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Family Tree Diagram : Halberstater

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Dec-1933 Marriage (three children) m. 1908 Marriage m. 19-Dec-1929 Marriage (two children) m. 2-Jun-1937 Marriage (three children) m. 21-Sep-1940 Marriage (three children) m. 1942 Marriage (seven children) m. 26-Oct-1935 Marriage (three children) m. 8-Dec-1943 Marriage (three children) m. 3-May-1941 Divorce (two children) m. #1 Marriage Divorce (four children) m. 5-Jan-1974 (1st) Marriage (four children) m. 24-Sep-1955 Marriage (three children) m. 16-Jan-1960 Marriage (three children) m. 29-Dec-1962 Marriage (two children) m. 25-Nov-1961 Marriage (two children) m. 1965 Marriage (two children) m. 02-Apr-1972 Marriage (two children) m. 21-Oct-1972 Marriage (two children) m. 3-Dec-1977 Divorce m. 11-Oct-1978 Marriage (two children) m. 01-Oct-1977 Marriage (two children) m. 12-Apr-1980 Marriage (three children) m. 20-Jun-1966 Marriage (four children) m. 19-Aug-1967 Marriage (four children) m. 10-Jun-1972 Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) m.26-Jul-1924 Divorce (three children) m. 8-Oct-1952 Divorce (three children) #1. m. 30-Apr-1962 Marriage (three children) m. 1956 Divorce (five children) m. 26-Aug-1960 #1 Marriage (three children) m. 28-Sept-1984 Marriage (two children) m. 11-Jun-2000 Marriage m. 28-May-1973 #2 No more children Marriage m. 22-Dec-1979 #2 No more children Marriage (two children) m. 08-Jan-1966 #1 Divorce (two children) m. 1-Oct-1994 Marriage (a child) m. 17-Nov-1868 Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage (five children) m. 05-Jan-1928 Marriage (a child) m. 28-Dec-1904 Marriage (three children) m. 19-May-1908 Marriage (eight children) m. 29-Nov-1877 Marriage (a child) m. 14-May-1883 Marriage m. 12-May-1990 Divorce (two children) Marriage (two children) m. 09-Mar-1991 Divorce m. 12-May-1984 Marriage Divorce m. 25-Oct-1986 Marriage (five children) m. 09-Sep-1905 Marriage (six children) m. 1864 Marriage (three children) m. 05 Sep 1870 Marriage (ten children) m.18-Feb-1895 Marriage (eleven children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) m.13-Feb-1874 Marriage (five children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) m. 13-Jan-1973 #1 Committed relationship and separation (a child) Marriage m. Dec-2004 Marriage m. 15-Sep-2007 No more children Marriage (four children) m. 22-Dec-1883 Divorce m. 17-Oct-1981 Marriage (four children) m. 1974 #2 Divorce #2. Marriage #3 m. 24-Dec-2000 Marriage m. 05-Oct-1936 Marriage (a child) m. 20-Feb-1934 Marriage (eight children) Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage m. 2006 (2nd) Divorce (three children) m. 1960 Marriage (three children) m. 6-Mar-1859 Marriage m. 20-Dec-1939 Marriage m. 28-Jun-1943 Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) m. 6-Dec-1916 Marriage (three children) m. 4-May-1985 Marriage m. 26-Jun-1982 Marriage #2 Marriage (four children) m. 20-Apr-1867 Marriage (two children) m. 4-May-1946 #2 Committed relationship and separation (a child) Jul 1838 22 Oct 1904 Ann Feran 66 66 Ann FERAN arrived Qld from Ireland aboard "Shackamaxon" as an 'Assisted Immigrant' in 25-Nov-1859 aged 21 (NSW State Records, Immigration Index Morton Bay, 1848-59, Reel 2139, 2479)

Occupations: Housewife
Resided: Rockhampton
Spouse: HALBERSTAEDTER Adolf No: 113 Volume: 1

Ann was a widow prior to marrying Adolf H. at the age of 30.

An Edward Feran, 19, (presumed to be her nephew) sailed from London aboard the "Countess Russell" and arrived in Rockhampton 30th June 1873
1831 8 Mar 1897 Adolf Halberstaedter 66 66 Adolf Halberstädter, aged 26, arrived in Sydney NSW, 22nd July 1858 aboard the Brig ‘Woodlark’.
He had been working as a steward. The 'Woodlark' had departed from Manila 1st May 1858 with a crew of 8 besides the master (Captain J Taylor) - there was one passenger from Manila to Sydney on this voyage. The brig was carrying a cargo of sugar and coffee.
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW) - Thursday 5 August 1858
Second Court. Before the Chief Justice.
Four seamen, named William Smith, Richard Scatterley, Nicholas Whately, and William Murray, belonging to the barque Woodlark, were charged with having, on the 28th April, on the high seas, stolen various articles of wearing apparel, the property of Adolph Halberstater (not Halberbocken), steward of that vessel.
The prisoners pleaded not guilty, and were defended by Mr. Butler. The Solicitor-General prosecuted. 
It appeared that upon leaving Manila the goods alleged to be stolen were packed in a box in the steward's cabin. The prisoners were seen by him moving the boxes, and shortly afterward the goods were missed. Two witnesses swore that they saw the prisoners four times in possession of some of the va- rious articles; This testimony was however contradictory, and to some extent disclosed suspicion of con- spiracy against the prisoners.
The jury, without hearing any defence from Mr. Butler, returned a verdict of acquittal.
The Court adjourned sine die."
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Apparently naturalised twice...
20-Jan-1862 (age 31) and 21-Jul-1868 (age 37)
Arrived in Qld about 1859, aged about 27 from Silesia, Prussia.
After arriving in Australia at Sydney, he apparently travelled to Calliungal Station (in Banana Shire) in the late 1850s and onto Rocky about 1858, although death cert says about 48 years in Qld (i.e. arrived about 1851)
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The following is an extract from "The Halberstater Reunion - 1991 - edited by Betty Halberstater (nee Young)


As Adolf died well before his children married, there was no traditional "handing down" of his history, so I have included only established facts. Anything else would be pure speculation. I leave it to you to draw your own conclusions.

Adolf Halberstaedter, was born in Silesia, Prussia in 1831. He was a Jew and one of three sons of a merchant, Louis Halberstadt, and the former Ann Landsberg. Adolf's brothers were August and Ludwig.

The date and place of his arrival in this country is (was) unknown. His Death Certificate, issued in 1897, states he had been in Australia ABOUT 48 years, so it appears that he arrived in the mid 19th century as a very young man.

In 1849-50 hundreds of young Germans immigrated to Australia to forego military conscription in their own country. Many went to Victoria and South Australia. In 1851, the gold rushes of New South Wales and Victoria increased the flow of migrants to the Colony.

A Government settlement was established in Gladstone on Port Curtis, Northern Australia, in 1854. Pastoralists were pushing north through the inland from the southern districts with the Archer Brothers settled at Gracemere in 1854. The village of Rockhampton was not officially gazetted until 1858.

About the same time, thousands of miners arrived from the south following reports of the discovery of gold at Canoona about 65 kms north. However, the claims had been exaggerated and many left the area within a few months. Others stayed, took up land or started businesses in the steadily growing town.

At an auction of Crown Land Sales On 22nd January 1861, Adolf Halberstaedter of Kalka purchased 18 acres of land on Allotment No.18, Lot No.4, County of Livingston, Parish of Archer. The upset price was ₤1 ($2) per acre, the Deed fee was ₤1 and he paid deposit of ₤l/16/-. ($3.60).

On 20th January, 1862 he was naturalized. His age is listed as 31 years and his occupation was Farmer. Judging the beautiful signature, he must have been well educated.

His son Maurice Halberstaedter was born at his father's residence at Mt Brewer on 16th May 1863. The mother's name is given as Ann "Carmichael". A second son, Louis, was born two years later. On 20th April 1867, aged 36, he married Ann "Feran" at his house at Mt Brewer. His occupation was given as Gardener.

Adolf was well and truly a British subject. He signed a second Oath of Allegiance on 2nd July 1868. He was 37, still at Mt Brewer and a Gardener.

The couple's first daughter, Anna, was born in 1868 and another daughter, Leah, was born on 31st May 1870.

Adolf was divorced from Ann Halberstaedter in 1887

After his marriage broke-up, Adolf had further children with
Laura Jane STEWART (nee Jones)...
Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld) - Wednesday 30 October 1895 - Rockhampton Police Court...
Laura Jane Stewart charged Adolph Halberstaedter with deserting his two illegitimate female children aged two (Gwendoline STEWART) and four years (Gladys Edith STEWART), and leaving them without means of support.
In answer to the Acting Police Magistrate defendant said he had cause to show why an order should not be made out against him.
After hearing the evidence of the plaintiff, the Acting Police Magistrate adjourned the case till ten o'clock to-morrow (this) morning."
Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld) - Thursday 31 October 1895 - Rockhampton Police Court...
"At the Police Court yesterday, before the Acting Police Magistrate, Adolph Halberstaedter, Bushley, on remand, was charged by Laura Jane Stewart, with deserting his two illegitimate female children, aged two and four years, and leaving them without means of support. The plaintiff continued her evidence, and the defendant went into the box and gave a lengthy defence. After hearing the evidence the Acting Police Magistrate made an order for defendant to pay           5s. a week for each child to the Clerk of Petty Sessions in monthly instalments, the first payment to be made on the 1st of November."

Adolf was still a Gardener when he died, aged 66, at Bushley Playfair, Westwood District on 8th March 1897. He is buried in the Anglican Section of South Rockhampton Cemetery.
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31 Dec 1909 3 Jan 1988 Mary “Mamie” Elizabeth Patricia Halberstater 78 78 Known as Mamie

Married Norman MORGAN about 1942 or '43

Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld.) - Monday 29 November 1943 - Gossip
"Mrs Norman Morgan (who was formerly Miss Mamie Halberstater) has arrived from Melbourne and is spending a few weeks with her mother (Mrs Halberstater) at Wongalee, Walmul."
15 Apr 1911 11 Aug 1985 Kevin Maurice Joseph Halberstater 74 74 He was baptised, and known as Kevin Maurice Joseph Halberstater. 13 Jun 1913 3 Aug 1990 John (Jack) Anthony Halberstater 77 77 Jack Halberstater married Elizabeth Ellen McEvoy on the 8-Dec-1943 at St Joseph's Cathedral, Rockhampton by Fr Page. 24 Sep 1915 9 Jun 2003 Bernard (Bill) William Halberstater 87 87 Bill was called 'Bernie' by his mother until she passed away in 1959, but he thought that it was a sissy name and preferred to be called Bill. 15 May 1869 11 Aug 1949 Mary Agnes Sheehan 80 80 Electoral roll 1903/05/13/25/30/36 - Mary (domestic duties) and Louis Halberstater (grazier) were both living at Dee Street, Mount Morgan Qld.
9 Aug 1901 28 Aug 1988 Dr Leslie Joseph Halberstater OBE 87 87 The Brisbane Courier - Thursday 1 November 1928 - Personal...
"Dr. Leslie Halberstater has been appointed medical superintendent of the Townsville General Hospital, and will take up his duties on November 1. The doctor is a son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Halberstater, of Mount Morgan. In 1919 he won an open scholarship to the Queensland University, matriculating in arts, science, and engineering; in 1921 he went to Sydney University, and dld the medicine coarse, and graduated in 1925 as a Bachelor of Medicine and Master of Science. He was two years resident medical officer under the Brisbane and South Coast Hospitals Board, and during that period was in charge of the Wattlebrae Infectious Diseases Hospital. Dr. Halberstater was also acting medical superintendent of the Mt. Morgan Hospital for ten weeks before starling practice in his profession at Hermit Park, Townsville."

Following a residency at Brisbane Hospital in 1927, he commenced general practice at Hermit Park, Townsville, in 1928, but was soon appointed medical superintendent of the city’s general hospital.

(Cairns Post -Qld - Thursday 13 June 1935 - News item...
At the hospital board meeting to-day, the resignation was received from Dr. L. Halberstater, who has been medical officer for the past five or six years. 
He intends entering a partnership practice with Dr. H. Taylor.")

He was awarded the OBE on the 1st January 1971, for services to medicine, to community organisation and to sport.
At the time of his father's death on the 28-Oct-1942, Leslie was living at 12 Sturt Street, Townsville, Qld and later moved to 35-39 Sturt street, Townsville.

The Central Queensland Herald (Rockhampton, Qld) - Thursday 13 January 1955
"Dr L. Halberstater
Townsville's Turf Club president and a leading member of the city's medical profession, Dr Leslie Halberstater, as a young doctor intended to spend two years in the North, but has stayed for 26, says the "Townsville Bulletin."
The name, "Les" Halberstater, is as widely known on northern racecourses as it is among those who owe their life to his skill as a medical man.
He is a former Australian University representative footballer, is a long standing Turf Club committeeman, the city's Government Medical Officer, president of the Christian Brothers' Old Boys' Association and head of the New Mater Hospital Appeal.
Dr Halberstater was born at Mt Morgan in 1901, the son of the late Louis Halberstater. He received his early education at the Mt Morgan High School and later at St Joseph's College, Nudgee.
He won an open scholarship in 1919 and went to his first year's medical school at the Queensland university. In 1925 be graduated from the Sydney University, with the title of Bachelor of Medicine and Master of Surgery. From the Brisbane General Hospital, he came to the Townsville General Hospital as medical superintendent in 1928. It was the beginning of 26 years' residence in the north.
His reason ? "Only that I became a northerner."
Dr Halberstater inherited his racing interests from his father.
In 1924 Dr Halberstater toured New Zealand with the Combined Australian University team."
10 Aug 1903 14 Aug 1980 Cecil John Halberstater 77 77 CECIL HALBERSTATER...
Cecil John Halberstater was the second of Louis and Mary's children. He was born in Mt Morgan on 10-8-03, went to Sacred Heart Convent and Nudgee. He won a scholarship to Qld University, graduating as a Pharmacist.

He married Phyllis Evelyn Palmer on 5-1-1928 and opened "Halby's Pharmacy" in Nanango, where their five children were born. After the shop was burnt out, the family moved to Brisbane where Cecil continued in his chosen field. He worked in New Guinea for some time, and finished his working years as a relief Chemist. For several years, he stayed with Bill and Ivy during his one month's relief in Rockhampton.

The eldest daughter Marie was a nurse and has not married. Doreen married George Jarrett and has five children. Only son, Dan, graduated at Qld University and has a Pharmacy in Brisbane. Daughter, Maureen is also unmarried. She recently retired from the Public Service and lives at home where she cares for Phyllis, who has suffered ill-health for many years Youngest child, Josephine, lived for two days only. Cecil John died in Brisbane on 14-8-1980 aged 77.
An extract from the Halberstater Reunion 1991 Book
13 Feb 1905 22 Oct 1962 Alan Vincent Halberstater 57 57 27 Oct 1907 2 Mar 1987 Doreen Mary Halberstater 79 79 Electrol Roll 1930 - Doreen Mary Halberstater (school teacher) was living at St Rita's Hostel, Strand, Townsville, Qld
1867 28 Feb 1922 Michael Dwyer Healy 55 55 The Windsor Castle left Plymouth on the 23 April 1880 and
arrived in Rockhampton, Qld 23-Jul-1880.
Among the Assisted Passengers were...
John Healy aged 40 and his wife
Mary Healy aged 40 with their sons
John Healy aged listed as 21 but believed to be 17,
and his brothers
Maurice Healy aged listed as 19 but believed to be 15 and
Michael Healy aged listed as 17 but believed to be 13
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Michael was aged 21 in 1888 and had been in Qld 8 years.
therefore born in late in 1867

Michael Dwyer Healy, age 22 years, married Annie Halberstaedter, age 21 years, on 12th August 1889 at St Josephs Church (Roman Catholic) in Rockhampton, witnessed by John Healy (father/brother?) and Leah Halberstardter (her sister).
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Michael and his wife Annie were living at Rockhampton Road, Mount Morgan in 1903 - according to the 1903 Electral Roll.
10 Feb 1893 29 Apr 1915 Maurice Raymond “Ginger” Healy, (ANZAC) 22 22 His 1915 diary given to him by his fiance Faith Beauford whose birthday may be on the 21st August (marked in his diary with a heart) describes how the troups travelled from Sydney, North through the Barrier Reef, over to Ceylon and then up to Egypt via the Red Sea. The last entry in his diary is by his friend indicating that he had been wounded.  24 Jun 1895 2 May 1917 John Francis “Jack” Healy, (ANZAC) 21 21 Jack joined the AIF and fought with the 20th Battalion, A Company, service number 441, at Gallipoli. His battalion moved to France where he was killed on the eve of the start of the 2nd Bullecourt offensive on the 2nd May, 1917.
Commemoration details...
Australian National Memorial, Villers-Bretonneux, France.
Villers-Bretonneux is a village about 15 km east of Amiens. The Memorial stands on the high ground ('Hill 104') behind the Villers-Bretonneux Military Cemetery, Fouilloy, which is about 2 km north of Villers-Bretonneux on the east side of the road to Fouilloy.
On this Commonwealth War Graves memorial, his name was spelt incorrectly as John Francis HEALEY. This has now been rectified on the CWGC web site database. To correct the spelling on the actual memorial will take a little longer. (This has now been done.)
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The Brisbane Courier (Qld) - Thursday 4 November 1915 - "The Roll of Honour... 
(along with many others reported ill.)
Pte. J. F. Healy, 20th Btn., Marrickville."
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW) - Thursday 4 November 1915
"Ill - In Hospital - Malta
Pte. J. F. HEALY, 20 B., Marrickville."
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW) - Tuesday 23 November 1915
"Embarked for England...
Pte. J. F. HEALY, 20 B., Marrickville. "
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW) - Monday 6 December 1915...
"Pte. J. F. HEALY, 20 B., Marrickville (was in a Cambridge Hospital, England)."
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW) - Saturday 8 July 1916
"Returned to Duty...
Pte. J. F. Healy, Marrickville"
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW) - Tuesday 5 June 1917 - Killed in Action...
"Pte. JOHN FRANCIS HEALY, Marrickville, 2/5/17."

"The Second Battle of Bullecourt began at 3.45 a.m. on 3 May with eight successive waves of infantry, this time supported by artillery fire. The Australians broke through the partially destroyed barbed wire entanglements, passing many of their comrades killed the month before and still lying in the mud. The 5th Brigade, cut to pieces by machine gun fire, was forced to withdraw before crossing the barbed wire and this brought to a halt the following waves of infantry. A few young officers intervened to get the men moving forward again but by the end of the day no real gain had been made and the Second Battle of Bullecourt deteriorated into a tragic repetition of the first."

2 May 1890 15 Jun 1968 Mary (Molly) Leah Healy 78 78 According to the Australian Electoral rolls of 1936, Mary Leah BOYLE, domestic duties, was living with her husband, Edward Joseph BOYLE and son, Maurice Vincent BOYLE, at 200 Hastings Parade, Bondi, NSW 13 Nov 1897 9 Mar 1986 Annie (Nancy) Beatrice Healy 88 88 Nancy lived at 'Edgbaston' Lancaster Road, Rose Bay NSW with Adrian (1930/36 Electoral Rolls) - occupation was Home Duties 21 Apr 1900 10 Apr 1983 Catherine (Kitty) Ellen Healy 82 82 Entered the Convent on 9-Mar-1918
Took the religious name of Paul (Sister Mary Paul of the Cross)
in the religious of PBVM (PVBM is the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary).
She taught at St Ursula's College, Yeppoon Qld and in semi-retirement was at St Rita's College Clayfield Qld in the mid 1970s. 
15 Sep 1904 31 Dec 1975 Michael (Des) Desmond Healy 71 71 Michael Desmond Healy (1904-1975)

Michael Desmond Healy was born on 15 September 1904 at Mount Morgan, Queensland, the son of Michael Dwyer Healy and his wife Annie nee Halberstater. He was educated at Marist Brothers High School, Darlinghurst, Sydney.

He was admitted as a solicitor on 13 March 1931 and to the NSW Bar as a barrister on 5 May 1938. He practised in the criminal, common law and divorce jurisdictions. He was made a Queen's Counsel circa 1955.

Des, as he preferred to be called, enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force on 2 September 1942. His Service No. was 69584. At the time of his discharge, he was a Flying Officer with the Northern Area Headquarters with the acting rank of Squadron Leader. In 1946, Healy was a member of the War Crimes Tribunals at Moratai and Brunei.

Des Healy was appointed a Judge of all District Courts of New South Wales and Chairman of all Quarter Sessions on 19 January 1970. He retired at the age of 70 on 15 September 1974.

Des died on 31 December 1975. He never married.

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Judge of all District Courts of New South Wales, 19/01/1970 - 30/06/1973
Chairman of all Quarter Sessions, New South Wales, 19/01/1970 - 30/06/1973
Judge, District Court Civil Jurisdiction, NSW, 01/07/1973 - 15/09/1974
Judge, District Court Criminal Jurisdiction, NSW, 01/07/1973 - 15/09/1974

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"Des lived at 'Drildool' Ramsgate Avenue, North Bondi NSW in 1930 and was a law clerk at the time (1930 Electrol Rolls).
He lived at 35 Darling Point Road, Edgecliff, NSW in 1936 and was a solicitor by then (1936 Electoral Rolls). He later became an eminent barrister, QC and in later life a Judge in the NSW Courts."
12 Jun 1902 19 Oct 1988 Ursula Antoinette Healy 86 86 On the Electoral Rolls of Bowral , Macarthur, New South Wales 1972 to 1980 23 Nov 1906 1954 Brian Anthony Healy 48 48 Enlisted in the RAAF for WWII on the 5th Nov, 1942 as a Leading Aircraftman.  18 Jul 1909 25 Jun 1980 Teresa Mary Healy 70 70 Birth Cert shows - Teresa
Married as - Therese
Death Cert shows - Therese
Married Ernest Walter Dawes KINSCHER on 25-Sep-1937. 
One Child Terence Desmond KINSCHER (b. 28-Jul-1938)
22 Dec 1911 20 Jun 1989 Ernest Walter Dawes Kinscher 77 77 28 Jul 1938 Terence Desmond Kinscher 1910 10 Feb 1978 Ida Ruby Buckman 68 68 13 Sep 1950 Warwick Gordon Kinscher 29 Apr 1953 6 Aug 2009 Lesley- Del Kinscher 56 56 17 Aug 1910 2 Dec 2002 Phyllis Oxley Boughtwood 92 92 Phil Healy onetime of 26 Campbell Ave Normanhurst NSW c1949 22 Feb 1898 25 Apr 1985 Ernest Benjamin Jones 87 87 Benny passed his Leaving Certificate in 1916 while attending Sydney Technical High School.

Benny was a Medical Practitioner at Prince Henry Hospital (also known as 'The Coast Hospital') Malabar, NSW - in 1936 (Electoral Rolls 1936). prior to that he was listed as a student in the 1930 Electrol Rolls, living at 38 Rae Street, Randwick NSW.

On the Electoral Rolls of Bowral , Macarthur, New South Wales 1972 to 1980
Sep 1899 30 Aug 1967 Adrian Charles Robert Twigg 67 67 Adrian (a solicitor in 1930 & 1936) and Nancy lived at 'Edgbaston' Lancaster Road, Rose Bay NSW (1930/36 Electrol Rolls)  9 Feb 1882 9 Jun 1957 Edward Joseph Boyle 75 75 Edward arrived in Australia on 11th July 1883 with his father, mother and older siblings, Mary Elizabeth and John Francis. He would have been 1 1/2 years old.
According to the Australian Electoral rolls of 1936, Edward Joseph BOYLE, carpenter, was living with his wife Mary Leah BOYLE (nee Healy) and son, Maurice Vincent BOYLE, at 200 Hastings Parade, Bondi, NSW
At the time of his mother's death in 1927, Edward resided in Sydney, NSW.
Oct 1899 12 Aug 1984 Mary (Molly) Angela Walsh 84 84 Molly was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Walsh, of "Theophane," Marrickville NSW. 17 Apr 1906 10 Jun 1991 Phyllis Evelyn Palmer 85 85 Father: Arthur John Palmer b: 4 DEC 1856 in Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
Mother: May Hetherington Scurfield b: 16 OCT 1880 in Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
30 Dec 1902 20 Jul 1980 Winifred (Winnie) Anne Kelly 77 77 Winifred Kelly, was the third daughter of Mr and Mrs W. J. Kelly of 'Banksia', Rockhampton. Winnie had two younger sisters, Ellie and Mary Kelly, and two elder brothers, Vincent Everard KELLY and Frances (known as Frank) Edward KELLY as well as one younger brother, Mark Thomas KELLY. 6 Jun 1906 16 Dec 1971 Francis Gerard Walsh 65 65 Francis Gerald Walsh (Mount Morgan) was the only son of the late Mr and Mrs John Walsh of Gundagal.
13 Jul 1947 Michael Halberstater 28 Apr 1951 William Joseph Halberstater 22 Jun 1961 Bronwen O'Sullivan 3 Nov 1977 Amy Theresa Halberstater 2 Mar 1979 Katie Josephine Halberstater 24 Nov 1889 9 Jan 1974 Norman Morgan 84 84 3 Feb 1910 14 Jun 2002 Jessie Lachlan Young 92 92 Jessie Halberstater was the inspiration for me to create this "family History/Chart" having created a hand drawn chart (c.1980). 28 Dec 1911 2 Aug 2005 Elizabeth (Betty) Ellen McEvoy 93 93 Elizabeth Ellen McEvoy became engaged to Jack Halberstater on the 5th June 1943. They got married at 6:00 pm on the 8th December 1943 at St Joseph's Cathedral, Rockhampton by Fr Page. 20 Nov 1914 19 Jun 1998 Ivy Lorraine Beaumont 83 83 17 Jan 1945 Norman John Morgan 8 Nov 1947 Geoffery Morgan 11 Apr 1950 Anthony (Tony) Morgan 5 Jul 1945 Robyn Kathrine MacFarlane Robyn is one of four children, born into a family of Childers orange farmers, although their family lineage goes back to the original MacFarlane clan (one of the original seven clans) from Aberdeen in Scotland. 10 Nov 1951 Ann Patricia Doherty 18 Jul 1936 Elizabeth (Betty) Mary Halberstater Our thanks go to Betty Perry for her efforts in collating and printing the book that has been titled 'Halberstater Reunion 1991'. The material was put together from information supplied by the descendants of Adolph Halberstaedter and associated family members. This 'Family Chart' was inspired by a hand-drawn 'Halberstater Family' by Jess Halberstater (nee Young) (c.1980), that was passed-down to me. Terry K. 9 Jun 1933 Keith Lawrence Perry born at Biloela, Qld 13 Aug 1937 Patricia Elsie Halberstater 24 Nov 1938 Margaret Josephine Halberstater 27 Apr 1936 25 Dec 1996 John Norman Whiting 60 60 22 Mar 1940 27 Feb 2011 Katherine Ann Halberstater 70 70 20 Jul 1938 George William Tye 6 Jun 1944 Terrence Charles Halberstater 2 Apr 1943 Kevin Maurice Halberstater 31 Jan 1942 Joan Marie Halberstater 12 Oct 1938 Douglas Daniel Nutley 19 Feb 1946 Lorraine Kay Cocup 17 Jun 1945 Carmel Mary Halberstater Carmel Mary HALBERSTATER was admitted to the Walterhall State School‎, at the age of 4 yrs 6 mths, in 1950.
17 Jun 1945 John Rodney Peterson 20 Mar 1948 John Halberstater J and SM Halberstater, run “Mandalay” - A composite cattle breeding property.
2 Feb 1952 Suzanne (Sue) Monica Claire 1 Dec 1953 Gerard Halberstater 8 Sep 1952 Susan (Sue) Gay Cooper 27 Jun 1956 Gregory Keith Perry born at Biloela, Qld
Married Carmel Newton 11-Oct-1978 at Brisbane Qld
31 Dec 1957 Carmel Newton 11 Nov 1957 Roselyn Anne Perry 17 Aug 1954 Owen Lawrence 14 Apr 1961 Karen Elizabeth Perry 9 Aug 1958 Geoffrey Cridland 9 Apr 1970 Susie Patricia Perry 18 May 1961 Kristine Margaret Whiting 17 Mar 1963 Anthony John Whiting 8 Oct 1969 Melissa Lesley Whiting 22 Jan 1964 David George Tye 27 Oct 1966 Robert Christopher Tye 27 Nov 1967 Malcolm Sean Tye 7 Jul 1962 Wayne 9 Jan 1965 Donna Marie Nutley 23 Dec 1966 Bradley 18 Dec 1968 Michael 28 May 1939 Douglas James Read 13 Jun 1945 Geraldine Halberstater 14 Dec 1948 Neil Bernard Halberstater 14 Jun 1943 Wilma Lorraine Halberstater 12 Dec 1938 John Lethbridge Murphy 24 Jan 1947 Kathryn Mary Horton 23 Oct 1968 Gerard William Read 19 May 1970 Bevan James Read 26 Oct 1972 Margaret Anne Read 18 Apr 1969 Susan Elizabeth Murphy 17 Feb 1971 Michael Robert Lethbridge Murphy 27 Apr 1973 Christopher John Lethbridge Murphy 27 May 1975 Peter Lethbridge Murphy 6 Sep 1973 Benedict Neil Halberstater 7 Aug 1975 Rowan Bernard Halberstater 11 Nov 1976 Nathan Leslie Halberstater 28 Oct 1941 Desmond 1945 Marim 1947 Catherine (Katie) Shirley McDermott 1974 Sally McDermott 1978 Jacqueline McDermott 16 Apr 1928 20 Oct 2007 Peter Twigg 79 79 Peter Twigg was admitted as a solicitor in 1953. 1 Apr 1932 Philip Adrian Twigg 27 Dec 1929 Jacqueline Anne Twigg 24 Jul 1927 28 Jan 2007 Bruce Llandaff Trewenack 79 79 Bruce Llandaff Trewenack was born on the 24th July, 1927 in Nandi, Fiji. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Trewenack.
Bruce was aged 25 years at the time of his marriage.
Bruce's father, William (Taff) TREWENACK died on the 12th November 1960 at Northbridge, Sydney NSW.
Bruce's mother, Myrtle Alice TREWENACK died on the 19th March 1957 at North Sydney, late of Northbridge, Sydney NSW.
7 Jan 1936 26 May 2005 Judith Gay Smithers 69 69 Judith Ann Kinkead 1957 Stephen Twigg 15 Apr 1960 13 Jan 2010 Mark Adrian Twigg 49 49 Mark Twigg has been with the family law practice since being admitted in 1984.

1963 Roger Twigg 16 Feb 1964 Melinda Gai Twigg 28 Mar 1965 Michael Philip Twigg 8 Dec 1968 Christopher Antony Twigg Chris & his wife, Rachel, took our British citizenship in about 2003. (reference Philip T.) 8 Jan 1954 Elizabeth (Liz) Anne Trewenack 11 Nov 1956 Pauline Trewenack
7 Jul 1963 Glynnis Trewenack 30 Jun 1942 28 Nov 2004 June Elizabeth Skeen 62 62 2 Feb 1961 Carl Maurice Kinscher 14 Feb 1962 David Laurence Franks 4 Jun 1964 Kelly Anne Radcliffe 7 Jul 1963 Bruce Andrew Franks 18 Nov 1965 Erica Topham 5 Aug 1967 Sandra May Franks 16 Feb 1935 12 Oct 2018 Keith Franks 83 83 11 Jan 1945 Dawn Ann Lock 11 Mar 1943 23 Dec 1971 Lawrence James Oshyer 28 28 7 Oct 1968 Richard Lawrence Oshyer 18 Mar 1972 Sean James Oshyer 4 Jun 1970 Vicky Kelso 24 Jul 1993 Vanessa Rae Kardum- Franks 29 May 1987 Bradley Keith Franks 26 Aug 1989 Sarah Ann Elizabeth Franks 21 Sep 1993 Katelyn Rose Franks 30 Sep 1996 Chelsea Anne Oshyer 7 Dec 1999 Jack Oshyer 29 May 1996 Dane Michael Franks 13 Feb 1998 Ashlea June Franks Jack Kardum 31 Mar 1936 15 Jun 1972 Judith (Judy) Patricia Healy 36 36 Called Judy
Born in Brisbane Qld
Married to Gerhard Frederick Then
Conjugal status at death - divorced

The Sunday Herald (Sydney, NSW) - Sunday 4 March 1951 - Social News and Gossip
"To celebrate the coming of age of their daughter, Miss Judy Healy, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Healy, of Pymble, entertained about 70 of her young friends at Girraween, Killara, last night."
12 Jan 1940 7 Jan 2007 Janice Anne Healy 66 66 7 Oct 1941 5 Jan 2018 Paul Grant Healy 76 76 Married Elizabeth Diane WATERS on 13-Dec-1968 26 Jul 1965 John Mesh 21 May 1983 Katherine (Kass) Anne Halberstater 2 Feb 1982 Rebecca (Bec) Amy Halberstater James Clancy Elisa Casey Michael O'Donnell Margaret Fitzgerald 3 May 1870 12 Jan 1959 Elizabeth (Lizzie) Margaret O'Donnell 88 88 Lizzie originally came from Emerald, Central Queensland.

Electroll roll 1913/25/3036 - Elizabeth Margaret (home duties) and Maurice Halberstater (grazier) were both living at Wongalee, Mount Morgan Qld.
1843 17 Jul 1897 William John O'Donnell 54 54 1850 7 Jun 1917 Mary Anne Clancy 67 67 24 Dec 1935 5 Mar 1997 Daniel (Dan) Joseph Halberstater 61 61 27 Feb 1934 Doreen Mary Halberstater 5 Mar 1938 Maureen Leah Halberstater Maureen never married. 10 Jun 1931 5 Feb 2016 Marie Philomena Halberstater 84 84 Marie, a nurse, never married. 4 Apr 1884 15 May 1972 Elsie Margaret White 88 88 Elsie Margaret White's mother and eight-day-old sister died of typhoid fever when she was eighteen months old. She was seven when her father also died. Elsie was reared by her paternal grandmother, Mrs White, at Condoblin N.S.W. and was a boarder in the local convent for three years.  7 Jun 1881 18 Jun 1946 Charles George Young 65 65 12 Aug 1915 12 Nov 2018 Florence Frances Young 103 103 Married to Noel Atkinson 27 Jun 1919 2 Jan 1973 Isabella(Belle) Elsie Young 53 53 Isabelle was the bridesmaid at her eldest sister's (Jessie's) wedding on the 26th October 1935 at St Joseph's Cathederal, Rockhampton Qld. 1857 21 Sep 1930 Frances Mary Theresa Scott 73 73 Her mother, Mrs Mary Scott, was the daughter of Patrick Digan of Killaloe, Ireland and granddaughter of Dr John McNamara of Ogunalo also of Ireland 14 Jan 1848 8 Dec 1931 Charles George Ludwig Jung 83 83 Anglised his name to Young when naturalised.
Naturalization Date:    29 Nov 1894

This is our Charles George Ludwig Jung (yes)...
Tweed Daily (Murwillumbah, NSW) - Saturday 20 February 1926
"POLICE COURT - Byron Bay Cases.
Mr. Sutherland, P.M. presided at the Byron Bay Police Court on Thursday.
TENANCY TERMINATED. The Byron Shire Council, represented by R. Brownell (shire clerk), proceeded against Charles George Ludwig Jung, for camping without per mission from the Shire Council on Reserve No. 49122. Defendant, who was not represented by legal aid, pleaded guilty.
Mr. Brownell informed the court that defendant occupied a reserve at the picnic ground, which was set aside for public recreation purposes.
He was an old man; and had reached such a stage that he was unable to care for himself. His tent was in a disgusting state. The council wanted him to realise that he must move on, for the sake of the public health. He had been notified several times that he must move, but he had defied the health inspector. Mr. Brownell said the council did not wish to be hard, but the defendant should be removed for reasons of public health. Defendant was given until next court to remove."

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Spouse - Frances Theresa Mary SCOTT
Father - Johann Carl JUNG
Mother - Maria Elisabetha PETERMANN
Children - Elizabeth S
Birth - 14 Jan 1848 Bad Soden am Taunus, Main-Taunus-Kreis, Hesse, Germany
Death - 8 Dec 1931 Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Residence - 1928 Red Hill, Queensland, Australia
Departure - 26 Apr 1862 • Hamburg, Germany
Arrival - 30 Jul 1862 • Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia
Moved to NSW - Arrival in 1871 • New South Wales, Australia
Marriage - 29 Nov 1877 • Sydney, New South Wales, Australia to Frances Theresa Mary SCOTT
Residence - 1928 • Red Hill, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia at Eventide Home for Aged Men, Red Hill
Death - 8 Dec 1931 • Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Parkinson's Disease and Senility Brisbane Hospital, Queensland
Burial - 8 Dec 1931 • Toowong, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia - Buried 18-14-23
(Thanks to QUALISCHEFSKI Family tree on Ancestry)
1848 Oct 1885 Jessie Lachlan Cameron 37 37 Jessie Lachlan Cameron, was the second daughter of the late Alexander Campbell Cameron. D. 1891 Robert Patrick White 10 Apr 1969 Shaun Cuppit 7 Jan 1987 Lachlan Jay Lawrence 29 Dec 1981 Sarah Beth Cridland 25 Aug 1983 Mitchell Kane Cridland 1954 1999 Allan Smith 45 45 Sue Irwin Rohan Murphy Carlo Barletta 12 May 1984 Lisa Taylor 14 Mar 1878 9 Jun 1919 Ellen Agnes Maher 41 41 7 Apr 1868 11 Jun 1919 John Joseph McEvoy 51 51 His residence was 'Table Mountain' Boongary, Rockhampton Qld

The Brisbane Courier (Qld) - Monday 26 May 1930 - Notices
"Name of Deceased Proprietor.—John (otherwise John Joseph) McEvoy, late of Boongarry, Rockhampton.
Date of Death.—11th June. 1919.
Name of Claimant.—John Joseph McEvoy, son of the deceased, of the same place, as Administrator."
1838 2 Sep 1915 Mary Campbell 77 77 Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld) - Thursday 2 February 1865 - News
"...George (32) and Mary (24) McEVOY arrived in Morton Bay, as 'Assisted Passengers', in 1865, having sailed from Liverpool, England, aboard the 'Hanna More'..." 
1829 14 Mar 1913 George McEvoy 84 84 George arrived from Ireland and landed in Rockhampton in 1865, at the age of 37. He was a resident of the Rockhampton area for the following 48 years.

Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld) - Thursday 2 February 1865 - News
"...George (32) and Mary (24) McEVOY arrived in Morton Bay, as 'Assisted Passengers', in 1865, having sailed from Liverpool, England, aboard the 'Hanna More'..." 
1853 31 Jul 1901 Ellen Nora O'Reilly 48 48
The other Ellen Maher married aged 17 in 1870 ?????
Patrick Maher (son Daniel Maher) ? 29 Jun 1974 Cameron John Peterson 4 Jan 1982 Mathew Adam Peterson 23 Oct 1973 Robert John Halberstater 21 Apr 1975 Daniel Patrick Halberstater 14 Feb 1875 21 Apr 1940 Mary (Polly) Jane Kellaway 65 65 Mary Jane (Polly) was the elder daughter and 2nd of 5 children. 12 Nov 1868 13 Aug 1954 Alexander John Beaumont 85 85 Alexander had 16 siblings: Thomas Bloomfield Beaumont, Susannah Mattaner (born Beaumont) and 14 other siblings.

The Central Queensland Herald (Rockhampton, Qld) - Thu 21 Nov 1946 - Wowan
"A social evening was held at the residence of Mr A. J. Beaumont, the oldest resident of Deeford, on Tuesday last to celebrate his 78th birthday and to commemorate the 23rd year of his daughter's (Mrs O. S. Carter) marrage. Mr Beaumont was born at Deeford but after his marriage with Mary Kellaway, he lived at Westwood for 13 years, returning to Deeford in 1914. His wife passed away in 1940. His suriving family consists of two sons, George and William and six daughters, Mesdames J. S. McSweeney (Brisbane), B. Kingsford (Bundaberg), H. Morton, L. Kearney, O. S. Carter and W. Halberstater. He has fourteen grand-children and two great-grandchildren. Mr Beaumont has one sister, Mrs Ann Harper of Westwood. The birthday cake was made and presented by his daugh-ter Mrs L. Kearney. Numerous telerams and presents were received."
11 Nov 1833 4 Aug 1907 Emma Marion Collins 73 73 Alfred and Emma Beaumont, with their daughter Suzannah, arrived in Sydney, aboard the sailing ship, "Bussorah" in March 1853. Suzannah's brother was born on board the ship en route and was named Thomas Brownfield, after the master of the ship. After the birth of two more, in Sydney, the family moved to Rockhampton in 1859 and then onto 'Old Calliungal' in 1860.  20 Apr 1824 29 Dec 1885 Alfred Beaumont 61 61 Alfred and Emma Beaumont, with their daughter Suzannah, arrived in Sydney, aboard the sailing ship, "Bussorah" in March 1853. Suzannah's brother was born on board the ship en route and was named Thomas Bloomfield, after the ship's surgeon, D. Bloomfield. After the birth of two more, in Sydney, the family moved to Rockhampton in 1859 and then onto 'Old Calliungal' in 1860.
Sarah From Colchester, Essex, England Thomas Beaumont From Colchester, Essex, England Sarah From Colchester, Essex, England D. 1866 Abraham (Alfred) Collins From Colchester, Essex, England 1847 18 Feb 1936 Catherine Morisset 89 89 Catherine came to Australia aged 21 (ie.1868) 1850 1894 George Smith Kellaway 44 44 11 Oct 1982 Shaun Anthony Halberstater 22 May 1940 24 May 1940 Josephine Halberstater 2d 2d 25 Aug 1933 George Leo Jarrett 7 Oct 1957 Keith Robert Jarrett Married Leslie 18 Oct 1959 Trevor Alan Jarrett 21 Dec 1960 Stephen Vincent Jarrett 30 Aug 1962 4 Sep 2009 Christine Anne Jarrett 47 47 Husband is called Peter 4 Dec 1963 Colleen Maree Jarrett Keith Bennett 1978 Mark James Bennet 1984 Timothy Bennett 24 Mar 1958 Brenda Clarke 20 Nov 1975 Rachel Anne Halberstater 16 Jul 1978 Alan Edwin Halberstater 9 Oct 1950 Jun 2004 Ruth Colleen Poole 53 53 Sonia Law Glenda (unknown) 6 Oct 1993 Rachael Law 9 Nov 1954 Don Turner Created by Terry Kinscher in May 2003 and last updated January 2022 - This document is based on a hand drawn chart created by Jess Halberstater (c.1980), and from information in the 'Halberstater Reunion' book (1991) as well as from other researchers. The chart was created by Terry Kinscher using a program called GenoPro. Please send any changes/updates to '' 9 Sep 1977 Rachel Anne Kinscher 22 Apr 1982 Ian David Kinscher D. 1 Jun 1936 Florence M Unitt 1863 28 Jul 1948 Albert Edward Twigg 85 85 According to the Australian Electral Rolls - Albert (warehouseman) was known to be living with his wife Florence, at 'Halcyone' 18 Darling St, Bronte in 1930 and in 1936 he (no occupation) was living with his son, Victor Edward (clergyman) at 11 Beresford Rd, Strathfield NSW.
Father's name was William Twigg and his mother's name was Kezia Twigg.

George Twigg was Albert's brother, and had lived in Birmington in England, about 1892, before coming to Australia. (Evening News (Sydney, NSW) - Friday 19 October 1894)

13 May 1938 Karl Friedemann Heese 1951 Feb 2002 Fran Barunga 51 51 1974 1974 Stuart Healy 31 Dec 1975 Ian Michael Healy Lived in the area of Fitzroy Crossing in The Kimberly's Western Australia. Feb 1977 Bronwyn Anne Healy 14 Dec 1977 Brendan James Healy Georgia Genifer Parkinson Married to Philip Twigg on 24th Dec 2000 1886 10 Nov 1944 Albert Stanley Twigg 58 58 Usually called Stanley 1905 28 Apr 1977 Rev Victor Edward Francis Twigg 72 72 In 1939, the Venerable Victor Twigg became the new Rector of the Anglican Cathedral Church of St. Alban the Martyr, Parish of Griffith in the Diocese of the Riverina.
Victor Twigg was an Archdeacon in Griffiths NSW in 1967.
Archdeacon Victor Twigg, was regarded as somewhat of a tyrant if you were his curate.
D. 20 Feb 1973 Christine Neal Anderson The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA) - Tuesday 6 October 1936
"The bride who is the daughter of the late Mr Charles Neal Anderson of Dunedin, New Zealand and Mrs Marion Anderson of Malvern (Adelaide SA) is a descendant of Marion Gray, who arrived in South Australia in the 'Indus' in 1838."
27 Jul 1911 23 Aug 1988 Joan Mary Boyle 77 77 Joan Mary Boyle was born 27-Jul-1911 - according to mum's 'Birthday Book'. 1902 21 Jun 1958 William (Bill) James Norington 56 56 The marriage of William James NORINGTON's parents was announced in the Western Champion (Parkes, NSW) - Friday 27 April 1900 - Marriage.
"Norington—Stewart.—On the 18th inst., (i.e. 18-April-1900) William Henry Norington, of Tichbourne, to Margaret Stewart, of Parkes."
NSW Marriage Cert No. 4494/1900 records that the marriage of William H NORRINGTON and Margaret STEWART was recorded in 1900 in NSW.
7 Jan 1913 14 Apr 1972 Kevin Joseph Boyle 59 59 Enlisted 99th Squardron RAAF 1 January 1944, discharged 14 March 1946 - Service Number - 443976

NSW Marriage Cert No. 15481/1944 states that the marriage of Kevin Joseph BOYLE and Valerie Helen MILLER (aged 24)  was registered in the Canterbury district of Sydney NSW, in 1944.
The Ryerson Index has a listing for both the death and funeral notice for Valerie Helen BOYLE, aged 91, as happening on the 24th November 2011. these notices were published on the 29-Nov-2011.

NSW Marriage Cert No. 3926/1960 states that the marriage of Kevin Joseph BOYLE and Gwendoline Alice LANGE was registered in the district of Burwood, Sydney NSW, in 1960.
3 Dec 1803 26 Dec 1882 Johanna Landsberg 79 79 Ann Landsberg marked as mother of Adolf Halberstaedter on Adolf's marriage certificate.
Joanna Hermann
Born 1805 in Landsberg
Died 1833

Kaethe Halberstaedter’s "Louis Halberstaedter" notes; describes her as "Johanna geb. Hermann Landsberg"; Fritz and Max Halberstaedter name her Johanna Landsberg in their genealogies, which is confirmed by her gravestone in Breslau's old Jewish cemetery (field 2, third row back behind David and Johanna Wendriner's monument, gravestone marked "1991" on the back). Fritz Halberstaedter names her father variously as "Hermann Landsberg" and "Hermann from Landsberg".
8 Dec 1803 7 Mar 1869 Louis Ludwig Eliezer Halberstädter 65 65 Listed as fourth child of Moses in his will.

Louis lived in Militsch where he was leader of the Jewish community 1835-44 and 1852-64; member of the town council 1830-33 and head of Public Assistance Committee 1852.

Kaethe Halberstaedter’s "Louis Halberstaedter" notes;
Fritz Bloch, Die Juden in Militsch. Ein Kapitel aus der Geschichte der Niederlassung von Juden in Schlesien, Breslau 1926;
email DF 07/12/2011; - Fred Halbers collection: genealogical notes.

Was he also known as Eliezer? (From his son, Herman's,  gravestone inscription)


Louis Ludwig Eliezer Halberstaedter - LKYG-QGB - Mormon database​​
Birth - 8 December 1803 - Militsch, Posen, Poland
Death - 7 March 1869 - Milicz, Milicz, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Catherine Macabie Patrick Feran Suzy 31 Jul 1980 Benjamin John Morgan 23 Jun 1983 Daniel Morgan 29 Nov 1985 Kate Morgan 15 Jan 1988 Rachael Morgan Noeleen 24 Apr 1991 Tess Elizabeth Lawrence 24 May 1937 Gerhard Frederick Then Gerhard was born on 24 May 1937 - He was an Austrian by birth and he travelled to Australia on the ship AURELIA on 17 December 1955. 9 Jan 1961 Gabriele Marianne Then Born in Wien,13., Auhofstrae  189, Austria 18 Jul 1967 Sybille Then 23 Mar 1968 Gerhardt Jacob Then Apr 1840 9 Aug 1888 Mary Dwyer 48 48 The Windsor Castle left Plymouth on the 23 April 1880 and
arrived in Rockhampton, Qld 23-Jul-1880.
Among the Assisted Passengers were...
John Healy aged 40 and his wife
Mary Healy aged 40 with their sons
John Healy aged 21 and his brothers
Maurice Healy aged 19 and
Michael Healy aged 17
1840 4 Aug 1909 John Healy 69 69 The Windsor Castle left Plymouth on the 23 April 1880 and
arrived in Rockhampton, Qld 23-Jul-1880.
Among the Assisted Passengers were...
John Healy aged 40 and his wife
Mary Healy aged 40 with their sons
John Healy aged 21 and his brothers
Maurice Healy aged 19 and
Michael Healy aged 17
1863 23 Sep 1931 John Healy 68 68 The Windsor Castle left Plymouth on the 23 April 1880 and
arrived in Rockhampton, Qld 23-Jul-1880.
Among the Assisted Passengers were...
John Healy aged 40 and his wife
Mary Healy aged 40 with their sons
John Healy aged 21 (or 17) and his brothers
Maurice Healy aged 19 (or 17) and
Michael Healy aged 17 (or 15)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
John was aged 24 in 1888 and had been in Qld 8 years.
therefore born in early 1864 (or late 1863).
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
John may have the following children...
Messrs JOHN, MARTIN and KEVIN HEALY (Sons), Misses MARION and KATHLEEN HEALY (Daughters)

Jul 1864 2 Feb 1943 Maurice Healy 78 78 The Windsor Castle left Plymouth on the 23 April 1880 and
arrived in Rockhampton, Qld 23-Jul-1880.
Among the Assisted Passengers were...
John Healy aged 40 and his wife
Mary Healy aged 40 with their sons
John Healy aged 21 and his brothers
Maurice Healy aged 19 and
Michael Healy aged 17
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Maurice was aged 23 in 1888 and had been in Qld 8 years.
therefore born in late in 1864.
18 Jun 1918 23 Feb 1987 Noel Desmond Atkinson 68 68 9 Mar 1919 17 Dec 1972 Alan James Ebert 53 53 Parents...
Mother's name: Winifred Zita Toohey
Father/parent's name: John Carl Ebert
8 Dec 1842 1 Oct 1911 Moritz Halberstädter 68 68 Notes:
Listed in the Berlin address books from 1880 to 1912. The address books describe both Moritz and his brother Max as commodity brokers (Vereid. Waaren= u. Producten=Makler) from 1880 to 1897 and as brokers (Kursmakler) from 1898 until their deaths.

An M Halberstaedter also appears in the Berlin address book for one year only in 1873 in connection with the Vereinigte Breslauer Oelfabriken= Actien= Gesellschaft; given the Silesian connection, this may be Moritz; it cannot be his brother Max as he is also listed.
7 Mar 1857 25 Feb 1938 Emiliie Sommerfield 80 80 Notes:
Listed in the Berlin address books from 1913 (her husband, Moritz, who died in late 1911, was listed until 1912) until 1933.
1913-14: Charlottenburg, Uhlandstrasse 24;
1915-33: W15, Hohenzollerndamm, 6;
9 Dec 1876 20 Aug 1949 Ludwig Halberstädter 72 72 Ludwig Halberstädter...
German radiologist, born December 9, 1876, Beuthen, Oberschlesien; died August 20, 1949, New York.
1890 17 Apr 1960 Elizabeth Mabel Louisa Lena 70 70 Elizabeth's father's name was Andrew Joseph LENA and her mother's name was Esther Morgan LENA. Elizabeth's step-mother's name was Annie LENA.

Mother's death notice...
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW) - Tuesday 23 July 1929 - Deaths
"LENA.—July 20, 1929, at a private hospital Waverley, Annie Lena, of Cromford, Bondi Road, Waverley, widow oí the late Andrew Lena, and devoted step mother of Elizabeth Twigg. R.I.P. Privately interred at Waverley Cemetery on 22nd inst."
Shirley Twigg Coralie Twigg 1 Jan 1951 Lindsay Gordon Henry
24 Jul 1988 Blake Henry 17 Apr 1991 Scott Henry 29 Jun 1994 Linley Kate Henry Geoffrey Dominic Darmody   2 May 1868 19 May 1929 Anne Halberstaedter 61 61 Anne Halberstaedter, born at Mt Brewer on 2nd May, 1868 to Adolf Halberstaedter, age 36 years, from Silesia, Prussia, and Anne (formally Fearn) Halberstaedter, age 30 years, from Armagh Ireland. Anne's parents had been married on 20th April, 1867 at Rockhampton Qld. There was no previous issue from this marriage indicated on the daughter, Anne's birth certificate.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Electoral roll 1905 - Annie (domestic duties) and John Healy (miner) were both living at Tipperary Road, Mount Morgan Qld.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW) - Wednesday 24 May 1922 - Law Report
(Before Judge Scholes and juries.)
This was an action in which Annie Healy, widow, of 3 Barracluff-avenue, Bondi, claimed £100 from the Australian Metropolitan Life Assurance Company, Ltd., alleged to be the amount due to plaintiff by the defendant com- pany under a policy of Insurance made between her and the defendants on November 4 last, on the life of her husband. Michael Dwyer Healy, who died on February 28 last. The defendants pleaded never indebted, on the ground that on the date the insurance policy was effected plaintiff's husband was suffering from a complaint that was not disclosed by her to them. Mr. H. G. Edwards (instructed by Mr. A. C. R. Twigg) appeared for the plaintiff; and Mr. Curtis (instructed by Messrs. Allen, Allen, and Hemsley) represented the defendants.
By direction of his Honor, the Jury returned a verdict for the defendants."
31 May 1870 24 Jun 1959 Leah May Halberstaedter 89 89 Entered the Convent on 8-Dec-1900
Took the religious name of Joseph in the religious of PBVM (Presentation of the  Blessed Virgin Mary)
i.e. Sister Mary Joseph, of the Presentation Convent, Mount Morgan QLD
16 May 1863 23 Nov 1938 Maurice Joseph (Charmichael) Halberstater 75 75 Electoral roll 1903/05 - Maurice Halberstater (grazier) was living at Mt Morgan Hotel, Central Street, Mount Morgan, Qld
Electoral roll 1913/36 - Elizabeth Margaret (home duties) and Maurice Halberstater (grazier) were both living at Wongalee, Walmul, Mount Morgan Qld.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

From: Australian Stockman's Hall of Fame and Outback Heritage Centre...
"Name/Title: Maurice HALBERSTATER (aka Halberstaedter), b. 16 May 1863, Mt Brewer, Qld., d. 23 Nov 1938, Mt Morgan, Qld.

About this object: Not much is known of Maurice's early life, except that he developed a great love of horses, which his father bred. An article on the Rockhampton Carnival in the Morning Bulletin some years ago mentioned Maurice, aged 14,- "proudly leading his father's black stallion". It has been said that horses sensed his kindness and responded to it. Maurice left school at 13 and became a drover.    
John Costello was a well known pastoralist and explorer who was responsible for the settlement of much previously unknown land throughout Queensland and the Northern Territory. In 1861 he took up runs on the Burdekin and the Nicholson River in the Gulf.    
He secured 'Lake Nash', a large holding in the north-west near the Territory border, and a massive area further north around the Roper River.    
It is not known when Maurice started working for Costello, but in May 1884, he was in a party of men who took 1,700 head of cattle and horses on the long overland journey from 'Cawarral' to the Roper when Costello sold his central Queensland interests. Maurice at 20 was the 'horse hunter', travelling separately and fully responsible for over 100 horses, as well as several belonging to the stockman.    
One night, a few bells, could be faintly heard making steadily off in the distance. The horse hunter, thinking of next morning's muster hurriedly finished his supper and then jumping bareback on the nearest colt, cantered off..... the cracking of his stock-whip sounded fast and furious...... With every crack of the whip, old 'Charlie the German' shouted encouragement. "Goot boy, Maurish. Give it to dem." Maurice was congratulated on his speed in returning the wanderers. "Dey vant der tails flogging of dem," said old Charlie. "By de vay, vot vones vos dey?" The horse hunter grinned and said, "They were those three old devils of yours." A change flashed over Charlie's face and he wrathfully exclaimed, "Vot in de ' flog de poor beggars for? You is a cruel brute." The wild and uproarious laughter drowned out old Charlie's indignation.    
Blacks were troublesome, and the men carried guns for protection. Maurice kept a Colt revolver he had used during that trip. After two horses had been speared during a night attack, nervousness spread through the camp. "A bunch of (blacks) could make a cove look like a pin cushion", one of them worried. Jacob, the cook, was especially frightened and reported every day seeing numbers of 'wild (blacks) who went like lightin' and disappeared like magic", which no-one else saw.    
In Burketown, the party met up with Costello's brothers-in-law, the Duracks, who were camped there enroute to the Kimberley in W.A. Costello and his men finally reached Roper River just ahead of the Territory's 'wet' about Xmas 1884. Patrick Costello says of his father's droving trip, "It wanted a superman's knowledge of the bush - nerves of steel, mental clearness and determination and a physical stamina and endurance possessed only by an exceptional man".    
From the late 1850s most of the land in central Queensland belonged to a relatively small number of pastoralists. With the rapid increase in the population of Queensland in the latter half of the century, more and more land was required for closer settlement. Under the Crown Lands Act of 1884, lessees could consolidate all their land into one lease, a long term lease would then be granted on about half the area and the Crown would resume the remainder.    
Maurice and his brother, Louis, took up blocks in the Mt Morgan area when part of the old 'Calliungal' Station was thrown open around 1889. The brothers eventually acquired large tracts of grazing lands in the Mt Morgan and Buneru areas where they ran cattle and bred pack horses.    
Louis commenced a butchering business in Mt Morgan in partnership with McLaughlin of Rockhampton. In the late 1880s, Maurice was head-stockman on the Archer Brothers' 'St Helen's' Station in the Emerald area.    
In 1903 and 1904, Maurice was back droving large herds again. The late William (Bill) Nott of 'Greycliffe' wrote several letters to his mother, mentioning 'Halberstaedter' - "A man well over six feet tall, with a long drooping moustache and a ten-gallon hat". Others remember he was bald and never without a hat, but a ten gallon?    
Maurice was on the road for months, getting mobs of 1,000 and 1,300 from 'Hidden Valley' and 'Mt McConnell' in the Bowen area. Despite his life on the road Maurice still had time for courtship, and three ladies have been mentioned as courting partners. It was on one of his droving trips that he was introduced to Lizzie O'Donnell, his sister Leah's school teacher friend. At 44 years of age Maurice, who gave 'Grazier' as his occupation, married Elizabeth Margaret O'Donnell in the Catholic Church, Emerald, on 1 Ith November 1908. The name 'Halberstater' appears for the first time on their wedding certificate.    
The couple moved to his property near Walmul, Mt Morgan. They had four children, but because of his life style and his age, Maurice was not really a family man. Most people remember that he worked his children very hard, and was gruff, he gave them very little money but he did pay their bills. Bill remembers that his father was hardly ever at home as he had acquired several large properties between the Upper Dawson and Mt Morgan and was always on the road moving cattle. On 'Wongalee' he bred stock horses and beautiful ponies in the days of horse drawn vehicles. His XH9 brand ponies were very good ones and were very popular.    
Although Maurice loved his horses and used them for his stock-work, he had a passion for motor cars. He was the first person in the district to own a car, a 1914 Studebaker. "When a car was bought the agent spent several days teaching the owner how to drive and service the vehicle. Maurice, who was used to horses found it difficult to get used to applying the brake, instead of pulling back the reins. He attempted to put his car in the shed. He went in the front, forgot to put his foot on the brake and went straight through the back wall".    
Maurice was elected to the Banana Shire Council twice when the first of the three year terms was introduced in 1921, when the Council met in Banana. He was not a member for the 1927-30 term but when the Shire office moved to Rannes in 1930 he was elected for another two terms. His last council meeting was 17th April 1936 having served a total of 12 years.    
On 23rd November 1938 he died following surgery in Mt Morgan Hospital aged 74 years. He was buried in the family plot at Mt Morgan cemetery. "He was quiet in manner with a dry sense of humour, was very often grouchy but under the grouchiness, he had a kind heart." He appears to have been like many of those old drovers - fiercely tough and independent.    
Maurice did not share much of his past with his children and his grand-children never knew him. Research has revealed however that he had a very interesting life. In an effort to present a true-to-life character, several sources of written and oral history and official documents have been used to collate the above history.

Subject and Association Description
Ancestors: Grandparents: - Louis Halberstadt married Ann Lansberg    
Parents: Adolph Halberstater married Ann Feran (or Carmichael)    
Siblings: Anna, Leah    
Married: 11 Nov 1908, Emerald, Qld.    
Spouse: Elizabeth Mary O'Donnell    
Children: Mary Elizabeth (Mamie), Kevin Maurice, John Joseph (Jack), Bernard William (Bill)    
Resided: 1880 - St Helens, Emerald, Qld.|1889 - Wongalee, Walmul, Mt Morgan, Qld.|1903 - Greycliffe, via Biloela, Qld.|1908 - Wongalee, Walmul, Mt Morgan, Qld.| Coorabulka, Camboon| Gelnian, Nipan| Tallawana, Banana

Object number: USH00584"
14 Mar 1866 28 Oct 1942 Louis Halberstater 76 76 Louis has been referred to as Louis Feeran
Many newspaper articles of the time referred to him as Louis Halberstaedter but in later life, marriage and death certificates, he was known as Louis Halberstater.
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Electoral roll 1903/05/25/30/36 - Mary (domestic duties) and Louis Halberstater (grazier) were both living at Dee Street, Mount Morgan Qld.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Court case reported in the Queensland newspapers...

Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld.) - Wednesday 17 June 1896 – In the Courts...
Before His Honour Mr. Justice Power.
The Hon. A. Rutledge (Crown Prosecutor), instructed by Mr. A. I. Cooling (from the Crown Law Office), represented the Crown. 
Edward Chauncey Vaughan and Edward Easton were charged with having, on the 9th of March last, at Mount Morgan, unlawfully and maliciously wounded Louis Halberstaedter with intent to do him grievous bodily harm. They pleaded not guilty.
Mr. E. M. Lilley, instructed by Messrs. Swanwick and Kavanagh, appeared for the defence.
The following jury was empanelled :   Messrs. Henry A. Forbes, Robert Barry, Richard H. Nye, John Macfarlane, Joseph Bryant, Alexander Pearson, John Danielson, John Turner, William Fraser, Peter Costello, John Hawtin, and Johann M. Anderson.
Mr. Edward Harris was passed by counsel but as the Bible was being handed to him he said, "I would rather not sit on this case," and be was ordered to "stand by" by the Crown Prosecutor.
The Crown Prosecutor opened the case at some length.
John Edward O'Sullivan, police constable stationed at Mount Morgan, stated that when he arrested Vaughan he replied, "Yes, I did give him a bit of a punching."
By Mr. Lilley: Prisoners were overseers on the mountain, men in positions of trust, and respectable men as far as he knew; Vaughan was a son-in-law of Easton's.
Louis Halberstaedter, butcher, residing a Mount Morgan, deponed that on the day in question he was riding down Mundie Creek in company with John David Livingstone and Owen O'Connell, but later on he was joined by John Steen ; all were on horseback ; while they were riding along they met Vaughan, who was on the left side of the road ;
Vaughan rushed over towards witness, came close to his horse, seized him by the left arm and shoulder, and pulled him off the horse saying " Come off that horse, you —— cow ;' Vaughan threw him to the ground and he (witness) fell on his left elbow and shoulder; he turned a complete somersault over the back of the horse ; Vaughan struck him several very hard blows in the face with his fist, hitting him about the fore- head, nose, and eyes principally ; the blows seemed as if they were inflicted by a knuckle duster; he called out "For —— sake, Jack that will do; tell me what it's about;" Vaughan replied "No, you ——, I am going to kill you; only I met you here I was going to come down to-night and shoot you;" the   blows hurt him very much; Vaughan was striking him for about five or six minutes and struck him about the body as well as on the face; the other men were half-a-dozen yard away sitting on their horses while this was going on, and Easton was present; Easton was between witness and O'Connell, Livingstone, and Steen ; Easton came there with Vaughan ; while Vaughan was striking Livingstone said "That will do, Jack; let him up ; let him alone," and Easton said, "No ; kill the ——, Jack ; if you don't I will;"     Easton had stones in his hands ; one of the stones was pretty large ; Easton said to O'Connell " By —— Owen, if you interfere I will give you the same;" Easton said to witness after the assault "You can summons   him now and I will pay the fine if it is £100, and went away with Vaughan; he lost a great quantity of blood, and after the prisoner went away he tried to get on his feet, but was very weak and fell back ; after another attempt he got up and went to a little stream of water and washed the blood off; he discovered a cut on the forehead, one over the right eyebrow, and one on the side of the nose ; his top lip was cut ; there was a cut on the right side of his head, and he had bruises on the left shoulder and elbow all these cuts were caused by Vaughan and the bruises by his being pulled off his horse by Vaughan ; he was attended to by Dr. Mackenzie an hour later that night, and the following night he went to the Hospital where he was attended to by Dr. Brannigan, and where he remained a week ; he had never given the prisoner any provocation to attack him.
The witness was cross-examined at great length by Mr. Lilley as to whether he had not spoken disparagingly of the prisoners and relatives of theirs ; but he denied the charge.
Arthur Colin Mackenzie, duly qualified medical practitioner, stated he saw the last witness about eight o'clock on the evening in question in his bedroom behind the butcher's shop at Tipperary Point ; there was a vertical wound 1¼ in. long on the forehead and extending to the bone ; there was another wound immediately above this and running parallel with the eyebrow 1 in. long, and in this also the bone was exposed and the true skin cut ; there was another wound on the right side of the bridge of the nose measuring ½ in. in length, but not so deep as the others, and the true skin was not cut ; there was a cut at the juncture of the nose with the upper lip ¾ in. long and in depth extending to the mucous membrane lining the inside of the lip the true skin was cut ; there was a small punctured lacerated wound towards the right side of the head, but the true skin was not completely cut; the right eye was swollen and bruised as was also the whole upper lip the right elbow was bruised and abraded there were slight abrasions on the back; he should say the wounds on the face were caused by some blunt instrument and force would have been required to produce them; a man's naked fist might have caused most of the wounds, but he did not think the one on the lip could have been done by the hand ; a ring on the finger would have caused the wound on the lip ; when he saw the last witness he was suffering from shock, he had lost a large quantity of blood, and he was moaning from pain; none of the wounds were dangerous at all, but they could cause discomfort and pain; he dressed the wounds, and Halberstaedter went to the Hospital and remained there for some days.
By Mr. Lilley : The wound on the lip and on the top of the head might have been caused by the fall, and the others could have been caused by the fist ; when Halberstaedter came to see him he told him to lay up for a day and come to see him on the day following ; on the day following be heard Halberstaedter was in the Hospital, and was much surprised to find him there because none of
the wounds were serious.
John Daniel Livingstone, jockey, gave evidence corroborating that of Halberstaedter. He added that when Halberstaedter was pulled off the horse he fell on some broken metal on the left shoulder and side of the head: that Euston said 'By ---, if any of you interfere I will stiffen you with this stone ; " that when Halberstaedter asked Vaughan what it was about Vaughan replied " You know —— well what it is about ;" that Easton said " Kill the ---; if you don't I will." In cross-examination he
admitted that he heard Vaughan say to Halberstaedter "Louis, you have brought this on yourself." 
Owen O'Connell, stockman, corroborated Livingstone's testimony, adding that when Vaughan stopped assaulting Halberstaedter, the latter looked like a blackfellow.
John Steen, butcher's basket boy, supported O'Connell's testimony. He added that on the day following the assault he met Vaughan, who asked him how Halberstaedter was; witness replied that he did not know ; Vaughan said "You know right enough; I am sorry for it, but if I had not met him there I was going down to shoot him; "on the day succeeding that witness was out riding and passed Vaughan; Vaughan said to two men who were passing " Louis had two or three more witnesses like that thing on the horse;" witness laughed and Vaughan said "If you laugh you might come off the horse quicker than Louis did."
By Mr. Lilley : He heard Vaughan tell Halberstaedter he had brought this on himself.
By His Honour : He did not see anything in Vaughan's hand, but he might have had a ring on his finger without witness having seen it ; Halberstaedter had no cuts on his face when he reached the ground after being dragged off the horse by Vaughan.
This concluded the case for the prosecution. Mr. Lilley briefly opened the case for the defence, and called (Norah Ellen) Frances Helen Conmee, wife of Patrick Conmee, and a dressmaker at Mount Morgan. Mrs. Conmee testified to conversations she had with Halberstaedter in December last, in the course of which he spoke disparagingly of a relative of the prisoners.
At this stage the Court adjourned.

On resuming,
Mrs. Conmee again took the box, and, in reply to Mr. Lilley, stated that a day or two after St. Patrick's Day she told Edward Thomas Easton, a son of one of the prisoners, some disparaging remarks she had heard Halberstaedter make about a relative of the prisoners. In cross-examination witness stated it was two years ago that Halberstaedter made these remarks to her and she told no one about them until the night before she told Edward Thomas Easton of them. Witness then interjected that Halberstaedter had taken her away from a good home, lived with her for a year and a half, and then deserted her, leaving her without a sixpence in her pocket for herself and her five children. Then she attempted to commit suicide, and he let her come to Rockhampton for trial without a sixpence to pay her way.
Edward Thomas Easton, son of the prisoner Easton, and a labourer in the service of the Mount Morgan Company, gave evidence as to a conversation he had with the last witness about five o'clock on the evening of the 10th of March, in the course of which she told him of remarks made by Halberstaedter about the prisoners and relatives of theirs. He added that he went home and
told the prisoners what had occurred, and just as he had told them Halberstaedter came in sight; Vaughan and witness's father walked towards Halberstaedter, and he (witness) followed ; Vaughan waited for Halberstaedter to come up, and the next thing witness saw was the two men struggling together on the ground ; O'Connell went to ride up to Vaughan with his stockwhip raised, but witness's father stepped between and told O'Connell he should not allow him to interfere, as it was man for man and they were having fair play; Vaughan said to Halberstaedter that many a man would have shot him for saying what he had said, but he was not worth shooting — he was only worth a good hiding.
The prisoner Vaughan, who gave his evidence from the dock, stated that when the last witness told him what Mrs. Conmee had said of Halberstaedter's remarks he said "I will give him a good hiding for this ;" just as he said this one of the Easton boys said "There he is coming down the creek now," and witness said "I will give him a hiding now ;" Easton said "If you don't thrash him I will ;" witness walked over to Halberstaedter and said "Come down out of that, Louis ; I will give you a good hiding," at the same time catching hold of him ; Halberstaedter asked what for, and he told him ; Halberstaedter struck him in the face with the butt end of his stockwhip, and witness took hold of him by the other hand and twisted him off his horse ; the two of them fell together, Halberstaedter falling on top of witness; witness said "Get up Louis," and when he got up witness struck him ; witness had a ring on his finger a ring that he had worn for years; be struck Halberstaedter with both hands, told him he had brought it on himself, and that many men would have put a bullet through him, but he was only worth a hiding ; he did not say he would kill Halberstaedter, and he did not hear Easton say that if witness did not kill him he (Easton) would ; witness gave Halberstaedter a good hiding, but not a very bad one because he (Halberstaedter) kept hanging on to witness closely ; when the affair was over he said to Halberstaedter "You have brought this on yourself, and you can summons me if you like," to which Halberstaedter replied "Oh, no, I am not one of that sort ; " Easton also said "You can summons him if you like I have the money to pay the fine."
By Mr. Rutledge : He knew a man could be punished criminally or civilly for libel, but he did not stop to consider that ; he knew that he had taken the law into his own hands and that he had broken the law, but he did not stop to think about the consequences of that ; he was not a violent man, but he was fined for using obscene language and resisting the police four or five years ago, and he once gave an Assyrian hawker a —— good hiding for forcing a window of his house when his (witness's) wife was there alone.
His Honour : You will have to be more careful in your language.
Vaughan : I beg your pardon. It slipped out.
The prisoner Easton also gave his evidence from the dock. He stated that when he saw Halberstaedter coming along he said to Vaughan, "If you don't give him a hiding, I will," and Vaughan said he would ; Vaughan and himself walked down from the house about 200 or 300 yards, and for fear anyone should say he interfered he (witness) went down the road about twenty-five yards from where Vaughan and Halberstaedter met, but when the men who were with Halberstaedter commenced to close on Vaughan witness said "If any of you interfere I will give you as good as he is getting ;" O'Connell then made towards witness with his whip raised and witness picked up a stone and said " I will knock your —— head off your shoulders if you strike me with that whip ;" O'Connell desisted and witness threw away the stone ; he had seen children get a far worse hiding than Halberstaedter got and make no fuss about it ; after it was over witness said to Halberstaedter " You can summons if you like, I will pay the fine if it is £50 or £100 ;" he also said "Louis, you have brought this on yourself you have only got what you richly deserve and it's a wonder you did not get more."
By Mr. Rutledge : He knew that he was breaking the law and that the result of what he did would probably be that Halberstaedter would take proceedings, but he did not give that consideration at the time.
Henry Cooke Brannigan, duly qualified medical practitioner and Resident Medical Officer of the Mount Morgan Hospital, stated Halberstaedter came to the Hospital on the evening of the 20th of March, and when witness examined the wounds he found they     were all fairly healed ; the wounds were not serious, and Halberstaedter could have gone about his work the next day if he had had any pluck, but he stayed in the Hospital seven days.
Thomas Moore, labourer, Mount Morgan, stated he heard Vaughan say to Halbertaedter on the 19th of March that many men would have shot him for saying what he had said and Easton said "Louis, you fetched all this on yourself, and if Jack had not done it I would."
Edward O'Regan, labourer, Mount Morgan, testified to hearing Halberstaedter say after the row "It is a —— lie" and Vaughan declare "It is not a lie." He also heard Vaughan say to Halberstaedter that many men would have shot him, but he was not worth shooting.
This concluded the case for the defence.

Mr. Lilley then addressed the jury. He referred at length to the conduct of Halberstaedter and the provocation the prisoners had received, and asked the jurors—if His Honour directed them in such a way that they could not acquit — to recommend the prisoners to mercy on the ground of the strongest provocation.
The Crown Prosecutor remarked, in the course of his address, that there was no such thing as extenuating circumstances in law, and that the sole point for the jury to determine was whether or not the prisoners were guilty of wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm or of the lesser offence of unlawfully wounding. If there was anything in the case which should go to mitigate the punishment that was a matter for His Honour to consider, not the jury.
His Honour briefly summed up. There seemed to be no dispute whatever as to the facts, and the simple questions for the jury to determine were --Were the prisoners or either of them guilty or not guilty of wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm? If they were not guilty of wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm, were they guilty or not guilty of unlawfully wounding? The jury had nothing whatever to do with the question of punishment ; but, of course, it could make any recommendation it liked, and he should give the fullest consideration to it. Society would be unbearable if people were allowed to take the law into their own hands and mete out condign punishment. There was no evidence that the prisoner Easton assaulted Halberslaedter ; but if he stood by and prevented others from going to the assistance of Halberstaedter, he was aiding and abetting the assault, and was equally guilty with the other prisoner, whom the witnesses swore committed the assault. There was nothing in the evidence to show that at the time the assault was committed — and that there was an assault committed there could be no doubt — Halberstaedter gave any provocation ; but if, as had been alleged, he had slandered the prisoners and their relatives, the prisoners had their remedy either in a criminal suit or a civil suit. They had no right, though, to take the law into their own hands.

The jury retired at five minutes past four, and, after fifteen minutes' consideration, returned with a verdict of not guilty.
The verdict was received with applause; but it was instantly silenced.
His Honour (to the Crown Prosecutor) : Is there any other charge against the prisoners ?
The Crown Prosecutor : No.
His Honour : You are both discharged.
Vaughan : I beg your pardon.
His Honour : You are discharged.
Vaughan : Thank you.
The Court then adjourned until ten o'clock to-morrow (this) morning.”

Marriage (a child) Marriage m. 1864 #1 Marriage (a child) m. 24- Apr-1782 Marriage (four children) m. 3-Nov-1890 Marriage (nine children) m. 20-Oct-1896 Divorce m. 1967 #1 Marriage (two children) m. 2-Jun-1909 Marriage (six children) m. 23-Jun-1866 (a child) Marriage Marriage (a child) m. 01-Jul-1852 Marriage (a child) m. 1948 Marriage (a child) Marriage (seven children) m. 12-Jan-1874 Marriage m. 27-Apr-1904 Marriage (two children) m. 08-Aug-1916 Marriage m. 01-Jun-1907 (two children) Marriage (three children) m. 27-Jul-1935 (two children) Marriage (a child) m. 9-Jan-2005 Marriage (a child) m. 11-Sep-1998 (four children) m. #2 Marriage m. 24-Feb-1990 Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) m. 07-Jul-1899 Marriage m. 2008 Marriage (a child) m. 22-Mar-1913 Marriage m. 20-Apr-1898 Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) m. 27-Mar-1873 Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (five children) m. 14-Aug-1880 Marriage (four children) Marriage (a child) m. 22-Jun-1919 Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) m. 4-March-1866 Marriage (two children) m. 14-April-1908 Marriage (a child) m. 5-May-1920 Marriage (a child) m. 14-Sep-1897 Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) m. 05-Apr-1892 Marriage Marriage (a child) m. Marriage Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage m.#1 1818 Marriage (six children) Marriage (four children) m. 17-Jul-1907 Marriage (a child) m. 05-Sep-1892 Marriage m. 1914 (a child) Marriage m. 16-Dec-1936 Marriage (a child) m. 14-Feb-2009 Marriage m. 15-May-2000 (a child) m. 21-Nov-1967 Marriage (two children) m. 12-Jan-1887 #1 Marriage (three children) m. 1898 #3 Marriage m. 25-Dec-1911 #1 Marriage (three children) m. 22-Jan-1949 Marriage (two children) m. 23-Apr-1924 (three children) (a child) m. #2 Marriage b.m. 30-Sep-1889 #2 Cohabitation and separation (two children) 1890 #2 Marriage (a child) m. 30-Aug-1932 Marriage Marriage Marriage #2. 28-Aug-1912 Marriage #3. Marriage m. 1949 Marriage m. 1945 Marriage (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) m. 21-Feb-1832 Marriage (a child) m. 21-Feb-1832 Marriage m. Nov-1928 Marriage (two children) m. 1890 Marriage m. 1890 Marriage Marriage m. 1941 Marriage Marriage m. 18-Mar-1939 Cohabitation and separation (a child) 1894 #2 Marriage (seven children) m. 01-Jun-1886 #1 Marriage (a child) m. Aug-1906 #3 Marriage (two children) m. 20-Dec-1919 Marriage (five children) m. 1895 Marriage m. 1923 Marriage (two children) m. 1942 Marriage m. 8-Nov- 1949 Marriage m. 29-Jul-1933 Marriage m. 1941 #1 Marriage m. 1957 #2 Marriage m. 26-May-1923 Marriage m. 14-Apr-1934 Marriage m. 24-Dec-1927 Marriage (three children) m. 16-Jun-1928 Marriage m. Jun-2010 #2 Marriage (a child) 21-Nov-1885 Marriage (a child) 10-May-1863 (a child) m.#2 1825 (a child) Marriage (two children) m. 07-Oct-1898 Marriage (a child) m. 30-Sep-1868 #1 (a child) m. 1842 (six children) m. 22-Nov-1905 Marriage m. 19-Jun-1937 Marriage (two children) m. 30-Jan-1923 Marriage m. 12-Nov-1940 Marriage m. 31-Aug-1938 (a child) m. 19-Oct-1904 m. 1964 Marriage m. 01-Dec-1951 m. 1958 Marriage (a child) m. 25-Jul-1837 Marriage (a child) m. #1 16-May-1796 Marriage m. #2 1838 Marriage (two children) m. 23-Jan-1879 Marriage (two children) m. 10-May 2015 Marriage m. 19-Feb-1936 Marriage m. 29-Apr-1944 Marriage m. 07-Aug-1943 Marriage (two children) m. Marriage m. 12-Nov-1923 Marriage (two children) m. Marriage m. 1944 Marriage (two children) m. 21-Dec-1940 Marriage m. 20-Apr-1867 Marriage m. 16-Dec-1944 Marriage (eleven children) m. 14-Mar-1881 Marriage m. 15-Nov-1916 Marriage m. 23-Dec-1922 Marriage m. 17-Dec-1913 Marriage (two children) m. 1872 Marriage m. 1941 Marriage m. 1948 #2 Marriage (a child) m. 1865 Marriage m. 1927 Marriage (four children) m. 08-Apr-1915 Marriage (a child) m. 1945 Marriage (a child) m. 18-Aug-1949 Marriage m. Sep-1951 Aug 1846 22 Oct 1904 Ann Fearn 58 58 Ann Fearn may have married Adolf about 1864. She was aged about 18 to 23 years. Two years later Adolf married Ann Feran who was a widow, aged 30, at the time of Adolf's second marriage.
Arrived Qld in c1869 after having been in New South Wales for 1 year.
Spouse: Adolf HALBERSTATER  No: 114 Volume: 1

On Ann Halberstater's death certificate, 22-Oct-1904, states that she was 58 years and 3 months at the age of her death, it is impllied that she was born about 1846, and it is stated that she married at 18 years old, (i.e. 1864).
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Electoral roll 1903 - Ann Halberstater (domestic duties) Lived at 305 Murray Street, Rockhampton(?), Qld.
James Fearn Margaret Fearn 15 Jan 1752 1834 Moritz ( Moses ben Isaak) Halberstaedter 82 82 Moses ben Isaak changed his name to Moritz Halberstaedter (Halberstädter) prior to the 1812 edict requiring Jews to take surnames (Bloch, p. 23).

Lived in Militsch, but Bloch says that the family came from Halberstadt (Bloch, p. 24). Information in an email from DF says he was born in Halberstadt on 15 January 1752 and lived in Militsch from 1772.

Leader of the Jewish community 1825 to 1827 and 1829 to 1834, a role subsequently fulfilled by his son Louis.
14 May 1764 6 Dec 1817 Henrietta (Hinde) Tuerbin 53 53 Info from Thomas Crosby (Apr07)
Partner: Henriette (Hinde) Tuerbin or Tuerpini (14/05/1764 - 06/12/1817)
1867 12 Sep 1924 Ellen O'Keefe 57 57 Ellen O'Keefe's parents were James O'Keefe and Catherine O'Keefe (nee Healy). 1865 12 Oct 1939 Catherine Ryan 74 74 Mrs John (Catherine) Healy was running the Imperial Hotel in Rockhampton in 1935 (1939)

The Ryan Family arrived on the 'Scottish Hero' in Rockhampton on 12-Dec-1877 having left London on the 14-Sept-1877.
Surname  Given Name  Age
RYAN      Edward           40
RYAN      Margt           37
RYAN      Cornelius     19
RYAN      James           18
RYAN      Michl           16
RYAN      Catherine     14
RYAN      John           12
RYAN      Jeremiah      10
RYAN      Martin             8
RYAN      Denis             6
RYAN      Barbara             5
RYAN      Edward             1
Elizabeth (Beth) Dianne Waters 2 girls and 2 boys (one named Jim) as well as Mother and Father (Jim) made up the Waters Family. 11 Nov 1886 31 May 1963 Harold Victor Boughtwood 76 76 24 Apr 1885 26 Jan 1944 Frances Mary Susan Moore 58 58 Also known as Francis or Fanny
She had a brother, John Thomas MOORE and three sisters, Elizabeth Maria MOORE, Ella Louise MOORE, Blanch atilda MOORE and Dorothy Mildred MOORE.
Her parents were John Thomas MOORE and Elizabeth Ann MOORE (nee CARTWRIGHT).
1867 12 Aug 1964 Gertrude Annie Boughtwood 97 97 14 Jan 1912 11 Jun 1985 Gwynne (Bunny) Dorothy Boughtwood 73 73 4 Oct 1839 30 May 1904 Thomas Oxley Boughtwood 64 64 10 May 1843 18 Jun 1918 Annie Matilda Palmer 75 75 Parents...
Charles William Palmer - from 1802 to 1806 – 28 January 1857
Eliza Freeland - about 1804 – March 1880
(from FamilySearch)    

1881 Census...
Household - Role - Sex - Age - Birthplace
Thomas B Broughtwood - Head - Male - 41 - Danbury, Essex, England
Annie M Broughtwood - Wife - Female - 37 - Brompton, Kent, England
Gertrude N Broughtwood - Daughter - Female - 14 - Albany Strt, Middlesex, England
Edith F Broughtwood - Daughter - Female - 11 - Croydon, Surrey, England
Ernest F L Broughtwood - Son - Male - 9 - Marylebone, Middlesex, England
Richard Broughtwood - Son - Male - 5 - 550 Oxford St, Middlesex, England
Thomas Boughtwood D. 27 Dec 1868 Sophie Jane Oxley 1872 11 Jun 1957 Ernest Lumley Boughtwood 85 85 Popi 1824 1880 Michael Scott 56 56 According to their marriage information , Michael Scott and Mary Digan, both came from County Clare, Ireland.

Empire (Sydney, NSW) - Monday 25 July 1853 - Deaths
"At the residence of Mr. Michael Scott, Princes- street, Sydney, on the 24th instant, Frances, the youngest daughter of the late Mr. Patrick Digan, of Clounty, County Clare, Ireland, aged 17."
1826 26 Aug 1901 Mary Digan 75 75 Mrs Mary Scott,nee Digan, was the daughter of Patrick Digan of Killaloe, Ireland and granddaughter of Dr John McNamara of Ogunalo also of Ireland.

According to their marriage information , Michael Scott and Mary Digan, both came from County Clare, Ireland.
7 Jan 1925 Leslie Patrick Henry 18 Nov 1926 Brenda Mary Woods William Twigg Kezia 1846 17 Jul 1925 Edward Joseph Boyle 79 79 Born in Marlinmore, County Donegal, Ireland, in 1846. Mr. Edward Joseph Boyle came to Australia in 1883, landing on the 11th July of that year in company with his wife, Mary (Maria), and three children, Mary Elizabeth, John Francis and Edward Joseph. He settled in the then primitive township of Bundaberg, where he followed his trade as carpenter.  25 Apr 1849 7 Oct 1927 Mary (Maria) A Lovett 78 78 Maria Boyle (nee Lovett), was the cousin of the Catholic Bishop of Elphin Diocese (Sligo, Ireland). His name was John Joseph CLANCY and he was born 23 December 1856 and died 1912 aged 56. He was Coadjutor Bishop of Elphin from 12 January 1856 to 8 February 1895; Titular Bishop of Achantus from 12 January 1895 to 8 February 1895 and Bishop of Elphin 8 February 1895 to 1912. (Reference: A letter in Phillip's possession)

Mary (Maria) BOYLE (nee Lovett), was born in Sligo, Ireland, on April 25th. 1849, and came to Australia with her husband, Edward Joseph BOYLE, and three children (Mary Elizabeth, John Francis and Edward Joseph), in 1883, initally settling at Bundaberg before moving to Mount Morgan.
1874 14 Dec 1929 Mary Elizabeth Boyle 55 55 Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld.) - Friday 8 March 1907.
(From Our Own Correspondent.)
Mary Elizabeth Boyle applied for homestead lease No. 3193, 2 roods at Hickman's Hill (Mount Morgan)."

1880 23 Sep 1925 John Francis Boyle 45 45 29 Jul 1884 29 Apr 1940 James Joseph Boyle 55 55 At the time of his mother's death in 1927, James resided in Brisbane, Qld. 23 Jan 1886 10 Dec 1909 Andrew Joseph Boyle 23 23 14 Dec 1888 4 Jul 1943 William Patrick Boyle 54 54 At the time of his mother's death in 1927, William resided in Bundaberg, Qld.

Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW) - Wednesday 17 July 1907.
"Missing Friends.
The following were inquired for in "Lloyd's Weekly News" (London) of June 9. Persons answering inquiries must give full address and the dates of the inquiries to which they refer in writing to "Lloyd's," and are requested to mention having, seen the inquiry reprinted In the "Town and Country Journal."
Healy (Mrs.), nee Boyle, last heard of at Melbourne, Australia, in 189401; also Mrs. Jones, nee, Healy, last heard of at  Victoria in 1894. William Boyle asks."

Qld Marriage Cert No. 1920    B24325    William Patrick    Boyle    Veronica Muriel    Smith

** Qld Marriage Cert No. 1921    C2089    William Patrick    Boyle    Jean    MacLachlan
22 May 1891 13 Aug 1980 Thomas (Con) Conall Boyle 89 89 At the time of his mother's death in 1927, Con (as he was known) resided in Rockhampton, Qld.
The following text was supplied by Kate Boyle (Con’s daughter) from “Advance Australia” the official publication of the Knights of the Southern Cross.
"At a recent meeting of Rockhampton, Queensland, Branch, held in the K.S.C.  meeting room, brother Thomas C. (Con) BOYLE was present~ with Life Membership, and a Fifty Years' Continuous member Certificate., having joined the Order in September 1929.
Con was born in Bundaberg. Queensland on 22nd May 1891, the seventh son of Edward and Maria Boyle. Because of his father's occupation of Building Contractor the family moved around the state of Queensland and Con received his schooling in Bundaberg, Mt Morgan and at St Gregory Terrace in Brisbane. He studied Mechanical Engineering, Machine Construction Drawing and Design and Applied Mechanics at the Technical College in Mt. Morgan, and qualified by Department of Public Instruction Examination in 1908. He joined the Locomotive Branch of the Queensland Railways Department where he was employed for almost 48 years. He was appointed Locomotive Inspector in 1945, and Loco Foreman A Grade in 1952, which position he held until his retirement in 1957. During the course of his career he took out a Patent No.14312  for an Automatic Retaining Valve with differential pistons rather than springs, which made it impossible for the Westinghouse Air Brake to get out of control. Due to his early training in Mechanical Engineer he was, frequently called upon to investigate failures and break-downs. His advice was often sought by Loco Enginemen, and was freely and willingly given.
He has been a parishioner of St. Joseph’s Cathedral Parish in Rockhampton for the past 60 years. From 1920 till almost 1950 he was violinist in the Cathedral Choir during the years that it was under the direction of the late Mr. Bill O'Doherty, who was also a member of the Order in Rockhampton. For years Con was an active member of the Holy Name Society, and the H.A.C.B.S. He was Secretary of the Catholic Taxpayers' Association in the years when Catholic Schools were fighting for their existence financially because they were denied Government Aid. He was also an active member of the Amalgamated Engineering Union and had many clashes with the Communists, whom he opposed bitterly in their efforts to take control of the Union. Con has three daughters, one in Rockhampton, and two married and living In Brisbane; he has two grandsons, one in the computer science field in Canberra, and the other a teacher within the Catholic Education System in Brisbane.
Now at 89 years of age Con no longer attends Branch Meetings, but he happily participates in social events when occasion permits. His pride in membership of the Order, and his interest in its progress have never waned.
In expressing his appreciation of the Life Membership and the presentation to him of the Certificate, he recalled the early exploits of the Rockhampton Branch – the achievements and the difficulties. He extolled the qualities of the members whose loyalty and indefatigable efforts fostered brotherhood and service within the Catholic community."
17 Oct 1879 15 Mar 1966 Lilly Mary Coase 86 86 19 Jul 1891 4 Oct 1954 Jane Code 63 63 14 May 1917 7 Feb 2008 Kate Boyle 90 90 Boyle Family Info gatherer 1868 22 May 1933 Timothy (Tim) Malynn 65 65 20 May 1987 Jacqueline Kate Smith 1 Feb 1990 Samuel John Whiting 13 Jul 1987 Dmitriy Alexandrovich Logunkov 1991 Rebecca Whiting 1991 Katrina Whiting Kevin Murray 1998 Jordan Murray 2001 Chelsea Murray 14 Apr 1904 20 Jan 1962 Norman Hugh Whiting 57 57 21 Aug 1907 7 Apr 1991 Catherine Irene Harney 83 83 Known as Irene.
Catherine Irene, third youngest daughter of Mr. J. Harney and the late Mrs. J. Harney, Tangorin, Western Queensland. The bride was given away by her brother (Mr. Les. Harney) owing to the unavoidable absence of her father. - (From her wedding notice)
Kevin Whiting Joan Gary Whiting Diane Cameron Whiting Scott Whiting 11 Dec 1974 Kathrine Louise Morgan 3 Nov 1976 Clare Maree Morgan 9 Oct 1974 Bradford Lawrence Ellis Brad and his family lived in Cambridge (where his father still lives). 23 Oct 2005 Ernest Lawrence Nicholas Ellis Rajeev Wicks 7 Jan 2007 Madeline Kathrine Morgan-Wicks MacFarlane 29 Aug 1959 Shane Scanlon Michael Dwyer 4 Dec 1856 24 Jul 1919 Arthur John Palmer 62 62 16 Oct 1880 28 Mar 1943 Mary (May) Hetherington Scurfield 62 62 The brothers and sisters of May Hetherington Scurfield have the following Birth Certificate Numbers...
1874/B18074     Walter Barwise Scurfield         
1876/B21419     Maud Lavinia Scurfield         
1879/B24908     Alfred Edward Scurfield         
1880/B26853     May Hetherington Scurfield         
1887/C6419     Frederick George Hetherington Scurfield
1889/C7346     Ernest Victor Scurfield         
1892/C8311     John Barwise Fox Scurfield         
Their father's name was John Barwise SCURFIELD and their mother's name was Charlotte SCURFIELD (nee Fox).
Walter Barwise Scurfield married Miss Stanley in Queensland on 26th August 1896 (Newspaper article).
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
May Hetherington Scurfield...
Born in Fortitude Valley, Queensland, Australia on 16 Oct 1880 to John Barwise Scurfield and Charlotte Fox. May Hetherington married Arthur J Palmer and had 3 children. She passed away on 29 Mar 1943 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Mirjana 5 Jul 1881 21 Jan 1969 Kathleen Winifred Boughtwood 87 87 1885 12 Sep 1949 Frank Palmer 64 64 Frank only son of Charles Palmer, of Kent, England - (From Newspaper marriage info.) 1870 1 Apr 1959 Edith Florence Boughtwood 89 89 1872 17 Feb 1959 James Merritt McCoy 87 87 26 May 1939 Olive Jones Unknown Behan Richard Behan 7 Oct 1841 20 Aug 1894 John Thomas Moore 52 52 John was the son of John Thomas Moore, grazier and Mary nee Bennett, who migrated from Staines, Middlesex, England. 4 May 1855 11 Jul 1934 Elizabeth Ann Cartwright 79 79 Elizabeth was aged 17 years when she married John T. Moore, twelve years her senior, at St. Bartholomew's Church, Windellama, on March 27, 1873. 1835 Lea Halberstädter Lea may also be Leah 
1835 Horwitz 1855 Betty Halberstädter Notes:
Kaethe Halberstaedter shows Betty as a daughter of Lea Halberstaedter, Fritz Halberstaedter shows her as a daughter of Lea's sister Henriette (whom Kaethe doesn't mention).

Father: Julius Fraenkel (ca 1825 - )
Mother: Henriette Halberstaedter (ca 1830 - )
1855 Friedrich Rückert Partner: Betty Fraenkel (ca 1855 - ) 1885 Eleanor (Lore) Rückert 22 Jan 1826 23 Mar 1880 Herman (Zvi) Halberstädter 54 54 Herman left Militsch and went to Beuthen, Schlesien.

Birth in Militsch is deduced from the fact that his father appears to have lived there until at least his early 60s.

Hermann's son Ernst's marriage certificate states that Ernst was born in Militsch and that Hermann had died in Beuthen before Ernst's marriage (05/04/1892).

Hermann is listed in the 1880 Beuthen address book as a restauranteur and house owner living at Gleiwitzerstrasse 40.

His grave stone stands in the Jewish cemetery on Piekarska, Beuthen. Although the German inscription is badly weathered, Hermann's name can be made out and the cemetery's register confirms that it is that of Hermann. The Hebrew inscription names him Zvi Halberstadter and his father Eliezer.

Photo(s) from the Fred Halbers collection can be found at - Center for Jewish History (search for "Fred Halbers Collection").
2 Jan 1838 26 Dec 1882 Henrietta Prager 44 44 Daughter of Moritz Prager (1805- ) and Eva Haase (1812- ).

Henriette's son Ernst's marriage certicate states that she was living in Breslau at the time of his marriage (05/04/1892), although prior to her husband's death they had been living in Beuthen.

Buried in Breslau's Lohestrasse (ul. Ślężna) cemetery, field 12a, number 1571.

Photo(s) from the Fred Halbers collection can be found at - Center for Jewish History (search for "Fred Halbers Collection").
3 Sep 1861 25 May 1926 Bruno Halberstädter 64 64 Notes from Crosby Family Tree:
Described as a businessman aged 30y living in Berlin in his brother Ernst's 1892 marriage certificate.
Bruno appears in the Berlin address books from 1892 to 1930 (despite his death in 1926). From 1903 to 1921 he is listed as co-owner Sussmann & Wiesenthal, a clothing factory, in Berlin. The other co-owner was Carl Ostermann; presumably a relative of his wife.
6 Nov 1867 30 Jul 1934 Georg Halberstädter 66 66 Georg may also be called George
Lived in Beuthen as a child and in Berlin-Wilmersdorf during Kaethe's early childhood. Employed from about 1909 to 1933 as manager of the Salamander shoe stores in Kiel and later Wiesbaden, then returned to Berlin.

Also listed in the Berlin address book for 1928 at his brother Ernst's address in Wilmersdorf; possibly looking after Ernst's household and/or business for a short duration.

Partner: Martha Borinski (18/01/1868 - 14/09/1937)

Kaethe Halberstaedter (05/07/1895 - 22/08/1963)
Walter Halberstaedter (18/03/1896 - 20/11/1917)
Sigfried Halberstaedter (10/07/1897 - 27/08/1918)
Erwin Halberstaedter (02/02/1899 - 03/06/1961)

18 Jan 1868 14 Sep 1937 Martha Borinski 69 69 Parents:
Father: Samuel Borinski (08/07/1836 - 1896-97)
Mother: Rosalie Apt (02/07/1832 - 1889-90)

Martha was one of 10 children
5 Jul 1895 22 Aug 1963 Kaethe (Kate) Halberstädter 68 68 Kate lived in Silesia until circumstances drove her first to Germany then to the UK.

Lived in Berlin-Wilmersdorf during Kaethe's early childhood. Georg's employment from about 1909 to 1933 as a shop manager in the Salamander shoe store chain took them to Kiel and later Wiesbaden. (According to Kaethe's Stammbuch they were in Wiesbaden when she married in 1919.) Later they returned to Berlin.
27 Aug 1891 10 Oct 1954 Fritz Albert Josef Danziger 63 63 Notes:
Married in Breslau in 1919 but lived in Berlin from at least 1924 (where his first child's birth was registered) until about 1938 when he emigrated to Sweden.
Fled from Nazi Germany to Stockholm, Sweden.

Father: Isidor Danziger (17/05/1854 - 12/04/1902)
Mother: Rosalie Schlesinger (13/09/1869 - ca 1942)

16 Jan 1894 1 Sep 1982 Luise Halberstädter 88 88 The Moos family moved to Mexico ca 1936. 19 Nov 1882 1 Nov 1968 Dr Moritz Moos 85 85 Notes:
Title: doctor.

M Moos, Dr Med. appeared in the Berlin address books from 1912 until 1936.

KH says the family moved to Mexico ca. 1936.

The Mexican government recorded the immigration (naturalisation?) of Moritz Moos and spouse from Germany in August 1942.

Later moved to Los Angeles.

It is tempting to speculate that Moritz was related to Rudolf Moos, for whose Salamander shoe store chain Louise's cousin Georg Halberstaedter worked.
1917 Gertrude Moos The Moos family moved to Mexico ca 1936. 1921 Ludwig Moos The Moos family moved to Mexico ca 1936. 16 Dec 1834 28 Jan 1899 Max Halberstädter 64 64 Notes:
Max moved to Berlin and set up as a grain trader in business with an H. Ollendorf (probably his wife's brother, Hermann). He first appears in the Berlin address books in 1866; Ollendorf und Halberstaedter continued to be listed until 1872.

Listed in the Berlin address books from 1866 to 1899. The address books describes Max as a businessman until 1881, thereafter both Max and his brother Moritz are descibed as commodity brokers (Vereid. Waaren= u. Producten=Makler) from 1880 to 1897 and as brokers (Kursmakler) from 1898 until their deaths.
22 Jul 1840 18 Mar 1890 Jenny Ollendorff 49 49 The Max Halberstädter family moved to France ca 1936.
Daughter of Joseph Ollendorff and Sheindel Ollendorff
Wife of Max Halberstaedter
Mother of Paul Halberstaedter, Franz Halberstaedter and Lotte Halberstaedter
Sister of Eduard Ollendorff, Karoline Ollendorff, Rosalie Ollendorff, Jacob Ollendorff, Emilie Ollendorff, Amalie Ollendorff, Hermann Ollendorff, Girl Ollendorff, Therese Ollendorff, Bernard Ollendorff, Girl Ollendorff, Hugo Ollendorff and Leopold Ollendorff
Half sister of Mathilde Ollendorff, Rosa Ollendorff and Robert Ollendorff
= = = = = =

another reference...
= = = = = =
Jenny's ancestors are documented here...
14 Mar 1867 7 Nov 1921 Paul Halberstädter 54 54 The Max Halberstädter family moved to France ca 1936. 30 Jan 1869 3 Jun 1933 Franz Halberstädter 64 64 The Max Halberstädter family moved to France ca 1936.

Other reference... 
5 Nov 1880 Charlotte (Lotte) Halberstädter The Max Halberstädter family moved to France ca 1936. 1860 Otto Lehner Notes:
Moved with Lia to France ca. 1936
13 Jan 1909 Julia Therese Lehner Married - Ruduc Philippe on the 18-March-1939 1880 Emma Dumsek Notes:
Spelling of Emma is taken from the 1935 Berlin address book in which it is unambiguous. In the 1934 address book, the first in which she appears, the spelling of her name is unclear and other sources render it "Eina" or "Erna".
5 Feb 1921 Max Halberstädter The marriage of Max Halberstaedter to xxx Nathan was registered in the 1Q 1941 at Hampstead UK. (Register Vol 1 a Page 1203)

The Max Halberstädter family moved to France ca 1936.
1860 Collesrta Pomeranz Notes:
Spelling of Coellesta taken from 1931 Berlin address book; other sources use "Coelesta".
18 Jul 1899 Walda Halberstädter 20 Aug 1872 23 Apr 1943 Elise Auguste Sara Ostermann 70 70 Nationality: Dutch

Notes from the Crosby Family Tree...
KH names her as Elise Osterman and mentions Berlin.

Elise appears in the Berlin address books in 1931, 5 years after her husband's death (the address continued to appear in Bruno's name until 1930).

Yad Vashem lists an Elise Auguste Halberstaedter nee Ostermann, born 20/08/1872, who had spent the war in the Netherlands and was deported from Berlin to Sobibor camp where she died on 23/04/1943.
29 Feb 1896 Herman Halberstädter 15 Feb 1863 28 Feb 1940 Ernst Wolfgang Halberstädter 77 77 Notes from the Crosby Family Tree...
Described on his wedding cerificate as a businessman living in Breslau, born in Militsch.

According to a letter from his son Fritz, Ernst learnt the leather industry in Ulm and had a business in Poststrasse, Berlin named Halberstaedter und Zorek.

Ernst's date of death is given by his son Fritz variously as 16/02/1940 and 28/02/1940; the latter is also given on his tombstones in Weissensee cemetery (both that photographed by his son Fritz, and its more recent replacement photographed by my father in May 2011), so this date is assumed to be correct.

Ernst appears in the Berlin address books from 1894 when he is described as a leather wholesaler. From 1896 Halberstaedter & Zorek is listed, described as leather agents and owned by E Halberstaedter and M Zorek. From 1899 Ernst is described as a businessman, and Halberstaedter & Zorek is described as a leather wholesaler owned by E Halberstaedter and J Brasch. E Halberstadter is listed as the sole owner of Halberstaedter & Zorek from 1905 until its last appearance in the Berlin address books in 1912.

Ernst is absent from the Berlin address books in 1914-15. JRI notes that Gertrud divorced in 1914. The Berlin address books list Gertrud and Ernst at different addresses, although both under the Halberstaedter surname, from 1916 onwards.

Ernst continues to be listed as a businessman until 1934, apart from one year, 1928, when he is not listed and his address at Wilmersdorf, Joachim Friedrichstr. 28 is listed under his brother Georg's name. An Ernst is also listed in Wilmersdorf in 1938-39.

Ernst's second cousin Felix Haase is reported to have sold his family's leather factory in Rybnik to the Zurek brothers in 1921. It is tempting to speculate that Zurek in Silesia and Zorek in Berlin were branches of the same family. The Zurek family also bought up a bankrupt leather factory in nearby Brzezie, between Rybnik and Raciborz, in 1936.
22 Apr 1871 6 Mar 1926 Gertrude Philippine Wienskowitz 54 54 Gertrude's Parents...
Father: Josef Wienskowitz (1841-42 - )
Mother: Ida Wendriner (21/04/1849 - 14/12/1933)

Living in Breslau at the time of her marriage in 1892.

JRI notes against her marriage to Ernst that she divorced in 1914. The Berlin address books list Gertrud and Ernst at different addresses, although both under the Halberstaedter surname, in 1914 and from 1916 onwards (in 1915 neither is listed).

Photo(s) from the Fred Halbers collection can be found at - Center for Jewish History (search for "Fred Halbers Collection").
1863 Margarethe Horn 11 Jan 1893 1974 Hertha Halberstädter 81 81 Partner: Walter Gimple (ca 1890 - ) 
Married: 1922
Lived in New York after her marriage.
6 Jul 1894 1989 Fritz (Fred) Josef Halberstädter 95 95 Partner: Johanna Archenhold (17/06/1911 - )
Married: 1935 Poland, Schlesien, Breslau
Divorced 1943, did not re-marry.

Actor, artist and writer, known in later life as Fred Halbers.
Listed in the Berlin address books (as Fritz Halbers) from 1926 to 1936.
Emigrated in 1939 to La Paz, Bolivia.
Moved to New York in 1954, became a US citizen in 1960.
Moved to Cordoba, Argentina in about 1970.
Divorced 1943, did not re-marry.
Died in or after 1989.
The following is from the "Fred Halbers" Collection...
"The actor, artist, and writer Fred Halbers was born as Fritz Josef Halberstaedter in Berlin, Germany, on July 6th, 1894, the son of Ernst Wolfgang and Gertrude (née Wienskowitz) Halberstaedter. He had an older sister, Hertha Johanna, as well as a younger brother, Werner. Beginning in 1912 Halbers studied two years at the Max Reinhardt drama school in Berlin. In 1914 Halbers volunteered as a soldier for Germany, but was not accepted in the military until 1915. Due to an injury in Russia, Halbers spent several months in a military hospital in Belgium and worked afterwards as an interpreter in Belgium until he was dismissed from the German army in 1918. His brother Werner was killed 1916 in Russia. After World War I Halbers was active as an actor, director, and a stage designer in several theaters in various German cities, such as Munich, Coblenz, Duesseldorf, Bremerhaven, and Berlin, among others. In 1933, when Jewish actors were subjected to a stage ban, Halbers was forced to find a new profession and established a house painting business. In 1935 he got married to Johanna Archenhold. The couple emigrated in 1939 via London to La Paz, Bolivia, where Fred Halbers worked first as a house painter and restorer, later as an artist. Moreover he had his own radio broadcast once a week called La voz alemana, managed an amateur theater, and helped at the University San Andres de La Paz to translate the works of the German philosophers Martin Heidegger and Nicolai Hartmann into Spanish. In addition, Halbers traveled widely in Bolivia; he gave speeches and produced films and slide shows about his travel experiences. In 1948 he was divorced from his wife. After that he never married again

In 1954 Halbers left Bolivia and moved to New York, where his sister Herta had been living since her marriage to Walter Gimple, an American, in 1922. Living in Astoria, Halbers worked again as a painter and restorer and became a citizen in 1960. After having spent about 16 years in the U.S. he moved to Cordoba, Argentina, where Elsbeth Ahlfeld, the widow of his cousin Ernst, was living. After the death of Ernst in 1969 Fred Halbers and Elsbeth Ahlfeld developed a close relationship

Halbers discovered his talent for painting and drawing already as a youngster, when he tried to create his first drawings and watercolors. In Bolivia Halbers began to focus on etchings, oil paintings, and drawings while he found his inspiration on his various trips around the country. As an artist Halbers achieved considerable success. He was not only able to sell many paintings and etchings to private collectors in Europe, South America, and the U.S., but also participated on various exhibitions in La Paz (1948-1954), New York (1958-1960), and Berlin (1968), received the Gold Medal for Etchings of the American Artists Professional League in 1958 as well as other awards. He sold several etchings for a permanent display to the New York Public Library, the Museo de Arte in Madrid, the Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo, and the Bezirksamt Neukoelln von Berlin. Another passion, which Halbers had cultivated since his youth, was his literary ambition. Throughout his life he worked on various manuscripts for novels, poems, and plays. Apart from a few exceptions the main topic of his literary work was the New Testament character of Judas, for whose rehabilitation he strived in a novel, Der geheiligte Judas, as well as in various compilations of Judas poems. While some of his poems were published in newspapers, Halbers was never able to find a publisher for his main work. The year of Halbers' death is unknown. The last documents of Halbers' life found in this collection originate from 1987, when Halbers lived in the Adolf Hirsch Heim, a home for the elderly, in Buenos Aires"

1895 1916 Werner Halberstädter 21 21 1880 Agnes Pflaum Agnes Muenchhausen (nee Pflaum) was a widow when she married Ludwig Halberstaedter. Ludwig adopted her children, Alberta and Claus, from her first marriage to Muenchhausen (1880- ):
Alberta Muenchhausen (1904-05 - 2009)
Claus Muenchhausen (ca 1905 - 01/11/1975))

2 Apr 1913 6 Oct 2000 Max Halberstädter 87 87 "Max followed in his father's footsteps and became a doctor. He was a consultant in Oncology and Radiotherapy and had a large gynaecological dept at St Mary’s in the Samaritan Hospital for Women in London, England.  He retired in 1979 and died in London on 6 Oct 2000." - Doreen Jarrett

"Former consultant in oncology and radiotherapy St Mary's Hospital, London (b Berlin 1913; q St Bartholomew's 1938; FFR, FRCR), d 6 October 2000. He began his medical studies in Munich and Bonn before leaving Germany for London in the 1930s. He became a consultant at St Mary's in 1948 when the hospital decided to separate radiotherapy from radiology. For the next 30 years he ran the newly created radiotherapy department with calm, Teutonic efficiency. St Mary's had a large gynaecological department at the Samaritan Hospital for Women and he took over full responsibility for the application of radium in all appropriate cases of cervical carcinoma. He was a loyal member of the staff throughout and had a great kindness for patients behind a gruff exterior; indeed, after retirement he became the first medical director of the continuing terminal care unit at the Hospital of St John and St Elizabeth. His retirement was long. He had no children, and, predeceased by his wife, his last years were lonely, made bearable by the loyalty of his friends." - Crosby Family Tree

Medical practitioner (X-ray specialist) living at 58, Eton Place, Haverstock Hill, London in 1946.

Naturalised by Great Britain in 1948.

Later changed his surname to Hulbert.
Liselotte (Lilo) Nathan Source: Claus' obituary in Aufbau 07/11/1975. 18 Mar 1896 10 Nov 1917 Walter Halberstädter 21 21 10 Jul 1897 27 Aug 1918 Siegfried Halberstädter 21 21 2 Feb 1899 3 Jun 1961 Erwin Halberstädter 62 62 Notes: Lived in Bolivia. 1900 Lilly Meyer Notes: Lived in Bolivia.
1725 Isaak Isaak is believed to have been born in Halberstadt that is situated in Sachsen, south of Braunschweig and Magdeburg.
Isaak moved to Militsch in Schlesien, Prussia.
Most of the Jews in Militsch were merchants.
Isaac's existence is inferred from his son's patronym.
10 Apr 1794 17 Apr 1861 Joseph Gerschel Ollendorff 67 67 Deborah Jungmann Deborah and Scheindel Jungmann were sisters according to research done by Marc Stuart, County Durham, England.
22 Oct 1937 xyxy Jones
1897 1897 Ada Twigg 29 Dec 1881 16 Oct 1966 Mary (Molly) Ann Maher 84 84 17 May 1906 10 Apr 1980 John Joseph McEvoy 73 73 The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld) - Monday 21 July 1919 - Government Notices
"Name of Deceased Proprietor.— Patrick McEvoy, late of Table Mountain, near Rockhampton, grazier.
Date of Death.— November 23, 1918,
Names of Claiments.— James McEvoy, of the same place, grazier, and John Joseph McEvoy, of Boongary, grazier (since, deceased), as Devisees in Trust."
Qld Death Cert No. 1918 / C4785 states that the death of Patrick McEVOY was registered in the state of Queensland , in 1918. His father's name was recorded as George McEVOY and his mother's name was recorded as Anne McEVOY (nee Cockeran).
19 Jun 1908 15 Aug 1996 Agnes Mary McEvoy 88 88 5 Dec 1909 6 Dec 1974 Thomas George McEvoy 65 65 19 Dec 1878 20 May 1901 Elizabeth McEvoy 22 22 10 Sep 1850 19 Feb 1944 Suzannah Beaumont 93 93 Arrived in Sydney, with her parents, Alfred and Emma Beaumont aboard the sailing ship, "Bussorah" in March 1853. Suzannah's brother was born on board the ship en route and was named Thomas Brownfield, after the master of the ship. After the birth of two more, in Sydney, the family moved to Rockhampton in 1859 and then onto 'Old Calliungal' in 1860.

Qld Marriage Cert No. 1866 / C489 states that the marriage of Susanna BEAUMONT and Carl MATTANER was registered in country Queensland, in 1866.
Carl is believed to have been born in Switsland, in 1840, and is also known as Mataner.

They had two daughters...
Qld Birth Cert No. 1867 / C2362 states that the birth of Sarah MATTANER was registered in country Queensland, in 1867. Her father’s name was recorded as Carl MATTANER and her mother’s name was recorded as Susannah MATTANER (nee Beaumont).
Qld Birth Cert No. 1869 / C2686 states that the birth of Ellen MATTANER was registered in country Queensland, in 1869. Her father’s name was recorded as Carl MATTANER and her mother’s name was recorded as Susanna MATTANER (nee Beaumont).

1853 6 Jul 1944 Thomas Bloomfield Beaumont 91 91 The merchant ship 'BUSSORAH' was a Barque of 530 tons, that sailed from the Port of London (Plymouth) on the 13th November 1852, to Port Jackson, NSW, arriving on the 19th March 1853. Her Master's name was P. D. Blyth and the ship's surgeon was D. Bloomfield.

Qld Marriage Cert No. 1878 / C821 states that the marriage of Thomas Bloomfield BEAUMONT and Mary Ann Elizabeth TANCRED was registered in country Queensland, in 1878.

The North Rockhampton Cemetery Records state that the wife of Thomas Bloomfield BEAUMONT, Mary Ann Elizabeth BEAUMONT, aged 81, died on Tuesday, 27 February 1940, and was buried in the Methodist section, on Wednesday, 28 February 1940. This plot was to be the same plot that Thomas Bloomfield BEAUMONT was to be buried some 4 years later.
1857 8 Dec 1932 Emma Quinn Beaumont 75 75 Qld Marriage Cert No. 1879 / C927 state that the marriage of Emma BEAUMONT and Robert Alexander PURVIS was registered in country Queensland, in 1879.

There are 9 childred, of this marriage, registered in Queensland, four Girls and five Males.

South Rockhampton Cemetery has the following records...
PURVIS EMMA 75 F Saturday, 10 December 1932 CE 6949 SENILE DECAY DOMESTIC DUTIES
PURVIS ROBERT ALEXANDER 76 M Saturday, 20 December 1919 CE 29X 5455 GRAZIER
9 Jan 1900 30 Apr 2003 George Alexander Beaumont 103 103 2 Mar 1902 7 Sep 1970 William Alfred Beaumont 68 68 19 Apr 1906 25 Oct 1998 Isabel (Belle) Violet Beaumont 92 92 Qld Marriage Cert No. for...
Isabel Violet Beaumont
Event date: 26/11/1931
Event type: Marriage registration
Registration details: 1931/B/11912
Spouse: James Leslie Kingsford
22 Aug 1908 6 Sep 2003 Hilda Jane Beaumont 95 95 Qld Marriage Cert No. for...
Hilda Jane Beaumont
Event date: 22/06/1937
Event type: Marriage registration
Registration details: 1937/C/2211
Spouse: Leonard Arthur Kearney
1842 2 Nov 1892 Timothy Sheehan 50 50
D. 6 Jun 1886 Mary Callaghan 5 Jun 1878 9 Jun 1950 Margaret Sheehan 72 72 1882 27 May 1962 George Worth Hempenstall 80 80 George was 4 years old when he arrived, in Rockhampton, Queensland from Dublin, Ireland, on the vessel "Dacca" on the 9th March 1886.

George's father, Patrick William HEMPENSTALL, was buried at Mount Morgan cemetery on the 15-Nov-1898. (Mount Morgan Cemetery Records).

George's brother was called Thomas...
Qld Birth Cert No. 1887 / C9570 states that the birth of Thomas HEMPENSTALL was registered in country Queensland in 1887. His father's name was recorded as Patrick HEMPENSTALL while his mother's name was recorded as Catherine HEMPENSTALL (nee Nugent).
3 May 1908 16 May 1979 George (Reg) Reginald Hempenstall 71 71 Also known as Reginald George or just plain Reg.
Buried as Reginald George Hempenstall
Reg was living at Childers in 1952 (At the time of his brother, Kevin's death.)
13 Apr 1900 17 Sep 1938 Muriel Constance Palmer 38 38 27 Feb 1904 9 Oct 1955 Mervyn Hetherington Palmer 51 51 1869 13 Jul 1938 William Joseph Kelly 69 69 In June 1927, William went into partnership of 'Banksia' Station with his younger brother, Thomas Michael KELLY (Qld Birth Cert No. 1871/C2655), as tenants in common.

1870 22 Sep 1950 Mary Josephine Cross 80 80 25 Jan 1937 xxxx Norington 7 Oct 1872 6 Jul 1942 Ann Sheehan 69 69 1886 26 Sep 1958 Florence Amelia Carden 72 72 Funeral notice of Florence's mother (8 children all listed)...
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW) - Saturday 26 July 1947 - Deaths
"CARDEN, Frances Elizabeth.— July 25, 1947, at a private hospital. Killara, beloved wife of the late Herbert James Edgar Carden and loved mother of Herbert, Rupert, Edward, Lena (Mrs. Buttenshaw), Florence (Mrs. Boughtwood), Vivian (Mrs. Brazier), Harriet (Mrs. Tawyer), and Dorothy (Mrs. Ashworth). See Monday's "Herald" for funeral announcement."

Death notice of Florence's father...
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW) - Thu 18 Feb 1932 - Family Notices
"CARDEN.—February 16, 1932, at a private hospital, Hornsby, Herbert James Edgar, beloved husband of Frances Elizabeth Carden, and loving father of Eleanor (Mrs. Buttenshaw), Florence (Mrs. Boughtwood), Herbert, Rupert, Harriet (Mrs. Toyer), Vivien (Mrs. Brazier), Leslie (deceased), Edward Vincent (deceased), and Dorothy, in his 71st year."
10 Nov 1911 11 Aug 1999 Mary (Cecily) Cecilia Hempenstall 87 87 Cecily Hempenstall, in 1924, was at the Sacred Heart School, Mount Morgan.
Mary (Cecily) Cecilia Hempenstall married Mr James Healy - son of Mr & Mrs J Healy of Townsville on Dec 18 1936 in St Joseph's Rockhampton.
She was known as Cecily Healy (nee Hempenstall).
Cecily, now Mrs James Healy was living at Proserpine in 1952, and at Coolangatta in 1954.
30 Oct 1914 27 Sep 1952 Laurence (Kevin) Kevin Hempenstall 37 37 Known as Kevin Lawrence Hempenstall Charles Unitt Charles UNITT lived in the Biringham area of England. Sarah Unitt Sarah UNITT lived in the Biringham area of England. 30 Jun 1911 22 Nov 1999 James Healy 88 88 Mr James Healy - Son of Mr & Mrs J Healy of Townsville. 1830 Selma Halberstädter Jetta Halberstädter 1936 1936 yxyx Jones 18 Aug 1909 28 Jan 2002 Maurice Vincent Boyle 92 92 Husband of Dulcie - father of John and Phillip 22 Apr 1966 Nicole Louise Crabb 12 Dec 2009 Lucinda Judy Twigg 10 Dec 1971 Rachel Baseby 9 Aug 1940 Ian Baseby 12 Dec 1947 Suelkn 18 Apr 1863 20 Sep 1951 Laura Jane Jones 88 88 "Laura Jane Jones, arrived in Cooktown on the 'Nowshera' with her sister Emily in 1883. She married Gibson Stewart and had a son who died soon after birth then a daughter, Beatrice. Stewart tried to kill Laura and was eventually jailed for bigamy.

Laura moved to Bushley to live with her sister Emily and her brother-in-law. There she took a job as housekeeper for Adolf Halberstaedter. She had two daughters to Adolf, Edith and Gwendoline.  Adolf had four children previously - Maurice, Louis, Annie and Leah.

After Adolf died, Laura met and married  Richard Bowles. They had three sons, Henry, Fred and Charles." 
28 Jan 1893 Nov 1966 Gwendoline Stewart 73 73 20 Feb 1891 30 Jan 1963 Gladys Edith Stewart 71 71 8 Nov 1863 12 May 1943 Gibson (George) Stewart 79 79 The Capricornian (Rockhampton, Qld) - Saturday 7 June 1890 - Notes of the Week...
"The most important case heard at the Police Court this week occupied the Police Magistrate yesterday morning, when Gibson Stewart, alias George Stewart, a working man of respectable appearance, was charged with bigamy. The case was gone into exhaustively, and the evidence showed that on the 12th of January, 1887, the prisoner was married to Miss Laura Jane Jones, at the residence of his father in Ipswich, by the Rev. Mr. Walker, Congregational Minister. He lived with his wife until Christmas, 1888, when he came to Rockhampton, met a young woman named Margaret Spellman, became engaged to her, and subsequently was married to her by the Rev. Father M'Donough, in the Roman Catholic Presbytery, on the 30th of September, 1889. Both the women with whom the prisoner had undergone the marriage ceremony were present in Court. Both are young and goodlooking. They fraternised more cordially than could have been expected under the circumstances. The prisoner, who has announced his intention of pleading guilty, has been remanded."

Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld) - Tuesday 17 June 1890 - Central District court
Gibson Stewart, alias George Stewart, was charged with bigamy, in having gone through the marriage ceremony with Margaret Spellman, at Rockhampton, on the 21st September, 1889, while his lawful wife Laura Jane Gibson was still alive. The prisoner had pleaded guilty at the Police Court proceedings, and was now brought up for sentence. The facts of the case will be fresh in the minds of the public, as the prisoner was only committed for sentence at the Police Court on the 7th instant. Prisoner said he had nothing to say, and no witnesses to call.
His Honour said the offence of bigamy was a very serious one, and there was no doubt the prisoner had cruelly wronged an innocent girl. The law meted out very severe punishment for the crime, and nothing that he could see in the depositions offered the slightest excuse for prisoner's conduct. The sentence of the Court was that accused be imprisoned and kept to hard labour in Brisbane gaol for two years."

1 Oct 1888 22 Aug 1963 Beatrice Emma (Emily) Stewart 74 74 The name of Emma is also recorded as Emily in her children's registrations. 20 Aug 1911 14 May 1957 Laura Irene Stewart 45 45 D. 16 Sep 1920 Richard Bowles 23 Jul 1909 1995 Charles Frank Bowles 86 86 Qld Marriage Cert No. 1930/C613 states that the marriage of Frank Charles BOWLES to Doris May LABUDDA(b.6-Feb-1911) was registered in Queensland, in 4-Mar-1930.
They had 2 daughters, Daphne May Bowles and Wilma Jean Bowles.
22 Jun 1906 Frederick Llewellyn Bowles 21 Oct 1887 8 Feb 1956 Henry Joseph Dunn 68 68 1 Apr 1926 12 Jan 2012 Stella Marion Perry 85 85 6 Mar 1925 1986 Peter James Kelly 61 61 BirthMarch 6, 1925inBrisbane, Queensland, AustraliaDeath1986inBrisbane, Queensland, Australia  21 Jun 1952 Laurel Ann Kelly 6 Mar 1952 Patrick Michael Lynch 27 Aug 1892 6 Nov 1957 Alexander George McKay 65 65 22 Feb 1904 Henry James Bowles Henry married Connie Ambrose and they had 2 daughters, Judith Mary BOWLES and Patricia Ann BOWLES. 1887 1887 James Victor Stewart 1907 1964 Charles Herbert Stewart 57 57 2 Jul 1895 Aug 1971 Sidney Perry 76 76 Margaret Spelman Spelman or Spellman 23 Jul 1950 Bryan James Kelly 7 Feb 1955 Glenda Mary Kelly 2 Feb 1912 22 Feb 1994 Lawrence Edward Perry 82 82 Lawrence Edward Perry was born on 2 Feb 1912 at Willmott, Tasmania. He married Florence Lavina Gordon, daughter of Hugh Hamilton Gordon and Agnes Mary McManus, on 30 Aug 1932 at St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Biloela, Queensland. He died on 22 Feb 1994 at Rockhampton, Queensland, at age 82. He was buried on 24 Feb 1994 at Biloela, Queensland. 16 Jan 1915 2 Jul 1975 Florence Lavina Gordon 60 60 Florence Lavina Gordon, daughter of Hugh Hamilton Gordon and Agnes Mary McManus Graeme Jenkin Suzanne Tapsfield Jocelyn Joyce McKay Jocelyn married Douglas Alan McIvor Rodgers (1925-1992) and they had one daughter (b.18-Dec-1953). 1926 Joan McKay Joan married Donald William Ward Spink. they had 2 children, a son Andrew Spink and a daughter Cathryn Spink (b. 13-Feb-1950).
7 Dec 1908 Norman Frank Stewart 10 Nov 1885 2 Oct 1950 Joseph Swadling 64 64 Re Joseph's parents...
Qld Birth Certs record the children of Joseph and Sarah Elizabeth SWADLING (nee Stubbs) are as follows...
No. 1873/C2861 records the birth, in 1873, in Queensland of Henry Maxwell SWADLING.
No. 1877/C3034 records the birth, in 1877, in Queensland of Amy Josephine SWADLING.
No. 1879/C5143 records the birth, in 1879, in Queensland of Ernest Robert SWADLING.
No. 1883/C7936 records the birth, in 1883, in Queensland of Arthur SWADLING.
No. 1884/C8631 records the birth, in 1884, in Queensland of Unnamed (M) SWADLING.
No. 1886/C10152 records the birth, in 1886, in Queensland of Ralph SWADLING.
No. 1888/C11629 records the birth, in 1888, in Queensland of Doris SWADLING.
Esther Ewin Geoffrey Ferguson Robert LaFayette Moore 2 Dec 2012 Darcy Jack Collins Rupert Collins 1740 28 Jul 1802 Moses Jacob Tuerbin 62 62 1715 Yaakov Tuerbin Named on his son Moses' gravestone. 1805 Moritz Prager Father: Simon (Schimschon) Prager (ca 1775- )
Mother: ?

The presumed founder of M Prager Blaudruck- und Schürzenfabrik.
1812 Eva Haase 22 Mar 1786 1 May 1855 Ephraim Haase 69 69 6 Mar 1785 23 Aug 1855 Henriette (Jette) Birgheim 70 70 29 Jun 1900 Margot Babette Herxheimer 22 Jun 1924 26 Sep 2002 Walter Danziger 78 78 Partner: Thea (Dorothea) Hermann (24/06/1922 - 29/05/2011) 1830 Henriette Halberstaedter 1825 Julius Fraenkel 1852 Georg Josef Fraenkel Aged 37y when he married in 1890 1855 Betty Fraenkel Notes:
Kaethe Halberstaedter shows Betty as a daughter of Lea Halberstaedter, Fritz Halberstaedter shows her as a daughter of Lea's sister Henriette (whom Kaethe doesn't mention)
1860 Rudolphine Theodore Ella Maihof Notes:
Aged 29y when she married in 1890.
Her marriage record cites Halberstadt, so perhaps her family had a long-standing connection with the Halberstaedter family.
1830 Ludnowski xxx Nathan 1900 Hans Heynemann 1910 Ruduc Philippe 1910 Jenny Lehner 5 Jun 1866 31 Jan 1957 Norah (Nellie) Frances Ellen Scanlan 90 90 The Tumut and Adelong Times (NSW) - Tuesday 9 September 1930
"Mrs . Kinchington, whose sons saw war service, is the daughter of John Scanlan, a grand old pioneer who lived to be 98. 'Everyone is full of dignity and is treading on air. In my day we walked on terra firma.' Mr. Scanlan used to say: 'We sent to Rockhampton from Bundaberg for a ton of sugar, and paid for it when it came. No bill of loading, no invoice, no receipt. To-day they won't sell a pair of bootlaces over a counter with out a receipt.'"

In Feb 1904 Norah and her family left Queensland for NSW in the hope of finding employment and in an effort to evade the debts she had accumulated.

Norah married Thomas Henry Kinchington (1863-1944) in 1905 at Dumble Station, Goodooga, NSW. As she was still in fact married to Patrick Joseph Conmee, she married under the assumed name of 'Helen Quinlan'.

Singleton Argus (NSW) - Saturday 25 August 1906
"ACQUITTED - [BY TELEGRAPH.] Sydney, Friday.   
Joseph Mahoney, a showman, known as Marconi, was to-day acquitted upon a charge of stealing articles from Mrs Quinlain, now Mrs Kinchington, at Wallangarra, while travelling from Brisbane to Sydney."

The Age (Queanbeyan, NSW) - Friday 14 September 1906
"Mrs Nellie Quinlan, mother of the unfortunate boy who comnimitted the murder at the Royal Hotel, Sydney, has married for the third time. Her name is now Kinchington."

Argyle Liberal and District Recorder (NSW) - Tuesday 10 September 1907
"Mrs. Kinchington at Crookwell.
The people of Crookwell and district have been favored with a visit from Mrs. Kinchington, lady organiser for Alderman Holloway, selected Labor candidate for Goulburn. The lady referred to delivered a very eloquent and forcible address to a large audience at Binda on Friday night last.
She was listened to attentively and convinced her hearers that she not only had a very wide and extensive knowledge of the different subjects upon which she spoke, but was also a genuine orator. During her speech which lasted more than an hour, she was frequently and deservedly applauded. Mrs. Kinchington also spoke at Kialla and Laggan, the halls being crowded at each meeting."

Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW) - Thursday 20 February 1919 - Personal Notes
"The friends of Mrs. Kinchington, 'Fleurbaix,' Auburn, and late of Waverley, will regret to hear that she has lost a second son on active service, Private Bert Kinchington, who died from influenza while on leave. A cable received from a pri- vate source stated that he had gone to Ireland, and his comrades in his platoon were on their way then to bury him. Private Kinchington, who was a number of the foresters' (Pad- dington branch), was nearly three years at the front, and had four bro- thers at the front also. The two eldest are on their way home — Lieut. P. Kinchington, M.M., and Corporal James Kinchington, M.M."

The Cessnock Eagle and South Maitland Recorder (NSW) - Friday 17 January 1936
Mrs. Ellen Kinchington
The many friends of Mrs. Ellen Kinchington in the South Maitland district will be pleased to leam that she has been honoured by the King, by having the distinguished order of   M.B.E. conferred upon her.
This is the second distinction within the last twelve months, as she was the recipient of the King's Jubilee Medal. Mrs. Kinchington, whose daughter, Nurse Kinchington, has lived in Kurri Kurri for many years, resided with her during her lengthy stay in the coalfields district.
She has been a splendid charity worker in the Metropolitan area for the last 25 years, especially featuring in prisoners' aid work. Mrs. Kinchington has been decorated on account of her magnificent social service rendered to the State.
She had five sons all of whom saw active service in the late war, two of whom paid the supreme sacrifice. The honour conveyed upon her is all the more distinctive on account of being, a Commonwealth honour of which there were only two other recipients."

30 Mar 1895 5 Mar 1992 Louisa Dympna Kathleen Conmee 96 96 Dympna met John Hickey sometime between 1915 and 1919, before marrying him on the 20 Dec 1919 at Waverley, NSW.

Dympna was a keen society lady with a busy social life, who along with John loved to spend an afternoon at the Randwick Races. Both were members of the Tatterstalls Club, where John was the Treasurer and President for many years.

Dympna and John had the following children:
- Dympna Mary Hickey (1920-2009) a talented pianist and music teacher, who married Brian Joseph Whelan in 1942 at Waverley, and
- John Hickey (1922-1998).
1859 16 Apr 1908 Patrick Joseph Conmee 49 49 Patrick Joseph Conmee (1859-1908)

Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld.) - Friday 7 June 1895 - News Article
"Barcaldine Qld.
At the Police Court on Wednesday, P. J. Conmee and T. W. Cliffe were brought up charged with thc larceny of 13½lb. of beef valued at 2s. 3d. from the shop of John Currie. Cliffe was fined 20s. in default fourteen days imprisonment, Conmee 10s. in default seven days. Mr. Munroe canvassed the town and obtained the liberation of the defendants in an hour after thc verdict."

Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld) - Wednesday 18 December 1895 - Article
" Patrick Conmee was charged, on the information of his wife, with having deserted his child Patrick Diaungal Conmee, aged eight years. The case was beard ex parte, Mr. F. H. Swanwick appearing for the complainant. The evidence of the com- plainant showed that the parties were married in June, 1886, and four children were born of the marriage, the oldest being eight years of age and that since the 1st of July the defendant (who is working at the boiling-down or wool-scoring works at Bar- caldine and is supposed to be receiving £2 or £2 5s a-Week) bas not contributed anything towards their support. The Bench made an an order for the payment of 8s. a-week—the sum asked for by the complainant — for twelve months towards the support of the eldest child and called on the defendant to find a surety for the sum of £20. An order was also issued for the first payment to be made on the 1st of January next, and costs of Court amounting to 4s. 6d., and professional costs amounting tn £2 2s. were given."
24 Aug 1887 9 Feb 1944 Patrick Duagnan Conmee 56 56 Married Lucy Kennedy 1927 Sydney

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KINCHINGTON, Patrick  MM (aka CONMEE Patrick) - Lieutenant - 3rd Battalion
Born Roma Qld.
Son of Mrs. KINCHINGTON of Auburn, NSW
Enlisted 14 June 1915 at Liverpool, NSW
Served in France and Belgium
Awarded Military Medal
'At Fleurbaix France on 03 July 1916 during a severe bombardment by the enemy, in which the Battalion lost 8 killed and 16 wounded, corporal KINCHINGTON encouraged his men by his cheerful and gallant demeanour, constantly moving up and down the line to do so.  although movement in rear of the trenches was prevented by the heavy fire which was sweeping the parapet, he picked up a man who was wounded in an exposed position and carried him on his back 30 yards to safety.  Had he not done so, the man would certainly have been killed.'
Returned to Australia 14 February 1919 per 'Ascanius'
'Parramatta and District Soldiers who served in the Great War '
21 Jan 1889 1 Mar 1979 James Timothy Conmee 90 90 Jim Jr died in the NT

James Timothy Conmee
b 22/3/1889 Roma Qld
d 11/1980 Margate Qld
Enlisted in 5th Light Horse then transferred to 3rd Battalion.

KINCHINGTON, James  MM (aka CONMEE, James Timothy)
Service no NX87456 and 986
Lance Corporal - 5th Light Horse Battalion
Born 22 April 1902 at Roma, Qld.
Son of Mrs KINCHINGTON of Auburn, NSW
Occupation prior to enlistment Horse Breaker
Enlisted Paddington, NSW
Served at Gallipoli, Egypt and in France
Awarded Military Medal for Bravery in the Field
Retuned to Australia per 'Kildonian Castle' 21 March 1919
Also served in WWII in Middle East and New Guinea
Resided at Tinenburra Station, Barrington via BOURKE, NSW
'Parramatta and District Soldiers who served in the Great War'
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CONMEE, James Timothy
Army Service Records
Service Numbers: 986, NX87456
Enlisted: 21 January 1915, Roma, Queensland
Last Rank: Lance Corporal
Last Unit:    2nd/3rd Pioneer Battalion
Born: Roma, Queensland, 22 February 1889
Home Town: Roma, Maranoa, Queensland
Schooling: Not yet discovered
Occupation: Horse Breaker
Died: Natural Causes, Brisbane, Queensland, 1 March 1979, aged 90 years
Cemetery: Mount Thompson Memorial Gardens & Crematorium
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4 Sep 1890 26 Sep 1917 Thomas John Conmee 27 27 May have enlisted under the name of John Nugen but his name was later corrected to Thomas John Kinchington - Enlisted in 49th Battalion AIF during WWI

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Private Thomas John Kinchington (aka CONMEE Thomas John) (also known as Jack Thomas Neugent) 2707 (later 2707A) , 49th Battalion of Brisbane, Qld. A steward prior to enlisting, he embarked from Sydney.
14 Jun 1892 6 Feb 1919 Robert (Bert) Emmet Conmee 26 26 Private Robert Emmett Kinchington 2875 (later 2875A), 1st Pioneer (later 3rd) Battalion of Waverley, NSW. An engineer prior to enlisting, he embarked from Sydney.

KINCHINGTON, Robert Emmett (aka CONMEE Robert Emmett)
Service no 2875 -
Private - 3rd Battalion
Born Longreach, QLD
Son of Mrs. KINCHINGTON of Auburn, NSW
Occupation prior to enlistment Engineer
Enlisted 27 June 1916 at Sydney, NSW
Served in France
Died of Septic Pneumonia whilst on furlough at International Hotel, Killarney, Ireland on the 6th February 1919
Buried New Cemetery Killarney.
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He was one of the Parramatta and District Soldiers who served in the Great War
KINCHINGTON, Robert Emmett.
Rank: Private.
Regiment or Service: Australian Infantry, A.I.F. Unit: 3rd Battalion.
Age at death: 25.
Date of Death: 06-February-1919. Service No: 28755.
Supplementary information: Son of Mrs. Ellen Kinchington, of 40 Junction Rd., Summer Hill, Sydney, who was born in Queensland.
Born at Arabac, Longreach, Queensland.
Occupation on enlistment, Engineer.
Age on enlistment; 23 years 11 months.
Served in France. Initially enlisted under the name George Emmett Kinchington, later changed to correct name.
Next of kin details; (mother) Mrs Nellie Kinchington, 90 Northumberland Road, Auburn, Sydney, NSW.
Address on enlistment, 16 Waverley Street, Waverley, NSW.
Place and date of enlistment, Sydney, NSW. 27-June-1916.
Weight, 136 lbs. Height, 5 feet, 7 inches.
Complexion, fair. Eyes, hazel. Hair, fair.
Died of Septic Pneumonia at 4 am in the International Hotel, Killarney.
Buried in an elm coffin with brass fittings on the same day he died by Reverend Father D O’Sullivan. ‘Immediately upon receipt of a telegram from the landlord of the International Hotel, Killarney, notifying Pte Kinchington’s death, a representative from the headquarters was sent to Ireland to make appropriate funeral arrangements. On his arrival, however, he learnt that, acting under instructions from a civilian Doctor, the landlord of the hotel had taken upon himself the responsibility of having the remains of Private Kinchington interred a few hours after his death. The explanation given by the landlord was that, as death was due to Septic Pneumonia in a malignant form immediate burial was due as a medical necessity. The landlord of the hotel and the doctor failed to notify the Military Authorities at Killarney of the death, and had it not been for the action of a few members of the Australian Imperial Force who were on leave in Killarney and heard of the funeral at the last moment the A.I.F. would not have been represented at the funeral.
The following brothers of the late soldier were in touch with these Headquarters throughout, Lieut. Patrick Kinchington, Empire Hotel, Vincent Square, London, and No 6823 Pte Vincent Kinchington, 3rd Battalion, A.I.F. France; and one brother No 6823 Pte V Kinchington, has been granted facilities to proceed to Ireland to see his brothers grave upon which he will erect the standard cross this day.’
A Commonwealth War Graves Commission headstone was erected over the grave in 1934. The original inscription on his headstone was to have been “Mild and gentle as he was brave, when the sweetest love of his life he gave, think of him still as the same I say, he is not dead—he is just away.” This was shortened in 1922 to “Mild and gentle as he was brave, the sweetest love of life he gave.”
Grave or Memorial Reference: R.C. ground, North-East part. Cemetery: Killarney New Cemetery, County Kerry.
22 May 1897 3 Nov 1897 Kathleen Mary Conmee 5m 5m 30 Mar 1899 17 Jun 1968 Gladys Cecelia Conmee 69 69 Gladys and Vivian were twins

30 Mar 1899 7 Aug 1978 Vivian Vincent Conmee 79 79 Gladys and Vivian were twins
Vivian assumed his, now married, name of Kinchington prior to enlisting in the army for WW1.
In 1928, at the time of his Engagement & Marriage Vivian is known as Vincent V. Kinchington, of Broken Hill, NSW.

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WW1 Pictorial Honour Roll of Queenslanders

Service no 6823 - Private - 3rd Battalion
Born Bundaberg, Qld
Son of Mrs. KINCHINGTON of Auburn, NSW
Occupation prior to enlistment Clerk
Enlisted 16 April 1917 Bondi Junction NSW
Embarked 1917 aged 17 years of age.
Served in France
Returned to Australia 22 September 1919 per 'Argylshire'
'Parramatta and District Soldiers who served in the Great War'

5 Nov 1863 31 Mar 1944 Thomas Henry Kinchington 80 80 Thomas Henry Kinchington (1863-1944)

Thomas was the third son. His elder brother was John Oliver Kinchington who was born born at Albury, New South Wales, in 1861, and he was the second son of the late Mr. George Kinchington, who came to Australia from England in 1834.

There was another Thomas H Kinchington...
Birth - Albury, New South Wales, Australia 1863
Death - Mitchell, Queensland, Australia - Dec 8 1937 
22 Sep 1895 2 Nov 1966 John Hickey 71 71 His siblings were: Francis (1899-1899), Adrian Denis (1900-) who married Elizabeth Patricia O'Keefe (1901-1975) in 1923 at Gosford NSW, Horace (1903-1967) who married Annie T Foley (-1938) at Kogarah NSW in 1933, and Errol Vincent (1908-1975) Hickey. 21 Dec 1920 26 Apr 2009 Dympna Mary Hickey 88 88 Dympna Mary Hickey (1920-2009) a talented pianist and music teacher, who married Brian Joseph Whelan in 1942 at Waverley.

1922 19 Apr 1998 John Denis Hickey 76 76 25 Jun 1873 27 Jan 1957 Denis Hickey 83 83 1879 13 Aug 1958 Frances Ann Leonard 79 79 1899 1899 Francis Hickey 1900 13 Oct 1988 Adrian Denis Hickey 88 88 1903 20 Nov 1967 Horace (Harry) Hickey 64 64 Horace (1903-1967) married Annie T Foley (1899-1938) at Kogarah NSW in 1933.
Horace Hickey, third son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Hickey, of Randwick. (from Wedding notice).
1908 17 Apr 1975 Errol Vincent Hickey 67 67 Errol Vincent (1908-1975) Hickey

1901 23 Sep 1975 Elizabeth Patricia O'Keefe 74 74 1921 3 Dec 2012 Brian Joseph Whelan 91 91 1923 18 Oct 1995 Patricia Kathleen O'Kane 72 72 23 Feb 1946 Gerard John Whelan 1899 1938 Anne Theresa Foley 39 39 Anne Theresa Foley, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Foley, of Kogarah. (from Wedding Notice). 9 Nov 1942 Brian Francis Whelan 1906 30 Jun 1982 Mary Clementina Kinchington 76 76 Info from Peter Barda...
Mary 'Marie' Clemment Tippler
Birth: Goulburn, New South Wales, Australia - 1906
Marriage to: Harold Percy William Tippler - White Cliffs - 1941
Death of husband: Harold Percy William Tippler - Sydney NSW Australia - Dec 14 1942
Marriage to: Gunther Eric Walter Jurk - Sydney New South Wales Australia - 1948
Death of husband: Gunther Eric Walter Jurk - Aug 26 1972
Death of Mary : Sydney, New South Wales, Australia - 1982
Aug 1907 19 May 1950 Margaret Kathleen Williams 42 42 NSW Marriage Cert No. 13856/1941 states the marriage of Errol Vincent HICKEY to Margaret Kathleen WILLIAMS was recorded in 1941 in the Burwood district of NSW. D. 1975 Frances Mary Hogan NSW Marriage Cert No. 19470/1957 states the marriage of Errol Vincent HICKEY to Frances Mary HOGAN was recorded in 1957 in the district of Gosford NSW. 16 Nov 1899 30 Jan 1964 Thomas Henry Percival Woodhouse 64 64 The Birth of the children of Thomas and Elizabeth WOODHOUSE, that were registered in Queensland, were...
1891/C10196 Edith Woodhouse
1893/B53519 Florence Elizabeth Woodhouse
1896/B57707 Robert Woodhouse
1897/B59986 Daisy Eva Woodhouse
1900/B88 Thomas Henry Percival Woodhouse  
2 Dec 1906 3 Dec 1998 Ive Maude Wildermuth 92 92 Her two sisters were Misses Norma and Corrie Wildermuth.
Robert W S Robertson 1906 16 Jan 1981 Theresa (Tess) Winifred Worthington 75 75 Mavis Worthington, youngest sister of Theresa. 12 Sep 1938 31 Oct 1999 Colette Mary Kinchington 61 61 Vivian (now Kinchington) and his wife, Theresa, had a daughter who was born on the 12th September 1938 and was baptised on 25th September 1938 at St Mary's Church at Grafton.

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1931 Barrie Richard Kinchington Barrie Richard b 1931

7 Jul 1929 15 Oct 2000 Leon Vincent Kinchington 71 71 At the time of his marriage on the 1st Dec. 1951 there was a newspaper that said... "Leon Kinchington, of Waverley, formerly of Forbes"

29 Dec 1913 20 Jul 2001 Barbara Hazel Palmer 87 87 NSW Marriage Certificate No. 23720/1953 states that the marriage of Mervyn Claude QUARMLEY and Barbara Hazel PALMER was registered in the district of Ashfield NSW, in 1953.

Her death appeared in The Ryerson Index as an entry that states      - Barbara Hazel PALMER see Barbara Hazel QUARMBY. This entry was published in the Sydney Morning Herald dated 22-AUG-2001.
Jeanne (unknown) Benjamin Morgan Rose Anna Olley 1840 27 Sep 1929 James Jones 89 89
26 May 1833 26 Dec 1919 Elizabeth Butt 86 86 Arrived in Brisbane, Qld on the 5th May 1887
•Queensland, Australia, Passenger Lists, 1848-1912
Sheindel Jungmann Deborah and Scheindel Jungmann were sisters according to research done by Marc Stuart, County Durham, England.

Scheindel was the wife of Joseph Ollendorff and...
mother of Eduard Ollendorff, Karoline Ollendorff, Rosalie Ollendorff, Jacob Ollendorff, Emilie Ollendorff, Amalie Ollendorff, Hermann Ollendorff, Girl Ollendorff, Therese Ollendorff, Bernard Ollendorff, Girl Ollendorff, Hugo Ollendorff, Jenny Ollendorff and Leopold Ollendorff
Gerschen Ollendorff Gerschen Ollendorff: b. Abt. 1760, Gerschen (Gerson).

Children of Gerschen Ollendorff are:
Jacob Ollendorff, b., Rawicz, d. date unknown.
Nathan Ollendorff, b., Rawicz, d. date unknown, Rawicz.
Marcus Ollendorff, b. 1784, Rawicz, Posen, Prussia., d. date unknown.
Joseph Gerschel Ollendorff, b. 10 Apr 1794, Rawicz, Posen, Prussia. d. 17 Apr 1861, Rawicz, Posen, Prussia.
Hermann G. Ollendorff, b. Abt. 1802, Rawitsch, Posen, Prussia., d. 08 Apr 1865, Paris, France.
1869 17 Sep 1945 William Albert Walsh 76 76 1874 18 Sep 1949 Winifred Agnes Coleman 75 75 William Walsh Bill (7th Division, A.I.F.) 21 Jan 1915 29 Sep 1985 Kevin McEvoy 70 70 16 Mar 1865 5 Jun 1919 George McEvoy 54 54 22 Jun 1876 3 Jul 1876 Mary Maher 11d 11d D. 7 Feb 1870 Margaret Donohoe Denis Hickey Catharine Duff 30 Jun 1871 20 Jul 1946 Mary Ellen McEvoy 75 75 Mary Ellen McEVOY joined the Religous order of Mercy Sisters (nuns) on the 08-Sep-1900 and was known as Sister Justina. It is stated that her birth was 01-Jan-1876(?) and that her death was 20-Jul-1946.  12 Jan 1874 11 Nov 1922 Julia Martin 48 48 The death of Julia's mother was recorded as...
Qld Death Cert  No. 1929 / B9396 states that the death of Mary MARTIN (nee Hertnen) was registered in Brisbane Qld in 1929. Her father's name was recorded as John HERTNEN while her mother's name was recorded as Julia HERTNEN (nee Corcoran)

Julia's parents were married in Qld in 1871...
Marriage registration: Mary Hertnen
Marriage date: 06/02/1871
Spouse's name: John Martin
Registration details: 1871/C/470 
1 Jul 1873 10 Dec 1949 Bridget McEvoy 76 76 14 Sep 1874 19 Sep 1930 Katherine McEvoy 56 56 19 Jun 1908 George Aloysius McEvoy 1 Sep 1906 1970 Mary (May) Agnes McEvoy 64 64 Anges (nee McEvoy) & Patrick McInally lived, in the premises owned by Bridget McEvoy, at 22 West Street Rockhampton Qld, at the time of Bridget's death. (according to a Notice in the Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld) - Saturday 24 December 1949). Jul 1909 20 Apr 1948 Joseph John McEvoy 38 38 Joseph John McEvoy never married - he died at the age of 38, according to a newspaper article published at the time of his death. 1912 29 Jul 1951 Justin Martin McEvoy 39 39 17 Jul 1913 31 Dec 1913 John Edward McEvoy 5m 5m 16 Jan 1911 17 Sep 1999 Francis Patrick McInally 88 88 8 Sep 1917 11 Oct 1946 Julian James McEvoy 29 29 18 Oct 1891 7 Jul 1962 John Leslie Healy 70 70

1891/C10737   John Healy - (Died - Sep-1931)

1913    C2187    John    Healy    Nora    Carr
1906    C1433    John    Healy    Lily    Ellery
11 Mar 1893 15 Apr 1947 Maurice Vincent Healy 54 54 6 Dec 1895 23 Feb 1930 Michael (Mick) Francis Healy 34 34 I have not been able to find any records of him marrying.

From the funeral notice of Michael Francis Healy (1895-1930),...
"The late Mr. Healy is survived by a father and three brothers, Messrs. John Leslie, Maurice Vincent and Percy Norman Healy. The funeral will leave his late residence, 59 Cambridge-street, at 4.30 o'clock this afternoon, for the Rockhampton cemetery." (John's name appears to be 'John Leslie Healy')

15 Nov 1896 19 May 1972 Percy Norman Thomas Healy 75 75 In 1949 Percy Norman Healy, aged 52, was living in Glencoe Street, Rockhampton, according to the Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld) published on Wednesday 20 July 1949

Qld Cert.: Marriage registration:
Percy Norman Thomas Healy
Marriage date: 23/12/1922
Spouse's name: Margaret Elizabeth WILLIAMS
Registration details: 1922/C/3403
6 Apr 1897 22 Aug 1968 Jessie Chrsitina Schneider 71 71 Desmond Healy Sometimes known as "Maurice Desmond Healy".

Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld) - Saturday 24 July 1954
The engagement is announced of Catherine Marie Vignale, only daughter of Mrs E. Vignale, 150 Kent Street, Rockhampton, and the late Mr L. Vignale, to Maurice Desmond Healy, only son of Mrs J. C. Healy of Talford Street, and the late Mr M. V.
Healy, Rockhampton."
Morisca Ellen Healy (still not married by 1950 & 1954) 17 Aug 1904 John Michael Healy John was living in Brisbane in 1939, according to a newspaper article published on the 18 October 1939.

1932 / B12434    John HEALY and Christina Gordon ARTHUR
1939 / B35952    Doris Mary WHETTERS and John Michael HEALY
6 Dec 1910 20 Dec 1979 Edward Kevin Emmett Healy 69 69 Kevin was registered at birth as Edward Kevin Emmett HEALY, but was generally known as Kevin.

Kevin was living in Brisbane in 1939, according to a newspaper article published on the 18 October 1939.

10 Jul 1906 1 Sep 1976 Martin Maurice Edward Healy 70 70 Martin was registered at birth as Maurice Edward Martin HEALY.

Marty was living with his mother in the Imperial Hotel in Rockhampton Qld, in 1939, according to a newspaper article published on the 18 October 1939.

1940 / C4003    Maurice Edward Martin HEALY and Muriel Ursula LUSH
Marion Healy Marion was living with her mother in the Imperial Hotel in Rockhampton Qld, in 1939, according to a newspaper article published on the 18 October 1939. 4 Nov 1907 21 Jun 1937 Catherine Ryan Healy 29 29 20 Oct 1902 2 Jan 1970 Mary Margaret Healy 67 67 22 Jun 1897 16 Aug 1897 John David Healy 1m 1m 22 Jun 1897 16 Aug 1897 Barbara Margaret Healy 1m 1m Registered at birth as Margaret and registered at death as Margreta. 30 Apr 1901 26 Nov 1927 Barbara Fitzgerald Healy 26 26 Jun 1902 19 Sep 1955 Sydney William Byrne 53 53 20 Aug 1918 23 Dec 1942 Terence John Hempenstall 24 24 Service Record - HEMPENSTALL TERENCE JOHN :
Service Number - Q303166 :
Date of birth - 20 Aug 1918 :
Place of birth - MOUNT MORGAN QLD :
Place of enlistment - YEPPOON QLD :
27 Sep 1913 24 Feb 2010 Catherine (Kitty) Ann Duffy 96 96 1881 10 Jul 1956 Harold Richard Worthington 75 75 The brother of Harold...
NSW Death Cert No. 5701/1906 states that the death of William Tinsley WORTHINGTON, aged 21, was registered in the district of Marrickville, Sydney NSW, in 1906. William was an Engineering Student at the time of his death on the 19th May 1906. His father's name was recorded as Charles WORTHINGTON and his mother's name was recorded as Mary WORTHINGTON.

1881 9 Oct 1970 Annie Eva Farrelly 89 89 Lived in Randwick, NSW, at the time of her marriage, in 1904. 1933 29 Aug 2013 Peter Robert Murphy 80 80 Mary Emily Doris Wood Judith Ann Chapman 2 Feb 1871 31 Jul 1929 Catherine Sheehan 58 58 Qlf Marriage Cert No. for...
Kate Frances Sheehan
Event date: 16/07/1893
Event type: Marriage registration
Registration details: 1893/C/1548
Spouse: William Thomas Collins

Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld), Tuesday 25 July 1893, Marriage
"COLLINS—SHEEHAN.—On the 16th instant, at Rockhampton, William Thomas, second son of the late J. Collins, of Rockhampton, to Kate Frances, second daughter of the late T. Sheehan, of North Rockhampton."
13 Jan 1867 19 Dec 1915 John Joseph Sheehan 48 48 D. 8 Mar 1873 Elizabeth Ann Sheehan 12 Feb 1808 3 Mar 1859 Thomas Cartwright 51 51 Thomas's father was Rev. Robert Cartwright - as noted in the publication of the marriage of his granddaughter, Elizabeth Ann Cartwright.

Thomas was one of those five Cartwright children who accompanied their parents to New Holand aboard the convict transport ship 'Ann'.

Re: the death of Thomas's son...
NSW Death Cert No. 11608/1923 states that the death of Thomas Charles CARTWRIGHT (born 29-1-1847 Hobart) was registered in Temora, NSW, in 1923. His father's name was recorded as Thomas C. CARTWRIGHT and his mother's name was recorded as Susan CARTWRIGHT.
11 Jan 1819 23 Nov 1858 Susan Anabella Brown 39 39 Parents were William Horatio BROWN, a transported convict, and Susannah DUBOCK (French) - William had been transported as a convict, convicted of bigamy, at the age of 25, on 14-Jul-1807 at the Old Baily Court, London.

As a freed man, William returned to Europe in April, 1816, aboard the 'Guilford', married Susannah Dubock, a widow with a daughter Angelique, in France, and then returned to Australia.
5 Jul 1771 14 Dec 1856 Rev Robert Cartwright 85 85 Robert was the fourth child and third son of Thomas and Penelope Cartwright. Robert was only eight years old when his father died; his older brothers, Thomas and Richard, were less than twelve and far too young to be of help to their mother. Her brother, the Reverend Edward Powys of Westwood House, Shrewsbury, was the patron of all three sons with their schooling and in their chosen careers.

The Land (Sydney, NSW) - Friday 21 December 1923 - Newspaper article
“A Pioneer Parson - Rev. Robert Cartwright
(By Flora A. Timms, member Royal Australian Historical Society)
Robert Cartwright was—to use a Vietorlanlsm—a man of parts. Born in Shropshire, England, in 1771, of a highly respected family, his mother being a Powys, of Powys Castle, and connected with the leading families of that exclusive county, he, on reaching maturity, at first turned his attention to mercantile pursuits, and visited Constantinople with his brother, who was British Consul at Algiers. After his return to England he dedicated his heart and life to religion, and became a student at St. Edmund's Hall, Oxford. After finishing his course he was ordained Curate of Bradford, in Yorkshire, where he was eminently popular and beloved.
Mainly, through the influence of Rev. Samuel Marsden, the zealous young curate's thoughts turned to the wonderful new land of the Southern Cross, and when he left Bradford in 1809 it was with the benediction of such men as Wilberforce and Thornton, and the congregation presented him with the following hymn, composed for the occasion and sung at his last service there:
With all thy power O Lord defend
Him, whom we now to Thee commend,
Our Minister faithful and secure,
And make him to the end endure.
Gird him with all sufficient grace,
Give to his footsteps paths of peace,
Thy truth and faithfulness fulfil,
Preserve him Lord from every ill.
Before his face protection send,
0, love him, save him to the end;
Nor let him as Thy pilgrim rove
Without the convoy of Thy love.
Enlarge, inflame, and fill his heart,
In him Thy mighty power exert,
That thousands, yet unborn may praise,
The wonder of redeeming grace.
In 1810 the young, clergyman was appointed assistant to Rev. Samuel Marsden, and almost immediately was stationed at Windsor (N.S.W.) as chaplain.
The only incident that can be traced in connection with his sojourn there, is taken from Colwell's "History of Methodism."
It appears that one John Lees, who had been a soldier in the New South Wales Corps, and had not been quite as good as he might have been, went outside one night for a piece of wood for the fire, and instead of the wood he grasped a snake, which bit him on the wrist. Seized with violent alarm, he walked into Windsor, 14 miles distant, and entering the house of the Rev. Robert Cartwright, fell fainting to the ground. Medical aid saved John from death, and from that time he stood for all that was good, becoming a shining light in Methodist circles of his day.
At that time the Hawkesbury district formed the boundary of the Colony, and Governor Macquarie, recognising the ability and sound judgment of the young clergyman, persuaded him to become a Justice of the Peace, and the duties of this office — no easy task in those days — were performed, it is recorded, with diligence and fidelity.
After some years' residence at Windsor, Mr. Cartwright was, largely through the influence of the Governor, removed to Liverpool, where about seventeen happy, useful years were spent. Besides his pastoral work he was appointed Superintendent of the Orphan School, as well as an establishment for the instruction of children of the aborigines.
An extract from old records says:
"November 22, 1836.—The Rev. Robert Cartwright has been appointed a Commissary of the Bishop of Australia, within the Colony of New South Wales and its dependencies."
In 1836, there being a vacancy in St. James' Church, Sydney, the popular clergyman was removed to that historic church. In the following year his wife died, and, feeling the blow keenly, he decided to return to England, but having occasion to visit the counties of Murray, King and Georgiana, he was so impressed by the lamentable want of religious observances in those districts that he determined to become an itinerant minister. In 1838 he was stationed at Yass temporarily, and to quote from the "Colonist," June 1G, 1838:—"On Sunday, June 3rd, Divine Service was performed at Mr. John Kennedy's residence (Keswyche) at Gunning, before a small, but respectable congregation. After worship the Rev. Robert Cartwright preached an excellent sermon, his text being Acts 26, chap. 180, "To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me."
Being the first sermon that had been delivered in this remote part since the beginning of the world, I think the text was very apposite.
Very differently was the night preceding the historic occasion of holding the first religious service in the outposts of civilisation spent, and again, we quote from the "Colonist" of June 6th:—"We have had" (wrote the local correspondent) "a visit from the Rev. Robert Cartwright. As there is no settled residence in the district for a clergyman, he tours through the counties of Murray and King. He put up at the only inn in Cunning. Two Sydney gents arrived at the same time, one of whom was Mr. Edwards (Edwards and Hunter). They asked for tea, but were refused until mine host had had his. The travellers entreated, in vain. The wife apologised, assuring them that her husband had only had three bottles of brandy that day (one of his abstemious days!), and was a little tipsy; if she disobeyed him, she would get a thrashing. The Rev. Mr. Cartwright thought that his sacred office might appeal to the man, but neither that nor his grey hairs protected him from infamous abuse and threats. All slept in their clothes that night. One of them was armed with a poker. The inn keeper assured them he had his bull-dogs ready, and they had only a few minutes to live. Next morning Mr. Cartwright went to the residence of Mr. Kennedy at Keswyche, where he was hospitably entertained."
On the arrival of Rev. P. Brigstock in Yass, Mr. Cartwright went to Arkstone Forest, near Burrowa, but soon removed to Gunning, where he built a fine residence, "The Willows," still in a perfect state of preservation, and held services there. Collector was included in his parish, and being more central he decided to make that his headquarters, but all through his ministry, owing to the scattered population, his work was chiefly pastoral. It is recorded that he travelled upwards of 25,000 miles, and it was only when age began to tell on him, that he confined his labors to Gunning and Collector.
There are still living some old folks who remember this remarkable man, scholarly, simple and kindly, with an outlook on life so broad that Roman Catholic was welcomed to his home as warmly as Protestant, and the means which he possessed were spent lavishly among the poor.
Somewhat late in life he married Miss Waddell, of Collector, a member of a family well known in Methodist and political circles.
An attack of bronchitis in his 86th year was the cause of death in 1856. He had removed to Goulburn, and

February 27: Rev. Robert Cartwright reached Sydney, 1810, aboard the ship 'Anne'.

11 Feb 1777 14 Sep 1837 Mary Broardman 60 60 Mary Cartwright, Age: 51, Protestant, Arrived per ship 'Anne' 27-Feb-1810 with her husband the Rev. Robert Cartwright. 1803 8 Aug 1883 Isabella Waddell 80 80 Isabella was the sister of Rev. John Alexander Waddell, senior, the Methodist Minister at Collector.

Did our Isabella come out from England on the BARQUE EDWARD COULSTON in November 1833?
Left Hobart 6 November 1833 on to Sydney arriving 18 November 1833

Miss Isabella Waddle, arrived per 'Edward Coulson' 18 Nov 1833 Sydney [NSW AUS] as Passenger, Cabin, from Ireland. (reference BDA)
1857 14 Jan 1942 Joseph William Coase 85 85 Arrived in Brisbane with his parents in the sailing ship 'Princess Alice' in 1862 (when he was 5 years old), and the family moved to Gladstone about three years later (when he was 8 years old), and settled at Coase's Hill, abouts four miles from Gladstone. 1860 2 Feb 1939 Elizabeth Higgins 79 79 Elizabeth Higgins, arrived in Queensland in 1863 22 Jul 1869 18 Feb 1870 William Sheehan 6m 6m 11 Jul 1986 Elisa Comini Parents...
Father - Francesco Comini
Mother - Patrizia Zaniboni
27 Aug 2016 Leonardo (Chewy) Franks "Chewy" as in Chewbacca of Star Wars 1 Apr 1915 Jean Muriel Adams Jean Adams, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Adams, Redcliffe D. 20 May 1974 Lorna Mary Raymond 4 Jan 1919 Evelyn Mary Graham Living in Townsville in 1947 Patrick Digan Patrick Digan of Killaloe, Ireland 1792 17 Apr 1858 Mary McNamara 66 66 1836 24 Jul 1853 Frances Digan 17 17 28 Dec 1903 18 Aug 1984 Florence Alma Beaumont 80 80 15 Jun 1901 29 Apr 1967 Oswald Stanley Carter 65 65 1871 Anna Maria Beaumont Qld Marriage Cert No. 1916 / C2679 states that the marriage of Anna BEAUMONT and John HAYLES was registered in country Queensland, in 1916.

This is not our Anna (she was born in 1898)...
Qld Marriage Cert No. 1901 / C1809 states that the marriage of John James HARPER and Anna Maria BEAUMONT was registered in country Queensland, in 1901.

The Central Queensland Herald (Rockhampton, Qld) - Thu 24 Nov 1949 - Wowan
"... Among the guests was Mrs J. J. Harper (nee Anna Maria Beaumont), the only surviving sister of the guest of honour at the 81st birthday celebrations of Alexander Beaumont...".
13 Apr 1864 7 Sep 1911 Ellen Beaumont 47 47 Qld Marriage Cert No. 1888 / C1977 states that the marriage of Ellen BEAUMONT and Timothy DONOVAN was registered in country Queensland, in 1888.

Qld Marriage Cert No. for...
Ellen Beaumont (aged 24)
Event date: 02/10/1888
Event type: Marriage registration
Registration details: 1888/C/1977
Spouse: Timothy Donovan

2nd marriage...

Qld Marriage Cert No. for...
Ellen Donovan (aged 42)
Event date: 26/04/1906
Event type: Marriage registration
Registration details: 1906/C/2079
Spouse: George Essex Blundell

16 Mar 1855 6 Dec 1921 William Alfred Robert Beaumont 66 66 19 Aug 1866 2 Sep 1937 Alfred Beaumont 71 71 Qld Marriage Cert No. 1893 / C1959 states that the marriage of Flora MacDonald and Alfred BEAUMONT was registered in country Queensland, in 1893.

Qld Cert: Marriage registration:
Alfred Beaumont
Marriage date: 22/11/1893
Spouse's name: Flora Macdonald
Registration details: 1893/C/1959
21 Feb 1871 10 Jun 1962 Hannah Maria Beaumont 91 91 Qld Marriage Cert No. 1898 / C2113 states that the marriage of Hannah BEAUMONT and Arthur LAMBERT was registered in country Queensland, in 1898. 12 Sep 1874 11 May 1882 Lilly Edith Beaumont 7 7 D. 13 Nov 1898 Patrick William Hempenstall He arrived in Rockhampton in 1886, and resided continuously in Central Queensland. (Wife's newspaper death notice) 1849 25 Oct 1927 Catherine (Kate) Nugent 78 78 "She arrived in Rockhampton in 1886, at the age of 32, and resided continuously in Central Queensland for nearly 42 years." (Newspaper Death Notice) 1887 27 Dec 1961 Thomas Hempenstall 74 74 1876 Gertrude Halberstaedter 1920 Helen Miller Helen MILLER (aged 24) 26 Sep 1905 16 Apr 2012 Dulcie Lillian Naughton 106 106 John Boyle Phillip Boyle 15 May 2018 Mathew Franks 6 Jun 1967 6 Jun 1967 Brett Scott Kinscher 17 Jun 1886 13 Oct 1966 William Victor Coase 80 80 7 Oct 1918 23 Aug 2017 Una Cecilia Boyle 98 98 Australia, Electoral Rolls, 1903-1980 for Una Cecelia Boyle
Queensland 1958 Brisbane Merthyr
46 Abbott St, New Farm, Brisbane Qld, Hairdresser
6 Sep 1917 15 Nov 2009 Harry Leonard Illingworth 92 92 13 Nov 1895 21 May 1990 Lilly Marion Beaumont 94 94 16 Jul 1897 1 Aug 1980 Catherine Maude Beaumont 83 83 Catherine Maude MORTON (born Beaumont)

Qld Marriage Cert No. for...
Kathleen Maude Beaumont
Event date: 02/08/1922
Event type: Marriage registration
Registration details: 1922/C/2464
Spouse: Hugh Morton
7 Mar 1911 7 Sep 1929 Clarice Edna Beaumont 18 18 16 Dec 1916 16 Dec 1916 Stanley Beaumont 1861 18 Mar 1943 Sarah Louise Carrington 82 82 Brother...
John Carrington
Event date: 13/03/1863
Event type: Birth registration
Registration details: 1863/C/924
Mother: Eliza Hooker
Father/parent: William Carrington
29 Jun 1882 26 Aug 1966 Sarah Beaumont 84 84 3 Apr 1884 13 Apr 1884 William Beaumont 10d 10d 11 May 1885 23 Feb 1968 Harriet Beaumont 82 82 16 Jul 1887 4 Mar 1889 Lilly Beaumont 1 1 11 Sep 1889 5 Oct 1909 Emma Beaumont 20 20 6 Feb 1892 26 Sep 1954 William Beaumont 62 62 6 Feb 1892 20 Feb 1946 Alexander Beaumont 54 54 13 Oct 1894 6 Jun 1943 Ellen Beaumont 48 48 29 Dec 1897 27 Nov 1986 Anna Beaumont 88 88 24 Jan 1900 1997 Dora Beaumont 97 97 Dora Willmer (born Beaumont), 1900 - 1997
Dora Willmer (born Beaumont) was born on month day 1900, at birth place, to William Alfred Robert Beaumont and Sarah Louise Beaumont (born Carrington).
William was born on March 16 1855, in Sydney, New South Wales Australia.
Sarah was born in 1861, in Sexton, Victoria, Australia.
Dora had 16 siblings: Sarah Junior Reilly (born Beaumont), Grace Edith Lilly Beaumont and 14 other siblings.
Dora married William Francis WILLMER.
William was born on October 28 1896, in Queensland, Australia.
They had 2 children: Corine Farley (born O'Malley) and one other child.
Her occupation was occupation.
Dora passed away in 1997, at age 96 at death place.
She was buried at burial place.

Qld Marriage Cert No. for...
Dora Beaumont
Event date: 30/03/1918
Event type: Marriage registration
Registration details: 1918/C/1633
Spouse: William Francis Willmer

Qld Death Cert No. for...
William Francis Willmer
Event date: 07/12/1967
Event type: Death registration
Registration details: 1968/C/626
Mother: Frances Katherine Edmondson Riley
Father/parent: William Sydney Willmer
18 Jun 1904 20 Jun 1915 Grace Edith Beaumont 11 11 28 Mar 1861 19 Feb 1944 Sarah Beaumont 82 82 Qld Marriage Cert No. for...
Sarah Beaumont
Event date: 04/05/1881
Event type: Marriage registration
Registration details: 1881/C/1038
Spouse: Henry Searles
17 Jun 1875 19 Dec 1963 Jeremiah Simon McSweeney 88 88 22 Jul 1899 8 Aug 1976 Margaret Elizabeth Williams 77 77 1 Feb 1890 20 Jun 1962 Nora Carr 72 72 1876 Richard H Boughtwood Biz (Fairfield, NSW), Wednesday 12 October 1960
"ENGAGEMENT of TINDAL — BOUGHTWOOD. —The engagement is announced of Kaye, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Boughtwood, of Preston, to James, second son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Tindal, of Smithfleld."
1852 23 Oct 1923 Joseph Beynon Jones 71 71 Joseph Beynon Jones
D. 1933 Margaret Beynon 1891 16 Mar 1954 William Richard Jones 63 63 Birth of William Richard Jones(1891–1954)
abt 1891 • Sydney, New South Wales
WW1 War records state mother was Clara Jones having joined 24-Feb-1915 at 23 years old

Married - Kathleen Mary Jones (1898-1984) in 1935
1878 15 Aug 1942 Harold Tippler 64 64 D. 26 Aug 1972 Gunther Erick Walter Jurk Gunther Eric Walter Jurk William Walsh Mary J B Wood 1887 18 Feb 1970 Elizabeth Estelle Young 83 83 1883 1958 Henry Norman Young 75 75 1890 1891 Peter J P Young 1 1 1893 Peter J P Young 1878 Mary Henrietta Young 1886 Edith M Young 1891 1961 Mary E F Young 70 70 James C D Daly D. 18 Jun 1978 Francis Leo Keller 1916 20 Sep 2004 Elizabeth Marguerite A Keller 88 88 1918 Mary Keller 6 Jul 1922 23 Jan 2019 Frances Margaret Keller 96 96 •    Frances Margaret (sometimes Margaret Frances, and my mother) D. 17 Dec 2000 Patricia Mary Keller D. 10 Aug 1976 Robert Lauder Murray 23 Nov 1945 Elizabeth Anne Murray D. 5 Dec 1998 Charles Alexander Menzie Gray 24 Dec 1952 xxx Gray married surmame is Brown D. 22 Sep 1996 Leigh William Whatmore or or
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