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Family Subtree Diagram : (DNA Ashmore)

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DNA investigation of Caroline Ashmore's paternal DNA matches to JMG and myself Other Orrell families with possible DNA match Another Caroline Ashmore's DNA shared match to JMG and myself Other DNA related Ashmore family Michael Rearden - Cant find connection Has 10 shared DNA paternal matches with Caroline (none with me) Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent 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Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Fused Marriage (three children) 1913 (Bolton) +Possibly more children Marriage (a child) 3 Jan 1946 (Wigan) Marriage (four children) 1901 (Bolton) Belmont Casual relationship and separation (two children) Wigan Marriage (two children) 15 Oct 1930 (Wigan) Marriage (three children) 1888 (Salford) Wigan +Possibly more children Marriage (two children) 7 Dec 1872 +Possibly more children Marriage (a child) Marriage 1938 (Horwich) Marriage (a child) Non-sentimental cohabitation and separation (two children) No more children Marriage (seven children) 1870 (Wigan RO) Parbold No more children Marriage (seven children) 3 Nov 1879 (Ashton-in-Makerfield) +Possibly more children Marriage (seven children) 1 Apr 1850 (Wigan) Billinge No more children Marriage (a child) 1937 (Ashton-in-Makerfield) Marriage (a child) 20 Jul 1884 +Possibly more children Marriage (three children) 29 Sep 1906 (Ince) Ashton-in-Makerfield No more children Marriage (a child) 11 Apr 1914 +Possibly more children Marriage (seven children) 1920 Ince-in-Makerfield Marriage (two children) 26 Apr 1893 Marriage (a child) 1922 (Haslingden) Marriage (a child) 1945 (Darwen) Marriage (a child) 1942 (Ince) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) New Zealand +Possibly more children Marriage 6 Jun 1936 No more children (a child) Marriage (four children) 26 Jun 1820 (Haslingden) Over Darwen & Turton Marriage 1 Jan 1846 (Bolton) XTo be completed Marriage 31 Jul 1842 Marriage (four children) 9 Aug 1846 (Wigan) +Possibly more children Marriage (a child) 23 Apr 1843 (Wigan) Marriage (a child) 1941 (Deane) Halliwell Marriage (a child) 30 Mar 1968 Marriage (two children) 1942 (Heywood) Marriage (five children) 1913 (Liverpool) Ramsbottom Marriage (five children) 1895 (Belmont) +Possibly more children Marriage (six children) 1908 (St. Catherine, Wigan) No more children Marriage (two children) 1935 (Bolton) Belmont No more children Marriage (two children) 1911 (Wigan) Belmont No more children Marriage (a child) 1953 (Horwich) +Possibly more children Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) 1939 (Wigan) No more children Marriage (two children) 1964 (Wigan) No more children Marriage (a child) 1930 (Wigan) Marriage (eight children) Wigan & RI, USA from 1913 Marriage 1961 (Ince) Marriage (a child) 1964 (Wigan RO) Marriage (a child) 1924 (Wigan) Marriage (a child) 1938 (Ince) XTo be completed Marriage (three children) 1966 (Wigan) No more children Marriage (a child) 1950 (Horwich) Marriage (three children) 1912 (Deane) Other or Unknown (a child) Little Hulton Marriage (five children) 1883 (Wigan) Ince & Horwich +Possibly more children Lives with Relative of: Shared 286cM DNA connection (with 2 DNA lines) Relative of: Shared DNA connection Relative of: Kevan is a grandson of Lily Relative of Relative of: Ian Davies is Caroline's strongest 99cM unidentified DNA match and likely to be closely related to May Ashurst Orrell's father Relative of: Shared DNA match Relative of: Shared DNA match Relative of: Shared DNA match Relative of: Shared DNA match with Caroline Ashmore Relative of: Shared DNA match with Caroline Ashmore Relative of: Shared 52cM DNA match with Caroline Ashmore Relative of: Shared 45cM DNA match with Caroline Ashmore Relative of: Shared DNA match with Caroline Ashmore Relative of: Shared 28cM DNA match Relative of: Descended from Jane Orrell of Turton Relative of: Shared DNA matches with JMG and myself Representative of: In 1930, Margaret Constance Orrell was marriage witness for Sarah Alice Orrell Relative of: Christine Ainsworth is George's granddaughter Relative of: 8cM DNA match Lives with: In 1939, brothers George (S) and Henry (M) Orrell were living together Lives with: In 1921, Mary Orrell was living with her uncle William Ainsworth at Belmont Relative of: 21cM DNA match Relative of: Shared DNA match Relative of: Shared DNA match Relative of: Shared DNA match Relative of: Patricia Ann Alvarez is the granddaughter of William Waddington Relative of: Shared DNA match Relative of: Shared DNA match Relative of: Shared DNA matches Relative of: Shared DNA match Lives with: In 1881, Alice Wood was living with and wotrking for her brother-in-law Henry Morris as a domestic servant. 1890 - 1925 John Heaton 35 35 1 Nov 1913, John (22, Collier) of 27 St Ann Street, son of John Heaton (Collier) married Mary Alice Woods. Richard Heaton and Hannah Woods were witnesses.

In 1921 the family of 5 were libing in Farnworth.
1891 - 1932 Mary Alice Woods 41 41 1914 - 1966 Joseph Heaton 52 52 1917 Alice Hannah Heaton 1919 John Alexander Heaton In 1821, John Alexander, norn Bolton, was living in Farnworth 1948 Kenneth Frank Ashmore JMG has a 20cM DNA match (2 segments) to Kenneth and a 13cM match to Caroline, suggesting he is a 4th cousin. 1917 - 1992 Frank Ashmore 74 74 Kenneth Frank Ashmore was informant on death Cert. 1919 - 1986 May Ashurst Orrell 66 66 11 Oct 1919, born at 111 Darlington Street, Wigan East.  Mother Alice Orrell, a Grocer's Assistant.

In 1921, Mary Ashurst Orrell (1y 8mo) was living at Wigan with her great-grandmother.

DNA connections suggest May's unknown father was John Morris.
Caroline Ashmore 1880 - 1935 Frederick (Fred) Ashmore 54 54 Fred had died by the 1939 register. 1900 - 1959 Sarah Alice Orrell 59 59 In 1911, Sarah Alice Orrell (9), born Wigan was with her grandmother Sarah Orrell and her two sons, George (31) and Henry (25)

11 Oct 1919 "Alice Orrell", a grocer's Assistant, has a daughter May Ashurst.  The father was not named.

In 1939, George F and Sarah Alice Park were living at Mort Street, Wigan with daughters Joan and May.
1909 Gerald Ashmore 1915 Kathleen Leather Joan Park 1914 - 2013 Ronald Ashmore 99 99 1922 - 1922 Kathleen Eunice Orrell 3m 3m 1897 George Frederick Park 1938 - 1938 Granville James Park 1867 - 1925 James Park 58 58 1888, married Alie Wigans as Salford Ascension, Salford, Manchester. 1867 Alice Wigans 1849 - 1915 Samuel Holland 66 66 1845 - 1903 Mary Ellen Brownlow 58 58 Daughter of James Brownilow, labourer of Walmsley. 1811 James Ashmore 1847 - 1919 Betsy Barrow 71 71 1912 Lily Ashmore Kathryn Boyle <unknown> 1880 - 1901 Alice Jane Gorse Orrell 20 20 June 1901, It appears Alice Jane Orrell died, aged 20, 13 months after giving birth to Sarah Alice. 1849 - 1888 Richard Orrell 39 39 1849 - 1923 Sarah Gorse 74 74 1885 Henry Orrell 1877 - 1946 George Orrell 68 68 1895 - 1896 Richard Orrell 10m 10m Richard Orrell, grandson of Richard and Sarah Orrell died May Nov 1896, aged 10 months.  He was probably Alice Janes's son (TBC), but there is no birth or death registered under the name ORRELL. 1870 Mary Orrell 1871 - 1876 George Orrell 4 4 1875 - 1936 Thomas Orrell 60 60 22 Sep 1906, Thomas married Alice Lowe 1883 - 1963 Richard Orrell 79 79 Julie Martin Kevan Mayoh Ian Davies 1855 - 1909 Henry Morris 54 54 3 Nov 1879, Henry Morris, a Blacksmith at Bryn, son of James Morrice a licensed victuler, married Anne Wood at Ashton in Makerfield.

In 1881, Henry & Ann Morris (25 & 22) were at 2 Bolton Road, Ashton-in-Makerfield

In 1891, Henry and Anne (35 & 32)

Henry died in 1909.  In 1911, the is another Henry Morris, a coal dealer, at Ashton-in-Makerfield married to Mary who also had Jane, Margaret, Percy and Harry (slightly younger ages).
1858 - 1929 Anne Wood 70 70 3 Nov 1879, Anne Wood (21) of Long Lane daughter of Henry Wood, provision dealer, married Henry Morris (24) at Ashton-in-Makerfield

In 1881, Anne and Henry (25 & 22) were at 2 Bottom Road, Ashton in Makerfield with daughter Jane Alice Wood (1) and Anne's sister Alice.

In 1921, Ann was living at 18 Downall Green Road, Bryn, Upholland with her two youngest daughters Sarah and Gertrude.
1829 - 1892 Henry Wood 63 63 In 1871 Henry a Grocer and Alice (41 & 42) were at Long Lane, Ashton in Makerfield with John (19), James (16), Ann (12), Mary (10), Ellen (8), Alice (6), Henry (2)

In 1891, Henry and Alice (61 & 62) were still Grocers at Long Lane, Bryn
1830 - 1891 Alice Naylor (Littler) 61 61 1 April 1850 Henry Wood married Alice Littler (or Litter), both from Billinge at Wigan.  No father was named.  However, all their children's births record (except for Mary) the MMN as Naylor. 

28 Apr 1891, Alice died at Long Lane, Ashton in Makerfield, Lancashire
1868 Henry Wood 1863 - 1921 Ellen Wood 58 58 In 1891, William and Ellen Boon (31 & 27) were at Bryn with William, James and Elizabeth Boon (6, 4, 3). Alice was born later that year. 1910 - 1992 Horace Davies 81 81 Horace Davies, son of Albert Davies & Hannah Knowles of 42 Ashfield Cottage, Bryn 1914 - 1999 Mabel Morris 84 84 1860 - 1921 William Boon 61 61 1891 - 1937 Alice Boon 46 46 1881 Mabel Isabel Thompson 1907 - 1983 Emily Thompson Morris 76 76 1910 - 2000 Annie Morris 90 90 1887 Percy Morris 30 Mar 1918, Percy (30) married Ellen Haselden (26) 1889 Harry Morris 1886 - 1965 Ellen Morris 79 79 9 Oct 1909, Ellen married James Wilde (1883-1947) at Ashton-in-Makerfield

Ellen Mary Wilde, granddaughter of Ellen has a 45cM, 4 segment DNA match with Caroline Ashmore
1883 Margaret Morris Ellen Mary Wilde 1891 - 1953 James Rogerson 62 62 1917 - 2008 Annie Rogerson 90 90 1898 William Wood 1900 - 1959 Sarah Ann Seddon 58 58 1920, William Wood married Sarah Ann Seddon at Christ Church, Ince.  The same year there was another marriage as Ashton-in -Makerfield between Thomas Wood and Margaret Seddon. 1920 Elizabeth Wood 1924 John Wood 1921 - 1921 Mary Wood 1922 William Wood 1926 - 1929 Peter Wood 3 3 1928 Dorothy Wood 1930 Kenneth Wood 1872 Ellen Morris 1897 - 1972 Phyllis Wood 75 75 Phyllis married twice.  William Brindle (1890-1939) in 1922 at Haslingden, and then Charles Vickery in 1945 1907 - 1980 Clarice (Olivia) Wood 73 73 1851 John Wood There were two John's, born 1850 and 1851. Stella Barnes 1890 - 1939 William Brindle 49 49 1924 - 2019 William Brindle 95 95 1919 - 2000 Rhoda Evelyn Mercer 81 81 1920 - 1993 Henry Burrows 72 72 Barbara (neil26ian) A Burrows 1880 - 1967 Jane Alice Morris 87 87 1873 - 1947 John James Holland 74 74 3x g-granddaughter Lauren Webb is Caroline Ashmore's 3rd cousin 1x removed with a 26cM DNA match 1883 - 1947 James Wilde 64 64 1910 - 1959 Henry Morris Wilde 49 49 Henry and Ellen had 2 sons and 4 daughters in New Zealand. 1916 - 1987 Ellen Alma Lester 70 70 Michael Rearden 1906 - 1974 James Broadley 67 67 1875 - 1954 Sarah Holland 79 79 in 1921, Frank & Sarah (42 & 46) were at Labourer Bleach & Dye Works with 8 children.

In 1939, Sarah (Wid) was at 12 Deakins Terrace, Belmont with Gerald, Kathleen and Frank
Sarah Jayne Allen 1790 - 1872 Joseph Lomax 82 82 1815 - 1862 Benjamin J Lomax 47 47 1795 Ann Orrell 1790 John Orrell Sally Lord 1823 - 1901 Jane Orrell 78 78 In 1861, Job and Jane (36 & 38) were at Farnworth with 5 children. 1825 - 1890 Job Boardman 65 65 1833 Alice Orrell 1831 Sarah Orrell 1821 Helen (Ellen) Orrell 31 July 1842, Ellen Orrell married John Duxbury at St Mary, Blackburn ~1820 John Duxbury 31 July 1842, John, son of George Duxbury married Ellen Orrel at Blackburn. 1823 George Orrell George is the son of James Orrell and Mary Gould 1822 Mary Molyneux 1848 Jane Orrell 1851 George Orrell 1819 Thomas Gorse 1821 Alice Mawdsley 1855 James Wood 1860 Mary Wood Although Mary was with the family in 1871 her birth is recorded with MMN = LITTLER (all the others are NAYLOR)

16 May 1880, Mary Wood (20) married Luke Gaskell (24).  They had two children before Luke died in 1885, aged only 29.

20 Oct 1888 Mary remarried James Hampson
1865 Alice Wood In 1881, Alice Wood (15) was living with and wotrking for her brother-in-law Henry Morris as a domestic servant. 1884 John Morris Like his father, in 1921, John was a Hame and Chain manufacturer.  1884 John Morris Like his father, in 1921, John was a Hame and Chain manufacturer.  1914 - 1994 Edith Sofield 80 80 Edith daughter of Samuel and Bertha, also has a younger sister Hilda Cross nee Sofield (b.21 Feb 1920).

In 1939, was living at 59 Ellesmere Street, Bolton
1942 - 2023 Joan Heaton 80 80 1945 - 2013 Frank Hesten 68 68 Joanne Watkinson 1914 - 2005 Thomas Hesten 91 91 Son of Thomas Hesten (1875-1961) and Margaret Alice Warburton (1876-1954).

In 1939, Thomas was living in Tottington
1922 Mary Eleanor Roberts In 1939, Mary E Roberts was living at Ramsbottom with her parents and 3 siblings.

29 Aug 1942, Miss Mary Eleanor Roberts of 29 Woodlands-Road, Edenfield married Thomas Hesten at Tottington
Margaret Hesten 1890 John James Roberts 1893 Gertrude Harrison The 1939 register indicated Gertrude Roberts (married) later married a SCHOFIELD 1924 Dora Roberts 1917 Sgt John (Jack) James Roberts John J, known as Jack 1914 William Fredrick Roberts 1919 Frank Roberts 1866 William Ainsworth 1882 - 1971 Margaret Ellen Taylor 88 88 1909 - 1910 Marian Orrell 6m 6m 1912 - 1993 Margaret Constance Orrell 81 81 In 1930, Margaret Constance Orrell was marriage witness for Sarah Alice Orrell 1913 William Orrell 1915 - 1990 Norman Richard Orrell 74 74 In 1943, Norman Richard Orrell married a Margaret Ashurst at St. Wilfred, Standish (C28/8/300) 1924 Clarice Orrell In 1946, Clarice Orrerll married Peter Bramwell Myersclough at St. Wilfred, Standish, Wigan. 1910 - 1910 Dora Orrell 1903 - 1986 George Alfred Ainsworth 83 83 3 Nov 1934, George married Eleanor Walsh at Belmont Christine Ainsworth 1899 Jonathan Ainsworth 1900 Sarah Ainsworth 1913 - 2005 Mary (Polly) Orrell 92 92 In 1921, Mary Orrell was living with her uncle William Ainsworth at Belmont 1935 - 2024 Freda Ashmore 88 88 Doreen Ashmore 1888 - 1982 Margaret Rigby 94 94 1912 - 2010 Richard Orrell 98 98 1913 - 2005 Mary (Polly) Orrell 92 92 In 1921, Mary Orrell was living with her uncle William Ainsworth at Belmont David Martin 1902 Peter Orrell Ainsworth 1906 John Thomas Ainsworth 29 Jun 1929, John Thomas Ainsworth married Lily Mayoh at Egerton Chapel 1855 - 1929 William Orrell 74 74 1894 Elizabeth Park 1889 Charles Park <male> Winterbottom Ella Winterbottom Percy Bannister Sylvia Mary Gill Ann Bannister 1938 - 2022 Gerald Antony Oddie 83 83 Kirsten Ann Oddie 1911 - 1995 James Oddie 84 84 1911 - 1959 Margaret Leahy 48 48 Sharon O'Leary 1885 - 1959 George Simpson Waddington 73 73 1886 - 1972 Elizabeth Kirkbride 85 85 1915 - 2001 William Waddington 86 86 Patricia Ann Alvarez 1925 - 2016 Elaine Estelle Waddington 91 91 1925 - 2000 Joyce Parks 75 75 Alison Bannister 1939 Kevin Winterbottom D. 2007 Ann Elizabeth Crooks 1909 - 1997 Nathan John Waddington 87 87 1917 - 1922 Walter Edward Waddington 5 5 1919 - 1992 Ronald Alfred Waddington 72 72 1921 - 1998 Herbert Francis Waddington 77 77 1924 Elizabeth F Waddington 1927 - 2009 Kenneth Frederick Waddington 82 82 1902 - 1976 Albert Edward Winterbottom 73 73 Son of Samuel and Margaret 1900 Annie McCormick Annie (aged 2 in 1901), was the daughter of Lawrence McCormick (43, Irish, Wid) and Elizabeth Snede. 1911 - 1971 James Crooks 59 59 1912 - 1954 Minnie Jane Beeston 42 42 Brian Gregory Simon Gregory Vicky Gregory Nicola Gregory Alison Jane Oddie 1923 - 1974 Daniel Rearden 50 50 Only Danied Rearden born 1923 was son of Daniel Rearden and Georgina Pearcey (married Ashton under Lyne, Q3 1907) 1925 - 2011 Hilda Collier 85 85 1883 - 1951 William Collier 68 68 1886 - 1952 Lily Heaton 66 66 1899 - 1982 John Rearden 83 83 In 1921, John and Alice "Reardon" were living ay 1 Abbotsford Road, Blundellsands, Liverpool. D. 1955 Alice Saville Michael Rearden 1914 Ernest Collier 1920 Fred Collier 1861 Richard Heaton 1857 Jane Clegg 1890 William Heaton 1891 James Heaton 1888 Bella Heaton 1885 Richard Heaton 1891 Annie Morris
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