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Sarah Martin 1911 - 1994 Erving Cilley 83 83 1818 - 1896 Persis Daniel Rankin 78 78 1802 - 1874 James Martin 72 72 1872 - 1898 Dora Hardy 26 26 1811 - 1888 Melinda Rankin 77 77 Edith Bingham 1) 1880 Edinburg, Christian, IL census ed 60 p 7 (p 480 stamped), age 6 John W. Bingham 1) 1880 Edinburg, Christian, IL census ed 60 p 7 (p 480 stamped), age 11 Sophia P. Mullen 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 522 entry 184,897. Says: In 1870 lived at Alton, Madison, Illinois., one
child listed no name or sex given.
2) 1870 check Alton, Mad., IL
3) 1880 Edinburg, Christian, IL census ed 60 p 7 (p 480 stamped), age 39,
B: NH, parents: Scotland, England
4) check Mullen's in NH 1950 b: Scot, Eng.
1864 Harry Bingham 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 520-1 entry 184,895. Says In 1899 lived at Washington D.C. unmarried.
Short, very dark, black hair and beard. Capt. of U.S. Vols. in Spanish War,
1898. In 1926 address Oak Hill, Littleton, NH (See Littelton, NH "Courier" of
Sept 12 1907)
2) 1870 Columbus, Franklin, OH census, 4th Ward, p 188, age 6, b: OH
3) 1880-1920 check Littleton, Grafton, NH,
Stella Miles 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 520-1 entry 184,895; p 676 entry 1,848,432. Father given.
1861 - 1941 Edward Todd Bingham 79 79 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 520-1 entry 184,895; p 676 entry 1,848,432. Lived at Columbus, OH. In
1909 at Alliance, Stark Co., Ohio. In 1926 at Chevy Chase, Md.
2) 1870 Columbus, Franklin, OH census, 4th Ward, p 188, age 9, b: OH
3) 1880-1920 check Littleton, Grafton, NH, OH and MD
William Jacks 1854 Edith Bingham Clay 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 520-1 entry 184,895. Only surname given (and 2nd mg for wife)
William H. Mitchell 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 520-1 entry 184,895. Of the firm of Bingham, Mitchell and Batchellor,
Lawyers, Littleton, NH.
1854 Delia Bingham 1852 - 1854 Lucy Bingham 1 1 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 520-1 entry 184,895
Melinda Caperton 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 520 entry 184,895. Father given. Says widow Mrs. Lin C. Patton, Lin C.
listed as really Judge James F. Patton. But Lin C. probably refers to her (Lin
C. short for Lucinda or Melinda Caperton).
~1829 - 1886 Susannah F. Gunning 57 57 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 520 entry 184,895. Parents given.
2) 1850, check McArthur, Vinton, OH
3) 1860 McArthur, Vinton, OH census page no. 38, age 32, b: OH
4) 1870 Columbus, Franklin, OH census, 4th Ward, p 188, age 42, b: OH
5) 1880 check Littleton, Grafton, NH
Frederick T. Col. Walsh 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 519-20 entry 184,894. In 1926 living at 12 Valentine St., West Newton,
Mass. He was on Governor's Staff in 1899). They married in Autumn 1898.
Catherine Bingham 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 519-20 entry 184,894. In 1926 living at 12 Valentine St., West Newton,
2) 1880 Littleton census, ed. 95 sheet 28, age 6. Listed as Kate.
Helen E. Bingham 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 519-20 entry 184,894. Not married in 1907. Listed as Helen L.
2) 1880 Littleton census, ed. 95 sheet 28, age 8. Middle initial E.
1866 Cordelia Pearmain Hinckley 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 519-20 entry 184,894, says 3 children; p 675 entry 1,848,422, lists 6
1864 - 1949 George Hutchins Bingham 85 85 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 519-20 entry 184,894; p 675 entry 1,848,422. Graduated Dartmouth College
1887 and at Harvard Law
School in 1891. Lawyer. Was Associate Justice of Supreme Court of NH in 1902.
In 1907 lived in Manchester, NH. 1887 Grad. Dartmouth College, 1891 Grad
Harvard Law School, 1917 Degree LL.D. Dartmouth, 1902-1913 Justice, NH State
Supreme Court, 1913, US Circuit Judge, First Circuit.
2) 1870 Littleton, Grafton, NH census p 61 (p 597 stamped), age 5 b: NH,
3) 1880 Littleton census, ed. 95 sheet 28, age 15.
1861 Andrew Woods Bingham 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 519-20 entry 184,894. Merchant and postmaster.
2) 1870 Littleton, Grafton, NH census p 61 (p 597 stamped), age 8 b: NH,
3) 1880 Littleton census, not there--where? married., recheck for self there
4) 1900 Littleton, Grafton, NH census ed 66 sh 10 ln 5, (Clay St.), b: Sept1861 age 38 b: NH VT NH., md 11 yrs.
5) 1910
6) 1920 Littleton, Grafton, NH census, ed 55 sh 15 ln 51, 24 Clay ST., age 58,
poultry dealer, b: NH VT NH.
D. 1893 Eliza Isabella Woods 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 519-20 entry 184,894. 2nd wife.
2) 1860 Bath, Grafton, NH census p. 777, age 29, b: NH.
2) 1870 Littleton, Grafton, NH census p 61 (p 597 stamped), age 39,
b: NH. Taken in July 1870.
3) 1880 Littleton census, ed 95 sh 28, age 48, b: NH, parents b: Nh, ___. Taken
in Jun 1880.
4) IGI
Tracy Perry Bingham 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 519-20 entry 184,894; p 674 entry 1,848,420: birth place given only.
Authority: his daughter. Married and in 1899 lived in Vt.
2) 1860 Bath, Grafton, NH census at Hotel with father and step-mother. Tracy
P., Age 5, b: NH.
3) 1870 Littleton, Grafton, NH census p 61 (p 597 stamped), age 15 b: NH,
listed as Tracy P.
4) 1880 Littleton census, ed 95 sh 28, age 28, b: NH, parents b: Nh, ___ (get),
listed as Perry T.
5) a Perry R. Bingham b: Nov 1849 in VT index, Middlebury, Addison, VT ed 13 sh
~1824 - 1856 Louisa Smith 32 32 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 519-20 entry 184,894. Only name and 1 child given.
2) on 1850 Lyndon, Caledonia, VT census, p. 163. Louisa Smith on same
page as George A. Bingham, age 26 b: VT, with Thomas Bartlet, Jr. attny and
fam. Check marriage recs for there and Littleton NH where son was born for
vital recs. (yes IGI)
1823 - 1903 Lucy Ann Bingham 79 79 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541. "In
1854 went to Oakdale, Stanislaw, Cal. Had 4 children who all died in infancy."
1826 - 1895 George Azro Bingham 68 68 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 519-20 entry 184,894. Says: Lived first at Lyndon, Caledonia, VT. Then at Littleton, Grafton, NH Was a prominent lawyer and for years one of the Supreme Court Justices of NH.
2) 1850 Lyndon, Caledonia, VT p 163. Listed at sherrif's res (George Ide). Age 24, attorney, b: VT. On the same page, a Louisa Smith, age 26 b: VT with Thomas Bartlett Jr. (attorney) family. Possibly the Louisa he married first.
3) 1860 Bath, Grafton, NH census p 777. Listed at a Hotel (Edwin Carlton
innkeeper) with a number of other attorney's. Age 34, attorney and counsellor
at law, b: VT.
4) 1870 Littleton, Grafton, NH census p 61 (p 597 stamped),
age 44, lawyer, 12,000 real estate/20,000 personal (check for will); b: NH
5) 1880 Littleton census, ed 95 sh 28, age 55, Justice of Supreme Court, b: VT,
parents: VT, ___.
George Chandler ("Chan") Bingham
says the family of Elisha Warner Bingham and Sarah (Sally) [Perry] Bingham -- parents of Erastus Bingham -- from the Cornish, Sullivan, New Hampshire area up the iced-over Connecticut River by covered wagon[?] to Concord, Essex, Vermont.
1818 - 1856 Lorenzo Bingham 37 37 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541; Says
lived and died at Waterford, Vt. No children.
2) 1850 Concord, Essex, VT census p 370 age 32 merchant b: VT, wicth Warner B.
and Olive B. May (ages 35 & 39 b: VT). An Isabel Bingham on p. 363, age 13 with
Nathan Graves family.
3) Successful Vermonters, 974.3 D3j p133. says settled at Lower Waterford.
1815 - 1848 John Bingham 33 33 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541;
Says lived in NYC until 1847, then married and went to Fond du Lac, Wisc. and
had a farm near Waupon. No children.
2) IGI lists another John b: 1816, work done, also lists Tracy Perry Bingham
md in Fond Du Lac, Wisc. 1846, rin 2467
3) Successful Vermonters, 974.3 D3j p133. says settled as a merchant in OH
1849 - 1937 James Warner Jr. Bingham 87 87 1) 1850 Concord, Essex, VT census p 367, age 1, b: VT.
2) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541.
Not married in 1870.
3) 1860 where?
4) 1870 Bethlehem, Grafton, NH census p 8, age 21, b: VT (James W)
5) IGI lists 2 James Warner B. b: 1846 and 1848 and one Warner B. (9 Feb 1849
which matches source 2 year listed).
6) 1900 Concord, Essex, VT census (index--get ed.# and page), Warner Bingham,
age 51, b: Feb 1849, VT and wife Sarah R. age 38, b: July 1861 VT. GET.
7) 1910
8) 1920
9) Successful Vermonters, 974.3 D3j p133. Spent youth in Barnet, at 17 went to Terre Haute, Ind., became a wheelwright and pattern maker's trade. In 1878 md Sarah, dau to James and Candace (Jones) Warden of Peacham. 1881
located in Hurricane twp, IL with Horatio, where they built the now prosperous village of Bingham (1904). 1886 partnership with father-in-law making fork and hoe handles. 1887 moved to West Concord. Postmaster of West Concord for nearly 11 years. Mr. and Mrs. Bingham of excellent social standing. Past noble grand of Concordia Lodge of Old Fellows. Listed as J. Warner.
1844 - 1932 Laura Rankin Bingham 88 88 1) 1850 Concord, Essex, VT census p 367, age 9?, b: VT.
2) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541. Says
b: 1844. "No children. In 1870 lived in Bethlehem, NH." Husband: "Job Daily"
3) 1860 where?
4) 1870 Bethlehem, Grafton, NH census p 8, age 24, b: VT (Laura R.) but husband
listed as John E. Daly, age 23, farmer, b: Prov. Quebec
1841 - 1926 Horatio Henry Bingham 85 85 1) 1850 Concord, Essex, VT census p 367, age 9, b: VT.
2) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 522 entry 184,897. Says: In 1870 lived at Alton, Madison, Illinois., one
child listed no name or sex given.
3) 1870 check Alton, Mad., IL
4) 1880 Edinburg, Christian, IL census ed 60 p 7 (p 480 stamped), age 39,
operator sawmill, B: VT, parents: NH, VT.
4) Successful Vermonters, 974.3 D3j p133. 1881 located in Hurricane twp., IL
with brother J. Warner where they built now prosperous village of Bingham
Ira Bellew 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541. Four
Hill ? 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541. "In
1854 went to Oakdale, Stanislaw, Cal. Had 4 children who all died in infancy."
1828 - 1907 Edward Franklin Bingham 79 79 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 520 entry 184,895. Photo. Says: Educated at the public and select schools of Vt and at the Academy at Peacham. In 1846 visited Ohio and went to Marietta College. Read law with Judge Joseph Miller of Chillicothe, OH and with his brother Harry. at Littleton, NH. In 1850 admitted to the OH Bar and opened a law office at McArthur, county seat of Vinton Co, OH. In 1851 Prosectuting Attny. of Vinton Co. 1856-7 Dem. Rep. to State leg. Appointed by Pres. Cleveland as Chief Justice Supreme Court Apr 25, 1887. He was tall, slender and had blue eyes.
2) 1850, check McArthur, Vinton, OH
3) 1860 McArthur, Vinton, OH census page no. 38, age 31, attorney, b: VT
4) 1870 Columbus, Franklin, OH census, 4th Ward, p 188, age 41, lawyer, b: VT. Family listed plus Susan McLaughlin, school teacher, b: OH, and one servant.
5) 1880 check Littleton, Grafton, NH
1832 - 1864 Susan Joslyn 31 31 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
2) 1860 Concord, Essex, VT census p 761, Susan Bingham, with James Joslin 59
and Polly 56.
John E. Daily 1) 1850 where?
2) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541. Says
b: 1844. "No children. In 1870 lived in Bethlehem, NH." Listed as Job Daily,
but Joh. abbrev. for John so prob. John
3) 1860 where? Check Daily's from Canada in Bethlehem.
4) 1870 Bethlehem, Grafton, NH census p 8, age 23, farmer b: Prov. Quebec
listed as John E. Daly. A Michael Daily age 25 b: Canada on p 6(?)
5) find in 1880--check for spelling of last name.
1831 - 1887 Edith Cordelia Bingham 55 55 1) 1850 Concord, Essex, VT census p 367, age 18, b: VT.
2) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541.
Says "Four chil. In 1885-98 lived in Medford, Mass."
Hill ? 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541. "In
1854 went to Oakdale, Stanislaw, Cal. Had 4 children who all died in infancy."
Hill ? 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541. "In
1854 went to Oakdale, Stanislaw, Cal. Had 4 children who all died in infancy."
Hill ? 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541. "In
1854 went to Oakdale, Stanislaw, Cal. Had 4 children who all died in infancy."
1821 - 1900 Harry Bingham 79 79 1) Hist of Cornish, Sullivan, NH, 974.275/C1 H2c, pp27-29
2) 1900 Littleton, Grafton, NH census ed 66 sh 11 line 24, age 79 b:Vt border
with David Paulet family. High Stl; Lawyer.
3) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541; pp. 518-19, entry 184,892. Photo. Says: Graduated Dartmouth College, 1843.
Member of both Houses of the legislature. Was a Gold Democrat in politics.
Distinguished member of the Bar. See "Memorial of Harry Bingham, LL.D. Lawyer, legislator, author" by Henry H. Netcalf of Concord, NH et al.
4) 1870 Bethlehem, Grafton, NH census p 7 (p 560), age 47 b: VT
1814 Bingham D. 1839 Lucy Wheeler 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
"Lived at one time in Passumpsie,VT"
1856 Walter Ramsey Norton 1884 Louisa Milne Norton 1886 Albert Rankin Norton 1889 Twilia Moffitt Norton 1870 - 1924 Fannie Agnes Fisher 54 54 1899 - 1970 Brant Matthews Rankin 71 71 Jerome McLamore Stewart 1903 - 1922 Jerome Rankin Stewart 19 19 Emma Barnes Living Sarah Barnes Milne 1764 Nathantiel Webster 1876 Orrie Smith 1896 - 1967 Carrole Clute Rankin 70 70 1905 - 1984 Joseph Frederick Rankin 78 78 1915 - 1993 Opal Clara Thompson 78 78 1939 - 2002 Frederick William Rankin 63 63 1918 - 1999 Ruth Harriet Rankin 80 80 1924 - 2005 John William Rankin 81 81 1916 - 1981 William Norman Williams 64 64 John Fisher Agnes Ewing Living Living 1802 - 1882 John Moffitt 79 79 1805 - 1882 Maraget Dawson 76 76 1825 - 1825 Joshua Moffitt 1m 1m 1826 - 1850 Alonzo Moffitt 23 23 1828 - 1831 Hugh Moffitt 2 2 1832 - 1906 Minerva Moffitt 73 73 1836 - 1917 Matilda Moffitt 81 81 1839 - 1905 William Moffitt 65 65 1842 - 1842 Mary Mariah Moffitt 1m 1m 1846 - 1931 John Moffitt 85 85 1824 - 1907 Philip Temple Matthews 83 83 1857 - 1940 Mary Allena Matthews 83 83 1862 - 1919 John Phillip Matthews 56 56 John Andrew Dawson Margaret Littel 1828 - 1904 Rev Jeremiah Eames Rankin 76 76 1904 - 1962 Rolland Leroy Gordon 57 57 1898 - 1993 Lavina Irene Gordon 94 94 1897 - 1974 Harry Butler Gordon 76 76 1837 Josephine Brewer 1833 Franklin Brewer 1830 - 1912 Clarissa Brewer 81 81 1902 - 1961 Harry Rankin 59 59 1901 - 1990 Litia Helen Rankin 89 89 John Daniels Sarah Dunham 1703 - 1733 John Daniels 30 30 1791 - 1865 Marion Rankin 73 73 1786 - 1854 Samuel Ingalls 68 68 1798 Lois Rankin Michajah Lowell 1806 - 1859 Maria Rankin 53 53 Sarah 1725 John Daniels Mary Daniels Rachel Daniels Sylome Daniels 1728 Margaret Boyce 1747 Bethiah Daniels 1749 - 1820 Silence Daniels 70 70 1751 - 1806 Increase Daniels 55 55 1755 - 1833 John Daniels 77 77 1757 William Daniels 1759 Margery Daniels 1761 Samuel Daniels Lydia Putman Antipas Daniels 1753 Rachel Daniels 1745 - 1810 Jonathan Taft 65 65 Silas Richardson 1754 - 1820 Elona Thayer 66 66 1773 - 1808 Margery Daniels 35 35 1788 - 1791 Elona Daniels 3 3 1789 - 1791 Tomson Daniels 2 2 Aaron Daniels 1796 - 1815 Elona Daniels 19 19 Jemima Daniels Clarissa Daniels Melinda Daniels 1800 John Rankin 1805 - 1830 Henry Rankin 24 24 William Rankin Besty Rankin 1794 - 1870 Dorothy Rankin 76 76 Sarah Rankin Carline Rankin 1885 - 1931 Minnie Bell Rankin 46 46 1885 - 1967 Romie Eugene Ellas 82 82 1910 - 1976 Reva Margaret Ellas 65 65 1763 - 1848 Timothy Ingalls 85 85 1763 - 1848 Bathsheba Worchester 85 85 1788 - 1788 Betsey Ingalls 1m 1m 1789 Hannah Ingalls 1791 - 1798 John Ingalls 7 7 1793 - 1825 Polly Ingalls 31 31 1798 Moses Ingalls 1809 - 1872 Charissa Daniels Rankin 63 63 1808 - 1891 Guy Carleton Rowell 83 83 1815 Chastina Rankin 1820 - 1861 David Rankin 41 41 1890 - 1950 Flora Rankin 60 60 1918 - 2006 David Robinson 87 87 1862 - 1924 William Albert Rankin 61 61 1866 - 1931 Samuel Edward Rankin 64 64 1870 - 1872 Margaret Olive Rankin 1 1 Mary Howell 1870 - 1883 Agnes Eames Butler 13 13 1870 - 1928 Henry Maddocks Northrup 58 58 1905 - 1994 Henry V. Reeves 89 89 1909 - 1986 Earl Reeves 77 77 1912 - 2003 Living 90 90 Living 1916 - 1994 Donald Lavern Robinson 77 77 1852 - 1917 Jane Ann Newcomb 65 65 1872 - 1940 Charles Lucas Adams 68 68 1880 Hattie N. Adams 1806 - 1895 Lucas Adams 89 89 1812 - 1891 Mary A. Baker 78 78 1836 - 1868 Charles Adams 31 31 1837 - 1851 Elisha Baker Adams 13 13 1842 - 1921 Ruth A. 79 79 1802 Jesse Whitcomb 1799 Narcisa Whitcomb 1800 Daniel Young Whitcomb 1806 Samuel Whitcomb 1808 Thankful Whitcomb Minerva Whitcomb David Whitcomb 1813 - 1893 Corneilus Sprague Whitcomb 80 80 ~1800 - 1827 Caleb Whitcomb 27 27 1807 - 1866 Zerviah Whitcomb 59 59 1812 Nathan Whitcomb 1817 - 1893 Minerva Whitcomb 75 75 Samuel Morris John Whitcomb 1790 - 1872 Warner Bingham 81 81 1) 1850 Concord, Essex, VT census p 367, age 60, farmer, b: NH
2) IGI
3) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
4) 1860 where?
5) 1870 Bethlehem, Grafton, NH census p 8, age 80, farmer, b: NH
6) NOTE: son listed as James Warner Bingham, Jr., so first name of rin 1643
8) Successful Vermonters, 974.3 D3j p133. says 5 sons, 2 dau, md Lucy Wheeler
of Concord.
1861 Sarah R. Warden 1) 1900 Concord, Essex, VT census (index--get ed.# and page), Warner Bingham,
age 51, b: Feb 1849, VT and wife Sarah R. age 38, b: July 1861 VT. Children?
2) Successful Vermonters p. 133
1825 - 1890 Margaret Sutherland 65 65 1783 Ruth Whitcomb 1781 Anna Bedel Whitcomb 1776 - <1825 Joshua Whitcomb 49 49 1779 Sally Young 1778 - 1866 Clarissa Bailey 88 88 Ralph Merry 1824 - 1846 Hannah Rhodes 22 22 1844 - 1931 Emily Roselha Sutherland 87 87 1834 - 1888 William Mesler 54 54 1863 Frank Voltney Mesler 1887 - 1916 George Rankin 29 29 1860 - 1860 Lucy Thankful Johnson 6m 6m 1849 - 1928 Warren James Johnson 78 78 1848 - 1851 Welcome Johnson 3 3 1846 - 1895 Lousia Ann Johnson 49 49 1844 - 1919 Mary Adelaide Johnson 75 75 1852 - 1924 De Witt Johnson 71 71 1840 - 1896 Thamas Benton Ball 56 56 1876 - 1950 Clarence Hugh Ball 74 74 1833 Syrenus Gordon 1862 - 1928 William Henry Gordon 65 65 1866 - 1928 John Butler Gordon 62 62 1830 - 1916 Margaret White 85 85 1879 - 1936 Mary Louisa Wickes 57 57 1915 - 1968 William Woodrow Gordon 53 53 1912 - 1992 Dale Emerson Gordon 79 79 1910 - 1992 Florence Elizabeth Gordon 82 82 1899 - 1944 Carl Llewellyn Gordon 44 44 1897 - 1974 Ilah Grace Gordon 76 76 1901 Cora Hagerman 1866 - 1894 Irene Helen Johnson 28 28 1871 - 1915 Ola Antoinette Little 44 44 1907 - 1992 Elise Gordon 85 85 1834 - 1914 Azaba Dumphey 80 80 1836 - 1902 Orson Rankin 66 66 1803 - 1870 Almira Rankin 67 67 1805 - 1882 Samuel Rankin 77 77 1798 - 1869 James Brewer 71 71 1829 - 1918 Rachel Sutherland 89 89 1828 Eratus Dumphey 1872 - 1945 Lena Schuler 73 73 1891 - 1981 Clarence Robinson 90 90 1739 - 1805 Margaret Witherspoon 66 66 1757 - 1845 John Rankin 88 88 1John may have been a judge 1774 - 1838 William James Rankin 64 64 Henry Rankin 1769 - 1820 James Rankin 51 51 1768 - 1830 Miriam Rankin 62 62 1783 - 1852 David Rankin 69 69 1758 - 1841 Lois Whitcher 83 83 1778 - 1858 Dorothy French 80 80 Living 1787 - 1854 Persis Daniel 67 67 1778 - 1863 Margaret Peabody 85 85 1813 - 1856 Albert Rankin 43 43 1783 - 1812 David Goodale 29 29 Leonidas Goodale Caroline Goodale Richard Peabody Goodale 1804 - 1882 David Goodale 78 78 1858 - 1931 William Edward Wright 73 73 1866 - 1888 Nettie Zeluff 22 22 1887 - 1949 William Henry Wright 62 62 1865 - 1922 Ida Mae Dumphey 56 56 1802 - 1864 Asa Rankin 61 61 1806 - 1850 Mindwell Rowell 44 44 1846 - 1933 Leulla Rankin 86 86 1841 - 1917 Laura Rankin 76 76 1848 - 1931 John Peter Rankin 82 82 Nick name is a guest. His tombstone say "JP" 1898 - 1960 John William Rankin 62 62 1800 - 1800 John Rankin 1m 1m 1816 - 1890 Horatio Henry Rankin 73 73 1814 - 1815 Henry Rankin 4m 4m 1817 - 1858 Harriet N. Rankin 41 41 1812 - 1880 Thomas H. Kimball 68 68 1812 - 1890 Elona Rankin 78 78 John LeCroix 1876 - 1902 Carlton Rankin 26 26 1870 Isbelle Huff 1860 - 1916 Rhoda Adelaide Rankin 56 56 1848 William Dolling 1804 - 1815 Edwin Rankin 11 11 1847 - 1882 Thankful Rankin 35 35 1812 - 1893 Sarah Rankin 81 81 1862 - 1927 David Henry Radle 64 64 1864 May Izadore Swift 1833 - 1891 Henry R. Radle 58 58 1837 - 1909 Catharine Angeline Metz 72 72 1830 - 1880 Dewitt Clinton Swift 50 50 1800 - 1876 Philip Radle 75 75 1802 - 1862 Elizabeth Motten 59 59 1770 - 1854 Johannes 'John' Radle 83 83 1838 - 1901 Amanda Ida Roberts 63 63 1812 - 1864 John Meitz 52 52 1919 - 1959 Marshall Adams Rankin 40 40 1925 - 2002 Edward Beisell 77 77 1953 - 2013 Walter Broll 59 59 1882 - 1927 Carrie Adams 44 44 1911 - 2006 Russell E. Rankin 95 95 1911 - 2007 Geraldine Ball 96 96 1842 - 1919 William Henry Rankin 77 77 Known as Henry Rankin. 1878 - 1964 Margaret Ellen Rankin 85 85 1880 - 1968 Henrietta O "Etta" Rankin 87 87 2018 - 1979 Grace M. Rankin Robinson 38 38 1888 - 1934 Dewitt Rankin 46 46 1845 - 1881 Catherine McCabe 35 35 1865 Eugene Sylvester Whitcomb 1868 Edwin Nathan Whitcomb 1872 Pearl Catherine Whitcomb 1874 Elizabeth Ruby Whitcomb 1876 Gertrude Ethel Whitcomb 1878 Cornellius Albert Whitcomb Elizabeth Clarissa Parker 1884 Vernon Horace Whitcomb 1887 Webster Rupert Whitcomb 1876 Sarah Sheridan 1846 - 1924 Mary Slaten 77 77 1871 - 1929 Mary Delight Whitcomb 57 57 1873 - 1875 Elizabeth Cora Whitcomb 2 2 1876 Minnie Estella Whitcomb 1811 David Rugg 1716 - 1806 Joshua Howe 90 90 1715 Lydia Robbins 1736 Nehemiah Howe Joshua Howe 1745 Azubah Howe 1710 - 1778 Benjamin Whitcomb 68 68 1717 - 1764 Dorothy White 46 46 1735 - 1815 Tamar Whitcomb 79 79 1739 - 1804 Dorothy Whitcomb 65 65 1741 - 1835 Joanna Whitcomb 94 94 1743 - 1747 Nathaniel Whitcomb 4 4 1748 - 1833 Eunice Whitcomb 84 84 1750 - 1811 Ephraim Whitcomb 60 60 1754 - 1843 Rebecca Whitcomb 88 88 1754 Mary Whitcomb 1755 Lois Whitcomb 1758 - 1759 Prudence Whitcomb 1 1 1759 - 1813 John Whitcomb 54 54 1761 Josiah Whitcomb 1763 Prudence Whitcomb 1667 - 1730 David Whitcomb 63 63 1669 - 1743 Mary Hayward 73 73 1684 - 1725 John White 40 40 1690 - 1778 Eunice Susanna Wilder 88 88 1700 - 1792 Joseph Whitcomb 92 92 1702 - 1770 Demaris Priest 68 68 1638 - 1718 Josiah Whitcomb 80 80 1640 - 1726 Rebecca Waters 86 86 1640 - 1718 John Hayward 77 77 1649 - 1714 Ann White 64 64 1643 - 1714 Josiah White 71 71 1656 - 1733 Mary Rice 76 76 1804 - 1882 Alfred Carlton Parker 78 78 1831 - 1909 Elias Cyrus Lyman 78 78 1866 - 1868 Minnie Lyman 1 1 1820 - 1850 Elizabeth Patten 30 30 1836 - 1900 Nathan Timothy Whitcomb 64 64 1844 - 1920 Sylvester Julius Whitcomb 75 75 Mary Jane Whitcomb Elizabeth Daugherty Sophronia Swan 1850 Maria Whitcomb 1823 - 1894 Addie Lee Whitcomb 71 71 1830 - 1912 Amanda Whitcomb 81 81 1832 Elias Whitcomb 1834 - 1884 Alfred Whitcomb 50 50 Alfred Lyman 1650 - 1704 Nathaniel Wilder 53 53 1652 - 1740 Marie Sawyer 88 88 1602 - 1687 Lawrence Waters 85 85 1613 - 1679 Anna Linton 66 66 George Hayward Mary Frizzell Resolved White Judith Vassall John White Joane West Thomas Rice Mary King Thomas Wilder Hannah Eames Thomas Sawyer Mary Prescott 1686 - 1755 Dorothy Wilder 69 69 1686 - 1755 Dorothy White 69 69 Anne Harper James Waters Phebe Manning Richard Linton Lynton Elizabeth Hayward 1882 - 1966 Dora Grace Elliott 84 84 1905 - 1969 Gertrude May Adams 63 63 1908 - 1988 Amelia Arlene Adams 80 80 1910 - 1990 William Sterling Adams 79 79 1917 - 1973 Otis Irven Adams 56 56 1914 - 1991 John Quincy Adams 77 77 1819 Henry Truitt 1885 - 1969 Cora Saltmarsh 84 84 1917 - 2001 Evelyn Lorraine Rankin 84 84 1924 - 1978 Kenneth Dale Rankin 53 53 1913 - 2002 Juanita Rankin 89 89 1904 - 1975 Vivan Rankin 70 70 1917 - 1975 Living 58 58 1920 - 1997 Living 77 77 1903 - 1998 Julis Alm 95 95 1825 - 1906 Joseph Boliver Saltmarsh 80 80 1834 - 1879 Mary Ellen Klum 44 44 Mary Ellen Klum had at least 5 still births. She died in birth at the age of 43. 1893 - 1972 Harold Beninghof 79 79 1915 Jane Beninghof 1919 - 2011 Natalie Lee Beninghof 91 91 1860 - 1925 George Washington Dixon 65 65 1893 - 1935 Mary Caroline Sparks 41 41 1875 - 1934 Sidney Evans Pence 59 59 1915 - 1967 Myrtle Dixon 51 51 1917 - 1967 Mildred Louise Dixon 49 49 1921 - 2003 Robert Edwad Dixon 81 81 1924 - 2005 Living 81 81 1864 - 1910 Eliza W. 46 46 1889 - 1965 Rona Cecil Dixon 76 76 1891 Emma Dixon 1762 - 1847 Samuel Adams 85 85 SAMUEL ADAMS was born in Boston June 24, 1762 on Prince St. After his father's death he was apprenticed to Mr. Joseph Howard of Concord from where he enlisted for war at Aston. Aston uses the Concord Fostoffice. He served for 6 months on the Frigate  `Boston' under Capt. Wm. Brown and in the spring of 1778 enlisted in the army under Capt. Hunt, Col. Gerrich's Regiment for 6 months. He again enlisted in the fall of 1779 in the same company. He was wounded at the battle of Monmouth.
After serving in the war he went to Dublin NH where Mr. Howard had moved. There he met and married JULIANA STONE on July 7, 1783 and lived there until after the birth of their first child Amos, when they moved to Leicester, Addison Co., Vermont. Thirteen children were born to them there.
He applied for pension, Jul 5, 1833, which claim was allowed. In 1835 he moved with his wife to Cuyahoga Co. Ohio to live with children. Samuel and Joseph were living in Cleveland. His wife died there in 1836 where she was buried in old Erie St. Cemetery. Later her body was moved to Highland Park Cemetery to the lot of her son Samuel, who died in 1867. There are no stones or markers on this lot.
In 1843 Samuel moved to Bedford Township, Monroe Co., Michigan where his sons Lucas, Amos and Jonathan were living. He died at home of his son Lucas on Oct. 15, 1855. He was housewright as was his father and his grandfathers. His grave in Hitchcock Cemetery, Monroe Co. Mich was marked by the D.A.R on June 23, 1946. About 200 people, including the American Legion, attended.
1759 - 1836 Juliana Stone 77 77 1837 William Hoag Clara J. Thomas Oscar Johnson 1783 Amos Adams 1786 William Adams 1789 Samuel Adams 1791 Elizabeth Adams 1793 - 1853 Jedutean Adams 60 60 1795 Ebonezer Adams 1797 - 1797 Lucas Adams 29d 29d 1798 Benjamin Franklin Adams 1800 Orilla Adams 1803 John Adams 1808 Joseph Adams 1810 - 1813 Harriet Adams 3 3 1726 - 1780 William Adams 54 54 WILLIAM ADAMS

Born in Boston Dec. 28. 1726 and died in 1780. His will is dated Feb.4, 1780 and his widow Rachel is listed on the tax list of that year. He was a housewright. He married JEMIMA WADLAND at Milton Mass. Nov. 25, 1747 by the Rev. Samuel Matter.
Jemima Adams died June 29, 1765. She is buried at Copps Hill Burying Ground. Her first child, Jemima, is buried in her grave. Jemima was the daughter of Amos and Jemima (Fenno) Wadland of Milton, Mass.
William married Rachel (Kidder) Hovery widow of John Hovery and daughter of Thomas and Rachel (Danforth) Kidder of Billerion, Mass. William's will bequests 10 schillings each to 8 children - William, Abigail, John, SAMUEl Mary, Sarah, Thomas Kidder and Joseph. The rest of his estate was left to his widow Rachel, which inventoried at 2967 pounds.
When Jemima died she left a house on Prince St at the north end of Boston valued at 2000 pounds and a lot of land on the same street valued at 150. Giles Alexander, attorney, bought rights to the estate from William, oldest son, the heirs of Amos, John and Abigail. The guardian of Samuel died intestate and this procedure was a court order.
1727 - 1765 Jemia Wadland 38 38 1750 - 1753 Jemina Adams 2 2 Rachel Kidder 1750 William Adams 1752 Amos Adams 1757 Benjamin Fenno Adams 1765 Mary Adams 1767 Sarah Adams 1769 Thomas Adams 1771 Josiah Adams 1774 Betsey Adams Living 1630 - 1690 Nathaniel Adams 60 60 Born 1630, free man in Boston on May26, 1647. He was surveyor for the town in 1654, 5, and 1657 and a block maker by trade. He married Mary Purport, daughter of Philemon Purmort, first schoolteacher of Boston on September 24,1658 by Mr Richard Bellingham.
Nathaniel died March 30, 1690, age 60. His will mentions his wife Mary, his sons Joseph, Isaac, and Nathaniel Jr. Also daughters Mary Hipditch, widow, Sarah Honeywell, and Elizabeth Chaffin. He was a member of the church in 1658.

Here lyes ye body of NATHANIEL ADAMS aged 60 yeares. Deceased the 29th of March, 1689-90
1630 - 1707 Mary Purmort 77 77 From COPP'S HILL CEMETRY

Here lyes ye body of MARY ADAMS wife of NATHANIEL ADAMS, aged 77 years Died on June 11, 1707.
1653 Natnaniel Adams 1665 Mary Adams 1657 - 1723 Sarah Adams 65 65 1659 David Adams 1661 - 1662 Elizabeth Adams 1 1 1663 - 1736 Joseph Adams 72 72 He was born Dec. 19, 1663 and was a housewright by trade. He married Elizabeth Hewes daughter of James and Elizabeth Hewes of Boston and Gloucester, on May 3, 1694, by Mr James Allen. Joseph died Feb. 10, 1736. He left an estate of 238 pounds, which was inventoried in 1740. 1665 Benjamin Adams 1667 - 1701 Elizabeth Adams 33 33 1671 Benjamin Adams 1673 - 1732 Issac Adams 59 59 1677 Mary Adams 1670 Elizabeth Hewes 1695 - 1725 Elizabeth Adams 30 30 1697 John Adams JOHN ADAMS

Born in Boston and a housewright by trade. He married Mary Hill August 31, 1724 by Dr. Cotton Mather of Second Church, which is at the head of North Square on Hanover street. He was on the fire company of the church in 1727. Admitted as a member of the church Mar. 3, 1724. He died 1747 on the 18th of December. His will dated Dec. 12, 1747, makes his widow sole executrix and leaves his entire estate to her as long as she remains his widow. He names his children Thomas, John Sarah, WILLIAM and Amy as living at the time of his death.
1699 Joseph Adams 1701 Nathaniel Adams 1704 Joseph Adams 1708 David Adams 1725 Mary Hill 1725 Sarah Adams 1730 Ammi Adams Thomas Adams 1733 - 1733 Margaret Adams 3m 3m John Adams 1734 Benjamin Adams D. 1655 Philomen Pormort PORMORT FAMILY

Visitation of Lincolnshire 1562-4, coat of arms, argent on chevron between 3 leopards faces, Sable, as many mullets of the field.
Burk's General Armory 1883, Argent, white or silver, signifies peace or sincerity. Chevron, darker space in which are seen stars, signifies protection. Granted as reward for notable enterpise -church builder, fortess or faithful services. Leopard signifies valiant warrior in British heraldry; Mullet is a 5-point star denoting virtue or learning.
The name Pormort is of French Huguenot origin. Pilomen came from Alford, Lincolnshire where 9 generations proceeded him. 1.Rober, 2. John3, William,4,Lawrene, 5,William,6, George,8, Thomas,9, Philomen. He married Oct. 11, 1657, Susanna, daughter of William Billingham. She was born Sept. 1, 1601. They came direct to Boston and were admitted to the first church of Boston, June 26, 1634. Pilomen was a FreeMan, May 6, 1635 and the first school master of the town. A tablet in Boston on School Street in front of the City Hall reads `On this spot stood the first school house, erected for the use of Boston Public Latin School. This school has been constantly maintained since established by the following vote of the town `At a general meeting upon Public Notice, it was agreed upon that Brother Pilomen Pormort shall be entreated to become school master for the teaching and nurturing of children with us Apr. 13, 1635.'
He taught school until the end of 1638 when he went with Mr Wheelwright, brother in law of Ann Hutchinson, to Wells. He returned to Boston in 1642, where his wife Susanna died Oct 1642. He then married Elizabeth ---- June 16, 1643. He died 1655.
1601 - 1642 Susanna Billingham 41 41 1628 Elizabeth Pormort 1635 - 1707 Larsurus Pormort 71 71 1640 Pedaiah Pormort ? Elizabeth 1647 Borshua Pormort ? 1653 Martha Pormort Samuel Norden 1638 - 1718 James Hewes 80 80 James Hewes lived in Boston and Gloucester, Born in 1638 and died in Boston Aug. 8, 1718. Fought in Canada and King Philips Wars. His wife's name was Elizabeth ----, Their children were baptised in Boston's first church. He was a housewright and on the first list settlers in Gloucester in 1650. Elizabeth 1668 James Hewes 1674 John Hewes 1677 - 1689 Rachel Hewes 11 11 1672 Jonathan Hewes 1680 Issac Hewes 1680 Rebecca Hewes 1683 Jacob Hewes 1686 Sarah Hewes 1688 Joseph Hewes 1882 - 1884 Madison Saltmarsh 2 2 1861 - 1911 Arthur Bird Saltmarsh 50 50 1849 - 1939 Newton Orson Haskins 89 89 1878 - 1884 Raveoal Haskins 6 6 1882 - 1966 Wallace Haskins 83 83 1898 - 1961 Bertha M. Helfenstein 63 63 1902 - 1973 Helen Meittschall 71 71 Living Living 1922 - 1994 Living 71 71 1924 - 2014 Living 90 90 1835 Marion Rankin 1861 - 1931 Flora Harriet Henry 69 69 1852 - 1940 Franklin Pierce Moneysmith 88 88 1898 - 1967 Mary Frances Moneysmith 68 68 1883 - 1923 Dora Mable Moneysmith 39 39 1885 Cloyd Mansfield Moneysmith 1888 - 1946 Edna May Moneysmith 58 58 1891 - 1981 Albert Comins Moneysmith 89 89 1893 - 1951 Fred Attlee Moneysmith 57 57 1896 - 1984 Pauline Cordelia Moneysmith 87 87 Baby Moneysmith ? 1902 - 1985 Frank Henry Moneysmith 82 82 1906 - 1971 Russell Carlyle Moneysmith 64 64 1826 - 1895 Elisebeth McCarthy 69 69 1844 - 1917 Cordelia Moneysmith 73 73 1836 - 1895 Hiffard Ridgeley 59 59 1661 Bethia Swetman Peter Lucas Benjamin Craddock Sarah Mirreck Temperance Steward John Howard Elisa Decoster Mary Liswell Edward Proctor 1699 - 1757 Amos Wadland 58 58 1706 - 1771 Jemina Fenno 65 65 1730 Mehetible Wadland ? D. 1699 Amos Wadland Elizabeth D. 1686 Crispin Wadland D. 1683 Agnes Tybotts D. 1671 Crispin Wadland George Wadland Agnes Wadland Living 1693 Elizabeth Wadland John Archeen 1610 - 1690 Rebecca Fenno 80 80 Rebecca Fenno, widow, came to New England from England on the `Truelo in 1635 at the age of 25. She was granted 68 acres in Dorchester in 1660. This town later became Milton at the age of 80. She was born 1n 1610. 1629 - 1708 John Nicolas Fenno 79 79 JOHN FENNO, son of Rebecca, was 7 when his mother brought him to New England from Lancastshire, England, where he was born in 1629, He died at the age of 79, Apr. 7,1706. He fought in King Philips Wars in 1875 in Capt. Johnson's company. He was admitted a citisen of Milton in 1660. He married REBCCA TUCKER who died at the age of 79. Rebecca Tucker 1662 - 1741 Rebecca Fenno 79 79 D. 1669 Elizabeth Fenno 1665 John Fenno 1670 Joseph Fenno ~1887 Harrison Fisk ~1892 Ora Fisk ~1921 Donald Fisk ~1920 Phyllis Thea Richardson Abram Campbell Abram Campbell Engelena Craig 1913 - 1931 Munn Campbell 18 18 ~1904 Abram Campbell 1673 - 1750 Benjamin Fenno 77 77 He was a Selectman of Milton in 1722 - 3 - 4 and married MARY BELCHER Sept 23, 1696. Mary was admitted to the church Jan. 9, 1714. She died Dec. 25, 1756 She was born Jan. 2, 1671. Benjamin died May 19, 1750 1677 - 1735 Mary Fenno 57 57 1680 - 1720 Elizabeth Fenno 40 40 1682 - 1767 Ephriam Fenno 84 84 1690 Benjamin Fenno 1700 Rebecah Fenno 1703 - 1725 Mary Fenno 22 22 1710 Abigail Fenno 1713 Jerusha Fenno 1717 - 1791 Samuel Fenno 73 73 1671 - 1756 Mary Belcher 85 85 Living Living Michael Rose 1761 - 1838 Anna Adams 77 77 1875 - 1924 Amy Elizabeth Rankin 49 49 1933 - 2000 Ronald Gerald Tanguay 67 67 1959 - 2021 Glen Earl Guy 62 62 1931 - 1995 Robert Cronenwett 64 64 Lilly J. Bingham 1) 1880 Edinburg, Christian, IL census ed 60 p 7 (p 480 stamped), age 17, 1829 Harriet J. Brewer O. J. Brock 1843 - 1930 Helen J. Brewer 87 87 1886 Mary L. Dixon C. H. Douglas 1883 Nannie B. Dixon 1891 - 1928 Grace G. Gordon 37 37 ~1910 - 1991 Maurice C. Gamboe 81 81 1896 - 1989 Ralph E. Gordon 92 92 1999 - 2018 Adrain Cantrell 18 18 ~1947 Living 1936 - 2007 Earl Guy 71 71 C. S. Stephen Capt. Hill 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
1863 Elna E. Johnson 1854 Jared R. Johnson 1826 - 1893 John Q. Johnson 66 66 1865 - 1949 Minnie E. Johnson 84 84 1898 - 1996 Living 97 97 1886 - 1913 Bernice A. Lyman 27 27 1870 Fred R. Lyman 1854 - 1923 Lucy L. Matthews 68 68 1876 William K. Lyman 1866 - 1868 Margaret F. Matthews 2 2 Olive E. Moffitt 1821 - 1858 Henry S. Moneysmith 37 37 1848 - 1916 Isdora J. Moneysmith 68 68 1850 William H. Moneysmith 1854 - 1931 Ellen Ella Rankin 77 77 1845 John F. Mosher William C. Norton Mary A. Parker 1854 - 1916 Ella C. Poole 62 62 1898 Della B. Radle 1894 Henry C. Radle 1886 Olon Radle 1890 James E. Radle 1897 Ralph S. Radle 1883 Ren A. Radle 1869 - 1939 Alta D. Rankin 70 70 1893 - 1963 Blanche Francis Rankin 69 69 1878 - 1931 Cora G. Rankin 53 53 1916 - 2008 Elizabeth V. Rankin 92 92 1880 - 1924 Ernest D. Rankin 44 44 1892 - 1990 Eunice L. Rankin 98 98 1889 - 1933 William John McKay 43 43 1873 - 1915 Frederick Arthur Rankin 42 42 1845 - 1885 Harriet E. Rankin 40 40 1809 - 1878 Laura H. Rankin 69 69 1) 1850 Concord, Essex, VT census p 367, age 42, b: VT
2) IGI
3) 1860 where?
4) 1870 Bethlehem, Grafton, NH census p 8, age 61, b: VT
1873 - 1948 Laverne Rankin 75 75 1906 - 1946 Naomi Geraldine Rankin 40 40 1872 Willie O. Rankin 1829 - 1905 Eliza A. Reed 76 76 1920 - 2012 Margaret E. Robinsom 91 91 1951 - 1978 David W. Robinson 26 26 1854 - 1864 Anna E. Saltmarsh 9 9 George M. Ross 1858 - 1858 Bert S. Saltmarsh 2m 2m 1856 - 1856 Charles M. Saltmarsh 7m 7m 1870 - 1937 Saltmarsh 66 66 1867 - 1942 Lily J. Saltmarsh 75 75 1858 - 1916 Rachael Z. Saltmarsh 57 57 1863 - 1864 Lyman G. Saltmarsh 8m 8m 1904 - 1969 Homer F. Smith 65 65 1865 - 1868 Sornoria L. Saltmarsh 3 3 1843 Joseph H. Totten 1866 Rollin H. Truitt 1789 - 1789 James C. Webster 1825 Clarissa B. Whitcomb 1827 - 1884 Ozro L. Whitcomb 56 56 1885 Thilba M. Wright 1908 - 1969 Howard Rankin 61 61 1998 - 2016 Alec Johnson 18 18 1916 - 1984 Amy Lownsberry 68 68 1919 - 1990 Bertha Lownsberry 70 70 ~1920 - 1990 Lou Lownsberry 70 70 1926 - 1926 Paul Eugene Lownsberry 2m 2m 1973 - 2012 Bradley A. Johnson 38 38 1917 - 2011 Donald Albert Hill 94 94 1925 - 2002 Thomas Nelson Harland 77 77 1926 - 2006 Raymond Howard Mattis 79 79 1929 - 2024 Alice Cronenwett 94 94 1775 - 1807 Azubah Whitcomb 32 32 1799 - 1870 Diantha Rankin 71 71 1925 - 2008 Lorain Fisk 82 82 1776 - 1848 Samuel Rankin 72 72 1832 - YES Leonard Rankin 1753 Abigail Adams 1787 Anna Adams 1808 - 1890 Hannah Miller 81 81 1801 - 1875 Orlean Rankins 74 74 1856 - 1946 Julia Van Dusen 89 89 1838 - 1909 Orrin Rankin 71 71 1806 - 1865 Joanna Rankin 59 59 1807 - 1870 Philamon Rankin 63 63 1809 - 1871 Guy Rankin 62 62 1739 - 1823 Lydia Howe 84 84 1737 - 1829 Benjamin Whitcomb 92 92 Church Austin 1843 - 1921 Josiah Rankin 78 78 1770 Benjiman Whitcomb 1820 - 1894 Albert Augustus Rankin 73 73 1837 - 1912 Louisa Moffitt 74 74 1860 - 1931 Mary Louisa Rankin 71 71 1864 - 1922 George Hoyt Rankin 57 57 1873 - 1957 Olive Stuart 83 83 1875 - 1934 John Moffitt Rankin 59 59 1731 - 1804 James Rankin 73 73 1892 - 1965 Edward Marcellus Wright 73 73 1891 - 1980 Elise Gladys James 88 88 1839 - 1890 Julia Rankin 51 51 1825 - 1897 Amy Ann Acoby 71 71 Albert Scott 1837 - 1865 Hellen Rankin 28 28 1840 - 1920 Philamon Brewer 79 79 1840 - 1883 Lucretia Totten 43 43 1912 - 1990 Karl Chester Vogel 78 78 1915 - 1975 Carl Wesley Anderson 59 59 1846 - 1928 Sarah Janet Brewer 81 81 1870 - 1893 Arthur Brewer ? 23 23 1877 - 1933 Warren J. Brewer ? 56 56 ~1869 Frank Lewis 1877 - 1936 Robert McCann 58 58 1885 - 1972 Bertha Adams 87 87 1923 - 1945 Leroy Arlon Adams 22 22 1851 - 1888 Clara H. Austin 37 37 1874 - 1941 George Milan Adams 66 66 ~1776 - 1823 Andrew Rankin 47 47 1759 - 1828 Josiah Brown 69 69 1759 - 1834 Rachel Fellows 74 74 1782 - 1862 Joseph Brown 80 80 1789 - 1857 Nancy Brown 68 68 1793 Samuel Brown 1796 - 1876 Sally Brown 79 79 1903 - 1993 Katherine I. Radle 90 90 William Henry Rankin- Front side of a postcard 1905-1907 exact date unknow
Edward Beissel 1994
Ed and Bea Beissel 1990
Hannah Rankin 1994
Erica Leeann Stepp 2002
Alex Rankin 2002
Alex Rankin 2003
Walter Broll jr 2002
Edward Beissel 1990
Edward Beissell and Beulah Radle-Rankin-Beissel
Located next to Rankin plot maker off back loop.
Maple Grove Cemetery is located at the intersection of Brewer and Davis Rd about 1/2 mile west of Village of Dundee.
By Rankin plot marker off back loop
By Rankin plot marker off back loop/
This marker is east of the Rankin plot marker. Currently under a maple tree.
Maple Grove Cemetery is located at the intersection of Brewer and Davis Rd about 1/2 mile west of Village of Dundee city limits.
This picture was taken in mid July 2005. This is just after the date was crave into the stone. He died in 1959
Edward Biessel with one of his full size cradles. Exact date known but after 1987
School pictures 9yrs old 3rd grade
John and Matthew Rankin at grandma Tam's house. September 25, 1993
Picture published March 28, 2002 in The Dundee Independent
Matthew Rankin 8yrs old 2nd grade
Matt Rankin is on the left. The picture is from 2004
Hitchock Cemetery Bedford Township
Tombstone of Lucas Adams and wife Mary Baker. Located in Hitchoch Cemeterary Bedford Township
Tombstone of Lucas Adams and Mary Baker located in Hitchock Cemtereary Bedford Township.
Tombstone of Lucas Adams and Mary baker. Located in Hitchock Cemeterary Bedford Township
Tombstone of Lucas Adams and Mary baker. Located in Hitchock Cemeterary Bedford Township
Hitchock Cemetertary Bedford Township
Hitchock Cemeterary
Tombstome Anna Stone (Julianna)
Guy Rankin, husband of Joanna Rankin
Joanna Rankin, wife of Guy Rankin
Ridgeway Cemetery, Ridgeway Michigan
Joanna Rankin, wife of guy Rankin
Picture was taken 11/23/1997 50th Wedding Anniverary (Comments on back of picture).
Margaret & Lorain Fisk 50th Wedding anniverary (Comments of back of picture)
Picture of entry to Pleasantview Cemetery looking east.
Jane Ann Newcombe is the mother of Tersea ( Carrie ) Adams
John Quicy Adams husband of Jane Ann Adams and father of Tersea ( Carrie) Adams
Jnae Ann Newcombe wife of John Quincy Adams and mother of Tersea (Carrier) Adams
The young woman is Melinda Burchfield
I was very excited to see that picture. The girl in the picture is Melinda Burchfield. This picture was taken at the Sophomore /Freshman Hop in the third week of February 1971. I am seventeen in that picture.
Aah... Melinda Burchfield... such memories.

Henry Rankin

This was taken after Russell Rankin's funeral in downtown Dundee. From left Henry, John, Carl and Catherine Rankin.
This is picture of Beulah Radle's confirmation class of April 1939. The actual confirmation was April 2, 1939. This date is confirmed by a little booket given to confirmats call "Memento of my Confirmation".. Beulah Radle is the second from the left in the back row
Wedding picture taken on or about June 9, 1951. From left to right Russell Rankin, Marshall Rankin, Beulah Radle and Doris Schneider
Date is somewhere between 1910 and 1927. From left Tersea (Carrie) Adams and Elmer Rankin
Picture was taken in 1939. This date is confirm by a sticker affixed to the frame.
Ridgeway Cemetery, Ridgeway Michigan
Ridgeway Cemetery, Ridgeway Michigan
Ridgeway Cemetery, Ridgeway Michigan
Ridgeway Cemetery, Ridgeway Michigan
From left Marshall Rankin, Henry Russell Rankin and Beulah Rankin
Right to left Nevaeh Cantrell, Rhonda Rankin
Rhonda Johnson (Guy) and Brad Johnson
Left to right John Rankin, Rhonda Rankin and Jacob Cantrell at Earl Guy memorial service Hargate TN
Back row left to right Kala Giarmo, and Tresea Giarmo
Front row left to right Lou Guy and Rhonda Rankin
On  couch from left Jacob Cantrell and Rhonda Rankin
On floor from left Amaya Gruwald and Kale Cantrell
Left to right Jason Cantrell and Rhonda Rankin
Rhonda Rankin and Carl Rankin
Kale Cantrell and Rhonda Rankin
John Rankin and Rhonda Rankin
Rhonda Rankin
Taken at Cathherine Rankin's home in Elkton MD
Back row from left Walter Broll,Carl Rankin, Henry Rankin, John Rankin
Seated on love seat from right Catherine Rankin, Ellem Rankin, and Rhonda Rankin
Back row seated on floor Aaron Rankin, Hannah Rankin and Erica Stepp
Front row Walter Broll jr and Alex Rankin
Rhonda Rankin, Adrian Cantrell, Desiree Cantrell and Jacob Cantrell
Left to right Beulah Biessel, Rhonda Rankin, Ed Biessel Earl Guy and Lou Guy
Standing from left Ed Biessel, Earl Guy and John Rankin
Front row Beaulah Biessel, Lou Guy and Rhonda Rankin
Lef to right Ed Biessel, Beaulah Biessel, Lou Guy, John Rankin, Rhonda Rankin, Treasea Guy, Pat Garib
Taken at Monroe Evening News from right Jeff Stahl, Lou Wertenburger,Tom Morelli, and Rhonda Rankin
Left to right Lou Guy, Rhonda Rankin and beulah Biessel
Rhonda Johnson (Guy)
Left to right John Rankin, Jason Cantrell and Rhonda Rankin
Left to right Edward Biessel, John Rankin, Rhonda Rankin and Tresea Guy
Take at baptism lunch of Catherine Rankin. The lunch was held at Loraine and Margaret Fisk's house on 1st St
Starting from the left Carl Rankin, Catherine Rankin, Henry Rankin and John Rankin. Taken after the funeral of Russell Rankin in downtown Dundee.
Jason Cantrell and Rhonda Rankin. Taken at Monroe County Community College on the occassion of Jason's gradulation from culinary school
Ridgeway Cemetery, Ridgeway Michigan
Ridgeway Cemetery, Ridgeway Michigan
Left to right Rhonda Rankin Carl Rankin
Lekft to right Carl Rankin, Henry Ranki, Beulah Rankin, Marshall Rankn, John Rankin, on Beulah Rankin' s lap Catherine Rankin.
Back roll from left Walt Broll ,Carl Rankin,Henry Rankin, John Rankin
Seated on sofa Catherine Rankin, Ellen Rankin and Rhonda Rankin
Seated on floor first roll Aaron Rankin, Hannah Rankin and Erica Rankin
Front roll Walt Broll and Alex Rankin
After Russell Rankin's funeral  in Dundee Mi gazoobo in town square.
Left to right Carl Rankin, Henry Rankin, John Rankin and in front Catherine Rankin
1719 - <1809 Thomas Fellows 90 90 1720 - 1788 Josiah Brown 67 67 D. 1776 Anna Farwell 1864 Izadore May Swift 1862 - 1927 David Henry Radle 64 64 1862 - 1927 David Henry Radle 64 64 1837 - 1909 Catherine Angeline Metz 72 72 1864 - 1906 May Izadore Swift 42 42 1898 - 1983 Della Beatrice Radle 85 85 1894 - 1976 Henry Clinton Radle 82 82 1890 - 1956 James Elvin Radle 66 66 1886 - 1958 Olon Idelbert Radle 72 72 1897 - 1967 Ralph Radle 69 69 1838 - 1901 Amanda Ida Roberts 63 63 1876 Lorella Adams 1824 - 1866 Andrew Brown 42 42 1872 - 1937 Edward Beissel 65 65 1807 - 1867 Emily Brown 59 59 1876 - 1955 Alvin Brinton 78 78 1784 - 1855 Josiah Brown 71 71 1828 Jonathan Brown 1815 - 1892 Martha Brown 77 77 1851 - 1924 Lucy Matida Brown 72 72 1791 - 1865 Ruth Brown 74 74 1787 - 1869 Olive Brown 82 82 1784 Simon Stevens 1822 - 1888 Electa W. Munson 66 66 1824 George Brown 1847 - 1920 Ozro M. Brown 73 73 1901 - 1986 Ida Mae Gordon 84 84 1896 - 1971 Robert Valentine Brown 75 75 1780 - 1859 Polly Brown 78 78 1775 Stephen Rogers 1812 - 1898 Josiah Simonds Brown 85 85 1822 - 1901 Shepherd Joseph Brown 79 79 1878 - 1965 Carolyn Aronld Butler 86 86 1866 - 1948 Sarah Castle Butler 81 81 1826 - 1895 John Butterfield 68 68 1824 - 1864 Ellen Rankin 40 40 1804 - 1895 Thankful Whitcomb 90 90 1796 - 1874 David Chamberlain 78 78 1678 - 1738 Sam Carter 60 60 1845 - 1924 Daniel S. Cilley 79 79 1751 - 1830 Sarah Chauncey 79 79 1870 - 1955 Jonas Wellington Cilley 84 84 Hester Marguerette Dubois 1901 - 1990 Marian Ursulla Cilley 89 89 1898 - 1963 Living 65 65 1903 - 2006 Ruth Cilley 103 103 Joseph Labert 1920 - 2001 Sterliing Cilley 81 81 1875 - 1950 Ruth Ann Clute 75 75 1795 - 1874 Hannah Clement 79 79 1846 - 1926 William Clute 79 79 1588 - 1662 John Whitcomb 74 74 1604 - 1671 Frances Coggins 67 67 1772 Lydia Whitcomb 1766 - 1833 Ezra Cogswell 67 67 A. B. Comins 1925 - 1944 Betty Cronenwett 18 18 D. 1921 Mary Ellen Cronenwett 1817 - 1894 Cambridge Culbertson 77 77 1835 - 1913 Ada Crump 77 77 1823 - 1858 Emily Rankin 35 35 1943 - 2003 Diane Joy Culver 59 59 1920 - 1968 Dorothy Joesephine Rankin 47 47 1919 - 1999 Doald Duncan Culver 80 80 1938 - 1938 Mary Lou Culver 12d 12d 1857 - 1932 Cora Cunningham 75 75 1) "The Bingham Family in the United States, especially of the State of
Connecticut", compiled by Theodore A. Bingham, M.A. (Yale), Brig. Gen., U.S.
Army, 929.273 B513 bt (1927), pp. 73-74, entry 1904; p. 290, entry 18,541
pp. 519-20 entry 184,894.
2) 1900 Littleton, Grafton, NH census ed 66 sh 10 ln 5, (Clay St.), b: Feb 1858
age 42 b: MA NY MA, married 11 yrs., 3 children, 2 living. Middle initial A.?
5) 1910
6) 1920 Littleton, Grafton, NH census, ed 55 sh 15 ln 51, 24 Clay ST., age 61,
middle initial E.?, b: Mass,NY, MA
1865 - 1959 Alice Elise Lyman 93 93 1913 - 1997 Garvin Stewart Dixon 83 83 1797 - 1885 Joshua Whitcomb 88 88 1879 - 1955 Spencer O. Reeves 75 75 1955 - 2021 Carl Russell Rankin 65 65 1908 - 1968 Engelena Campbell 60 60 <line /> Stephen Kimpton 1857 - 1899 Dianna A. Calkins 42 42 ~1853 - 1931 Anna Kimpton 78 78 ~1860 - 1921 Sarah Kimpton 61 61 1847 - 1928 Cynthia Jane Kempton 81 81 1849 - 1934 Amy Ursla Kimpton 84 84 ~1881 Gena Smith 1872 - 1954 Neva G. Rankin 82 82 1903 - 1976 Clara Rankin 72 72 1902 - 1973 Albert William McMan 71 71 1935 - 2009 William Dale McMan 74 74 Henry Smith 1878 - 1971 Ervin Adams 93 93 1920 - 1996 Betty B. McKay 76 76 1871 - 1943 Ozro E. Rankin 72 72 1851 - 1933 Anna S. Britton 81 81 1821 - 1903 John Watterman Kimpton 81 81 1856 - 1917 Mary Kimpton 60 60 1911 - 1985 Dorothy May McKay 74 74 ~1851 William C. Baller 1879 - 1958 Vesta L. Brewer 79 79 1920 - 1987 Harold A. Fauver 67 67 1881 Erdean Hatstead ~1857 - 1920 Willard A. Kent 63 63 1922 - 2005 Bonnie J. Lownsbury 83 83 1875 - 1924 Charles E. Radle 49 49 1836 - 1898 Lois Adeline Rankin 62 62 1826 - 1902 Lucy Albee 76 76 1876 - 1969 Aurilla H. Adams 93 93 1760 John B. Adams ~1946 Living 1889 - 1967 Ford E. Lownsbury 77 77 1906 - 1913 Edna Irene Rankin 7 7 1882 - 1970 Elmer Rankin 88 88 1796 - 1862 Rev Andrew Rankin 65 65 1799 - 1866 Lois Eames 67 67 1840 - 1897 Caroline Susan Rankin 57 57 1835 - 1915 Henry Edward Butler 80 80 1903 - 1986 Kerwin G. Tanguay 82 82 1925 - 2005 Beulah May Radle 80 80 1850 - 1920 Albert H. Rankin 70 70 1858 - 1929 Harty Jane Johnson 71 71 1885 - 1958 Herbie Albert Rankin 73 73 1876 - 1947 Clark Lavern Rankin 71 71 1878 - 1948 John Peter Rankin 70 70 ~1850 Hannah Gibson 1738 - 1827 Tabitha Child 89 89 1734 - 1811 Richard Peabody 76 76 1752 - 1798 Elizabeth Brigham 45 45 1835 - 1924 Frances Harriet Ela 88 88 1749 - 1830 Rev David Goodell 80 80 1780 - 1886 Sally Hoskins 106 106 ~1841 Delia H. Kimball 1842 - 1918 Ellen J. Kimball 76 76 1844 - 1910 Joseph A. Kimball 65 65 ~1848 Luretta P. Kimball 1850 - 1932 Helen Edna Washburn 82 82 1848 - 1890 Frank F. Rowell 41 41 1771 - 1863 Jonathan Rowell 92 92 D. 1790 Israel Whitcomb ~1877 Clara J. Thomas ~1868 Jame Newcomb ~1865 Emma Newcomb ~1863 Elizabeth Newcomb ~1860 Samuel Newcomb ~1857 Mary Newcomb ~1854 George Newcomb ~1838 Ann Newcomb 1818 - 1898 John Newcomb 79 79 1871 - 1959 Myron Rankin 87 87 1860 Rose Emma Rankin 1908 - 1968 Engelena Campbell 60 60 ~1880 Spencer O. Reeves ~1909 Earl Reeves ~1906 Henry Reeves 1778 - 1811 Maria Susanna Schroyer 33 33 1849 - 1925 John Quincy Adams 75 75 1903 - 1903 Radle 1841 Jennet Shanks 1828 Jonathan Brown 1775 Stephen Rogers 1796 Sally Brown 1784 Josiah Brown D. 1834 Rachel Fellows 1759 Josiah Brown Holbrook Jean Pilbeam 1920 - 2012 Margaret Robinson 91 91 ? 1881 - 1963 Gene Smith 82 82 1852 - 1917 Jane Ann Newcombe 65 65 1903 - 1903 Radle ? 1838 - 1934 Hester Margaret Cilley 96 96 1748 - ~1802 Margaret Witherspoon 54 54 1880 - 1969 Cornelia C. Foster 89 89 1925 - 2002 Edward William Beissel 77 77 1899 Della Radle 1895 Henry Radle 1890 James Radle 1831 - 1920 Mary Ann Aysh 88 88 ~1874 Euphemia A. Newcomb ~1871 Ella I. Newcomb Clyde Gamgoe John Whitcomb 1873 - 1957 Olive Brown Rankin 83 83 1872 G. Neva ? ? ? 1737 - 1829 Benjamin Whitcomb 92 92 1845 - 1885 Harriet E. Totten 40 40 1808 - 1890 Hannah Jean Rankin 81 81 1877 - 1877 Marietta Rankin 9m 9m 1830 - 1880 Dewitt Clinton Swift 50 50 ? ? ? 1884 Rue Radle ? 1903 - 1903 Radle 1955 - 2014 Allen 58 58 Leslie Kidney Byron Wilson Unknow 1880 - 1958 John F. Brown 78 78 1912 - 1987 Tilda Elizabeth Rutherford 75 75 ~1854 Marietta Clark 1884 - 1962 Elva May Rankin 78 78 1889 - 1937 John Ben Rankin 48 48 1892 Rhoda Rankin 1880 - 1916 Elmer Almo Hall 36 36 1887 - 1973 Matilda Ellen Bradley 86 86 1909 - 2012 Harriette Jane Adams 102 102 1907 - 1999 Jeannette J. Adams 91 91 1871 - 1952 Fredrick Peter Helfenstein 81 81 1874 Magdaline Spangler 1906 - 1987 Ola Lois Metcalf 81 81 D. 1962 Sidney Rowell Rankin 1882 - 1971 Beulah Joan Rankin 89 89 1913 - 1987 Kenneth Ward Dahl 74 74 1927 - 2020 Shirley Mae Smith 92 92 1927 - 2008 Sharon Adele Smith 80 80 1925 - 1988 Nadine Lucille Smith 62 62 1927 - 2006 Robert Dale Johnstone 79 79 1950 - 2002 Carol Jeanelle Johnson 52 52 1912 Tilda Elizabeth Rutherford John Webster Elias Whitcomb 1782 - 1821 Elisha Baker 38 38 1787 - 1868 Ruth Amelia David 80 80 1932 - 1998 Donna Alm 66 66 Daniel S. Cilley ~1853 De Witt Johnson ~1893 Donald Cedric Littlepage ~1896 Nora A Littlepage ~1920 Margeret Littlepage 1764 - 1829 Zipporah Pierce Allen 64 64 1798 - 1876 Levinus Lamson Daniels 78 78 1797 - 1798 Samuel Daniels 1 1 24 DEC 1792–3 - 1871 Sarah Daniels 1804 - 1804 Harry Daniels 1790 - 1851 John Daniels 61 61 1787 - 1860 Lois Daniels 72 72 1785 John Daniels 1805 - 1876 William Henry Daniels 71 71 1807 - 1878 Ozias Daniels 70 70 1783 Charles Daniels ~1781 - 1787 John Daniels 6 6 1780 - 1854 Leonard Daniels 73 73 1767 - 1855 Mary Clift Kimball 87 87 1769 - 1824 Mary Estabrook 55 55 1779 - 1843 Lucy Derby 64 64 George Miller 1839 - 1903 Simon Rankin 64 64 1879 - 1955 Spencer Otis Reeves 75 75 1903 - 1970 Glenn R. Bunnell 67 67 1903 Glenn R. Bunnell ~1905 Nettie Everett 1923 - 2006 Kenneth Rankin Reeves 83 83 1932 - 1998 Donna Alm 66 66 1826 - 1897 Amy Ann Acoby 71 71 ~1906 - 1991 Marion A. Scott 85 85 ~1904 - 1936 Loreine A. Scott 32 32 1907 - 1980 Walter A. Scott 73 73 1912 - 1974 Harris E. Scott 62 62 Simon Rankin 1885 - 1951 William Simon Rankin 65 65 1899 Leoma M. Reaver 1902 Wade Reaver ~1860 - 1942 George Washington Reeves 82 82 ~1897 Samuel Reeves 1862 - 1949 Sarah Elizabeth Cole 86 86 1884 Benjamin Reeves 1886 Cash Reeves 1894 Charles Reeves 1899 - 1977 Leone Reeves 78 78 1888 - 1959 Martin Fausberry Reeves 71 71 ~1854 Conrad Cole ~1857 Martin Cole ~1851 Samuel Cole 1891 - 1977 Mabel Moore 86 86 ~1916 Margaret Reeves ~1913 Harold Reeves ~1880 James Hill ? 1843 Silas N. W. Benson 1833 - 1891 Henry R. Radle 58 58 1913 - 2005 Fred Waylen Hill ? 92 92 1908 - 2004 James Hill 96 96 ~1828 Suvinana Potter 1884 - 1962 Sidney Rankin ? 77 77 Sidney R. Rankin 1842 - 1900 Mary Ellen Rowell 58 58 1862 - 1935 Etta Rowell 73 73 1841 - 1896 Sidney B. Rowell 55 55 1893 - 1953 Fred Cronenwett 59 59 1923 - 2015 James Cronenwett 91 91 Dudley Luther Miller Joseph Henry Totten ~1819 - 1899 John Amdd Croft 80 80
Created using GenoPro® Click for details.