Bjorn Swedish King at Uppsala Ragnarsson
Bjorn Swedish King at Uppsala's father was
Ragnar Danish King at Lethra Sigurdsson
and his mother was
Aslang of Denmark
. His paternal grandparents were
Sigurd King of Denmark Randversson
Alfhild Gandoldottir
. He had two brothers and a sister, named
Sigurd II 'dragon eye' King of Denmark
Ivar 'the Boneless' King of Dublin
General Notes
1 _UID 6ED3581C6AAB0B49B7DC5DC0052D003C3C4A
Ancestor Pedigree Chart
Radbard King of Garderidge (Russia)
- b.~ 0638
Randver Radbardsson
- b.0670 in Denmark d.0770 in Battle of Bravik
Ivar Wide Fathom King of Uppsala and Lethra Halfdansson
- b.0612 in Denmark d.0647
Aud Ivarsdotter
- b.0633 in Am,Denmark
Gauthild Alfsdatter
- b.0614 in Denmark
Sigurd King of Denmark Randversson
- b.0730 in Denmark d.0812
Ragnar Danish King at Lethra Sigurdsson
- b.0765 in Uppsala,Sweden d.0845 in Northumbria,England
Alfhild Gandoldottir
- b.0735 in Denmark
Bjorn Swedish King at Uppsala Ragnarsson
Aslang of Denmark
- b.~ 0765 in Denmakr
There are earlier generations for the ancestor(s) indicated. See their page(s) for details (click name)
Bjorn Swedish King at Uppsala's family
He had a biological son named
Erik Swedish King at Uppsala
Family Notes
1 _UID 8F48FBEC7534F14181DA46295024343C4708
Erik Swedish King at Uppsala Bjornsson
Erik Swedish King at Uppsala was born about 0814.
Erik Swedish King at Uppsala is no longer alive.
Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, Kin(Royalty for Commoners)
Further source/citation:
Pedigree Resource File CD 6
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