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Male Samuel Bennett Click to view Samuel Bennett in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Samuel was born on April 13th, 1853 in Wepre.1  Samuel's father was Cap John Bennett and his mother was Jane Roberts.  His paternal grandparents were Benjamin Bennett and Catherine Jones; his maternal grandparents were Edward Roberts and Elizabeth Jones. He had five brothers and five sisters, named Benjamin, Edward, John, Jonathan, William, Elizabeth, Catherine, Mary, Jane and Emmaline.  He was the fifth oldest of the eleven children.  He died at the age of 79 on December 17th, 1932 in Utah (UT).

Samuel's family with Martha Magdalene Fuhrmaster

‌Samuel and Martha were married.  They had three sons and eight daughters, named Samuel, John, Joseph, Jane, Mary, Martha, Josephine, Ida, Leah, Rachel and Artie.  There are no more children.

1 1861 UK Census
2 FindAGrave
3 1900 US Census
4 US Social Security Records

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