Itta (Itana)
Itta (Itana) is no longer alive.
General Notes
1 _UID 669CBCB04A6B6546AC3509B2C220942B0B73
Itta (Itana)'s family with Gui (Guido) I Margrave of Spoleto
They had a son named
Gui (Guido) II Duke of Spoleto, Count of Camerino, King of I
Family Notes
1 _UID 7AD4831625C86C438785C7EF4419AAF4400E
Gui (Guido) II Duke of Spoleto, Count of Camerino, King of I
He died in 0894.
Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, Kin(Royalty for Commoners)
Further source/citation:
Pedigree Resource File CD 6
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