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Family Subtree Diagram : Isherwood

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not see a GRAPHIC IMAGE of a family tree here but are seeing this text instead then it is most probably because the web server is not correctly configured to serve svg pages correctly. see for information on how to correctly configure a web server for svg files. ? Bennet shown as father of Margaret, Deborah and Esther on marriage records (possibly adopted) Bennet (50), Esther (45), Ann (12) and Jane (10) were at Nuttall's Holcombe in 1841 Ralph & Ann Isherwood family (from Preston) 7cM DNA match to MavisH93, but not a link via this Isherwood. 1841 census list all children. All marriaged include William William Isherwood was a Waggoner (on Jonathan's marriage). A family of Cloth finishers from Dunscar. In 1863, Solomon's wife Mally Mather (nee Grime) also died at Dunscar (Robert Roberts Coach Builder was executor). DNA connection verified with John Eastaugh (son of Robert): 27 cM Barry Cartwright, descended from Richard Stevenson 20 cM lidslawless, descended from Richard Stevenson 10 cM d butterworth, descended from Richard Stevenson 51 cM Janet Grundy, descended from Rachel Stevenson Ralph (poor) removed from Over Darwen to Entwistle Ellen's death in Wntwistle shows mother as Molly John Duke Taylor from Stalybridge, so DNA could be from STOCKS family Isherwoods of Edgworth This is possibly the Henry Isherwood, witness to the marriage of William Mather and Sarah Bayley Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child 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4-Sep-1811 (Bolton) Abode: Edgworth Marriage (eleven children) 4-Sep-1811 (Bolton), Abode: Entwistle & Preston Marriage (twelve children) 30-Aug-1772 (Abode: Tottington, Edgworth & Quarlton) No more children Marriage (twelve children) 5 Jun 1781 (Bolton) Abode: Entwistle No more children Marriage (a child) 23 Feb 1846 +Possibly more children Marriage 4 Oct 1838 XTo be completed Marriage 4 Apr 1836 XTo be completed Marriage (eight children) 1855 (Bolton RO). Abode: Victoria, Australia No more children Marriage (six children) 20 Sep 1845 (Bury). Abode: Bury & Trawden No more children Marriage (nine children) 1836 (Bolton). Abode: Crown Point, Edgworth Marriage (ten children) 27 June 1861 (Withnell) No more children Marriage (three children) 2 Apr 1889 (Elton). Abode: Rochdale No more children Marriage (two children) 1874 (Bury) +Possibly more children Marriage (eight children) 23 May 1787 (Bolton). Abode: Edgworth Marriage (two children) 1 May 1837 (Bury) No more children Marriage (three children) 1924 (Warrington) Abode: Runcorn No more children Marriage (a child) Marriage 1978 (Lancaster) XTo be completed Marriage (three children) 1958 Heywood, Bury No more children Marriage (a child) Marriage (thirteen children) 26 Mar 1843 (Bolton) Abode: Turton No more children Marriage (six children) 1817 (or 1818), Bolton. Abode: Dunscar, Edgworth Marriage 3 Jan 1847 XTo be completed Marriage 21 Apr 1850 XTo be completed Marriage 29 Jun 1856 XTo be completed Marriage 1857 (Walmsley) XTo be completed Marriage 28 Dec 1856 XTo be completed Marriage (eight children) 15 Oct 1828 (Bolton). Abode: Edgworth No more children Marriage (five children) 21 Feb 1814 (Bolton) Bradshaw & Edgworth No more children Marriage 16 Aug 1822 Marriage (four children) Q4 1842 (Preston) No more children Casual relationship and separation (a child) Illegitimate / 4 DNA Stevenson Connections No more children Marriage (three children) 1898 (Preston) No more children Marriage (seven children) 26 Sep 1868 (Preston) No more children Marriage 9 Jul 1881 (Preston) XTo be completed Marriage (twelve children) 1865 (Bury RO) No more children Marriage (eleven children) 1868 (Bury RO) Marriage (seven children) 1872 (Bolton RO). Abode: Tottington Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (nine children) 13 Feb 1820 (Bolton) Abode: Tottington No more children Marriage (five children) 5 Jan 1796 (Bolton) Abode: Hagglehurst, Tottington +Possibly more children Marriage (five children) 2 May 1835 (Samlesbury) No more children Marriage (three children) 24 Nov 1838 (Preston) No more children Marriage : 29 Oct 1855 Marriage (seven children) 11 Nov 1789 (Bolton) Abode: Edgworth No more children Marriage (a child) 28 May 1898 +Possibly more children Marriage (a child) 1932 (Preston) +Possibly more children Marriage (a child) 1 Aug 1803 (Bolton) +Possibly more children Marriage (nine children) 11 May 1768 (Bolton). Abode: Entwistle, Weaver & Farmer No more children Widowed (five children) 7 Jan 1823 (Blackburn) Over Darwen & Entwistle +Possibly more children Widowed (eight children) 17 Sep 1777 (Bolton) Abode: Elton & Entwistle (whister & weaver) No more children Marriage (a child) NSW Marriage (a child) 1884 (Victoria) +Possibly more children Marriage (a child) 10 Sep 1925 XTo be completed Marriage (two children) 1946 (Garstang) Marriage (four children) 1900 (Bury) Marriage (a child) 1932 (Bury) Marriage (three children) 1893 (Bury) Marriage (two children) 18 Feb 1942 (Neston) Marriage (three children) 4 Aug 1861 No more children Marriage 12 Aug 1980 Marriage (a child) 1848 (Blackburn) +Possibly more children Marriage 1 Nov 1851 No more children Marriage (a child) 31 Oct 1867 (MA) XTo be completed Marriage 1844 No more children Marriage (a child) NSW XTo be completed Marriage (two children) 30 Jan 1831 (Farnworth) Haulgh Relative of: Esther and Ann are close sisters.  They married Ralph and Benjamin Isherwood on the same day, so a double marriage. However, Ralph and Benjamin are neither brothers or cousins. Representative of: William was a witness to his sister Mary's marriage of 1831 Lives with: In 1871, James Isherwood (35, Unmarried) was boarding with Deborah and Evan. Funding of: James Isherwood left some of his estate to his sister Esther, one of the next of Kin. Lives with: In 1881, James (uncle 44) was boarding with George and Harriet Marsh and family at Holcombe Lives with: In 1851, Even and Deborah Woolfenden were living with Esther Isharwood, Deborah 's mother. Funding of: James was Executor of his father's will in 1880 Relative of: Shared DNA match with Cory Mather Representative of: In 1828, Jonathan was witness at John's marriage  Representative of: In 1814, James was witness to Ralph (his near brother) and Jane's marriage (Jane didnt have an older brother James) Relative of: There is a 10 cM DNA connection between Robert Harvy, 2x great grandson of Robert Isherwood and John Eastaugh, the son of Robert Eastaugh.
Although illigitimate, this DNA link helps confirm the family connection. Relative of: There is a 19 cM DNA connection between Mark Rilet, a 4x great grandson of Michael Margerison and 
John Eastlaugh, also a 4x great grandson of Michael Margerison, the grandfather of Margaret Vickers
 Representative of: In 1893, Executor of Charlotte's Will and Probate Relative of: James (1802) and Ralph (1804) are possibly sons of this William who married Rachel in 1801. Relative of: Related, but no DNA match Relative of: Probably related as another ISHERWOOD+BENTLEY family from Turton Relative of: John, Christopher and possibly James: Brothers - UNCONFIRMED, sons of John Isherwood.
All living in Entwistle.
Christopher son of John and Mary.
John son of John (mother not shown) Relative of: Brothers, Sons of John & Mary Relative of: Mary has a 37.2 cM DNA match is with Elena Kate Isherwood, a granddaughter of Rodney Thomas Isherwood (on My Heritage).
 Relative of: Mary has a 74cM DNA match with Donald Jay a son of William Jay and Olive Lane.  Relative of: Marjorie Mather Young and Charles Tibbitts have a shared DNA match with dlnoakes 1816 - 1840 Henry Isherwood 24 24 Henry was born in 1816 and baptised at St. Ann's, Edgworth.

Henry's father Ralph died in 1832

6 Jan 1840, Henry Isherwood son of Ralph (both labourers) married Hannah Melling, daughter of William Melling.  Both were of Full age and from Edgworth.

Marriage was no good for Henry.  He died in August 1840, aged 24.
1792 - 1860 Esther Mather 68 68 Esther married Benjamin (aka Bennett) Isherwood of Bolton Parish, Weaver on 4 Sep 1811.  She was only 19 and a half.  She went on to have 10 children, the last (Alice) in 1838, aged 46.  It was a double marriage with her sister Ann marrying Ralph Isherwood the same day.

Sisters Ann and Esther married two Isherwood (second cousins?) on the same day 4 Sep 1811.

In 1841, Bennett & Esther Isherwood (50 & 45) were at Nuttall, Holcombe with Ann and Jane (12 & 10).

In 1851, Esther (59, head) was living with her extended familiy st Nuttall, Tottongton.

1790 - 1875 Ann Mather 84 84 This Ann did not have had an illegitimate son James Mather born in April 1811.  James was baptised as son of Ann Mather at Walmsley 5 months before she married Ralph and Mary was born before September

Ann married Ralph Isherwood (1811) or Thomas Horrocks (1817) in Bolton or Isaac Turner (1813) in Deane (but no match for Turton 1801-1818).  Actually sisters Ann and Esther married two Isherwood cousins? on the same day 4 Sep 1811. It may have been a shotgun wedding as Mary was baptised 2 weeks later.

Another possibility is in 1838 Ann Mather, dau of Isaac Mather of Edgworth married John Nelson, a shoe maker of Edgworth.

In 1851, Ann (60, Head, Wid) and 7 children (one probably a grandchild, 8wks) are living in Peters Street, Preston.

1816 - 1893 Ann Mather 77 77 Jonathan and Ann lived in Entwistle.

In 1861, Jonathan and Ann (51 & 45) were at Crown Point, Edgworth, and had James (26), Jane (22), Rachel (21), Thomas (16), Margaret (14) and Nancy (5).
1791 - 1847 Benjamin (Bennett) Isherwood 56 56 In 1841, Benjamin (recorded as Bennett) & Esther Isherwood (50 & 45) were at Nuttall, Holcombe with Ann and Jane (12 & 10).  Bennett was a Calco Printer. 1789 - >1841 Ralph Isherwood 52 52 WARNING: There is another Ralph Isherwood (1789-1832), son of Henry and Jane of Edgworth, baptised and Buried at St Anne, Turton.  Also, another from Entwistle, son of John and Esther born 1778

In 1841, Ralph and Ann (both 50) were at Crags Square, Preston with Thomas (20), Ann (15), Ralph (14), John (10), Susan (8), Alice (5), Thomas (2), and Charlotte (3).

There is no death record for Ralph.  16 Feb 1846, it appears Ralph was convicted at Lancaster Assizes and 23 April deported to Tasmania for 7 years.  That was the end of Ralph !

In 1851, Ralph had died and widow Ann (60, born Turton) and family were at Peters Street, Preston.
1829 Ann Isherwood 1832 - 1909 Jane Isherwood 76 76 1835 James Isherwood James lived with his sister Deborah for most of his life.  He left some of his estate to his sister Esther, one of the next of Kin.

In 1881, James (uncle 44) was boarding with George and Harriet Marsh and family at Holcombe.
~1752 - 1804 James Isherwood 52 52 ~1750 Margaret (Peggy) Fairbrother Possibly Margaret Farbrother (1754-1802), which should probably be "Fairbrother". 1824 Ann Isherwood In 1850, Ann had an illegitimate daughter Sarah Ann Isherwood (possibly by William Bamford).

26 Sep 1859, Ann married William Bamford. They already had a daughter Sarah A Bamford born 1850.

In 1861, Ann Bamford (38) was with her mother Ann.

In 1867, William died (agd 44) and 27 March 1869, Ann re-married Thomas Reed.

Ann Reed in 1871, with mother Ann Isherwod (80) living with her.
1826 - 1875 Ralph Isherwood 49 49 Unlike his siblings born in Preston, Ralph was born in Bolton (see UK 1851 census).

In 1841, Ralph (14) was with his family.

30 Jan 1848, Ralph Isherwood of Over Darwen a labourer, son of Ralph Isherwod a weaver married Alice Rainford at Blackburn. This is another Ralph, son of Ralph and Mary from Darwen.

In 1851, Ralph (22, unmarried) is still with his mother and siblings at Preston.

1 Nov 1851, Ralph Isherwood (25, spinner) son of Ralph a weaver married Alice Turner (23) at St John's Preston.  They had no children (1861 and 1871).

Our Ralph may have immigrated to the USA. However, the immigration records show Ralph born 15 March 1827, so this is the other Ralph, not from Preston.
1830 - 1904 John Isherwood 74 74 1832 Susannah (Susan) Isherwood Susan was 8 in 1841

29 Oct 1855, Susannah, daughter of Ralph, married Richard Sandham at St John's, Preston.
1835 - 1917 Alice Isherwood 82 82 21 Feb 1882, Alice, daughter of Ralph, married William Henry Singleton at Preston. 1838 James Isherwood If sister Charlotte was illegitimate, then so may be James.

In 1841, James was 2, but was indexed as Thos (but there was already Thos, aged 20).

17 Dec 1859, James married Isabella Exton.  They had 7+ children in Preston.
1819 - 1898 Thomas Isherwood 79 79 Thomas Isherwood (aged 20) was convicted of House Breaking in 1840.

In 1842, Thomas married Margaret Bickerstaff (Civil marriage).  She was probably married before as the children's mother's maiden name is shows as VICARS or VICKARS.

In 1891, Thomas and Margaret (72 & 70) were still in Preston with their daughter Mary (45)
1796 Peggy Isherwood 1797 - 1860 Deborah Isherwood 62 62 Deborah married James Walsh 16 Aug 1822 1793 Alice Isherwood 1786 James Isherwood 1789 Betty Isherwood 1784 Robert Isherwood 1778 Mary Isherwood 1780 Peter Isherwood 1782 Anne Isherwood 1774 William Isherwood 1776 Henry Isherwood Henry and wife Margaret may have had a daughter Lucy (born ~1825) and two sons James and John.  Lucy married Samuel Ramwell at St George, Bolton in 1853 with her two brothers and William Mather as witness. 1813 Jenny Isherwood WARNING: Jenny, not Fanny.  Also, the Fanny Isherwood that married Thomas Berry in 1847 was a widower, daughter of William Winterbottom. 1758 - 1839 James Isherwood 81 81 Possible brother of John Isherwood of Entwistle 1761 - 1821 Susan Crompton 60 60 1787 Margaret Isherwood 1791 - 1793 Anne Isherwood 2 2 1793 Robert Isherwood Robert may have had a twin Joseph, buried at St Anne, Turton in Feb 1793, an infant.

There is a 10 cM DNA connection between Robert Harvy, 2x great grandson of Robert Isherwood and John Eastaugh, the son of Robert Eastaugh.
1785 James Isherwood 1781 John Isherwood 1783 Thomas Isherwood 1795 Harry Isherwood 1789 - 1840 Jane (Jenny) Isherwood 51 51 Jane was the daughter of William and Margaet Isherwood, so Isherwood was her maiden and married name.

21 Feb 1814, Jane Isherwood married Ralph Isherwood (not her brother, the other Ralph born the same year).
1800 Samuel Isherwood 1803 - 1833 William Isherwood 30 30 1806 Mary Isherwood 1837 Charlotte Isherwood There was another older Charllote baptised in 1835 and married in 1838.  This Charllotte is likely an illegitimate daughter of one of the daughters (Mary or Jenny or Charlotte).

Charlotte was born Q3/1837 and not father names (so probably illegitimate).

Aged 3 in 1841, at Preston with Ralph and Ann.

Aged 23 in 1861, boarder with James and Ann Greenhall.
1825 Mary Isherwood 1819 Betty Isherwood 1819 Deborah Isherwood Deborah was the daughter of James and Betty Isherwood, probably Bennet's brother, and appears to have been adopted by Bennet and Esther (as Bennet is recorded as the father on her marriage).

Deborah (20) was with James and Margared Taylor (her sister). She was a weaver, but probably also a F.S. at Bury Square.

Deborah was lodging with her mother and sisters ar Tottington Lower End in 1851.
1823 Even Wolfenden In 1851, Even and Deborah Woolfenden were living with Esther Isharwood, Deborah 's mother. 1813 Margaret Isherwood 1806 James Taylor 1816 - 1854 Peter Isherwood 38 38 In 1841, Peter (25, C Printer) and Mary (25) Isherwood were at Nuttall, with children Bennet (5), William (3), and Elizabeth (3mo) 1815 Mary Haworth In 1841, Peter (25, C Printer) and Mary (25) Isherwood were at Nuttall, with children Bennet (5), William (3), and Elizabeth (3mo) 1831 - 1881 Eli Chew 50 50 Eli was born in Holcombe, Bury, the son of Richard and Alice.

Son Eli's birth was registered in Holcombe, Bury.  The remainder in Victoria, Australia.

Late in 1856, Eli (25), Jane (24) and Eli (infant) departed from Liverpool for Melbourne, Australia, arriving there 20 Jan 1857.
1823 - 1894 Esther Isherwood 71 71 1821 - 1886 Squire Greenhalgh 65 65 Squire was the son of a farmer

1846-48, the first two sons births were registered at Walmersley, Bury and shown as born in Edgworth on the census.  By 1850, son James was born in Bolton

In 1851, Squire and "Ester" (29 & 27) were at 20 Cox Street, E Bolton with three sons.

In 1861, Squire and Esther (40 & 38) were at Trawden, Lancashire with W'm Henry (14), Bennett (12), James (10), Elizabeth (8), Ali ce (5) and Alice (1).

In 1871, Squire and Esther (50 & 48) were at Holcombe, Tottington with James, Elizabeth and Peter (21, 18 & 11)

In 1881, Squire and Esther (59 & 58) were at Holcomber, Tottongton.
1809 - 1879 Jonathan Isherwood 70 70 Jonathan and Ann lived in Entwistle.

In 1841, Jonathan (weaver) and Ann (30 & 28) were at Mayoh Bridge, Edgworth with James (6), John (4), Jane (3), and Rachel (1).

In 1851, Jonathan and Ann (41 & 36) had James (16), John (14), Jane (13), Rachel (11), Thomas (6), Margaret (4), and Sarah Ann (2).

In 1861, Jonathan and Ann (51 & 45) were at Crown Point, Edgworth, and had James (26), Jane (22), Rachel (21), Thomas (16), Margaret (14) and Nancy (5).

In 1871, Jonathan and Ann (61 & 55) were farmers of 11  acres at Crown Point with daughter Jane (32), Margaret (24), Sarah Ann (22), Nancy (15), and daughter Rachel with her three children.
1835 James Isherwood James and Fanny moved to Heywood after 1875 (where births for Arthur and Ernest were registered and Clara's death).

In 1879, James of Vicarage View, Elton was a carriage maker when his father died.
1841 - 1925 Nancy Farnworth 84 84 1865 - 1946 William Isherwood 81 81 1837 John Isherwood 24 Oct 1858, John Isherwood married Jane Whalley 1838 Jane Isherwood 1840 Rachel Isherwood 4 Aug 1861, Rachel marrried James Pickup.

In 1871, Rachel Pickup (30) was living with her father Jonathan Mather at Crown Point, Edgworth.  She had Jonathan (2) and Jane (4 mo).
1844 Thomas Isherwood 1847 Margaret Isherwood 1849 Sarah Ann Isherwood NOTE: There is another Sarah Isherwood (b.1853) daughter of Jonathan Isherwood of Egerton, a bleacher.

In 1851, Sarah Ann Isherwood was aged 2 at Crown Point, Edgworth. Her father Jonathan (40) was a Quarryman

In 1861, Sarah Ann was not on the census with her parents (still at Crown point).

In 1872, Sarah married Tthomas Henry Marsden (1849–1918)

In 1891, James H Marsden (41, Wheelwright) and Sarah A (42) were at 210 Bury Road, Tottington Lower End.  They had John (18), Fred (14), Elizabeth (11), Albert (9), Arthur (5), and Margaret (2).

In 1911, Thomas Henry and Sarah Ann Marsden (60 & 62) were at Tottington with Arthur (25), Margaret (15) and Annie (15).

Thomas Henry Marsden of 267 Bury New Road, Tottington near Bury died 18 Sep 1918
1855 Nancy Isherwood In Q4 1878, Nancy Isherwood married Joshua Isherwood (the son of Henry and Alice). 1869 Annie Horrocks 1848 Harriet Wolfenden 1848 George Marsh 1875 James Marsh 1877 Ada Marsh 1761 - 1828 Henry Isherwood 67 67 ~1755 Jane Holt 1787 Mary Isherwood 1811 - 1879 Peggy Isherwood 68 68 Ellen on Bishop''s transript but Peggy on Manchester BMN 1789 - 1832 Ralph Isherwood 42 42 WARNING: There is another Ralph Isherwood (1789-?), from Turton, son of James and Susan who married Ann Mather and lived in Preston.  Also another born 1804, son of William and Rachel.

21 Feb 1814, it was probably this Ralph Isherwood, weaver, that married Jane Isherwood at St Peter's Bolton.  Closest and oldest brother James was witness.

In 1816, Ralph Isherwood lived at Bradshaw (see Henry's baptism), and from 1818, lived at Edgworth.

17 July 1823, another Ralph Isherwood (a Calico Printer) married Jane Foole at Blackburn.
1794 Hannah Isherwood 1803 John Isherwood 1806 James Isherwood 1792 James Isherwood ~1811 John Nuttall 1840 Maria Nuttall 1838 Ellen Nuttall 1862 John Thomas Isherwood 1863 Alice Ann Isherwood 1867 James Henry Isherwood 1868 - 1928 Townley Isherwood 59 59 1870 Anna (Annie) Isherwood 1872 - 1951 Margaret Amelia Isherwood 79 79 1877 Arthur Isherwood 1879 Ernest Isherwood 1875 - 1879 Clara Isherwood 4 4 1890 - 1966 Edith Isherwood 76 76 1891 - 1967 Frederick William Isherwood 76 76 1893 - 1893 James Isherwood 1895 - 1984 Hilda Binks 89 89 1926 - 2003 Grace Mary Isherwood 77 77 1928 - 2005 Roger Isherwood 77 77 Janet Isherwood 1933 - 1990 Ivor Glyn Roberts 57 57 Tracey (Trace) Roberts 1958 John D Baxendale In 2006-08 living at 10, Pemberton Drive, Morcombe LA4 6SL Rose (Roza) M Gal 1922 - 1970 Kalman (Koldman) Gal 48 48 Kalman or Koldman

Kalman Gal of 14a Melrose Road, Radcliffe died 25 Feb 1970
Kathleen Gallagher Athena Gal Rita Gal 1838 Alice Isherwood 1856 Eli Chew 1858 - 1886 John Chew 28 28 1861 - 1886 Richard Bennett Chew 25 25 1862 - 1925 Jane Chew 63 63 In 1884, Jane married Henry Godfrey Wells 1865 - 1934 Esther Alice Chew 69 69 Marrried 25 JULY 1884 at Carlton, Victoria, Australia by the Rev. D. S. M'Eachran 1867 - 1942 Isabella Rothwell Chew 75 75 27 Mar 1902 in Queensland, Isabella Rothwell Chew married Henry Findlater 1869 - 1869 Thomas James Chew 1870 - 1890 Gilbert Haworth Chew 20 20 1862 - 1937 Frances Jane Ball 75 75 1885 - 1952 Alice Isobel Chew 67 67 Marilyn Schell and her sister Rosalyn are descended from Esther Mather.  Rosalyn has a 3.1 cM DNA match to Paul L Mather, the gransdon of William Mather (1808-1856), i.e. Esther's uncle.

Julie Young has a 44cM DNA match to dlnoakes, the grandchild of Alice Isobel Chew

1817 Jonathan Isherwood In 1841, Jonathan (20) was with his mother Mary (40) and other siblings at Dunscar Fold.  He recorded Dunscar, Turton as his abode on hie 1843 marriage to Margaret Bentley.  Jonathan and most of his siblings were finishers of cotton goods.

In 1851, Jonathan and Margaret (34 & 27) were at Longworth Road, Turton with 6 children.  They had 13 in total.

In 1861, Jonathan and Margaret (44 & 37) were at Egerton, Turton with William (14), Ann (11), Jonathan (10), Sarah (8), Margaret (6) and Henry (2).

In 1871, John Isherwood married Susannah Bently at St Ann's, Turton.  They had Mary Ann Isherwood the same year.
~1825 Margaret Bentley A minor (under 21) when she married Jonathan in 1843. Abode Turton (and Jonathan from Dunscar).  Margaret names her mother Susana Bently, a publican on her marriage so may be illegitimate (i.e. father unknown). ~1795 - <1841 William Isherwood 46 46 In 1841, Mary was alone (aged 40) at Duncar Fold, so it is assumed William had died.  With her were Jonathan (20), Samuel (20), John (15), Sarah (15), Henry (13) and James (9).

William was described as a Waggoner, a carter and a porter.
~1801 Mary Hardman There are marriaged for William Isherwood and Mary Holt (farmer, 1818) and Mary Hardman (weaver, 1817) so which Mary?  Hardman is a better fit as Jonathan born in 1817.

In 1841, Mary was alone (aged 40) at Duncar Fold, so it is assumed William had died.  With her were Jonathan (20), Samuel (20), John (15), Sarah (15), Henry (13) and James (9).
~1824 Samuel Isherwood In 1847, Samuel a finisher, son of William married Sarah Farnworth  ~1825 John Isherwood In 1850, John a carter, son of William a Wggoner, married Martha Clough 1826 Sarah Isherwood 1828 Henry Isherwood 1832 James Isherwood In 1861, James (39) and Mary (33) were at Dunscar. ~1828 Sarah Farnworth ~1825 Martha Clough ~1830 James Stones In 1856, James was a widower, a finisher from Turton when he married Sarah Isherwood, daughter of William a carter. ~1828 Selina Charlotte Brown In 1857, Selina married Henry Isherwood, son of William, a Porter.  They were both from Walmsley. 1828 Mary Briggs 1841 Peter Isherwood 1844 Andrew Isherwood ~1808 Dorothy (Dolly) Bently 1846 Sarah Isherwood 1843 Jane Isherwood 1844 Mary Isherwood 1846 William Isherwood 1836 Thomas Isherwood 1850 Robert Isherwood 1834 Ellen Isherwood 1829 Jane Isherwood 1849 Ann Isherwood 1847 Lawrence Isherwood 1789 - 1840 Jane (Jenny) Isherwood 51 51 Jane was the daughter of William and Margaet Isherwood, so Isherwood was her maiden and married name.

21 Feb 1814, Jane Isherwood married Ralph Isherwood (not her brother, the other Ralph born the same year).
James Walsh 1842 - 1846 William Henry Isherwood 3 3 1811 Mary Isherwood In 1842, Mary may have married Edward TASSIKER - tbc 1824 - 1893 Margaret Vickers (not Bickerstaff) 69 69 Margaret "Vicars" was baptised in May 1824, the daughter of Thomas and Mary

Named Margaret Bickerstaff on marriage record (is believed to be a transcription or recording error).  She was baptised "VICARS" and her childrens births registered as maiden name VICARS to 1845 and then VICKERS from 1848.

Margaret was probably born about Jan 1824 as baptised in March, and aged 27 in 1851.  However, for the 1861, 1871, 1881 and 1891 census records she had aged an extra three years.

In 1893, Margaret died in Preston aged 72 (but should be 69).
1850 - 1926 Thomas Isherwood 76 76 In 1871, Thomas was 20, a cotton twister, living with his parents at 12 Dawson St North, Preston

In 1891, Thomas was 40, head and single, a loomer at 3 Dawson Street Back.

In 1901, Thomas was 51, head and single, a cotton twiser at 3 Back Dawson St
1845 Mary Isherwood 1848 - 1933 Ralph Isherwood 84 84 1853 James Isherwood 9 July 1881, James Isherwood (28) of 12 Dawson St North, son of Thomas, an engine tenter married Jane Aspden (22), daughter of John a grocer.  1853 - 1923 Alice Stevenson 70 70 In 1871, Alice was 17 and unmarried.  She did not have a newly born daughter with her. 1871 - 1951 Ellen Stevenson 80 80 STEPHENSON 

Ellen was born illegitimate.  The father was named as Thomas, but no surname on her birth certificate.

In 1901, John Hy and Ellen (28 & 29) were married with son Robert (1mo)
1873 John Henry Eastaugh 1900 - 1992 Robert Eastaugh 91 91 In 1911, Robert (10) and his mother Ellen (40) were visiting Thomas and Jane Ellen Eastaugh (32 & 33). 1903 Herbert Eastaugh Married Mabel (DOB 13 May 03) 1845 Margaret Chadwick 1870 Margaret (Ellen) Ellen Isherwood 1869 - 1869 Thomas Henry Isherwood 1872 Mary Isherwood 1859 Jane Aspden Jane's father was John Aspden, a grocer. 1846 William Henry Greenhalgh 1848 - 1897 Bennett Greenhalgh 49 49 1850 James Greenhalgh 1849 Mary Ann Shaw The mother's maiden is SHAW for all the registered births.  However, Bennett's marriage is to Mary Pilling 1889 - 1974 Thomas Greenhalgh 85 85 Thomas, son of Thomas is a 10cM DNA match with John Eastaugh and 14cM match with Paul Mather. 1853 Elizabeth Greenhalgh 1856 Alice Greenhalgh 1860 Peter Isherwood Greenhalgh 1870 Alice Ann Greenhalgh 1873 John Henry Greenhalgh 1876 William Greenhalgh 1878 Elizabeth Greenhalgh 1880 Joseph (Joe) Greenhalgh 1883 West Greenhalgh 1884 Frank Greenhalgh 1886 Mary Greenhalgh 1890 Ellen (Nellie) Greenhalgh 1850 Mary Philling 1890 Thomas Greenhalgh 1869 Ann J Greenhalgh 1871 William Henry Greenhalgh 1872 Emily Greenhalgh 1874 Jonathan H Greenhalgh 1876 Arthur Greenhalgh 1880 James Greenhalgh 1882 Mary Ellen Greenhalgh 1884 Peter Greenhalgh 1886 Lizzie Greenhalgh 1888 Bennett Greenhalgh 1866 - 1866 James Greenhalgh 1868 - 1871 Mary Ellen Greenhalgh 3 3 1850 - 1918 Thomas (James) Henry Marsden 68 68 1879-1889, 4 births were registered at Tottington,. Bury.

In 1891, James H Marsden (41, Wheelwright) and Sarah A (42) were at 210 Bury Road, Tottington Lower End.  They had John (18), Fred (14), Elizabeth (11), Albert (9), Arthur (5), and Margaret (2).

In 1901, Thomas and Sarah (50 & 52) were at Tottington with Albert (19), Arthur (16), Margaret (12) and Annie (8).

In 1911, Thomas Henry and Sarah Ann Marsden (60 & 62) were at Tottington with Arthur (25), Margaret (15) and Annie (15).

Thomas Henry Marsden of 267 Bury New Road, Tottington near Bury died 18 Sep 1918
1872 - 1942 John Marsden 70 70 1876 - 1949 Fred Marsden 73 73 1879 - 1962 Elizabeth Marsden 83 83 1882 - 1962 Albert Marsden 80 80 1885 - 1953 Arthur Marsden 68 68 1889 Margaret Marsden 1893 - 1972 Annie Marsden 79 79 1872 - 1955 Mary Kirkman 83 83 1898 - 1978 Elizabeth Marsden 80 80 1895 - 1961 Joseph Horrocks 66 66 1915 - 1996 John Horrocks 81 81 enid1956 (Ancestry ID) is the daughter of John Horrocks and has a 16 cM DNA match to Julie Young, a 22cM DNA match to Sean Mather, and a 23cM to Cory Mather.

In 1841, John Horrocks (30) was a Pawnbroker at Blackhorse Street, Bolton, married to Eliza Sutcliffe with two children William (6) and Eliza (1).

John Horrocks married Barbara Walling.
1796 John Isherwood Note: There is another John and Mary Isherwood family of Bradshaw, a whister (they had daughter Mary in 1830)

13 Feb 1820, John Isherwood (weaver) married Alice Brownlow.

John was a weaver at Tottington (confirmed by all his childrens baptism records)

In 1851, John (a slater) and wife Alice (both 54) are at Hagglehurst, Holcombe, Tottington Lower End with Mary (31), James (29), Ann (27), Jane (24), Jonathan (19), Elizabeth (15) and John's mother Jane (83).

In 1861, John was still in Tottington,  a weaver, aged 61
1797 Alice Brownlow 1820 Mary Isherwood 1822 James Isherwood 1826 Ann Isherwood 1827 Jane Isherwood 1830 Jonathan Isherwood 1835 Elizabeth Isherwood 1751 - 1835 Christopher Isherwood 84 84 1768 - >1851 Jane Greenhalgh 83 83 In 1851, Jane, 83 born Quarlton was living with her son John at Tottington. 1833 William Isherwood 1824 Sarah Isherwood 1837 Alice Isherwood Alice was missing in 1851 1853 Sarah Isherwood Two Sarah Isherwoods born in 1852 in Turton.  They were cousins (the other daughter of Samuel and Sarah nee FARNWORTH)

16 Nov 1872, Sarah Isherwood, daughter of Jonathan married William Howard at St Peter Bolton.  This is not Saran Ann, daughter of another Jonathan.  There is also Sarah, daughter of Samuel Isherwood and Sarah Farnworth, born 1853 and  married 1847.
1850 Jonathan Isherwood In 1880, Jonathan, closest brother, was witness to his younger brother Henry's marriage to Alice Ann Crook. 1855 Margaret Isherwood 1857 - 1857 Selina Isherwood 1861 Rachel Bently Isherwood 1863 Louisa Isherwood 1866 Martha Isherwood 1807 Jonathan Isherwood 1798 James Isherwood 1803 - 1816 Mary Isherwood 13 13 1813 Ann Isherwood 1815 - 1898 Robert Stevenson 83 83 1814 - 1887 Ellen Beck 73 73 1839 - 1910 Richard Stevenson 71 71 1846 - 1927 Rachel Stevenson 81 81 1842 Anthony Stevenson 1851 Robert Stevenson John Eastaugh 1816 - 1893 Charlotte Isherwood 76 76 24 Nov 1838, Charlotte Isherwood, 22, daughter of Ralph married Jame Godmet at Preston St John. 1817 - 1883 James Godment 66 66 In 1839, James was a warehouseman when Ann Elizabeth was baptised.

In 1841, James and Charloltte (both 20) were at Preston

In 1851, James and Charlotte (both 34) were at Preston, but with no children. James was a bookkeeper.
1839 - 1840 Ann Elizabeth Godment 1 1 1842 - 1844 Margaret Godment 2 2 1845 - 1846 Christopher Godment 1 1 1833 Richard Sandham In 1855, Richard Sandham (22), Letter Press Printer, Bachelor, son of Thomas Sandham, Spinner, of Bolton St. married Susannah Isherwood (X), 24, Weaver, Spinster, Peter St. 1818 - 1877 Thomas Isherwood 59 59 24 Feb 1841, Thomas married Sarah Landshaw at Deane (his father named as Ralph Isherwood).  In 1847, his brother James married Elizabeth Langshaw.

1821 - 1840 Mary Isherwood 18 18 1825 James Isherwood 6 Dec 1847, James married Elizabeth Langshaw

In 1851, James (a contractor mason) and Elizabeth (26 & 30) and daughter Elizabeth (9 mo) were at 6 Blackburn Street, Little Bolton with two of Elizabeth's brothers with them.
1798 - 1865 Jane Isherwood 67 67 Jane was Baptised 18 Mar 1798, the daughter of James and Susan Isherwood

Married William Holt
1769 - >1799 William Isherwood 30 30 William, born 1769 was the son of Thomas and Jane Isherwood

11 Nov 1789, just a few months before Jane was born, William Isherwood married Margaret Haslam.
~1769 Margaret (Peggy) Haslam In 1789, when Jane was baptised, her mother was known a Margaret.  Then for all the other baptisms, Margaret became known as Peggy. 1791 - 1795 John Isherwood 4 4 1797 - 1801 Alice Isherwood 4 4 1797 Kitty Isherwood Kitty and Alice were twins.  Alice died, aged 4 and Kitty probably also died.

8 Feb 1846, another Catherine (Kitty?) Isherwood, spinster, daughter of William Isherwood, a servant married Edward Naylor, a widower and mechanic, son of Edward Naylor, a (Black)Smith.  In 1851, Edward was 48 and Catherine 33, so this is another Catherine.
1794 Mally Isherwood 1796 Anne Isherwood 1799 Thomas Isherwood 1804 Ralph Isherwood 25 Oct 1801, Ralph's parents William Isherwood and Rachel Bromiley married.  This is possibly the same William, husband of Margaret Haslam (if Margaret died). 1875 - 1945 Alice Isherwood 70 70 28 May 1898, Alice was 23 when she married William Edward Sleddon 1871 - 1945 William Edward Sleddon 73 73 William was the son of James Sleddon, a painter. 1906 - 1991 Margaret (Peggy) Sleddon 85 85 1906 - 1957 Francis Worden 50 50 1938 - 2017 Margaret Worden 79 79 Margaret Worden married HOSKER.  They had a daughter (or grandaughter) Louise Hosker who has a DNA match with Brent Wirtz, 26 cM and Patricia (Smith) Ross 14 cM.  1877 James Isherwood 1882 Margaret Isherwood 1879 Henry Isherwood 1859 - 1942 Henry Isherwood 83 83 In 1893, Henry and Alice Ann Isherwood were witness to Lily's marriage

In 1891 and 1901 Henry and Sarah A 
1871 Mary Ann Isherwood Probably daughter of John Isherwood and Susannah Bentley, married at St. Anne's, Turton in 1871 1794 - 1844 Ralph Isherwood 50 50 7 (or 11) Jan 1823 Ralph Isherwood a weaver married Mary Waddiker at Blackburn.  Later in July, another Ralph a Calico Printer married Jane Foole.

In Feb 1825, Ralph of Over Darwen had his son Ralph baptised at Edgworth Inependant.

28 April 1826, an order was made "For the removal of Ralph Isherwood and Mary his wife and Ralph aged one year, their child", poor persons out of the Township of Over Darwen into the Township of Entwistle.

In April 1827 Ralph was back in Over Darwen having his second son James baptised.  The mother is recorded as Mary Waddicor.

In 1841, Ralph and Mary (42 & 36) were at Water Street, Darwen with sons Ralph (16) and James (14)
1778 - 1839 Ralph Isherwood 61 61 Ralph was the son of John and Esther Isherwood of Entwistle

3 Aug 1803, Ralph married Esther Mayoh
~1780 - 1806 Esther Mayoh 26 26 "Esther, Wife of Ralph Isherwood of Entwistle" died in 1807 1752 - 1830 John Isherwood 77 77 ~1748 Esther Entwistle 1782 - 1848 John Isherwood 66 66 1774 Margaret Isherwood D. 1786 Alice Isherwood D. 1791 Jane Isherwood D. 1776 John Isherwood 1771 Ann Isherwood 1768 Mary Isherwood 1770 - ~1775 Ralph Isherwood 5 5 Ralph must have died as another Ralph baptised in 1778. D. 1806 John Isherwood 1805 Mary (Molly) Waddicar James and Ellen's (independant) baptisms show mother's maiden name as Waddicar.

Husband Ralph died in 1844, so Mary may have remarried.  The 27 Aug 1844 marriage (Widow and Widower) to Thomas Monk at Blackburn is a possibility (as that Mary was 44 in 1851 from Over Darwen).
1827 James Isherwood 6 Apr 1847, James did not marry Agnes Robinson at Blackburn.  That James was son of James. ~1757 - >1795 Rachel Lomax 38 38 Rachel and Christopher married in 1777 and lived in Elton, North Bury before moving to Entwistle.

There is no adult death registered for a Rachel Isherwood.  She may have died in 1794 and Christopher re-married Jane Greenhalgh, but as there are two death records for Christophers, it is assumed they are two different marriages.
1785 Alice Isherwood 1787 - 1787 Kitty Isherwood Kitty D'r of Christopher & Rachel Isherwood of Entwistle, Whister died April 1787 1788 Christopher Isherwood 1793 Squire Isherwood 1790 James Isherwood 1795 Abel Isherwood In 1861, Able Isherwood (66), Blacksmith, was married to Margaret (61) and had children James (22), Rachel (32) and John (19) 1782 Betty Isherwood 1780 Rachel Isherwood 1761 - 1846 Christopher Isherwood 85 85 Christopher may have been maried to Rachel before he married Jane In 1785 Alice, daughter of Christopher (a whister) and Rachel of Entwistle was baptised at Turton, and then Abel baptised in 1795.

5 Jan 1796, Christopher, when he was about 35, married Jane Greenhalgh at St Peter's Bolton.

Between 1796 and 1807, Christopher and Jane had several  children baptised at Turton Chapel, St. Ann's Turton (and maybe also St Peter).

In 1841, Christopher and Jane (75 and 70) were at Renyons, Holcombe, North Bury with son Jonathan (30)

In 1846, Christopher died at Tottington, aged 85. (Another Christopher had died in 1835, aged 84)
1884 - 1952 Robert Thomas Ley 68 68 1909 - 1952 Esther (Queenie) Isabel Lay 42 42 Esther (wife of Jack Russell Noakes) is a DNA confirmed 5th cousin of Julie Young

Her son (dlnoakes) has a 44cM DNA match to Julie Young and also 44cM with her mother Marjorie Mather Young
1858 - 1949 John May 90 90 1899 - 1978 Lorna Marjorie May 78 78 10 Sep 1925, William and Lorna were married at Scots Kirk, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia.  They had 6 children. 1895 - 1978 William Longmuir Richardson 82 82 10 Sep 1925, William and Lorna were married at Scots Kirk, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia.  They had 6 children. 1931 - 2015 Joyce Elizabeth Richardson 83 83 Joyce married Graham O Tibbitts and had a son Charles.

Son Charles Tibbitts has a 31cM 2-seg DNA match with Marjorie Mather Young (which seems too strong for such a distant connection). Also shared DNA match with dlnoakes (so does seem to be correct).
1920 - 2004 Ellen Jane Procter 84 84 Mary Eastaugh Mary Eastaugh 1898 - 1900 Lilian Eastaugh 1 1 1870 - 1930 Mary Whelan 60 60 1905 - 1978 Thomas Isherwood 72 72 1907 - 1986 Bessie Howarth 79 79 1936 - 2021 Rodney Thomas Isherwood 85 85 1870 - 1934 William Jay 64 64 1896 - 1962 William Jay 66 66 1915 - 2016 Olive Lane 101 101 Donald Jay 1839 James Pickup 1869 Jonathan Pickup 1871 Jane Pickup 1864 Alice Ann Pickup 8 Aug 1891, Alice Ann married Thomas Coaker at Tottington Chapel 1902 Wilfred Isherwood 1903 Eileen Isherwood 1909 John Isherwood 1895 Gilbert Jay 1900 Elsie Jay D. 1991 William Simm 1947 - 1948 Ronald Lane 7m 7m 1825 - 1909 Ralph Isherwood 84 84 1827 - 1908 Alice A Rainford 80 80 Alice Rainford or Rainforth 1848 - 1926 Mary Alice Isherwood 78 78 1829 Alice Turner 1832 - 1854 Ralph Isherwood 22 22 1829 - 1830 Ellen Isherwood 10m 10m 1831 - 1831 Christopher Isherwood 1m 1m 1832 - 1834 Mary Isherwood 2 2 1842 - 1930 John (Duke) Taylor 87 87 John Dyson Taylor, son of Benjamin Taylor and Elizabeth from Meltham, born Linthwaite, who married Mary Hirst is another family. 1869 - 1953 Sarah Alice Taylor 83 83 ~1800 - <1851 Thomas Monk 51 51 D L Noakes 1907 - 1979 Jack Russell Noakes 71 71 ~1811 Mary Mather 1834 Richard Isherwood 1839 Mary Jane Isherwood ~1811 Henry Isherwood 30 Jan 1831, Henry Isherwood (a finisher) married Mary Mather at Farnworth with Kearsley, St John The Evangelist, Lancashire.
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