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Family Subtree Diagram : Mather (Deane)

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not see a GRAPHIC IMAGE of a family tree here but are seeing this text instead then it is most probably because the web server is not correctly configured to serve svg pages correctly. see for information on how to correctly configure a web server for svg files. ? Samuel and Hannah are NOT from Lancashire (probably Cheshire) This Samuel and sons Ralph and George were Iron Moulders. (Another Samuel & Ellen Shoe Maker from L.L.) Another Samuel Mather married in St. Peters, but this one married to Ellen Rigby. Samuel & Ellen (and "Doctor") are burried at St Peters John (a Dyer) & Hannah lived at Breighmet, but later (after 1840) at Stand, Piklington. They, and their children are buried at Christ Church Ainsworth. Rachael and Thomas born Kearsley (see 1861 census). Elizabeth born Farnworth, Deane (1821) and all alive there in 1841 Had John Johnson (57) with them in 1841 - Betty's Brother maybe Other Thomas & Betty Higginbotton farmers from Little Hulton (S of Farnworth) Dean. Father James (mother unnamed for all) Alice born Farnworth, then others Runworth. James (much later) Over Hulton. Rumworth family (near Lostock, 2 miles West of Bolton, North of Over Hulton) Baps and Burials at St Marys, Dean Also; An Alice, wife of Jams Mather of Rumworth died and buried at Deane 12 Dec 1764 A Mary (b.1794), wife of James Mather of Rumworth died 1873, Aged 79 Baptisms for John Mather (not the one from Little Hulton) Halliwell: John, Lettice, John Great Bolton: Richard, Richard, Alice, Mary Farnworth: Jeffery & Martha (mother Mary died 19-Mar-1760) Richard a Mariner Children baptised in Liverpool John Mather a Dyer, married Ann Whittle at Deane in 1826. They don't appear to have had any surviving children. Another John Mather married Ann Whillte in 1760 1806 - 1826 there were 27 John Mather Marriages (3 Deane, 4 Bolton, 3 Eccles) No matching signatures before, no Dyers after 1826. No Dyer in Bolton in 1841 Another James & Alice family (a weaver) from D.L. This is a strange one - They married twice, but why? Under-age maybe ! Alice can't be the wife of JAMES MATHER as she was born circa 1788 to 1792 Alice Mather a Widow from Dean Lane, Rumworth married Hampson Lomax from Deane Another MATHER+WARBURTON family with births at Warrington NOT the Thomas Mather and Ellen Warburton family (who married at Warrington) No Mather DNA Western Bolton. Sarah a married woman Ralph left her, and Sarah committed suicide by drowning Roman Catholic Emigrated to NJ, USA Different G.B. family Birth too close to Lettice Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Distrust Marriage (eight children) 17 Jan 1813 (St. Peter, Bolton) No more children Widowed 9 May 1849 No more children Marriage (two children) Not Lancashire? Abode: Dawes Street +Possibly more children Widowed (four children) 26 May 1833 (Abode Breighmet) No more children Marriage (two children) 1848 (Manchester) Stand No more children Engagement (a child) Widowed 1844 Widowed (four children) 28 Oct 1798 (Deane & Farnworth) +Possibly more children Marriage (eight children) 19 Apr 1775 (Bolton) Abode: Little Bolton (a child) Marriage (six children) 18 Apr 1802 (Bolton). Abode: Turton +Possibly more children Marriage (three children) 1802 Farnworth & Rainhill Marriage (seven children) 1748 (Dean), Abode Rumworth No more children Widowed (five children) 28 Dec 1845 (Bolton) No more children Marriage (thirteen children) 10 Oct 1836 (Warrington): Abode Burnley (<1845), Bolton (>1846) No more children Marriage (seven children) 12 Nov 1853 (Bolton) No more children Widowed (two children) 1848 (Bolton) No more children Widowed (eight children) 1 Sep 1746 (Deane, St Mary). Abode Halliwell, NOT Little Hulton No more children Marriage (two children) 23 Dec 1760 No more children Marriage (two children) 18 Nov 1779 XTo be completed Marriage (two children) 19 Nov 1777 +Possibly more children Marriage 19 June 1842 (Manchester) No more children Widowed (two children) 1833 (Deane) No more children Widowed (six children) 4 June 1817 (Bolton) +Possibly more children Marriage 1852 (Bolton) Marriage 23 Oct 1842 No more children Widowed (seventeen children) Q1 1856 (Christ Church, Bolton) No more children Marriage 28 May 1892 (Prestwich RO) No more children Marriage (two children) 26 Aug 1844 (Bolton) No more children Marriage (two children) 10 Feb 1840 Marriage (eight children) 2 Feb 1851 (St Peter's, Bolton) No more children Marriage 28 Nov 1868 Marriage (two children) 19 Jul 1826 (Deane) No more children Widowed (three children) 1 June 1797 & 8 Oct 1798 Abode: D.L. No more children Marriage (a child) Marriage (five children) 28 Sep 1783 (Leigh) Abode: Tyldsley Marriage (two children) 1836 (Manchester) Abode: Rhodes Marriage (two children) 30 Mar 1812 No more children Marriage 1864 (Bolton) No more children Marriage (nine children) 1834 (Gt Budworth) Stamford St, Warrington +Possibly more children Non-sentimental cohabitation and separation (two children) Unmarried Marriage (four children) 2 Apr 1771 (Deane) Over Hulton +Possibly more children Marriage 27 Sep 1882 XTo be completed Marriage (three children) 26 May 1888 (RC Church) No more children Marriage (three children) 1870 (Bolton) +Possibly more children Marriage 16 May 1872 XTo be completed Marriage 5 Sep 1813 (Bolton) Rumworth Lives with: Samuel (not from Lancashire) was living with Hannah at Dawes Street, East Bolton in 1841.&#32; This may have been his sister-in-law (not mother), although this Hannah died in Little Bolton Representative of: Possibly this is the Thomas Mather who was executor of Mathias Mathers will of 1840.&#32; &#10;Both were Iron Moulders and probably not from Bolton.&#32; They may have been Brothers. Representative of: Elizabeth was an executor of Thomas&#39;s Will of 1867 Work with: Marieanne (1869 trade directory) and her sister-in-law Ellen (1871 census) were both Confectioners.&#32; Marianne at Staleybridge, and Ellen at Bolton Lives with: In 1851, Edward Williams (16) was living with his older step-brother Robert Moscrop. Relative of: Thomas and Samuel are possibly related and may be brothers. They are both Iron Moulder families, and both had sons named Ralph around 1826-28. Relative of: Samuel is Mathias&#39;s oldest son, both Iron Moulders Lives with: Ralph (15) was an Iron Moulder in 1841, at Dawes Street, East Bolton with his father Samuel and Hannah (assumed grand mother). Lives with: George (12) was an Iron Moulder in 1841, at Dawes Street, East Bolton with his father Samuel and Hannah (assumed grand mother). Lives with: In 1891, George (61, Wid) was living with his daughter Emma Airey Named After Lives with: In 1851 Thomas Grundy (60, born Halliwell) was lodging with Thomas Mather (50) and his son James at 76 Spring Gardens.&#10;&#10;Thomas was at Waterloo, Litle Bolton in 1841 with other Mather family. Lives with: In 1861, Sarah Barlow, niece, aged 11 was living with John Mather Lives with: In 1861, Alice Middleton, niece, aged 11 was living with John Mather Relative of: Niece and Aunt Representative of: In 1836, Jeffery and Martha Mather were witness to John and Alice&#39;s marriage.&#32; Martha was John&#39;s sister and only sibling. Other: Same person ? 1794 - 1841 Ellen Rigby 46 46 In 1841, Ellen, wife of Samuel Mather of Great Bolton died, aged 46. 1814 Marianne Mather Maryann Mather was listed as a Confectioner at 69 Market Street, Stalybridge in 1869. 1816 - 1869 Thomas Mather 53 53 10 Oct 1836, Thomas Mather and Ellen Warburton married at Warrington. NOTE: There are also MATHER+WARBURTON births registered at Warrington of another family.

Thomas and Ellen started their married life in Eastern Bolton where Ellen and Mary Ann were born.  in 1839, they moved to Burnley which is where Mary Ann's death is recorded.

In 1841, Thomas, a moulder, and Alice (both 20) were in Burnley with Ellen (4) and Alice (1)

In 1847, The family were living at Union Buildings when Mary Jane died, aged 8 months.  In 1855 they were at Bradshawgate when son Thomas died aged 5. Both children were butied at Bolton Holy Trinity.

Possibly boarding with Ann Mollineaux (nee Mather) and Thomas in Worsley in 1861, or more likely Thomas the Iron Moulder (like his father), maried to Ellen and living at Bradshawgate (both 45).

If married to Alice, then they lived in Burnley after they married in about 1835, and had Ellen aged 4 in 1841 who later died, and Ellen aged 1 who survived.  Thomas and wife Ellen were both born in Bolton and had returned to Bolton by 1846-48.
1819 - 1886 Alice Mather 66 66 9 May 1849 Alice Mather married Haney Latham.

Henry died in 1863 and 8 Aug 1864, Alice Latham (Full, Wid) of Little Bolton married Wilson Bleakley (Full, Wid), Inn Keeper of Little Bolton.
1826 - 1896 Ralph Mather 70 70 In 1841, Ralph Mather (15) was living with father Samuel, both Iron Moulders, at Dawes St, East Bolton.

28 Dec 1845, Ralph married Roseanna, but she died young in Apr 1852, aged only 24.  Then Ralph married Sarah Makin (maiden name) the following year.

12 Nov 1853, Ralph, already a widower of Little Bolton, married Sarah Butler the daughter of James Makin. His farther is recorded as Samuel.  He lived at 52 Halliwell Road.

In 1882 when Alice married, she was living at 38 Halliwell Road.
1829 - 1891 George Mather 62 62 Living with father Samuel, an Iron Moulder, at Dawes St, East Bolton in 1841.  George was also an Iron Moulder.

In Feb 1851, George Married Esther Glazenbrook.  They were both aged 21 at 12 Harson Street, W Bolton on the April census..

In 1861, George and Esther (31 & 32) were in E Bolton with son William (7) and Mary Ellen (1) and Esther's (assumed) mother Alice Glazenbrook (64).

In 1891, George (61, Wid) was living with his daughter Emma Airey
1778 - 1842 Betty Johnson 64 64 Betty's parents were Peter and Ellen.

Richard & Betty also had John Johnson (51 or 57) with them in 1841.  This was probably Betty's brother.  The whole family were hand loom weavers.  Nathan Johnson, another possible brother (or close relative) was witness at her marriage.
1804 - 1867 Thomas Mather 63 63 Thomas's father (aged 60), who was living in Farnworth in 1841 married Rachel Howarth on 23rd Oct 1842 at St John, Farnworth.

Thomas was living at Mather's court when he died in 1867.  The family continued to live there after his death.  Elizabeth, the youngest, was still there in 1881.
1801 - 1871 Rachel Mather 70 70 In 1841, Rachael Mather (40) with parents Thomas and Betty at  Nelson Lane, Farnworth

Unmarried and with brother Thomas (head) in 1861, aged 60.
~1791 - 1854 Thomas Grundy 63 63 Thomas's father was Probably John Grundy (aged 70 in 1841) and living next door at Waterloo.

14 Oct 1811 Thomas married Mary Rewbottom (Rowbottom?) at Bolton.  There is also a Thomas Grundy that married Mary Mather in 1808 and Mary Cunliffe in 1808, so which one?

In 1841, Thomas, John and James are three possible brothers, all Weavers and all neighbours with John (Father?) at Waterloo, Bolton.  Thomas and Mary (both 50) had assumed children William (18) and Betty (15), and also Sarah Mather (35) with Ann (10) and John (1)

In 1851 Thomas Grundy (60) was lodging with Thomas Mather (50) and his son James at 76 Spring Gardens
1780 - 1839 Matthias Mather 59 59 Mathias Mather was an important and successful person, listed at Howell Croft, Bolton in the 1818 Bolton Directory and 1821 directory.

In 1812, Matthias and Mary had a daughter Rachel baptised that must have died as another Rahcel was baptised in 1818.  Their last daughter Eliza born 1827 must also have died (missing from 1841 census), but there are no burial records for either of these two daughters.

In 1824, Mathias Mather, Iron Moulder is listed at 3 Derby Street in the Lancashire Gazetteer.

5 Jul 1835, Matthias Mather, Moulder and Widower married Ann Ironfield at St Mary's, Bury..

In Dec 1839, the partnership between Matthias Mather and Edwin Priestley Mather, under the firm of MATHER & SON of Great Bolton, as Chemists, Druggists and Grocers was dissolved by mutual consent.  Dated 11th but reported on the 21st, about 4 days after Mathias Mather died.

Mathias Mather and Mathias Mather jnr, both moulders, are listed at Derby St, Bolton in the 1820 Bolton Directory, and Mathias jnr (aged 30) is still there in the 1841 census.

Matthias died in East Bolton in 1839, leaving an estate worth about £3,000
1769 - 1835 James Mather 66 66 James was the son of another James from Middle Hulton, but who was this James?  There are no other childrens baptisms at Deane, of James Mather.  There are baptisms at Leigh of James (& Sarah) in 1767,69,72,73,74,75 but these must be another as they overlap our James baptised in 1769.  Likewise James and Mary of Radcliffe with baptisms 1766 and 1769 are another. 1816 - 1850 Ann Mather 34 34 1819 - 1894 Elizabeth Mather 75 75 Elizabeth was baptised at the Halshaw Moor Chapel, Farnworth Independant, the only one of her family to be baptised here.

Unmarried and with brother Thomas (head) in 1861, aged 42

Elizabeth (sister) was named in the probate of Thomas Mather.
1822 - 1863 Henry Latham 41 41 Henry's father was Joseph Latham.

In 1841, Henry Latham (10) was at Kay Street, Little Bolton with William and Mary Lathem (35 & 40).  This may be another, as wrong assumed father.

In 1851, Henry and Alice (29 & 33) with lodgers John and James Hardcastle (18 & 16) were at 15 Hulme Street, Little Bolton. In the same house were Robert Latham (also 29, a rope maker) and his wife Sarah (28) and family.

In 1861, Henry and Alice (39 & 44) were at 37 Hulme Street with Robert at No. 35. They were not twins, possibly cousins (as Robert was born in Ormskirk).
1837 - 1905 Ellen Mather 68 68 Ellen, daughter of Thomas Mather married Robert Leatherbarrow in 1856 at Bolton Christ Church.  They used Mather as a middle name for some children.

Ellen spent most of her life pregnant.  Between 1856 when she married and 1882 Ellen had 17 children (one unnamed), the last Walter, born after they moved to Chadderton.  Only 4 boys survived past their second birthday.

In 1891, Ellen Leatherbarrow was 52, Wid at 136 Oldham Road, Failsworth, Lancashire with sons Thomas (20), Robert (18), George (12) and John F (25, nephew).

In 1892, Ellen Leatherbarrow married George Henry Buchanan.

In 1901, George and Ellen Buchanah (60 & 62) were at 27 Oldham Road, Failsworth with her sons Robert (27) and George Herbert (13), and also George's son Henry Buchanan (13).
1824 - 1840 Samuel Mather 16 16 1832 James Mather Missing from 1841 census (although brothers Ralph and George were at East Bolton), so presumed died or taken into care. 1792 - 1847 Samuel Mather 55 55 Samuel was an Iron Moulder, but not from Lancashire (possibly Stalybridge, Cheshire where Maryanna lived) or Nottinghamshire where there is a baptism, son of Hannah. His son Thomas married in Warrington in 1836.

In 1841, Samuel (45) was an Iron Moulder at Dawes Street, East Bolton with son Ralph (15) and George (12).  Hannah (assumed mother), a dress mamker, was also present, aged 60. Samuel and Hannah were not from Lancashire.

Ellen died in 1841.  In 1842, Samuel Mather, Widower, son of Thomas, was at York Street and Phebe Williams, Widow at Princess Street, North Manchester when they married at Manchester Cathederal, and then moved to L.B. 

~1725 - ~1786 Ann Whittle 61 61 John was a widower and Ann as Widow when they married.  She was possibly not Ann Shovelton who married to Thomas Whittle in 1745 (Deane), as I find no death for Thomas. ~1724 - 1801 Sarah Watson 77 77 Possible maiden for Sarah Mather (from marriages) are HINE (m.1843), HORROCKS (m.1844), SCHOFIELD (m.1846) and WHITEHEAD (m.1847).  Only SCHOFIELD has possible birth records, but a poor match.

If Elizabeth and Sarah are sisters, then this is Hannah (not Sarah) Wolfendale who married William in 1840 at Tyldesley.
1758 - 1758 James Mather 1m 1m 1759 Sarah Mather 1724 - 1797 James Mather 73 73 James, son of James Mather of Over Hulton, Weaver, baptised in January 1724

James's parents were probably James and Alice (Alice wife of James of Rumworth died in 1764).
1780 - 1848 Hannah Mather 68 68 This Hannah Mather was the widow of Thomas Mather, an Iron Moulder (see death cert).

It appears Hannah was head of household in 1841, living at Dawes Street (near Great Moor St), Bolton, a dress maker, and had son Samuel (45, b,~1795) with her.  There was also Ralph (15) and George (12), all Iron Moulders.  Hannah and Samuel were NOT from Lancashire.  Hannah also had a daughter Selina who was living at Dawes Street in 1840 at the time of her marriage.

Therefore this cant be the Hannah Knowles who married Richard Mather.
~1780 - <1838 Thomas Mather 58 58 By 1841 Thomas had died (most likely before 1837). 1810 - 1865 John Mather 54 54 John was the son of John Mather, a Weaver.

John (from Breightmet) and Ann were at Ladygate, Tonge with Haulgh in 1841.  John was a dyer, and they had their first child Mary (aged 2).

John and Hannah moved to Pilkington about 1840, where their third son William also died, followed by Hannah.  John, living at Deansgate, then remarried Elizabeth Holland nee Bostock in Dec 1848.  They had a daughter Sarah 9 months later, and John later became a Slater (see 1861 census).  They had a boarder John Hampson (54), a coal miner, boarding with them in 1861.
1814 - 1846 Hannah (Ann) Dearden 32 32 Hannah's father was possibly John (1762-1839), who is also buried at Ainsworth. 1839 Mary Mather 1835 - 1837 William Mather 1 1 1842 - 1843 William Mather 1 1 1834 - 1835 William Mather 9m 9m 1818 - 1861 Elizabeth Bostock 43 43 Only one match on LancashireBMD and FreeBMD, and appeard to also be known as Elizabeth Bostock (her maiden name, as she was the daughter of Joseph Bostock, a labourer).

John and Elizabeth had a daughter Sarah Ann, and John later became a Slater (see 1861 census).  They had a boarder John Hampson (54), a coal miner, boarding with them in 1861.
1849 Sarah Ann Mather John Mather <unknown> 1816 - 1847 Charles Holland 31 31 1776 - 1843 Thomas Mather 67 67 In 1798, Thomas married Betty Johnson.  A family of spinners in 1841

In 1841, Thomas and Betty (68 & 60) were at Nelson Lane, Farnworth with Rachel (40), Thomas (35), Ann (20) and Elizabeth (15).

In 1842, Thomas (60) married Rachel (36) at Farnworth with Kearsley, St John The Evangelist
~1754 - 1789 Jane (Jennet) Partington 35 35 Indexed as Jane "Packington" and "Partington" but could be Parlington or Darlington, but not Packington (see marriage record).

Cant find any other John and Jenette records, and suspect she is really Jane, which then connect with other births and marriage.

Jane Mather died in 1789, shortly after the last birth (of infant Isaac).  She would have been about 35.
1788 - 1802 Isaac Mather 14 14 Isaac was baptised son of Jenny.  Mother was "Jane" for all the other baptisms and burials, so possibly another family!

There was an Inquest for Isaac Mather at Little Bolton who died in 1802 in a Coal Pit (see Coroners compiled claims 1803).  This may have been this Isaac (although burial does not show parents so may have been an another adult Isaac Mather).
1775 - 1778 Lettice Mather 2 2 1785 John Mather In 1825, John (a Dyer) may have married Ann Whittle at Deane.  He had a grandmother of the same name.

This could be the John Mather that married Ann Coupe in 1811 and named their first daughter Jane (i.e. after his mother).
D. 1786 James Mather 1778 - 1823 Lettice Mather 44 44 Lettice the first born 1773, died June 1778, so this Lettice was baptised just a couple of weeks later in July 1778
~1799 - 1799 Hannah Mather Hannah was an illegitimate daughter of Lettice Mather, buried at Turton 11 Nov 1799, before her mother married John Edge. 1780 - 1864 John Edge 84 84 In 1851 and 1861, John was living with his son Adam Edge at 42 Commission Street, Bolton 1805 Ann Edge 1807 Allias Edge Allias (Ellis) is a son of John and Lettice (so not Alice) 1814 Thomas Mather 1823 Charles Mather 1776 Thomas Mather ~1775 - <1841 Elizabeth (Betty) Higginbottom 66 66 In 1841: Thomas Mather was 65 at Hilton Lane, Little Hulton, Dean (4 miles S of Bolton).  He was an agricultural labourer living with Samuel Higginbottom (a farmer) and his family.  Thomas had married Eliz’h Higginbottom at Manchester 17-Oct-1802, so was a relative. ~1809 Ellen Mather Ellen Mather, Single Woman, had a child John, baptised 13 Oct 1825.  Her abode was also Rainhill, so probably as sister of Thomas and George. 1750 Alice Mather 2 April 1771, Alice Mather of Deane married John Howcroft or Bolton Parish 1754 - 1754 James Mather 3m 3m 1756 - 1756 Mary Mather 2m 2m 1752 - 1847 Richard Mather 95 95 There are two Richards from Deane Parish in 1852 (the other son of John). Either one may have married Nancy, but this Richard has a mother and daughter Sarah.

Richard and Nancy moved to Liverpool, where Richard possibly was a sailor (mariner).  The children were baptised in Liverpool.
1828 - 1852 Rosannah Peak 24 24 Rosanna's father was Francis Peak.

Childrens births are registered with MMN as PEAK and PEAKE. However, there was no MATHER+PEAKE marriage.

Rosannah was 24 on the 1851 census, but soon died, leaving son Thomas aged 4.  Rosannah died at or soon after giving birth to William Frances, who also died within 5 to 6 months.  Three other children also died.
1816 Ellen Warburton Ellen, 45, was house keeper in 1861.

By 1871, Ellen was a widow, working as a confectioner.  She had her four youngest sons with her, and a domestic servant..

Ellen and family lived at 149 Bradshawgate in 1861 and 1871.
1844 Sarah Mather 1848 - 1906 James Warburton Mather 58 58 James married Esther Lever in 1869 (Bolton Le Moors, Holy Trinity) and moved to Over Darwen.  His youngest brother Walter was living with them in 1881. 1852 William Mather 1856 (John) Thomas Mather John Thomas, known as Thomas 1858 George Mather 1850 - 1855 Thomas Mather 5 5 1862 - 1884 Walter Mather 22 22 1859 Alice Mather 27 Sep 1882, Alice Mather of 38 Halliwell Road, daughter of Ralph, an Iron Moulder married Christopher Riley, son of James Riley, a painter at Bolton. 1829 - 1889 Sarah Makin 60 60 Sarah's father was James Makin.

SARAH MATHER died June 4th 1889, aged 60 years and is buried at the family grave at Tonge Cemetery.
1827 - 1852 John Butler 25 25 John's father was William Butler 1850 Elizabeth Ann Butler 1852 John Butler 1863 Hannah Mather 1866 - 1872 Sarah Ellen Mather 6 6 1869 - 1873 Clara Mather 4 4 ~1725 John Mather John lost his wife Mary when the twins were born.  With a young family to care for, he must have surely remarried.

John Married Ann Whittle 9 months after the death of hise first wife Mary.  They may have moved to St. Helens as there are births for Betty and Jeffery Mather in 1761 and 1763, which fit well with the marriage (none earlier) and also the re-use of Jeffery the the son that recently died. However son John was still in Bolton when he married in 1775.
~1725 - 1760 Mary Meadowcroft 35 35 Mary Meadowcroft (not Mary Moadworth as indexed).

Mary died giving birth to the twins Jeoffery and Martha, and was buried the day the twins were baptised.  With no mother, the twins also perished within two months.
1747 - 1751 John Mather 3 3 1752 Richard Mather 1753 - 1801 Lettice Mather 48 48 Her niece Lettice married John Edge 10-Apr-1802 1755 Mary Mather Possibly Mary of Bolton married Robert Holt (or Holt) of Deane in Nov 1773 1758 Alice Mather Alice seems to have survived, as there is no burial record for her. 1760 - 1760 Jeffery Mather 2m 2m 1760 - 1760 Martha Mather 1m 1m 1754 John Mather John named two daughters Lettice, named after his sister.

Abode: L.B. when Lettice (or Luttice), John & Isaac were baptised.
1750 - 1750 Richard Mather 9m 9m 1761 Betty Mather Probably the child of another John, not the one from Farnworth 1763 - 1818 Jeffery Mather 55 55 Probably the child of another John, not the one from Farnworth ~1752 Nancy Nichols ~1753 Richard Booth In 1777, Richard was a widow when he married Lettice.

Richard and Lettice lived at Heapey (where son John was born and Lettice died)
1792 John Booth 1784 Sarah Mather 1786 Henry Mather 1795 - 1855 Phoebe Diggle 60 60 Phebe Diggle was the daughter of Abraham Diggle, a dyer and Sarah his wife.

In 1841, Phoebe (64) was recently widowed, She had sons James, Daniel and Thomas (19, 17 & 15), all Mechanics.  She also had Phoebe (7) and Edward (3) from her second marriage.
1831 Sarah Moscrop In 1851, Sarah was 20 and with her mother Phebe mather in Little Bolton.

In 1852, Sarah married John Wilson at Bolton Christ Church
1834 Phebe Williams 1785 - 1841 Daniel Williams 56 56 Daniel Williams, Widower married Phebe Moscrop Widow at Deane 1796 - 1832 William Moscrop 36 36 William and Pheobe had three daughters: Ann (b.1822), Esther (b.1825) and Sarah (b.1831).  Only Sarah was with her mother in 1851. ~1832 John Wilson 1836 - 1870 Edward Williams 34 34 1818 Robert Moscrop Robert became head of family after his father died.

In 1851, Robert Moscrop (33) and his wife Catherine (31) had his younger brother Edward Williams (14) living with him at 46 Wood Street, in Little Bolton.  His mother, now Phoebe Mather (3rd marriage) was also in Little Bolton.
1822 James Moscrop 1824 Daniel Moscrop 1826 Thomas Moscrop 1828 - 1829 Abraham Moscrop 1 1 1808 - 1865 Thomas Mather 56 56 Thomas is the likely brother or step-brother of Samuel Mather (1792-1847).  They were both Iron Moulders from Bolton, and both had sons named Ralph, Thomas and George.

14 Aug 1831 Thomas Mather, a moulder, married Sarah Fielding at St. Mary, Deane.

In 1841, Thomas and Sarah (both 30) and the three boys Ralph, Thomas and George (13, 10 & 8) were at Newport Street, East Bolton.

In 1851, Thomas and Sarah (43 & 42), Ralph (22), Thomas (19) and George (17), were Iron Moulders at 55 Newport Street.

In 1861, Thomas and Sarah (53 & 52), and George (27) were at 96 Newport St, East Bolton.

In 1865, Thomas died (recorded aged 59) and buried at Halliwell.
1806 Rachel Howarth On 23 Oct 1842, Rachel Howarth (aged 36) married Thomas (aged 60) at Farnworth. Thomas was the son of John Mather.
~1786 - 1787 Isaac Mather 1 1 Isaac, son of John and Jane was buried at Little Bolton Chapel.  Soon after Isaac died, their next son was baptised Isaac. 1782 Mary Mather Mary Mather of Little Bolton had a son Isaac baptised 8 June 1800.  This could be her!  There are several Mary Mather Marriages possibly her in Bolton. ~1776 - 1776 Catherine Mather ~1777 - 1778 William Mather 1 1 1786 Betty Booth 1838 - 1886 Robert Leatherbarrow 48 48 Robert and Ellen had 4 surviving sons.  Their second was Thomas Mather Leatherbarrow, confirming we have the correct marriage.

In 1861, Robert and Ellen (22 & 24) were at 3 Cefrensharr Croft, East Bolton with Robert's brother James (18) staying.

In 1862, Robert and Ellen dad a daughter Sarah that died. Then they moved from Eastern Bolton to Little Bolton.

In 1871, Robert and Ellen (32 & 33) were at 126 Turton Street.  They had William F (6) and Thomas M (3mo) and Robert's niece Alice (7).

About 1880 (after George was born), the family moved to Chadderton.

In 1881, Robert and Ellen (42 & 44) were at 42 Druy Lane, Chadderton.  They had William Thomas (16), Thomas Mather (10), Robert (7) and George Herbert (2). Also John Thomas (nephew,15)  and Alice (niece, 18)
1853 - 1857 Agnes Mather 3 3 1842 - 1843 Jane Mather 1 1 1849 - 1849 Christiana Mather 1855 - 1856 Ellen Mather 1 1 1856 - 1857 Hannah Mather 1 1 1861 - 1863 Samuel Mather 1 1 1851 - <1911 George Mather 60 60 1864 - 1929 William Francis Leatherbarrow 64 64 In 1891, William was not with his mother Ellen.  He had married Sarah Jane in 1889. 1870 - 1930 Thomas Mather Leatherbarrow 60 60 1873 - 1922 Robert Leatherbarrow 48 48 1878 George Herbert Leatherbarrow 1862 - 1862 Sarah Ellen Leatherbarrow 1863 - 1864 Alice Leatherbarrow 1 1 1866 - 1866 Sarah Leatherbarrow 1867 - 1868 Robert Leatherbarrow 1 1 1874 - 1874 Mary Ann Leatherbarrow 1872 - 1872 Albert Leatherbarrow 1876 - 1877 Ada Leatherbarrow 1 1 1877 - 1878 George Mather Leatherbarrow 1 1 1882 - 1882 Walter Leatherbarrow 8m 8m 1841 - 1913 George Henry Buchanan 71 71 Before George married Ellen Leatherbarrow (nee Mather) in 1892, he was married to Elizabeth Hardman (1838-1883).  They had 4 children: Clara (1866-1947), William Henry (1869-84), Sarah J (1870-71) and Arthur (1872-1918).

After his wife died George had another son, Henry Buchanan, born 14 Jan 1888 by his house maid, Alice Hardman.

In 1901, George and Ellen Buchanah (60 & 62) were at 27 Oldham Road, Failsworth with Ellen's sons Robert (27) and George Herbert (13), and also George's illegitimate son Henry Buchanan (13).

27 May 1992, George Henry Buchanan aged 52 widower, Mechanic Fitter of 136 Oldham Road, Failsworth, son of Henry Flemming Buchanan (Deceased) married Ellen Leatherbarrow, 52 years old, widow, of 136 Oldham Road, Failsworth daughter of Thomas Mather (Deceased) Iron Moulder.
1822 - 1847 William Mather 25 25 In 1841, William Mather, aged 15 was a moulders apprentice at Charles Street, Little Bolton (living alone)

26 Aug 1844, William, son of Samuel Mather (both moulders) married Sarah Horrocks, daughter of Haman Horrocks (a weaver).

When his daughter Alice was baptised 26-Sep-1846, William was described as a Foundry-man.

William may have died in 1847, aged 25 which is why there are no more births, or maybe Sarah left him.

1824 - 1856 Sarah Horrocks 32 32 26 Aug 1844, Sarah Horrocks, daughter of Haman Horrocks (a weaver) married William Mather.

In 1851, Sarah Mather was a married woman living with Ralph Hall (as lodgers with Alice Robinson).  It is probable this is Sarah Horrocks (who married William Mather in 1844). Sarah Horrocks is the correct age and was not with her husband William Mather in 1851.  It appears Ralph left her for another woman and Sarah committed suicide:

1856 Sarah Horrocks died by drowning.  See inquest (with death details)
1845 - 1846 Alice Mather 1 1 In 1891, "Alice Horrocks Mather" was 45 and single, but this is likely the second Alice if this Alice died. 1846 - 1846 George Mather 1846 - 1847 Mary Jane Mather 8m 8m 1800 - 1877 Samuel Mather 77 77 Samuel born 1800 was the son of Matthias Mather of Wibsey, Iron Moulder.

Samue Matherl, moulder, was at Spring Gardens in 1818 (trade directory).  His father Mathias Mather (also a moulder) was at Spring Gardens on the 1811 census. and at 2 Howell Croft in 1814.

Samuel Mather, Moulder, was at Spring Gardens in the 1818 and 1829 Bolton directories.

In 1841, the family may have been in Liverpool (tbc). The Samuel, Iron Moulder, at Dawes Street is another

In 1851, Samuel (51, Married, born Yorkshire), Iron Moulder was a lodger at 18 Lever Street, Little Bolton (with Ann Hyde, aged 60 and others).

1856 - 1856 James Leatherbarrow 1858 - 1858 John Thomas Leatherbarrow 1859 - 1859 Alice Leatherbarrow 1860 - 1861 Walter Leatherbarrow 9m 9m 1819 - 1882 Selina Mather 63 63 10 Feb 1840, William Aspinall, a Boiler Maker of Charles Street, son of James married Selina Mather, daughter of Thomas Mather of Dawes Street, daughter of Thomas Mather. 1818 - 1881 William Aspinall 63 63 10 Feb 1840, William Aspinall, a Boiler Maker of Charles Street, son of James married Selina Mather, daughter of Thomas Mather of Dawes Street, daughter of Thomas Mather.

In 1851, William and Selina (32 & 30) were at Pemberton.  William was still a Boiler Maker.  They had son James (14) and Ann  (10)

In 1861, William and Selina Aspinall (42 & 41) were at 69 Well Street (a pub) in Little Bolton with daughter Ann (20).  William was a licenced victuller
1837 James Aspinall In 1851, James was 14, so born a few years before his parents married.  He may therefore be from a previous marriage of William Aspinall, or an adopted nephew.

His sister Ann was baptised in 1842, but not James.
1840 Anne Aspinall 18 Feb 1865, The marriage of Ann Aspinall, daughter of William to Robert Booth was announced in the Manchester Courier. they married at Middleton, St Leonard.  In 1871, this Robert and Ann (40 & 29) were in Cheetham, living with Robert's father James Booth (62).  They had 3 sons.  It could be them!

15 Nov 1862, Annie Aspinall, of Vale Street, daughter of William Aspinall, boilermaker married Edward Rowles, mechanic son of Edward at Holy Trinity (Now St Peter), Over Darwen, Lancashire
1829 - 1890 Esther Glazebrook 61 61 Baptised in 1829, daughter of George and Alice

In 1861, George and Esther (31 & 32) were in E Bolton with son William (7) and Mary Ellen (1) and Esther's (assumed) mother Alice Glazenbrook (64).
1854 William Mather 1859 - 1864 Mary Ellen Mather 4 4 1865 - 1951 Samuel Mather 85 85 26 May 1888, Samuelem (i.e. Samuel) Mather son of Georgii (George) Mather married Margaritam Annam Pilling the daughter of Joannis (John) Pilling at St Peter & St Paul Roman Catholic Church, Bolton.  The marriage witnesses were Jacobo Pilling and Carlotta Fielding.

In 1911, Samuel and Margaret Ann (both 46) had been married 23 years and were living at 82 Trafford, Farnworth.  Thay had three children, all alive and with them.
1867 Emma Mather In 1891, George (61, Wid) was living with his son-in-law John Frederick Airer and daughter Emma Airey.  They has an infant son George (1mo) 1857 - 1858 Ellen Mather 1 1 1861 - 1862 Alice Mather 1 1 1864 - 1865 George Henry Mather 1 1 1869 - 1869 George Henry Mather 1846 Thomas Mather In 1846, Thomas Mather (22), Halliwell Road, son of Ralph (both Iron Moulders)  married Jane Booth. 1848 Jane Booth 28 Nov 1846, Jane Booth, 20 of Old Acres, daughter of James Booth, Butcher, married Thomas Mather, an Iron Moulder, son of Ralph <unknown> 1810 Jenny Edge 1812 - 1886 Elias Edge 74 74 ~1795 John Mather 19 Jul 1826, John Mather, a Dyer, married Ann Whittle, a spinster at Deane St Mary. A month later son James was born and baptised at Bolton Bridge Street (Wesleyan), with mother named Nancy.

They may have had a child Samuel in 1828 that died aged 17 weeks.  If this is theirs, then John was a Farmer at Little Hilton (mother named Ann).

In 1861, John and Nancy (60 & 56), borth born Bolton, were at Greengate, Salford with no children.  John was a Maker-up of Flax Yarn.

1795 - 1829 Ann (Nancy) Whittle 34 34 Ann and John do not appear to have had children (no baptisms for father John a Dyer).  She may have died soon after the 1826 marriage.

In 1841, Ann Mather (45) was a F.S. for Samuel Chadwick, Surgeon, at Bradshaw Gate, Bolton.  Is this her?

In 1861, John and Nancy (60 & 56), borth born Bolton, were at Greengate, Salford with no children.  John was a Maker-up of Flax Yarn.
1819 Adam Edge ~1777 - 1803 James Mather 26 26 In 1797 James Mather, a weaver who could sign his name, married Alice Bradley at Bolton St. Peter.  For some reason or other the marriage must have been invalid because 16 months later they married (in the same church by the same curate) again

James died before his son James was baptised. in July 1803.
~1771 - 1851 Alice Bradley 80 80 Alice & James Mather were married in 1797, and then again in 1798.  The first marriage may not have been valid if one were under age, or the banns had not been read.

Thomas and James were born in 1798 and 1803, both at Darcy Lever.  Between them, William may also be theirs (abode not given).

James died in 1803 before their son James was baptised. Both James died the same year at Darcy Lever and were buried at St. Peters.

Alice Mather with two children at Darcy Lever, probably remarried Hampson Lomax at Bolton.  (There are few possible Alices who married a Mather, and it cant be Alice Mort, the only matching Deane marriage)
1799 William Mather William may be from another family as born soon after Thomas. 1803 - 1803 James Mather 2m 2m 1798 Thomas Mather Baptised 24 Jun 1798; abode: Darcy Lever.

In 1851, Thomas Mather (50), born Darcy Lever was a counterplane weaver at 76 Spring Gardens with his son James (14, born Bolton) and Thomas Grundy (lodger, 60, from Halliwell).

In 1851, another Thomas Mather, cotton weaver, and Margaret were at Bengall Square.  This Thomas Mather also had a son James of same age that had died in 1846, aged 10 .
<unknown> 1837 James Mather In 1841 there are two James Mathers, aged 4.  One is the youngest son of Thomas Mather and Margaret Tinsley at Bengall Square.  This James died aged 10.  The other is the (baptised) son of James and Catherine Mather at Corronation Street. James aged 3, son of Jeremiah died March 1848, also aged 10.  The only other is James, aged 4  with his mother Betty in Little Hulton.

In 1851, James (14) was at Spring Gardens with his father Thomas (50).

In 1861, James (23, unmarried) was a warehouseman, a boarder with James and Sarah Sharrocks at 53 Soho Street, E Bolton.
1826 - 1826 James Mather 2m 2m 1828 - 1829 Samuel Mather 3m 3m ~1753 - 1815 Mary Hampson 62 62 1788 - 1790 Hannah Mather 2 2 1790 - 1865 Elizabeth Mather 75 75 20 Dec 1812, Elizabeth Mather married Thomas Hindley at Leigh 1792 - 1816 James Mather 23 23 James and Mary had two children at Tyldesley before James died in 1816, aged 23, so James must have married about 1808-12. The only marriage to a Mary is at Leigh..

30 March 1812 James married Mary Kenyon, three months before Martha was born.

In 1812 and 1814, James and Mary had two children; Matha and John baptised at Tyldesley Top-Chapel (non-conformist).

In May 1816, James Mather of Tyldsley died, aged only 23 (non-conformist Top-Chapel).
1795 - 1797 Ann Mather 2 2 1816 - 1860 Alice Kenyon 44 44 1838 Joseph Mather Joseph was born at Rhodes, Middleton

in 1891, Josepoh (54, lodger) was living on his own means at Blackpool.
1841 - 1885 Sarah Mather 44 44 In 1871, Sarah was a lodging house keeper in Blackpool.

July 1885, Sarah died at Blackpool.  Buried at Middleton, aged 43, Spinster.  She was buried 23 July at Middleton.
1850 Sarah Barlow Sarah Barlow may be the daughter of Samuel Barlow.  In 1851 Samuel (17) was a lodger with John Mather.

In 1861, Sarah Barlow, niece, aged 11 was living with John Mather.

In 1871 Alice Middleton (21), born Mills, Derbyshire and Sarah Barlow (21)  were still with John Mather at Church Street, Middleton.
1849 Alice Middleton In 1851, Alice Middleton (aged 1), born New Mills, Derbyshire was the youngest of 5 children of Charles Middleton (50) and Elizabeth (42, born Prestwich).  Elizabeth and Johns wife Alice Kenyon were sisters from Prestwich.

In 1861, Alice Middleton, niece, aged 11 was living with John Mather (and assumed cousin Sarah Barlow, also 11).

In 1871 Alice Middleton (21), born Mills, Derbyshire and Sarah Barlow (21)  were still with John Mather at Church Street, Middleton.
1812 Martha Mather 1814 John Mather John probably had a brother-in-law Jeffery Mather and sister Martha Mather who were witness to his marriage and also married in 1836.  If so, his parents were James Mather and Mary Barrat who married 1812, the year his sister Martha was born.

In 1836, John Mather married Alice Kenyon.  Having no parents or brothers, his sister Martha Mather (who married her cousin Jeffery Mather) was witness.

1 June 1841, John and Alice (both 25) were at Middleton, Salford with Joseph (3) and Sarah (14 days)

In 1851, John and Alice (36 & 35) were at Chadderton with Joseph and Sarah (13, 17, & 9) and Samuel Barlow (lodger, 17)

In 1861, John (46, Wid) was a labourer at the Calico Print Works, 46 born Tildslay Banks with Joseph and Sarah (23 & 19). He also had two nieces Sarah Balrow and Alice Middleton (both 11) with him.  He was living in Church Street, Middleton (a "Private House").

In 1860, John's wife Alice died at Rhodes, Middleton.

In 1871, John Mather (56) was a Block Printer and Green Grocer at Church House, Middleton with Joseph (33) and Sarah (29), also Sarah Barlow (21, niece) and Alice Middleton (niece).

In 1881, John Mather (66, Coal yard labourer) was at Blackpool with Joseph (40) and Sarah (38, a lodging house keeper), both born Rhodes (Middleton)
Mary Benet Mary Benet or Barnett.   Her grandson born 1844, George Barnett was probably names after her. 1822 Wilson Bleakley 1847 - 1850 Alice Mather 2 2 1850 - 1851 Ellen Mather 9m 9m Ellen died,  aged 9 months 1852 - 1852 William Francis Mather 5m 5m 1838 - 1839 Mary Ann Mather 1 1 1852 William Mather It appears that William & Mary and Thomas and Ellen families both had sons William Mather born Q1 and Q2 1852 in Bolton. However, this isnt possibe if Mary Mather nee Warburton died in 1851.  This William Mather must be from a third family! 1813 Isaac Mather Isaac was a Wheelwright at Stamford Street, Warrington

In 1851 Isaac and Mary (37 & 39) were at Stamford Street with Ann (17), Margaret (15), Mary (9), Elizabeth (14) and William (10mo)
1811 Mary Warburton 1843 Elizabeth Mather 1847 - 1847 Sarah Mather 1845 - 1847 John Mather 2 2 1847 - 1847 Joseph Mather 1838 Mary Mather 1842 Sarah Mather 1842 Mary Mather 1834 Ann Mather 1836 Margaret Mather 1784 - 1860 Thomas Mather 76 76 29 Aug 1808, Thomas Mather married Isabella Anderson (1782–1860) at Manchester.

In 1841, Thomas and Isabella (both 55) were at Ancoats Street, London Road, Manchester with confirmed son and dau-in-law William John (Will) and Catherine Mather (both 30) and 3 children.

In 1851, Thomas and Isabella (68 & 67) were living with their son Jeffery (40) and his wife Martha and family at 40 Ancoats Street, London Road.
1822 - 1882 Ralph Hall 60 60 In 1851, Ralph Hall and Sarah Mather (29 & 27) were at Foundry Square, West Bolton with Alice and Ann Mather (2 & 1 mo).  Ann's birth was registered as "Ann Hall Mather" so Ralph is the likely father. However, Ralph was unmarried and Sarah a married woman which explains why Ralph never married Sarah. They were lodging with Alice Robinson (Head, Wid, 55) 1849 Alice Mather In 1851, Alice (2) and Ann (1 mo) were with their mother Sarah Mather (27) and Ralph Hall (29).

In 1861, Alice (12) was a servant for Thomas and Catherine Bright in Little Hulton.

In 1871, Alice (21, born Bolton) was a servant for Annie Entwistle (32) in Blackburn.

16 May 1872, Alice Mather (23), formerly domestic servant of Lord Street married Alexander Holden (22) a reed maker at Blackburn St Paul.

In 1891, "Alice Horrocks Mather" (45, single) was with parents Samuel and Ann Horrocks Mather.  This is another family!
1851 - 1930 Ann Hall Mather 79 79 In 1851, Alice (2) and Ann (1 mo) were with her mother Sarah Mather (27) and Ralph Hall (29). 

In 1861 Ann Mather (10) was a servant for Robert and Elizabeth Moss.  Her sister Alice (12) was also in service (as both were orphaned girls).
~1750 John Howcroft 2 Apr 1771, John Howcroft of Bolton Parish married Alice Mather of Deane 1861 Christopher Riley 1865 - 1925 Margaret Ann Pilling 60 60 1889 - 1977 Herbert Mather 87 87 1895 - 1987 Melinda (May) Mather 92 92 Birth reigstered in Q2 1895 (either late of DOB is incorrect) as Melinda but known as May

May was aged 16 in 1911, born Bolton

Died Wayne, NJ, aged 91 or 92
1901 - 1992 Agnes Mather 90 90 Agnes married Fred Hill in NJ, USA 

She later married Frederick Adder at Hudson, NJ who she was with in 1940 (TBC)

Frederick R Sr (1900-1966) and Agnes Hill (1901-1992) are buried at Arlington Cemetery, Kearny, NJ
1851 - 1914 John Chadbond 62 62 In 1870, John Chaderbond married Ann Mather (not sure which one)

In 1871, John and Ann (22 & 21) were living at 6 Chorley Old Road, Halliwell with Sarah E (1) and William J (3mo).
1870 Eliza Alice Chadbond 1871 Sarah Ann Chadbond 1850 Alexander Holden 1874 - 1950 Esther Hannah Chadbond 76 76 Esther Hannah Chadbond married Walther Richard Taylor (1876-1935).  They are both buried with mother Ann Chadbond at Halliwell St Peter 1771 Richard Howcroft 1773 James Howcroft 1777 Mary Howcroft 1782 Howcroft Howcroft 1840 Alice Mather 5 Aug 1861, Alice Mather, daughter of Thomas Mather a moulder married Alfred Farnworth (illegitimate, a collier) at St Peter, Bolton.  Witnesses were her sister and husband Ellen and Robert Leatherbarrow.

In 1881, Alfred and Alice (40 & 41) were at 52 Hole Bottom, Failsworth with Sarah Jane (16), Ellen (10), Alice (7), Alfred (5) and George (3 mo)
1762 - 1842 Hampson Lomax 80 80 In 1835 and 1840, Hampson lived in Dean Church Lane, Rumworth. He had a freehold house and land.

In 1841, Hampson and Alice (75 & 70) were in Dean Lane with William Martin (12).

28 Nov 1853, William Martin (24), weaver, illegitimate married Mary Kay (23) at Dean. Alice Sixsmith was a witness.
Iron Moulders Iron Moulders
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