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Male Joseph (Joe) Mather Click to view Joseph (Joe) Mather in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Joseph, known as Joe, was born on July 24th, 1902 in Tranmere.1  Joe's father was John Mather and his mother was Sarah Stocks.  His paternal grandparents were Joseph (Joe) Mather and Ellen Tomlinson; his maternal grandparents were Albert Stocks and Jane Smith. He had three brothers and four sisters, named Ab, Jack, Wal, Nellie, No, Jess and Lean.  He was the oldest of the eight children.  He died due to a medical problem, Parkinson's Disease, at the age of 81 on October 21st, 1983 in Birkenhead.  The funeral took place on October 26th, 1983 and was arranged by Paul Mills Funeral Directors .  He was cremated on October 26th, 1983 at the Landican Cemetery.2 1 

Joe's family with Evelyn May Martin

Wife's Pictures
Family Pictures
‌Joe and Evelyn were married in a religious ceremony on September 24th, 1931 at Christ Church (Moreton) by C E Wormall and witnessed by Albert Mather & Hilda Donohue.7  They had a daughter named Joyce.  There are no more children.

1 Lil Mercer's Birthday Book
2 Newspaper - Joe Mather
3 Certificate - Marriage
4 Certificate - Birth
5 1911 UK Census
6 1939 Register Transcription
7 BMD-Cheshire
Further source/citation:
Individual - Mum & Dad

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