!#107> Blood Royal Britian-v Clarence-tbl 54 (FHL 942 Drpa); #218> Complete Baronetage-v2-p171 (FHL 942 D22cg); #1079> Monmouthshire History-v1-pt2-p467,-v3-pt2-p231 (FHL Folio 942.43 H2b) #2226> Morgan and Glamorgan Genealogies-p323* (FHL 942.97 D2c); #4116> Morgan Memoirs-p112 (FHL 929.242 M821m); #4122> Morgan of Llantaram and Monasterevan-ped #355 (FHL GPED-FILE); !MAR> widow of Nicolas Jones; REL> protestant; LVG> 1715-Sir James, non-Juror, living at Abergavenny with a life estate at Panteague and an estate at Llanllowel in right of his wife `Dame Alice, a Protestant, the widow of Nicholas Jones'; CHR> #4116-p112fn;