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Male Richard (Dick) Mather Click to view Richard (Dick) Mather in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Richard, known as Dick, was born on January 25th, 1875 in Birkenhead.1  Dick's father was Joseph (Joe) Mather and his mother was Ellen Tomlinson.  His paternal grandparents were John Mather and Ellen Buckley; his maternal grandparents were Richard Tomlinson and Ann Bolton. He had two brothers and five sisters, named John, Samuel, Nell, Sarah, Polly, Elizabeth and Betty.  He died at the age of 79 on May 31st, 1954 in Longsight.  The funeral was arranged by Beswick Co-op Funeral Society.  He was cremated on June 4th, 1954 at the Manchester Crematorium.1 1 

Dick's family with Lilly (Lil) Mercer

Wife's Pictures
Family Pictures
‌Dick and Lil were married in a religious ceremony on May 23rd, 1904 at the Birkenhead Baptist Church.1  They had two sons and four daughters, named George, Joe, Elsie, Nellie, Alice and Winnie.  There are no more children.

1 Lil Mercer's Birthday Book
2 1881 UK Census
3 1891 UK Census
4 1901 UK Census
5 Individual - Sue Robinson (nee Doxey)
6 1939 Register Transcription
7 Certificate - Marriage
8 Certificate - Death
10 Individual - Jenny Gibbons

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