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Male Luke Mather Click to view Luke Mather in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Luke was born in December 1850 in Entwistle.1  Luke's father was Isaac Mather and his mother was Elizabeth (Betty) Marsden.  His paternal grandparents were James Mather and Rachel Hamer. He had four brothers and five sisters, named James, Simon, Joseph, John, Betty, Sophia, Ruth, Sarah and Esther.  He was the fifth oldest of the ten children. He had a half-brother named Isaac.  He died at the age of 49 on November 16th, 1900 in Darwen.  He was buried on November 20th, 1900.2 

Luke's family with Ellen Almond

‌Luke and Ellen were married in a civil ceremony in January 1874 in Bolton.4  They had two sons and two daughters, named James, Isaac, Esther and Betsy.  There are no more children.

1 1871 UK Census
2 National Probate Records
3 Kelly's Directory
4 BMD-Lancashire

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