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Male John Mather Click to view John Mather in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

John was born on January 8th, 1873 in Birkenhead.1  John's father was Joseph (Joe) Mather and his mother was Ellen Tomlinson.  His paternal grandparents were John Mather and Ellen Buckley; his maternal grandparents were Richard Tomlinson and Ann Bolton. He had two brothers and five sisters, named Dick, Samuel, Nell, Sarah, Polly, Elizabeth and Betty.  He died from a heart attack at the age of 77 on March 6th, 1950 in Birkenhead.  The funeral took place at 45 Thompson St. and was arranged by Coop Funeral Services.  He was cremated at the Landican Cemetery.2 1 

John's family with Sarah Stocks

Wife's Pictures
Family Pictures
‌John and Sarah were married in a religious & civil ceremony on August 13th, 1901 at the Baptist Chapel, Grange Road by Charles Rignal and witnessed by Richard and Mary Mather.7  They had four sons and four daughters, named Joe, Ab, Jack, Wal, Nellie, No, Jess and Lean.  There are no more children.

1 Lil Mercer's Birthday Book
2 Newspaper - John Mather (Snr)
3 1881 UK Census
4 1891 UK Census
5 1901 UK Census
6 1911 UK Census
7 Certificate - Marriage
8 Certificate - Birth
9 Newspaper - Joe Mather
10 Newspaper - Albert Mather
11 Headstone - Sarah Mather
12 Newspaper - Jack Mather
13 1939 Register Transcription
14 Headstone - Bayley
15 Newspaper - Norah Mather
16 England & Wales BMD Index (1984-Date)
17 Newspaper - Jessie Mather
18 Individual - Mum & Dad
19 Funeral Card
20 Newspaper - Eileen Graham
21 Newspaper - Walter Mather Obituary
22 Certificate - Death
Further source/citation:
Newspaper - Birkenhead News 1908

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