitzalan
- Individual: William Echingham Sir
- Individual: Mrs. Mrs. Alice Fitzalan
- Individual: Sir Sir Thomas Morieux
- Individual: Henry III King of Castile & Leon
- Individual: Enrique III "El Doliente" King of Castil
- Individual: Joao I King of Portugal
- Individual: Mary de Bohun, Countess of Derby
- Individual: Henry V, King of England
- Individual: Thomas, Duke of Clarence
- Individual: Jeanne of Navarra
- Individual: III III Henry
- Individual: Sir Sir Robert Ferrers
- Individual: Margaret Neville
- Individual: Edmund Holand
- Individual: Thomas of Gloucester Despencer Earl
- Individual: Richard le Despenser Baron
- Individual: Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York
- Individual: Isabella Plantagenet
- Individual: Beatriz, Princess of Portugal
- Individual: Philippa de Mohun
- Individual: Anne Mortimer
- Individual: Isabella Valois Queen of England Queen of E
- Individual: Anna, Princess of Bohemia
- Individual: Henri de Bar, Count de Marle
- Individual: Robert de Vere, Duke of Ireland
- Individual: Edmund of March Mortimer 3 Earl
- Individual: Roger Mortimer, Earl of March and Ulster
- Individual: Elizabeth Mortimer
- Individual: William Bourchier
- Individual: Henry Bourchier 1st Earl of Essex
- Individual: Thomas Cardinal Bourchier
- Individual: William Lord Fitzwaryn
- Individual: Eleanor Bourchier
- Individual: John Lord Berners
- Individual: Sir Sir John Bouchier Baron Berners Baron Bern
- Individual: William Bourchier
- Individual: Thomas Bourchier, Cardinal
- Individual: Domnall 'the Speckled' King of Dalriada Brec
- Individual: Henry De BOHUN [EARL OF HEREFOR [EARL OF H
- Individual: Margaret BOHUN
- Individual: Henry D' OILLY
- Individual: John De BROMPTON
- Individual: Walter De BEAUCHAMP
- Individual: Walcheline (Walter) De BEAUCHAMP
- Individual: James BEAUCHAMP
- Individual: Adam De PORT
- Individual: Gwenllian "Las" Verch LLYWELYN
- Individual: Angharad Verch LLYWELYN
- Individual: Miss Miss Verch LLYWELYN
- Individual: Aubrey II De VERE [Chamberlain of [Chamberla
- Individual: Robert De VERE [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Adeliza De VERE
- Individual: Rohese De VERE [Countess of Ess [Countess
- Individual: Aubrey III De VERE [EARL OF OXFORD] [EARL OF O
- Individual: Adeliza de Vere
- Individual: Juliane De VERE [Countess of Nor [Countess
- Individual: Gilbert De Clare [Earl Of Hertfor [Earl Of H
- Individual: Roger De Clare [Earl Of Hertfor [Earl Of H
- Individual: Richard De Clare
- Individual: Rohese De Clare [Countess of Lin [Countess
- Individual: Alice (Adeliza) De TUNBRIDGE (CLARE
- Individual: Adeline De ROLLOS
- Individual: Rohesia Clare
- Individual: Emma FITZGILBERT De Clare
- Individual: Roger FITZGILBERT De Clare
- Individual: Rose FITZGILBERT De Clare
- Individual: Hugh De LACY
- Individual: Walter De LACY [Lord of Meath] [Lord of M
- Individual: Elaine LACY
- Individual: Alice LACY
- Individual: Miss Miss De LACY
- Individual: Hugh De LACY [Earl of Ulster] [Earl of U
- Individual: Robert LACY
- Individual: Gilbert LACY
- Individual: Baderon Of Monmouth
- Individual: William De MONTFITCHET
- Individual: William De MANDEVILLE
- Individual: Geoffrey De MANDEVILLE
- Individual: Beatrix De MANDEVILLE
- Individual: Isabella De BRAOSE
- Individual: Cecily De Rumilly Lady of Skipton [Lady of Skipton [Lady of S
- Individual: Mathilde (Maude) Princess CARINTHIA
- Individual: Henri I Count Champagne
- Individual: Richard Viscount D'Avranches [Earl of Chester [Earl of C
- Individual: Milon II Viscount Troyes
- Individual: Renaud III Count JOIGNEY
- Individual: Maud or Matilda England
- Individual: Baldwin England
- Individual: Guillaume (William) Count MORTAIN & BOULOG [PRINCE OF ENGLA [PRINCE OF
- Individual: Baldwin De RIVERS [EARL OF DEVON] [EARL OF D
- Individual: William De REVIERS [Seigneur of Ver [Seigneur
- Individual: Robert De REVIERS
- Individual: Hugh "De Vernon" REVIERS
- Individual: Hawise De REVIERS [Countess of Lin [Countess
- Individual: Ada De WARENNE [Countess of Hun [Countess
- Individual: Ralph De WARENNE (WARREN)
- Individual: Adelian De WARENNE
- Individual: Reginald De WARENNE (WARREN)
- Individual: Drew De MONCEUX
- Individual: Gerard De GOURNAI
- Individual: Gundred De GOURNAY
- Individual: Hugh De GOURNAI [Baron]
- Individual: Miss Miss GOURNAI
- Individual: Walter GOURNAI
- Individual: Ernest De Colunches
- Individual: Richard Viscount Of BEAUMONT
- Individual: Ralph, BISHOP Of ANGIERS
- Individual: William De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Ermengarde De BEAUMONT [QUEEN OF SCOTLA [QUEEN OF
- Individual: Alexander I King Scotland
- Individual: Alice Of England
- Individual: Beatrice FITZWILLIAM [Countess of Cor [Countess
- Individual: Nicholas De DUNSTANVILLE
- Individual: Denise (Hawise) De DUNSTANVILLE [Countess of Dev [Countess
- Individual: Sarah De DUNSTANVILLE [Viscountess of [Viscounte
- Individual: Henry De La POMERAIE
- Individual: Conan III "le BRETAGNE
- Individual: Berthe De BRETAGNE
- Individual: Hoel IV Count BRETAGNE
- Individual: Constance Princess Of BRETAGNE [Viscountess of [Viscounte
- Individual: Bertha Princess Of BRETAGNE
- Individual: Eve (Alice) Mrs Montfort
- Individual: Friedrich Swabia II
- Individual: Edmund Stafford, Earl of Stafford
- Individual: William III Botreaux Lord
- Individual: Margaret Botreaux Baroness
- Individual: Philippa Bonvile
- Individual: Catherine Valois of France
- Individual: Henry VI King of England
- Individual: Margaret Holland Duchess of Clarence Duchess of
- Individual: James I King Scotland
- Individual: Eleanor Neville, Countess of Northumberl
- Individual: Anne Plantagenet, Duchess of Exeter
- Individual: Anne Mortimer, Countess of Cambridge
- Individual: Edmund de Mortimer
- Individual: Edmund Mortimer Earl of March
- Individual: Margaret BRAOSE
- Individual: Isabel Bourchier
- Individual: William Bourchier Lord
- Individual: Sir Sir Henry Bourchier
- Individual: Humphrey Bourchier, Baron Cromwell
- Individual: Sir Sir John Bourchier
- Individual: Sir Sir Thomas Bourchier
- Individual: Sir Sir Edward Bourchier
- Individual: Hugh Bourchier
- Individual: Fulke Bourchier
- Individual: Florence Bouchier
- Individual: Eleanor De BRAOSE
- Individual: Margery Bermers, Baroness Berners
- Individual: Humphrey Bourchier
- Individual: Joan Bourchier
- Individual: Elizabeth Bourchier, Baroness Welles
- Individual: Thomas Bourchier
- Individual: Thomasine Hankford Barness of FitzWaren Barness of
- Individual: Blanche Bourchier
- Individual: Domangart II King of Scots macDomnaill
- Individual: Henry De BOHUN
- Individual: Ralph De BOHUN
- Individual: Hugh De MORTIMER
- Individual: Humphrey De BOHUN [EARL OF HEREFOR [EARL OF H
- Individual: Joane (Isabel) De MORTIMER
- Individual: GRUFFUDD Ap RHYS
- Individual: John Deincourt
- Individual: Richard BRAOSE
- Individual: Anthony De BRAOSE
- Individual: Giles De BRAOSE
- Individual: Walter De BRAOSE
- Individual: Maud De BRAOSE
- Individual: William De BRAOSE
- Individual: Hawisia De London
- Individual: Amabilia De LINDSAY
- Individual: Hugh De MORTIMER
- Individual: Senena Verch Cardog
- Individual: Malcolm MACDUFF [Earl Of Fife] [Earl Of F
- Individual: Gratney (Gartnet) Earl Mar
- Individual: Donald Earl Of Mar
- Individual: Hugh De BRAOSE
- Individual: Marjory (Margaret) Of Mar [COUNTESS OF ATH [COUNTESS
- Individual: Duncan Of Mar
- Individual: Alexander of Mar
- Individual: Isabell (Matilda) Of Mar [QUEEN OF SCOTLA [QUEEN OF
- Individual: Mary Of Mar
- Individual: William De LACY
- Individual: Maelgwn "Ieuanc" ("Fychan") Maelgwn
- Individual: Philip Ap IFOR
- Individual: William CAENTWN
- Individual: Matilda De FURNELL
- Individual: Ermengarde (Ermentrude) Du Maine [Countess of Anj [Countess
- Individual: Henry De Essex
- Individual: Payn De BEAUCHAMP
- Individual: Beatrice
- Individual: Robert De Essex
- Individual: Baldwin BIGOD
- Individual: Isabel BIGOD
- Individual: Hugh BIGOD
- Individual: Nicholas BIGOD
- Individual: Julia BIGOD
- Individual: Simon BIGOD
- Individual: William BIGOD
- Individual: Walkelin MAMINOT
- Individual: Richard De Clare [Earl Of Hertfor [Earl Of H
- Individual: James De Clare
- Individual: Mable De Clare
- Individual: Roger De Clare
- Individual: John De Clare
- Individual: Henry De Clare
- Individual: Eveline (Aveline) De Clare
- Individual: Robert De MALTBY
- Individual: Gilbert De GAUNT [EARL]
- Individual: Robert FITZROBERT
- Individual: William De PERCY [Lord]
- Individual: Walter De PERCY
- Individual: Alan De PERCY
- Individual: Richard De PERCY
- Individual: William De PERCY
- Individual: Agnes De PERCY
- Individual: Alan DE PERCY
- Individual: Alice PERCY
- Individual: Emma PERCY
- Individual: Hugh WAKE
- Individual: Raymond FITZWALTER Le GRAS (GRACE)
- Individual: Petronilla (Pernel) De LACY
- Individual: Egidia (Jill) LACY
- Individual: Katherine De LACY
- Individual: Gilbert De LACY
- Individual: Ernulf De MANDEVILLE
- Individual: Geoffrey De MANDEVILLE [EARL OF ESSEX] [EARL OF E
- Individual: William De MANDEVILLE [EARL OF ESSEX] [EARL OF E
- Individual: Robert De MANDEVILLE
- Individual: Maud De MANDEVILLE
- Individual: Alice De MANDEVILLE
- Individual: Hugh TALBOT [SIR]
- Individual: William De SAY
- Individual: William De SAYE
- Individual: Maud De SAY
- Individual: Hugh of Kevelioc de Meschines Earl of Chester Earl of Ch
- Individual: Robert De Grentemesnil
- Individual: Cecily De RUMILLY
- Individual: Avice De MESCHINES
- Individual: Scholastique De Champagne
- Individual: Thibault V Count Champagne
- Individual: Isabel De WARENNE
- Individual: Adeliza Lucia Debaalum
- Individual: Richard De REVIERS [EARL OF DEVON] [EARL OF D
- Individual: Lucy De TANCARVILLE
- Individual: William De ROUMARE [Earl of Lincoln [Earl of L
- Individual: William De GLANVILLE
- Individual: William De Lancaster [Lord of Kendal] [Lord of K
- Individual: William De Lancaster [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Avice (Avicia) De Lancaster
- Individual: Adela De MOWBRAY
- Individual: Millicent DE MARIA
- Individual: Walter DUNSTANVILLE
- Individual: Ademar, Viscount Of LEMOGES
- Individual: Robert FITZWILLIAM
- Individual: Hawise FITZROBERT
- Individual: Mabel FITZROBERT
- Individual: Aubrey De VERE
- Individual: Alain II Le Noir
- Individual: Eudon II De ROHAN-PORHOET
- Individual: Judith Bavaria
- Individual: Adrienne Swabia
- Individual: Frederick Barbarossa I Swabia
- Individual: Anne Stafford
- Individual: Humphrey Stafford, Duke of Buckingham
- Individual: Catherine Glendower, Countess of March
- Individual: Robert Hungerford 2 Lord
- Individual: Marguerite, Princess of Anjou
- Individual: Henry Holand
- Individual: Anne Wydeville, Countess of Kent
- Individual: Anne Wydeville
- Individual: Elizabeth Scales, B of Scales, C of Rive
- Individual: Joan Stanhope, Baroness Cromwell
- Individual: Elizabeth Ferrers, Baroness of Groby
- Individual: Elizabeth Chichele
- Individual: Anne Andrews
- Individual: Isabel Barre
- Individual: Elizabeth Tilney, Duchess
- Individual: Henry Neville
- Individual: Robert Welles, Baron Welles
- Individual: Agnes Charleston
- Individual: Ann Bourchier
- Individual: Bartholomew Saint Ledger
- Individual: Ann Saint Leger
- Individual: Eochaid II 'Rianamhail' King of Dalriada
- Individual: Matilda (Maud) De BOHUN [COUNTESS PEMBRO [COUNTESS
- Individual: Humphrey VI De BOHUN
- Individual: John BRAOSE (BREUSE)
- Individual: William De BRAOSE (BREUSE) [Baron Brewose] [Baron Bre
- Individual: Roger BRAOSE (BREUSE)
- Individual: Hugh BRAOSE (BREUSE)
- Individual: Richard De BRAOSE (BREUSE)
- Individual: Joan
- Individual: Henry De TRACY
- Individual: Ellen Of Mar
- Individual: Donald Earl Of Mar
- Individual: John Strathbogie [EARL OF ATHOL] [EARL OF A
- Individual: Kenneth, Earl Of SUTHERLAND
- Individual: William Le BIGOD
- Individual: Thomas Le BIGOD
- Individual: Alice (Adeliza) BIGOD
- Individual: Margaret (Margery) BIGOD
- Individual: Mary BIGOD
- Individual: Roger Le BIGOD
- Individual: Ralph BIGOD
- Individual: John ENFIELD
- Individual: Eva MacMurrough
- Individual: Maud De Clare
- Individual: Isabel De Clare
- Individual: Gilbert De CLARE :[EARL OF LOUCESTER]
- Individual: Maud (Matilda) De Clare
- Individual: Joane De Clare
- Individual: Richard De Clare
- Individual: Nele (Nigel) DE MOWBRAY
- Individual: William De HELION
- Individual: Alice DAMMARTIN
- Individual: William MUNCHENSY [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Hawise MUNCHENSY
- Individual: Alice MUNCHENSY
- Individual: Cecily MUNCHENSY
- Individual: William MUNCHENSY
- Individual: Warin MUNCHENSY
- Individual: Godfrey GAMAGE
- Individual: William De SAINT OMER
- Individual: Richard BURGH
- Individual: Walter BURGH
- Individual: Alice BURGH
- Individual: Margery De LACY
- Individual: Walter De LACY
- Individual: Maud (Mahaut) De LACY
- Individual: Alice Doyly
- Individual: Eustache De Champagne [Countess of Ess [Countess
- Individual: Hawise De GROS
- Individual: Hugh Bockland
- Individual: Piers De LUTEGARESHALE
- Individual: Robert FITZPIERS
- Individual: Geoffrey FITZPIERS
- Individual: Julienne LUTEGARESHALE
- Individual: Hawise LUTEGARESHALE
- Individual: Maud LUTEGARESHALE
- Individual: Petronella LUTEGARESHALE
- Individual: John (Fitzrichard) De LACY
- Individual: Roger De LACY
- Individual: Johanna De LACY
- Individual: Beatrice De SAYE
- Individual: Alice MAMINOT
- Individual: Roger MORTIMER
- Individual: Adam BRUS (BRUCE)
- Individual: Peter (Piers) BRUS
- Individual: Phillip (Guillame) De BELMEIS
- Individual: Robert De CURCY
- Individual: Guillaume III Count Vienne
- Individual: Blanche, Princess Of NAVARRE
- Individual: Helawise De STUTEVILLE
- Individual: Elena (Helena) De MORVILLE
- Individual: William De MORVILLE
- Individual: Hubert BURGH [Earl of Kent] [Earl of K
- Individual: William FITZROBERT
- Individual: Ferry Chabot
- Individual: Phillipp Germany II
- Individual: Henry VI Emperor of Germany, Holy Roman Emperor
- Individual: Joan Stafford
- Individual: Humphrey Stafford
- Individual: Richard Stafford
- Individual: John Stafford
- Individual: Edward Stafford
- Individual: Margaret Stafford
- Individual: Catherine Stafford
- Individual: George Stafford
- Individual: William Stafford
- Individual: Anne Stafford
- Individual: Elizabeth Stafford
- Individual: Alexander Wood
- Individual: Walter De BRAOSE
- Individual: Richard Woods
- Individual: N.N. of the Pictish princess Picts
- Individual: Eochaid III King of Dalriada, Knapdale and Kintyre macEchdac
- Individual: Agnes De MOELS
- Individual: Aline MULTON
- Individual: Mary De ROS [Baroness Brewos [Baroness
- Individual: Alice De RUS
- Individual: William De BEAUCHAMP
- Individual: Henry De TRACY [BaronBarnstaple [BaronBarn
- Individual: Peter Or Piers FITZHERBERT
- Individual: John MENTEITH [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Isabel STEWART
- Individual: John BIGOD
- Individual: William Le BIGOD
- Individual: Simon Le BIGOD [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Isabel BIGOD
- Individual: Margaret De SUTTON
- Individual: Alberic (Audley) De VERE
- Individual: William HASTINGS
- Individual: Henry HASTINGS [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: William HASTINGS
- Individual: Isabel HASTINGS
- Individual: Randolph Fitzrobert
- Individual: Robert FITZRANULF
- Individual: Mrs- Mrs- Ralph BIGOD
- Individual: Maud De Clare
- Individual: Joan De Clare
- Individual: Guillaume II Count Of PROVENCE
- Individual: Susan De Clare
- Individual: Amica De Clare [Countess of Dev [Countess
- Individual: Richard De Clare [EARL OF GLOUCES [EARL OF G
- Individual: Isabel De Clare
- Individual: William De Clare [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Adeliza De Clare
- Individual: Gilbert De Clare
- Individual: Agnes De Clare
- Individual: RHYS "Gryg" Ap RHYS
- Individual: Reynold MOHUN
- Individual: William BREAUTE
- Individual: John WAHULL
- Individual: Savay BOHUN
- Individual: John MUNCHENSY
- Individual: Joan MUNCHENSY
- Individual: Dionisia (Denise) ANESTY
- Individual: Margaret DE LAMVALLIE
- Individual: Mrs Mrs Gilbert MARSHALL
- Individual: Marjory Princess Of Scotland
- Individual: Alice De BETUNE
- Individual: Gervaise De Dinan (Dinant) [Countess of Pem [Countess
- Individual: Margaret De QUINCY
- Individual: Ingeram Pratellis
- Individual: Maud LACY
- Individual: Richard "The Red BURGH [Earl of Ulster] [Earl of U
- Individual: Muriardach HOBREN
- Individual: John De VERDUN
- Individual: Piers De GENEVRE
- Individual: Geoffrey De GENEVILLE [Baron Geneville [Baron Gen
- Individual: Geoffrey De GENEVILLE (JOINV LLE)
- Individual: Gautier De GENEVILLE (JOINV [Seigneur of Vau [Seigneur
- Individual: Piers De GENEVILLE [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Jehan De GENEVILLE (JOINV [Seigneur of Vau [Seigneur
- Individual: Simon De GENEVILLE (JOINV LLE)
- Individual: Jeanne De Joinville
- Individual: Perronell Mrs FITZPIERS
- Individual: Cicely FITZGEOFFREY
- Individual: Hawise FITZGEOFFREY
- Individual: John FITZGEOFFREY [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Geoffrey De MANDEVILLE [EARL OF ESSEX] [EARL OF E
- Individual: Maud FITZGEOFFREY
- Individual: Henry De MANDEVILLE [Dean of Wolverh [Dean of W
- Individual: Stephen Bendenges
- Individual: William LARWALAW
- Individual: William BOPLANDE
- Individual: Alice De AQUILA
- Individual: John De LACY [Earl of Lincoln [Earl of L
- Individual: Roger De LACY
- Individual: Agnes Mrs De LACY
- Individual: Piers De BRUS
- Individual: William De MANDEVILLE [EARL OF ESSEX] [EARL OF E
- Individual: Joan Mrs Peter
- Individual: Roger MAUDUIT
- Individual: Bertred Mainwaring
- Individual: Miss Miss De MORTIMER
- Individual: Miss Miss De MORTIMER
- Individual: Irini Maria Angelos
- Individual: Maria Swabia
- Individual: Sir Sir William Knivet
- Individual: William Beaumont, Viscount Beaumont
- Individual: Margaret Beaufort
- Individual: Constance Green
- Individual: Robert Dunham
- Individual: John Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury
- Individual: Aubrey de Vere
- Individual: Anne Woods
- Individual: Aed Find 'the White' King of Dalriada
- Individual: Bertha FURNIVAL
- Individual: Isabella Princess Of Scotland
- Individual: Helen Harcourt
- Individual: Joan De STUTEVILLE
- Individual: Maud De FELBRIGG
- Individual: Ada Huntingdon [PRINCESS OF SCO [PRINCESS
- Individual: Isabel De Clare
- Individual: Bevis (Bogo) (Benet) Clare
- Individual: Robert (Richard) De Clare
- Individual: Margaret De Clare
- Individual: Roese (Rohesia) De Clare
- Individual: Maud De Clare
- Individual: Eglentine De Clare
- Individual: Gilbert "the-Red-Earl" De Clare [EARL OF GLOUCES [EARL OF G
- Individual: Thomas De Clare [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Mr Mr DUGAL
- Individual: Guillaume De LUSIGNAN VALENCE
- Individual: Agnes (Ann) De VALENCE
- Individual: Margaret (Maud) De LACIE
- Individual: Aveline BURGH
- Individual: Eleanor BURGH
- Individual: Elizabeth De BURGH
- Individual: Walter De BURGH
- Individual: John De BURGH
- Individual: Maud (Matilda) De BURGH
- Individual: Thomas De BURGH
- Individual: Katherine De BURGH
- Individual: Edmund De BURGH
- Individual: Joan De BURGH
- Individual: Joan LUSIGNAN
- Individual: Johann I, Count Salm
- Individual: Savary BOHUN
- Individual: Isabel FITZGEOFFREY
- Individual: Maud FITZGEOFFREY
- Individual: John FITZJOHN
- Individual: Richard FITZJOHN [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Aveline FITZJOHN
- Individual: Joan FITZJOHN
- Individual: Alice De L' AIGLE
- Individual: Christine FitzRobert
- Individual: Mrs- Mrs- Roger De MAINWARING
- Individual: Henry de Aldithley Audley
- Individual: James of Aldithley Audley
- Individual: Robert De TATESHAL
- Individual: Roger De MOHAUT
- Individual: Roger De (Montalt) MONTEALTO
- Individual: Margaret de Somery
- Individual: Isabel De WARENNE
- Individual: Stephen De GROSS
- Individual: Peter De MORTIMER
- Individual: Mr Mr De BEAUCHAMP
- Individual: Lawrence Meigs
- Individual: Vincent Meigs
- Individual: Eochaid IV 'Annuine' King of Dalriada
- Individual: Guglielmo VII Marchese MONTFERRAT
- Individual: Edmund PLANTAGENET
- Individual: Roger De MOWBRAY
- Individual: Robert GIFFORD
- Individual: Gilbert De Clare [EARL OF GLOUCES [EARL OF G
- Individual: Elizabeth, Baroness Clare DE CLARE
- Individual: Mrs Mrs Isabella
- Individual: Julian FITZMAURICE
- Individual: Hugh De BALIOL
- Individual: Thomas De MULTON
- Individual: Maurice FITZTHOMAS
- Individual: Thomas FITZJOHN [Earl of Kildare [Earl of K
- Individual: John "le Neveu" DARCY [Baron Darcy] [Baron Dar
- Individual: Isabel De BEAUCHAMP
- Individual: Sarah De BEAUCHAMP
- Individual: Robert De BEAUCHAMP
- Individual: John De BEAUCHAMP
- Individual: Anne De BEAUCHAMP
- Individual: Margaret De BEAUCHAMP
- Individual: Maud De BEAUCHAMP
- Individual: Margery BASSET
- Individual: Emma Mrs FITZJOHN
- Individual: Theobald Le (Botiller BUTLER
- Individual: Hugh Audley
- Individual: Edmund de Mortimer
- Individual: Peter CORBET [Baron of Caus] [Baron of
- Individual: Elizabeth Ann
- Individual: John Meigs
- Individual: Alpin King of Kintyre and Dalriada macEochaid
- Individual: Maud "of Lancaster" PLANTAGENET
- Individual: Henry LOVET
- Individual: William BLOUNT [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Hugh Le Despencer EARL OF WINCHES EARL OF WI
- Individual: Isabel De Clare
- Individual: John SUDELEY
- Individual: Mr Mr RITHCO
- Individual: Hugh VIII de Audley
- Individual: Alice Audley
- Individual: Isolde de Mortimer
- Individual: Thomasine Fry
- Individual: Elizabeth Meigs
- Individual: Trial Meigs
- Individual: Kenneth King of Scotland and of Picts macAlpin
- Individual: Catherine de Mortimer
- Individual: Phillippe Beauchamp
- Individual: Margaret de Clare
- Individual: Margaret de Audley
- Individual: Ralph Greystoke 3 Baron
- Individual: Ralph of Raby Nevill 2 Baron
- Individual: John of Raby Nevill 3rd Earl
- Individual: Margaret Nevill
- Individual: Richard Hubbell Sgt
- Individual: Richard Hubbell
- Individual: Samuel Hubbell Sr.
- Individual: Andrew Ward
- Individual: Causantin (Constantine) King of Scotland
- Individual: Maud Percy
- Individual: Ralph Neville Earl of Westmoreland Earl of We
- Individual: Eleanor Nevill
- Individual: Thomas of Furnival Nevill Lord
- Individual: Henry N Umberland Percy Earl
- Individual: Sir Sir Henry "Hotspur" Percy
- Individual: Rebecca Morehouse
- Individual: Elizabeth Hubbell
- Individual: Temperance Nichols
- Individual: David Hubbell
- Individual: Domnall (Donald) King of Scotland Scotland
- Individual: Elizabeth Percy- Baroness Clifford
- Individual: John Neville
- Individual: Alice Nevill
- Individual: Catherine Neville, Duchess of Norfolk
- Individual: Eleanor Nevill
- Individual: George of Latymer Nevill 1 Baron
- Individual: Robert Neville
- Individual: Cecily Neville
- Individual: Joan Neville
- Individual: Richard Neville, Earl of Salisbury
- Individual: Henry Neville
- Individual: Thomas Neville, Baron Saint Maur and Lov
- Individual: Cuthbert Neville
- Individual: Robert Neville, Bishop of Salisbury & Du
- Individual: William Neville, Earl of Kent
- Individual: Anne Neville, Duchess of Buckingham
- Individual: John Neville, Lord Neville
- Individual: George Neville, Baron Latimer
- Individual: Edward Neville, Baron Abergavenny
- Individual: Ralph Lumley Baron
- Individual: Catherine Lumley
- Individual: Elizabeth Lumley
- Individual: John De BRAOSE
- Individual: Joane Furnival Baroness
- Individual: Maud of Furnival Nevill Baroness
- Individual: Henry de Percy, Earl of Northumberland
- Individual: Nathan Beardsley
- Individual: Eunice Sanford
- Individual: Justus David Hubbell
- Individual: Malcolm (Mael-Colium) I King of Scotland
- Individual: Elizabeth Holand
- Individual: Thomas of Heton Grey Sir
- Individual: John Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk
- Individual: John Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk
- Individual: Thomas Strangeways
- Individual: John Viscount Beaumont
- Individual: Sir Sir John Wydeville
- Individual: Henry of N Umb. Percy 2 Earl
- Individual: Elizabeth of Berkeley Beauchamp Brns
- Individual: Alice Montagu Countess
- Individual: Baroness Baroness Alice Seymour of Saint Maur of Saint M
- Individual: Joan Fauconberg, Countess of Kent
- Individual: Walter Blount, Baron of Mountjoy
- Individual: Anne Holand, Baroness of Neville
- Individual: Elizabeth Beauchamp, Baroness Latimer
- Individual: Catherine Howard, Baroness Aberfavenny
- Individual: Elizabeth Beauchamp
- Individual: John Chideock Sir
- Individual: Catherine Chideock
- Individual: Margaret Chideock
- Individual: Adam Tyrwhitt
- Individual: John of Shrewsbury Talbot 1 Earl
- Individual: Waltstill Bishop
- Individual: Eliphalet Hubble
- Individual: Ruth Hubble
- Individual: David Hubbell
- Individual: Eunice Hubbell
- Individual: Mary Hubbell
- Individual: Mary Hubbell
- Individual: Milly Hubbell
- Individual: David Hubbell
- Individual: Sarah Hubbell
- Individual: Kenneth (Cinaed) King of Scotland
- Individual: John Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk
- Individual: John Arundel Sir
- Individual: Thomas Arundel
- Individual: Ellen Arundel
- Individual: William Stourton 2 Baron
- Individual: Elizabeth Whitmon
- Individual: Margaret Hubble
- Individual: Adam II Surber
- Individual: Andrew Jackson Surber
- Individual: Reuben Debord
- Individual: George Debord
- Individual: NN of Leinster
- Individual: Malcolm (Mael-Colium) II King of Strathclyde, King of Scotla
- Individual: Elizabeth Talbot, Duchess of Norfolk
- Individual: Katharine Dynham
- Individual: Elizabeth Arundel
- Individual: John Whited
- Individual: Lazarus Whited
- Individual: Elizabeth Whited
- Individual: Ursula Whited
- Individual: Ransom Biship Bud Whited
- Individual: Henderson Whited
- Individual: John Andrew Whited
- Individual: Carson Whited
- Individual: Sarah Ann Whited
- Individual: Manurva Whited
- Individual: Margaret Pernita Whited
- Individual: Azariah Vincent Whited
- Individual: Eada or Elizabeth Harrel
- Individual: Ruth Maria Surber
- Individual: Mrs- Mrs- Malcolm MACKENNETH QUEEN Of Scotland Of Scotlan
- Individual: Bethoc (Beatrix) Princess Scotland
- Individual: Anleta Princess of Scotland MacKenneth
- Individual: Edward Stradling
- Individual: Noman Whited
- Individual: Malinda Whited
- Individual: Wright Whited
- Individual: Luther Whited
- Individual: Jim Whited
- Individual: Tarra Whited
- Individual: Isaiah Whited
- Individual: Alexander
- Individual: Crinan De Mormaer [ABBOT OF DUNKEL [ABBOT OF
- Individual: Daughter Daughter Princess Of Scotland
- Individual: Maldred Lord of Carlyle
- Individual: Duncan I 'the Gracious' King of Scotland
- Individual: Sigurd II 'the Stout' Earl of Orkney Hlodvirsson
- Individual: Thorfinn II 'the Black' Earl of Orkney Sigurdsson
- Individual: Brusse Earl of Caithness and Sunderland Sigurdsson
- Individual: Sarah Jane Smith
- Individual: Simon Alfred Whited
- Individual: Isaiah Whited
- Individual: Mary Lavina Whited
- Individual: Bertha Myrtle Whited
- Individual: Anna Laura Whited
- Individual: William Ennis Whited
- Individual: Jennie Elizabeth Whited
- Individual: Nellia Mae Whited
- Individual: Miss Miss of Carlyle
- Individual: Gospatric, Earl Of Northumberland
- Individual: Maldred of Allerdale
- Individual: Dolphin Maldred, Prince Scotland
- Individual: Aeflaed of Northumbria
- Individual: Malcolm III "Ceanmor Scotland
- Individual: Donald III Bane King of Scotland
- Individual: Donald "Bane" III Scotland
- Individual: Melmare (Maelmuire) (Melkofr) Atholl [PRINCE OF SCOTL [PRINCE OF
- Individual: Duncan Earl Of MORAY
- Individual: Ingeborg of Holland Finnsdottir
- Individual: Robert De MORTIMER
- Individual: Ostrida of Gothland
- Individual: Ruth Amy Kramer
- Individual: Anita Elaine Whited
- Individual: William Floyd Whited
- Individual: James W. Brown
- Individual: Elmer D. Keasey
- Individual: Ruby Scarlett
- Individual: Avery Stephenson
- Individual: William Thomas Tompkin
- Individual: Dolfin King Of Cambria
- Individual: Waltheof Earl Of Dunbar
- Individual: Gospatric Of Northumberland
- Individual: Ethelreda Queen Of Scotland
- Individual: UCHTRED Of Northumberland
- Individual: Edward Prince Of Scotland
- Individual: Edmund Prince Of Scotland
- Individual: Ethelred Prince Of Scotland
- Individual: Edgar King Of Scotland
- Individual: Mary Princess Of Scotland
- Individual: David I "The Scotland
- Individual: Mrs- Mrs- Donald III Queen Scotland
- Individual: Octreda Of ALLERDALE [Countess of Mor [Countess
- Individual: Thomas Calvin Toothaker
- Individual: Sigrid (Sigarith)
- Individual: Alan, BARON Of ALLERDALE
- Individual: Ochtreda Or Ethelreda
- Individual: Gospatric, Earl Of Northumberland
- Individual: Gunnild Of Dunbar
- Individual: Mrs- Mrs- Gospatrick Earl Of Dunbar
- Individual: Gospatrick De Dunbar
- Individual: Duncan II, King Scotland
- Individual: Dolphin
- Individual: Elizabeth Princess Of England
- Individual: Son Son Prince Of England
- Individual: Richard Prince Of England
- Individual: Malcolm Prince Of Scotland
- Individual: Henry Prince Of Scotland [Earl of Hunting [Earl of H
- Individual: Clarice Princess Of Scotland
- Individual: Eva BRAOSE
- Individual: Hodierna, Princess Of Scotland
- Individual: Derdere Mrs Dunbar
- Individual: Alice
- Individual: Fergus Lord Of Galloway
- Individual: Gilbert, Of GALLOWAY (CARRIC )
- Individual: Margaret De Galloway
- Individual: UCHTRED Lord Of Galloway [CONSTABLE OF SC [CONSTABLE
- Individual: Affrica De Galloway [QUEEN OF MAN] [QUEEN OF
- Individual: Malcolm IV "The Scotland
- Individual: William I "The Scotland [Earl of Hunting [Earl of H
- Individual: David Earl Of Huntingdon [PRINCE OF SCOTL [PRINCE OF
- Individual: Matilda Princess Of Scotland
- Individual: Marjory Princess Of Scotland
- Individual: Ada Princess Of Scotland [COUNTESS OF HOL [COUNTESS
- Individual: Margaret Princess Of Scotland [DUCHESS OF BRIT [DUCHESS O
- Individual: Roger De MORTIMER
- Individual: Mrs- Mrs- Gilbert, Of GALLOWAY (CARRIC )
- Individual: Duncan Earl Of Carrick
- Individual: Avelina FITZWALTER
- Individual: David FITZWALTER
- Individual: Roland Of Galloway
- Individual: Fergus Galloway
- Individual: Lochlan Galloway
- Individual: Miss Miss AVENEL [CONCUBINE 1] [CONCUBINE
- Individual: Isabel, Princess Of Scotland
- Individual: Mrs- Mrs- William I, Concubine Scotland
- Individual: Aufrica De Scotland
- Individual: Ada Scotland
- Individual: Mrs- Mrs- William I, Concubine Scotland
- Individual: Margaret Princess Of Scotland
- Individual: Robert De Huntingdon [PRINCE OF SCOTL [PRINCE OF
- Individual: Henry De Huntingdon [PRINCE OF SCOTL [PRINCE OF
- Individual: Margaret Huntingdon [PRINCESS OF SCO [PRINCESS
- Individual: Isabelle Huntingdon [PRINCESSOFSC [PRINCESSO
- Individual: Matilda Huntingdon [PRINCESS OF SCO [PRINCESS
- Individual: Gilchrist Earl Of ANGUS
- Individual: Duncan Earl Of ANGUS
- Individual: Beatrix De ANGUS
- Individual: Floris III "Crusader" Holland
- Individual: Margaretha Countess Of Holland [COUNTESS OF KLE [COUNTESS
- Individual: Robrecht Count Of Holland
- Individual: Mathilda (Mechtildis) Van Holland
- Individual: Ada Countess Of Holland [MARGRAVINE OF B [MARGRAVIN
- Individual: Dirk VII Count Holland
- Individual: Floris Count Of Holland [DOMPROPST OF UT [DOMPROPST
- Individual: Boudewijn Count Of Holland
- Individual: Beatrix Countess Of Holland
- Individual: Elisabeth Countess Of Holland
- Individual: Richard III Duke Normandy
- Individual: Hedwig Countess Of Holland
- Individual: Agnes Countess Of Holland
- Individual: Conan IV "le BRETAGNE
- Individual: Neil Earl Of Carrick
- Individual: John De Carrick
- Individual: Euphemia STEWART
- Individual: Margaret STEWART
- Individual: Elizabeth STEWART
- Individual: John STEWART
- Individual: Walter "Ballioch" Le STEWART [EARL OF MENTEIT [EARL OF M
- Individual: Robert STEWART [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Alan De Galloway [LORD OF GALLOWA [LORD OF G
- Individual: Son Son De Galloway
- Individual: Ada De Galloway
- Individual: Thomas Galloway [EARL OF ATHOLL] [EARL OF A
- Individual: Robert De BRUCE
- Individual: Robert De ROSS
- Individual: Patrick De Dunbar [EARL OF DUNBAR] [EARL OF D
- Individual: Robert DE ROOS
- Individual: Mrs- Mrs- Alexander II, Concubine Scotland
- Individual: Robert De BRUCE [BARON OF ANNAND [BARON OF
- Individual: Robert "The Competitor" BRUS [Lord of Annanda [Lord of A
- Individual: Richard De BRUCE
- Individual: Beatrice BRUCE
- Individual: Bernard BRUCE [LORD OF EXTON] [LORD OF E
- Individual: Mrs- Mrs- Duncan Countess Of ANGUS
- Individual: Dietrich IV Count Kleve
- Individual: Arnold Count Of ALTENA
- Individual: Otto I Margrave BRANDENBURG
- Individual: Adelheid Countess Of Kleve [COUNTESS OF HOL [COUNTESS
- Individual: Margaret Countess Of Carrick
- Individual: Maldouen, Earl Of LENNOX
- Individual: Mary Countess Of MENTIETH
- Individual: Jean Of Bute
- Individual: Elizabeth STEWART
- Individual: John STEWART [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Helen De L' ISLE
- Individual: Helen (Elena) Of Galloway [Countess of Wor [Countess
- Individual: Thomas Galloway
- Individual: Thomas "of Huntingdon" Galloway
- Individual: Christian De Galloway
- Individual: Alicia Mrs COMYN
- Individual: Marian De Galloway
- Individual: Dervorgilla De Galloway
- Individual: Walter BISSET [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Isabella Countess Of Atholl
- Individual: Robert De BRUS [EARL OF CARRICK [EARL OF C
- Individual: Bernard BRUS [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: William BRUS
- Individual: Richard De BRUS
- Individual: Isabella BRUCE
- Individual: John BRUS
- Individual: Alosia BRUCE
- Individual: Christiana BRUCE
- Individual: Hugh De NEVILLE
- Individual: Constantia De MORTEYN
- Individual: Philip MORTIMER
- Individual: Egidia (Giles) De BURGH
- Individual: ANDREW STEWART
- Individual: Walter High STEWARD Scotland
- Individual: John STEWART [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Egidia (Giles) STEWART
- Individual: James STEWART [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: William "le Hardi" DOUGLAS [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: James of Lothian DOUGLAS [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Archibald DOUGLAS [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Margaret De BONKYL
- Individual: Helen or Ellen de Quincy
- Individual: Elizabeth (Isabel) De QUINCY
- Individual: John COMYN [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: John "The Black" COMYN
- Individual: John "Red John" CUMYN
- Individual: Cecilia De BALIOL
- Individual: Eleanor De BALIOL
- Individual: Mary De BALIOL
- Individual: Ada De BALIOL
- Individual: Alan De BALIOL
- Individual: William De BALIOL
- Individual: Margaret De BALIOL
- Individual: Robert I "The Scotland ["de BRUS"] ["de BRUS"
- Individual: Nigel (Neil) BRUCE
- Individual: Christina BRUCE
- Individual: Edward BRUCE [KING OF IRELAND [KING OF I
- Individual: Mary BRUCE
- Individual: Maud (Matilda) (Mary) BRUCE
- Individual: Margaret BRUCE (BRUS)
- Individual: Thomas BRUCE
- Individual: Elizabeth BRUCE
- Individual: Margery BRUCE
- Individual: Alicia De Clare
- Individual: Constance De MORLEYN
- Individual: Elizabeth De SULLY
- Individual: John Fitz Marmaduke
- Individual: Patrick Dunbar [EARL OF MARCH] [EARL OF M
- Individual: Isabel De GRAHAM
- Individual: John STEWART [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: ANDREW STEWART
- Individual: Egidia STEWART
- Individual: Robert II King Scotland
- Individual: BERTHA DE BRAOSE
- Individual: Beatrice De LINDSAY
- Individual: Alan II de la Zouche Baron
- Individual: Roger la Zouche Sir
- Individual: Margery Zouche
- Individual: John De BURGH
- Individual: Devorguille De BURGH
- Individual: Hawise BURGH
- Individual: Margaret De BURGH
- Individual: William De LINDSAY [LORD OF LAMBERT [LORD OF L
- Individual: Son Son MULTON
- Individual: Marjorie, Princess Of Scotland [Bruce]
- Individual: Maud (Matilda) Princess SCOTLAND (BRUCE)
- Individual: Margaret Princess Of Scotland
- Individual: David II King Scotland
- Individual: John Prince Of Scotland
- Individual: Thomas RANDOLPH
- Individual: Thomas RANDOLPH
- Individual: Isobel RANDOLPH
- Individual: Eric III MAGNUSSON KING O Norway
- Individual: Christopher SETON [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: ANDREW MORAY [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Miss Miss Strathbogie
- Individual: Neil "MacCailen More" CAMPBELL [LAIRDOFLOCHO [LAIRDOFLO
- Individual: Alexander Fraser Knight
- Individual: Hugh ROSS [EARL OF ROSS] [EARL OF R
- Individual: William De Carlyle [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Helen ERSKINE
- Individual: Sir Sir William Dishington Knight
- Individual: David De BRESCHIN [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Alicia MORE
- Individual: Hugh EGLINTON [SIR]
- Individual: Elizabeth EGLINTON
- Individual: Elizabeth MORE (MURE) [QUEEN OF SCOTLA [QUEEN OF
- Individual: Walter STEWART [Earl Of Fife] [Earl Of F
- Individual: Robert STEWART [DUKE OF ALBANY] [DUKE OF A
- Individual: Isabel Eupheme STEWART [PRINCESS OF SCO [PRINCESS
- Individual: Robert III (John Scotland
- Individual: Ela or Eleanor Longespee
- Individual: Alan la Zouche
- Individual: Robert Clavering Baron
- Individual: Alice de Valence
- Individual: Robert FITZWALTER
- Individual: Robert GREILLY
- Individual: Thomas Isaac
- Individual: Joan Isaac
- Individual: Jonet Isaac
- Individual: Catherine Isaac
- Individual: William Earl Of SUTHERLAND
- Individual: Joan Princess Of England
- Individual: Margaret Drummond [QUEEN OF SCOTLA [QUEEN OF
- Individual: Isobel STEWART
- Individual: William MURRAY
- Individual: Muriella KEITH [DUCHESS OF ALBA [DUCHESS O
- Individual: Margaret MURDOCH
- Individual: John MACDONALD
- Individual: John Dunbar [EARL OF MORAY] [EARL OF M
- Individual: ALEXANDER KEITH [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Thomas HAY [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Gilbert HAY [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Elizabeth HAY
- Individual: Miss Miss HAY
- Individual: Alicia HAY
- Individual: John EDMONSTONE [SIR]
- Individual: John KEITH [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: John Lyon [Chmbrln ofSctln [Chmbrln o
- Individual: James SANDILANDS [SIR]
- Individual: [CONCUBINE 1] [CONCUBINE <Living>
- Individual: Margaret STEWART [CntsofSutherlan [CntsofSut
- Individual: Annabella Drummond
- Individual: John STEWART
- Individual: Margaret, Princess Of Scotland [COUNTESS OF DOU [COUNTESS
- Individual: David Prince Of Scotland [DUKE OF ROTHSEY [DUKE OF R
- Individual: Mary, Princess Of Scotland
- Individual: Robert, Prince Of Scotland
- Individual: Elizabeth Princess Of Scotland
- Individual: Egidia, Princess Of Scotland
- Individual: Eleanor Segrave
- Individual: Maud Zouche
- Individual: John STEWART
- Individual: John MACALAN [Laird of Lorn] [Laird of
- Individual: Isabel ERGADIA
- Individual: Jonet De ERGADIA
- Individual: Margaret GRAY
- Individual: Elizabeth REID
- Individual: George LESLIE
- Individual: Norman LESLIE
- Individual: William HAY
- Individual: Elizabeth GRAHAM
- Individual: Archibald DOUGLAS [EARL OF DOUGLAS [EARL OF D
- Individual: Mary DOUGLAS
- Individual: George DOUGLAS [EARL OF ANGUS] [EARL OF A
- Individual: James KENNEDY [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Gilbert KENNEDY
- Individual: William GRAHAM [Duke of Montros [Duke of M
- Individual: William EDMONSTON
- Individual: James DOUGLAS [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Robert Holand 1 Baron
- Individual: Robert of Enreston Holand Lord
- Individual: Robert Holand 2nd Baron
- Individual: Thomas de Holland
- Individual: Margaret Holand
- Individual: Maud or Matilda Holand
- Individual: Elizabeth Holand
- Individual: John STEWART [Lord of Lorne] [Lord of L
- Individual: Isabel STEWART
- Individual: Robert STEWART [Baron Lorn] [Baron Lor
- Individual: Archibald STEWART
- Individual: James "Black Knight STEWART [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Jean STEWART
- Individual: Robert STEWART
- Individual: Robert STEWART [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Catherine Maxwell
- Individual: John KENNEDY
- Individual: Margaret
- Individual: Jane Holand
- Individual: Mrs Mrs Elizabeth Holand
- Individual: Thomas of Holland Earl Kent
- Individual: John Holland Duke of Exeter Duke of Ex
- Individual: John of Bracewell Tempest Lord
- Individual: Richard of Bracewell Tempest Lord
- Individual: Margaret Tempest
- Individual: Thomas of S Swynnerton Sir
- Individual: Henry FitzRoger
- Individual: John of Chuton FitzRoger Lord
- Individual: William of Wemme Boteler 3 Baron
- Individual: James "Hearty James" STEWART [EARL OF BUCHAN] [EARL OF B
- Individual: ANDREW STEWART
- Individual: David BRUCE
- Individual: Elizabeth Montgomerie
- Individual: David KENNEDY
- Individual: William of Sefton Molineux
- Individual: Thomas Holland
- Individual: Joan de Holand Duchess of York Duchess of
- Individual: Eleanor Acquataine PLANTAGENET
- Individual: John Holand
- Individual: Isabel Leggard
- Individual: James of the Tower Radclyffe
- Individual: Alice of Cheddar Bonville
- Individual: Elizabeth of Chuton FitzRoger Lady
- Individual: Margaret Colquhoun
- Individual: Eleanor SINCLAIR [CountessofAthol [Countesso
- Individual: Margaret STEWART
- Individual: Anne Or Elizabeth STEWART
- Individual: Christian STEWART
- Individual: Margaret STEWART
- Individual: Jean STEWART
- Individual: Elizabeth STEWART
- Individual: ANDREW STEWART [BishopofCaithne [BishopofC
- Individual: Margaret STEWART
- Individual: Marjory STEWART
- Individual: Elspeth STEWART
- Individual: Elizabeth STUART [Countess of Len [Countess
- Individual: Margaret Ogilvy
- Individual: Agnes Borthwick
- Individual: Gilbert KENNEDY
- Individual: Roger Fiennes Sir
- Individual: Edward of Powys Cherlton 4 Baron
- Individual: Thomas of Salisbury Montagu 4 Earl
- Individual: John Bonvile Sir
- Individual: William of Chuton Bonvile
- Individual: Thomas Bonvile
- Individual: Grecia (Alice) BRIWERE
- Individual: Neil STEWART
- Individual: Janet (Mary) CAMPBELL [CountessofAthol [Countesso
- Individual: William MURRAY
- Individual: Robert GORDON [Sir Knight] [Sir Knigh
- Individual: Robert ROBERTSON
- Individual: Colin CAMPBELL [SIR]
- Individual: Robert INNES
- Individual: Patrick SINCLAIR
- Individual: Mungo HUME
- Individual: Ninian ROSS [Baron Ross] [Baron Ros
- Individual: Isabel (Isabella) Campbell
- Individual: Gilbert KENNEDY
- Individual: John Neville, Baron Neville
- Individual: James Douglas, Earl of Douglas
- Individual: Margaret Meriet
- Individual: William of Chuton Bonvile 2 Lord
- Individual: Mary or Margaret Bonvile
- Individual: Johanna Saint John
- Individual: John Bonvile
- Individual: Margery Sophia
- Individual: SirThomas KENNEDY 9th Earl of Cassillis 9th Earl o
- Individual: David KENNEDY 10 Earl of Cassillis 10 Earl of
- Individual: Elizabeth Harington
- Individual: William de Courtenay Sir
- Individual: Joanna Wibbery
- Individual: Anne Bonvile
- Individual: Elizabeth Makgill
- Individual: Alexander KENNEDY
- Individual: Philip Copplestone
- Individual: Ralph Copplestone
- Individual: Agnes
- Individual: John KENNEDY
- Individual: Alexander KENNEDY
- Individual: Margaret KENNEDY
- Individual: Agnes KENNEDY
- Individual: Thomas KENNEDY
- Individual: James KENNEDY
- Individual: Marion KENNEDY
- Individual: John Copplestone
- Individual: Catherine Bridges
- Individual: Richard Copplestone
- Individual: Alice Kellsey
- Individual: Izote Copplestone
- Individual: Maud (Matilda) De SAINT VALERY [Lady of LaHaie] [Lady of L
- Individual: Matilda BREWER OR BRAOZE
- Individual: Aubreye De BEAUMONT [Abbess of St Le [Abbess of
- Individual: Joan (Alice)De BRAOSE
- Individual: Elvira (Sancha) Alfonsez Of CASTILE Y LEON
- Individual: Eleanor De BRAOSE
- Individual: Henry De BRAOSE
- Individual: Berenguela Queen Of CASTILE
- Individual: Guillaume De NORMANDIE
- Individual: Flandrina BRAOSE
- Individual: Guillaume PLANTAGENET ;[COUNT OF POITOU]
- Individual: Guillaume I De BOURGOGNE
- Individual: Robert II "The Pious" FRANCE
- Individual: Constance De Toulouse [QUEEN OF FRANCE [QUEEN OF
- Individual: Henri I France [KING OF FRANCE] [KING OF F
- Individual: Eudo (Odes) Prince France [BISHOP OF AUXER [BISHOP OF
- Individual: Adelaide Havoise Princess France [COUNTESS OF AUX [COUNTESS
- Individual: Adaele (Alix) Princess Of FRANCE
- Individual: Reginald De BRAOSE
- Individual: Josceline De COURTENAY
- Individual: Amaury De Montfort [SEIGNEUR DE MON [SEIGNEUR
- Individual: Richard De MONTFORT
- Individual: Hildegarde De GASTINOIS
- Individual: Geoffroy III "le Barbu" Count Of ANJOU
- Individual: Simon I Seigneur Montfort [Seigneur de I] [Seigneur
- Individual: Simon II De MONTFORT
- Individual: Agnaes D' EVREUX
- Individual: Guillaume De MONTFORT
- Individual: Geoffrey VI "Mantell" PLANTAGENET ;[COUNT OF NANTES]
- Individual: Roger De MORTIMER
- Individual: John De BRAOSE
- Individual: Loretta De BRAOSE
- Individual: Mary De BRAOSE
- Individual: Adeliza De MONTFORT
- Individual: Stephanie (Douce) PROVENCE
- Individual: Hugh Count Of CLERMONT (CREIL, MOUCHY)
- Individual: Fulk De BRAOSE
- Individual: William I Count Of PROVENCE
- Individual: Adela (Blanca) D' Anjou [COUNTESS OF PRO [COUNTESS
- Individual: Giles De BRAOSE
- Individual: Tangwystl Verch LLYWARCH
- Individual: Geoffroy II "Ferreol" Count Of GASTINOIS
- Individual: Alix (Adbelahide) Countess Of SAVOY
- Individual: Gerold Count Of GENEVA
- Individual: Gisela Countess Of GENEVA
- Individual: Roger BRAOSE
- Individual: Robert De BRAOSE
- Individual: Bertrade De Montfort [QUEEN OF FRANCE [QUEEN OF
- Individual: Joan De MORTIMER
- Individual: William De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Margred Verch MADOG
- Individual: Roger De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Adeliza (Adeline) MEULENT [COUNTESS OF MEU [COUNTESS
- Individual: Ermengarde, Countess Of ANJOU
- Individual: Agnes PLANTAGENET
- Individual: Idoine De CAMVILLE
- Individual: William LONGESPEE
- Individual: Hugh MORTIMER
- Individual: Trahaearn Ap CARADOG
- Individual: Llywarch Ap TRAHAEARN
- Individual: Meurig Ap TRAHAEARN
- Individual: Owain Ap TRAHAEARN
- Individual: Ieuan Ap TRAHAEARN
- Individual: Griffri Ap TRAHAEARN
- Individual: Ednowain Ap TRAHAEARN
- Individual: Madog Ap TRAHAEARN
- Individual: Maredudd Ap LLYWARCH
- Individual: Adeliza De CLERMONT
- Individual: Gilbert De Clare [EARL OF PEMBROK [EARL OF P
- Individual: Isabel (Elizabeth) De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Agnes De CLARE
- Individual: Baldwin De CLARE
- Individual: Basilia De CLARE
- Individual: Gilbert FitzRichard De CLARE
- Individual: Walter De CLARE
- Individual: Rohesia De CLARE
- Individual: Baldwin FITZGILBERT De Clare [LORD OF BOURNE] [LORD OF B
- Individual: Adeliza (Alice) De CLARE
- Individual: Margaret FITZGILBERT
- Individual: Richard De CLARE
- Individual: Richard "De Tonbridge" FITZGILBERT [Lord de Bienfai [Lord de B
- Individual: Rohese GIFFARD
- Individual: Miss Miss (Fitzgilbert) De CLARE
- Individual: Ronais Fitz GILBERT
- Individual: Roger FITZRICHARD [Lord of Bienfai [Lord of B
- Individual: Walter FITZRICHARD [Lord of Nether [Lord of N
- Individual: Richard De CLARE
- Individual: Robert (FitzRichard) De CLARE
- Individual: Rohese Fitzrichard De CLARE
- Individual: Adeliza De CLARE
- Individual: Isabel (Elizabeth) De VERMANDOIS
- Individual: Maud De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Havoise De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Amicade De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Waleran Count Of MEULAN [EARL OF WORCEST [EARL OF W
- Individual: Aubreye De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Adeline (Gundrea) De (Bellmont) BEAUMONT
- Individual: Miss Miss De BEAUMONT
- Individual: Robert "Bossu" De BEAUMONT ;[EARL OF LEICESTER] [TWIN]
- Individual: Hugues "le Grand" De FRANCE
- Individual: Adelle (Adelaide) VERMANDOIS
- Individual: Agnaes De VERMANDOIS
- Individual: Raoul I De VERMANDOIS
- Individual: Simon De VERMANDOIS
- Individual: Henri Lord Of CHAUMONT
- Individual: Maud (Matilda) De VERMANDOIS
- Individual: Constance De VERMANDOIS
- Individual: Guillaume De VERMANDOIS
- Individual: Bbeatrice De VERMANDOIS
- Individual: Ermengardis D' Anjou [DUCHESS OF AQUI [DUCHESS O
- Individual: Geoffrey Of ANJOU
- Individual: Rosamond De Clifford [Concubine] [Concubine
- Individual: Richard FITZPONS
- Individual: Maude FITZWALTER
- Individual: Guillaume Count Of TALON AND OF ARQ ES
- Individual: Miss Miss De PONTHIEU
- Individual: Walter FITZPONTZ
- Individual: Dru (Drogo) WALTER FITZPONTZ
- Individual: Pope Pope (Papie) Duchess Of NORMANDY
- Individual: Mauger, Archbishop Of Rouen
- Individual: Henry II "Plantagenet" King Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Cadwaladr Ap GRUFFUDD
- Individual: Iorwerth "Drwyndwn" Ap OWAIN
- Individual: Elen Verch LLYWARCH
- Individual: Iorwerth Ap LLYWARCH
- Individual: Rhirid Ap OWAIN
- Individual: Cynan Ap OWAIN
- Individual: Gwenllian I Verch OWAIN
- Individual: Maelgwn Ap OWAIN
- Individual: Gwenllian II Verch OWAIN
- Individual: Ralph De MORTIMER
- Individual: Hugh De MORTIMER
- Individual: Alfgifu (Aelflaed) Queen Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Edmund II "Ironside" King Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Athelstan Prince Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Egbert Prince Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Edred Prince Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Edwig Prince Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Edward Prince Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Edgar Prince Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Edith Princess Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Wulfhild Princess Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Miss Miss Princess Of England [QUEEN OF RINGME [QUEEN OF
- Individual: Sibilla (Sibyl) (Sybil) Anjou [COUNTESS OF FLA [COUNTESS
- Individual: John De MORTIMER
- Individual: Isolda De MORTIMER
- Individual: Cadell Ap OWAIN
- Individual: Gwladys "Ddu" Verch Llewelyn [PRINCESS OF NOR [PRINCESS
- Individual: Cynwrig I Ap OWAIN
- Individual: Einion Ap OWAIN
- Individual: Gwladus Verch LLYWARCH
- Individual: Madog Ap OWAIN
- Individual: Cynwrig II Ap OWAIN
- Individual: Margery FERRERS
- Individual: Ermintrude FERRERS
- Individual: Maud (Matilda) De MESCHINES
- Individual: Gilbert "Crispin" Count De BRIONNE
- Individual: Gunnora D'AUNOU
- Individual: Baldwin FITZGILBERT [Seigneur of Meu [Seigneur
- Individual: Geoffroy Count D' EU & BRIONNE
- Individual: Mrs-Geoffrey Countess Of EU & BRIONNE
- Individual: Mrs- Mrs-Richard I Concubine Of NORMANDY
- Individual: Anna Agnesa (Grand YAROSLAVNA [QUEEN OF FRANCE [QUEEN OF
- Individual: Emma Princess Of FRANCE
- Individual: Philippe I King Of FRANCE
- Individual: Robert Prince Of FRANCE
- Individual: Hugues "Capet" King Of FRANCE
- Individual: Adbelahide Princess Of AQUITAINE
- Individual: Adwige (Avoise), Princess Of FRANCE
- Individual: Alice Princess Of FRANCE
- Individual: Foulques V "le ANJOU KING OF JE USALEM
- Individual: Foulques IV "Rechin" Count Of ANJOU
- Individual: Gruffudd Ap LLYWELYN
- Individual: Elias D' Anjou [COUNT DU MAINE] [COUNT DU
- Individual: Mathilde D' Anjou [DUCHESS OF NORM [DUCHESS O
- Individual: Madog Ap LLYWARCH
- Individual: Robert Ap LLYWARCH
- Individual: Goda De TONI
- Individual: Maud Herbert
- Individual: Henry Percy Sir
- Individual: Amauri De MONTFORT
- Individual: Joanna De MESCHINES
- Individual: Ranulph "De Gernon" De MESCHINES
- Individual: Richard FITZROBERT [Lord of Cruelly [Lord of C
- Individual: Maud Countess Of EVREUX
- Individual: Roger De MAINWARING
- Individual: Adaele (Alice) Princess Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Petronella LONGESPEE
- Individual: Ela LONGESPEE
- Individual: Isabel LONGESPEE
- Individual: William "Longespee" Prince England [EARL OF SALISBU [EARL OF S
- Individual: Stephen LONGESPEE [Earl of Ulster] [Earl of U
- Individual: Richard Longespee Canon Of SALISBURY
- Individual: Ranulph "De Briquessart" Le MESCHIN EARL OF CHESTER
- Individual: Irmtrud Countess Of LUXEMBURG
- Individual: Gundred Princess Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Otgive De LUXEMBOURG
- Individual: Agatha Princess Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Roger FITZROBERT
- Individual: Robert "The King's Caen [EARL OF GLOUCES [EARL OF G
- Individual: Cecilia Princess Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Maud (Mabel) (Sibyl) FITZHAMMON
- Individual: Adele (Alix) Countess Of BETEAU
- Individual: William De MESCHINES
- Individual: Clementia Countess Of NAMUR
- Individual: William I Count of Ponthieu Talvas
- Individual: Richard De MESCHINES
- Individual: Joscelin De Louvain BARBATUS
- Individual: Henri II Count Of LORRAINE
- Individual: Ida Princess Of Lower LORRAINE
- Individual: Godfrey II Duke Of LORRAINE
- Individual: Guillaume D' EVREUX
- Individual: Gervase PAYNEL
- Individual: Miss Miss Wogan
- Individual: Hamon FITZROBERT
- Individual: Mabel FITZROBERT
- Individual: Guillaume IV Count of Aquitaine
- Individual: Philip FITZROBERT
- Individual: Constance Princess Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Beatrix De GERNONS
- Individual: Simon De MONTFORT
- Individual: Rake el
- Individual: Judith (le Goz) AVARANCHES
- Individual: Noah
- Individual: Ela Longespee Countess Of WARWICK
- Individual: Lora LONGESPEE
- Individual: Ela (Fitzpatrick) Countess Of SALISBURY
- Individual: Ida (Idonea) LONGESPEE
- Individual: Robrecht I "De Fries" Count Of FLANDERS
- Individual: Oda Princess Of LORRAINE
- Individual: Baudouin V Count Of FLANDERS
- Individual: Egbert De FLANDERS
- Individual: Ledgarde De Flanders [COUNTESS OF GAN [COUNTESS
- Individual: Alice Or Adbelahide de NORMANDY
- Individual: Lambert III "Baudry" Count Of LOUVAIN
- Individual: Alice (Adeliza) De MESCHINES
- Individual: Maud D' AVRANCHES
- Individual: William De MESCHINES
- Individual: William I "The England [DUKE OF NORMAND [DUKE OF N
- Individual: Elstrude De FLANDERS
- Individual: Hildegarde Countess Of FLANDERS
- Individual: Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Richard Prince Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Maud FITZROBERT
- Individual: Richard D' AVRANCHES
- Individual: Hugh "Vras" D'Avranches [Earl of Chester [Earl of C
- Individual: Nele (Nigel) D' AUBIGNY
- Individual: William II Herbert
- Individual: Baudouin III, Count Of FLANDERS
- Individual: Robert II Prince Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Rainer IV Count Of HAINAULT
- Individual: Baudouin VI (I) Count Of FLANDERS AND HAINAULT
- Individual: Henry Count Of FLANDERS
- Individual: Bertrade De MONTFORT (EVREUX)
- Individual: Robert FITZROBERT
- Individual: Adelaide "Countess Of PONTHIEU
- Individual: Emzara
- Individual: Margaret Herbert
- Individual: Amaury (Almaricus) De MONTFORT
- Individual: William II "Rufus" King Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Mathilda Princess Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Matilda Countess Of Flanders Queen Of ENGLAND
- Individual: Godfrey "A La Barbe" Duke Of LORRAINE
- Individual: Geoffrey De MESCHINES
- Individual: Jutta Countess Of LUXEMBOURG
- Individual: William Herbert Sir
- Individual: Agnes (Elizabeth) De Montfort [COUNTESS OF MEU [COUNTESS
- Individual: Arbella Loup D' AVRANCHES
- Individual: Ranulf Count De BAYEUX
- Individual: William "Mafonache" FITZROBERT [EARL OF GLOUCES [EARL OF G
- Individual: Nicole D' AUBIGNY (ALBINI)
- Individual: Adele (Alice) Countess Of EQUISHEIM
- Individual: Eudes Duke Of Lower LORRAINE
- Individual: Ermengarde (Adelaide) Princess Of FRANCE
- Individual: Rainer III Count Of HAINAULT
- Individual: Mahaut Of Louvain [Countess of Bou [Countess
- Individual: Roger De SOMERY
- Individual: Mathilde Princess Of Saxony [COUNTESS OF FLA [COUNTESS
- Individual: Crisli Herbert
- Individual: Robert De MESCHINES
- Individual: Maud (Matilda) De SAINT HILARY
- Individual: William D' AUBIGNY
- Individual: Isabella (Isabel) D' ALBINI (AUBIGNY)
- Individual: Hugh (Aubigny) De ALBINI
- Individual: Colette D' AUBIGNY (ALBINI)
- Individual: Maud D' AUBIGNY (ALBINI)
- Individual: Miss Miss Fleming
- Individual: Guillaume II Taillefer Count of Angouleme Count of A
- Individual: Ralph De SOMERY
- Individual: William Herbert
- Individual: Albreda D' AVRANCHES
- Individual: Othon Duke Of Lower LORRAINE
- Individual: Petronille De ARCHAIC
- Individual: George Grey Earl of Ke
- Individual: Anne Devereux
- Individual: Jonet |ferch William| Herbert
- Individual: Owain ap Cadwgon
- Individual: William Ap Thomas Alias Herbert Sir
- Individual: Elsbeth Stradling
- Individual: Katherine Herbert
- Individual: Elizabeth Bluet
- Individual: Gwenllian |ferch William| Herbert
- Individual: Mawd ferch Hywel
- Individual: John "Hir" I Wogan Sir Knight
- Individual: Alice ferch Cadwgon
- Individual: Thomas |ap William| Herbert
- Individual: Miss Miss |ferch William| Herbert
- Individual: Harry Wogan
- Individual: Miss Miss Boys
- Individual: Thomas Stradling
- Individual: Mary Woodville
- Individual: William Herbert *E Hunting
- Individual: Cari "Ddu"
- Individual: Mawd |ferch William| Herbert
- Individual: Philip Herbert
- Individual: Thomas Talbot Viscount L
- Individual: George Herbert Sir Knight
- Individual: Thomas De BEAUCHAMP