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Family Tree Diagram : Oshyer

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(five children) m. 11 Jul 1959 Marriage (four children) Marriage (two children) Marriage m. 22-Dec-1979 #2 Marriage (a child) Marriage (nine children) m. 11-Aug-1836 Marriage (ten children) m. 13-Feb-1796 Marriage (a child) m. #2 Marriage (four children) m. 14-Aug-1841 Marriage Marriage m. 19-Mar-1988 Separation in fact m. 3-Jun-1911 (2nd) (separated) Marriage (nine children) m. 4-May-1889 - 1st Marriage m. 1937 Marriage (five children) m. 1909 Marriage Marriage (two children) m. 1921 Marriage (four children) m. 15-May-1937 Divorce (three children) m. 23-Oct-1931 Divorce m.19-Aug-1941 Marriage m.16-Aug-1962 Marriage (four children) m.26-May-1935 Marriage (two children) m. 3-Jan-1938 Marriage (four children) m.1-Aug-1942 (1st) Marriage m.1957 #2 Marriage (two children) m. 1919 Marriage (nine children) m. 16-Sep-1922 Marriage (two children) Marriage Marriage (three children) m. 18-Nov-1953 Marriage Marriage m.24-Oct-1964 Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (two children) 26-Dec-1964 Marriage (a child) m.3-May-1974 Marriage m. 09-Jul-1962 Marriage (two children) m.4-Jan-1964 Marriage (two children) m. 01-Oct-1988 Marriage (two children) m. 23-Sep-1989 Marriage (four children) m.18-Jan-1945 Marriage #1 Marriage #2 Marriage m. 15-Sep-1973 13 Feb 1844 6 Feb 1883 Peter James Ogier 38 38 In the 1851 Census - This Ogier family was living at 2 St Clair Road, St Sampson.
Peter James is recorded as being a "sailor". He left Guernsey with his wife Mary Eveson and two children Maria and Peter around 1868-70 to become a quarryman at PwllyPant Wales. In the 1871 census, the family was living at Egwlsylan, Wales. He returned to Guernsey after the death of his wife in 1874 leaving his three children - Thomas had been born in Caerphilly area of Glamorgan, South Wales around 1869 and the two other children, Peter John and Maria Rachel, in the care of his mother-in-law Mrs. Maria Ferguson.
Maria, Peter and Thomas were in the workhouse for a while, after their Mother died and when Father left and went back to Guernsey, and they never heard from him again. After a while their grandmother Maria Fergerson took them out. (Info from Gaynor Simpson)
30 Jul 1843 24 Sep 1874 Mary (Maria) Avison 31 31 Orginated from Hull , Yorkshire.
She left Guernsey with her husband Peter, and two children Maria and Peter around 1868-70 and by the time the 1871 census was taken, she had had another son, Thomas.
In the 1871 census, the family was living at Egwlsylan, Wales. 
30 Sep 1867 26 Aug 1937 Peter John Thomas Ogier (Oshyer) 69 69 Peter John Thomas Oshyer...

Peter was born to Peter James Ogier and Mary Aveson on the 30th of September 1867 in Saint Peter Port, Guernsey. When Peter was 6 months old the family moved to Caerphilly Wales where a local minister christened Peter. Peter’s mother Mary died, when he was 7, of Phthisis Debility (consumption), after she had spent 2 years in hospital following the birth of her 4th child Martha. Martha passed away when she was 4 months old of Bronchitis convulsions.
Maria, Peter and Thomas were in the workhouse for a while, after their Mother died. Their father (Peter James Ogier) having abandoned them and gone back to Guernsey. They never heard from him again. After a while their grandmother Maria, now Fergerson (nee Warner), fostered and raised them.
It may have been during the time in the workhouse that the surname changed from Ogier to Oshier. The name Ogier was very uncommon at the time and spelt phonetically it would have come out as Oshier. In the 1881 census of Wales the name is recorded as Oshier, Peter was 13 at this time and was employed as a ‘door boy in the coal mine’.
When Peter John Thomas was 18 he migrated to Australia from London on the 'Silhet' on the 9th of October 1885, with it arriving in Maryborough Queensland on the 8th of January 1886. His name on the passenger list is recorded as Oshier but all subsequent spellings of the name is Oshyer. His occupation on leaving London was documented as a farm labourer. He met and married his first wife Mary Ann James in Eidsvold in 1889. They had 9 children — one dying at the age of 5 months. Mary Ann passed away in 1909. Peter then married Anne Eva James (nee Cracknell) in 1911 — this marriage did not last. Peter then had 6 children to Janet McAllister, who had been employed as the children's Nanny after the death of Mary Ann.
Peter died, aged 69 years, on the 26th of August 1937 after a fall down a well on his property at Queenslander Creek Charters Towers. His occupation at the time was listed as an Engine Driver. Peter is buried in the Charters Towers Cemetery
The above information is from contributions by Nonie Burton‎, Muriel Williams, Cheryl and Gaynor Simpson
10 Oct 1892 1 Aug 1946 Janet Elizabeth McAllister 53 53 Married James Edwin McGregor when she was aged 45 years.
Electrol Rolls 1936 - Janet Elizabeth McAllister Oshyer (home duties), lived in Hacket Terrace, Charters Towers, Qld
and in 1930 she was living with her husband(?) in Giru, Qld
but in 1919 & 1925 she was registered as Janet Elizabeth McAllister (home duties) and lived in Sam Street, Charters Towers, Qld.
Also in 1925 she was a nurse living at Hodgkinson St, Charters Towers, Qld
1872 2 Aug 1912 Isabella Cairns Bell 40 40 Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld) - Wednesday 29 April 1908 - Funeral Notice
"The Friends of MR. and MRS. WILLIAM MCALLISTER and Family, MR. and MRS. THOMAS HENRY BELL and Family, and MR. WILLIAM A. BELL, are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their late beloved MOTHER."
This would be the mother of Isabella McALLISTER (nee Bell).

Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld) - Friday 23 April 1909 - In Memoriam
"McMULLAN.—In loving memory of our Dear Mother, Isabella Cairns, who departed this life on April 23, 1909 :—
Dearest mother, you have left us;
Never shall thy memory fade;
Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger
Around the place where you are laid.
(Inserted by her loving son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Bell.)"

Qld Death Cert No. 1908 / C1947 states that the death of Isabella Cairns McMULLAN was registered in country Queensland, in 1908. Her father's name was recorded as Alexander Thompson McMULLAN and her mother's name was recorded as Isabella McMULLAN (nee Cairns).  
1862 16 Aug 1908 William McAllister 46 46 24 Nov 1911 26 Mar 1945 James Henry Oshyer 33 33 Jimmy was the first child of Peter John Thomas Oshyer and Janet McAllister, being born on the 24th of November 1911. Jimmy married Beatrice Maud Stephenson and they had two sons, Lawrence and Kenneth. When Jimmy was 29, he was involved in a single vehicle accident in which his brother, David, was killed. Jimmy suffered serious injuries in this accident, which left him with Jacksonian Epilepsy. Jimmy eventually died from Epilepsy resulting in a fractured skull on the 26th March 1945. Jimmy's children were 11 and 8 when he died.
Jimmy is buried in the Charters Towers Cemetery, beside his mother Janet McGregor nee McAllister). His occupation at the time of his death was listed as Labourer.
(Info supplied by Nonie Burton)
11 Feb 1913 21 Sep 1989 Isabella- (Bellie) Oshyer 76 76 1st marriage Robert Pulley on 16-Aug-1941
2nd marriage Robert Mathew Chapman (born - 17-Aug-1913 Ayr and died - 11-Apr-1988 Charters Towers) on 16-Aug-1962
19 Mar 1915 2 Sep 1987 George Albert Oshyer 72 72 Married Jessie Meeson (born - 2-Oct-1910) on 25-May-1935
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Electrol Rolls 1936 - George Albert Oshyer (labourer) lived in Vulture Street, Charters Towers, Qld
28 Nov 1917 Gwendoline Thompson Oshyer Married Daniel McNeill (born - 12-Jun-1916) on 1-Jan-1938 26 Apr 1919 20 Oct 1995 Russell William Peter Oshyer 76 76 1st marriage to Kathleen Nance O'NEILL (born- 3-Mar-1919)
2nd marriage to Maud Mary Thelma Hatcher (born - 10-Oct-1888 Pentland) on 4-May-1957, but they had no children. - - Info provided by Nonee Burton
23 Mar 1922 11 Jan 1999 Walter Lawrence Oshyer 76 76 While Walter was serving in the Australian Army, as a Corporal, during WW2 in the 57th/60th Bn, he received the Military Medal.

Cairns Post (Qld.) - Wednesday 10 October 1945 - News Item...
CANBERRA, October 9.—In the latest awards announced to-day. the D.C.M. has been awarded to Lance-Corporal Arthur Reginald Reidy, of Wooroondean, also Military Medals to Corporal Walter Lawrence Oshyer, of Charters Towers, Private William Richard Ingram, of Rockhampton, and Private Charles Francis Jordan, of Inglewood. Reidy, with a section leader on Tarakan, charged and overcame a light machine-gun position. Their attack on another position failed, and the section leader was killed. Reidy went forward and dragged the body clear of the enemy until he himself was wounded.

When an enemy force of 150 attacked, Oshyer's platoon bore the full brunt. He held his ground and organised the men, beating the enemy back on four occasions. Throughout, Oshyer's leadership and personal courage were of the highest order.

Ingram was a member of a fighting patrol engaged by a superior enemy force. In the ensuing clash, Ingram and three others were separated from the main body. Of his own initiative, Ingram took command and fought to a better position. Despite wounds, he led the three men with dogged determination, gaining information vital to his company.

When an enemy position was delaying his battalion's advance, Jordan, showing great skill, patrolled to the forward pits of the enemy. Observing two of the enemy in a gun position, Jordan coolly crawled forward and threw a grenade, killing the gun crew. Jordan was able to give a clear account of the enemy position, which tanks later attacked."
5 Sep 1921 15 Jan 2003 Myrtle Heather Stout 81 81 In January 1962, lived in Garbutt Townsville 1897 7 Mar 1972 Ida Myrtle Pardon 75 75 In January 1962, listed as originally from Charters Towers 2 Jun 1895 4 Nov 1971 Victor Harold Stout 76 76 In January 1962, listed as originally from Charters Towers 1925 21 Aug 2014 Victor (Mick) Harold Stout 89 89 In January 1962, lived in Cairns Qld 1928 13 Jan 2014 Jim Raymond Stout 86 86 In January 1962, lived in Aitkenvale Townsville 1924 19 Aug 2003 William (Bill) Arthur Stout 79 79 In January 1962, lived in Currajong Townsville 1933 7 Dec 1995 Nesbitt George Ross Stout 62 62 Phyllis Jane Stout Married a Hindom
In January 1962, lived in Gulliver, Townsville Qld
1920 Hazel May Stout Married a Nuttley of Biloela, 1936.

In January 1962, lived in Biloela Qld

Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Nutley (i.e. Hazel May nee Stout)
1937 17 Mar 2005 Bernard (Bernie) Edward Stout 68 68 In January 1962, lived in Garbutt Townsville 30 Aug 1941 Denice Billie Oshyer 3 Sep 1938 David Francis Noscov 11 Mar 1943 23 Dec 1971 Lawrence James Oshyer 28 28 19 Jul 1948 Graham William Oshyer 6 Oct 1950 Peter John Oshyer 6 Aug 1954 8 May 2017 Anita Yvonne Oshyer 62 62 7 Oct 1968 Richard Lawrence Oshyer 18 Mar 1972 Sean James Oshyer 25 May 1950 Olive May Edwards 23 Feb 1981 Troy Lawrence Oshyer Born in Townsville Qld 11 Apr 1953 Judith Ann Harpur 24 Mar 1952 Rex Penrose 4 Jun 1970 Vicki Kelso 30 Sep 1996 Chelsea Anne Oshyer 7 Dec 1999 Jack Lawrence Oshyer 18 Nov 1974 Sally- Ann Oshyer 16 Nov 1979 Peita Michelle Oshyer Harry Pitt 19 Aug 1998 Tamika Pitt 16 Jan 2001 Luke Pitt 6 Jul 1979 Billy Ambro Dorrick 10 Apr 2001 Amber Rose Dorrick 29 Jul 1978 Kenna Marie Penrose 16 Jun 1975 Krista- Lee Penrose 30 Sep 1981 Gavin Wayne Penrose Stuart Wellsley Buchanan 6 Jun 1999 Lachlan Wellsley Buchanan 22 Jul 1994 Steven Penrose 1863 4 Feb 1904 Mary Ann Eliza Connor 41 41 Mary Ann arrivied In Brisbane in 1864 - according to a newspaper notice after her death. D. 1927 George Brown Stout 28 Apr 1936 Patricia Anne Turney 7 May 1934 John Kelso Margaret Douglas John Kelso Edna Sawyer Edward Turney Created by Terry Kinscher in May 2003 and last updated January 2022 - The chart was created by Terry Kinscher, with contributions being made by other researchers as well, using a program called GenoPro. Please send any changes/updates to '' Mathew Kelso Debby Kelso Karen Kelso Andrew Kelso 23 Dec 1976 30 Dec 1976 Daniel James Oshyer 7d 7d 11 Jan 1945 Dawn Ann Lock 28 Jul 1938 Terence Desmond Kinscher Sarah Elliott 31 Dec 1962 Tania Noscov 6 Mar 1815 22 Dec 1901 Elizabeth Langlois 86 86 In the 1871 Channel Islands Census - This Ogier family was living at St Peter Port - Elizabeth was a widow (aged 56) and her occupation was listed as 'Annuitant'.
In the 1891 Channel Islands Census - This Ogier family was living at 1 forest Lane, St Peter Port - Elizabeth (now aged 77), listed as Betsey, was still shown as head of the family.
27 Aug 1814 1870 Peter (Pierre) Ogier 56 56 In the 1841 Census - the Ogier family was living with or next to Abraham and Mary Falla.
In the 1851 Census - This Ogier family was living at 2 St Clair Road, St Sampson.
In the 1861 Channel Islands Census - This Ogier family was living at St Peter Port.
29 May 1837 Elizabeth (Betsy) Ogier In the 1851 Census - This Ogier family was living at 2 St Clair Road, St Sampson.
In the 1861 Channel Islands Census - Elizabeth (aged 24) was not living with this Ogier family because at the age of 18, she had gone to Melbourne, Australia aboard the ship 'Ontario' as an assisted British immigrant arriving in July, 1854.

Elizabeth Ogier d/o Pierre Ogier & Elizabeth Langlois m. James John Bichard.
12 May 1841 Rachel Mary Ogier In the 1851 Census - This Ogier family was living at 2 St Clair Road, St Sampson. 8 Jul 1847 Julia Ogier In the 1851 Census - This Ogier family was living at 2 St Clair Road, St Sampson.
In the 1871 Channel Islands Census - This Ogier family was living at St Peter Port - Julia (aged 24) was married at this time and her surname was Pacher, her occupation was listed as 'Charwoman'.
10 Sep 1850 1858 Martha Elizabeth Ogier 8 8 In the 1851 Census - This Ogier family was living at 2 St Clair Road, St Sampson.
In the 1861 Channel Islands Census - Martha (would have been aged 10) was not living with this Ogier family.
In the 1871 Channel Islands Census - This Ogier family was living at St Peter Port - Martha (aged 20) was not married, and her occupation listed as 'Laundress'.
1773 28 Aug 1844 Marie Trachi 71 71 According to the 1841 census grandmother Mary Trachy is living with John Peter Ogier, his wife and family at Piece des Capelles. She is 65 years old. 27 Mar 1757 1824 Jean Ogier 67 67 Lived at La Piece, Guernsey 29 Jan 1866 1933 Maria Rachel Margaret Alice Ogier 67 67 Grandmother of (Mrs) Muriel Williams ( and Great Grandmother of Cheryl Simpson ( - Mueriel and Cheryl are cousins.

Maria, Peter and Thomas were in the workhouse for a while, after their Mother died and when their Father (Peter James Ogier) left and went back to Guernsey, and they never heard from him again. After a while their grandmother Maria Fergerson took them out. (Info from Gaynor Simpson)
1821 Sep 1895 Maria Warner 74 74 D. Jun 1868 George Ferguson On the 1861 Census for Alderney it has George Ferguson head, Maria Ferguson wife, John Ferguson Son, John Aveson Stepson, Henry Aveson Stepson and Christopher Aveson Stepson. 1869 Aug 1935 Thomas James Ogier 66 66 Maria, Peter and Thomas were in the workhouse for a while, after their Mother died and when their Father (Peter James Ogier) left and went back to Guernsey, and they never heard from him again. After a while their grandmother Maria Fergerson took them out. (Info from Gaynor Simpson).
In the 1901 Census, Thomas was living with his wife, Mary, at Bryn Gwyn St, Bedwas, South Wales - he was a Coalminer and she was a Hewer.

Aged 31 in the England & wales 1901 Census - NB listed as Oshyer

Thomas Avison Feb 1872 May 1872 Martha (Mary) Elizabeth Ogier 3m 3m 26 Aug 1890 4 Dec 1941 William John McAllister 51 51 This is the same William John McALLISTER who married Hannah OSHYER - Yes on the 16-Sep-1922.

Hanna OSHYER (b.17-Sep-1904 to d.03-Oct-1989)
1842 Jun 1897 John Warner Avison 55 55 Recorded as Evison in the 1881 census (age 37)
Born in Hull , Yorkshire.
On the 1861 Census for Alderney it has George Ferguson head, Maria Ferguson wife, John Ferguson Son, John Aveson Stepson, Henry Aveson Stepson and Christopher Aveson Stepson.
Kevin Smith 29 Dec 1963 Michael Noscov 13 Dec 1967 Allison 1861 30 Aug 1948 Anne Eva James (nee Cracknell) 87 87 Anne Eva James (nee Cracknell) - believed to be Mary James's sister-in-law, but no proof.
We think the marriage was short lived, probably because, 4 months later, Peter fathered his first child with Janet McAllister. Anne never remarried and died in Brisbane as Oshyer, in 1948. She had 2 children to her first husband, but no children to Peter.
Anne Eva's parents were John Edward Cracknell and Jane Gabbitis 
1873 29 Mar 1909 Mary Ann James 36 36 Married in 1889 at Eidsvoid Qld
Mary had 9 children

"Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Davies are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their late beloved Daughter."
"Mr. and Mrs. David James are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their late beloved Sister."
1890 6 Mar 1956 Mary Maria Oshyer 66 66 Mary Maria Oshyer was born in 1890, the first child of Peter and Mary Ann Oshyer. It is thought that the name, Mary Maria, came from Peter's mother and sister's first name. Mary was 19 years old when her mother passed away.
Mary married Herbert Buckby and they had 5 children:- Victor, Eunice, Dorothy, Violet and Herbert Jnr. Herbert Jnr married Una Morgan, and she is still alive and living in Charters Towers, Qld (as as 2004).
Mary Maria died on the 6th of March 1956 and is burried in Charters Towers Qld.
(Info provided by Nonie Burton)  
13 Jul 1893 1 Apr 1956 William Thomas Oshyer 62 62 William Thomas Oshyer was born on the 13th of July 1893, the second child and first son of Peter and Mary Ann Oshyer. William was 16 when his mother passed away. William enlisted with the army in 1914 at the age of 21,  service No. 2434. He served with the 9th Battalion 3rd brigade, which was the covering force for the ANZAC landing at Gallipoli, with them arriving on the shoreline at approximately 4:30am. The Battalion was heavily involved in establishing and defending the front line of the ANZAC beachhead, it served at ANZAC until their evacuation in 1915. After the withdrawl from Gallipoli, the battalion moved to Egypt. William received a Military medal whilst stationed in Ypres for gallantry and devotion to duty. He returned to Australia on the 1st of May 1919 at the age of 26.
William married Rita DeSilva and they had two daughters, Beryl and Betty.
(Info provided by Nonie Burton)

William and the family lived in South Brisbane.
17 Mar 1896 Peter Robert Oshyer Known as 'Snowy Davey'

Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld.) - Wednesday 23 February 1916 - Social Jottings...
"CHARTERS TOWERS SOCIAL. - ("Northern Miner.")
Mr Peter Oshyer has returned to the west, after spending two months holiday with his sister, Mrs H. G. Buckby."
Mrs H. G. Buckby was Mary Maria Buckby (nee Oshyer).

16 Nov 1898 27 Dec 1940 David Oshyer 42 42 6 Sep 1900 Florence Maud Oshyer 17 Sep 1904 3 Oct 1989 Hannah Oshyer 85 85 17 May 1907 1973 Thomas (Tom) Aveson Oshyer 66 66 Australian Electrol Rolls 1936 - Thomas Aveson Oshyer (stockman) and David Oshyer (labourer) both lived in Slater Street, Charters Towers, Qld

According to The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld) - Saturday 5 June 1937 - News Article
"Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Oshyer leave on Monday (7-Jun-1937) for Brisbane, where they will in future reside."
15 Jul 1902 9 Dec 1902 Edith Warner Oshyer 4m 4m 1903 23 Mar 1981 James Edwin McGregor 78 78 1886 13 Jul 1952 Herbert George Buckby 66 66 I haven’t found Herbert’s Birth details yet but Herbert’s brothers and sisters, all born in Queensland, were…
1883/C4056 Percy William BUCKBY
1888/C5636 James Alfred BUCKBY
1892/C7302 George Victor Francis BUCKBY
1894/C6714 Joseph Harvey BUCKBY
1894/C6715 Harvey James BUCKBY
1902/C6293 Emily Mary BUCKBY
1906/C6312 Archie BUCKBY
Their father’s name was William Charles BUCKBY and their mother’s name was Charlotte Mary BUCKBY (nee O'Sullivan).
Victor Buckby Eunice Buckby Dorothy Buckby Violet Buckby 1909 Herbert_ Jnr Buckby Una Moran 1895 Margaret Florence Silver Beryl Eleanor Oshyer Betty Iris Oshyer 1910 1978 Florence Margaret Hansen 68 68 Was she also known as Margaret Florence OSHYER (nee Hansen). D. 25 Apr 2003 Tom Oshyer 1939 20 May 2002 Alan Oshyer 63 63 Alan Oshyer (1939-2002) - weightlifter - born in Charters Towers; represented Australia at the Rome Olympics in 1960 and Perth Commonwealth Games in 1962.
1912 Beatrice Maud Stephenson 1933 Lawrence Henry Oshyer Lawrence Henry Oshyer is believed to be the stepson of George Albert Oshyer and Beatrice Maud Oshyer (nee Stephenson) 18 Apr 1945 Kenneth Oshyer Robert Pulley 17 Aug 1913 11 Apr 1988 Robert Mathew Chapman 74 74 No children 1917 7 Jan 2005 Jessie Meeson 88 88 Brenda Oshyer 1 Apr 1936 10 Apr 1963 George Oshyer 27 27 27 Oct 1937 Rhonda Oshyer 12 Jun 1916 Daniel McNeill 12 Jan 1942 Daniel William_ Peter McNeill 8 Jan 1944 Ngaere Isabel McNeill 3 Mar 1919 7 Jun 1955 Kathleen Nance O'Neill 36 36 Kathleen's parents were Albert Bernard O'Neill and Catherine Barry
14 Mar 1943 Nonee Lorraine Oshyer 1945 Marilynn Nance Oshyer 19 Oct 1946 Merle Charisse Oshyer 1st marriage to Alan Thomas Canon  and Merle was married twice more 2 Apr 1952 William Bernard Oshyer 1902 17 Dec 1990 Maud Mary_Thelma Hatcher 88 88 Desmond John Ward John Ward Cleo Ward 26 Aug 1890 4 Dec 1941 William John McAllister 51 51 This the same William John McALLISTER who is the brother of Janet Elizabeth McALLISTER. Aileen Joyce McAllister Trevor French John French Sharon French 1938 30 Jan 2005 Donald David McAllister 67 67 The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld) - Saturday 2 February 1952 - Gossip
"Master Don McAllister has returned after spending a month's holiday with his uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs T. A. Oshyer, Greenslopes, Brisbane."
1935 6 Aug 2006 Malcolm John McAllister 71 71 1930 6 Jun 2012 Thara Maud McAllister 82 82 1914 2 Aug 1986 John Gourley 72 72 Isabella Florence McAllister Beatrice Jennett McAllister 1927 30 Apr 1973 Thomas Averson McAllister 46 46 Bronwyn Maryann McAllister 1923 8 Apr 1980 William Peter McAllister 57 57 Alisa Dungavall Dorothy Ailsa, only daughter of Ald. and Mrs. W. Dungavell, of Bow Street, Charters Towers Qld. Craig McAllister Kent McAllister Nicole McAllister Deborah Norman Alan John Oshyer Australia's Alan John Oshyer, silver medallist in the lightweight weightlifting - British Empire and Commonwealth Games 1962 : Perth, W.A. Joyce Needham Rita Brenton Graham Dowrick Brenda Dowrick Julie Dowrick Thomas Mathews Michael Mathews Kristen Mathews Julie Norton Bradley Mathews Michael Seabourne Keith Milne Barbara 24 Apr 1975 Ian Daniel_James McNeill 5 Nov 1966 Jodie 1 Aug 1970 Steven Milne 9 Jul 1962 Keith 20 Apr 1939 5 Jan 2001 Mervyn John Burton 61 61 29 Nov 1965 Lesley Burton 18 Nov 1967 Patricia (Trish) Ann Burton 1 Oct 1965 Steven Lauder 23 Sep 1967 Warren Charles Phillips 10 Aug 1990 Luke Lauder 17 May 1992 Michael Lauder 6 Nov 1996 Alix Nichole Phillips 14 Sep 1998 Joe Lincoln Phillips Edward Ratcliffe Michelle Ratcliffe 18 Jul 1968 Glen Ratcliffe 27 Jul 1971 Katie Louise Ratcliffe Andrew Ratcliffe Tom Malone Jeffrey Thomas 17 Sep 1955 Julie Anne Gray 7 Oct 2006 Tayla Rose Oshyer Marriage m.10-Oct-2005 Marriage (three children) m. #1 (two children) (a child) Marriage (nine children) m. 1891 m. 20-Jun-1936 m. #2 (a child) Marriage (nine children) m. 1884 Marriage m. Jun-1891 (six children) m. ? Marriage (two children) m. 28-May-1917 (three children) m. ? (five children) (a child) (a child) Marriage (five children) m. Marriage (three children) m. Marriage (a child) m. 1922 Marriage (a child) #1 Marriage #2 Marriage Marriage (three children) m. ? Marriage m. 1941 Legal cohabitation Marriage (a child) #1 Marriage (a child) #2 Marriage (a child) m. ? (a child) Marriage (three children) m. ? (three children) m. ? (a child) m. ? (a child) Marriage (four children) m. #1 1862 Marriage Marriage (two children) m. #2 1872 Marriage (seven children) m. 27-Mar-1823 Marriage (a child) m. 20-Jul-1782 Marriage m. 11-Sep-1822 Marriage (a child) Marriage (thirteen children) m. 24-Dec-1867 Marriage (a child) m. 1881 #2 Marriage (four children) m. 07-Feb-1870 #1 Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) m. 7-Dec-1943 Marriage (a child) m. 1947 Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) m. 01-May-1820 Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) m. 11-Sep-1821 Marriage (a child) Marriage m. 20-Oct-1828 Marriage (a child) Marriage m. 21-Feb-1836 Marriage m. Marriage m. Marriage (six children) m. 29-Apr-1797 Marriage (a child) m. Marriage m. 02-Oct-1794 Marriage . 1750 Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) m. 21-May-1719 Marriage (nine children) Marriage (ten children) m. 15-Sep-1743 Marriage (four children) Marriage (two children) m. Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) m. 1857 #1 Marriage m. Marriage (four children) m. 24-Jan-1856 (Francois' 1st) Marriage m. 01-Sep-1853 Marriage m. 05-Feb-1921 Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) m. 26-Jan-1681 Marriage m. 1867 #2 Marriage (two children) m. 1877 (John's 2nd) Marriage (a child) m. 1913 Marriage (a child) m. 1943 Marriage (four children) m. 1967 Marriage (a child) m. Marriage (a child) m. Marriage (a child) m. 1749 Marriage (two children) m. 1743 #1 Marriage (seven children) m. #2 Marriage (two children) Marriage m. Marriage (three children) m. (Helena's 1st) Cohabitation and separation (a child) (John's 3rd) Marriage m. (John's 1st) (Lucy's 2nd) Marriage (ten children) Marriage (two children) m. 1916 Marriage (three children) m. George's 2nd marriage Marriage (a child) Margery Turney 1922 Elizabeth Kelso 1924 Alexander Kelso 1929 Margaret Kelso Ann- Marie O'Borne 6 Mar 2005 Ethan Lawrence Buchanan 4 Jul 2006 Mackenzie Grace Buchanan Alan Thomas Canon Loretta Irean Canon Suzanne Marie Canon Michael Alan Canon 1856 3 Aug 1888 William James 32 32 Mary Evans It appears that Mary James (nee Evans) remarried after the death of her husband, William James.
Qld Marriage Cert No. 1894/C1812 states that the marriage of Morgan DAVIES and Mary JAMES was registered in country Queensland, in 1894.
3 Feb 1909 1998 Beatrice (Beatie) Warner Oshyer 89 89 Beatrice was the 9th and youngest child of Peter John Thomas and Mary Ann Oshyer. She was only 8 weeks old when her mother passed away. Beatrice was born on the 3rd of February 1909 at the Charters Towers Hospital.
Beatrice Oshyer never married.
Archibald Boardman Connor Jane Williams 1889 1889 Elizabeth Stout 1887 20 Oct 1913 David John Stout 26 26 1883 1967 George Thomas Stout 84 84 Qld Marriage Cert No. 1908 / C1654 states that the marriage of George Thomas STOUT and Laura Andresine Marie Pedersen JENSEN was registered in country Queensland, in 1908.

Qld Marriage Cert No. 1931 / C1083 states that the marriage of George Thomas STOUT and Charlotte Ann POPE was registered in country Queensland, in 1931.

The Evening News (Rockhampton, Qld) - Fri 28 Jan 1927
An application was made before the Registrar in Chambers yesterday morning for directions, in the matrimonial action of Laura Ardresine Marle Pedersen Stout v. George Thomas Stout as to time, place, and mode of trial. The Registrar set the matter down for trial before a Judge without a jury at Mackay for the 25th February next. Mr. W. J. Leyden, of the office, Daniel P. Carey, solicitor, Rockhampton, Town Agent C. E. Hughes, solicitor, for plaintiff, Mackay appeared in support or the application."
Qld Marriage Cert No. 1933    / C3453 states that the marriage of Charles Henry THOMPSON and Laura Andresine Marie Pedersen STOUT was registered in country Queensland in 1933.
1890 Violet Elizabeth Stout Qld MarriageCcert No. 1910 / C1283 states that the marriage of John FOWLER and Violet Brown STOUT was registered in country Queensland, in 1910. William Thomas Pardon Was this our Williams father...
Qld Death Cert No 1880 / C978 the death of William PARDON was registered in country Queensland, in 1880, at the age of 36. He was born in England, and his father's name was recorded as James PARDON.

Is this William Thomas Pardon really William Harmon Pardon?

William (Snr.) was a resident of Charters Towers, Queensland, in 1941.
10 Nov 1869 25 Feb 1941 Elizabeth Jane Peace 71 71 Siblings: George Peace, Jane Elizabeth Peace, Emma Peace, William James Nuttall, Emma Peace, John William Peace, John William Peace, Mary Ann Peace, William Thomas Peace, Cephas George Peace

Daughter: Thelma Torkington (born Pardon)

Husband: William Harmon Pardon
1912 30 Mar 2009 Douglas Einsley Nutley 97 97 His name of Elemslie was also written as Einsley and Elmslie in various publications, and Nutley has also been written at Nuttley.

Queensland Times (Ipswich) (Qld), Friday 30 January 1914 - Article
Douglas Nutley, the two-year-old son of Mr. D. Nutley, Warrill View, near Harrisville, was playing in his grandmother's yard, near the house, yesterday, when a cow rushed at him, knocked him down and injured his cheek. Dr. W. E. Fraser attended the sufferer, who was not seriously injured."
Hindom 1878 12 Nov 1955 Korah James Wills 77 77 May 1889 16 Jul 1889 Thomas McAllister 2m 2m Nov 1896 23 Jul 1897 Ellen Cairns McAllister 8m 8m Jan 1898 16 Dec 1898 Jessie McAllister 11m 11m Dec 1894 30 Nov 1918 Isabella Thompson McAllister 23 23    13 Aug 2007 Billie Jade Dorrick
Salmui Dorrick Margaret William Bushen 1872 Mar 1938 Mary Ann Rowles 66 66 In the 1901 Census, Mary was living with her husband, Thomas, at Bryn Gwyn St, Bedwas, South Wales - she was a Hewer and he was a Coalminer.

Aged 29 in the England & wales 1901 Census - NB listed as Oshyer
14 Oct 1854 John Ferguson John F. married and had 8 children. - (Info provided by Cheryl Simpson)
On the 1861 Census for Alderney it has George Ferguson head, Maria Ferguson wife, John Ferguson Son, John Aveson Stepson, Henry Aveson Stepson and Christopher Aveson Stepson.

John's son, George, became Lord Mayor of Cardiff at the time when Cardiff Castle was given to the city, by the Bute family, around 1947. (Info provided by Muriel Williams).
1846 Henry Avison Henry A. moved to Wales, married twice and had 8 children. - (Info provided be Cheryl Simpson)
On the 1861 Census for Alderney it has George Ferguson head, Maria Ferguson wife, John Ferguson Son, John Aveson Stepson, Henry Aveson Stepson and Christopher Aveson Stepson.
1849 Christopher Avison Christopher A. moved to the Isle of Jersey, married, and had 10 children - (Info provided by Cheryl Simpson)
On the 1861 Census for Alderney it has George Ferguson head, Maria Ferguson wife, John Ferguson Son, John Aveson Stepson, Henry Aveson Stepson and Christopher Aveson Stepson.
15 Aug 1893 15 Mar 1973 Albert Christopher Bushen 79 79 Mar 1903 Apr 1997 Muriel Sarah Bushen 94 94 Muriel Sarah Bushen and Mabel Jane Bushen were twin sisters. Lemuel James Eustace (Correct) names provided by his daughter Muriel Williams (nee Eustace). 1938 Muriel Eustace Florence Eleanor Bowen Williams 28 Sep 1932 (Dorothy) Gaynor Bushen Edward (Ed) Blacklaw Simpson Ed was a Scot and during WW2 served in the RAF. 9 Sep 1966 Cheryl Adele Simpson Lives at Warrington, England.
Cheryl has developed a great interest in researching her family's genealogy. This takes her all over the place including Wales, Guernsey, Scotland as well as research centers in England.
Jean Ogier Jean and his wife Catherine may have been cousins - (Info provided by Cheryl Simpson) Catherine Ogier Catherine and her husband Jean may have been cousins - (Info provided by Cheryl Simpson) James Langlois Elizabeth 24 Dec 1853 Louisa Ogier Presumed married and left home by the time the 1871 census was taken. 14 Sep 1855 Marguerite “Mary” Ogier In the 1871 Channel Islands Census - This Ogier family was living at St Peter Port - Mary (aged 15) was not married, and her occupation listed as 'Charwoman'. 1861 1869 Emma K Ogier 8 8 In the 1871 Channel Islands Census - This Ogier family was living at St Peter Port but Emma, who would have been aged 10 was not listed, presumed dead. Daniel Trachy Rachel Mahy Rachel Le Poidevan (wife of Daniel Trachy) ? 6 Mar 1800 4 Jul 1821 Elizabeth Ogier 21 21 St Sampson Marriage Register...
Elizabeth Ogier d/o Jean m Samuel Langlois s/o Thomas 01/05/1820.
19 Dec 1796 20 Feb 1864 Marie Ogier 67 67 St Sampson Marriage Register...
Marie Ogier d/o Jean m Paul Martel s/o Jean 11/09/1821.
2 Feb 1798 Rachel Ogier Is this the Rachel?...
Vale Marriage
Rachel Ogier d/o Jean m Guillame Mauger s/o Guillame.
22 May 1802 Thomas Ogier 20 Nov 1803 9 Apr 1885 Marthe Ogier 81 81 St Sampson Marriage Register...
Marthe Ogier d/o Jean m Nicolas Martel s/o Pierre 20/10/1828.
23 Dec 1805 13 Jul 1885 Judith Ogier 79 79 St Sampson Marriage Register...
Judith Ogier d/o Jean m William le Huray 21/02/1836.
1808 Daniel Ogier 22 Jan 1810 Catherine Ogier Presumably named after her grandmother.  27 Mar 1801 14 Aug 1854 Jean Pierre Ogier 53 53 According to the 1841 census grandmother Mary Trachy is living with John Peter Ogier, his wife and family at Piece des Capelles. She is 65 years old.
John Peter (Jean Pierre) Ogier and his son Henry Ogier emigrated to Australia on the 'Secret' in 1854, Nicholas Ogier went to Australia on the 'Joshua' in 1852 and Lucy Ogier emigrated in 1853.  John Peter Ogier's wife Judith Ogier (nee Renouf) died in Guernsey.

1885 1891 Albert Richard Bushen 6 6 1887 William John Bushen 1891 Thomas Peter Bushen Sep 1897 1966 Melvin Bushen 69 69 Sep 1897 1897 Granville Bushen 1899 Edward Henry Bushen Mar 1903 1903 Mabel Jane Bushen Muriel Sarah Bushen and Mabel Jane Bushen were twin sisters. Emma Hawkins Douglas Bushen Glynn Bushen Kenneth Bushen Violet Bushen Grace Bushen Harriet Stephens (unknown) Bushen (Name unknown) died when she was young Vernon Bushen Edward Bushen Mabel Reed Harmen Bushen Elsie Hawkins (unknown) Williams 1926 1978 Raymond Eustace 52 52 Raymond had one sone named Mark. (Info provided br Muriel Williams) 1927 2006 Ronald Eustace 79 79 Ronald was born in 1927, and after emigrating to New Zealand, died in 2006 having lived in the North Island of New Zealand.  He had four children, son Perry, daughter Rhondda, son Evan and son Vaughan.    Perry lives in Brisbane the rest live in N.Z. (Info provided by Muriel Williams) 1929 Eileen Mary Maria Eustace 1935 Doris Eustace 11 Sep 1918 17 Sep 1998 Clifford Trever Lorraine Bushen 80 80 Ivy Bramhall 15 Dec 1957 Angela Kay Simpson 2 Oct 1959 Andrew Keith Simpson Mike McAuley Andrew and his wife and son, Michael, live in Bali, Indonesia even though he works a lot of the time in Europe and other countries 1985 Benjamin Simpson Michael Simpson Michael and his family live in Bali, Indonesia even though his father, Andrew works in a lot of the time in Europe and other countries. (unknown) Furnival Paul Furnival Amelia Furnival George Letwenjuk George is of Ukranian descent (Info provided by Muriel Williams) 1954 Linda Letwenjuk Linda was born in 1954. Her married name is Craig. They have four children whose names are Stewart, Scott, Rhona and Rhian. (Info provided br Muriel Williams) 1957 Keri Letwenjuk Keri was born in 1957. Her married name is Douglas. They have two sons whose names are Thomas and Mathew. (Info provided br Muriel Williams) Doris Letwenjuk Doris has one son named Michael who, in tern, has a son named Oliver. (Info provided br Muriel Williams) 1947 1947 David Eustace 1965 Diane Williams As at October 2008, Diane is unmarried (Info provided by Muriel Williams) 1967 Christopher Williams 1969 Richard Williams 1996 Rosalie Jane Williams 1998 Edward Lloyd Williams 2003 Juliette Elizabeth Williams 2007 Thomas Williams Perry Eustace As at 2008, Perry lives in Brisbane. 18 Dec 2008 Zachary Daniel Dorrick 16 Jan 1839 Mary (Marie) Ogier Was aged 2 in the 1841 Census but was listed as at the same address in the 1851 Census but was living with the Ogeir family in the 1861, 1871 and 1891 censuses. Between 1961 and by the time that the 1971 census was taken, Mary had 4 Wheaton children and had the surname of Collins. In the 1891 census, was still living at 1 Forest Lane, St Peter Port, and had 2 additional Collings children.

Wheaton Did not appear as living at 1 Forest Lane, St Peter Port, in the 1871 census (presumed dead by this time??). 1862 Elizabeth Wheaton 1864 Walter J Wheaton 1866 Julia Wheaton 1869 Alice M Wheaton Pacher Collings Did not appear as living at 1 Forest Lane, St Peter Port, in the 1871 nor 1891 census (presumed dead by this time??). 1873 Emma Collings 1882 William F Collings 25 Jun 1794 Judith “Sophie” Renouf 1766 1813 Thomas Renouf 47 47 1765 1813 Elizabeth Robin 48 48 30 Sep 1828 5 Sep 1918 Henry Ogier 89 89 John Peter (Jean Pierre) Ogier and his son Henry Ogier emigrated to Australia on the 'Secret' in 1854, Nicholas Ogier went to Australia on the 'Joshua' in 1852 and Lucy Ogier emigrated in 1853.  John Peter Ogier's wife Judith Ogier (nee Renouf) died in Guernsey.

25 Sep 1826 11 Apr 1894 Nicholas Ogier 67 67 John Peter (Jean Pierre) Ogier and his son Henry Ogier emigrated to Australia on the 'Secret' in 1854, Nicholas Ogier went to Australia on the 'Joshua' in 1852 and Lucy Ogier emigrated in 1853.  John Peter Ogier's wife Judith Ogier (nee Renouf) died in Guernsey.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Nicholas got married in Victoria in 1869 to ???

According to the Household UK census of 1841 (and 1851), Nicholas OGIER, stated that he was aged 14 (and 24 in 1851), in the Parish of St Sampson, Guernsey and Adjacent Islands.

1829 Mary Ogier 1831 John Ogier

8 Feb 1835 1864 Lucie Ogier 29 29 John Peter (Jean Pierre) Ogier and his son Henry Ogier emigrated to Australia on the 'Secret' in 1854, Nicholas Ogier went to Australia on the 'Joshua' in 1852 and Lucy Ogier emigrated in 1853.  John Peter Ogier's wife Judith Ogier (nee Renouf) died in Guernsey.
Rachel le Page Nicholas le Page 1846 23 Oct 1918 Martha Danks 72 72 Martha Danks's parents were Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Danks, of Worcestershire, England. (Info from Newspaper Marriage Notice) 1870 1951 (Eliza) Elizabeth Mackay Ogier 81 81 Named as executor of her father's will, in Victoria, Australia
Also called Eliza or Eva.
14 Sep 1839 20 Oct 1918 Sarah Cane 79 79 1837 1880 Mary Louisa LePage 43 43 7 Feb 1870 15 Jan 1902 John Ogier 31 31 15 May 1873 28 Dec 1938 Louisa Ogier 65 65 1875 17 Jun 1958 Thomas Andrew Ogier 83 83 1882 25 Apr 1918 Arthur Edgar Ogier 36 36 Aust War Memorial lists - Arthur Edgar OGIER, Service No. 1983, rank L/Cpl, 51st Battalion, enlisted 25-Feb-1916, Killed in Action on the 25-Apr-1918.  1944 2 Jan 2009 Marion Joan xxxy 65 65 1964 4 Jan 2005 Bernard Edward Stout Jr 41 41 Ronald Harry Davies Sapper Ronald Harry Davies, A.I.F., returned, was the third eldest Son of Mr. T. Davies, & the late Mrs. Davies, of South Brisbane, according to a newspaper notice - The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld.) - Tuesday 7 December 1943  Albert Henry Bruce Albert Henry was the only son of Mrs. T. W. Morley and late Mr. H. E. Bruce, of Coorparoo. D. 21 Jan 1949 William Frederick Silver D. 21 Aug 1946 Eleanor Harris Brown 12 Mar 1950 Trevor William Davies 1939 1886 1942 Ernest Edgar Ogier 56 56 Australian War Memorial has a listing of...
Ernest Edgar OGIER, Service No. 767, rank Corporal, 3rd (Aust) Sqd. Royal Flying Corp, enlisted 23-May-1916, RTA 19-Apr-1919.
1876 5 May 1930 Charles Edward Ogier 54 54 Charles Edward Ogier (late of Perth WA)was the...
husband of Emma Ogier, of 49 Claremont-avenue, Claremont, Perth WA
father of Charles and Dulcie,
grand-father of Donald Stewart Ogier,
father-in-law of Nellie,
brother-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. H. McIntyre,
uncle of Mabel, Wally and Claribel, Viv and Harley Howell.
as well as
brother of Ethel,
brother-in-law of Frank Greenaway
uncle of Lexie Ross
1868 6 May 1938 John (Harry) Henry Ogier 70 70 Lila Ogier Lila was listed as a child of Harry & Martha in her mother's death notice...
"Martha, relict of the late Henry Ogier, and beloved mother of Harry, Lila, George, Ada, and Eva (Victoria), Charles and Ethel (W.A.), Albert and Ernest.(on active service)." 
1872 1952 George William Ogier 80 80 1878 Ada Louisa Ogier 1881 1949 Albert James Ogier 68 68 The Australian War Memorial has a listing of...
Albert James OGIER, Service No. 2433, rank Pte, 12th Field Ambulance, enlisted 2-Mar-1915, RTA 16-Jun-1919.
1883 Ethel Harriet Ogier 9 Apr 1755 Judith Ogier 3 Sep 1758 Thomas Ogier 5 Mar 1761 Catherine Ogier 30 Jan 1763 Pierre Ogier Samuel Langlois Thomas Langlois Paul Martel Jean Martel Nicholas Martel Pierre Martel William le Huray Guillame Mauger Guillame Mauger is the son of Guillame Mauger. James John Bichard Ester Corbet Charles Corbet Marthe Henry Pierre Jouanne Guillame Jouanne 18 Jun 1821 Aug 1821 Samuel Langlois 2m 2m 30 May 1822 Mary Martel 19 Jul 1924 Paul Martel 10 Mar 1826 Pierre Martel 4 Jun 1823 Jean-Pierre Ogier 10 Oct 1824 18 Jan 1897 Sophie Betsey Ogier 72 72 17 Oct 1798 Judith Ogier 19 Jan 1801 Thomas Ogier 28 Nov 1802 Jean Ogier 10 May 1804 Ester Ogier 1808 James Ogier 1812 Rachel Ogier 1691 1755 Thomas des Landesm Ogier 64 64 Marquerite Nant Pierre Ogier Judith Flere 1719 1789 Thomas Ogier 70 70 D. 17 Apr 1807 Marthe Cohu 17 Jan 1748 Jean Ogier 26 Feb 1744 Mar 1744 Thomas Ogier 1m 1m 3 Mar 1745 Thomas Ogier 14 Feb 1750 Nicolas Ogier 18 Jul 1753 Judith Ogier 15 Apr 1758 Henry Ogier 11 Apr 1756 1760 Pierre Ogier 4 4 18 Sep 1761 Marthe Ogier 25 Mar 1762 Pierre Ogier 8 Mar 1764 William Ogier 9 Jul 1756 Judith Ogier 18 Feb 1759 Pierre Ogier 22 Sep 1761 Ester Ogier Mar 1755 Thomas Ogier 28 Jan 1763 Catherine Ogier 26 Feb 1764 Marthe Ogier 26 Oct 1769 William Ogier 8 Mar 1767 Jean Ogier 5 Apr 1772 Daniel Ogier 1881 28 Oct 1943 Frances Emma Caroline Chamberlain 62 62 1870 Elizabeth Ogier 1878 Amy Ellen Perram 1 Dec 1899 Mary Ogier 1900 Walter Ogier 27 Apr 1866 21 Jul 1951 Edward William Hall 85 85 2 Feb 1906 24 Oct 1966 Clarence Edward Hall 60 60 1897 Doris Irene Hall Lillian Ogier Lillian married and became Mrs S. Juett according to the death notice of her mother publiched in The Argus (Melbourne, Vic) dated Saturday 30 October 1943.  1909 1978 Frederick Thomas Ogier 69 69 1911 1976 Arthur Henry Ogier 65 65 1917 22 Feb 1972 Myrtle Annie Ogier 55 55 D. 5 Sep 1870 George Carter 1860 9 Mar 1922 Henry Sibley Carter 62 62 1824 Jul 1894 Francois Gehan 70 70 Thomas Bisson 1874 1899 Frederick Thomas Ogier 25 25 1885 1890 Lucy Pearl Ogier 5 5 1888 1975 Eva Constance Ogier 87 87 1890 1897 Harold Bertram Ogier 7 7 Amy R McMahen Amy R., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMahen Nicholas Cohu Almpe Blondel 1655 1718 Thomas Ogier 63 63 D. 16 Apr 1727 Catherine Alles Margaret Jane Johns 1856 1917 Lucy Ann Gehan 61 61 1860 25 Feb 1897 Francis Gehan 37 37 1861 27 Nov 1921 Albert Gehan 60 60 The Horsham Times (Vic) - Tuesday 5 November 1901
"Stawell - The case against Albert Gehan, charged with hav- ing failed to have his child vaccinated within the statutory time, was dismissed, the child having since been vaccinated." 
1863 1867 Pierre (Peter) Gehan 4 4 1843 1931 John Middleton 88 88 Lyn Lea - "John fathered 19 children to his 1st two wives, Sarah and Lucy, and Helena." 1884 1965 John “Jack” Middleton 81 81 1895 1970 Hilda Beatrice Janson 75 75 1917 2006 Andrew Emils Middleton 89 89 1919 2001 Joyce Adele Wilshusen 82 82 1945 Lynette Joy Middleton 1945 Richard Keith Lea 1610 Thomas Renouf 1651 Pierre Renouf 1673 1741 Pierre Renouf 68 68 1688 Judith Ingrouille 1705 1773 Thomas Renouf 68 68 1726 1746 Ester Le Maitre 20 20 1744 Esther Renouf 1745 Jean Renouf 1720 1798 Judith Bisson 78 78 1748 1845 Judith Renouf 97 97 1749 Thomas Renouf 1767 Nicholas Renouf 1769 Elizabeth Renouf 1772 James Renouf 1778 Marthe Renouf D. 10 Aug 1938 Emma xxxx Charles Ogier Dulcie Ogier Dulcie went to Caulfield, Victoria D. 24 Dec 1944 Wilhelmina (Minnie) xxxx Helena Sallings 1890 Jean “Jenny” Gehan 1892 Albert James Elijah Middleton 1892 Kathleen Middleton Sarah WWWW Frederick Berndt 1886 Frances Mary Gehan 1888 James Benjamin Gehan 1969 Angela Karen Lea 1971 Robyn Ilsa Lea 1972 Julia Gay Lea 1975 Tanya Kate Lea 1860 1904 Catherine (Kate) Mary Lloyd 44 44 1887 1940 Albert Francis Gehan 53 53 1889 Elizabeth Ann Gehan 1891 20 Apr 1916 Peter Gehan 25 25 1893 1908 Francis John Gehan 15 15 1895 Charles Henry Gehan 16 Aug 1896 18 Aug 1916 Herbert James Gehan 20 20 WW1 Service record... KIA
9 Jan 1898 1976 Walter Clarence Gehan 78 78 WW1 record...

Walter served in the AIF during WW1 and was promoted to the rank of Corporal before he was discharged in 1919. He spent most of his adult life in NSW country towns.
1900 Catherine Mary Gehan 1902 1902 xxxx Gehan 1904 Michael Francis Gehan 1891 5 Jan 1959 Ethel Mary Davidson 68 68 1916 23 Aug 1963 Charles Francis Gehan 47 47 Spouse - Lorraine Sylvia, married in ? D. 1972 Catherine Mary Gehan Spouse - Leslie Smart, married - 1933 in Victoria Margaret McCann 19 Jun 1901 25 Jun 1901 Charles Joseph Stout 6d 6d 1903 1977 Valentine Joseph Stout 74 74 Qld Marriage Cert No. 1925 / C3069 states that the marriage of Valentine Joseph STOUT and Hilda Lavinia DEER was registered in country Queensland, in 1925. 1905 1975 Charles Brown Stout 70 70 QLD Marriage Cert No. 1930 / C1351 states that the marriage of Helen Cleghorne DONALDSON and Charles Brown STOUT was registered in Country Queensland, in 1930. James Stout Elizabeth Brown Ruby Oshyer Married a DIXON 1899 14 Aug 1972 Samuel (Sam) James Pardon 73 73 The death of one of Samuels' sons...
Qld Death Cert No. 1984 / 55418 states that the death of Donald William PARDON was registered in country Queensland, in 1984. His father's name was recorded as Samuel James PARDON and his mother's name was recorded as Mary Jane PARDON (nee Stick). 

Sam was a resident of Charters Towers, Queensland, in 1941.
1905 23 Jan 1964 Cephus (Ceph) Charles Pardon 59 59 Cephus was a resident of Charters Towers, Queensland, in 1941. 3 Jan 1950 Jeanette Helen Bruce D. 28 Jul 1994 Thara Oshyer The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld) - Saturday 12 February 1944 - Gossip
"Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Oshyer and two children, Thyra and Ruby, Brisbane, are pending an extended holiday here with relatives."
1863 17 Mar 1911 David James 48 48 1903 1980 Agnes Emma Pardon 77 77 Qld Marriage Cert No. 1923 / C3064 states that the marriage of Agnes Emma PARDON and Arthur Morris ASHMAN was registered in country Queensland in 1923. 1907 29 Oct 1985 Thelma Pardon 78 78 Thelma Torkington (nee Pardon) 1894 24 May 1964 Edward (Ted) John Pardon 70 70 1896 13 Jul 1941 Frederick George Pardon 45 45 May be his son's death notice
The Ryerson Index has a Probate entry for Frederick John PARDON, late of Belgian Gardens, Townsville, Queensland, that states that his death occured on the 10-Feb-2014. this notice was published in the Townsville Bulletin on the 10-Feb-2014.
D. 1959 William Thomas Pardon A resident of Ayr, Queensland, in 1941.  D. 27 May 1977 Keith James Pardon
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