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Family Subtree Diagram : Mather (Edgworth)

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not see a GRAPHIC IMAGE of a family tree here but are seeing this text instead then it is most probably because the web server is not correctly configured to serve svg pages correctly. see for information on how to correctly configure a web server for svg files. ? Baptisms at St Ann, Turton (CoE) - Two sets of transcripts: GB127. L98/1/2/2 (St Anns Church Turton Baptisms & Burials 1787-1812) and L98/1/2/3 St Anns Church Turton. - Baptisms & Burials 1719-1731 and odd slips). All mathers from "Turton" searched and listed. Joshua MATHER+KAY in Little Bolton & West Bolton James MATHER+KAY family in Edgworth, Entwistle Another John and Mary Hamer family Gilbert Mather's Tree No DNA connectionms to Charles & Esther's family Andrew Mathr and Elizabeth Holden See also: John Mather & Peggy Holden family Probably all children of Thomas Kay, NOT Ralph Mather Lives with: In 1881, Isaac and Isabella (67 & 66) had James and Ruth Knowles living with them.

Isaac was lodging with James and (daughter) Ruth Knowles in 1891 Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child 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Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Distrust Marriage (three children) 27 May 1876 XTo be completed Marriage (five children) 2 Sep 1860 (Bolton) Edgworth No more children Marriage (six children) 5 Sep 1831 (Abode Edgworth) No more children Marriage (eleven children) 12 Oct 1807 (Walmsley). Abode: Sunnyside, Entwistle No more children Marriage (a child) 9 May 1864 (Bolton) Widowed (eight children) 24 Mar 1845 (Bolton). Abode: Entwistle No more children Committed relationship and separation (a child) Marriage (three children) 25-Aug-1881 No more children Widowed 24-Jun-1877 Widowed (two children) 10-Oct-1863 (Manchester) No more children Marriage (four children) 1874 (Bolton) Abode: Darwen No more children Marriage (nine children) 11 Oct 1854 (Bolton) No more children Marriage (eight children) 10 Jun 1844 (Bolton). Abode: Edgworth & O.Darwen No more children Marriage (three children) 7 Nov 1841 (Bolton) No more children Marriage (seven children) 20 Feb 1848 (Bolton) Abode: Manchester No more children Marriage (fourteen children) 1863 (Blackburn). Abode: Darwen No more children Widowed (eleven children) 20 Jan 1849 (St Peter's, Bolton) No more children Marriage (two children) 1 Apr 1882 (Over Darwen) Marriage (four children) 1906 (Blackburn RO) Abode: Darwen No more children Marriage 15 Dec 1892 No more children Separation in fact (seven children) 12 Nov 1856 (St Peter, Belmont) No more children Legal cohabitation and official (legal) separation (two children) 2 Sep 1883 No more children Marriage (four children) 1880 (Blackburn RO) Marriage (four children) 1912 (Darwen) Marriage 1947 Committed (long-term) relationship (four children) Separation in fact (three children) 4 Apr 1891 (Over Darwen) No more children Marriage (nine children) 3 Jan 1781 (Bolton). Abode Tarkington's (farm), Turton No more children Marriage Marriage (six children) 10 Jun 1824 (Bolton) Abode: Walmsley +Possibly more children Marriage 4 Jan 1804 Marriage (two children) 1859 (Darwen) Marriage 9 Oct 1869 XTo be completed Widowed (ten children) 14 Oct 1839 (Entwistle, Bolton) No more children Widowed (seven children) 29 Aug 1874 (Bolton) +Possibly more children Marriage 1899 (Bolton) XTo be completed Marriage (two children) 1883 (Bolton) No more children Marriage (two children) 1919 (Edgworth) Abode: Turton No more children Marriage (a child) 14 Jul 1870 +Possibly more children Marriage (a child) 1898 (MA, USA) XTo be completed Marriage (a child) 1909 MA, USA XTo be completed Widowed (three children) 15 Nov 1884 (Bolton) No more children Marriage 1899 (Bolton) No more children Marriage (seven children) 12 July 1868 (St Ann's, Turton) +Possibly more children Marriage (eight children) 1865 (Blackburn RO) No more children Marriage (a child) 1782 (Bolton). Abode: Halliwell +Possibly more children Widowed (a child) 13 Sep 1819 Marriage (four children) 1865 (Blackburn RO) +Possibly more children Marriage (ten children) 6 Mar 1875 (Bolton) Abode: Edgworth & Turton No more children Marriage (two children) 1 Jan 1881 XTo be completed Marriage (nine children) 24 Apr 1875 (Bolton). Abode: Samlesbury, Walton-le-Dale Marriage (three children) 1870 (St Ann, Turton) Marriage (two children) 22 Sep 1883 (Bolton) Marriage 1856 (Bolton RO) No more children Marriage (three children) 18 Apr 1888 No more children Marriage (two children) 16 Nov 1915 Marriage 31 Dec 1896 Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage (four children) 1917 (Ulvertson) Marriage (four children) 1912 (Ulverston) No more children Marriage (five children) 1945 (Loughborough) No more children Marriage (five children) 1887 (Blackburn) Darwen Marriage 1910 (Bury RO) No more children Marriage (two children) 1895 (Darwen) No more children Separation in fact (a child) 1891 Marriage (three children) 1888 (Darwen) Marriage 29 Sep 1900 (Fall River) Marriage (two children) 1935 Marriage 1909 (Over Darwen) No more children Marriage (two children) 3 Feb 1906 Marriage (two children) Luton Representative of: In 1831, James (or his father) was witness at John's marriage to Jane Entwistle Neighbor: John (31, weaver), Jane and family (Charles, Ralph, Rachel and Mary Ann) were neighbours in Entwistle in 1841
in 1841, James & Rachel (both 54) were at Sunnyside fold, and John and Jane at New House.

Samuel and Mary Greenhalgh (nee Kay m.1828) and family were also at New House. Neighbor: Isaac (26), Betty (22) and baby Betty (1) at Edge Fold were neighbours of father Isaac at Sunnyside fold 1841 Relative of: William and Edmund were brothers, sons of Richard Holded, a quarryman and labourer Neighbor: John+Jane (at New House) and James+Martha (at the Barn) families were neighbours in 1841.with two two properties adjacent on the census. Lives with: In 1861, John (but not Jane), was living with his son Ralph Lives with: In 1901, William T Lawrence was with his Aunt Sarah Elizbeth and two uncles. Neighbor: James and Martha were at the Old Barn, Entwistle in 1841, close to James Snr at Sunnyside, Entwistle. Lives with: In 1851, Benhamin (51, Joiner) and his father John (96, formerly a farmer) were at 46 Blackburn Road, Turton. Lives with: In 1861, William (1) was with John (52) and his uncle Ralph and Ann and family.
In 1881, William (21) was with his grandfather John Mather (72) at Eccleshill, Lancashire. Representative of: Andrew was witness to his sister Sarah's marriage in 1844.
Andrew and Sarah both married children of Richard Holden, a quarryman. Lives with: In 1891, George and Elizabeth (33 & 34) were in over dartwen with their sons and George's father Edmund (aged 70, Wid). Representative of: 3 Dec 1841, Jenny Mather of Entwistle was present at the death of James Mather (her father) Funding of: In 1931 Andrew Mather of Lower Darwen (assumed brother) left James Matther, Cotton Weftsman, effects of £4,929. : In 1851, Benjamin (51, Joiner) and his father John (90, formerly a farmer) were at 46 Blackburn Road, Turton.
In 1851, Ann (37, Unmarried, Weaver) was Head at 46 Blackburn Road, Sharples.
46 Blackburn Road Sharples and Turton are not the same house !

Her neighbour at 48 Blackburn Road were Samuel and Ann Mather (23 & 21). Representative of: In 1849, "Nancy" Mather was witness to Simon's mather. Relative of: In 1870 Andrew Bentley married Nancy Holden nee Mather at Manchester. This was his wife's sister. Representative of: In 1875 (just before she married), James Knowles and Ruth Mather were witness to her brother John's marriage to Mary Jane Miller. Lives with: In 1911, William Henry Mather (54) was living with his married sister Mary Ann Dewhurst 1819 - 1861 Elizabeth (Betty) Marsden 42 42 Betty was the daughter of John Marsden, a farmer from High House, Entwistle.  Betty, aged 22, was with Isaac 26 living by her father in Entwistle in 1841.  They had their first chikd Betty, aged 1.

In 1841, Isaac and Betty (26 & 22) were at Edge Fold, Edgworth and had Betty (aged 1).

Betty in 1851,1661 census and Elizabeth in 1871 (a different person).
1850 - 1900 Luke Mather 49 49 In 1871, Luke (20) was at Ishaerwood Fold.

Luke married Ellen Almond and had four children: James (1874), Isaac (1880), Esther Jane (1884) and Betsy Ellen (1890).

Like lived on the Bolton Road, Darwen.  He was a shopkeeper.
Luke died in 1922. His last address was 497 Bolton Road, Darwen
1853 - 1917 William Mather 63 63 6 March 1875, William Mather, son of Andrew (dec) married Sarah Jane Briggs.  NOTE: There is also an Amos Mather who married Ann Briggs in 1863.  Both marriages at Bolton.

In 1884, Amos, who died an infant, may be the son of Amos Mather and Ann Briggs, but more is likely William's.

In 1881, William and Sarah Jane (both 28) were living at Old Mans, Turton with their first 4 children.

In 1911, George (58) was a widow, with George, Annie and Samuel (32, 31, & 21) at 463 Blackburn Road, Edgworth.  Sarah Jane Mather (of the same address) died there in Feb 1904.
1854 Ruth Mather Isaac, Ruth's father, was lodging with James and Ruth Knowles in 1891

In 1875 (just before she married), James Knowls and Ruth Mather were witness to her brother John's marriage to Mary Jane Miller.

27 Mar 1876 Ruth Mather married James Knowles.
1857 John Mather 25 April 1875, John married Mary Jane Miller at St Peter's, Bolton.  His half-sister Ruth and her future husband James Knowles were witness.

From 1875 to 1880 they lived at Turton or Edgworth, where the first three childrens births were registered.

In 1881 John and Mary J (both 23) were at Samlesbury with William (6), Mary E (3), Isaac (8mo) and his mother-in-law Mary Ann Garvey (54)

After 1881, John and Mary Jane lived at Samlesbury and their children's births were registered at Walton-le-Dale.

In 1893 Henry's death and in 1894, their last child Harold's birth were registered at Darwen, although Harolds death the following year was back at Walton-le-Dale.

1857 Alice Mather In 1861 (after her father Andrew had died), Alice, aged 3 and born Entwistle was with her mother Elizabeth and 6 other siblings.

In 1871, Alice (13) was with mother Elizabeth and step-father Isaac Mather at Isherwood Fold, Edgworth.

In 1881, Alice (23) was with mother "Isabella" and step-father Isaac Mather at Isherwood Fold Farm, Edgworth.

1881-1891:  In 1882 an Alice Mather married Christopher Riley at St Peter's Bolton.  This was the daughter of Ralph.  There are no Turton marriages. There is an Alice Hamer (nee Haydock) and Alice Harwood (nee Walkden) of correct age, born Entwistle. 

Alice's mother died in 1890 and in 1891, Isaac (77) had retired and lodging at Croft Gate Farm.  Alice had vaporised !
1858 - 1931 Andrew Mather 72 72 In 1861 (after his father Andrew had died), Andrew aged 2 and born Entwistle was with her mother Elizabeth and 6 other siblings.

Andrew married Elizabeth Mitton, dau of Thomas Mitton in 1884.

Andrew and Elizabeth had three children, two at Edgworth and then Alice Maude in Samlesbury in 1889.

In 1891, James and Elizabeth (both 31) were at Lower Darwen with James (5), Ellen (4) and Alice M (2).

In 1898 wife Elizabeth died aged 38 (Witton, Blackburn) and the folowing year Andrew married Susannah Ollerenshaw at Bolton Registry Office (civil marriage).

In 1911, Andrew, an out-door labourer and Susannah had been married "30yrs" (an error, should be 12)

In 1931 Andrew Mather of Lower Darwen (assumed brother) left James Matther, Cotton Weftsman, effects of nearly £5000.
1859 - 1901 Sarah Jane Mather 42 42 Sarah Jane married James Hargreves 22 Sep 1883 in Bolton 1861 - 1928 Esther Mather 66 66 Esther was 3wks old in the April 1861 census.

In 1883, Esther Mather married George Corden (civil marriage or Bolton RO)
1848 - 1888 Simon Mather 39 39 Missing on 1871 census for family with Isaac and Betty, so assumed married (age 22) and left home by then.

9 Oct 1869, Simon Mather (21), a labourer of Entwistle, son of Isaac Mather a labourer married Elizabeth Cooper, the daughter of Thomas Cooper from Edgworth.

In 1871, Simon and Elizabeth (22 & 25) with daughter Sophia (1) were living with Thomas and Ann Entwistle (34 & 38) and family in Over Darwen.
1846 Sophia Mather Missing on 1871 census for family with Isaac and Betty, so assumed married (age 25) and left home by then.

In 1871, (another) Sophia Mather from Matlock, Derbyshire married John Orchard at Manchester Cathederal.  Between 1871 and 1886 Sophia and John had 9 children (including two pairs of twins) at Newton, Manchester.

In 1899, Sophia married John Moran (civil marriage), and then probably imigrated to Dakota, USA - tbc.
1842 - 1861 James Mather 19 19 In 1851, James (9) was with is parents Isaac and Elizabeth at Entwistle

In 1861, James (19) was a Clogger, still with his parents.

Missing on 1871 census for family with Isaac and Betty, so assumed married (age 29) and left home by then.
1839 - 1870 Elizabeth (Betty) Mather 30 30 Called Betty in 1841

1860, Elizabeth, daughter of Isaac a farmer married James Duckworth.

In 1861, James and Elizabeth (23 & 21) were at Entwistle and had son William Duckworth (aged 4)
1852 James Knowles Isaac, Ruth's father, was lodging with James and Ruth Knowles in 1891

James's father was Jacob, and both were quarrymen.

In 1875 (just before she married), James Knowls and Ruth Mather were witness to her brother John's marriage to Mary Jane Miller.  James was also witness to Ruth's half-brother William Mather's marriage the same year.

27 Mar 1876 Ruth Mather married James Knowles.

In 1881, James and Ruth Knowles (both 26) were with Isaac and his third wife Isabella (67 & 66). Also siblings and step-siblings of Ruth were Alice, Andrew, Sarah Jane, Esther; and their son James Knowles (1 mon).
1813 - 1876 Ann Mather 62 62 In 1841, Ann Mather (25), a hand loom weaver, born Hall-i’th’-Wood, was with her father Solomon (70) at Old Nells.  Ann never married. 

In 1851, Ann (37, Unmarried, Weaver) was Head at 46 Blackburn Road, Sharples.  Her neighbour at 48 Blackburn Road were Samuel and Ann Mather (23 & 21).

In 1861, Ann (47) was Head, unmarried at Haslams House, Sharples. Lettice Grime (35, unmarried) was also with her.

In 1871, Ann (50) was Head, unmarried at 43 Blackburn Road (Sharples) with oldest brother James (78). She was born at Hall-i’th’-Wood.

Happy Mather also lived on the Blackburn Road.
1838 James Duckworth 1788 - >1865 Rachel Hamer 77 77 Rachel (b. 1786) is the daughter of John Hamer and Mary Berry or Mary Tongue (baptised at Bury).  However, the Non-conformist Turton Baptism is more likely, daughter of John and Mally.

In 1851, Rachel was a lodging house keeper, born Turton, aged 63.  She has a lodger, John Baker (33, Wid) from Liverpool.

In 1861, Rachel was a washerwoman living with Alice Settle, aged 73.

Did the old girl remarry Haworth WATSON at Blackburn RO in 1863?  A Rachel Watson of Little Boilton died in 1866, aged 81.
1818 Nancy Mather In 1841, Nancy (24) was with her parents at Sunnyside (farm), Edgworth.  She (or Sarah) may be the mother of the illegitimate child John (1 month) 1819 Jenny (Jane) Mather 3 Dec 1841, Jenny Mather of Entwistle was present at the death of James Mather (her father)

Able born 1841, was probably an illegitimate child.  However after Jane married Andrew Bently, he took Able on as his own.

In 1848, Jenny married Andrew Bently, a widower and farmer from Edgworth.  They had two daughters at Edgworth before moving to Deansgate,  Manchester

In 1851 Andrew and Jane Bently (born Turton) were at 84 George Street, Deansgate with "son" Abel Bently (10), William (4), Ann (15mo)
1821 - ~1822 Andrew Mather 1 1 1822 - 1890 Sarah Mather 67 67 Sarah was baptised twice, first aged 3 and later as an adult (aged 47) at St Peter (formerly Holy Trinity), Over Darwen

In 1841, Sarah (18) was with her parents at Sunnyside (farm), Edgworth.  She (or Nancy) may be the mother of the illegitimate child John (1 month)

10 Jun 1844, Edmund Holden, Quarryman, married Sarah Mather. Sarah's brother Andrew married Elizabeth Holden (Edmund's sister) the following year.
1829 - 1895 Maria Mather 65 65 Maria, 11 was with her parents at Sunnyside (farm), Edgworth in 1841.  However, unlike Able listed next to her, her parents are confirmed as James and Rachel. 1810 - >1881 John Mather 71 71 In 1841, John and Jane (31 & 27) and family were weavers at New House, neighbouring James Mather (father), farmer at Sunnyside, Entwistle.

In 1851, John and Jane are at Edge Fold.

In 1861, John was 52, a general labourer, living with son Ralph and his wife Ann.  Rachel and John were also with them. His wife Jane had died in 1853.

In 1881, John was 72 (born Edgworth), living at 8 Eccledshill Fold in Eccleshill with his grandson William H Mather (21).

1813 - 1853 Jane Entwistle 40 40 Jane Welsley or Entwistle (most likely, as older brother James Mather was a witness)

1832 - 1907 Charles Mather 75 75 11 Oct 1854, Charles Mather a Weaver of Entwistle, son of John Mather married Esther Lomax (a minor) of Entwistle, daughter of John Lomax a Weaver at St Peter, Bolton.

In 1861, Charles (a carter) and Esther were ar 13 Davidson Street, Regent Rd district of Salford.  They had their first two children, John (4) and Jane (2).

In 1871, Charles was an Engineer at the Cotton Mill, married to Esther with 6 children.  Sons Amos and Andrew seems to be reoccuring family names.

In 1881, Esther (44) was with the children in Over Darwen.  Charles (48, Engine Tenter) may have left Esther as was out of work, boarding in Blackburn, but it may be because his son Charles had just married a few days earlier.

In 1891, Charles (58, Engineman) is still boarding in Blackburn, away from his family.

In 1901, Charles, 69, an engine tenter was an inmate in the Blackburn Workhouse.
1835 - >1871 Ralph Mather 36 36 In 1851, Ralph (15), born Entwistle was at Edge Fold, Entwistle with parents John and Jane.

12 Nov 1856, Ralph Mather (21) Labourer, Bachelor of Studs Farm, Longworth, son of John Mather a weaver married Ann Mayoh (16), a dresser of Foulds, daughter of John Mayoh a labourer at Belmont St Paul. (Their son Ralph also married here in 1881).

In 1861, Ralph and Ann (25 & 20) were living at Top 'oth Croft, Lower Darwen with their son Ralph (4mo). His father John (52), sister Rachel (21), brother John (17) and nephew William (1) were with them.

In 1876 Ralph was a Draper at 36 Halliwell Road, Bolton

The Ralph that died in Manchester in 1865 aged 31 is another, and wife Ann was still married in 1871, but it appears that Ann had left Ralph for Thomas Kay.  In 1871 Ann was head, still married with her younger children while son Ralph was with her parents.

There is no UK death of Ralph with a good age match, so he may have left the country.
1838 - 1905 Rachel Mather 67 67 In 1861, Rachel (20, sister) was with her brother Ralph (and others)

In 1863, Rachel Mather married Howarth Watson at Blackburn.  They had 8 children, with births registered at Darwen (and Martha in Little Bolton).
1840 - 1890 Mary Ann Mather 50 50 Mary Ann was 11 months old on the 1841 census, living at New House, Edgworth

In 1856, Mary Ann Mather married James Linguard (Bolton RO). She was only 16.

In 1861, James and Mary (26 & 20) were lodging at Heys Lane, Darwen

In 1881, James (46) and Mary A (40, born Entwistle) were living in Over Darwen.  They has no children of their own, but an adopted son James Watson (16).

1913, Mary A Lingard died Farnworth, Bolton aged 72 (this is the only Bolton death of a Mary A Lingard).
1843 John Mather 1821 - 1890 Elizabeth (Isabel) Holden 69 69 Elizabeth's (baptised Isabel) father was Richard Holden, a Quarryman in 1845 and after a Farmer in 1864 (as shown by daughter Elizabeth's two marriage certificates).

In 1845, Elizabeth married Amdrew Mather and was married 14 years before Andrew died in 1859.  They had 7 children.

In 1864, Elizabeth Mather from Turton married Isaac Mather from Entwistle, son of James Mather the farmer. They were widow and eidower, bu Isaac was only shown as a bachelor, although clearly he had married Betty Marsden 25 years earlier.

There is no death recorded for Elizabeth before 1877 when Isaac married Isabella.  The couple may have divorced (which became possible in 1857).
1825 - 1859 Andrew Mather 34 34 Andrew, 17 was with his parents at Sunnyside (farm), Edgworth in 1841.

10 Jun 1844, Edmund Holden, Quarryman, married Andrews sister Sarah Mather. Andrew married Elizabeth Holden (Edmund's sister) on 24 Mar 1845..

In 1861, wife Elizabeth was a Widower with 7 children, and the  youngest, Andrew, was 2.
1814 - 1893 Isaac Mather 78 78 Isaac was born in Turton (not Entwistle)

Isaac was a farm servant, son of James Mather, a farmer from Entwistle.  He was the son of James (recorded on marriage), and was a weaver, 26 in 1841 living near his father at Edge Fold.

In 1841, Isaac and Betty (26 & 22) were at Edge Fold, Edgworth and had Betty (aged 1).

1851 Isaac (37) is a farmer of 16 acres at Whittaker's,  Entwistle with wife Betty (32), daughter Elizabeth (11), and James (9), Sophia (5), Simon (2) and Luke (1mo).

1861 Isaac (47) a farmer of 6 acres at Whittaker's, Entwistle with wife Betty (42), and James (19), Sophia (15)(, Simon (12), Luke (10), Ruth (6), John (3), Sarah Jane (1), Esther (3wks).  All the children were born at Entwistle.

1871 Isherwood fold - Isaac (b.Turton, 56, farmer of 9 acres), Elizabeth (50, b.Darwen) with Luke (20), William (17), Ruth (16) etc

1881 Isaac and Elizabeth (67 & 66) are still farming at Isherwood Fold Farm, Edgworth with wife Elizabeth, now known as Isabella. With them are Alice (23), Sarah Jane (21), Andrew (22), Esther (20), and James and Ruth Knowles and their baby James.
1808 - 1878 James Mather 70 70 Assumed to be Son or Rachel, based in 1851 census both are at "New House".  James is a farmer, and his mother Rachel a Logding House Keeper.  As the oldest son, he got the farm.

In 1831, James (or his father) was witness at John's marriage to Jane Entwistle

Brother John & Jane Mather had Charles (b.1832), John (b.1834) and Ralph (b.1835) at Edgworth independant while at New House, Entwistle in 1841.

In 1841, lived at Old Barn, Entwistle (a Silk weaver)

In 1851, James and Martha (42 & 45) were at New houses, Turton, neighbouring his mother Martha (63, Wid, a lodging house keeper).  With him were 6 children.

28 June 1878, James died at Newhouse Farm (see probate).

30 Nov 1878, a notice was published in the Bolton Evening News for claims against the estate of James Mather, farmer of Entwistle wo write to Mather of 10 Astley Street, Bolton.
1813 Charles Mather What happed to Charles?  No marriage and no Lancashire death record?  Did he leave Lancashire maybe?

There is a Charles Mather, cotton weaver of the correct age, born Middleton and married to Margaret.  This is the son of John Mather, a tailor and Sally of Middleton.

In 1837, there is a Charles Mather born about 1787 who married Martha Wright in Mottram in Longdendale, St. Michael

There is also another Charles from Eccles (born Worsley) that married Ellen.  He was a Wheelwright and Joiner.

17 Nov 1883, Charles Mather, Roller Maker, son of James Mather a Carder married Ruth Ware dau of John Ware at St Peter, Bolton. Both of full age from Little Bolton.  This must also be another.
~1819 James Knowles James, the same age as Jane, was a neighbour of the Mathers at Sunnyside at Higher House Folds in 1841. 1841 - 1890 Abel Mather 49 49 Able, 5 months (illegitimate) was at Sunnyside, Edgworth with his mother and grandparents in 1841.  His father, James Knowles lived at the neighbouring Higher House farm, and his youngest brother was also Abel. The 1863 mariage names his father.

In 1851 Able Bently was 10 living with his step-father Andrew and biological mother Jane Bently.

Abel's first marriage was to Sarah Ann Phillips in 1863.  She was 7 months pregnant when she married in October, as Sarah Jane was born in December.  This and the following marriage show his father as James Knowles, a farmer.

In 1877 he was a widower at Bridge Street, Manchester and married a much older Elizabeth Sunder, a widow.

Able married three times.  His third marriage was to Selenia White 25 Aug 1881 when they were living at 13 Bridge Street, Manchester.

Another Abel Mather, son of John and Ann was baptised in Warrington in Nov 1841.
1853 Sabina White Sabina's father was George White. 1885 - 1945 Amos Mather 60 60 1824 - 1881 Elizabeth Sunder (nee Horsfield) 57 57 1839 - 1875 Sarah Ann Phillips 36 36 1883 - 1965 Abel Mather 81 81 16 July 1902, Abel son of Able married Martha Grundy at Charlestown, St George, Lancashire, England 1866 James Henry Mather 1864 Sarah Jane Mather Sarah Jane was baptised at Longsight Wesleyan Methodist in Feb 1864 1887 Horace Mather 1848 - 1920 Ellen Almond 72 72 1847 - 1935 John Mather 88 88 In 1851, John (4) was with parents Anrew and Elizabeth at Entwistle. 1849 - 1916 Jonathan Mather 67 67 In 1849, Jonathan was in Entwistle with wife Betsy Mather nee Entwistle (both 22) and two daughters.

In 1881 Esther (5) and Abraham (8mo) were living with their "grandparents" Isaac and Mary Farrington (59 & 61).  Jonathan and Betsey (both 32) had Mary Elizabeth (12), Alice (10) and Isaac (3).  Ester continued to live with the Farringtons, but how are they related?
1851 Ann Mather Possibly known as Nancy (if witness to Sumon's marriage)

In 1851, Ann was 8 days old on the census.

1870, Ann Mather married John Chadderton (Registry Office). This may be another Ann - UNCONFIRMED
1836 Esther Lomax Esther married Charles Mather in 1854.  They were both from Entwistle.

Esther was the daughter of John Lomax, a weaver from Entwistle.
1831 - 1892 Peggy Holden 61 61 In 1841, Peggy, daughter of Titus and Peggy Holding (44 & 39) was 5 and had Briggs with her, aged 6 months.

In 1871, Jno & Mgrt (38 & 39) were still in East Bolton with Martha (16) James (12) and Margaret A (1).  Peggy's brother Briggs Holden (30 was visiting. 
1823 - 1895 Edmund Holden 72 72 In 1841, Edmund was 17, son of Richard and Ann Holden, living at Darwen.

10 Jun 1844, Edmund Holden, Quarryman, married Sarah Mather. Sarah's brother Andrew married Elizabeth Holden (Edmund's sister) the following year.

In 1851, Edmund and Sarah (both 27) had Ann (6), Alice (4) and Elias (1).  Ann was born in Entwistle and then the family moved to Edgworth.

In 1861, Edmund and Sarah (both 38) were at 18 Higher Church Street, Over Darwen with their 7 children.

In 1871, Edmund and Sarah (both 48) were at Darwen with Rachel (19), Richard (16), George (13) and Sarah (10).

In 1891, after Sarah died, Edmund lived with his son George
1820 William Holden 7 Nov 1841, William Holden, a Smith, the son of Richard Holden, a labourer married Nancy Mather, daughter of James.

In 1851, William and Nancy (31 & 32) are at Blacksnape, Over Darwen with son John (9) and Sarah A (6).

In 1861, William and Nancy (43 & 44) are at 2 William Street, Over Darwen with son John (20) and John's wife Alice (22), Sarah Ann (16), and Nancy (17 months) and Hannah (4 months).granddaughters, although listed as daughters.

1816 - 1890 Andrew Bentley 73 73 Andrew was the son of Thomas and Ellen Bentley, farmers  from Entwistle.  Thomas was a Husbandman (or farmer when Andrew married Jane)..

In 1841, Andrew was 25 with parents Thomas and Ellanor at Edgworth.

9 Feb 1845, Andrew married Jane Cooper and they had two sons Haney and William.  Jane wife of Andrew Bentley died 24 Oct 1846 and was burried at St Ann's Turton.

In 1848, When Andrew, widower, married Jane Mather, his father Thomas was a Farmer.

In 1870 Andrew Bentley married Nancy Holden nee Mather at Manchester. This was his wife's sister.

Andrew lived and died in Manchester in 1890, aged 73.  He was buried at St. Ann's Turton, where he was born.
1844 - 1899 Howarth Watson 55 55 1826 - 1870 James Holder Bowling 44 44 In 1849, James Holder Bowling, son of James (both Carpernters) was of full age from Belmont when he married Maria from Entwistle.

In 1851, James and Maria were at Back Road, Sharples with two children and two lodgers.  They lived in Sharples till 1854 when they moved to Turton.

From 1854 to 1860, Nanny, Timothy, Ellen and Rachel's births were registered at Turton.
1849 Hannah Bowling 20 May 1871, Hannah married Wright Chadwick 1850 Joseph Bowling 1860 - 1915 Rachel Bowling 55 55 A descendant of Rachel has a DNA match with Paul Mather. 1853 - 1853 James Holder Bowling 1m 1m 1854 Nanny Bowling On 11 May 1879, Nancy married Richard Peel

Nanny had a daughter Ann Maria Peel (b.1885) who was hiving with her aunt Sarah Elizabeth in 1901
1856 Timothy Bowling On 8 Sep 1877, Timothy married Catherine Bently 1858 Ellen Bowling 1856 Walter Edmonds Lawrence 1882 - 1965 Walter Lawrence 82 82 1884 - 1938 William Thomas Lawrence 54 54 In 1901, William T Lawrence was with his Aunt Sarah Elizbeth and two uncles. 1881 - 1950 Sarah Betsy Palmer 69 69 1909 - 1961 Rachel Lawrence 52 52 Debra Wood (debraawood) 6cM DNA connection to Paul Mather (but not me) 1906 - 1991 William Thomas Lawrence 85 85 1908 - 1971 Nellie Lawrence 63 63 Nellie married Pomfret 1862 - 1950 Sarah Elizabeth Bowling 88 88 Sarah married twice; first to Richard Bently (a clogger) in 1884, and after he died in 1895, aged 30, she married Robert Peel in 1913. 1864 James Andrew Bowling James and Thomas were living with their sister Sarah Elizabeth in 1901 1866 - 1913 Thomas Bowling 47 47 James and Thomas were living with their sister Sarah Elizabeth in 1901 1832 John Hollings iIn 1892, John (60, Weaver, widower) married Maria Bowling (63, widow), daughter of "JOHN" (not James) Mather.  JKohn's father was William Hollings, a coachman. 1840 - >1901 Ann Mayoh 61 61 Ann was the daughter of John and hannah Mayoh of Longworth.

12 Nov 1856, Ralph Mather (21) Labourer, Bachelor of Studs Farm, Longworth, son of John Mather a weaver married Ann Mayoh (16), a dresser of Foulds, daughter of John Mayoh a labourer at Belmont St Paul. (Their son Ralph also married here in 1881).

In 1865, husband Ralph died.  Ann had 3 more children after Ralph died with partner KAY.

In 1871, Ann Mather (30, Head, Married) was at 6 Townend Court, Over Darwen and had Alfred (6), Emma Kay (3), Agnes A (2) and Thomas Kay Mather (9 mo).
1857 - 1857 John Mather 3m 3m Ann was very young (about 16) when John (her first baby) was born, which may explain why he didnt survive. 1858 - 1860 James Mather 2 2 1860 - 1925 Ralph Mather 65 65 In 1871, Ralph (10) was with his grandparents John and Hannah Mayoh at Longworth.

1 Jan 1881, Ralph Mather (21), Bleacher of Belmont, son of Ralph a labourer married Emma Hughes (22), servant at Belmont, daughter of John Hughes, a labourer at St Peter's, Belmont.

Apr 1881, Ralph born Darwen and Emma (20 & 22) were at 32 Water Fall Terrace, Belmont, Sharples.  Ralph was a Mangler at the Bleach Works. 

In 1885 son Thomas was born at Belmont.

In 1891, Ralph from Darwen and "Ellen" from Cheshire (30 & 33) were in North Bury.  Son Thomas (6) was missing.

In 1901, Ralph (38) was at Heaton Norris, Stockport with Elizabeth Johnson (32)

In 1911, Ralph (50) was a Mangler at the Bleach works in Stockport.  He had been married 30 years and had two children (one had died).  Elizabeth Johnson (45, Single) was a visitor. and his wife was absent.

Ralph and Emma's deaths were registered in Stockport.
1864 Alfred Mather In Feb 1877, Bessie had married Fred Dickinson of Burnley, a weaver so had also committed biggamy. She had one child with him.  The divorce papers show Alfred and Bessie had two children before the divorded, and both died.

In 1881, Alfred Mather was 16, a paper stainer at 33 Gladstone Street, Over Darwen

2 Sep 1883, Alfred married Bessie Ellen Stables, but divorced her in May 1888 on grounds of Adultery. 

Aldred lived at 25, Gladstone Street, Darwen, where he worked as an Embosser at the Paper Works.

1864 Bessy Ellen Stables 2 Sep 1883, Alfred married Bessie Ellen Stables, but divorced her in May 1888 on grounds of Adultery. 

13 Feb 1877, Bessie Ellen Stables "Spinster" married Fred Dickinson of Burnley, a weaver so had also committed biggamy. She had one child with him.
1831 - 1893 Thomas Kay 62 62 In 1881, Thomas and Ann Kay (54 & 40) were living at 33 Gladstone Street, Over Darwen.

In 1895, when Agnes Ann married George Thompson, she revealed her father as Thomas Kay
1867 Emma Kay Mather Emma Mather, MMN = GLAIZBROOK was also born in Q4 1867.

Emma Kay Mather b.1867 was illegitimate, born after her "father" Ralph Mather had died.  Her true father is most likely Thomas Kay who her mother Ann married in 1880, three years later.

18 Aug 1888 Emma Mather (20), daughter of Thomas Kay married Alesznder Henry Yates (21) at St John's, Over Darwen.
1868 - 1946 Agnes Ann Kay 77 77 Birth registered as Agnes Ann Kay (not Mather), with no father named.

In 1871, Agnes A Mather (2, born Egerton) was with her mother Ann (30) and siblings at Over Darwen.
1870 - 1871 Thomas Kay Mather 10m 10m In 1871, son Thomas Kay Mather (9 months, born Over Darwen) was with his mother Ann (30) and siblings at Over Darwen. 1872 Margaret Alice Mather 1877 Jane Mather (Kay) In 1877, Janes birth was registered as jane mather 1881 James Kay 1882 Margery Kay 1894 Sarah Jane Leach 1924 - 2005 Winnifred Mather 80 80 1914 - 1976 Richard Mather 62 62 ~1924 Harrison Clegg 1919 James Mather 1912 - 1942 Vera Mather 30 30 In Q3/1934, Vera Mather married Harry Walsh. 1892 James Mather James was born 4 Oct 1892 (see 1939 register). His father Charles was a dock labourer, and his mother Kathleen Irish.

Before James married Sarah Jane in 1912, there is also a marriage for James Mather to Esther Sanderson at the same church (Darwen, St John) in 1909.  Did he marry twice?  Probably not, as there is no Darwen death (or any births) for Esther Mather before he married Sarah Jane.

Aug 1914, James Mather of Waterloo St, Bolton enlisted for WW1.  He was 22y, 10m.  Was this him?

In 1939, James (b.1892) and Sarah Jane (born 1894) were at Darwen with Winifred (born 1924) and Richard (born 1914).
1862 - 1926 Charles Mather 64 64 In 1881, Charles was 9 with his parents Charle and Esther and family at Over Darwen.  He was a half-time cotton weaver.

In 1891, Charles was 28 when married he married Ada (22).  His father was also Charles, an Engine Tenter.  A few days later the census shows Charles and Ada (28 & 22) at Over Darwen.

In 1901, Charles (37) was a dock labourer living in Pendleton. His (partner/wife) Kathleen (31) was irish.  They had James (9), Augustine (3) and Mary (2)

It became clear in other records they were not married, and Augustine was not Charles's.

By 1911, Charles (46) was a Paper Manufacturer. He was with Kate Holohan (44) from Tipperary but she was Single.  Augustine Holohan (13 was a boarder.  He also had three daughters Mary (12), Beatrice (7), and Lillian Ann (4).
1870 Kathleen (Kate) Holohan 1897 Augustine Holohan Augustine seems to be an illegitimate child, clearly not a Mather. 1899 Mary Mather 1903 Beatrice Mather 1907 - 1925 Lilian Ann Mather 18 18 1869 Ada Stott In 1891, Ada was 22, daughter of James Stott, an Accountant (Charted Accountant in 1901)  when she married Charles (who was 28)

In 1901, Ada Mather (32, married) was with her parents James and    Mary Ann Stott at Darwen.  She also may have had a son Richard Stott (not Mather) born 1889
1894 Ethel Mather Ethel's birth was registered in 1894, yet her baptism show a DOB on 19 Mar 1895. One record must be wrong!.

Ethel Pilkington was born 19 Nov 1894, and in 1939 was married to John Piklington.
1900 - 1901 Arthur Mather 1 1 1879 - 1880 James Mather 7m 7m In 1906, 1909 or 1902 James may have married Margaret Proctor, Jane/Ester or Sarah J Leach 1870 Deborah Mather In 1891, Deborah married Richard Edward Porter

In 1900, Deborah Porter (30) of Darwen and friend Fred Atkinson (30) departed (actually they eloped) Liverpool for Boston, Massachusetts on the Ship Ivernia.

29 Sep 1900, Deborah (mother Esther Lomax) married Fred at Fall River, Massachusetts, USA
1856 John Mather John, like his father was a Fire Beater

In 1861, John (4) and Jane (2), and parents were living in Salford.
1859 Jane Mather In 1861, John (4) and Jane (2), and parents were living in Salford. 1863 William Mather In 1911, William and Esther (68 & 48) had been married one year. Elizabeth Jane (16, step-dau) and his mother Esther Mather (74, Widow) and two boarders were with them at 50 Marsh House Lane, Darwen.. 1868 - 1893 Andrew Mather 25 25 28 Jul 1888, Andrew married Louisa Bently and in 1890, Esther was born

Andrew died in 1893, aged only 25.
1806 - 1875 Joshua Mather 69 69 This family originate from Walton-le-Dale, Blackburn, near to Preston.

In 1829, Joshua married Elizabeth Kay at Walton-le-Dale, Preston.  A witness was James Mather, but he has no brother James!

In 1835, Margaret was born. Soon after that, the family relocated to Bolton.

In 1841, Joshua (35) was a Shopkeeper at Bridge House, White Lion Brow with Elizabeth (30), with his three daughters (8, 5 & 5mo).

In April 1851, Joshua and Elizabeth (45 & 42) were at 1 Baldwin Street, W Bolton with Margaret, Elizabeth, Thomas and John (15, 10, 7 & 5), and also Thomas Kay (45), probably Elizabeth's brother (tbc).

On the 24 May 1851 at Lowell, Massachusetts (MA), USA, Joshua Mather, aged 45, son of Thomas & Catherine Mather, a Manufacturer from England married Mary Jane Smith (aged 27, Daughter of David and Rosina Smith). A bigamist?  Probably not, this Josiah Mather as he died 22 June 1865 at Lowell, MA, USA. However, there is also a John Mather born about 1847 who emigrated to Fitchburg, Worcester, Massachusetts and that could be his son.

In 1861, Joshua and Elizabeth were at Blackburn Street

Elizabeth died, and Joshua, now living in Farnworth married Maria Haydock (or Haddock).  Their 1871 marriage was at Preston Registry Office.

In 1875, Joshua Mather died in Farnworth.  There is a probate record, leaving £100 to Maria.
1845 - 1846 James Mather 1 1 James was born 1845, but missing in 1851 1866 - 1867 Isaac Mather 9m 9m Isaac, son of Isaac Mather and Elizabeth Holden, with birth registered at Edgworth (cannot be Andrew Mather as he died in 1859).

Isaac was missing in 1871. Therefore, the death of Isaac H Mather in 1866 could be him, but actually no - that's Isaac Henry Mather son of Wright Mather.
1908 - 1908 Sarah Lawrence 1869 - 1870 Francis Maria Bowling 7m 7m 1758 - 1851 John Hamer 93 93 John Hamer or Hamor, from Tarkington's (a farm at Entwistle).

3 Jan 1781, John Hamer, weaver, married Mary Bury at St Peter's, Bolton. 2 Jan 1782, John Hamer of Deane married Mary Yates of Bolton parish ar St Peters, Bolton.  12 Feb 1782, another John Hamer, weaver, married Mary Hamer at Bury.

In 1836, John Hamer had a lease of Houses (i.e. more than one) and land at Dunscar Gate, and Benjamin the Cross Guns, Turton.

In 1851, John (90) was living with his son Benjamin (51, a joiner).
1755 - 1835 Mary (Mally) Bury 80 80 John Hamer of Deane married Mary Yates in 1782, which is a good match except he was from Deane, not Entwistle.  The John Hamer of Bury (who had another Rachel the same year) is another person.  There is also Mary Bury who married John Hamer in 1871 which is also likely.  Betty's baptism confirms the mother is "Berry".

Mary, wife of John Hamer was buried 3 Feb 1835, aged 80 at St Ann's Turton.
1792 Nancy Hamer 17 Otober 1819, Nancy mattied William Orell

In April 1851, Nancy ans William (57 & 58) were at 50 Blackburn Road, Turton.  William was a Stone Quarryman.

Nancy Orrel died ugust 1851
1793 Jenny Hamer 1795 - 1856 John Hamer 61 61 1784 - 1866 Alice Hamer 82 82 In 1851, Alice and John Kay (74 & 70) wehere at Tonge 1787 Sally Hamer Sally was baptised Turton, 21 Jan 1787, daughter of John and Mally.  Another Sally was baptised 4 May 1788 at Turton, the daughter of Thomas and Alice. 1783 - 1849 Ann Hamer 66 66 Ann, daughter of John and Ann was baptised at Turton Chapel.  She was No. 2 on the "Mather Baptism" list for Walmsley Chapel Baptisms, but it was only Ann baptised at Turton Chapel.

In 1841, Ann (55, No Caling) may have been in the Turton Workhouse with Samuel Mather (45, Weaver).

Ann, daughter of John Hamer of Great Bolton was buried 8 March 1803. (This was an infant and not her).  Ann Hamer, aged 66 died in 1849.
1793 William Orrell 1798 - 1871 Benjamin Hamer 73 73 1799, Benjamin, son of John and Mary Hamerof Turton, weaver was baptised.

In 1828, Benjamin was a Wheelwright

In 1836, Benjamin had a lease for houses at Cross Guns, Egereton, Turton.

In 1841 Benjamin and Elizabeth Hamer (Farmer, both 40) were at No Name, next to Cabbage Row, and Howarth's farm, Turton.  They had 6 children; Thomasen (15), Tabitha (14), Sarah (10), Mary (8), Richard (5), and Nancy (2).

In 1851, Benjamin (51, Joiner) and his father John (90, formerly a farmer) were at 46 Blackburn Road, Turton.
1798 Elizabeth Horrocks Nancy's birth in 1838, snows the MMN = HORROCKS.

10 June 1824, Elizabeth Crocker must have been a widow when she married Benjamin.  She had married James Crocker, a grocer, 13 Sep 1819 by licence.
1777 John Kay In 1861, John and ALie Kay (83 & 76) wre at Christhurch, Turton with daughters Margaret (50) and Alice (48). 1816 - 1893 Ann Mather 77 77 Jonathan and Ann lived in Entwistle.

In 1861, Jonathan and Ann (51 & 45) were at Crown Point, Edgworth, and had James (26), Jane (22), Rachel (21), Thomas (16), Margaret (14) and Nancy (5).
1841 - 1864 John Mather (Holden) 23 23 Aged 1mo in June 1841 living with grandparents James and Rachel

There is no Birth regiostration for John Holden with Mother MATHER.  There are two illegitimate births registered for John Mather in 1841, with this John being registered in Q2 (Vol 21, p142)
1844 - 1916 Sarah Ann Holden 71 71 There is no birth registered for Sarah Ann Holden with MMN = MATHER, althouth the is for others including MMN = JEPSON.

Sarah Ann is the daughter of Thomas Holden and Alice Jepson who married in 1842 at Blackburn. Thomas was probably William's brother and Alice died in childbirth (1844, aged 23, Darwen, ref:D/5/46).  She was then adopted and baptised by William and Nancy.

18 April 1888, Sarah Ann Holden (48), daughter of William Holden (Dec, Blacksmith) was a Widow when she married john Buckley (57, Widower).
1859 Nancy Holden Nancy and Hannah's mothers maiden name is shown as ECCLES.  There is no marriage of William Holden to ECCLES, although there are many others incliding John Holden at Darwen.  It seems Nancy and Hannah's parents are John and Alice 1860 Hannah Holden Nancy and Hannah's mothers maiden name is shown as ECCLES.  There is no marriage of William Holden to ECCLES, although there are many others incliding John Holden at Darwen.  It seems Nancy and Hannah's parents are John and Alice 1839 Alice Eccles 1843 - 1843 Thomas Holden There are other MATHER+HOLDEN births, including some before William and Nancy married, and it is possible Thomas is of another Darwen family. 1846 Elizabeth Cooper In 1869, bride's Father: Thomas Cooper, Weaver

In 1871, Simon and Elizabeth Mather (nee Cooper) were living with Thomas and Ann Entwistle.  Thomas and Ann are probably closely related to Elizabeth, as they has a son David Cooper Entwistle (born ~1857).
1853 - 1853 Joseph Mather 7m 7m 1874 Elizabeth Alice Mather 1875 Nancy Mather 1855 - 1920 James Mather 64 64 29 Aug 1874, James Mather (19) son of Andrew (dec, a labourer) married Mary Jane Marsden at St Peter's, Bolton.

In 1911, James and Maria were living atr 3 Maria Road, Darwen.

29 March 1920, James Mather of 3 Maria Road died.  Probate to Esther Mather, widow, effects £97 6s. 3d.
1853 - 1907 Mary Jane Marsden 54 54 1881 James Knowles 1880 Margaret Ann Mather John Moran 1859 William Henry Mather Wiliam H Mather, born 1859, was an illegitimate son of one of John's children, most likely Rachel, and was probably born infirm.

In 1861, William (1) was with his grandfather John Mather (52) and his uncle Ralph and Ann and family at Top 'oth Croft, Lower Darwen.

In 1871, William Henry Mather is described as John Mather's (Boarder's) son, living with Howarth and Rachel.  He is paralised.

In 1881, William (21) was with his grandfather John Mather (72) at Eccleshill, Lancashire.

In 1911, William Henry Mather (54) was living with his married sister Mary Ann Dewhurst
1843 - 1843 Thomas Holden Died at Blacksnape, Over Darwen 1844 - 1908 Ann Holden 63 63 15 Aug 1865, Ann Holden married John Roo Lowe at Blackburn Register Office or Registrar Attended (RM/35/4) 1847 Alice Holden 1849 Elias (Elijah) Holden 14 July 1870 Elijah married Jane Bury 1852 - 1915 Rachel Holden 63 63 Rachel married James LEACH

Rachel Leach is buried with her parents at Darwen.
1855 Richard Holden 1857 George Holden George married Elizabeth Grime and had three (or more) sons, Henry, Edmund and George.

In 1891, George and Elizabeth (33 & 34) were in Over Dartwen with their sons and George's father Edmund (aged 70, Wid).
1860 Sarah Holden 1861 - 1924 George Corden 63 63 In 1883, Esther Mather married George Corden (civil marriage or Bolton RO)

In 1891, George and Esther (both 30) were living at Holly Bank,  Entwistle with their son William Herbert (6).

In 1901, George and Esther (both 40) were still at Holly Bank with sons William H (16) and George (8).

George Corden, of 86 Cemetery Road, Darwen, Lancashire died 25 Oct 1924.
1892 - 1944 George Corden 52 52 In 1891, William Hebert (aged 6) was with his parents George and Esther  1894 - 1962 Margaret Whitehead 68 68 1925 - 2011 Harry Stott Corden 86 86 1921 Herbert William Corden Birth recorded as Herbert W, but known as William Herbert 1884 William Herbert Corden 1851 - 1911 Jane Bury 60 60 Father Walmsley Bury 1871 - 1949 Sarah Betsy Holden 78 78 Sarah Betsy is the oldest child of Edmund Holden and Sarah Mather.  There is a DNA connection to John  1873 James Flynn 1914 - 1982 Bessie Chatterton 68 68 Jim, son of Bessie has a 20cM DNA match to John Eastaugh.

Phyllis Robinson a grand daughter of Sarah Betsy Holden has a 31cM DNA match to John Eastaugh and his 36cM with his sister Mary.
1854 - 1919 Thomas Chatterton 65 65 Edna Flynn 1860 - 1898 Elizabeth Mitton 38 38 1885 James Mather 1886 Ellen Mather 1889 Alice Maud Mather 1858 - 1929 Susannah Ollerenshaw 71 71 1849 Betsy Entwistle Daughter of Mary (TBC) 1868 Mary Elizabeth Mather This is the daughter of John Mather and Betsy Entwistle, married 1868, not the other Jonathan and Jane Entwistle. 1870 Alice Mather 1877 Isaac Mather 28 April 1906, Isaac married Esther Ramsbottom at St Ann's Turton 1880 - 1960 Abraham Mather 80 80 In 1881, Abraham, child, 8 months was with boarders, and Isaac and Mary Farrington at Entristle.   1885 Jane Mather 1892 John James Mather 1875 Esther Mather Esther was brought up by Isaac and Mary Farrington.

In 1881, Esther Mather, aged 5 is described at the daughter of Isaac and Esther Fattington (49 & 51) at Entwistle.  Also present is Sarah Greenhalgh (71, mother-in-law) and Abraham Mather (8 months) and two male boarders.

In 1891, Esther Mather, aged 15, is still with Isaac and Esther Farrington, but now described as a granddaughter.
1787 - 1841 James Mather 54 54 James was born about 9 months after his parents married (before Sept if 54 when died)..

James & Rachel have a DNA match to Paul Mather, but NOT me.

James's first son is also James, and both were farmers at Entwistle, probably the same farm !

In 1804, a Private James Mather, enlisted in the army, aged about 18.  He was discharged in 1818. This is another!

Weaver when children got baptised (e.g. Charles).

In Jun 1841, James and Rachel (both 54) are farmers at Sunnyside, Entwistle.  Also shown as farmer from Entwistle on son Isaac's marriage in 1839 (so possibly the wrong marriage).  With them were their younger children Nancy, Jane, Sarah, Andrew and Maria (24, 22, 18, 17, & 11), and also two illegitimate grandchildren Abel and John (5mo & 1mo).

3 Sep 1841, James Mather died of paralysis (i.e. stroke). Jenny Mather of Entwistle was present at the death (of her father).

In 1892, his youngest daughter Maria remaried (aged 63).  She recorded her father as John (not James) Mather, a Farmer.
1790 Betty Hamer Baptised Betty Heymor, but should be Hamer. 1845 Margaret Salisbury 1867 - 1952 Ralph Mather 84 84 1870 John James Mather 1876 Mary Elizabeth Mather 1881 Albert Edward Mather 1885 Margaret Mather Margaret had a son Eric Hopkinson, born 1922 1891 - 1943 Rosalie (Rosella) Mather 52 52 Rosella married twice: John Bottomley in 1914, and then James Mitchel in 1920, both at Blackburn. 1889 - 1889 Harry Mather 2m 2m 1887 - 1888 Robert Mather 1 1 ~1760 John Hamer 1782, John Hamer of Deane (probably Halliwell), married Mary Yates of the parish of Bolton at St. Peter's, Bolton. ~1760 Mary Yates 1796 - 1867 John Hamer 71 71 John appears to be the only son of John and Mary, born Halliwell, Deane. 

John is buried in Halliwell with Mary Ann, assumed daughter.
1825 Thomasen Hamer 1827 Tabitha Hamer 1831 Sarah Hamer 1833 Mary Hamer 1835 Richard Hamer 1838 Nancy Hamer ~1795 James Crocker In 1819, James, a grocer, married Betty Horrocks.

In 1820, James was a Shop Keeper inh Turton when son Eli was baptised.
1820 Eli Croker 1848 - 1850 Ellen Bentley 2 2 Ellen had died before the 1851 census 1850 - 1851 Ann Bentley 1 1 1852 Henry Bentley Henry was aged 9 in 1861 1854 - 1860 Andrew Bentley 5 5 Missing in 1861 (only Jane, aged 1 survived of Jane's children) 1856 James Bentley James was aged 4 in 1861 1860 Jane Bentley 1863 Alice Bentley 1844 - 1911 John Lowe 66 66 15 Aug 1865, Ann Holden married John Roo Lowe at Blackburn Register Office or Registrar Attended (RM/35/4) 1866 John Edwin Lowe 1869 Sarah Lowe 1872 Joel Lowe 1876 Rachel Lowe 1852 - 1904 Sarah Jane Briggs 51 51 Sarah Jane's father was George Brigger (or Briggs)

Sarah Jane Mather 463, Blackburn Road, Edgworth died in 1904
1883 Edward Mather 1885 - >1939 Andrew Mather 54 54 NAdrew married Betsy Ann Ramsden.

They were still alive in 1939.
1888 Daisy Mather 1890 - 1918 Simon Mather 28 28 There is only one Simon Mather born about 1890, so this must be the Simon in 1911 with James and Esther.

In 1911, James and Esther (55 & 46) had been married 1 yesr. They has son Simon Mather (21) with them, living at 3 Maria Street, Darwen.

In 1913, Simon Mather married Edith Annie Seed at Chipping, St Bartholomew, Preston.

Simon was killed in the Great War at France and Flanders in 1918
1858 - 1926 Emma (Ellen) Hughes 68 68 Emma Hughes was born at Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, daughter of John Hughes,a labourer.

1 Jan 1881, Ralph Mather (21), Bleacher of Belmont, son of Ralph a labourer married Emma Hughes (22), servant at Belmont, daughter of John Hughes, a labourer at St Peter's, Belmont.

In 1891, Ralph and "Ellen" (30 & 33) were in North Bury with no children.
1858 Mary Jane Miller In 1881 John and Mary J (both 23) were at Samlesbury with William (6), Mary E (3), Isaac (8mo) and Mary's mother Mary Ann Garvey (54) 1875 - 1931 William James Mather 55 55 William James Mather lived at Bromley Cross, Turton.

In 1896, William James Mather married Mary Neville at Blackburn, St Peter,

William James Mather of Glen Meay Ford Park, Ulverston died 30 Jan 1931, leaving £4,290 to Edith Mather Widow (who is she?) and his brother Abraham.
1877 Mary Elizabeth Mather 1880 - 1897 Isaac Mather 17 17 1882 - 1908 John Mather 26 26 1886 - 1956 Abraham Mather 70 70 1888 - 1954 Esther Jane Mather 66 66 1891 - 1893 Henry Mather 1 1 1892 - 1964 Ruth Mather 72 72 1894 - 1895 Harold Mather 1 1 1845 - 1921 Margaret Haslam 76 76 1872 Jane Mather 1874 Alice Mather 1876 - 1968 Martha Ann Mather 92 92 1874 James Mather 1880 Isaac Mather 1884 - 1903 Esther Jane Mather 19 19 1890 Betsy Ellen Mather 1884 Walter Knowles 1887 Fred Knowles 1859 James Hargreaves 1885 Ruth Hargreaves 1887 Bertha Hargreaves 1836 James Lingard In 1841, James (7) was in Belmont East, Sharples, the assumed son of Samuel Lingard (30) a Calico Printer and mother Ellen (26).

In 1851, James (16), son of Samuel and Ellen was a carder, living at Belmont.
1864 James Watson 1866 - 1941 Alexander Henry Yates 74 74 Alexander's parents were Richard Yates, a engine tenter, and Alice Ormerod 1895 - 1983 Ernest Yates 87 87 1897 - 1956 Minnie Sharples 59 59 1916 - 1981 Laura Yates 65 65 Descended from Ann Mayoh and Ralph Mather.

Laura married William H Hancox.  Their son Mervyn Hancox shared 19cM DNA with me and 24cM with JMG.
1889 - 1970 Alice Ann Yates 81 81 1890 - 1891 Margery Yates 1 1 1925 Alan Yates 1863 Charles Watson 1866 - 1866 John Watson 1867 - 1867 Amos Watson 1868 Mary Ann Watson 30 Nov 1895, Mary Ann married John Walsh Dewhurst at Darwen St. Cuthbert 1869 Martha A Watson 1870 - 1871 Haworth Watson 1 1 1871 - 1872 Henry Watson 1 1 1876 Sarah Ellen Watson 1877 Bella Watson 1879 Howarth Watson 1886 Henry Watson 1873 - 1882 Margaret Jane Watson 9 9 1834 - 1836 John Mather 1 1 1863 - 1930 Mary Neville 67 67 ~1877 - 1954 George Marshall Williams 77 77 1883 Emma Shorrock 1905 - 1980 John William Mather 74 74 1906 - 1925 Mary E Mather 19 19 1891 - 1935 Elizabeth Clement 43 43 1919 - 2004 Mary Mather 85 85 1922 - 1948 William Mather 26 26 1923 - 1997 Gilbert Mather 73 73 1885 Walter Andrew Rutherford 1913 - 2002 Dorothy May Rutherford 88 88 1916 - 2006 Marian Rutherford 90 90 1918 Norman William Rutherford 1919 - 1993 Esther Agnes Rutherford 74 74 1950 - 2019 Raymond William Mather 68 68 Raymond is descended from James and Rachel Mather. He is one of 5 brothers. 1922 - 1995 John Mather 73 73 1926 - 2019 Mary Ireen Wellard 93 93 John D Mather Colin R Mather Gilbert R Mather Richard W Mather 1885 Thomas Mather In 1891, Thomas was NOT with his parents Emma and Ralph. He was probably staying with his maternal grandparents.

In 1911, Thomas, a Clerk, born Belmont, was living with his mother Emma at 37 Cedar Terrace Armley Leeds
1881 - 1881 John Mather 1884 - 1884 James Arthur Mather 1885 - 1886 Betsy Ann Mather 1 1 1889 - 1889 Andrew Mather 1866 - 1906 Amos Mather 40 40 In 1887, Amos married Emma Walsh. Blackburn Register Office or Registrar Attended

In 1913, Amos is listed as a postman in Darwen, so his death in 1903 (aged 43, not 40) may be another.
1865 Emma Walsh In 1887, Emma married Amos Mather.  They had 5 children, but only Elizabeth Jane survived infancy.

Husband Amos died in 1906, aged about 40 or 42, and 1910 Emma married Wiliam Mather, Amos's brother.

In 1911, William and Esther (68 & 48) had been married one year. Elizabeth Jane (16, step-dau) and his mother Esther Mather (74, Widow) and two boarders were with them at 50 Marsh House Lane, Darwen..
1888 - 1888 Thomas Mather 3m 3m 1890 - 1890 Esther Mather 1895 - 1975 Elizabeth Jane Mather 80 80 In 1914 Elizabeth Jane Mather married James dward Walmsley at St Phillip, Witton, Blackburn.  This is another.

In 1922, Elizabeth Jane Mather married John Astbury at Darwen United Report Church (confirmed by DOB at Death).

In 1939, John and Elizabeth Astbury were living at 5 Marshouse Lane, Darwin with one other person.
1902 - 1903 Richard Mather 1 1 1873 - 1874 James Mather 6m 6m 1868 George Thompson 1895 Annie Thompson Annie married Tom Shutt at Darwen 1897 Mary Alice Thompson 1869 - 1907 Richard Edward Porter 38 38 21 Feb 1889 Richard Edward Porter was listed as a weaver of Bolton and a habitual criminal. 1869 Louisa Bentley 1871 Frederick (Fred) Atkinson 1895 - 1959 George William Porter 64 64 1889 - 1962 Esther Mather 73 73 1893 Amos Mather 1891 - 1892 Jane Mather 3m 3m 1860 William Duckworth 1862 Sophia Duckworth 1864 Joseph Duckworth 1867 Rebecca Duckworth 1870 James Duckworth 1899 John Pilkington In 1939, Ethel, John and one child living at 21 Moorfield Street, Bolton. 1936 Mavis Pilkington 1940 Vera Pilkington 1865 Esther Sanderson 1884 - 1884 Amos Mather 1m 1m 1875 Joseph Mather Left home by 1901,  He had married Mary Ann Greenhalgh 24 Mar 1900 at Turton St Ann. 1876 Alice Mather 1903 Alice married Charles Holt of High Top Farm, Edgworth.  By 1911, they had been married 7 years and no children.

In 1939, Charles and Alice were still at Hill Top Farm, Edgworth (close to Annie Mather at 1 School View)
1879 - 1924 George Mather 45 45 George Married Holden in 4 March 1911.

In April 1911, George (32 & married) was with his father and wife Annie (nee Briggs).

In 1939, Annie Mather (DOB 12 Jan 1880) was at 1 School View with Harry and Jennie.
1880 - 1918 William Mather 37 37 1882 - 1967 John James Mather 84 84 3 Feb 1906, John James Mather married Elizabeth Simpson

In 1911, John James and Elizabeth Mather (28 & 26) were with two daughters at 13 Sandy Bank Rd, Edgworth.
1886 - 1970 Annie Mather 83 83 14 Dec 1908, Annie Mather (22), daughter of William, married John James Spencer at Turton St Ann.

In 1911, John James and Annie Spenser were at 4 Brandwood Fold, Edgworth.  No children.

In 1939, John J and Annie Spencer were at 1 Sandy Bank Road, Turton with Mary Briggs and no children.

1889 - 1918 Samuel Mather 29 29 In 1911, Samuel (21 & single) was with his father.

24 Jul 1918, Samuel (born Entwistle) was killed in Action during the Great War
1877 - 1878 Andrew Mather 1 1 1885 - 1885 Fred Mather 2m 2m 1884 Elizabeth Simpson 1907 - 1922 Dorothy Reeves Mather 15 15 1909 Sarah Jane Mather 1877 - 1972 Emily Lizzy Kirkby 95 95 1912 - 1994 William Eric Mather 82 82 William married Violet Selina Walker (1914-1989). 1917 - 1970 Arthur Owen Mather 52 52 Baptism's at Turton Chapel - Families from around Edgworth Baptism's at Turton Chapel - Families from around Edgworth
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