Basina II Queen of Thuringia
Basina II Queen of is no longer alive.
General Notes
1 _UID 21279987BC430D4DB1181FC5A73110C2184E
Basina II Queen of's first family
Family Notes
1 _UID 4F2064965307DF4AB6E21E52A9E99E163A44
Basina II Queen of's second family with Childeric I King of the Franks
They had a son named
Clovis I 'the Great' King of the Salic Franks, France
Family Notes
1 _UID AA37C4B6C9947D43950D96B162672C60B645
Clovis I 'the Great' King of the Salic Franks, France
Clovis I 'the Great' King of the Salic Franks, France was born in 0467. He died at the age of 44 in 0511.
Bloodline of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed(Bloodline of the Holy Grail)
Further sources/citations:
Pedigree Resource File CD 6
Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, Kin(Royalty for Commoners)
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