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Family Subtree Diagram : Bennett, Cpt John

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All baptised at Hawarden, Flintshire, (both parents fully named) 6th cousins 6th cousins Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent 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Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Marriage (eleven children) 22 Oct 1843 (Holy Trinity, Chester). Abode: Werpe and Utah (after 1863) No more children Marriage (nine children) Shotton, Hawarden, Flintshire Marriage (five children) 29 Sep 1840 (Chester) Abode: Wepre, Northop Marriage (two children) Wepre, Northop Marriage (eleven children) 9 March 1874 (Salt Lake) +Possibly more children Marriage (six children) 18 Jun 1902 (Salt Lake, Utah) +Possibly more children Marriage (two children) 20 Jan 1921 Divorce (a child) No more children Widowed (four children) 21 Sep 1897 (Utah) No more children Marriage (two children) 1939 (Idaho) No more children Marriage (a child) 18 Dec 1908 (Utah) +Possibly more children Marriage (a child) 7 Jun 1930 +Possibly more children Marriage (a child) 17 June 1933 (Idaho) +Possibly more children Marriage (ten children) 1864 (Holden, Millard, Utah) Marriage (a child) 10 Mar 1928 No more children Widowed Marriage (three children) 12 June 1953 (Idaho) Marriage (eleven children) 2 Mar 1877 (Washington, Utah) No more children Marriage (five children) 19 Feb 1910 (Millard, Utah) Marriage (two children) 3 May 1933 +Possibly more children Marriage (a child) 13 May 1925 +Possibly more children Marriage (six children) 8 Sep 1952 (Millard) Marriage (a child) 3 Sep 1913 (Salt Lake) Marriage (two children) 5 Jun 1941 (Utah) No more children Marriage (eleven children) 17 Sep 1869 (Utah) Holden, Millard, Utah No more children Marriage (eleven children) Holden, Millard, Utah, USA No more children Marriage (a child) 1878 (Utah) XTo be completed Marriage (seven children) 9 Mar 1874 (Holden, Millard, Utah) Marriage (seven children) 3 Nov 1942 (Salt Lake) Marriage (a child) 1940 (Millard, Utah) Marriage (four children) 6 Jun 1917 (Sanpete, Utah) No more children Marriage (six children) 20 Sep 1916 (Millard, Utah) Marriage (seven children) 25 Oct 1893 (Millard, Utah) No more children Marriage (six children) 4 Oct 1916 (Salt Lake City) Widowed (four children) 19 Sep 1951 Camarillo, California, USA No more children Marriage 1 Jun 1956 (Salt Lake) Marriage (eleven children) Holden, Millard, Utah, USA No more children Marriage (six children) 14 Nov 1900 (Delta, Utah) +Possibly more children Marriage (a child) 13 Jul 1922 (Utah) +Possibly more children Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) Widowed 1941 Marriage (four children) Utah, USA Marriage 12 Aug 1939 Marriage < 2002 No more children Cohabitation and separation (a child) No more children Marriage 1952 (Arizona) Marriage 1 Feb 1932 XTo be completed Marriage (a child) +Possibly more children Marriage 2006 Marriage (three children) 3 Oct 1917 (Millard, Utah, USA) +Possibly more children Marriage (four children) 21 Dec 1940 No more children Marriage (three children) 29 Sep 1898 +Possibly more children Marriage 27 Apr 1921 (Utah) Marriage (four children) Shotton, Hawarden, Flintshire +Possibly more children Marriage (a child) 17 Dec 1913 (Utah) +Possibly more children Marriage (a child) +Possibly more children Marriage (three children) 18 July 1969 +Possibly more children Marriage 4 Feb 1984 XTo be completed Marriage (two children) 21 Apr 1886 (Utah) +Possibly more children Marriage (a child) 24 Mar 1920 Marriage (a child) 1946 (Millard, Utah) Marriage (three children) 16 Aug 1917 Marriage (a child) 29 Jan 1943 (Utah) +Possibly more children Marriage 16 Jul 1946 (Utah) Marriage (two children) 1 Feb 1905 +Possibly more children Marriage (four children) 16 Sep 1937 (Utah) +Possibly more children Divorce 13 Jul 1932 Marriage (two children) 1963 Juab, Utah +Possibly more children Marriage (a child) 10 Nov 1972 +Possibly more children Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) 21 Jun 1975 +Possibly more children Marriage (six children) Holden, Millard, Utah, USA No more children Marriage (a child) 1944 (Utah) XTo be completed Marriage (four children) 21 Mar 1922 (Holden) Abode: Provo +Possibly more children Marriage (five children) 18 Sep 1901 (Holden, Utah) No more children Marriage (a child) 13 Jun 1906 Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) 24 Feb 1909 Marriage (two children) 27 May 1932 Marriage 3 Jan 1933 XTo be completed Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) +Possibly more children (a child) Marriage 6 Jan 1897 XTo be completed Marriage 19 Feb 1896 XTo be completed Marriage 4 May 1887 XTo be completed Marriage (four children) 8 Oct 1919 (Salt Lake) Marriage (two children) No more children Marriage (five children) 20 Feb 1965 (Portland, OR) Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) 17 Jun 1922 Marriage (two children) 1986 No more children Marriage (four children) Marriage (four children) 328 Sage Cir Marriage (a child) 1983 Work at: Edward and Samuel were both Shoe Makers in Wherp in 1841 Work with: In 1871, Thomas and Edward were neighbours, both Boot Makers Relative of: Probabvly brother and sister Relative of: Shanna is the grandaughter of George Washington Matthews (a DNA match) Neighbor: In 1930, Samuel aged 77, was still alive, living alone and owning his one house (and farm) at Holden, Millard.&#32; His son Joseph and Hettie were neighbours. Relative of: D.S. is the Grandson of Woodrow Wilford Sybrowsky Relative of Lives with: Clara married George M Crossland.&#32; Her mother Mary Ann Stephenson was living with her in 1940 Lives with: In 1851, Elizabeth Coppack and her husband William Coppack (both 38) and family were living with her father Edward Roberts (68) at Shotton. Also present were Ann Roberts (23) and his grandson Edward Roberts (19) Relative of: Sarah is the Grandaughter of Blanch Bennett, descended from Capt John Bennett Relative of: Shelley is the grandaughter of Jess Bennett Relative of: Selma is the daughter of Maiben, confirmed by DNA match to me Relative of: 14cM DNA connection Relative of: pjharding76 (with a 11cM DNA match to me) is a grandchild of Elden Arthur Harding and Olive Bishop (DNA connection) Relative of: Shared DNA match with Theo (24cM) and JBShrub (18cM) and 15 others Relative of: Shared DNA match Relative of: Granddaughter of Jess Charles Bennett Relative of: 6th cousin Relative of 1822 - 1870 Cap John Bennett 47 47 Like his father before him, John was also a pilot in the Chester River.

In June 1841, Jane Roberts, a female servant, was living in the Township of Wepre, Golftyn, Flintshire with Edward with Mary Peers (70 & 65), a Grocer and Farmer. A neighbour was Benjamin Bennett (25), fisherman, John's brother.  This is probably how she met John.

In 1843, John married Jane Roberts, the daughter of Edward Roberts. He was a fisherman (and also his father Benjamin) when he married.  John and Jane were living at Crook Street (in Chester).

In 1851, John and Jane (28 & 26) were at Wepre, Flintshire with Elizabeth (6), Benjamin (5), Edward (3) and Catherine (1).

In 1861, John & Jane (38 & 37) were at Primrose Hill, Wepre, Flintshire. They had Elizabeth (16), Benjamin (15), Edward (13), Catherine (11), Samuel (7), MA (5) and Jane (3)

2 July 1863, John and Jane (40, Pilot & 38) travelled to NY on the Cynssure.  With them were Elizabeth (18), Benjamin (17), Edward (15), Catherine (13), Samuel (10), Mary J (7), John (3) and Jonathan (5 months).

The family emigrated to Utah, USA where John died in 1870
1824 - 1905 Jane Roberts 80 80 When Jane ROBERTS was born on June 22, 1824, her father, Edward, was 40, and her mother, Elizabeth, was 37. She married John BENNETT on October 22, 1843, in Chester, Cheshire, England. They had 13 children in 24 years. She died on April 17, 1905, in Holden, Utah, having lived a long life of 80 years, and was buried there.

In June 1841, Jane Roberts, a female servant, was living in the Township of Wepre, Golftyn, Flintshire with Edward with Mary Peers (70 & 65), a Grocer and Farmer. A neighbour was Benjamin Bennett (25), fisherman, John's brother.  This is probably how she met John.

In 1861, John & Jane (38 & 37) were at Primrose Hill, Wepre, Flintshire.

When "Jane R Bennett", Widow died in 1905 aged 80, her parents are recorded as John Bennett and Jane Roberrts. It seems that son Edward, the informant, put his own parents down, rather than his mother's!
1784 - 1867 Edward Roberts 83 83 In 1851, Edward, 68, Widow was an Ag Labourer at Shotton.  He had his daughter Ann (23) with him. Also present were William and another daughter Elizabeth Coppack (both 38) and their family.

1861, Edward (78) was still at Shotton with his daughter Ann (33)
D. <1851 Elizabeth Jones 1827 - 1876 Anne Roberts 49 49 In 1851 and 1861, Ann lived with her father Edward at Shotton.

After her father died, Ann stayed at Shotton.  In 1871, she was Head of house, 43 still single.
1844 - 1924 Elizabeth Bennett 79 79 15 Sep 1844, Elizabeth, daughter of John a fisherman and Jane of Wepre was baptised at Connah's Quay.

In 1851, Elizabeth (6) was at Wepre, oldest child of John and Jane.  John was a "Pilot on the Chester River" (i.e the River Dee).  Her siblings were Benjamin (6), Edward (3) and Catherine (1).

Elizabeth (18) imigrtated to NY, USA with her parents and family on the ship Cynssure in July 1863. She later married John Hunter in the USA.

In 1880, John D Hunter and Elizabeth (38 & 35) were farmers living at G31, Holden, Millard, Utah with John E (15), Elizabeth J (13), Catherine (10), Joseph and Mary Ann (6), Benjamin (3) and George (1)
1846 - 1917 Benjamin Bennett 71 71 Benjamin (17) imigrtated to NY, USA with his parents and family on the ship Cynssure in July 1863. 1848 - 1929 Edward Bennett 81 81 Edward (15)  imigrtated to NY, USA with his parents and family on the ship Cynssure in July 1863.

2 Mar 1877, Edward Bennett and Elizabeth Jane Wood married at St. George's, Washington, Utah.

On 2 March 1877, the "Bennett Family Tree" had Edward Bennett, 3 Jan 1848 from Connah's Quay, Flintshire marrying Elizabeth Jane Wood (born 1857, South Africa) in Utah.  They had 12 children.

In 1905, Edwards mother Jane died and Edward was the informant, so still in Holden, Millard, Utah.  Unfortunately, instead of entering his mother's details of place of birth and her parents, he entered his own!
1850 - 1889 Catherine Bennett 39 39 Caztherine (13) imigrtated to NY, USA with her parents and family on the ship Cynssure in July 1863.

Catherine Bennet married Edward James Arthur.  These are the Great g-parents of Jpoyce Mong, a 18cM DNA match to me.
1853 - 1932 Samuel Bennett 79 79 Samuel (aged 10) imigrtated to NY, USA from the port of Liverpool with his parents and family on the ship Cynssure 2 July 1863.

In 1930, Samuel aged 77, was still alive, living alone and owning his one house (and farm) at Holden, Millard.  His son Joseph and Hettie were neighbours.
1855 - 1943 Mary Ann Bennett 88 88 "Mary J or G" (7) imigrtated to NY, USA with her parents and family on the ship Cynssure in July 1863.

In 1861, Mary Ann is recorded as MA on the census, living with parents and family at Wepre.

9 Mar 1874, Mary Ann married Anthony Stephenson (1852–1928) from Denmark. 
1860 - 1863 John Bennett 3 3 John (aged 3) imigrtated to NY, USA with his parents and family on the ship Cynssure in July 1863.  He died on the journey and was buried at sea. 1857 - 1949 Jane Bennett 92 92 In 1863, Jane was not listed with her parents ans siblings when they imigrated to the US. 1818 - >1881 Edward Roberts 63 63 29 Sep 1840, Edward married Ann Peers at Chester Holy Trinity.

In 1841, Edward and Samuel, "Shoem" at Wepre, both aged 20.

In 1861, Edward (39, Shoe Maker and Farmer, born Shotton) and Ann (36, born Wepre) had Thomas (15), Edward (12), Elizabeth (9) and Mary (1). Invalid.

In 1881, Edward and Ann (61 bootmaker & 58) were at Northop, all born Wepre with Mary (19), John (16) and John (8, grandson).
1821 - 1852 Samuel Roberts 30 30 3 Aug 1845, Samuel Roberts (23) a Cordwainer of Connah's Quay, son of Edward Roberts a Collier married Elizabeth Foulkes.

In 1851, Samuel and Elizabeth (27 & 24) were ar Wepre with John (4) and Joseph (1).
1865 - 1951 William Thomas Bennett 86 86 1823 Ann Peers In 1841, Ann Roberts (married) was 20 at Wepre.  Also present were Ann Peers (40, Ind.), who is likely to be her mother, with possible sister Elizabeth (15) and brothers Thomas and William Peers (15 & 11). 1845 - 1905 Thomas Roberts 60 60 on 22 Feb 1868, Thomas married Elizabeth Marrow 1848 Edward Roberts In 1868, Edward Roberts married Elizabeth Griffiths at Mold (tbc)

In 1871, Edward and Elizabeth (both 23) were at Wepre
1850 Elizabeth Roberts 1860 Mary Roberts 1865 John Roberts 1825 Elizabeth Foulkes Hughes, Jones or Sharphills (assuming birth registered in Holywell), bit no Foulkes 1850 Joseph Roberts 1846 John Roberts 1815 - 1853 Thomas Roberts 37 37 1805 - 1837 Mary Roberts 32 32 1807 - 1872 William Roberts 65 65 1809 - 1863 John Roberts 54 54 1813 - 1899 Elizabeth Roberts 86 86 In 1851, Elizabeth Coppack and her husband William Coppack (both 38) and family were living with her father Edward Roberts (68) at Shotton. Also present were Ann Roberts (23) and his grandson Edward Roberts (19) 1844 - 1927 Edward James Arthur 82 82 Edward's father was Evan, a Woll Weaver and mother Catherine J Arthur.

In 1861, when Edward was 16 he was a tailor on South Wales.

In 1880, Edward (35, labourer) and Catherine Arthur (30), both from Wales, were at Clover, Tooele, Utah.  They had Edward (10), Catherine (9), Jane (7), John (5), Irvin (3), Marrian (1)

In April 1905, Edward was the informant of his mother's death. He was still living in Holden.
1879 - 1950 Mary (Marrian) Ann Arthur 70 70 1878 - 1935 Marinus Marion Bush 57 57 1903 - 1998 Gladys Gwen Bush 95 95 1902 - 1958 Edwin Earl Lish 56 56 1940 - 2021 Theo Edwin Lish 80 80 6th cousin 1x removed.

I have a 24cM DNA match with Theo Lish, and we have a shared DNA match with P.O., the cousin of David Robert Fletcher.
1921 - 1970 Marinus Dell Lish 49 49 1922 - 2004 Dorothy Jane Engstrom 81 81 1876 - 1940 Evan (Irvin) Bennett Arthur 63 63 1877 - 1905 Azalea Elizabeth Evans 27 27 1904 - 1994 Reed Bennett Arthur 89 89 1911 - 2008 Laura Mae Easton 96 96 Joyce Mae Mong 1883 - 1958 Iantha A Richards 75 75 1910 - 2003 Mary Ann Bush 92 92 1912 - 2004 John Alden Bush 92 92 1906 - 1976 George Washington Matthews 70 70 M Matthews 1914 - 1988 Marion Grace Higgins 73 73 J (JBShrub) B Bush 1842 - 1929 John Davidson Hunter 87 87 In 1880, John D Hunter and Elizabeth (38 & 35) were farmers living at G31, Holden, Millard, Utah with John E (15), Elizabeth J (13), Catherine (10), Joseph and Mary Ann (6), Benjamin (3) and George (1) 1876 - 1938 Benjamin Bennett Hunter 61 61 1889 - 1969 Teressa Amilla Allred 80 80 Teressa's parents were Redick Reddin Allred (1848-1940) and Eliza Elvira Allred (1853-1913) 1876 - 1927 Ellen Jane Lewis 50 50 Ellen is the daughter of James Lewis, born 1846, Wales and Ellen Jane Lewis, born Canada 1932 - >2020 Myrle ReNae Bartschi 88 88 Nancy LaMunyon 1857 - 1938 Elizabeth Jane Wood 80 80 Known as Jane, she was from Cape Town, SA

2 Mar 1877, Edward Bennett and Elizabeth Jane Wood married at St. George's, Washington, Utah.
1882 - 1945 Jane Myrtle Bennett 63 63 1896 - 1948 Mark Llewellyn Bennett 52 52 4th cousin 2x removed 1884 - 1962 Edward Bennett 78 78 1889 - 1961 Martha Estella Ashby 71 71 1911 - 1997 Martha Helen Bennett 86 86 1910 - 1970 Victor Lee Peterson 59 59 Carrol Peterson 1901 - 1975 Ethelyn Anderson 74 74 Barry (bbennettb75) Franklyn Bennett 1963 Ann (Dearden56) Edith Bennett A 6th cousin

21 March 1991, Ann married Eugene Dearden
1927 - 2005 Lynn Lyman Bennett 77 77 1930 - 2007 Edith Miriam Robison 77 77 1884 - 1982 Ernest G Whitwood 98 98 1914 - 1998 Kenneth Reid Whitwood 84 84 Margaret Vee Anderson Juli Crocket <male> Whitwood 1850 - 1927 Emma Jane Holman 77 77 Father    James Sawyer Holman
Mother    Naomi Roxania Holman
1882 - 1943 Hattie Bennett 61 61 Hattie married Johannesen

Hattie is buried with parents.
1868 - 1938 Elizabeth Jane Silby 70 70 Siby or Sibley 1885 John T Bennett 1888 - 1966 Mary Edith Bennett 78 78 1890 Jettie F Bennett 1892 Jonathan Lawrence Bennett 1894 Ellis Magdaline Bennett Ellis (female) married Daniel Zabulan Smith 1896 - 1971 Benjamin Elmer Bennett 75 75 1898 Clifton Reed Bennett 1899 Carl R Bennett 1853 - 1939 James Jasper Stevenson 85 85 1878 - 1966 John Charles Bennett 88 88 1880 - 1969 Elizabeth Ann Bennett 89 89 1887 - 1971 Benjamin Samuel Bennett 83 83 1889 - 1961 Jane LaVerne Bennett 71 71 1892 - 1945 Hattie Bennett 53 53 1894 - 1957 Gladys Bennett 63 63 1898 Jonathan Royal Bennett 16 Jan 1941, Jonathan married Ada May Fielding (29 Sep 1904 - 6 May 1993) 1902 - 1988 Emma Fay Bennett 86 86 1869 - 1952 Emmaline Bennett 82 82 1862 - 1891 Jonathan Bennett 28 28 Jonathan (5 months) imigrtated to NY, USA with his parents and family on the ship Cynssure in July 1863. 1852 - 1928 Anthony (Anthon) Stephenson 75 75 Anthony was the son of one of the early pioneers travelling to Utah from Denmark. 1924 - 2014 Ruby Joy Stephenson 90 90 In 2002, Ruby and Arthur Parrot were at 5830 E McKellips Rd, Mesa, Arizona, USA Steve Coombs Tonya Coombs Layne Sybrowsky 1892 - 1944 Ormus William Stephenson 52 52 1889 - 1970 Catherine Amanda Stephenson 81 81 On 20 Sep 1916, Amanda Stephenson, aged 27 marriede Carl S Johnson at Manti, Sanpete, Utah 1897 - 1991 Ezel Phebe Bensen 94 94 1888 - 1946 Carl Seeley Johnson 58 58 1921 - 1968 Ann (Woody) Johnson 47 47 Was not with family in 1940 (probably just married) 1922 - 2004 Leo Samuel Coombs 81 81 Leo Samuel Coombs was born 30 Nov 1922, the son of Wendell Howe Coombs (1891-1934) and Mary Louise Frost (1895-1987). 1918 - 1994 Woodrow Wilfred Sybrowsky 76 76 1870 Joseph Conrad Beckstrand "Joseph Conrad Beckstrand" (aged 23) married Emaline Bennett 25 Oct 1893 at Millard, Utah. 1894 - 1973 Alta Jane Beckstrand 79 79 1888 - 1973 Albert Hyrum Fisher 85 85 1929 - 2017 Beulah Fisher 88 88 1929 - 1994 William Charles Marz 65 65 Steven (Steve) W Marz Joseph (Gerry) Gerald Fisher Peggy Ann Jordan Albert Lee Fisher 1896 - 1981 Joseph Clifton Beckstrand 84 84 1898 - 1973 John Milton Beckstrand 74 74 1920 - 2009 Carol Fisher 88 88 1922 - 2007 Wanda Robinson Fisher 85 85 1926 - 2004 Albert LeRoy Fisher 78 78 1917 - 1920 Lela Fisher 2 2 Charlyn Marz Jeffery C Marz 1962 - 2018 Daniel Scott Marz 56 56 Daniel married Tracey Holladay in 17 Mar 2000 1857 - 1927 Martha Magdalene Fuhrmaster 70 70 Samuel married Martha M from Iowa. 1878 - 1969 Mary Bennett 91 91 1857 - 1933 Heber LaFayette Bishop 75 75 1901 - 1989 Bennett Jay Bishop 87 87 1900 - 1976 VanDyne Jones 76 76 <unknown> <unknown> Geri Richards 1929 - 2008 Dorothy Bishop 78 78 Parents Bennett J Bishop & VanDyne Jones (mother) 1920 - 1944 Ralph Henry Robinson 23 23 1905 - 1993 William John Marz 88 88 William John Marz was born in Mannheim, Mannheimer Stadtkreis, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, the son of Johann Baptist Marz and Franziska Helena (Helen) Sack. 1949 - 1949 Wanda Rene Marz 1955 - 1971 Richard Albert Marz 15 15 Geri Richards (nee Fisher) <female> Fisher 1918 - 1971 Deral John Johnson 53 53 Had left home by 1940 1919 - 2006 Zola Johnson 86 86 Was still with parents, but married to Roy Crum in 1940 1925 - 2016 Emeline Johnson 90 90 1923 - 1968 Melvin Anthony Johnson 45 45 Married Dayma Grant (1920-1968) Carl Bevan Johnson 1916 Roy Oliver Crum 1877 - 1963 Jane Marinda Stephenson 86 86 1879 Anthony Edward Stephenson

In 1943, A E Stephenson was the informant of his mother's death, living at Delta, Utah.
1895 Eva R Stephenson 1897 - 1954 Joseph Malben Stephenson 56 56 Died 1954, aged 56 1901 - 1984 Clara Emeline Stephenson 83 83 Clara married George M Crossland.  Her mother Mary Ann Stephenson was living with her in 1940 Donald William Stephenson 1927 - 1960 Nels Anthony Stephenson 32 32 Mary June Stephenson 1942 - 1946 Ormus Wendell Coombs 4 4 1918 - 2008 Arthur Parrott 90 90 1953 - 2019 Daron Willard Coombs 65 65 1919 - 1984 Clyde Hoyle Towery 64 64 1946 - 1946 Ormus Wendell Coombs 2d 2d The child only lived 2 days (as confirmed on death cert). Lynda Coombs William Stanley Hemphill Russell Coombs Elyse Marie Coombs 1912 - 2005 Olive Bishop 92 92 1909 - 1973 Elden Arthur Harding 64 64 PJ Harding Verl Reed Lish JoAnn Kerr Shanna Matthews 1870 Edward Bennett Arthur 1871 - 1960 Catherine Emaline Arthur 89 89 1872 - 1956 Jane Arthur 83 83 1874 - 1943 John Bennett Arthur 69 69 Jerold Reed Arthur 1898 - 1976 Evan Vaughn Arthur 78 78 1900 Allen Reed Arthur 1902 - 1994 Catherine Azalia Arthur 92 92 1908 - 1932 Marinus Arthur Bush 24 24 1918 - 2007 Alice (Kay) Kealoha Bush 88 88 1917 - 2006 Loa June Bush 89 89 1902 Anna Myrle Beckstrand 1910 - 2001 Edith Emma Beckstrand 91 91 1913 Orrin B Beckstrand 1906 - 1912 Linford August Beckstrand 5 5 Guy E Lester 1880 Martha Elizabeth Bennett 1883 Samuel Bennett 1884 Josephine Bennett 1886 Ida Bennett 1888 - 1978 John Bennett 90 90 1889 - 1965 Joseph Bennett 75 75 In 1914, Joseph married Hettie Jane Stevens 1892 - 1991 Leah Bennett 99 99 1895 - 1983 Rachel Bennett 88 88 1898 - 1997 Artimesia (Artie) M Bennett 98 98 1877 - 1879 Jane Sophia Bennett 1 1 1897 - 1938 Alec Henry Cameron 41 41 1919 - 1995 Alexander Bennett Cameron 76 76 1921 - 2006 Venna Fern Sorensen 85 85 Scott Brian Cameron 1922 - 2014 Rachel Glenna Cameron 92 92 Rachel married twice: John Albert Davis in 1942, and later Orval John Moffat in 1957 when she was 35. 1947 - 2006 Raymond Alec Cameron 59 59 1952 - 1970 Mark Bennett Cameron 17 17 1918 - 2002 Millie Cameron 84 84 Sherrie (louiedbass1) C Cameron 1908 - 2016 Grace Magdalene Bishop 107 107 1906 - 1921 Heber Nelson Bishop 14 14 1905 - 1998 Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bishop 93 93 11 Sep 1902, Elizabeth married William Elbert Stephens 1903 - 1948 Mary Mayme Bishop 44 44 Mary married a Robinson D Sybrowsky 1872 - 1948 Rodny Badger Ashby 75 75 1919 - 2010 Nina Ashby 90 90 Nina married Julian Woodhouse Rasmussen Marc Rasmussen 1900 - 1972 George Mathew Crosland 72 72 1813 - 1883 William Coppack 70 70 1843 Elizabeth Coppack 1845 Ricahrd Coppack 1847 Edward Coppack 1850 William Coppack 1887 - 1947 Lorenzo Henry Christensen 60 60 1916 - 1979 Florence Mildred Christensen 62 62 1915 - 2018 Ned Milne Church 103 103 1950 - 2012 Marcia Ann Church 61 61 Marcia married in 1969 and again to Thomas H Clark 4 Feb 1984 Richard Dale Jensen Rhonda (Ken) Blackwell Thomas H Clark Bradley Jensen Matthew Jensen 1864 - 1949 John Edward Hunter 84 84 1867 - 1959 Margaret (Maggie) Hulda Teeples 92 92 1898 - 1979 Elza Jane Hunter 80 80 1898 - 1930 Ira Nixon 32 32 1921 - 1991 Paul Ira Nixon 70 70 1991, Last Residence before Paul died was 84118, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA 1927 - 1994 Shirley Theone Warner 67 67 Julie Blake 1867 Elizabeth Jane Hunter 1870 - 1945 Catherine (Kate) Bennett Hunter 75 75 1872 - 1947 Joseph Bennett Hunter 74 74 1874 - 1933 Mary Ann Hunter 58 58 1879 - 1880 George William Hunter 1 1 Beverley Jean Hunter Mark S Hunter 1896 - 1991 Sideny Orzle Hunter 95 95 1899 - 1996 Myrle Poulson 97 97 1922 - 2008 John Poulson Hunter 86 86 1923 - 2009 Marjorie Lois Riches 86 86 Marc Riches Hunter 1918 - 1981 France Hope Hunter 63 63 1931 - 2010 Edna Margaret Hunter 79 79 1916 - 1984 Blance Bennett 67 67 Sara Higley 1914 Lula Bennett 1919 Fred A Bennett 1923 Robert C Bennett 1935 - 2003 JoAnn Peterson 68 68 6th cousin 1917 - 1998 Theodore (Ted) Earl Raty 81 81 Ted and Blanch had 7 children. All girls ! 1929 - 2020 Benjamin R Hunter 91 91 Benjamin R Hunter from Idaho, USA is a 5th cousin 1x removed

DNA matches to Benjamin Hunter (22cm) and bbennettb75 (17cM) and his daughter Nancy.  Benjamin is a 5th cousin 1x removed.

Only Benjamin and Renae were living at 305 Utley Drive, Idaho Falls in 1956 (before Nancy was born)

Benjamin R Hunter, 91, of Idaho Falls, passed away October 10, 2020, at his home in Idaho Falls. He was under the care of Encompass Hospice.
1883 - 1941 Lavinia Hunter 58 58 1885 - 1964 Joseph Alvin Lyman 78 78 1911 - 1993 Joseph Hunter Lyman 82 82 1915 - 1987 Zetta Goble 71 71 Zetta is the daughter of Alvin and Lillian Globe 1914 - 1940 Ann May Whitlock Foot 26 26 1938 - 1989 Larry Joseph Lyman 50 50 Kathleen Lyman 1945 - 2017 Robert Goble Lyman 72 72 Karen Laree Garlick 1964 - 2018 James Alvin Lyman 54 54 6th cousin, 1x removed Donna Mae Mitchell 1943 - 2016 Gordon John Marz 73 73 1905 - 1943 Ida Elisabeth Altenburger 37 37 Stephanie Marz Patricia Suzanne Graham 1885 - 1933 Hilda Johanna Olsen 47 47 1927 - 2016 Magdalen Marie Bennett 89 89 Known as Marie 1925 - 2007 Melvin Harold Webb 81 81 6 children: Ronald Webb, Evelyn Marie Ruiz, Marcia Merrell
Carol Madsen, Kathryn Johnson, and Laura Coleman
(pismyre5) 1916 - <2015 Grace Elizabeth Bennett 99 99 Grace Burrows died before her sister Magdalen. 1918 - <2016 John Everett Bennett 98 98 1923 - 2018 Mabel Bennett 95 95 Mabel (married name Williams) was still alive in 2016 1919 - <2016 Robert Bennett 97 97 1920 James Reed Bennett Known as Reed 1889 - 1952 Oliver Wills Thornton 62 62 Oliver has the following children: Barbera, Melvin, Don O, Martha M, Joye, Vernal, Verle, June and Gordon M (1940 US census) 1924 - 1997 Melvin Wills Thornton 73 73 1926 - 2007 Don Oliver Thornton 81 81 1927 - 2014 Martha Magdalene Thornton 87 87 1923 - 1996 Barbara B Thornton 73 73 Barbara married Raphael Harrison Snow (1922-1976)

30 Sep 1971, Barabra married Kenneth Leon Unsworth
1876 - 1945 Susan Ashby 68 68 1920 - 2003 Jess Charles Bennett 83 83 Jess married the daughter of Neil O Monroe Shelley Masteller 1902 Barta Bennett 1907 LaPreal Bennett 1911 Lena Bennett 1915 - 1986 Ned Ashby Bennett 70 70 1881 - 1945 John Bartley Stevenson 63 63 1883 - 1953 Mary Edith Ashby 70 70 1916 - 1999 Louise S Stephenson 83 83 Louise married Weldon Frank Anderson at Salt Lake. Weldon Frank Anderson Keith Anderson Elsie Lyman 1913 - 2005 Maiben Bennett Ashby 92 92 Selma Ann Ashby Johnson Brown 1888 - 1969 William Douglas Tomlinson 80 80 1911 - 1988 Henen Afton Tomlinson 76 76 1909 - 1999 Carl Julius Warner 89 89 <female> Warner 1933 - 2016 Karma Warner 83 83 Karma's married name was Mathews 1920 Bennett Tomlinson 1910 Nelda Tomlinson 1916 - 2004 Maxine Arthur 88 88 1912 - 1999 Joseph William Russell 87 87 E Russell <unknown> Sandy (S.R.) Norton 1914 - 1981 John Douglas Norton 66 66 Christine Marz (Gibbs) 1879 - 1947 David Franklin Bennett 67 67 1885 - 1958 Mary Maud Brown 73 73 1914 - 1987 Donald Jay Bennett 72 72 1913 - 2005 Velma LaVerl Allred 92 92 Verma was the daughter of Elisha Herman Allred (1889-1974) and Ada May Gilchrist (1891-1969). Joy Butler 1870 - 1938 Benjamin John Bennett 68 68 1872 - 1938 James Edward Bennett 65 65 1874 - 1953 Emma Jane Bennett 78 78 14 Sep 1894, Emma married DerMont Homer ROBERTS 1876 - 1946 Wilfred Wills Bennett 69 69 1884 - 1974 Estella Roxanna Bennett 89 89 1888 - 1972 Lester Grant Bennett 84 84 1891 Pearl Naomi Bennett 1893 - 1966 Joseph Temple Bennett 73 73 1898 - 1986 Reed Holman Bennett 87 87 1874 - 1950 George Milburne Mills 76 76 1876 - 1921 Lillias (Lillie) Jennett Mills 45 45 Lillias Jennett Hunter or Lillie 1881 - 1921 Emma Bennett Hunter 39 39 1885 - 1948 James Samuel Hunter 63 63 1866 - 1942 Milo Ansel Harmon 76 76 1902 Elna Randall 1928 - 2016 Norma Bennett 88 88 kathywithey1, the daughter of Norma, is a 6th cousin and had a 13cM DNA match to me and 7 Bennett family shared matches (as of Fec-23).

Norma married Alfred Duane Caddy (1924-1991) and had a son and daughter.
1920 - 1995 John Randall Bennett 74 74 1921 - 1952 Robert Reed Bennett 30 30 1925 - 1996 Mont Elmer Bennett 71 71 1902 - 1986 Emma Elverda Bennett 83 83 1908 - 1970 William Lindford Bennett 61 61 1905 - 1992 Thora Marinda Bennett 86 86 1881 - 1902 Margeret Bennett Arthur 21 21 1883 - 1900 Eleanor Bennett Arthur 17 17 1885 - 1902 Gladys May Arthur 17 17 1887 - 1964 Emily Bennett Arthur 76 76 1889 - 1890 Benjamin Harden Arthur 4m 4m Melvin Bennett Robert Bennett Linda Marie Bennett Harold Bennet Laurel Bennett Chelsea Begay 1909 - 1990 Orran Thomas Ashby 81 81 Kenneth R Ashby 1901 - 1990 John Stanley Poulson 89 89 1932 - 2013 Dr Jaren Stanley Poulson 80 80 Dr. Jaren Stanley Poulson,D.M.D., 80 March 29, 1932 Jan. 11, 2013 Steven Pennington 1933 Mary Ellen Stoneking 1967 - 2022 Ronald Stanley Poulson 54 54 Hoffman Lisa Poulson Diana Poulson 1926 - 2001 John Wayne Poulson 74 74 Sara Kay Poulson Miranda Poulson 1901 - 1970 LeRoy Malcolm Pymm 68 68 1924 - 2016 Gwendolyn Pymm 92 92 William Garth Pymm 1967 - 2020 Josette Lyman 52 52 Clayton (Clay) Glenn Kerr Miranda Lynn Greenhalgh 1951 - 2007 Margaret Lyman 56 56 Morgan Kerr 1909 - 2000 Glen Hunter Lyman 90 90 1904 Lillian M Mellor 1929 - 2009 Murrell Beth Lyman 80 80 1933 - 2022 Iris Ireta Lyman 89 89 Iris married LAMBERTSON 1937 - 2016 Rodney Glen Lyman 79 79 Jean Lois Peterson Steven Lyman Pake Rodney Lyman 1942 - 2021 Murrel Waynard Lyman 79 79 1956 - 1961 Pauline Lyman 5 5 Michael Phil Lyman Wayne Glem Lyman Julie S Steadman
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